Toon Posted November 14, 2017 Report Posted November 14, 2017 If you were paying attention to the news some ten years ago, you know the town and the school I went to. It was that school in the Northeast where 14 teen girls all got pregnant at around the first time. It was a huge story locally, but it got national attention when it was rumored that they'd all made a pact to get knocked-up over the Summer. There was outrage from all sides. It was never proven that there was an actual conspiracy among the girls, but most everybody in the country thought so. They needed to believe the worst. I was a senior that year and can tell you some things that weren't reported. None of these preggos were even remotely cute. They were all skanks. The girls were all kinda dumpy and not real bright. They smoked cigarettes between classes and had started partying in junior high. The pretty girls all hoarded their virtues as they eyed a fabulous future and a rich, handsome husband. I'm not making any of this up. I was at ground zero. I was kind of nobody back then. I was the assistant editor of our school newspaper. I still remember the morning when the superintendent gathered us in his office and said to try and print one word about this scandal. He was the verge of an ulcer as it was and didn't want us to be another problem. He and the principal were ducking CNN reporters every day. My calculus teacher said that there was a camera man on his front porch one night. Another girl talked to "60 Minutes" on camera and was suspended. It was chaos. My closest friend back then was the senior editor, and he was working himself up into a frenzy. I liked Robbie, nut he was an asshole. We shared a love of current events and writing. He had groomed himself to be the next Rush Limbaugh. I was extremely liberal and our debates were intense. At least we both agreed that birth control should be free and separation of church and state was important. We both smoked. When he wanted to sneak a cig, he'd just say "let's go sell ad space". That was our secret code. We'd get in his car, drive around and smoke before eating a bunch of breath mints before going back to class. He never had girlfriends -- mainly because he was obnoxious and pretty fat. He was okay with it because he was so dedicated to building his brand. I wandered if he suspected I was gay since I was a big advocate for homosexual rights. He was on the fence about my views. "Did you hear what that one sophomore said during our staff meeting? That girl with the glasses?" "Her name is Trisha. She is super smart." She really was...had even skipped a grade. "She's a communist, vegetarian bitch. She tried to ignite the whole 'freedom of speech' shit again. It's my job as editor to nip that in the bud. I don't need to piss off the bosses when I have a chance to go to West Point." Seriously? He would never pass the physical. "You gonna be the editor of West Point's newspaper?" He huffed. "There's not going to be any print news in a few years. It's all digital media now. I should have told that bitch to just get an anonymous blog if she wanted her freedom of press. I am so careful on the computer and you should be too...everybody is watching us." I only emailed my grandma and watched silly videos on youtube. I had plenty of opinions but no desire to shout them at strangers. How Robbie didn't -- I had no idea. I was one of the few people who even listened when he talked. "I think I might major in literature." I just wanted to get him pissed off. "Joseph!" (everybody called me Joey, but Robbie never did) "Do you want to end up as a teacher in a shit hole like this? Get an engineering degree. You're good at math." He pulled into the parking lot a van that said 'NBC' on the side. It was empty. The newest rumor was that it was one dude had impregnated all the girls. And also that he was black. And HIV+. Homeless. None of this was probably true. The females in my class were Facebook addicts. Three of them were suspended for discussing 'this issue'. The sperm-giver supposedly lived in the park near my house. I was interested now. The source of the story was practically in my backyard...maybe. Or not. "Hey, Robbie -- I think I'm gonna skip the afternoon and go home. Take notes in Civics for me." What was I thinking? The semester had only barely begun and the rest of my classes for the day were mostly easy. I needed to get away, needed to think. I saw many news vans on my street. The 'culprit in the park' story had apparently leaked already. I was curious to see if any famous reporters were wandering around the park. I'd barely gone through the entrance when some guy in a ABC windbreaker came up to me. "Hi. I'm Phil Bridgeman from 'Good Morning America'. Are you a student at G.H.S.?" I didn't recognize him. "Yeah, but I can't make any comments." "I can make you an 'anonymous source'. Please???" "Well...maybe. Don't describe me in any way. I will be filling out college applications in a few months and don't want to piss off the administration here." "Can I record our conversation? I'm a terrible note-taker. It's just for me and not meant for air." I agreed, but never told him my name -- lust in case. "So I guess you're here because of