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  • 1 month later...

It Takes Two...or More

I was basking in the after glow of a fresh morning of breeding a good boy into a dirty cheating cumslut when my phone buzzed. I glanced over already knowing who the sender must of been and sure enough. my lil Rambo was already sending me a message shortly after getting home.

Man that was so crazy!
Are you there?
I'm here Rambo, I took my time replying, you in trouble?
No...lol he's actually still asleep....I think he slept through the whole thing...
My instant reaction was dissatisfaction. Half the fun of turning a good boyfriend into a cheating lying fuck hole slut was the moment when the boyfriend finds out. But I guess there's still time, I thought to myself.
you still got my cum up your hole boy? I teased
Man...yeah... It just keeps coming out....can I call you?
Sure Here it comes, I thought and smiled while my cell rang.
"Hey" he said.
"Hey" I said there was a brief pause  as i let him try to figure out what he wanted to say.
"Man...I ---"
"Ok don't make this awkward. " I bulldozed him. "we've been wanting to fuck for almost a couple months now. Its not a big deal, don't make it one."
"Bro...yeah but--"
"But nothing. You trying to tell me you didn't like me pummeling your ass all night boy? You came to my door at 1am commando and pushing ur hole out begging for me to ring ur buzzer.
" you're poz man. I'm mean what the fuck am I suppose to tell Joseph"
I couldn't help but smile inside
"Tell him you came over to my place spread open ur boy pussy and begged me to fuck you and then begged me to fill u up with my dirty poz cum not once not twice but three fucking full loads which are still now dripping out ur fuck hole. And then you can tell him the best part of all Rambo. Tell him u want to come back and have more of my fat dick inside you filling you up with cum."
There was a long pause.
"I got to go" he finally said and he hung up. I laid back having fantasies of him sitting in the bathroom pushing out my virus crying and all the while feeling that hunger for more of the hottest sex he'd ever had. I imagined him fingering himself, feel his hungry spread hole and then feeling the depraved part of him shamed for betraying his boyfriend.
I didn't hear from Ram for the rest of the month. I kept my silence and continued to post my regular schedule  waiting for the evitable until finally I got a message from Joseph.
Hey... He began a promising start
Hey handsome. What's going on. I loved acting dumb while images of his cheating moaning boyfriend ran in my head
Nothing much what's up with you...
Same here just finished showering gonna walk around naked and let my fat dick air out
:0!!!! You're so dirty bigguy lol
I'm just honest
I always knew there was a good reason ram liked u
Hahaha and what is the boy up to hes skipped out on this months workouts is he OK?
Actually I wanted to ask you...hes been werid lately I mean we don't even talk lately...has he said anything?
Other than hes horny 24/7 no nothing. It was a low blow but there are no blows better. Obviously ram would avoid being intimate with Joseph until he either A god the courage to admit hes a cumslut whore B admit he'd been filled with pozz cum and is likely to be infected. And probably C admit that he snuck out in the middle of the night to get fucked and still hadn't the balls to tell his boyfriend. Joseph would mull it over and think maybe his boyfriend just wasn't attracted to him any more after all why would a horny boy not try to have sex.
He says that? Joseph asked
Oh yeah he's constantly talking about dick n ass. Kinda werid honestly. He may have a problem
Did you guys ever do anything? I laughed loudly to myself when u read this. He was suspecting that ram had already fucked with me which was true but I planned to play this fiddle for all it's worth.
No no of course not! Hes with you and besides if I was gonna fuck either of you or him, id choose your short tight little bod and ass whih I'd put  chest down ass up on my bed getting the fuck of your life for sure.
Omg you're horrible lol. I always thought u were more into ram.
Ram n I are bros I don't fuck my bros. You though. I would run fuck for miles on you.
Lol OK you should stop I have a boyfriend sir.
Mmmmcall me sir all you want boy
Lol daddy?
Yeah that's right I'll be your daddy
You're insane lol. Hot and insane
Yeah too bad I would never fuck you
Wait huh u just said I'm the fuckable one
Lol Joseph I guess ram never told you. I'm poz.
Omg I'm so sorry
Fuck you baby boy. I'm poz and proud. I love being free to fuck and when I fuck raw with my fuck stick its for life. It's a commitment. You'd be mine forever like married with the ring being ur fuck hole
So yeah I layed it on a little thick but come on. This boy was half as smart as Rambo, shorter, tighter and was a real bottom. Making him cheat was gonna be easy.
Hey what are you and ram doing tonight
Nothing why
You boys should come over  and hang out at my place we can hang out. I need some pals who I don't fuck with.
Ram has been kinda antisocial lately
Yeah, probably my fault
We got into a little fight a while ago. Don't tell him I told you but he keeps talking about being horny n wanting to fuck even at times saying he wants to fuck me. And hahaha I'm a top. I don't wanna cause u problems but yeah I kinda told him if he can't keep his hands and words clean then he can't workout with me anymore
That's why he stopped going over!!!!
I guess he just can't stop being horny
Don't worry he never did anything I just thought I was inappropriate. Don't tell him I told you OK. Keep this our little secret you sexy little buddy?
