Guest Posted September 3, 2021 Report Posted September 3, 2021 I tried my hand and writing an mpreg story. Been thinking about doing this for a while. Hope you like it. It was the summer I turned 18. I knew what was coming. I had been tagged many years early as breeding stock for the group of Alpha Men living on Cheshire Island. Alpha Men were not tagged as such until they were 21, and put through a regimented physical transformation. If they were tagged, they had potential. The six month program helped them build more muscle, and they received a daily cocktail that enhanced things like body hair and testosterone. All of this culminated in an analysis of their semen and reproductive health. As long as they transformed to the required physical specimens and had a sperm count in the 95th percentile of all men, they became full-time working Alphas on the island. Each man was required to impregnate as many sub men as possible, to create additional workers on the mainland. Some of those workers would turn into Alpha Men, some would be breeding stock, and most would be ordinary workers keeping the city and country operating efficiently. There were about 500 Alpha Men on that island when I turned 16. On the other hand, there were far fewer subs that were breeding stock. Breeding stock are determined pre-puberty, and followed through puberty. They must physically develop into sturdy subs with exceptional physical stamina. Physical testing occurred with those that had potential. Breeding stock also received a daily cocktail beginning at age 13. This did nothing to change their outward appearance or physical components. The cocktail did transform their reproductive system though. While their penis and testicles remained intact, sperm production did not start, and erections were no longer possible. A new area developed just below the stomach and filled with his own eggs that began to produce at a high rate. Unused eggs expel weekly through the anus. A new channel forms from the new area, providing a second channel leading into the anal canal, pushing the area for waste more off to the side. The new channel with tight muscles and flexibility forms to begin accepting an Alpha Man’s penis and eventually birth children for them. I knew it was what I was conditioned to be, but I was still scared. I was informed as I boarded the boat to go to the island that I would not be back. That I was heading to my new life. There were only two other subs on the boat with me that were also going over to be breeding stock. We were told there were only 24 of us, for all those Alpha Men. You have to remember that each of them is intent on breeding and creating offspring. With only 24 of us, and over 500 of them, that increased my fear even more. Pregnancy for us lasts nine months, just like it did for women, before they all disappeared. That means that once a sub is pregnant, it is nine months before any other Alpha Top can impregnate. Great care is given to all subs though, to ensure they stay in shape and age well enough to be desired. As we arrived, we were told that one sub had recently passed away at age 42, after bearing his 33rd child. Multiple births were common. As the three of us were escorted off the boat, into the holding area, it really started to feel real. Our boat captain, who is just a worker, asked us to stay in the holding area, and wait for our Alpha host to come get us. We were told each of us would have a different host and be taken to entirely different areas. My Alpha host came first. He walked right up to me, without saying a word. He was older than I expected, probably around 50. Very tall and well-built, but not quite in as good of shape as I knew most Alphas were. He snapped a device onto my wrist, got behind me, placed his hand firmly on the back of my neck and guided me out of the holding area. This place looked like I imagined Hawaii would look like. Lots of trees and water, and a lot of casual looking homes and small buildings. I had worn a t-shirt and shorts, no underwear. As we stood outside of the holding area, he let go of my neck and simply said, “remove your clothing”. Which, of course, I did. He got behind me again and placed his hand on my neck to guide me. I had sandals on, but the paths were a little rocky. I was very anxious, as I did not know where he was taking me. We are told during breeding stock development that we are not to speak until we are asked to. As we walked by the first small home, there was a very pregnant sub taking a shower outdoors. I could tell he was about my age and in fantastic shape. His chest that you could tell is normally quite muscular, had swelled in preparation for birth. I could not believe how large his stomach was. I saw three Alpha Men standing just inside the door to that home and a jolt went through my body. It was a combination of sexual excitement and indescribable fear. They were big men. There was an air of assertiveness. Even being that far away from them, I could smell them. I could smell their sweat, their masculinity, and even that smell of freshly expelled semen. It was very strong. As we took the long walk down the path, that strong smell never went away. After what seemed like forever, we arrived at a home that was about twice the size of that first house that we saw. I knew why I was on the island, but knew nothing else about how this process would happen. He was still holding my neck. He took me to the door, and he said to wait there for my Breeders to get me. He called them Breeders. Then he walked away quickly. It was a solid door, and the windows had curtains. I could not see inside, but I could see the shadows inside. That smell was strong, and I felt my egg chamber start to shift a little bit. I looked down at my chest and stomach and wondered how long it would be, if ever, that I would see my body like this again. I worked hard to keep it in stellar shape. It was then that the door opened. I looked up to see a man about 6’7”, about 270 pounds, shoulders so broad he filled the doorway. He was covered in hair from head to toe, and he was naked. Not surprised that he was naked. What I saw hanging between his legs almost made me faint though. A long, fat, heavy, very veiny cock, and hairy balls the size of avocados. The smell of men got even stronger when he opened the door. He placed his giant hairy hand on top of my head, then around the back of my head and pulled me inside. It was a fairly small living room with some sectional sofas and a fireplace. A few pieces of clothing laying around. He introduced himself as Greg. He looked like he was mid-30s. His voice was so deep that the sconces on the wall shook a bit. I did not see anyone else, but I did see more men in the shadows behind the curtains outside. Greg took my hand and pulled me along through a hallway, towards a big room where I saw some flickering light. We turned the corner and there they all were. My heart was beating a million miles an hour. I didn’t count how many men initially, but I estimate around 70. They had been quiet, so I was surprised to see that many. All naked and apparently ready. Ready for me. As I entered, all the deep voices started murmuring and chatting with each other. Greg then tells me they have all been waiting for me, and that one of them would be impregnating me that night. He said they would all be trying, but only one would be the winner. I immediately shuddered wondering how I would handle 70 men in one night, especially with many as big as Greg. Greg and another man each took one of my arms and led me to a very comfortable looking sling contraption. They asked me to lay down in it and get comfortable. Then they each took one leg, raising them high and apart almost directly over my head, so my hole was facing out but also a bit upward. In the breeding stock training, they told us the best way to get pregnant is on our back and hips a little higher, so the sperm can flood our egg chamber. After securing my legs, they fastened my wrists together above my head. Clearly an experienced group that knew how to optimally position their breeding stock. It was then that the smell in the room was so strong that I nearly had an orgasm. It was like the air was made of man sweat and semen. I felt my arousal inside. Greg then told me that each man would be fucking me, cumming inside, and when they were all finished, I would be put into a 24-hour isolation for care. Then they would test for pregnancy and determine whose it was. He said to expect this to take about six hours. I would be asked to provide oral to the men waiting to go next, but I was not to ingest any semen. All semen was to go inside my anus to my egg channel. I closed my eyes for just a moment, before a man near my head sternly told me to keep my eyes open. Then he guided his cock into my mouth. It was big, but not as big as Greg’s. I knew from my training exactly how to please him. After only about two minutes, he moved to my ass, and in one quick plunge, he was in all the way. It hurt like hell at first, but then it started to feel great. It did not take more than five minutes or so and I felt some pressure. I soon knew that his cock was expanding in preparation for ejaculation. He leaned down to kiss me, then he slapped my face hard. Then another man put his cock in my mouth. Without saying a word, just an aggressive grunt, he unloaded. I felt it. It was a warm sensation. He quickly pulled out. Then the men continued to rotate. The aggression and mob mentality started to intensify, and things got rough. Their rules are not to harm the breeding stock, but they were pushing limits. After only about 10 of them had their turn, I didn’t think I could take any more. I did not have a choice though. Then kept at me, for hours. I nearly passed out several times. The smell was intoxicating. Sperm everywhere. It was all mixing inside me and as hard as I tried, I could not hold 70 loads inside me. Men continue to pick some up from the floor and shove it in me. There simply was no room. After what seemed like an eternity, Greg took my legs and arms down. Cum starting flowing out of me. I was immediately scolded and told to tighten up and keep it in. Greg put me on a stretcher and wheeled me to a recovery room. It was comfortable and warm, and it would make it easy for me to rest. Before leaving the room, he connected a wireless ultrasound to my abdomen, and inserted a very large plug into my anus that was definitely not coming out without help. Even though the bed was comfortable, I was covered in cum and sweat, and was not allowed to shower. I slept all night. Greg came to get me early in the morning. He was still naked. None of them ever wore clothes. At least around me. He said he was taking me to the physician for examination, then I could shower. The physician also appeared to be just a worker and not an Alpha Man. He had been through this before and knew exactly what happened to me and what to do next. He removed the wireless device from my abdomen and plugged it into a device. He spent probably 15 minutes looking at the data. He told me he would be right back, and he went to get Greg. When Greg came back in, they both told me it was a success. One of the men that came in me last night got me pregnant. The first night. The doctor was currently comparing DNA code, which was taking a while. I remember many of the men from last night, but not all of them. About a half hour later, the doctor said the one that got me pregnant out of those 70 men was Frank. I wanted to know more about Frank, but I was not allowed to talk or ask questions. Greg told me to wash up, and to rest up for the pregnancy announcement this evening. Then he said it would be following by more fucking, for anyone that wanted to, now that pregnancy was not going to happen this night. I was given a special liquid dinner to keep my insides clean, and off we went to the pregnancy announcement. Greg is the one that escorted me there. He seems nice enough, but he does not talk to me really. We went to the same room we were in last night. The sling was there and ready, and all of the same men were there, naked again. Greg guided me by the shoulders to a lounge chair and told me to sit. The men there knew what this was about. It was like they were waiting to see who won the lottery. Greg stood there and said, “it was a success, our breeding stock has been impregnated”. Then he said, “the lucky breeder…is Frank”, and they all stood up to cheer, giving Frank high fives and masculine jabs. I remember Frank from last night. He appears to be late 20s or so. Still a somewhat young looking face, but heavily bearded. He looks Arab or Latin. He is not as tall as some of the other men, maybe a little over six feet, but he is extremely hairy and muscular, like a rugby player. He is also hung very well, and uncut. I remember him because he spit in my face, slapped me, and choked me when he was cumming. He was very, very aggressive. Greg motioned for Frank to come forward. His swagger said it all, he was proud. Greg said, “so how many does this make for you stud?” and he said, “this will be seven!”