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Total Top Here, How Do You Know If A Bottom Wants A Repeat/Regular?


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Avid breeder here. I always like hot one time fucks, but nothing is better than a regular bottom buddy who can take a good long breeding! My question is how do you know if a guy is interested after you hookup once? Like, the sex can be great and all, and you seem to hit it off, but then days pass and you don't hear from the guy. So obviously if he texts you back that means he likes it and wants to do it again, but if you don't hear from him at all, or you text him and he doesn't respond, guess that means he's not?

It's just hard to know, some guys you meet and the sex is great but you can tell they don't really want to meet again. You just know. But other times it seems great but yet you don't hear anything from them ever again or they don't text or IM you online.

So my question is, as a total top, how do you know if a bottom is interested and wants to meet up again or regularly? Is it up to the bottom to text, or should I as the top text the bottom? And what if the bottom doesn't respond?

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I'm not a top, I'm a total sub bottom but I'm not afraid to tell a top I want to see him again. I do prefer the top asking but if not I'll gladly ask for a repeat. I have a group of guys who are my regular FBs, all of them apart from one asked to see me again after breeding me which then led to another time until we were regulars. One guy i see is quite shy, expert top and really knows how to fuck a guy but outside of the bedroom he is quiet and reserved. I did the asking and he was happy as he wasn't sure what to say or how to approach it, I thought it was a bit strange at the time as I had his load in my ass after a great fuck but now I know him better I know it's just the way he is. If a bottom wants to see you again then they'll contact you or reply to your txt, if they don't reply or get in touch then move on to the next cumslut who may want to become a regular fb. Honesty is the best policy, don't mess around just ask them.

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It just depends on situation.... Sometimes I ask guy other times he asks me.... I don't think it should be the top asking perse...the problem is that I get tired of someone pretty quickly sexually...unless there is a connection to more... But as a rule.... If u contact someone and they don't respond back.... Move on...they r not interested.

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It's difficult to second guess situations, but I'd say leave the roleplay for the bedroom. They might be one fuck ponies, but they could well think you don't want to see them! Catch 22. There's a lot of fear of saying something that breaks the spell, but I'd say if the spell is that fragile, it's not really worth the effort. If you'd like to fuck them again, tell them. You've not really lost anything and have cute butts and warm hugs to gain!

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I think a sincere compliment is the way to go, you'll be able to gauge it from there! A top pal of mine made a simple comment after our first fuck ("damn, that was hot -- loved the way you just give me control of that ass") -- to which I said "anytime!" And, we've fucked at least monthly since.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I just dunno. I'm told I'm a good fuck and I def am all about pleasing a bottom a much as he doe me, and def don't cum in 2 minutes, quite the opposite. In fact I'm a multiple cummer. But I have bottoms tell me wow that was great and ou knoww what your doing, etc, but then they never text me again or respond. So maybe it's me? :/I really would like a regular bottom to breed. I have had a couple of offers but the gus that seem to want that aren't really my type. Should I settle?The last guy I bred seemed all about it and he practically wouldn't even let me leave because he was anting to kiss me andstuff. I sent him a text saying thanks and that I wanted it again. He said the same. I let a couple weeks pass and texted him again but he never resplied..so maybe he was just a one trick pony..I can't figure it lol.

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Thanks guys. I just can't figure some dudes out. Awhile back I met this hot bottom gu who wanted my load and I hoed him all my current pics and he wa all about it. We met up, fucked, and I thought it was hot I deep pounded him with my 8 inch cock but when it was over he seemed a bit weird. Before we met he seemed real chatty like he wanted regular thing but then after we met and fucked and I left I shot him a text thnking him and that I loved it, but all he said was "lol".And this other hot bottom I met lat ummer seemed real hungry for me, and we met and fucked, and even chatted for awhile after, he seemed like a cool guy. I thought why would he bother chatting and chilling with me after we fucked if he didn't want a repeat..but I never heard from him again either. I don't get it. Do these guy just want one time fucks or is it me? Do they just not like skinny guys with big dicks?I can get guys to fuck, but I'm not really ttracted to them. Should I settle? I mean a hole is a hole right? But still..Its confusing lol.

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