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Why I am leaving all groups and this site


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There will always be liars and blaming this site because it gives people a place to express thier views that some might find totally wrong is shooting the messenger and that is just stupid. If they were not to be posting on here about whatever they are into they would be discussing it elsewhere. It's just like how AHF wants to ban bareback porn that is not gonna happen ever it will just go underground. Hidden from view. Personally I would rather at least have it in the open if anything ti keep tabs on things. BUt I think most of the stealing and other extreme talk is all talk. You sure don't see many videos or pics of the purported weekend sessions ever actually getting posted that tells you right thee its all talk...I have seen so many guys post aobut how they are going to get pozzed this coming weekend will video it and share and then never ends up getting shared. I chalk that up to being either they chickened out or it was all just fantasy talk. Like they say you cannot believe everything you read on the internet.

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If HIV-positive men choose to stealth other men, this message board (or any other) isn't going to deter them or influence them. They're going to do what their heart and mind says to do. If you choose to somehow implicate a website, that seems rather simplistic.

It sort of reminds me of all the people who say rap music or violent TV shows turn our children into psycho killers. Seems to me that people were killing each other long before TV came along. I'd imagine that gay men followed their sexual instincts long before message boards came along, too.

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When I joined this site I joined it of my own free will, I chose to read what I wanted to read, I chose to join groups I wanted to join, I then made a decision to either stay and read, or pack up and leave. Now that said not everyone can be as strong minded, and yes despite what people say we are we psychologically coerced buy things we see and read that has been proven many times. With that in mind I can understand the op's concerns in relation to some aspects of this site, but here is the thing, when you enter the site you get a warning, before you enter the back room, you get a warning, so ever effort is made by the Admin, to lessen the offence that might be imposed by some by offering these pre warning messages, it is then your choice as to what you want to do. I have no doubt at all in my mind as have many others here, some people "Some", do get hard to separate fiction from reality, and in fairness that is the case with most things in life, surly you cant expect the site operator to be responsible for everyone's psychological disposition, and run a site based on those principles, lets be honest if they did, realistically we would be logging on to a blank page.

In the outset I stated I made the choice should I stay or should I go, and that is the decision the OP has to make himself, but make no mistake about it, there are bug chasers in this world, there are water sport fanatics, there are fisters, you get my drift, but they were here in this world long before the website ever started, and they will be here long after it closes.

I do empathise with the op, but what I think you are suffering from in fairness is a case of post ejaculation guilt, you probably got your rocks off to some of the stories here, and then done what most would do after, felt remorse and questioned your own disgust, and used the forum as a venting method to heal. No one can blame you for that, but now you have expressed your feelings and you are aware of what makes you feel nauseous move on. But before I do go and you ride off into the sunset on your high horse remember this. I have and have so many others learned more about sexual health issues on this site than on any other site I visit, here you have both sides of the story, with some great advice offered, links to clinics, great advice to people practising un-safe sex, and no one offers it more than the site operator, that's what to me creates a perfect balance.

On that note, I will go and organise my BB fun for the weekend, sorry for ranting, but I just wanted to say my bit.

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Not all poz guys go on meds right away.

So what?

"Poz on meds" =/= undectable.

Within a month or so of being on meds they mean the same thing. The scientists say that if your viral load is below 400 you won't transmit the virus. So on a practical level you don't have to be "undetectable" to not transmit - you just need a low viral load.

Some(a very small few) undectable guys like to skimp on the meds every once I'm a while to poz unsuspecting negs.

If he does that he's doing substantial harm to himself. I'm more concerned with that than what he might do to others.

Also why doesn't it bother you if a HIV+ man sets his BBRT status to negative. If he is undectable and he never skimps on his meds I have no problem if he tells dumb twinks that he's neg. (also assuming he has no reason to believe he has syllphallis or any other Disease that could cause his viral load to unexpected spike).

But if a HIV+ who is not on meds tells someone he is either undectable or neg, I would like to assume that would bother you, and if you found that someone you knew was doing that you would report him to the police

It doesn't bother me because only fools think the HIV status stated in a public online profile is accurate. If the status of the guy is important to you, then you need to have a talk with the guys you have sex with. A lot of poz guys don't feel comfortable with their casual social acquaintances knowing they're poz, so they put 'neg' in their profile. That doesn't mean they won't tell you their poz if you ask them face to face before a hookup.

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You whiners bitching about this site and the content of the postings need to fucking get over it. The name of the site is "breedingzone." How much of an idiot does someone need to be to think this is something else?! Take your judgmental complaining and go somewhere else if you don't like it.

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I would like to screen out certain pictures posted, especially of shitty Guys!, but rough with the smooth, I enjoy the gallery so I kind of skim quickly past those pictures.

However; I have been truly educated on this site, seriously; I must have been so naïve previously around stealthing, viral loads, and tbh the whole HIV and STDs etc, this site helped me to get regularly tested and understand the importance of that.

Few guys on here whether fantasising or not; seem vengeful in their comments or posts, but I guess there is room for everyone and freedom of speech and preference is still allowed. I just again skim past their posts, some are so corny though.

I like this site; its fun, horny and educational, thanks RT.

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Guest JizzDumpWI

barefootbob, don't you think we can be more charitable? While I (clearly) disagree with the OP, no value in sinking to name calling...

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Bottom line guys...our decisions are our responsibility...I will not blame another guy for pozzing me if I willingly have had sex with him...that's my fault. If I dont want HIV...then I shouldnt be fucking. If I am willing to take the risk, willing to possibly get HIV...I dont fault others, well unless I was raped or something. We need to man up, were all adults, we can't blame others for the consequenses of our decisions.

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You whiners bitching about this site and the content of the postings need to fucking get over it. The name of the site is "breedingzone." How much of an idiot does someone need to be to think this is something else?! Take your judgmental complaining and go somewhere else if you don't like it.

I could not agree more!!

Did anyone else realize that the original poster fired off his big opinion then ran...? Who does a thing like that?

Actually he didn't as I type he is logged on. Get a life Richard303, leave in peace. "Richard303 is online now"

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