. Considering the low number of breeding stock, for him to have seven children, he must win this game often. Greg put his arm around Frank’s shoulder and said, “well guys, looks like he out-spermed all of you again. Way to go stud!”. Frank had not even looked at me or acknowledged me at all. I was watching him closely and looking at every part of his face and body. Suddenly, Frank turns his head toward me to look, and grins. He pushes Greg arm away and he walks toward me with his crotch shoved in front and a grin on his face like he was on top of the world. He stood in front of me, staring down at me, and commanded me to stand up. He got right in my face, so we were eye to eye. He grabbed the sides of my head and spits in my face, calling me a cunt. He then said I was his and I better birth him another Alpha boy. All subs have boy babies, as the female species has phased out. I did my best to nod with him having my head in a vice. He started tracing my lips with his big, hairy fingers. Shoving a few in. It seemed like he was about to blow his top. Then he pulled my body close, and shoved a finger inside me, all the way. Then he simply said…”that’s mine”. Greg broke the moment, and said it was time for any of the guys that wanted to have fun to come over to the sling. As many of the men there wanted to get subs pregnant as their main priority, some decided to sit out. Most did not though, and I endured a second night in a row of relentless fucking. I knew this was my destiny now, and I would need to learn to love it more. The next month went by and every night was the same. During the day, they took good care of me and make sure I was comfortable. They had workers to do most of the chores, and was able to focus on just being breeding stock. I started to notice changes in my body even in that first month. My nipples were sore, and I felt my chest getting a little puffier. I was allowed to continue working out, and that is much of what I did all day. Toward the end of that first month, I could see my lower abdomen start to extend a bit. They told us in breeding school that we would grow faster and bigger babies than women ever did. Our bodies are able to handle that. Women started to show around month 4 or 5, and here I was showing at month 1. Coming up on the end of month two, and I was definitely showing. I was seeing the doctor every week, but they would rarely tell me anything. This time the doctor said he had an update, and as always, he had to make sure Greg was there for any medical news. Frank would only see me during the sex orgies for the most part. All he cares about is the birth. This time the doctor said, “there are three in there. Tell Frank.” Wow, so I had three of his babies growing in me. I guess it is no wonder I am showing this much this early. My chest was getting bigger too, fast. Not like breasts, but more like a puffier chest, because I was working out too. I am beginning to produce milk, but subs do not do anything with that. It is a biological occurrence that they have not figured out how to stop yet. I was not feeling sick or anything, and actually felt great. As the next couple of months went quickly, I was six months pregnant and getting to a point that it was really hard to move. I was gigantic. The sex orgies were a requirement, this whole time, but it was hard to get my legs that high and was really uncomfortable. As I approached seven months, my skin was on fire. It was being stretched beyond it’s limits. While Greg and the doctor were doing their best to make sure I was comfortable, there was really nothing they could do that was good enough at this point. I just had to try my best until it was time to give birth. Finally, as I reached the end of my 8th month, the babies started to move down and I could feel my anus preparing. The babies grew in an amniotic sack, so my water would be breaking. It happened during one of the nightly sex orgies. Some of the men wanted to keep going, but Frank intervened and made them stop. The pain of starting birth was excruciating. It hurt much worse than any horse cock that had been inside me. As breeding stock, we are conditioned to give natural birth. We will stretch as far as we need to and will not rip, but it’s still a small hole. They had two men cover my mouth during the birth because I just couldn’t stop groaning and screaming. Finally, nearly 24 hours after my water broke, all three baby boys were delivered. Each one was between 7 and 8 pounds, so I was carrying around 24 pounds worth of baby. I could easily see they were Frank’s. They had his eyes and his face, and his skin. As is customary, the babies are immediately removed and provided to the father. The father then brokers a deal to get them to the mainland and become what they were meant to be, either a worker, and Alpha, or breeding stock. I would never see the babies again. I was conditioned to deal with this, so I was fine. I was given a 48 hour resting period, and then everything started up again. I was so sore, but I knew it was my duty. My first night back into the sex orgy was an event. Any time a new unpregnant sub is being presented for impregnation, a lot of Alpha Men want their shot. There were twice as many as last time, and I just took a deep breath knowing what was coming. Aside from there being more men, everything else was practically the same as last time. Even the wireless ultrasound when it was over. The next morning, back to the doctor I go. And once again, I had gotten pregnant by someone last night. Just 48 hours after giving birth. Frank had been one of the men that fucked me, so I wondered if it was his again. A few moments later, the doctor said this time it was Miguel. I did not remember a Miguel, but I figured I would find out at the pregnancy announcement. Everything is about process and tradition, so everything worked the same way again. The crowd cheered when it was Miguel. Frank sneered at me, then flicked me off, as if it was my fault his sperm didn’t win this time. Miguel was built like a tight end, and I remembered him too. Very tall, a little more lanky than the other guys, but big shoulders and well built. He had a very long, thick cock, with lots of veins. I remember him because he fucked with intensity and focus, but not rough like Frank. I remember he chewed on my nipples as he was cumming deep inside me, and he had some milk on his chin. He was Mexican, very hairy, great head of hair, and some of the mostly muscular and veiny forearms I have ever seen. And now I am having his baby.
sexylilwhtboi Posted September 3, 2021 Report Posted September 3, 2021 Wow nice, would like to hear maybe the highpoints or highlights of each orgy. It's totally understandable most guys in a 70+ orgy fuck the same. But like with Miguel him chewing nips and maybe sucking on some milk while cumming. 👍 Nice work so far. 1
TwinkChaserSlut Posted September 4, 2021 Report Posted September 4, 2021 Well done!!! Frank & Miguel are such studs knocking up a such a slutbitch. 1
Guest Posted September 5, 2021 Report Posted September 5, 2021 Wow, lots of private messages on this. I know some of you liked it, and some offered critiques and wanted me to go in certain directions. I'm really just going with where my creativity takes me, based on the things that are hot to me. It won't be everyone's taste.  Here is The Alpha Island continued, Part 2: After Greg revealed the news to everyone, Miguel came up to the front of the room to join us. He was much taller than I remembered from the night before, slightly taller than Greg. Miguel was much calmer than Frank and most of the other guys. There was a quiet intensity about him. He walked over to me, got behind me, then reached around and placed his hands on my stomach. Then he kissed my neck. It caught me off guard because it was one of the few times I felt like they viewed me as a fellow human. Just because I am a sub does not mean I do not crave some connection. I felt his semi-hard cock hitting my lower back, but it felt like kind of an intimate moment in front of all those other men. I put my hands over his on my stomach, then he quickly pulled away. Almost as if he realized he had gotten too close or intimate with the breeding stock. He just gave me a steely gaze and went back to where he was sitting. He was very, very handsome and I wished he would have wanted to spend more time with me alone. Fast forward one month in, and like last time, I was feeling my body change again. I started to show early again. This time though, I felt more nauseous. Miguel came to see me more often than Frank, but it was always with the doctor and he only spoke to the doctor. Every time I saw him, I wanted to speak and ask him if he would spend more time with me so I could get to know him. I wanted to get to know someone there. While the doctor and Miguel were talking, I found out I was giving Miguel his first baby. All the men here had high fertility, but his sperm had never impregnated a sub before, with so much other competition. I also found out that Miguel was a star football player for nearly 10 years and had only been on Alpha Island for five years. His hands, and hairy, beefy, forearms were something to behold. You could tell he worked on them to be a skilled football player. I wanted to touch them, but I was not allowed to touch them unless they told me to. Miguel stood up to leave and looked back to give me a long, blank gaze, then left. I feel like he wants to talk to me. I had a more formal check up as I ended my second month. I was nearly as big as I was the first time, and I found out that once again, there were three babies in me. It was only Greg and the doctor when I heard that and they decided to go get Miguel to tell him. Miguel came into the room and looked worried. Then they told him he had fathered three babies and he seemed overcome. There was a gentle soul in there somewhere. He came over to me and once again put his hands on my stomach. I kept watching his face, but there was no expression, and he still did not talk to me. I had to understand why I was there. It was to be breeding stock, not someone’s lover. As the next month passed, and I got even bigger, I continued to work out. Even at three months, my stomach was in the way, but I still did what I needed to do. One day, as I was leaving the gym area for subs, Frank was standing outside apparently waiting for me. I nodded to him in acknowledgement as I walked by. He looked heated, and every vein and muscle was bulging in this big man. He started to follow me, and reached around from behind to grab me by the throat. He pulled me face to face again, but of course with him being taller than me, I had to look up. I could smell his beard oil he was so far into my face. Those almost black eyes were staring into my soul. He said my babies should be his. I did not know what to say, even if I was allowed to talk. He started caressing my large stomach, then