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Why do you like Donald Trump and what do you dislike about him.


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Guest hungandmean
On 11/1/2019 at 4:13 AM, Ranger Rick said:

Democrats have made it clear they hate people like me; white guys who live in mid-America. They call us deplorables, bitter-clingers, and sneer at us from their positions of power. For all Donald Trump;'s myriad faults, he doesn't seem to hate people like me. So, there's that at least. 

What specific actions have lead you to this belief? Because his admin has specifically challenged in court (in the defense of) a businesses right to fire gay people for being gay, trans people for being trans, and removed laws that said that organizations that got federal money had to use that federal money to help *everyone* (including gay people)

As of recently, I could apply for a 100 million dollar taxpayer funded grant to feed the homeless and I could call my soup kitchen NO FAGGOTS ALLOWED... and that would be fine. Your tax dollars can now go to adoption agencies whos motto is, "No single women - they're ungodly sluts.... and absolutely none of those fucking homosexuals," and they'd get millions of dollars in taxpayer money.

But because he held a pride flag upside down at the Gays for Trump rally, and said money is money for my hotels even if its from the gays... that he's like... on our side? 

His secretary of education said on the record she wouldn't lift a finger to help a gay student being bullied for being gay.

He may not hate us (he does) ... but he employs a TON of people who do, and he doesn't seem to give a shit about that. Indifference is just as deadly. 

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  • 1 month later...

It’s a whole new ball game.

He just goaded / lured / tricked  Iran into attacking our embassy in Iraq and then blew up a couple carloads of their biggest assholes. 
  Conflicting reports about the Iranian people cheering and their leaders so mad the veins on their neck look like tree roots. 

  Both those reports may be true.

  Israel PM Ben Jammin Notayahoo has just resigned suddenly. 

I do not know what to make of this

”you could make a hat”


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Guest takingdeepanal
4 hours ago, Pozlover1 said:

Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu has just resigned suddenly. 

I do not know what to make of this

”you could make a hat”


He didn't have enough support in Parliament to form a majority. Benny Gantz has been given permission to try to form a government. [think before following links] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-government-netanyahu-benny-gantz-coalition-a9168626.html


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44 minutes ago, takingdeepanal said:

He didn't have enough support in Parliament to form a majority. Benny Gantz has been given permission to try to form a government. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-government-netanyahu-benny-gantz-coalition-a9168626.html


Thank you, but I rarely believe the explanation  any government gives for anything. I support Israel. 

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Guest takingdeepanal
46 minutes ago, Pozlover1 said:

Thank you, but I rarely believe the explanation  any government gives for anything. I support Israel. 

There's also the minor matter of his trying to escape corruption charges ...

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I like him because he is crass, I like him because he is brash, I like him because he is fearless.

I like him because he is not a lawyer & even more, I like him because he is not a politician.

I like him because he is causing millions of the proletariat to wake up & rise up.  I like him because the Bourgeoisie & the Deep State are terrified of him.

I like him because he realized that Washington & the whole federal government are so broken & so corrupt that the whole operation needs to be flushed down the toilet.

I like him because he is a nationalist & because he has stated that the socialists/marxists/liberals/democrats/"progressives" will never turn the USA into a socialist hellhole.

Edited by dirtyarizona
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3 hours ago, dirtyarizona said:

I like him because he is crass, I like him because he is brash, I like him because he is fearless.

I like him because he is not a lawyer & even more, I like him because he is not a politician.

I like him because he is causing millions of the proletariat to wake up & rise up.  I like him because the Bourgeoisie & the Deep State are terrified of him.

I like him because he realized that Washington & the whole federal government are so broken & so corrupt that the whole operation needs to be flushed down the toilet.

I like him because he is a nationalist & because he has stated that the socialists/marxists/liberals/democrats/"progressives" will never turn the USA into a socialist hellhole.

You really need to stop watching Fox “News.”

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reply to Twochipigs:

I haven't watched Fox TV news for years.  Perhaps it's time for you to question & re-evaluate where YOU get YOUR news from...… if you even watch or listen to the "news."

