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The Club

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I had a pretty ideal childhood. It was perfect in my memory up until the age of 11 -- when I started to notice there was was something 'funny' about me. My friend Pete told me I acted like a girl sometimes. And talked like one. I knew it was true and I also noticed that I noticed the hairy lifeguard at the pool more than I noticed the bobbing boobs in the water. This was bad. I shut down because I needed time to figure this out. I never talked if possible. I avoided Pete and my other friends. I also avoided my parents. They were concerned that I spent all my time alone I needed time to think. My dad suddenly got very attentive, and he wanted to do stuff together with me. I really couldn't refuse or they'd send me to a doctor or something. We played catch, we went to the arcade and I did my best to make him think I was enjoying it. But I remained quiet and never talked. The dark circles formed under my eyes. They got darker and darker. There was a song on the radio that I'd heard about a 'lonesome loser'. That was my persona; theme sing. So many songs spoke directly to me once after I turned twelve. It's something that doesn't happen once you're older.

So I mainly stayed alone in my room and listened to the radio. The 80's were at their cheesiest back then. I was obsessed with about five different songs. I wasn't allowed to lock my door back then, and my parents could barge in any time they wanted. My mom burst in once during that Summer and insisted I go outdoors. "It's so beautiful outside. Your father is in the backyard doing some work and you should go help him. You've had enough radio for one day."


I found my dad digging or planting or something. Weeding, maybe. I stood next to him wordlessly until he noticed me. 

"Oh hi! It's nice to see you. You need some sun, William. Go rinse of this spade off and then I've got a surprise for you." I carried the implement over to the faucet and cleaned it. I realize now that the smell of water coming from an outdoor spigot  in the Summer is delicious. It's warm at first and then gets colder. I can still smell it now. 

Well, my 'surprise' was a whole bunch of fresh plywood he'd just bought from the hardware store. He had decided we were going to build a tree house together. ?? Huh? I was going to be a teenager in less than a year. Did he really think I was going to hang out in a damn tree house? He was so excited that I didn't have the heart to tell him that I didn't really want to do this. He was a kind man and only wanted me to be with him more. I was a little jerk, a lonesome loser, but I couldn't hurt his feelings. There was a trace of human left inside of me somehow. 

He had decided the giant hickory tree would be the best place to build it. It was an old tree that, looking back, seemed to just beg for a tree house. It had a low wide trunk and the branches spread out in such a way as to allow space for something to be built in there. So we built a tree house over the course of two days. Possibly three. When I say "we" I mostly mean "he". I fetched nails and things from the garage when he needed them, but Dad did all the work. Even our retired neighbor -- a widower named Hal came over and did more work than I did. 

"Almost done. We'll get shingles for the roof eventually. Maybe your mom will give us a rug and a chair for the inside. It's big enough for you to even bring your sleeping bag in there....not that we'll let you do that without some discussion. You know your mother."

Suddenly I liked the idea of my own separate place away from them. I now embraced the concept of a tree house. After he waterproofed it and made double sure it was securely stable, I could go in it. Sweet!  I made it into my second room...a second place to hide. I ultimately had a table and chair there...along with a rug and some old pillows. It was a perfect space for me to escape. Of course I brought out my radio. My aunt had bought me a "boom box" for my birthday. It was so huge and ate up D batteries like crazy, but the sound was good. I would wake up early in the morning and go to my escape place to spend the whole day listening to music and daydreaming. I guess my parents thought that I'd be having a bunch of friends over to play pirates or something. I only went inside to go to the bathroom or refill my plastic jug with Pepsi. 

Then one day, a few weeks before school started, I had a visitor to my private tree space, It was my old friend Pete,

"Hi, Will. Your mom invited me to "come play". As if we even "play" anymore."

Pete had gotten taller and seemed more adult. I was just a kid and everybody around me was growing up.

"Yeah, She's lame. I know. Do you like this station?" There was a Duran Duran song on.

"104.1? No way. I like real music. Only girls listen to that shit. I like 99.8. Speaking of girls, look what I have..."