grabbed my chest causing some milk to get on his hands. This disgusted him apparently and he slapped me hard enough to knock me down. He put his size 16 foot on my head and began spitting on me, calling me some horrendous names. I was hoping someone else would appear to stop what he was doing, but nobody else was ever there, and I did not dare scream out. He proceeded to tell me how much money he got for our babies, and it was very lucrative. He wanted to create more with me, so he could get more money. This time, it’s Miguel though, and Frank is not happy. It is not my fault, but he is blaming me. He pulled me up off the ground by the arm and then grabbed me by the neck toward a small house, pulling me inside. There was nobody else there. This was uncommon. We were told as breeding stock that these Alpha Men were instructed to gather in packs with subs, so as to avoid any one-on-one relationships that could develop. This is likely why Miguel is so standoffish. Frank pushed me down onto the sofa, and shoved two fingers inside me. All the while muttering nonsense about how those should be his babies and maybe they should come out. Then without a second thought, he proceeded to rape me. I know this was not allowed but unless someone else saw it, I could not say anything. His aggression was over the top and I feared he might permanently injure me or Miguel’s babies. It did not take long for him to cum and I felt the fullness with him inside me, then he finished me off with another hard slap. He likely realized what he had done and made a quick exit. So quick that the semen still in his penis dripped onto the sofa and floor. He left me in this house. I didn’t know if it was his or not, so I got up to leave. I felt like the babies were ok, but I was battered and bruised. Enough that someone would surely ask me about it. That next evening, the men at the sex orgy remarked to each other about my bruised body, but nobody asked what happened. Frank was there too, as if nothing happened. Miguel was there too, and also made no mention of it. When the orgy was over and I was returned to my room, I had to put it out of my mind and move on. Then the next morning, Greg and the doctor wanted to see me, and they actually asked me about it. I was going to tread carefully, because I did not want to get Frank in trouble or face any more backlash. I was just breeding stock, after all. I told them that I had an unprovoked altercation with one the of the Alpha Men and that I was fine and just wanted to move on. They seemed to want to know who did it, but did not ask me further questions. Instead, they performed another ultra sound, because this was about the offspring of the Alpha Men, not me. Based on their actions, I had to assume they know what happened and it has happened before, but once they confirmed the babies were fine, they dropped the whole inquiry. After another fairly routine and predictable couple of months, I was approaching the end of my seventh month of pregnancy. I was not quite as big with Miguel’s babies as I was with Frank’s, but still horribly uncomfortable. I had a surprise visit from Greg telling me that Miguel had requested a one on one meeting with me, through all the proper protocols, and that I would be meeting with him that evening. All meetings are to be supervised, and Greg would be there. I am not sure of Greg’s role here, but he seems to govern the processes. I did not ask why Miguel wanted to see me and I was not told. Later that evening, Miguel entered my room followed by Greg. He looks more amazing to me every time I see him. Greg stayed at the door with his hands clasped in front of him, while he watched us. Miguel sat down next to me and began caressing my stomach. He did not look me in the face initially, but then he did. He said he had permission to keep me with him in his room for the remainder of the pregnancy, for the sake of my safety and that of the babies. He told me he knows I was assaulted and he thinks he knows who did it, and that he will do anything he can to protect his babies. I was excited by the prospect to be alone with Miguel. He told me it would be unsupervised but that he would follow all protocol. He asked me to gather my things. I gathered all my belongings and put them onto a cart. My stomach was straining against my expanding skin even more, as I moved about the room. As Miguel and I left the room, Greg shut the door behind us, and walked in the other direction. I would be alone with Miguel, at least until tonight’s orgy. Miguel’s room was in the same building as mine, but on the other end. In was more minimal than mine with a little furniture and practically no decoration. I had been fixated on his nude body even since he walked into my room. Once we arrived to his room, he told me where to sit, then got me some pillows and water. He put on some soccer shorts too, that barely held his manhood. He let me rest, then begrudgingly escorted me to the orgy for the evening. As subs get more and more pregnant, the number of men participating in the orgies goes down. There was a core group of Alpha Men that enjoyed fucking heavily pregnant subs. Those men were there. Frank was not this time. Even with less than 50 men taking advantage of my current condition, I could barely make it. When it was over, we went back to Miguel’s room. He wanted me to wash off all the semen, clean out, and be fresh for bed. I was in bed, and he slept on the sofa in the room. I still was not allowed to talk, but I wanted him in bed with me. I woke up in the middle of the night to Miguel climbing in bed with me. I inched closer to him and he did not move away. He placed one of his hands on my stomach again and moved closer. I could feel him growing up against my back and ass, but I dared not make a move. A few moments later, he pulled me close to him and penetrated me. I could feel the veins in his forearms against my chest as he pulled me closer. If I was capable of achieving an erection, I certainly would have at that point. He slid all the way into me, with no room to spare, and pumped in and out for a while, before quietly cumming inside. This was against the rules, and he did not seem to care. When he pulled out of me, he went back to the couch. The next morning, as I strained to get up out of bed, the remaining semen I had not absorbed flowed out onto the bed. Miguel quickly grabbed the sheets to be cleaned, and left me in the room. Later in the afternoon, Greg and the doctor stopped by and asked to examine me. It was not my normal time, but I have to do what they say. They noticed I was cleaned up on the outside, and upon examining internally, discovered recent semen. They asked me directly if Miguel had been breeding me last night. I had to tell them yes. I immediately wondered what would happen. That evening, Miguel never came back to the room. Greg and the doctor came to get me for the nightly orgy. With just six weeks until probably birth, the orgies are unbearable. Miguel was not there either. Upon return to my room, they told me that Miguel would not be returning, but they would not tell me what happened to him. I was crushed and heartbroken. It was my fault for telling Greg and the doctor. Once again though, I had to remember why I was there. I was returned to my own room the next day. Six weeks later, my water broke as I prepared for the orgy night. I was left alone for hours before someone came to help me. I gave birth to three of Miguel’s babies that night. They came faster that Frank’s did. I was allowed to stay with them for a few hours. They looked like Miguel. All three had full heads of hair already. I wondered if Miguel would get to take them or not, and I was dying to ask, but could not. The babies were taken away and I was cleaned up. All of this happened just before orgy time, so I got the night off, along with the customary recovery window. I could not help but think of Miguel though and where he may be. I never did find out, and now the babies were gone too. Back to square one and being alone. It was nice to have the next day completely off to recover. I knew I would be in high demand that next night. A newly unpregnant sub that was ripe for the picking. I felt the buzz happening, the excitement of the men around my area of the island, and it was all because of me. The entire day, as I went about my business, all the Alpha Men were like dogs in heat, ready and wanting to pounce on me. No rest for the weary. With so many men waiting, I was certain to get pregnant again tonight. Every man I looked at, I wondered if it would be him. Frank had been laying low, so I only saw him infrequently, but I could not imagine him not being there tonight. I heard some Alpha Men talking about how Frank had impregnated another sub in a different area around the same time I got pregnant by Miguel. Apparently they are allowed to cross areas due to lack of subs overall. This other sub gave birth to five babies, and nearly died in the process. I went back to my room to rest before the big night. Greg came to get me right on time. The room could not hold all the men that wanted their shot at me that night, so dozens more were waiting in the hallway. Hard-ons everywhere. Many were dripping pre-cum on the floor already. The man smell was indescribable. Sweat, semen, musk, all things that signaled extreme fertility. I looked around for Miguel but did not see him in the crowd. Frank was there and never took his eyes off me. With so many men there, they did a lottery to determine the order, and also decided to take two breaks to give me a breather. There were 214 men there and every one of them wanted to be the next one to carry his babies. Greg put me in the familiar position and practically had to hold the first guys back. This lasted the entire evening, well into the morning. I passed out many times and there was blood mixed with semen everywhere. I was completed annihilated and my insides were rearranged. Many of the same men fucked me that always do, including Frank, but many more new ones this time. Still no Miguel unless he was there when I was passed out. As we had a long night, I was given the whole following day to rest, with the ultrasound attached. I could feel inside me that something was happening and I was sure I got pregnant again. As I woke the following morning, I noticed that my body was quickly back to muscular and in shape. I missed seeing that, and I knew it would be short-lived. Same old routine this time… Greg and the doctor took me to his office, examined the ultrasound, and determined that I was indeed pregnant once again. With 214 fertile Alpha Men cumming directly into my egg chamber, how could I not be? The doctor told Greg that something strange had happened though. I had two amniotic sacks forming, so I was impregnated by two men. They said it had happened many years ago to another sub and he successfully gave birth to a baby for two men. It can happen, but was rare. The doctor asked that I be held out of activity for the day while he determined who the fathers were. The pregnancy announcement would take place the next night, and would feature two winners. The next day, Greg and the doctor revealed to me that Frank was one of the fathers again. The other father was Lamar, a rugby player originally from Zimbabwe. He was 38, 6’5”, 250 pounds, and incredibly muscular. He was also very dark black, which would make it easier to determine which babies were his. Even compared to Frank, who himself was a dark Arab man. There were a few men I remember that could have been Lamar, but I would see him tonight. The doctor and Greg had discussed that Lamar had fathered one other child and one of the largest ever birthed there at 15 pounds. As I pondered the thought of multiple births again, with one maybe being as large as 15 pounds, I felt sick. I spent the day thinking about how I had given birth to six babies in the past year, and was about to birth more, I realized I was here to do this and it would never change. I found some comfort and security with this, but also some sadness that I would not have a relationship, like I may have had with Miguel. Walking down the hallway with Greg, I was feeling a little off and wanted to ask more about the phenomenon of two men being the father. I asked Greg if he knew Lamar well. He stopped dead in his tracks, turned abruptly to me, and slammed me into the wall. He said, “why the fuck are you talking to me, when I did not ask you to?” I said I was sorry, and he continued walking with me. I took a chance, but clearly that backfired. As I entered the room, all eyes were on me, as I made my way to the chair. Greg started the ceremony and told them we had an unusual circumstance this time. Not only was I pregnant, but two different men had gotten me pregnant. The silence in the room turned to hushed conversation and surprised and excited looks. Greg went on to explain how this could happen and reminded everyone of the last time it happened. Then all focus turned to who won the sperm race this time. Greg first announced Frank, yet again. Nobody seemed surprised. Frank was his usual cocky self. He grabbed his big dick, swung it around, and said, “I beat 213 of you. Suck it!!!” Then Greg said, “212.  