the latest rumor." "Yeah. Let's go sit over here and talk." We settled at a picnic table and he brought out his little pocket tape recorder. It looked very Wal-Mart and not professional at all. He was maybe in this mid 30's and not bad looking...maybe Italian. He had that Fonzie nose and a bit of facial stubble. "You're not on camera ever?" "No. Not yet. I hope I am sometime quick before I lose more hair." "Oh. Isn't that William guy bald?" I watched Good Morning America when there wasn't school. "Yeah, but he's got a 'morning personality'. I don't look like a guy people want to see first thing in the morning. Anyway...what's it like being in your school right now?" "It's a distraction, but people are getting tired of it." "Do you know any of the pregnant girls personally?" "I know them as classmates, but not as friends." "Oh. That's too bad -- we're all trying to figure out why they would do this." "I've been wondering that too. My buddy thinks it's because they all want little dolls to play with, but I'm not so sure. There has to be more to it...don't you think?" "Conservative media thinks it's because they don't have fathers at home and because liberal schools are teaching sex ed." "Ugh. Sounds like my dad. He blames MTV as well." "Do they teach sex ed at G.H.S.?" "No. There's health class and biology, but nothing specifically about sex. Most everybody lost their virginity by freshman year anyway." "Have you?" "I'm not telling you anything personal, Todd." "Sorry. I am always full of questions....occupational hazard." He switched off his recorder and put it in his pocket. "It's okay. I guess I'm not going to be much help." "No. I think this whole 'blame game' angle is the one I'll go with." "I think it's ignorance unawareness of consequences. I'm starting to think it's a rebellion issue as well. We're all trying to prove how mature we are. I only started smoking because I knew my parents would not approve. I spent a lot of years trying to spite them. Maybe if I had the anatomy, I'd have gotten knocked up too." I felt I could speak freer now that it wasn't on tape. Todd looked at me for a long moment. "That's good. You're onto something." "But there's the erotic element too. They want a fuck that actually counts for something...fulfills a fantasy. It's what they think 'love' is." "Wow. You're a good analyst. The girls are submitting to a dick full of dna that will turn them into someone else." "Exactly. It's hot if you think about it." He looked at me, puzzled. "Uh...yeah. We're all just mammals with a need to mate. Is that what you mean?" "Yeah. I don't think that's a groundbreaking story, though. I think you guys are wasting your time here." "But there's an angle somewhere. What about the homeless black guy who was the breeder?" "I doubt it. I've lived here my whole life and never saw a homeless person." "Let alone a black person. This area is solid white. Would you ever go out with a minority?" "I don't know. Probably. This off the record: I've never even gone out with a girl." "A guy?" "No! Why did you even ask that?!" "Sorry. I have an instinct for things. It's not offensive...I'm gay." He waited until I'd absorbed that piece of information. "My lover is black and travels with me sometimes. He's too afraid to leave the hotel because there's a racist vibe here -- no offense." "You're right. He's right. We're not as bad as Boston, but it's not easy for anyone different around here." "Oh look -- there's that guy from 'A Current Affair'. Total jerk." I lit up a cigarette. "Your school day is almost over. I should go to the parking lot and try to get some more quotes." "Go stake out the area behind the industrial arts building...that's where the stoners gather. They'll have an opinion and don't care about getting suspended." "That's a great tip! Look -- I don't know how many more days I'll be here, but let me give you my room number. I want to talk again." Yes. OK. "Um...Todd...This is off the record, but I'm gay too." "I kinda knew that. Any dude going to that school full of sluts and has never been laid? I won't say a word." He wrote down his room's phone number and bummed a smoke. We walked out and went separate ways. I felt weird. I'd never 'come out' to anyone before, but I just confessed it all to a national reporter. I was probably insane. I went to my room and listened to a CD by some woman named 'Katy Perry'. Robbie was in love with her and had magazine photos of her taped up in his locker. He practically demanded that I buy this music. I ended up really liking it. It's hard to believe that was a decade ago. Dad came home and was in a terrible mood. "I'm going to buy a gun, I swear. This town has gone bonkers. That Geraldo Rivera guy just wandered into the firm today and started asking questions. Smug bastard...he's older than he looks on TV too." Mom brought him a drink and retreated back to the kitchen. My dad had a bad temper and none of us wanted to witness the fury. "What the hell is going on at that school of yours? Ed told me they're going to start giving out birth control to anybody that asks...with no parental consent." "I didn't hear that. There's a lot of false information right now. We're all just waiting for it to