The fact is, 6 corporations are responsible for distributing or disseminating 92% of the mainstream news that flows into American households.  "News," these days, is nothing more than PROPAGANDA that we are endlessly fed, 24/7/365. 

Your reply to my posting contained nothing of value, your "refutation" did nothing to convince anyone that you had any knowledge of the subject at hand.

"Snowflakes" & "social justice warriors" are so fragile & so delicate that they can never substantiate their "claims" with facts or data.  I don't CARE whether or not I hurt your precious "feelings."  How about giving us some facts to back up your claims that Mr. Trump is sexist or racist or homophobic or "Orange Man Bad"?

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Democratic party is all about manipulation, Money, Power, Greed.  They lie to their followers, so they can regain power. 

As not being one sided myself helps me understand and see whats really going on in the USA.  Never being a Dem or Rep has been better than either.   I've been watching our country tank down the crap hole for years with all the corruption.  It's all about the Dems taking control.  The worst thing I've seen being in the middle is they say they like groups like the LGBT or what ever other group. 

Dems only want votes to gain power.  Power is the biggest mental health issue on earth.  It's been this way since the time of all man kind.  I will add, I don't watch TV news as it's all twisted around.  The TV station are all Dem.  They make their news bigger and more lies to get ratings.  The new media has turned people on people.  The Dems have learned if you scare the people they will fallow.  The down fall from this group is they make movies and the news media is right there helping them make it all happen. 

Mass shootings, I've been a gun shot victim actor, yes thats right.  I thought it was training for departments, nope!  This is so the Dems can get more votes, try to take away guns.  Guns don't jump up and kill people, more DUI's, Cancer, metal health caused by preservatives in most fast foods, Texting and driving and so many other things, kill humans faster than a gun.  They want total power, they want all to need to ask permission to travel, buy new auto, and so many other parts of life.  The reason the Dems want to take away guns, is so they can have the upper hand when the country turns into a pile of shit like all the other countries that have fallen to shit because of the new ways things should be.  They don't want humans to be able to defend themselves.  California has been promoting crime.  That's why CA is all messed up with 69% of all homeless in the USA. 

We the people who are just a number to the higher ups running the USA.   The Dems have been using the same tactics as Hitler.  Yes this crap they are doing is from his notes.  Those were lost, yeah the Dems have had that info for years.  Impeachment, the Dems have made Trump guilty from the start because they are afraid of going to jail for the rest of their lives aloing wit their children that have been Gaslighted like the rest of the country.  The news makes it sound like Trump is a bad person because the news media are Dems and they too are looking at criminal charges.  If people would really pay close attention to our past history and current they would understand what I have said here.  The Dem party use to be better and equal to the Rep party, until they found someone with extream mental heal issues.  The dems push drug use to control people. 

They themselves use drugs, better ones that the crap on the streets, the people of America pay for those drugs.  The Dems drink a lot, so most are intoxicated when they come up with this off the wall crap, look at their saggy wrinkles, thats caused by exssive drinking and drug use.   The American people have been subjects of Gaslighting and manipulated by the Dems.  Once the Dems are done manipulating people they will destroy those that helped get them in office.  Big Pharma is run by Dems.  Its all about money and power.  Make diseases and viruses that kill and they make trillions off humans with pills.  So many pill commercials than we had back in the 80's.  A pill for everything is how they look at it.  Pills don't cost much to make but the mark up is in the millions.  Million $ mark up on pills in the USA.  Other countries it's lower.  Why are they so high here, the Democratic party!  

Democratic party is all about manipulation, Money, Power, Greed.  They have been lying to and Gaslighting their followers, so they can regain power any way they can.  The USA is starting to do their poop flush.  You Tube has a lot of the trials going on, many of the Dems are turning Rep as they didn't want to be a part of this Illegal Gaslighting crap.

Gaslighting: Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn't realize how much they've been brainwashed.