Don’t forget you are sharing this sub’s pregnancy.” Everyone looked around at each other, trying to figure out who the second person was. Greg said, “Guess”. Men started throwing out guesses, and one of them even laughed and said, “maybe Miguel again!”, then the others laughed. Greg said, “No. It’s Lamar. This will be his second. Congrats Lamar.” Lamar stood up and clapped for himself. Not too many of the other guys seemed too happy for him, especially Frank. Lamar came to the front, then motioned for everyone to sit down. He was a large, imposing presence up there, so everyone listened. Greg stepped off to the side. Lamar strutted back and forth across the front the of the room with his third leg swinging heavily. He launched into a speech about the importance of him breeding. It was kind of bizarre. He often looked at me like a proud father during his speech. The rest of the men started groaning, wanting him to stop. He turned around to me, pulled me out of the chair, told me to get down on my hands and knees, facing away from the room. Then he squatted down, pointed at my hole, and said, that’s part of me in there. My kid is growing in there, not yours. Frank sat there silent but fuming. Then Lamar shoved finger up my hole, causing me to yelp and jump. Then he pulled his finger out and put it in his mouth, saying, “yea, that’s all me up there”. Frank rushed the front of the room and the two men started fighting. Several others pulled them away from each other, then they all calmed down and sat down. Greg said, “look guys, I know breeding is your top priority, but it just isn’t going to happen every time for all of you. You have to face that fact.” Then a man named Paul spoke up and said, “maybe Frank should have to sit out a time or two, to give some of the rest of us a chance.” Greg said, “that’s not how this works. If your time is up, it’s up.” Everyone finally calmed down and I was once again escorted to the sling for orgy. As per usual, a segment of the guys left because I was already pregnant.  Those remaining just wanted to get their rocks off, which I was good for. The volume of semen that has been shot into me over the past year is unbelievable. The smell of it was pretty much permanent at this point. When I was done, Greg took me back to the room and told me that for the first time in two years, they were putting all of the subs together for the day at the end of the week. I have not seen another sub since that first night I was here. Not even at the gym. I think most of them are, um, busy, most of the time. He did not tell me why they were putting us together. That Friday, I was put on a bus with two other subs in my area, and taken to a location too far away to walk. Upon arrival, we joined the 21 other subs. All this time I have been here, no other subs have come here. Until today. They brought in three new subs, so now there were 27 of us. Aside from the three new subs, and me (just one week pregnant), all of the other subs were in visible stages of pregnancy. Greg and one other man told us that they would be rotating us to other locations across the island. I was curious about the other subs, and we were allowed to talk to each other, or least we were never told we couldn’t. They ended up leaving us alone for the afternoon while they moved our belongings to our new areas. I made quick friends with a sub named Chad, who was 28. He has been there since he was 18 too, and was nearly full-term with his 22nd and 23rd baby. All of his had different fathers. He was really cute, I could see why he was selected. Being here for 10 years, he had a lot of stories. Mostly drama between the Alpha Tops, and their testosterone-fueled fighting, possessiveness, aggressiveness, and tempers. He said it was not unusual for Alpha Tops to suddenly disappear, as infractions were common. He warned me against speaking without being spoken to. He said the first time he did it, he was yelled at just like I was. The second time, they fastened a contraption to his testicles and continually shocked him for hours. There has not been a third time. He said they will talk to you more as you’re there longer, but they always have to initiate. I met another sub that got there just before I did. His journey was similar to mine. Pregnant right away and not a gap since. He gave birth to six babies too, including some birth of multiples. All by different fathers. When I told my story, they all said they heard of Frank. He treated other breeding stock of his babies the same as me. They all said they are terrified they will get pregnant by Frank. When we rotate, someone will end up in his area. A few of the other subs mentioned men similar in their areas, but none quite as volatile as Frank. They also never call us by name, so I was surprised to hear that the Alpha Men use our names, or a description, when we are not around. When I said my name was Danny, a few of the subs spoke up and said, “oh, we have heard about you”. I was shocked and puzzled. They said, “they all want you”. One of them said not only did they love sex with me, but my babies were being sold at the highest possible prices back on the mainland. All the tops wanted me to have their babies. That explained a lot. Turns out none of them had orgies as big as mine. One of them said, “getting you pregnant is like winning the lottery for them”. They were not aware I was pregnant until I told them, because it had only been a week. One of them said I was the reason they were doing rotations, because they wanted me closer to other groups of Alphas so they didn’t have to travel so far. Alphas hate traveling and want their subs on demand. As the afternoon wound to a close, our hosts came in to get us. I was put on a bus by myself, and all he would say is, “you’re special, so you’re going to the Gold Sanctum”. Um, ok, what does that mean? About two hours later, we pulled up to a gated mansion. There were six heavily armed men standing outside the bus. As the bus stopped, my host put a hood over my head and gently walked me off the bus. I was lifted up by two men and carried into another vehicle, which felt like a kind of golf cart. They drove me across the grounds, I am assuming to the mansion. I heard one of them mention it being a side entrance. The same two men carried me inside. They told me not to remove my hood, then I heard the door close. Moments later, the same door opened and what sounded like several men came in. They were talking like I was not there. They said I would be perfect for “Giovanni’s house”, whatever that meant. Then I shuddered as I felt hands exploring me. They started feeling me and firmly tracing my musculature. It seems they were inspecting me. I flinched when they felt my chest and nipples. I am always sensitive there while pregnant. Even though I was only a week pregnant, I’m sure they had to know. As one of them squeezed my nipples, he said, “yea, this one is fresh off of giving birth”. Then another one said, “cunt’s pregnant again already, happened the day after the last birth”. Then they removed my hood. There were five men in the room, a few of them were Latin clearly, and the others appeared to be Middle Eastern. One of them said, “oh yea, this breeding stock is perfect, head to toe”. Then one behind me put a hand underneath my balls and squeezed, while shoving three big fingers from his other hand up my hole. I dared not make a sound, ask questions, or show fear. He started laughing heartily, then said, “I can’t wait”. About ten minutes later, the door opened and in walked the most imposing, handsome man I had ever seen. None of these men were naked, just me. The man that came in the door also looked Middle Eastern to me, but I do not know for sure. He was about 6’6”, 250, very muscular, a face so bearded it was almost up to his big black eyes. His hair was very short and very dark. He was wearing a white dress shirt, unbuttoned about a third of the way down, to reveal nothing but a mat of chest hair. He wore a ring on each of his giant fingers. His arm hair seemingly growing out of his shirt cuffs to cover his hands and fingers. He wore a gold chain as well. His pants were tight and I could see he had a package that would send me running for the hills. He walked slowly toward me, flashing a toothy grin every couple of steps. Looking me up and down. He appeared to be about 40. Very confident, very cocky, very assertive. I just stood there. He got very close to my face, then started to view every part of my body. He circled me looking me up and down. Then stops directly in front of me, folding his arms. He smiles big, starts laughing, and talking to the guys around him, he says, “this is what I have been waiting for”, then quickly turns stern asking them why I had not been there sooner. One of the men spoke up and said they just found out about me. He then turned his head to me, looking me in the face. He said, “I am Giovanni. This is my home. You are here for me. You will do what I say with who I say when I say. I will treat you well, but make no mistake, you are mine. You will not wear clothing. You will continue to be breeding stock. You may speak to me or anyone else if they tell you that you can, otherwise you are to be silent. Nod your head to confirm your understanding, cunt.” Of course, I nodded. Then he suddenly grabbed the back of my head pulling me to his face, then he slowly licked my lips, and pushed me back. As he was walking away, he said, “take him to his room”. Upon arriving in my room, all of the men left except for one. He told me I would have a personal assistant that was a regular worker. The assistant is Jon, and he would be there momentarily. Then the man left, leaving me alone in the room. The room was huge, plush, and amazing. There were no windows, but there was a super comfortable bed, all the amenities like a penthouse suite at a four-star hotel, including my own luxurious bathroom. I could get used to this. There was a knock at my door and it was Jon. He introduced himself, but was a stoic, unemotional person. He asked if I needed anything, which I did not, then told me dinner was in 30 minutes and to prepare to go. Then he provided me with dinner clothing, which was a golf shirt and khakis. I did as I was told, and 30 minutes later I went to open the door, but it was locked. They locked me in. The five men from earlier came to get me and brought me down to what looked like a cocktail hour. There were about 100 men there. All dressed well, and looking just as good as all the men on the island. They were not naked like the Alphas at the last place, and I did not smell constant sweat and semen like I did before. It was fancy. Giovanni walked up to me, took my hand and led me across the room to meet the men in the room. He introduced me as “our breeding stock” and