He pulled out a porno magazine from the back of his shirt, It must have been uncomfortable to walk with that jammed into the waistband of his Lee jeans.  I didn't change the station because my favorite Cyndi Lauper song was playing. I really liked her. Porn? Pete? It didn't match. But he'd changed so much. He almost had facial hair.

"My dad has tons of these in the house. He must really like to beat his meat."

"Do what?"

"He jerks off. It's called a bunch of things. You've never done it?"

"Do WHAT??"

"You rub your dick up and down until the stuff comes out. My bother does it too."

"How do you do it?"

"Well, I can show you. It's not gay if I just show you."

Pete found the centerfold. The model was obviously an adult woman, but she was dressed like a little girl. She also slightly resembled a girl at our school that every guy had a crush on. She got boobs in the fifth grade and was extremely athletic. She played all the sports and taught tennis during the Summer. He unzipped right there in front of me and started to fondle his private parts. I couldn't believe it. I tried to make sense out of what he was doing, but it was all just too bizarre to comprehend. He kept going and before long, he stopped and some milky stuff came flying out of his little wiener. He quickly sipped back up and suddenly looked a little embarrassed. He told me to try it and I was horrified at the idea. Interested but still horrified. I had a million thoughts and a million things to say, but right about then my mom came out to ask if we wanted ice cream sandwiches. We declined and waited until she went back to the house.

"I gotta go. Want me to leave you this.? My dad will never know it's missing."

"Nah. Maybe. No."

"OK. I'll bring another one next time."

He climbed down and I was alone again. Alone with all these crazy new thoughts. That night at dinner, I could barely eat and didn't say a word.  Parents exchanged glances.

"It nice to see Pete again. He's grown so much. Well, you both have. Did you two have fun?", she asked.


"I can take you guys to the pool tomorrow. Or you could rife your bikes. You haven't ridden that bike in forever."

She needed something. My silent dad did too. They wanted a normal son and I wanted them to not want that. 

"Maybe. Thanks." That was enough.

No way could I go back to the pool. Knowing what I did about my body and seeing that hot lifeguard would just be way too overwhelming. I went back to my tree house and listened to the radio until almost midnight. I went to bed and made a few attempts to 'beat my meat'. It wasn't happening. All I could picture was that she-girl and Pete's little dick. I was not inspired. Horny. but not enough for this. I somehow fell asleep and dreamed about the lifeguard screwing some woman who was dressed as a little girl. 

The long Summer days rolled along and the only thing I did was listen to the radio. Pete came by about once a week. He always brought a new nudie magazine and I always pretended to like the pictures. Vaginas were just gross. God only knows what was up in those things. Pete never masturbated in front of me again. He told me about this 7th grade girl that had let him feel her boobs. And then one day he brought over a new magazine called "Club". There men in it. Sure, they were always soft and there was always a naked woman there too, but at last I got to see a penis!!  There was one series of pics about a trucker picking up a hitchhiking woman and they made out in his truck. He had a huge hairy dick and big red balls. That's when I felt something. I wanted the trucker.

"This is good one. Can I keep it?"

"Why? What is it about this one? You never wanted to keep any of the other magazines?"

"I--I just like this one."

"Yeah. I'll let you keep it. But you have to tell me why first. Is it because there are dudes in it? You like dicks, right? I guessed that a long time ago."

"What? No! I just...."

"You're just a gay. Everybody knows it. I'm not a gay, but my brother might be one. It's okay. I'll bring over some of my dad's "Hustler"s. There's always guys in that."


"I'll come by tomorrow and give you some magazines with dicks. But then I'm not going to visit anymore. I like you, but I don't want to be around you so much. It feels weird. No offense."

I closed my eyes and nodded. I knew what I was and so did the whole world, apparently. I sat there and listened to David Bowie sing about  his little China girl. It was the middle of Summer. I'd never be the same after today. Never.

