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Any other romantics out there?

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i'm such a fucking romantic, i have to guard myself sometimes with FB's because i'm such a romantic and wanna fall in love and give my heart. Life has taught me not to give my heart to easily, but i have never reached a place where it's sealed off or not wanting to be hopelessly and helplessly in love lol. So far, it's never been mutual or a the few possibilties just seemed too star crossed.  The older i get, the less possibility i see for it, older guys seem more emotionally unavaialble. i get how a lot of older guys go for younger, especially my generation and earlier. Our youth didn't have the opportunities for love that exist now it seems, so it's like trying to revisit and get back something that wasn't available and still has a hole that hasn't been filled (so to speak lol).

 i somehow got on a mailing list for Udatz, lots of gay stories with lust and romance woven in, been reading a lot. They sent a copy of a short gay film today, was really sweet and the visuals were very well done. If you're a romantic, you'll prolly like it (it isn't racey or porn guys, just a sweet short story of gay romance). 

Any other romantics out there?


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Yeah, kinda. When I met my late husband, I practically ran away from love. Even told him (three months into the relationship) that I didn't love him. It broke both of us, but the truth was that I was scared. Because it was so good and so perfect, I couldn't process it. And after we made up, I was absolutely his to his dying day. I would give anything to feel like I did with him a second time in my life, but as the pandemic continues to rage, I see less possibility for finding a reasonable substitute. 

Love is a good thing. Don't run away from it when it presents itself to you.

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If I'm being honest I'm a romantic at heart and have often been known to shed a tear or two at the end of a movie but when it comes to sex I'm a complete whore.

Sometimes I think I wouldn't mind being in a loving relationship but it would have to be open and if past experience is anything to go by I always seem to meet the controlling 'where have you been?' monogamous types & that's not happening.

However if there are any tops out there that would love to date a slut bottom who is more than happy for you to go out and breed other bottoms too as long as I get to play with other tops then get in touch. I guess my idea of romance is having a man to return home to / having a man who wants to return home at night but where we are free to meet others in between. You could say I want to have my/your cock & eat it! 🙂 

But to put it another way, to me romance is more than just sex, it's also a meeting and understanding of minds which you are rarely going to get in anon sex / cruising / quickies but both fulfil me in different ways. 



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42 minutes ago, leatherpunk16 said:


Love is a good thing. Don't run away from it when it presents itself to you.

i'm so inclined, i have to guard against embracing what isn't there lol. 

Your story is sweet and my heart breaks for your loss while it is glad for what you had.  Life can be bitter sweet.  The pandemic is only a moment in the grand scheme of things, hard to feel that in the middle of it though. May you find another love. i am not one who thinks there is only one "soul mate," just that chemistry can be hard to find.

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Yeah, I am a romantic, the type of bloke who can and has heart broken.

Many years ago, in my 20s, I fell big time for a lad my age, even same birthday, we grew together, had fun, romantic dinners , we had a spark, chemistry, etc, you get the picture.

Now this guy, i used to Fuck and him me, tbh, I never fuck, but  i truly loved him. Spent 10 years together,I gave him up... I spent all these years with his developing drug addiction, which I could no longer deal with I became ill.

We split, we cried, we hugged, we loved, I left. I know he loved me,

That considering the problems and me being arrested, he stashed drugs in my home, unbeknown to me, was the most romantic, loving relationship, i have ever had. Sometimes I drift into reflecting on my life and the biggest regret ever.

I cry at sad films,keep cinema tickets, holiday tickets, but I miss intimacy and romance.., but, think I am past all that now.

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