not my name. Just like the men at the last place, these men looked at me like they were going to devour me. I guess a man is a man no matter where he is. This was a full-on ballroom, decorated to the nines. Who are these men? What is different about them than the other men? I had so many questions I was not allowed to ask. After introductions, Giovanni directed everyone to the dining room. It was a giant round table to was set to have all 100 men there at one table. I sat next to Giovanni. I watched him carefully. He has the biggest fingers I have ever seen, and the thickest beard. He kept holding my hand most of the time. As dinner started he said, “you have all met our breeding stock, and will have your opportunity with him, now that he is here.” Then he said, unfortunately, he was impregnated about a week ago. All of the men started to chatter their disappointment. Then Giovanni said, “Silence!” followed by, “we are taking care of the situation”. What the hell does that mean? All of the men had meals, but I had a drink and two big pills. Once everyone started to eat, Giovanni (still holding my hand) leans over and quietly said, “swallow those pills. Now.” I hesitated and he squeezed my hand so hard I thought he broke it. So I took the pills. I sat and watch all the men talk and eat, including Giovanni who was eating with one hand and holding mine in the other. About an hour into dinner, I felt a pain in my lower abdomen. Giovanni noticed, excused himself, and escorted me back to my room. He took me into the bathroom and told me it was time to terminate my pregnancy. He said I was there for him, not the prior Alpha Tops. We learned in breeding training that under no circumstances are pregnancies to be intentionally ended, even if our lives were in danger. The babies of Alphas ARE to be born. All of them. All I know is that I had at least two inside me, maybe more. As my cramps got worse, I felt the embryos expel into the toilet. Giovanni checked to be sure, then flushed. How could he do this? It is major infraction against the rules, but I could not say anything. He told me to clean up, then go to bed. The next morning, he took me to the doctor that lives in the mansion too. The doctor examined me and said I was no longer pregnant. Giovanni smiled big and said, “here we go”. He said, “tonight is the night. Your life will change.” When I got back to my room, I had a binder waiting for me with a lot of information. I was told to read it all. This binder told me all about the mansion and Giovanni, as well as what this Gold Sanctum was. The transparency to me, the breeding stock, was totally unexpected. Giovanni is actually half-Italian and half-Arabic. He is a 40 year old billionaire. Before women were eradicated from earth, he had 78 children with them. Since then, he has had 30 more children with men. He sells them to wealthy companies for premium costs, and most of them end up as ordinary workers. He is the head of Gold Sanctum which consists of genetically superior men of ages between 25 and 55. Their bodies, their minds, and their bank accounts, are all exorbitant. There is a scientist on his staff that furnished the sanctum members with drugs to amplify their already impressive reproductive system. From astronomical sperm count to larger cock and balls, to extreme orgasms. He also found a way to enable multiple sperm to fertilize eggs in the egg chamber, but it has not been tried yet, until now. I am the guinea pig. At any given time there are as many as 400 viable eggs in the egg sanctum. Our bodies render the other eggs as useless once one is fertilized, except for that rare circumstance where it happens to a second egg. Like me. It sounds like they heard about this, and the doctors determined I may be the best candidate to have multiple births of these premium babies, which of course translate into mega-cash. I knew that no sub had birthed more than five babies at once, and that nearly killed him. According to what I was reading, it would be possible for all 400 of my eggs to get fertilized. Not all would grow or make it, but my body could be ravaged by a large number of these babies. I don’t know what would happen to me. Â
Guest Posted September 5, 2021 Report Posted September 5, 2021 I know most of you don't get mpreg or find it that hot, but judging from my messages, some of you like it. Enough that I'll building on it for you to enjoy. I am not a professional writer, I am simply taking elements of my life, combined with fantasies of things I find hot, and embellishing them for this fiction session. If you don't like mpreg or the stories, you don't have to read them. My husband is loving it so far, especially after I told him Giovanni is based on him. Of course he said, "I would fucking nail Giovanni".  Enjoy Part 3: Several hours later, Jon came to get me. He first asked me if I needed anything. I only asked him if he was bringing me clothes for wherever he was taking me. He told me clothing was not necessary. I was so nervous. After what Giovanni said, then reading all the information, I could not imagine what was in store for me. Jon simply took me the end of the hallway, then motioned for me to turn the corner. Around the corner was a plush chair with wheels, kind of like a wheelchair, but not as clinical. Two naked men told me to sit down and they would be taking me to sanctum auditorium. As they slowly wheeled me, I was taking in the detail of the mansion. High-end art, décor, and architecture. It was magnificent. They clearly spared no expense. I started to hear some industrial sounding music as we neared the end of the hall. Two men waited at the double doors and opened them as we approached. Before entering, I was told to stand up and walk into the room. I walked into this large room. There was porn on screens around the room, there were the men from last night completely naked and practically foaming at the mouths. There were about 100 more guys than I saw last night as well. There was a lot of comfortable looking seating all over the large room. The carpet was low-pile but still felt plush under my bare feet. There was champagne on small tables across the room. The room was well-lit and I could see every detail of every Alpha Man in there. I looked straight ahead, and up a few steps was a stage. Giovanni stood at the top of the stairs, naked. I could not look away. He almost looked like a real-life photoshop job. Perfection in every sense of the word, and that cock… incredible. I instantly felt my reproductive system churning and my hole start to pulse. I did not think I could handle it though, and stopped walking. Giovanni’s look changed from excited to angry. “You will step forward. Now, cunt.” He walked down the steps, held out his enormous hairy hand for mine, and guided me up the stairs gently. There was a plush chair that was shaped similar to the bed that birth happens, with stirrups to pull your legs apart. As I looked out from the stage, I saw that most of the men were hard already, and the others were getting there. The average age of these men was older than the prior Alpha Men, but not by a whole lot. Giovanni’s confidence and swagger was everything you think it would be. He commanded two men to come put me in the chair. Once in the chair, then fastened my ankles and my wrists with steel cuffs that would have been impossible to wriggle out of. I looked over to Giovanni, now with that familiar big white smile shining through his impossibly dark beard. He leaned down into my face, and said, “fulfill your destiny, it is time”. Then he gently traced my lips with his fingers, putting one into my mouth, before removing it and putting it into his. Then he got back into my face, said “open, cunt”, and spit into my mouth, before kissing me. For the next five minutes, Giovanni gave a speech to the attendees. He encouraged them to have fun but then said to remember why they were there. Any babies produced would be make them even richer than they already were, and that I was top notch breeding stock. “Take advantage of this opportunity”, he said, and stated that many of them have the chance to father a baby tonight, and it would be nine months before another chance arrived. I looked around and saw men stroking themselves to prepare. Pre-cum glistening the light everywhere. I was beginning to detect that familiar smell. Pure animalistic need in the room. They all wanted their shot at me, and I had no choice. The sheer size of the men in this room could rearrange my insides permanently. They did not care, they just wanted to impregnate. It was their primal need. My hole was on fire in anticipation. My body knew I needed this, but my mind was scared as hell. A few men approached me and started feeling and caressing my body. One man lingered on feeling my abs, that for a brief amount of time, were still there and not stretched by an Alpha Man’s baby. Another lingered on my chest and nipples, which were still tender, but not like when I was pregnant. Another was massaging my feet. Giovanni stood at a slight distance, observing with his arms crossed and that smile. He pointed at a man standing off to the side, and said, “move in there and put it in his mouth.” A man that looked to be around his mid 30’s walked up to the left side of my head. Like the others, he was hairy, but not as much as most of them. He appeared to be maybe a little over six feet, and was lean muscle. He lifted his heavy semi-hard cock with both hands and pushed into my mouth. I know how to take cocks deep into my throat, and I know what I am doing. My mouth simply was not big enough to take his girth very deep, but he tried. He tasted amazing. My mouth was coated with pre-cum for a while before he was pushed aside by another man that wanted his turn. Nobody had tried to fuck me yet, which seemed strange after my prior experience with Alphas. Not long after that thought, I felt hands on my ass, then some touching of the outside of my hole. I felt ready to jump out of my skin. Then Giovanni yelled out, “someone go first!”. Not even five seconds later, one of the men slammed into me. The initial pain nearly sent me over the edge. My instinct was to roll over and get away, but of course I was securely in place. He didn’t take long to cum, and I felt every pulse until he was empty. I noticed the entire group converging now. Once it was started, everyone else wanted their turn. After a few of them went, Giovanni yelled, “STOP!”