I successfully ejaculated that night and every night after that. But during the day, I just sat in the tree house, listened to music and wondered what the hell was next. Once school started, I'd say 'hi' to Pete. but he was always out of it. He'd somehow fallen into the stoner crowd. Just like his older brother. He smoked now and would sometimes give off booze fumes. I had no friends left in the whole world. It stayed that way in high school. I just kept beating off. listening to the peak of new wave pop. And getting stoned. Weed was surprisingly easy to get in my little town. Pete gave me my first joint when he dropped off a load of mags and then never visited again. At school. we were just polite classmates now. Fine. I was too weird anyway. I was a committed loner and childhood friendships didn't mean a thing anymore. I spent long days and nights in the tree house. Hair bands had taken over the radio...pretend rockers with identical looks. I heard the music change and the playlists mutate while I blissed-out on an herbal cloud.

By the time I got to college, grunge had entered with "Smells Like Teen Spirit". I bought the cassette and played it endlessly. It was music meant for ME. I even liked the copycat bands. My dorm roommate moved out when I wouldn't talk to him and blared my music. I had the place to myself which was good because I hadn't learned how to be social or considerate yet. It's everyone else with a problem...not me. I was just doing my thing. My adviser suggested I be an English major and I simply shrugged and went with that. I read so many books and wrote so many papers. I was acing all the classes and even some electives like "History of Photography". I was a deep thinker (or so I told myself) and none of the homework interfered with my isolated stoner life. 

And then reality rudely moved in. Mom was sick. Dad called me and said my mom collapsed in a store. Turns out her kidneys were failing. And she had crippling back pain. 

"Can you come back home, William? She would appreciate it so much. She's on dialysis twice a week. Just get your finals over with and come home.Please."

By the time I got through exams and made it back to my Nowhere town, Mom was way worse. Christmas was a week away and that woman loved Christmas. But the house looked like every other day. No tree, or stockings or anything. Turns out it was bone cancer and she'd never get better. She got smaller and thinner and then died in her sleep. But at least I got to kiss her cheek and hold her hand one last time. Poor lady. She deserved a better son than me.  My dad couldn't handle it all and moved in with his brother - who lived in a town in the next county. I was on my own., alone in a silent house. I guess Dad had recovered enough to make all the arrangements. The funeral would be in three days. We got our first snow and it was cold out, but I went to the tree house to get super stoned. My radio was still there, but I didn't turn it on because the batteries were probably dead. Like Mom. I'd cried enough on the drive home, and now my eyes were dry. I had a Walkman back at the house, but before I could  go grab it, I had a visitor. Pete. Never thought I'd see him again. 

"Hi. You okay? I heard about your mom."

"Yeah. I'm okay. My dad split... I guess he'll come home before Saturday. He's a mess."

"Yeah. I bet. Are you here alone? Damn. I'm so sorry."

"I'm fine by myself."

"Want some of this?", he said reaching into his pocket for a little bag of white powder. I knew what it was and what it looked like from TV. Cocaine. 

Sure. Whatever. We both snorted some, and my heart sped up. I also wanted to start talking....which I did. I told him about my isolation and cloaked gayness. I talked on and on and didn't stop. 

"I'm sorry for leaving you all alone back then. Those days were different. I got married. Did you know that? And then I got divorced. In four months. She was more of a coke-head than I am."

"Wow." I didn't give a shit. really. I had my own issues to deal with and suddenly didn't feel like talking about it. 

We did a few more lines and I needed to stop because my heart was beating way too fast.

Pete straightened himself up a little. "I was going to wait to tell you this, but...."


"My older brother. He went to college like you did....but dropped out after a year. Drugs and stuff. He's living at home now. And he looks sick. Anyway -- I showed him your photo in the yearbook and told him...about.... some things. He wants to meet you. He might be your type. What do you think?"

I motioned for his bag of coke. We did more and then split the remainder of my fat joint.

"Is he home tonight? Tell him to come over."

"Are you sure, Will? Your mom just died. He's gay for sure, but he's kinda sick. You do know there's a gay AIDS out there. He might have it." 

"No worries. I want to see him again."


"Tell him to bring some 'D' batteries too. My boom box is dead. Tell him I need charging."

Looking back, I can't believe I said that. But I did. There are no take-backs in life. I'd learn that soon.