blow over." "Good goddamn luck. Be sure to thank your hero Clinton for this. Those little whores are going to be sucking at the taxpayer's teat for years." I'd once made the mistake of telling I was a Democrat and he was beside himself. I probably took five years off of his life that day. "I'll bet nobody is learning anything at that school right now." "It's just a distraction, but I just took a test in Physics and got an A." Lie. I actually got a C+, but wanted him to calm down a little. White lies are exactly that. They benefit all involved. "Well, good. I hope you get into M.I.T. and invent a ray gun that sterilizes kids by just aiming it at their crotches. Bring one to me." He was in rare form tonight. Still mad, but also exhausted. "To hell with it...tell your mother I'm not hungry and need to sleep." He loosened his tie and went upstairs. The energy in the room changed dramatically. Mom stepped back into the room. Our moods always brightened when he retreated to somewhere private to be alone with a bottle and his paperback thrillers. "I'll make BLTs for us. Want to come keep me company?" "Sure." "Your father is leaving town tomorrow and will gone for three days. I can make that spicy fried chicken we had on your birthday. Or we can go out to eat. We can go to the mall or a movie. Let's have a fun day. Just us. You will be leaving for college before we know it." "Sounds great. Can we do it tomorrow?" "Tomorrow's a Friday -- you have school." "Can you excuse me from classes...just this once?" I knew she would. My attendance had never been a problem. Ever. "OK. I'll tell them you're running a fever. Just fake it good enough at breakfast so that your father doesn't get mad. After he's gone, we don't have to worry until next week." She seemed to be happy to conspire with me. "Is this all because of the scandal?" "Yeah. It's a pain in the butt just listening to all the whispering. We can't even report it in the paper. Robbie wants me to draw an editorial cartoon that hints at it but is too subtle to get us in trouble. Tall order." "The things you kids have to deal with these days..." "It'll pass. Mom, were you happy when you got pregnant?" She paused while slicing a tomato. "Yes! Oh my, yes! I was a little scared too. We were both thrilled, and your dad was overjoyed when we found it I was carrying a boy." "Was it..." I couldn't ask my own mother she agreed with any of the theories Todd and I had pondered in the park. "I mean... WHY did it make you happy?" "I wanted to be a mother. We tried to have you for almost a year. I wanted a Spring birth, but embryo Joseph had his own schedule." I let the subject drop. We ate and talked about pleasant, mundane things. As I helped her clean up, she mentioned how tired she was. "Why don't you go to bed early?" "Oh I the guest room. I don't want to deal with him until morning." She fried her hands and we left the kitchen. "Don't forget to act sick in the morning." "OK. Good night." It was only a little after 8 PM and I was all alone in the large house. It's funny how life-changing moments can start so small and so quiet. I wanted to call Todd and talk to him, hear his voice. I had no idea why...or did I? I waited until after 9:30 to sneak back downstairs and use the living room phone. I had a cell phone, but didn't want the number to appear on the bill my parents paid. Family Plan. "Hello?" "Todd?" "Yeah. Is this my anonymous source?" "Yep. Did I wake you?" "What? No. We just got back from dinner and were going to hit the bar for awhile. Want to join us?" "Yeah. I have to sneak out. You're at The Crescent?" "Uh huh. Room 301. See you in a few." Oh shit. Did I just set something in motion I'd regret? Probably. Too late now. I changed clothes and combed my hair. Aftershave? No. Not now. Not tonight. I wore a M.I.I. sweatshirt so I wouldn't need a jacket. I went quietly out the front door and had a smoke on the porch. My car was at the curb and it looked so innocent, with no idea where I was going. The Crescent was a nice place and there were so many news vans in the parking lot. The scandal had been good for our local economy. I think I saw a few famous reporters in the lobby, but they had all started looking the same lately. TV people all share a quality I couldn't identify. His room was right outside the elevator. I knocked and a well-built black man answered the door. "Are you Deep Throat?" "Uh..." "Just kidding. Come on in. Todd's getting all fixed up, and I can see why. You made an impression on him." He had a friendly smile. There was a fat gold ring in his right ear. This guy probably worked out constantly. "Hi. I'm...I'm Joe." "Yeah. I'll just call you Deep Throat. Help yourself to the mini-bar and I'll go check on Todd." I opened the fridge and picked out a tiny bottle of vodka. It probably cost nine bucks, but ABC was picking up the tab. Serves 'em right for ever airing "Full House". I could hear their voices from behind the bathroom door. I had a really good sense of hearing that might be genetic because everybody in our house kept the volume down on the TV, and radio. I seldom listened to anything with headphones because I was afraid to miss things happening around me. I heard snippets of