. He said he was waiting for his turn, but he had waited long enough. He slowly walked over, and began teasing my body. Running those hands over my body and face. Spitting on me. Licking my face, then my armpits. My ass was already well lubed with several cum loads, but he still started eating my hole. Every time he came up for air, he had another man’s cum in that thick beard. He came back up to kiss me and told me to lick the cum out of his beard, which I did. While I was doing that, I felt him roughly jab a finger inside me. Then, without warning, he began fucking me. I could literally see my stomach expand each time he thrust into me. He filled me up with his size. I thought he was going to come out of my chest. I was getting dizzy and constantly felt like I was going to pass out. As he went on, he laid his entire body on top of mine, kissing my neck and lips. He was as hairy as a gorilla and I could feel his sweaty body hair all over me. He stopped a few times and told me to lick his armpits. They were nothing but hair and sweat, I could hardly get through it all to get to the skin. As he got closer to coming, he grabbed my head in his hands, and pounded so hard I thought my life was going to end. When he came, I felt every pulse and the heat from his cum inside. It felt like a life force, like his sperm was superior. I was wondering what all might be occurring inside of me tonight. How many of these men are getting me pregnant right now, and how many would actually be babies that I carry to term. As I faded in and out of consciousness, I tried to stay in the moment. I wanted to look at all these men, remember them all, know things about them. I did the best I could. As the last men gave their shot to my already full insides, the energy in the room started to decline. As the last man went, another man appeared with a big plug, like the prior ones that had been inserted. Even as loose as I was after over 200 giant cocks, pushing the plug in was difficult. There was no chance any of that cum was coming out. I was so full I could feel it in my bones, running through my blood. I could only imagine what was occurring in my egg chamber right now. I was escorted back to room, on a stretcher. I was unable to stand just yet because my legs were so weak. I was cleaned up by several men with a sponge bath, and put comfortably in bed. The doctor appeared with the ultrasound and placed that on me. Giovanni walked in the room, approached me, and said, “you enjoyed that, no?” I nodded. He spent a few minutes feeling my body, then said he would see me in the morning with the doctor. Slowly, the few other men left the room. Jon appeared and replaced my towels and got me some water, then he fluffed my pillows and asked if I needed anything else. I told him I just wanted to sleep. That evening took everything out of me. The next morning I woke up to three men coming into my room. As I went to stand up, I still felt weak, but I was able to walk. Even with the giant plug in my ass, I walked with these men to the doctor’s office. When I arrived at the doctor’s office, Giovanni was in there with him. The three men put me on the exam table and left. The doctor removed my ultrasound, and the two of them were almost giddy in anticipation. Neither of them had even acknowledged me. Giovanni said to the doctor, “how many do you think we have? This is a good slut.” The doctor put the ultrasound chip into the device, and said, “we’re about to find out. This could be groundbreaking.” Giovanni walked over to me, with that same confident swagger he always has. He had clothes on. He had been running, at least that is what he told the doctor. He wore a snug yellow tank top that contrasted perfectly with his dark skin and obscenely hairy body. He wore white soccer shorts without underwear, so his balls and end of his flaccid cock clearly flowed out the bottom. Standing next to me, he says, “you like my body, no?” I nodded. He started to pet his chest, then his arms, then waved his cock at me. Then he said, “you tell me what you like about my body. You can speak, cunt.” Caught off guard, I told him what I really thought. I said, “I think you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen, Sir.” He said, “what makes me beautiful, cunt?”. I said, “everything. Your hairy body, your beard, your smile, your cock, everything.” He pauses for a minute and said, “you feel me cum in you last night, cunt?” I said, “every single drop, Sir.” He said, “you want to have my babies, no?” I said, “I would be honored to have your babies, Sir.” He said, “my babies will be covered in hair, like me, no?”, with a hearty laugh. I just smiled. It was a nice moment, because I felt like more than breeding stock, even if just for a moment. Just then the doctor said, “Holy shit. Come over here, you have to see this.” The doctor started nervously laughing, and Giovanni put his hands on his head, laughing, and said, “What?!”. The ultrasound showed that 42 eggs were fertilized and implanted last night. I had 42 babies starting the grow inside me. Upon further examination of the data, there were two sets of triplets, 15 sets of twins, and six single babies. There is no way I would carry all of those, and I would lose some of them. That is against what the Alpha Men’s baby code is those. No babies should ever be lost. I was wondering, of course, how they expected this to play out, but I could not ask. The doctor came over to talk to me. He said, “we will do everything we can bring these babies to term, but your own life may be sacrificed for this. I want to make sure you understand this. You are breeding stock, and you are to do whatever it takes to host these babies.” I nodded, but I was not prepared to die just to be part of this experiment. Giovanni walked over and said, “you understand, no? Every one of these babies will need to live.” Then he turned to the doctor and said, “you determine the fathers now, fast. I want to know now.” The doctor said he would get started on it right away, but it would take another day because there were so many. Giovanni was visibility annoyed and impatient, but said he would give it until 8:00 the next morning. He then said I would not be offered up for an orgy or additional fucking until we knew more. I had the day off and could rest, which is what I needed. Or so I thought. Giovanni said, “cunt, you come with me for the day.” He was breaking all sorts of code, but he was either allowed or did not care. He was clearly in some kind of power position. He took my hand, as he has often done, and led me out of the room. As I looked down at our hands, it looked almost like he was wearing gloves made of hair. His hands were so large it was like he was a wild animal. He moved with purpose, almost dragging me behind him. We approached two large gold doors that opened automatically as he approached. We were entering his living area of the mansion. It was a dream in this area. Aside from the occasional worker servant, I did not see anyone else. We went into a fairly large room with a giant sectional sofa and some television screens. Like a man cave or a movie room. He told me to sit. I was still naked, he was still wearing his running clothes. He turned on the television screens and they were surveillance cameras from the island. He turned to me and winked, and said, “I have to keep an eye on things.” He went to a wet bar and made himself a drink. He did not offer me anything. Then he came to sit next to me on the sofa, putting his arm along the back of the sofa behind me, looking at my body. He said, “you like my body, no?” Puzzled, because he asked me that earlier, I just nodded. He put his drink down, got in my face and said, “I will speak to you now. Here. You may speak back. Understand, cunt?” I said, “Yes, Sir.” He glared at me for a moment, then said, “I get out of the clothes”, and he kicked his shorts off to the floor and remove his tank top. I could smell his fresh sweat from his run and it made me weak in the knees. He continued to look at me, now stroking his thick beard. He started to rub my back, which felt a little like a giant lion pawing a kitten. God, he was a large man. He said, “I love your body, cunt. You are tight muscle. You are cute. You have some hair, so not like a child. You have a nice ass.” Then his paw moved up my back and tightly grabbed the back of my neck, which startled me. Then he took his other hand and put in on the front of my neck, starting to choke me. Then he let go with a laugh. “Just kidding, cunt”, he said. I nervously smiled. I had no idea what was happening here. It is hard to ignore his cock, so of course I noticed. He was leaking so much pre-cum, there was a puddle. He started to trace my lips with his fingers again, which he seems to like to do. Then I began sucking his fingers. He took them out, scooped up some pre-cum and put them back in my mouth. He said, “Taste. I taste good, no?” I said, “Yes, Sir”. He tried to put more fingers in my mouth, but I can’t open wide enough to get more than four of those huge fingers halfway in. He started rubbing my back again. He stops for what seems like forever, then gets in my face and says, “Lean over the back of this couch. Now, cunt.” With my hole in full view and access, he spent next 15 minutes fingering it, shoving wet fingers in and out, and eating my hole. Then he told me to go around the back of the sofa and lean over it. He followed me closely. As I leaned over, he grabbed my shoulders from behind and slams into me with no notice, and just the saliva from eating me out. I screamed out in involuntary response. He promptly slapped my head making my ears ring, then reached around to cover my mouth. I had always been fucked missionary style, but this was my first experience here doggy style. I felt like I was being split open. His balls were slapping me so hard it was echoing in the room. He laid on my back, so I could feel all the muscle and body hair covering me. It did not take him long to cum, and as he did, he pushed into me as hard as he could. Just like last time, I felt every single pulse. When he pulled out, nothing came dripping out. He said, “you take all of that deep, no? You slut.” He told me to lay on my back on the sofa. He came around pushed a finger into me several times, then licked it off. He grinned and said, “I do taste good.” I was still pretty dazed from being hit in the head, but also from the experience in general. It was like being fucked by Bigfoot. I sat up after a while. We had been sitting there in silence, while he watched the surveillance cameras. He said, “you know about me?” I said, “just what I read in that binder you gave me, Sir.” He said, “I am rich. I can give you what you want. I want you. Do you want me, cunt?” I said, “I do, Sir. I think you are amazing.” He grinned almost like he was embarrassed. Then I said, “may I ask you a question?” He said I could. I asked him what would happen to me with this pregnancy. He said, “I don’t know, cunt. I will protect you and your safety, but the babies are important. You know we get good money for them, no?” I said I did know that, but I did not want to die because of it. He said, “well if you die, you still did your duty, and that is what matters, no?”. I nodded. It was not something I felt like I could push. After some more silence, he said, “you really do like my body, no?”. Really? What does he keep asking me? I nodded again. He then said he has some business to take care of, but I could stay there. There was a swimming pool, a gym, a stocked kitchen, you name it. I decided to stay and rest after the last couple of days. I watched the surveillance cameras all afternoon. They were fascinating. There were 24 screens. I saw everything from orgies to workouts to lunches. Everything happening on the island. I did see Giovanni leaving the grounds surrounded by those armed men. I did not see on any of the cameras where he went though. A few hours later, I saw him returning and he had some blood on him. I was hoping he was not injured. I ended up falling asleep on that sofa and slept there all night. I never did see Giovanni that night. The next morning, he came in the room. “Wake up sleepy head, it is time to go”, he said. We are going to the doctor’s office. He was wearing clothes again, I was not. He took my hand and led me the office. We entered the room, and he points to the exam table, “sit there now, cunt.” Through the hair on his left hand, I could see a couple of cuts that were not there yesterday, so I was assuming he did something off grounds that get those cuts. The doctor said, “well, this has been such an interesting process, and I had to double-check all the results. This is truly unprecedented.” He then makes a dramatic pause. He said, “Mr. Giovanni, you have fathered one set of triplets AND one set of twins AND one other baby.” Giovanni doesn’t say anything but instead smiles and nods in confirmation like he is not surprised at all. Then the doctor said, “the other set of triplets, 14 sets of twins, and five other babies, all have different fathers. So aside from you Mr. Giovanni, twenty other men got him pregnant. The doctor handed Giovanni a list of all the fathers. He read it with a critical eye, looking all at once surprised and affirming. He looked at the doctor and said, “this is amazing, no? All these men will get a paycheck for this, and I will get a cut.” Then he looked at me and said, “good cunt. You’re a good cunt.” I just sat there in amazement wondering how I got pregnant by 21 men in one night. The doctor comes over to me, pulled up a stool, clearly