Lol OK....thx for telling me
Your welcome boy. You should come over tho we can cook dinner and chat outside. I just built this new addition to the yard makes a great picnic area
That sounds cool.
Come over! I want a second opinion of how it looks.
Whenever ure free
Well I get out of work at 5pm I could stopshould I bring ram
Probably not he probably just be moping the whole time
Yeah. Ok sure I'll drop by later today
The trap was set and when 5 finally rolled around there was little Joseph standing at my door. My dick almost instantly drooled as I knew he would be such an easy turn.
I put my big hand on his muscular short shoulder n pulled him in for a hug.
"Thanks for coming baby boy!" I squeezed him letting him feel my muscles and to a degree my buldge
"Hahaha you know I always knew you were great and ram was just keeping you hidden"
"Aw boy thanks" I ushered him in "can I get you anything to drink."
"Water thanks! "
I poured him a glass and we talked and walked I showed him my house spending extra time in the rooms where Rambo had my cum sprayed all over his chest face and abs.
Finally I showed him the bed room. He smield and blushed
"So this is where the magic happens"
I put my arms on him and rubbed his shoulders making his mouth drop.
" yeah" I answered "this is where the magic happens"
He moaned a little as my massage rubbed down his back so I let go.
"That felt amazing"
"For me too. You should let me rub you down."
"That sounds waaaaay too sexual bigguy"
" call me sir or daddy"
"Say it"
"Mmmhm" I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him to me
"One more time"
"Daddy want to spread ur boy hole apart and eat it like I stole it"
.Joseph pushed me away
"Come on stop"
" you're right I'm acting the same way ram does
Joseph paused
"Hes always being so sexual. I guess it just rubbed off on me"
"What did he like to do"
"He liked to do whatever it takes to get me hard then cuz I can't really hide my boner he'd try to touch it over my pants.
" omg"
Like perfect cue my boner had arrived at full mast and Joseph was staring almost drooling while he looked at it, speechless.  I smiled and grabbed my buldge.
Joseph woke up from his trance and laughed nervously.  I laughed to break the silence suggesting "OK since rams seen it I guess I can give you a free show follow me out side"
As I left the very same bedroom where I had banged Joseph's boyfriend into a poz cum loving cheating slut I threw off my pants showing off the jock strap I was wearing that could barely hold my growing cock. Joseph followed me out side red as a beet and I could hear his heart pounding from several feet away. This boy was mine.he stood outside as I showed him my back yard my cock hanging out the side of the jock and me not even trying to hold it.
Finally I turned around.
"So what do you think?"
He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't muster any words
I stepped closer to him " I tried to hold back as best I could Joseph but I want u. I've always wanted you. Ram doesn't appreciate you and maybe I won't either but I want to fuck you right now. I want to eat your hole out so good it would make you cry"
Joseph bit  his lower lip and I grabbed his arm and pulled him close. my fat dick was  pressed up his short abs and lifted him up in an embrace and pinned him to the wall licking his neck .
"I want to taste you so bad" I groaned as I licked his neck and  felts him give in to the feeling of being wanted.
"Fuuuckk" he was moaning and grabbing back on to me. I knew he was begging for attention but also that he wouldn't be as easy turn this quick. I lowered him and unbottoned his jeans and stuck my hand in his underwear around his ass. rubbing his hole with two fat digits.  I kissed him wildly as my figers rubbed over his boy hole making him moan and  buck.
:Good boy" I said and he moaned in reply. "Let daddy eat that hole boy"
"Daddy fuck please ,....no stop please"
I pulled back instantly. unless he's begging  to cheat theres no fun. I walked inside while i saw in my peripheral vision joseph trying to catch his breath.  I turned and our eyes met. he wanted me. He needed to be owned and felt. I stretched out my hand to him  he reached back  and when my fingers wrapped around his wrist I pulled him in and he gave in.
"Just rimming okay?"
"Just rimming"I responded
"Okay" jospeh folded.
"And one more thing?"
"While you're moaning you have to daddy and sir"
Chills ran all over his body as he nodded. I led Joseph to the bedroom and Places him on the exact same spot where a little over a month ago Ram was when a filled him with his third load. Ram had been on his knees chest down ass up ass completely wreched with his arms pushed out in front of him while I churned his insides making poz cum butter and here was his boyfriend placed on all fours pushing his bare ass back now while i got on my knees to turn him into a cheating cumloving whore. 
I put my nose and mouth in his crack and inhaled breathing in the heat and clean smell of a good loyal boy. I nearly jizzed just thinking of how much further I would take him then ram.  My fat tongue  moved from below his balls over his hole and up his crack making the boy's back arch. He moaned and twisted as my tongue pushed into him  licking the walls of his ass. He would arch upward on his knees and I grabbed his wrists and pulled him down only coming up for air as I devoured his heart through his hole. Licking and biting and spreading and tongue fucking at one point his face was in the sheets just screaming in exctasy as I kept fucking him with only my tongue.  He begged me to stop but I only ate harder. I had every intention of breaking this boy here and now before he had a chance to flee and finally after half an hour of intense tongue fucking his body went limp and he began to push back and enjoy the getting fucked in a way he'd never been fucked before. 