conversation from the two men. They both had deep voices that were purposely trying to mute a little. The vodka was gone and I grabbed another. I figured ABC had to pay for "Family Matters" as well. Then they both entered the room. Here he is, Jim...looking all pretty for you!" Jim? It was probably good he didn't remember my real name. Todd looked different than he did in the park, younger. I stood up and said "hi". We didn't shake hands. "I guess you finished your homework already. Glad you could come over." Sit and we'll have a drink and talk. This is my lover, Jack. He's rude." "Hi again Todd. He wasn't rude at all." "You see? I told you I was nice to the little guy." I finished the second tiny bottle of vodka. It burned a little...I could see why people mixed it with juice and stuff." "Well, have another snoot and we'll go down to the bar. There's a bartender there that Jack is in love with." It was nice to see a couple kid with each other. My parents were always very cordial with one another...they were constantly trying to avoid confrontation and debate. Todd fetched me the last of the vodka. I thanked him and tried to make some meaningful eye contact. I maybe could have if I knew how to do such things. Jack on I sat in chairs while Todd sat on the edge of the bed and considered the laces on his boots. Jack seemed very interested in me. "You're 18, right? We could get in trouble for giving you liquor. I am so done with police. So done with judges and jail and shit." "I turned 18 three weeks ago. And I don't have school news people have shut us down." "Jack's a chef...not a leech like me. But I bet you don't mind a three day weekend. I've got more of the story to share with you. Your tip about talking to that stoner crowd paid off big...I even got a quote from one of the fathers." "Cool. Happy to help. Was it that guy with the neck tattoo?" "I'll fill you in on everything later. It's time to move downstairs." He and Jack fussed with each other about who had a key card for the door. I wanted a cigarette. The bar was sparsely populated at that moment. Todd mentioned that the story had peaked already and about a third of the reporters had left. Finally. I was in a good mood despite the urgent need for nicotine. Jack made us sit in the area where he could scan the bar for an appearance by his crush. A chubby waitress with a Baltimore accent took our drink orders and didn't even ask for my I.D. Todd looked like a million dollars and I was suddenly feeling like a 13 yr. old girl. He'd be one of the teachers all the female students would flirt with. Jack wasn't so bad to look at either, but I didn't completely trust him. "You switched to beer, Deep Throat?" "Yeah. Why do you call me that?" "Wishful thinking on his part." Todd was giving him a displeased look. "Nah, man. It's from Watergate. You probably don't know about all that." I sort of did, but just the basics. "He's of the class.One of the pot heads told me might be valedictorian." "Doubt it. My friend Robbie is probably going to beat me out. What else did those tell you?" "So much. I'm gonna get a promotion after this. Go get us some shots, Jack. Maybe your bartender will be there." Jack got up and left. I lit a cigarette even though I wasn't entirely sure we were in the smoking section. "Spill it, Todd. I want to know what you found out." He helped himself to a cig from my pack. "What do you want to know, Joey? I described you and they all knew your name. I won't use it. One of the future dads is Ronnie and he told me that he and one of the pregnant ladies was who he dated off and on. One of his quotes was 'she can't hit me up for child support because I don't got nothing.' He said he liked a warm place to put his cock in." "Yeah. I remember him. I tutored him in basic algebra, but I might as well have tried to teach a squirrel to speak French." "They also told me you interviewed them about drug abuse last year." "Yep, but I was cool about it. My angle was that it wasn't really an 'abuse'. Some kids drink early in life and some prefer pot. It was just a vice, a coping mechanism for people dealing with high school hell." "That's good. You're like me...searching for an approach that's not obvious. But I haven't told you the really big news. Are you ready? There actually IS a a homeless guy in the park, and he really has fucked some of the girls. He's not black, though. Just a dark Mexican guy. AND he has AIDS! Can you believe that?!" "Wow." "Does AIDS scare you?" "Maybe. I don't think about it much." "Jack and I are both HIV+. We both agreed to wait until one of us started showing symptoms before going on meds. What are you thinking?" "Uh...I don't know. Why did you tell me all that?" "I thought I'd tell you everything in case we all had some fun tonight. Interested?" Yes. "Sure. Where's Jack with our shots?" Just I finished asking that question, a new waitress came up with a tray of shot classes and a fresh beer. "Your negro buddy sent this over. He's a talker, that one." I had no idea what the shots were. I just downed one and let the fire spread over me. It had taken me a while, but I was finally a rebellious teen. I thought of my dad in some different city, knowing nothing. "Here..have