preparing to talk to me about something important. Giovanni watched from across the room with his arms folded. He said, “Look. This has not happened to anyone, anywhere, that we know of. As these babies grow, they will need space, nourishment, and care. We will closely monitor you to act accordingly. Our first priority is the healthy delivery of all these babies, but we know that may not be feasible. We will also care for you, and take the best care of you that we can. There is risk. There is great risk. We will begin placing you on supplements today, designed to create more capacity and expansion in your egg chamber. If these babies make it to full term, your body weight will more than double.” He was very direct and matter of fact, while still coming across as genuinely concerned about me. He went on to say, “this will not be easy, at all. It is dangerous. You are an experiment, and we will learn from this.” Then he motioned for Giovanni to come over. He said, “I will be with you this whole time, cunt. I will protect you. We have a lot riding on this.” I nodded to confirm my understanding. They went on to say that due to my delicate state and the importance of what I was doing, I would not be part of orgies for the rest of my pregnancy. This was both a relief and a disappointment. Giovanni then said, “you stay with me, the whole time, so I can watch you.” I nodded again. Giovanni then passed me off to two men to take me back to his wing of the Gold Sanctum. When I arrived, Giovanni had prepared a large room for me. It was like being a prince. Everything I could ever want. I went for a quick swim and then returned to find a healthy dinner waiting for me. I went to sleep early and prepared to start this next step in my journey. I woke up the next morning and noticed that my lower abdomen has started to extend. In just a few days. I supposed with 42 babies growing, it had to start fast, but I was not prepared. I was feeling a lot of movement too. Even by the evening, there was more growth, just during the day! The doctor stopped by my room and told me he was asked to come each day to measure me and take my vitals, so I was constantly being monitored for the safety of everyone involved. He was visibly shaken to see my growth just since yesterday. He then decided to increase supplements, and mentioned that this is happening faster than anticipated. I went the entire next day without seeing a living soul, including Giovanni. I know he is busy doing whatever it is that he does. When I woke up that next morning, not only had I doubled in size, but my chest and nipples were sore and engorged. The doctor appeared to be scrambling for an answer on what to do next, considering the faster than anticipated growth, but he did nothing differently. Giovanni appeared the next day, and immediately said, “What the fuck?! What happened to you already, cunt?” He began feeling my body with a constant expression of amazement. As he felt my body, he got rock hard. When he finally snapped out of his daze, he got in my face and said, “you suck me now, cunt”. Another code to break, mostly likely. Subs are not supposed to ingest semen, it is always to go inside the egg chamber. Deep throating Giovanni took taking it halfway down my esophagus. Impossible to breathe, so I struggled. I also had my mouth open as wide as it would go. He was frequently slapping me in the head while I did it. When he came, I felt it hit my stomach, and I tasted it as he pulled out of my throat. It was incredibly thick and voluminous, and I tried my hardest not to choke. It took me a while to catch my breath, but as soon as I did. He sat next to me, grinning again. He said, “you like my body, no?” Jesus… again?! I nodded. He stared at me for what felt like forever, then leaned back on the sofa with his arms spread across the back of the sofa and his legs far apart. He said, “Then give me a tongue bath, cunt. Lick every part of my body. Worship my body. Show me how much appreciate my babies inside you. Do it now.” He was a like a mountain. This was going to take forever. Every inch of him was covered in hair, and he was sweaty too. Not being sure where to start, I touched his chest. He firmly grabbed my hand, got in my face and said, “you start with my feet and I tell you where to go, cunt”. I got on the floor, and began licking and sucking his big hairy toes. His feet were extremely large, but like the rest of him, perfectly maintained and groomed. I tasted sweat, his skin was salty but also fresh smelling. He kicked my head a few times. He said, “Now, my balls, cunt. Where your babies came from. Treat them well, no?” I moved up between his legs and licked the two hairy avocados what seemed like an eternity. They smelled musty as well as clean, and I realized the superior DNA contained within. Then he wanted me in those armpits, which were so thick that I truly had to struggle to get to any skin. He sat there with his eyes closed, moaning the whole time. He grabbed his cock and nearly immediately shot a load everywhere. It was soaked into his body hair, some on me, some flew over his head onto the floor behind the couch. Wasting semen like that, from an Alpha, is strictly forbidden. It is like gold. He promptly told me to lick it all up, but do not swallow it, spit in into a jar he gave me. After I had cleaned it all up, he told me to bend over, then using his fingers, scooped the semen up like it was honey. He shoved it all inside me. He tried to get his whole fist in me, which could never happen. Then he gave me a hard slap on the ass, and told me he had business to take care of and left. What is going on here? Who is this guy and what is he trying to do?
DCWildBtm Posted September 6, 2021 Report Posted September 6, 2021 Well told story, creative, different (in a good way). You're a talented writer!Â
drew4fun Posted September 6, 2021 Report Posted September 6, 2021 I am enjoying this story line, a unique mix of porn and science fiction. Please continue.
Guest Posted September 6, 2021 Report Posted September 6, 2021 Part 4 The next month was fairly routine and ordinary. Daily swims, workouts, watching television, watching the cameras, meeting with the doctor. About six weeks in, all 42 babies were still growing, and I was already about the size I was at seven months with triplets. I have no idea how this would be sustainable. I was starting to feel the stretching happening, but I think the supplements were working because I felt more “elastic” if that makes sense. What was quite different this time was my chest. My normally proud, very muscular chest had been forming an excess number of milk reservoirs making my chest and nipples puffy and engorged unlike ever before. Very sensitive too. The doctor was looking into how to get that under control. One of the mysteries expected to come up during this strange and first-time kind of pregnancy. The doctor always seemed nervous. Not just excited, but nervous. I finally figured out that the success of this pregnancy is riding on his shoulders. I heard one of the men that dropped me off for my appointment say to the doctor…”you know, if anything goes wrong with this, Giovanni will have your head. Don’t fuck this up.” Giovanni would leave for days on end. Every once in a while, I would see him on the cameras. He would have someone check in on me each day, but I miss him when he is not there. He is entertaining, funny, stunningly good looking, but also scary, temperamental, and probably a criminal. I wanted to be with him though. Being silent and just listening as people come and go can tell you a lot. I often overhear conversations between the workers and other Alphas that transport me or look in on me. Today, I heard one of them say that Frank had been telling some other Alphas that he is going to kill Giovanni. I found out that the cuts on Giovanni’s hand last month were from an absolutely brutal beating of Frank. It was already legendary according to the discussions I heard. Giovanni found out what Frank had done to me (so I must have been right that Greg and the last doctor knew) and went over and beat the shit out of him. Frank held his own though and injured Giovanni too. The two men were pretty much out to kill each other, because of me. Frank found out that Giovanni caused my last baby of his to be aborted and that was the last straw. A few days later, I saw someone just in range on one of the cameras of someone trying to breach the security and get into the Gold Sanctum. It was hard to tell for sure, but it looked like Frank. Before I knew it, he was jumped by security. After a pretty intense fight, he was secured and brought into the mansion. I did not see where they took him. It did not take long for me to find out though. Frank would not have any access to Giovanni at all. The security guards took him to one of the rooms by the side entrance and sedated him. Then I noticed they carried him into a room that I had not seen anyone in on camera before. It looked like a form of fuck chair that they always put me in, but the legs were straight out, not raised high. They bolted him to the chair and table contraption, and he started to come to. One of the them punched his face, so he would be quiet for moment. Then a machine appeared from the left with several tubes and containers. Then it turned on with a whir sound. One of the men attached a suction hose to Frank’s penis. I could then see it was like a cow milker. The machine began to masturbate him. Then someone took a probe, pushed it in his ass to hit his prostate, and turned that on too. For what seemed like the next hour, they milked every last bit of semen out him. You could see it filling the containers. No surprise that this virile stud had that kind of volume, plus the Alphas were grown and conditioned to produce large volumes of semen with high concentration of active sperm. Just imagine the high sperm count in that container. They filled one and moved to another. Frank was screaming out in pain during the last several orgasms when they became dry. Just then, one of the security Alpha Men said to another one, “here, take this and preserve it, we will use it all at some point.” Then they removed the tubes and probe, fastened some large electrodes to his testicles, turned on a machine and left the room. Frank was getting a series of strong shocks as a punishment for what he had done. Then all of sudden, he stopped moving. One of the security guys said, “I guess that was it. Giovanni said to let him know when it was done.” Then they wheeled him out of the room. I am not sure if he passed out, or was dead, or what. I sat there in shock for a while, but there was nothing I could say or do. I felt like I was missing out. Not seeing all those other Alpha Men at the orgies or walking about the island. My world had suddenly become watching the surveillance cameras, working out, swimming, sleeping, going to the doctor, and looking forward to seeing my Alpha Men transports. Giovanni was largely absent those first couple of months. When he did come see me, it turned into sex. I worried that we would harm these babies, because there was nothing gentle or careful about our sex. The doctor always seemed on edge. Of course he knew what we were doing, and advised against it many times. He would say that under normal circumstances, the pregnancy could withstand that kind of sexual activity, but there was so much we did not know about this one. Giovanni was willing to take chances, as he has proved time and time again. We reached a pivotal day in my sixth month. All 42 babies were alive and bigger. I had actually reached a point that I was unable to move on my own. At all. My chest had begun preparing to feed them all, and I had grown large in the chest as well, and it was extremely painful. The doctor began harvesting milk to try and keep my chest from blowing up. Giovanni had stopped having sex with me, so I wondered where he was going to get it. Each time he would see me, he just had this dumbfounded and look of