Not long after Pete left, I decided to take a nap. I had on a ski jacket and long pants. I slept for maybe a few minutes, imagining I heard the radio playing. No. I DID hear it. There was someone there with a flashlight.  It was Pete's brother, Brice. The light hurt my eyes and I told him to shut it off. 

"Oh, Sorry. I didn't have any 'D' batteries, but I brought over my own boom box. Let your eyes adjust. It gives a nice glow in the dark."

He was right. Once the flashlight was off, I felt better and could see more. His radio gave off a nice green glow that reminded me of something, but I couldn't think what it was. Something I'd seen on TV? 

"Brice? What time is it?"

"It's a fine time. Mild Winter nights make me horny as hell. God, you've barely changed....you look like a kid still. Sorry about your mom, man."

"Thanks. Pete said you're back at home, now. How's that?" I was waking completely and sitting up a little. 

"It's fine. Not like I got a choice. Pete said you home alone. Is that true? Let's go inside where it's warmer."

"Sure. Bring your radio." I liked that green glow for some reason. 

We crunched our way through the dead leaves and frozen air. The house was a tomb. I turned up the heat and led Brice up to my room. He was a tall guy, much taller than the rest of his family. In the light, he looked thin and a little sick. Very pale. I knew what was coming next. 

"You got a night light or something? It's too bright in here."

"I used to. Just turn on your boom box -- that'll give enough glow."

He did. Donna Summer's song about her love flying across the sky was on. I liked that song. I made myself not lip-synch it as our eyes adjusted to the darker room. Brice was undressing....and I figured I should do the same. It was getting warmer. Or maybe just I was. He got under the covers with me, and I realized he'd taken off everything. I'd left my underwear and socks on. I took them off in the green glow. 

"You're my brother's age, right? You're 19?" 

Well, yeah....

"Yes. Why?"

"I just don't need anything else on my record. We're going to fuck. Ready?"

"Yes. I want that."

"In about an hour...some friends of mine are coming over. They know who you are and want to plow your little ass. I left the door open. I hope that's okay because it's already done. Not like you have a choice."

He was on top of me...in the bed I'd slept in as a teen and done my homework on top of. Brice was wild and maybe insane a little...it seemed like he was trying to devour me, or kill me. I felt his hard dick against my stomach. It was my first kiss, my first everything. I felt his hard dick on my stomach and really wanted to look at it. As if he'd read my mind, he scooted up and let it tower over my face, The greenish glow and the shadows made it look huge. This was way better than seeing soft members in magazines. Way, way better. The head of it looked wet...or maybe it was just the light. 

"I'm leaking pre-cum like a motherfucker...that almost never happens. Want a taste?"

I didn't even have time to answer before he was poking that glistening head between my lips. The taste was new but as old as time. I loved it. He took my moans of satisfaction as his cue to push it further into my mouth. I loved it. I'd been imagining this act for so long. He pushed farther until I gagged a little. Then we found an agreeable place he could thrust in and out of. I sometimes wish I could turn off my brain and just go with the things my body was feeling. Pete said he was "sick" and I tried to get that thought out of my head. This was so nice. He stopped and pulled the dick away. "I don't want to cum just now. Ever eaten ass before?"

"No. I've never done anything."

"I'm clean, well -- clean-ish. If you don't like it, we can stop. I didn't like doing it myself. Not at first."

He sat his bare ass right on my ass. I didn't know how I was supposed to 'eat' it, so I just kissed his cheeks and slid my tongue up and down between the crack. Without anything in my head except horniness, I pushed my tongue into his butt hole. He moaned and spread his buttocks apart more. My tongue and mouth overruled my brain and just went on pleasing him while I forgot all about breathing. 

"Goddamn -- you're a natural little bo --- ssshhh. I think the other guys are here. You don't mind if they watch, do you? I can make them stay out in the hall."

"No...I don't mind."

"Be right back." He got up and left my room, and then called to the strangers from the top of the stairs. They all filed in. Four or five of them maybe. Six? I couldn't tell. Janet Jackson was singing. All of my senses were turned up to the max.

"You fellas get to see me take this kid's virginity. Good timing."