mine too. I want to write tonight. I have an exclusive interview with Miguel -- the homeless sperm donor." "Where are you meeting him?" "Here. I got him a room on the third floor. My video guy is on his way....might even join us tonight. He's gay too, but I don't know if he's poz or not." The story was turning inside out now. Mom was sleeping right now and Dad was probably drinking...with no clue what I was in the middle of. Jack finally returned to our table. "He's not working tonight, I guess. His name is Lloyd and engaged to get married. Idiot. It's still pretty early...why aren't we rowdy yet?" "God, you're such a frat boy. I was just telling him about my successful day." "Let's celebrate! We agreed to show you a good time tonight...NYC style." "I'm pretty buzzed, man.' "Buzzed isn't going to cut it, Deep Throat." Todd's cell rang. "It's the network. Hold on." He walked a few feet away and answered the call. I sat there with Jack. "You ever been fucked by a man?" "What? No! Never!" "Then how do you know you're gay? Gay guys fuck." He was definitely an asshole. "I just turned 18, okay. It's not like this place is full of gay bars and bath houses." "Yeah yeah. I lost my cherry when I was fifteen and I wasn't nearly as cute as you." "Did it hurt?" "Definitely. I almost destroyed the first ass I plowed...and I'm not all that endowed. Not like Todd. Dude's got a giant cock. The camera guy, Nate, is new to me. He might be hung for all I know." Todd finally returned. "They are so psyched that I have the homeless guy for an exclusive. They are going to love me. Oh look! There's Nate." He saw us and walked to the table. Tall and bearded with a lip piercing. Hot. I imagined each one of them naked. Reflex. "Damn, Todd. This is a nice hotel. You must be moving up. What's everybody drinking? I'll get a round." He didn't wait for an answer -- just headed for the bar. I wasn't so sure I could drink any more booze." I watched him walk. Nice butt. "The call was from Mr. Matthews. He wants me to get the culprit's face on camera. We might have to him stoned first." "How?" I'd never smoked weed in my life. I thought it would kill my drive. Robbie offered me some once, but I declined. "We didn't fly here. We drove. It's inside one of my bags. You can't be too careful in airports." Nate returned with four cocktails and passed them around. "Is this kid even old enough to be here?" "Yeah. He's legal, Nate. Sit down." Jack said something about wishing there was music playing. "We're not at a club, you big queen. Be cool." "Why? You two are gonna talk shop and just leave me and Deep Throat just sitting here. Not that I mind." "'Deep Throat'? Wow...I'm late to the party." "He's a student at Conception High School. He's been a big help. You know better than to listen to anything Jack says. I haven't see Miguel since he checked in. He's probably just happy to have a shower and a bed. Let's get there before 10:30. I'm gonna offer him a little smoke-able truth serum. See how that goes." Jack and I continued to drink as Todd studied his phone and Nate went back to his room to get the camera. They went off to a separate table to plan the shoot and conspire. As much as I liked him, this guy had a story to get and a career to boost. "I'm used to this. What do you of Nate? He's not a bad guy." "I like the beard." Bearded men are almost always attractive to me. There must have been a movie or TV show as a kid that planted that particular fetish in my brain. Way back when there was just a trace of testosterone seeping into my system. "Todd had a mustache when we first met. I can take facial hair or leave it. We bonded over weed and kink." "Kink?" You'll find out later. We got left on prom night. Are you pissed off?" No. Maybe a little. I don't know." "Let's leave them to their work shit. We can raid the mini-bar and watch HBO or something." I finished my drink and stood up. I maybe shouldn't have come here. I bumped my shoulder on the door frame on our way out. "Ow!" "Dang, boy...You a lightweight. Need help?" "No no. I'm fine. That was embarrassing, though." as the elevator went up, Jack touched by butt. We passed the third floor where the breaking story was going down. "I been wearing these clothes all day...mind if I change?" I shook my head as we entered the room. "The remote is on top of that desk. Find something smutty on cable." He went to the bathroom and closed the door. OK. I found an imported beer in the fridge and cracked it open. He was running the shower in there. Or maybe it was the sink. I found "American Gigolo" which I think I saw once. You can see Richard Gere's limp dick in this. HBO was showing something about a handicapped kid. Jack walked out of the bathroom, wearing just a white robe. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I needed to freshen up my stuff a little." "It's OK. There's not a plethora of smut on TV tonight." "Richard Gere. I saw him in person once...wearing a fur coat and looking like a wealthy queen. Doesn't do much for me." "I like this movie only because they play a Blondie Song. Good group." "I met Debby Harry at an AIDS charity thing. Bitch is in her late 50's now. But way cool. And short." New York must be a magical place. "I...I can try to find another movie." "Never mind. Go get me something from the mini-bar. You decide what." He had loosened his robe a little. I chose a little bottle of gin. He seemed like a guy who liked gin. "Good man. Drink your beer and let me ask you some stuff." I had a surprise boner that was testing the fly of my jeans. "This one's almost empty. I'll get another." I did and kicked off my shoes, and joined him on the bed. His dick was so close to being exposed. So close. "Settle back. What's going through your mind right now?" "Not much. What did you want to ask me?" "You a virgin, right? Todd assumed you were." Shit. I thought he'd start with questions about my hobbies or something. "Yes. I am. I probably will be for a few more years." "I doubt that. You ever think about black ever been kissed by one? Think you'd like that?" "Well...I probably would like that, Jack. " I could have waited for him to make the move, but I just leaned over and put a big kiss on his fat, fleshy lips. It was electric for me. We stayed in a sloppy lip lock for over a minute. Our faces were covered with warm saliva. I almost had an orgasm right then. "OK then! Nice. Take your clothes off, baby." Let me look at you." I did just that as he slipped the robe off. I was down to my socks as I saw his healthy hard-on stick straight into the air. I took one last glug from the beer and jumped back in the bed next to him. His arms were huge and muscular. I kissed his biceps and shoulders. "You are beautiful, Jack." "I know. I work on this body so I can keep my Sugar Daddy. Todd's OK, but we are not meant to be. Want me to show you some things?" "YES!" "Good answer. Suck on this cock for a while." It was so perfect...I swear it could be in an art museum. I licked it up and down and tasted soap. The head was the color of a bruise and a tiny teardrop of clear fluid was leaking from the piss hole. I took the whole thing in my mouth and tried to move down the shaft. 'Try' being the key word. Turns out my gag reflex was untested and fighting my desires. "Slow down. I guess your throat ain't all that deep after all. Take your time." I felt so greedy. I wanted his fat, brown shaft to fill my throat. I needed air so I pulled away and gasped for oxygen. "I'm new at this. But thanks for letting me do that, Jack." "OK. My turn to do something for you. Lie back. I lied there completely naked as his dark, muscular body covered mine. It was like a hot, porn fever dream. He moved down and spread my legs. He was tonguing my ass while jacking my dick. Wow. I was excited, scared and lost in pleasure. I'd never felt anything like that...hadn't even imagined it. Was this really happening?? He used his strength to just flip me on my stomach. He continued rimming me until I thought I couldn't it any longer. "You like that, Jim?" "God yes! Can I do that to you too?" "Later. I got to fuck that little bubble butt now. Let's try it with no condom on at first. You agree to that?" Did I? Yes. "This is going to hurt, isn't it?" He didn't answer because he was too busy rooting through his duffel bag. Maybe he was going to put on a rubber after all. Nope. He was greasing his fat dick with some lube I never caught a glimpse of. He worked a few oily fingers into my hole. "You're tight as hell, but pretty relaxed from my tongue.This probably won't hurt too much. Just relax and be'll feel so good eventually. " He lowered his body down and prodded my ass with that cock of his. Exciting! I tried to open my whole body to the experience. He jabbed my hole and I thought I'd die. Damn! "Ow! No, Jack. Let's stop for a second." My forehead was covered with sweat. "Relax. Open up for me as best you can." He had no intention of pulling out, and kept moving in. And then SLAM! Jack was all the way inside me. His hairy pubes were soft on my butt cheeks. "Shh. You're about to feel really good." He was right. My body had recovered from the stab of pain...and gave over to the delights of being fucked. He went at even pace and his hot breath warmed the back of my neck. He was an expert at this...he knew all the buttons to push and all the switches to flip. I shuddered as if I was cold. I came all over the bed. His dick must have enjoyed my shuddering and clenching because he was moaning and pumping even faster. I understood why couples videotaped themselves having sex...I so badly wanted to see his super muscular butt bucking up and down on top of me. I had just come, but my dick was getting hard again. As my mind was traveling the stars above, he said "Shit! It's all yours now, baby." His seed was a part of my future. This was the feeling so many people craved -- a mixture of pleasure, surrender and the feeling that your life was different now. "Wow. You're amazing, Jack. I" We each composed ourselves a little. "You OK? Need the bathroom?" "Maybe. Yeah. I'll be right back." I was fine, but I needed a little time alone to process everything. The soreness down there was bearable and also pleasant in a weird way. I guess it was good that it was done, and there's no way I could make a different choice. There was another white robe on a hook in the bathroom. I put it on. I needed a cigarette, but I'm pretty sure this