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Butt Chugging

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Have been talking to a guy for awhile, definitely dom and kinky. He wants to do several things, including "get me a little drunk." Ive never been drunk in my life, but the idea of someone stealthing me with a little alcohol up my ass is really hot. he only wants me a little drunk so he has more control, which i find really hot. anyone have any experience?

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I had some of the best sex when a little drunk. Alcohol takes away any inhibitions you may have and you go for it all the way. I am usually shy, but with a few beers I dive into that dark room/back room and drop my pants, suck/take  cock at the gloryhole, lie on that bed in a bathhouse ass up. I have sucked dick dripped in whisky, playing around with a guy drinking, smoking and hitting poppers.

The combination of alcohol and poppers drives me wild and I'll do things I never thought I would do.

Too drunk makes you limp but a little drunk makes me so horny.

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Guest PozGoat

not to sound preachy, hard alcohol enemas can be fatal. Very easy to overdose through the colon.


If you do enemas, perhaps safest/best to stick to beer or lite alch and listen to your body. Alcohol can be a pretty fun party favor but for me, I'm a light weight and I get too drunk, too easy. I'm a pot and popper fan myself.

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The danger with alcohol in the ass is not only that it's absorbed very completely (it's surprisingly how much alcohol you can end up pissing away if you're on a bender), it's also absorbed very quickly which can cause shock as our bodies aren't, as a general rule, accustomed to such fast changes of state. I'm diabetic and have poor hypo awareness (I had to change medication because of this): the rush between too little blood sugar and temporarily too much is weird and disconcerting.

If you're going to play with alcohol in the ass, cut back the quantities to a small fraction of what you'd consider a normal drink, and see how much of an effect that has. Bear in mind too that it's possible to be too drunk to drive without realising it. How many times have you seen someone pass out from alcohol use, going from reasonably coherent conversation to unconsciousness in seconds? And that's through the stomach which slows absorption down.


It's hard to give numbers, but if I were to play like that (since I've given alcohol up because of cirrhosis, I wouldn't) I'd guess and start at a ratio of one anal dose = ten oral doses; I know I could never drink ten shots of Jack Daniels, so I wouldn't consider a single shot in my ass... And yes, I'm plucking numbers out of the air, going as cautiously as possible. Alcohol poisoning (where you're so out of it someone has to sit with you in case you choke on your own vomit) is not a fun process.

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I have administered wine enemas.  They were at least two parts water to one part wine.   Maybe more like three to one. He was experienced with them and guided me.  I would experiment with a higher dilution first to see how your body reacts.  I don't think I'd use hard liquor up the ass.

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I would advise against an alcohol enema. It just seems WAY too risky. If you decide it is something you have to try despite the risks, then dilute, dilute, dilute, dilute, and then dilute the alcohol some more. Multiple sources online (thanks Google) said to dilute the alcohol concentration down to about 5% (or less), and only use a tiny volume for the enema, especially since you have no experience with it. If you're going to do this (and again, I think it is a really bad idea), probably best to use some beer (and even then, dilute it down).

Taking alcohol into your body via enema is pretty damn close to just injecting it into your bloodstream.


Edited by raunchycumslut
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