Maybe he wanted to show off or something, but he got super demanding and he made his voice sound lower. He commanded me to put a pillow under my butt and spread my legs. I did as told. My brain told me this is how the gays were getting that disease, but I was beyond caring. He held my legs even farther apart, and tried to poke that beautiful cock into my ass. It was unbearable. "STOP!" I couldn't handle this.

"Did anybody bring lube? He is so fucking tight."

"Yeah. I brought a tube of KY. Mostly full." That voice was familiar somehow. 

Another guy said "Brice, you said he was a virgin. Why the hell didn't you bring some yourself? I brought some booze, but you owe me the next turn at his ass."

"Deal." He worked the oil or whatever it was onto his erection and the poured some right onto my exposed hole. His big fingers were pushing it inside of me. That hurt too, but I muted my protests somehow. 

And then he pushed the head of his dick into me. I screamed again. One of the dudes turned up the radio and Paula Abdul was singing loudly as Brice held his hand over my mouth. He went slow, but never pulled out...just kept going. I'd agreed to this I guess. But DAMN -- it didn't feel sexy. He was all the way to his balls and stayed there for a few seconds. I adjusted and tried to enjoy it...I'd only ever wanted this. He started thrusting back and forth. This was fucking! I was fucking! He found a good rhythm we could both enjoy.

The guys were murmuring among themselves. One of them said "You got two more lesions on your back, Brice."

"Shut the fuck up, Andy. I'm about to knock him up...right....NOW! AH FUCK!" He must have cum. I wish I could say I felt it, but the pain and the pleasure and feel of his body were just so intense. I was no longer a virgin and probably not healthy anymore. Brice stayed still for a bit and panted.

He got up and was soon replaced by Andy,the booze-bringer. He was shorter than Brice, but just as endowed. He'd been beating off and drinking. He offered me a sip from his bottle and I was glad for it. I have no idea what it was, but it made me cough. They all laughed. "Take one more sip. It gets better." He was right.

He didn't bother with my mouth at all. Just fucked me with no attention paid to me as a person, It was so much easier this time around -- maybe because of all the sperm already in my hole or maybe I had just learned to handle it better. He was fast and didn't even tell me he was shooting his load inside of me. He just stood up and said "Done".

I had a few more drinks from the bottle, which made me feel warm inside and out. I was a slut now. Maybe Andy was sick as well....he'd just swam in Brice's juices after all. "My turn."

I knew that voice was familiar. It was the lifeguard from the pool...the guy I'd fantasized about all those years. He was as hairy as I remembered. Maybe not as muscular, but still beautiful. His dick was a bit smaller than the other two, but I honestly didn't care. He was my dream and he was going to fuck me. I completely enjoyed the sex this time. For one thing, he talked to me. He also kissed me and it felt like 'making love'. The sensation of his penis inside of me made me shudder as if I was cold. The world went away and it was just the two of us.

"You never went off the high dive. Too scared? I saw you grow up and now I'm seeing you as a man. Ready for that final dive? I'm gonna cum. You'll never be afraid of anything now....uhhh. YEAH! I just took you to the deep end." He kissed me passionately. 

There were still guys there who wanted their turn. I obliged. Brice went at me again and so did the lifeguard (Tom). I woke up in his arms that next morning. He and I had a long-distance relationship after the funeral and after I went back to school. I made it home more often and we made all kinds of plans together. We were both poz and I really want to believe it was his strain that I carried inside of me. My lifeguard and I in the same club. We're both still alive and living in my old house with Dad. He's the one who keeps track of our medications and doctor's appointments.  We're a family. My ideal childhood turned into an ideal life.




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Toon!!! This is sooooo amazing!!! YOU carried me so easily through my troubled teens, into college! YOU held my hand as you briskly walked through the lifetime I had with my own folks those few years. They seemed like centuries! The first try of drugs. My first "dirty magazine". The first friend I lost to post puberty.

How awesome that he looses his virginity to EVERYTHING and gains his life all in one night!!

I'm so happy you saw this one thru Toon. And I'm so glad you left the backstory as is!!!! We all know the sex is gong to happen. It's the backstory that makes it important and gives it LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am ecstatic I get to comment first!

Edited by lynn1964
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