was a non-smoking room. "Everything okay? I got you another beer." I put my clothes back on. "You leaving already? I feel so cheap!" He was chuckling at his own joke. "I just need a smoke. Be right back." The elevator stopped on the way down and Nate stepped in carrying an impressive video camera. "You're going home? It's not even 1 yet." "Nah. I need a cigarette." "Cool...can I join you?" We stepped outside the hotel and stood near a big standing ashtray filled with clean white sand. "How'd the interview go?" "Oh man! We got some great stuff. This guy finally decided that he didn't want his face shown, and I don't blame him. He'd be hunted down and killed. Dude is dumb as hell, but he at least knew that much. Hell...I better go edit all this stuff now. Be cool and drive safe." The word 'safe' seemed kind of ridiculous now. A few minutes later I went back through the lobby and ran into Todd. "Well..what have we got here?" He had a devilish smile. "Oh. I uh..." "I went back to the room and the whole place smelled like sex. It's okay. I'm not mad at either of you...just wish I would have been your first. How does it feel?" "Fine. Good, actually." "Let's go somewhere. I found a little secret place on my way to Miguel's room." The place he found was a small utility room on the third floor. "It's not exactly very clean or comfortable here, but there's a lock on the door." I knew where this was going. So be it. "Can you handle another dick in you so soon? This dick right here?" He'd fished his meat out through the zipper. It was bigger than Jack's, but not as pretty. It was so heavily-veined that it looked as if earthworms were climbing up from the base. "Yeah. It's an interesting dick you got there, Todd." "Why not get a closer look?" I was down on my knees so fast. I guess I could have played along and pretended to study it, but the time for coy games had long since passed. I started kissing and licking it. It didn't get any prettier as it became fully hard. "That's it. Yeah. Take that cock, kid." He grabbed the back of my head and humped my face. His technique wasn't as smooth as his lover's. I didn't mind. I'd already discovered the joys of submitting to a man's dick. Giving myself away.... He bent me over a large cardboard box full of something solid and heavy, and pulled down my pants. This was decidedly less sexy than being in a bed. He probed my ass with two fingers. "Damn. You're still lubed up. Jack's pretty good at that. Let me fuck his load deeper into you and add my own. Want that, Joey? Of course you do. Lower yourself down just a you're about to kneel down and pray. Stick your ass a little. Like that. Yeah." And then there was that familiar feeling of his cock head prodding my hole. There was nothing smooth or seductive about his approach to this. He just kept pushing and trying to get inside. It occurred to me that it was part of my punishment for not letting him fuck me first...or for having sex with his boyfriend. I just knew he was making me pay. Or maybe he thought it's what I wanted. I yelped once. He hit a spot up in me that Jack didn't or couldn't reach. Todd was crazy with angry lust and just kept thrusting like I was a blow-up doll or something. I wasn't really enjoying this physically. Mentally, however, it was exciting to imagine two different strains of HIV entering my bloodstream. It would go through my brain and heart and do its thing. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the bug, the sex bug. "Gonna come in you now!" He grabbed my shoulders and made one final thrust. "Oh FUCK!" It was over. He pulled out of me and zipped his fly. "Wow. I'll remember that forever, Todd." "You have no idea. Sorry I was a little impatient...I just wanted to breed you so bad. Let's decide now that Jack's cum wasn't enough to impregnate you, but my potent sperm hit the bull's eye. Keep thinking that. I will." "Yeah. I like that idea." "I think I've got another special surprise lined up for you. A gift. Stay here a minute and I'll be right back." He left and closed the door behind him. I pulled my pants up and tried to look normal. The room was weird and I looked around for something, anything to occupy myself with. An ice cold beer would have been nice. Maybe Todd wasn't coming back. "OK." He came back in to our secret room. "Think you can handle another load? Miguel wants a blow job, and neither Nate or I would do it. Ethics and all. But I just told him about you and he liked the idea...especially because you're young and don't have any facial hair. He's a little sleazy, but all cleaned up. You need to taste the same cum that knocked-up some of your schoolmates. You game?" "Why not? I'm a professional slut now." "Good. He's in room # 312 and the door is wedged open a little. Just go in there and say 'Hi'. He'll tell you what to do. I don't think he wants to fuck your ass, though. Seed is seed, ya know? Jack and I have a poz friend who claims he's only ever sucked dick in his life. Maybe bite your tongue or something. Oh wait. Never mind." He kissed me deeply, passionately. The he bit my lower lip and sucked on my tongue fiercely. It was so hot until he clamped his teeth down on the tip.YOW! I knew what he was doing. My mouth