I stood up and he rolled over on his back.
"Oh my god...." he moaned eyes squinted and shaking and twisting his body from side to side "how did you do that." he was covered in goosebumps and reached inbetween his legs to feel his slimy wet hole and his head craned back while he felt his hole. 
I pushed my two digits against his hole and massaged. 
"daddy, oh my god, i feel like you just fucked me. "
"My dick will feel veven better." and I rubbed my cock head on his  hole which like a good bottom began to open for me. He stared at me mouth half open moaning in pulses and  eyes wide as my dick sank inch  by inch into him raw
"Ohbhhhhhhh......fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkk......daa...daaa...daaaddddyyy.."  he stared at me as I met a slight resistance with my dick 3/4s the way in, and as I pushed passed reaching even deeper it looked like he was praying hymns of thanks and by the time my balls rested on his hole the boys eyes teared up, the corners of his mouth smiled, and  he bit his shaking lip.
He began to cry. He tried to hold it in. but tears were flowing and he chest shuddered and  it felt like glory. 
I pounded his hole hard deliberate thrusts and he moaned and cried out and whole while smiling. 
"You love this don't you boy"
"You....have....never...beeen....fucked....like....this....be.....fore...." I said accenting each thrust allowing gravity too do the most work. 
"and you love my fat thick poz cock ringing your buzzer!"
He looked back at me crying and moaning
"Say you love it"
"I love it"
"Say you love daddy's poz dick"
"I love your poz dick" he was whimpering trying to breath between sobs
"say you love me"
"I love you daddy'
"Say you belong to me"
"I'm all yours. all yours daddy.. .. all yours all yours"
"Ram doesn't love you like I do"
"No...no" he was sobbing
"You need daddy's love you need daddy's poz cock"
"I need you daddy. I need you!"
Just that second I came and filled his hole with a monsterous load.  We both growled and yelled as I filled him. and my dick was harder than I had ever felt it before. Something about his boy made me want to not only turn him but ruin him for every other dick so it would never compare to this fuck.  I contnued to fuck my cum into him 
"Oh my god you're still hard. " I just smiled and  and ginded my hips and cum into him . I was gonna take my time and enjoy this short lil boy.  i was goning to convert him right now for sure.  I slowly rhythmically beat his hole and we kissed. His tears and stopped and he was  in euphoria and his moaning was like music and I was the conductor.  I tuned him with my cock. deep trhust high pitch fast pace lowered it. grinding it made it breathy and slam thrust made it deep legato. I was mozart composing a symphony and this boy's coversion was all i focused on. 
I moved his legs turning him to his side then over to his stomach without removing my cock.  his little body under mine molded how ever I move dhim. I was pulling up his hips so his chest would be down and ass up and I continued to pound him. Hard fast slow deep. when my groin met his ass it sounded like clapping and all the while joseph was singing in moans.  in the middle of deep rooting i was clapping his ass quite hard and rhythmically when I began to feel him shiver and shake. his whole body was coverd in goosebumps again  alll down his back and his ass and legs and his head shot up. His ass cheeks were practically vibrating underme and the walls of his ass were squeezing my cock on every angle. I wrapped him under his arms arching his whole back and pulling him toward me diving in as deep as every inche would go and his anal orgasm began. He lost complete control and began spraying cum as his whole body shook and his hole was squeezing hard and rapidly beyond control he tried to scream daddy but before he knew it he had stopped cumming and started pissing i held him as he lost complete control and emptied himself on to the bed.  when he was finally finished i let him slide off my cock onto the cum and piss covered sheets and he layed there shaking moaning and trembling.   I flipped him over.  He was mostly limp, but his hole was a blinking tunnel.  I saw my pozz cum caking the deeper insides and I jacked my hard on against his open hole and as I unloaded another time.  I sunk into him and he arched his back upward and thensank as I fucked him deeply for another 10 minutes until my soft cock fell out. 
The boy was spent but his training was not over. Over the next few hours I called an dposted on various websited and apps posting about a jock cum dump taking all loads. No load refused. By the time the sun set, not counting the 2 loads I gave him. Joseph had been filled 7 times with questionable cum. He moaned the whole time and not once did he say stop or no. and the end of it he slept. I edited video and photo on my phone. I thought of the two boys now broken. I sighed satisfied and felt my own cock grow wanting just a little bit more. 
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Fascinated by Daddy's mind games and manipulation in his drive to convert Ram, and now Joseph.    Divide and conquer.


Don't think this story is going to have a happy ever after ending......at least for the two new cumdumps.     


Hope there is more to cum.   Great writing, Davy.


OMG, you would have turned me with less effort. I am ready for you to walk into my office and bend me over my desk

  • 2 weeks later...

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