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Guest hungandmean
On 1/4/2020 at 7:19 PM, dirtyarizona said:

I like him because he is crass, I like him because he is brash, I like him because he is fearless.

I like him because he is not a lawyer & even more, I like him because he is not a politician.

I like him because he is causing millions of the proletariat to wake up & rise up.  I like him because the Bourgeoisie & the Deep State are terrified of him.

I like him because he realized that Washington & the whole federal government are so broken & so corrupt that the whole operation needs to be flushed down the toilet.

I like him because he is a nationalist & because he has stated that the socialists/marxists/liberals/democrats/"progressives" will never turn the USA into a socialist hellhole.

The irony of someone on a forum where the users either have, or flirt with having, a disease that costs on average $20,000 a year to prevent killing them.... saying they don't like socialism.

Also, "I like him because he's a nationalist," like just say you're racist with your chest bro. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest RawCunt
On 1/6/2020 at 7:16 PM, hungandmean said:

The irony of someone on a forum where the users either have, or flirt with having, a disease that costs on average $20,000 a year to prevent killing them.... saying they don't like socialism.

Also, "I like him because he's a nationalist," like just say you're racist with your chest bro. 

You should really learn the definition of nationalist instead of rewoking words to fit a narrative.

Secondly, the screaming "racist" as your only form of debate and response has lost its worth.  It has been that overused people just laugh at the retort these days.  Much like the sexist narrative has, though Warren and cnn are giving it one last crack against Bernie.  If it was Kamila Harris, would the media have called Bernie a sexist or racist, or both to fit their choice.  The screaming of platitudes has worn out, even with some progressives and a lot of liberals.  Especially now as those who loved to scream them, have them come back to bite them in the ass.  All those Bernie fans "feeling the sexist Bern"

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Guest hungandmean
On 1/17/2020 at 6:02 PM, RawCunt said:

You should really learn the definition of nationalist instead of rewoking words to fit a narrative.

Secondly, the screaming "racist" as your only form of debate and response has lost its worth.  It has been that overused people just laugh at the retort these days.  Much like the sexist narrative has, though Warren and cnn are giving it one last crack against Bernie.  If it was Kamila Harris, would the media have called Bernie a sexist or racist, or both to fit their choice.  The screaming of platitudes has worn out, even with some progressives and a lot of liberals.  Especially now as those who loved to scream them, have them come back to bite them in the ass.  All those Bernie fans "feeling the sexist Bern"

White nationalist violence is a specific kind of hate growing within North America - growing and intensifying at a rate that has caused the FBI to investigate and press charges against an entire new wave of domestic terrorism not seen since the hayday of the KKK - but go off about how you think racism is overused. 

Bernie, Warren, Kamala... none of them are relevant when the issue I was speaking of specifically  - which is the ridiculousness of someone who doesn't believe socialism - which includes healthcare for all - bleating on about how "socialists/marxists/liberals/democrats/"progressives" will never turn the USA into a socialist hellhole," when socialized healthcare is literally keeping many people on this site alive.... including you, according to your profile. Poz - On Meds.

I guess you pay completely out of pocket 100% for your own meds, 100% of the time? You've never relied on socialism to fund your care in any way. You're so completely self sufficient and all of your peers are too that you single handedly defeated the drug companies desire to enrich themselves at the expense of lives?

Atleast you got one thing right - you are a cunt and you should go fuck yourself. 

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On 1/5/2020 at 10:31 AM, NatureBoy said:

Democratic party is all about manipulation, Money, Power, Greed.  They lie to their followers, so they can regain power. 

As not being one sided myself helps me understand and see whats really going on in the USA.  Never being a Dem or Rep has been better than either.   I've been watching our country tank down the crap hole for years with all the corruption.  It's all about the Dems taking control.  The worst thing I've seen being in the middle is they say they like groups like the LGBT or what ever other group. 