was prepped for yet another toxic load. "Thanks, man. I think I'm ready now." "Almost." He stuck two hairy fingers between my lips and drug his nails across my gums and the insides of my cheeks. "Now you're ready. Room 312...just go on in. He's expecting you. I'll be here a few more days. Call again. Here's my business card. Keep in touch, please." I nodded and left. The hallway was silent. I made a mental note of the pattern on the carpet and the way the sconces made little pools of amber light. If only the room was further away. It was right there...a little sliver of TV light was creeping out of the crack in the door. OK. It was time. I knocked softly and went inside. "Miguel? Hi. I'm Jim." He was completely naked and lying on top of the bed. Flat on his back. You can't control the first thing people notice about you. I noticed what a sweet, delicate shade of pink the soles of his feet were. The rest of him was dark brown and hairy. His hair was longish and his beard was so thick and full. His eyes were dark, glistening. "Jim? OK. You like to suck the dick, yes? And you go to the school where some of my girls go?" "Yes. I've been wanting to meet you." "That's good. Get us some tequila from that ice box. TV is paying for it." I did what he requested. Never tasted tequila that I can remember. I handed him the little bottle and opened my own. It stung the little wounds Todd had made in my mouth. "So you live in the park?" "Not now. I'm living here as long as they let me. And then...and then I will go South. I got some cousins in Tupelo, Alabama. Shame to leave this place though, cuz there is so much willing pussy here. And I always need to fuck." He was stroking his nice slab of dark meat. "I'm sort of famous too. I should write a book, but my English is not so well." "I can help you. I'm a writer...or I want to be." "Good. Leave your phone and address with me. Can't use my real name." "Oh I know. I just want to be a part of your story and have you be a part of mine." "Yes. Good. Go bring us more booze. I don't care what." I brought back six or seven mini bottles and bravely lied down next to him. "You are very handsome. Your babies will be so cute. I know some of the mamas." " I always wanted a family...not this way, but there are not many ways for a guy like me. Especially now that there is a sickness in my balls." His dick was rock hard and sticking straight up. It was even darker than Jack's. Almost completely black. "You think this is handsome also?" He flashed a grin. I understood how so many girls had submitted to him and taken his seed. "Let's drink a little more and then you put your mouth there. We watched TV and glugged down the liquor. It was some MTV series with beautiful, young people staying at a beach house. It was practically porn, but everybody's clothes were on. Boring. I just looked at him jerking off that big cock. "What would you like to be in the book?" "Really? You really going to write it? Give me money when it sells?" "I promise. I'll give you half." "You are so good. I'm sorry but I won't fuck you in the culo . I don't never do that." "It's cool, Miguel. I'll do whatever you want. You set the limits." "Yes. You know what I won't do some of your gay stuff. Want to lick my asshole?" "Yes. I do." "Just do what you want." I leaned over and kissed his hot, hard dick. He sighed loudly. I'd already sucked two dicks in the last three hours...I had a knack for it now. I knew my gag reflex had to be conquered. I amazed him (and myself) by taking the whole dick in my mouth. It was in my throat, hitting spots I didn't know about. If he shot his load now, it would fill my lungs. So be it. He was so verbal. "Fuck! I never want you to stop! Tomar mi semen! Swallow now! Mierda!!!" He let a long rope of cum shoot into my mouth. I made a point of swishing the fluid around over my gums. It was strong-tasting, salty and thick. No wonder he impregnated so many wombs. He lifted his softening cock out of my mouth and the last drops of hot semen soaked his pubes. It was completely white with tiny swimmers. Fertile man. He was sleepy, and I left. I thought about everything. My state of mind was of no importance. I had to go home and sneak back into my room. No time for regrets or sadness. Or anger. All those emotions were useless. I felt some blood in my underwear. I was leaking. Mom and I spent Friday together as my ass continued to drip. We'd see heavily-pregnant women walking around in the mall, and I knew something about them and also about me. We all got seeded because we caved in. We all shared a secret willingness to let a dick change our lives. (to be continued) 9 11 1
bjbottom Posted November 15, 2017 Report Posted November 15, 2017 Great story .... I be willing to cave in too 1
cubster1984 Posted November 16, 2017 Report Posted November 16, 2017 Fuck yes amazing. Please continue xx 1
Moderators viking8x6 Posted April 28, 2024 Moderators Report Posted April 28, 2024 Somehow I never read this whole thing before. The characterization is beautiful! 💓
Movietheaterslut2 Posted April 29, 2024 Report Posted April 29, 2024 Awesome story! Somehow I missed this from before? Really hot
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