Dems only want votes to gain power.  Power is the biggest mental health issue on earth.  It's been this way since the time of all man kind.  I will add, I don't watch TV news as it's all twisted around.  The TV station are all Dem.  They make their news bigger and more lies to get ratings.  The new media has turned people on people.  The Dems have learned if you scare the people they will fallow.  The down fall from this group is they make movies and the news media is right there helping them make it all happen. 

Mass shootings, I've been a gun shot victim actor, yes thats right.  I thought it was training for departments, nope!  This is so the Dems can get more votes, try to take away guns.  Guns don't jump up and kill people, more DUI's, Cancer, metal health caused by preservatives in most fast foods, Texting and driving and so many other things, kill humans faster than a gun.  They want total power, they want all to need to ask permission to travel, buy new auto, and so many other parts of life.  The reason the Dems want to take away guns, is so they can have the upper hand when the country turns into a pile of shit like all the other countries that have fallen to shit because of the new ways things should be.  They don't want humans to be able to defend themselves.  California has been promoting crime.  That's why CA is all messed up with 69% of all homeless in the USA. 

We the people who are just a number to the higher ups running the USA.   The Dems have been using the same tactics as Hitler.  Yes this crap they are doing is from his notes.  Those were lost, yeah the Dems have had that info for years.  Impeachment, the Dems have made Trump guilty from the start because they are afraid of going to jail for the rest of their lives aloing wit their children that have been Gaslighted like the rest of the country.  The news makes it sound like Trump is a bad person because the news media are Dems and they too are looking at criminal charges.  If people would really pay close attention to our past history and current they would understand what I have said here.  The Dem party use to be better and equal to the Rep party, until they found someone with extream mental heal issues.  The dems push drug use to control people. 

They themselves use drugs, better ones that the crap on the streets, the people of America pay for those drugs.  The Dems drink a lot, so most are intoxicated when they come up with this off the wall crap, look at their saggy wrinkles, thats caused by exssive drinking and drug use.   The American people have been subjects of Gaslighting and manipulated by the Dems.  Once the Dems are done manipulating people they will destroy those that helped get them in office.  Big Pharma is run by Dems.  Its all about money and power.  Make diseases and viruses that kill and they make trillions off humans with pills.  So many pill commercials than we had back in the 80's.  A pill for everything is how they look at it.  Pills don't cost much to make but the mark up is in the millions.  Million $ mark up on pills in the USA.  Other countries it's lower.  Why are they so high here, the Democratic party!  

Democratic party is all about manipulation, Money, Power, Greed.  They have been lying to and Gaslighting their followers, so they can regain power any way they can.  The USA is starting to do their poop flush.  You Tube has a lot of the trials going on, many of the Dems are turning Rep as they didn't want to be a part of this Illegal Gaslighting crap.

Gaslighting: Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn't realize how much they've been brainwashed.

Speaking of gaslighting, if you really were a “gun shot victim actor;” You should be able to furnish us date, time, and place so we can confirm what you tell us.  And don’t forget to tell us who paid you for it.

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On 1/5/2020 at 1:04 AM, dirtyarizona said:

reply to Twochipigs:

I haven't watched Fox TV news for years.  Perhaps it's time for you to question & re-evaluate where YOU get YOUR news from...… if you even watch or listen to the "news."

The fact is, 6 corporations are responsible for distributing or disseminating 92% of the mainstream news that flows into American households.  "News," these days, is nothing more than PROPAGANDA that we are endlessly fed, 24/7/365. 

Your reply to my posting contained nothing of value, your "refutation" did nothing to convince anyone that you had any knowledge of the subject at hand.

"Snowflakes" & "social justice warriors" are so fragile & so delicate that they can never substantiate their "claims" with facts or data.  I don't CARE whether or not I hurt your precious "feelings."  How about giving us some facts to back up your claims that Mr. Trump is sexist or racist or homophobic or "Orange Man Bad"?

Daily I read both The NY Times and the Wall Street Journal to get both sides.  I don’t watch cable news.  I go to source documents if they’re available.

Since you claim to be well informed, why don’t you share your news sources with us?


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