disbelief on his face. This particular morning he said, “the cunt is enormous! How is this possible? Will this stomach stretch enough or will he just break open?” as he ran his hands all over me. I felt like a planet. The doctor said, “he will continue to grow about another 50% in this last trimester. I do not think he can accommodate much more at all.” They had me sitting at an upright angle, because I was too heavy to lay on my back. Then they had placed a large padded pillow underneath my stomach, above my penis, to hold up my stomach. The weight was too heavy to hang unsupported. I could barely breathe. They were all moving inside me too, so I was just a mess. As the doctor and Giovanni stood there in disbelief and silence, thinking about what to do next, I felt movement sliding down into my anus. It was the starting of the birthing process. I knew it well from the last two times. It’s early though, so the babies may not be viable if they are delivered. I started to scream out in pain, and they noticed my hole getting pried open from the inside. The doctor quickly grabbed a plug and shoved it in. My body was still trying to give birth though, so the pain became excruciating, and I passed out. While I was passed out, the doctor scrambled to figure out what to do. Giovanni was no help at all, screaming directives at the doctor. Finally, the plug was removed, and single baby came out. It was small, but viable. The doctor quickly summoned helpers to take the babies to a safe place to keep them viable. Giovanni all the while yelling, “make sure they all live, or you will regret it! These babies are money!!” Once labor started, it was impossible to stop. I faded in and out of consciousness from the pain. Eventually, all of the babies were delivered. I woke up a few hours later, feeling literally deflated. The supplements I had been taking also enabled me to snap back into pre-birth condition. At least my stomach. They had wrapped my chest in compression material to force out milk as it was produced, and get my chest back to normal. The doctor said they had some scientists that were close to the breakthrough on stopping that. The doctor also said they believed all the babies would survive, but were in oxygen chambers to facilitate the last leg of healthy growth they needed before we could sell them. I asked if I was allowed to see them and they said no. Giovanni stood there mostly silent until that point, and he said, “I saw my babies. It was easy to see they were mine. You did good, cunt. You will have more of my babies.” I nodded. My hole was feeling loose and used as I sat there. The doctor cleaned me up and said I would get a few days of rest before we started things over again. I could not even think about that yet. Then Giovanni said, “Cha-ching!” and laughed. Then he said, “you’re a cash cow, cunt!” Gee…thanks. Over the next few days, as I rested and watched my body transform back to my youthful and muscular physique, I learned a lot more information about what was going on. Not long after I became an experiment, they tried it with another sub too. The dollar signs were just too enticing. That sub was one of the newer ones. He got impregnated with 20 babies, but only got to his fifth month. All the babies died and so did the sub. It was a tragedy on this island, and people had to pay for it, including the doctor in that area of the island. The fact that this worked with me, made our experiment the talk of the island. All these men were now more determined than ever to impregnate me. All over the island. I did not see any of this on the cameras. What I did see on camera, was Frank again. Putting the pieces together between what I saw and what I heard… his aggression had caused so many problems on the island, that Giovanni decided to detain him. He is no longer allowed to participate in any of the orgies or activities with the other Alphas. The almighty dollar speaks though, and with his premium sperm, he must still be used. Giovanni’s men harvested Frank’s sperm each day. They clearly planned to use it somehow, but I am not sure how. Between kidnapping, torture, breaking Alpha codes, likely killing people too, it was more clear than ever that Giovanni is a criminal. It appears that he is not accountable to anyone though. I think I am dealing with the Alpha of Alphas. There is no telling what he could do. I am so attracted to him though and can’t get enough of him. It had been nearly a week since giving birth and I had not seen anyone, including the doctor. I intently watched the cameras, just to feel involvement in something. I saw Giovanni arriving back at the mansion. About an hour later, some transporters came to get me and take me to the doctor. While I was in there, Giovanni showed up. I missed him, and he looked as hot as ever. He was in a suit today. It was tight, hugging every muscle. As usual, his shirt was unbuttoned to reveal his jet black carpet and his gold chain. It was unbuttoned nearly to his navel this time, which was bizarre. Also, as usual, his package could not be contained, so you could see his cock bulging down his thigh, straining against his tight pants. He smelled awesome too, with a light clean scent and a strong manly musk. Looks like he had a few new rings as well, which he still wore on each finger. His beard was nicely groomed, but longer. His unibrow was more pronounced than ever. The doctor examined me. Everything was back to normal. My chest, my stomach, my hole. Being young and in shape, I knew I would bounce back fast. I was still sore though, and my nipples were sensitive. He turned to Giovanni and said, “he is ready, whenever you are”. Giovanni smiled big, clapped his hands above his head, and turned around doing some sort of dance. Then he came over me. He said, “Stand up, cunt”. He pulled me into his body, and also stared directly in my eyes, lips to lips too. He said, “You will do what I say. Whatever I want. Everyone is talking about you and wants to fuck you. I feel like you could be in danger. I will protect you. You hear me, no?” I nodded. He smacked me on the side of the head, nearly knocking me over, and said, “SPEAK CUNT!”. I said, “Yes Sir”. Then he started caressing my head, just staring at me. He probed a finger into my mouth, then put it in his own mouth. He said, “Mmmm”, winked at me, then said, “see you soon, cunt” as he walked out the door. The doctor was just staring at the floor. The transporters came to get me and took me back to my room. The next day, my assistant Jon asked me if I needed anything, like he always does. I said I wanted to go for a walk on the island, and could he help me arrange that? Not long after that, three of the Alpha Men transporters came to get me and said they were escorting me off grounds for a walk. The transporters, no matter which ones, always talked like I was not there. Sometimes even about me. I watched as they entered a code to get through a gate and get off grounds. It was so nice to feel free, even though I loved the mansion too. Every time we passed ANY man, there was whispering and I was looked over like I was a piece of meat. I was looking like my untouched self that I was when I arrived on the island. Every Alpha Man’s dream. I heard one of my transporters tell another one, “it’s taking everything I have to not impregnate this slut right here right now. I’ll get that ass, and some cash for the kid we’d make”. We were barely into a more populated area of the island, and guys started coming out of their homes and the trees, just to get a look. I felt like a celebrity, but I also feel odd and vulnerable. I heard some sounds off to my right, and a man ran out from behind a tree. It appeared he had just cum into his hand. He was headed straight to my ass with that hand. He was a large Alpha Man too, but the three Alpha transporters with me tackled him before he could get to me. Then two armed guards appeared, from Giovanni’s place. They must have been following us too. They said, “that’s it. It’s too dangerous for you to be out here. We are going back.” There were about 30 men standing around and they just started booing. As we walked back toward the mansion, I heard things like, “I want to get you pregnant!”, “Let me in that ass!”, “Have my baby!”. It actually started to feel scary. Seeing all of those men though, I felt my reproductive system churning again. I liked having my body back, but I was horny as hell all of a sudden. I arrived back at the mansion and Giovanni was there. He was angry. He said, “why did you leave here, cunt, without telling me?” I said, “I just asked if I could take a walk off grounds and they took me. I’m sorry, I thought they asked you.” He calmed down and said, “remember, you are mine. I will protect you. You are a target now, for everyone. Stay with me. You like me, no?” I said, “I like you a lot, actually.” If I could have seen someone blush through all that hair, I would have. It seems to matter to him that I like him and like his body. He was perpetually horny, just like me. I don’t know how either of would hold out for the impregnating orgy. He told me the babies are all sold, and we got top dollar for all of them, especially his. Or so he said. I could see how happy it made him to get all that money. I heard one of the transporters mention a typical sale led to 50% proceeds to the father, 45% to Giovanni, and 5% to the attending doctor. I don’t understand why Giovanni gets so much though. Giovanni left again, saying he had business to attend to, but not before a brief meeting with the doctor for him to say that they had a new pill that would minimize milk production, especially with multiple births. He also said they think they found a way to have unfertilized eggs in the egg chamber that could still be fertilized even if the sub was already pregnant. So essentially, subs could be pregnant all the time. It would be in different stages and they were not sure how that would work yet. Giovanni started rubbing his hands together and said, “so much money, no? We will be rich beyond our wildest dreams!!” After some running and a swim, I went back to room. Giovanni came in shortly after, having returned from whatever business he just had. He didn’t speak to me, and just went straight for a drink. Then he settled in to his favorite spot on the sofa, leaned his head back closing his eyes, and spreading his arms out on the back of the sofa. He was wearing one of those body-hugging tank tops, and basketball shorts. He was super sweaty too, and smelled like it. His armpits were on full open-air display. What might have been too much for others, was an aphrodisiac for me. My heart was racing, my hole was pulsing, and my egg chamber was churning like a popcorn popping. I couldn’t catch my breath. I tried to play it cool, because sex with Giovanni right now would surely get me pregnant, and ruin the chances for all those other men. Not to mention the lost profit. Maybe he would at least me blow him. I would follow his lead, but I wanted him so bad in this moment.
Guest Posted September 6, 2021 Report Posted September 6, 2021 Part 5 I waited until Giovanni opened his eyes and just looked at him. I wanted to ask him what he needed or what I could do, but I needed to wait for him to say something first. He said, “come sit down next to me, cunt”. Once I did that, he wrapped one of his big meat hooks around me and pulled me to his chest and just sat with me there. His smell was strong. Very strong. I was in the belly of the beast trapped in between his armpit and the side of his chest. I wanted to lick, but waited for any direction. He seemed to be napping. I stirred a bit to see if that generated a response, and he lifted his head up to look at me. Out of nowhere, he said, “you will have more of my babies”. I said, “I can’t wait”. He started to play with my body, which was pretty much perfect for this brief moment in time. His big hairy gorilla paws touched every part of me. He likes to have his fingers dance around my mouth before probing inside. He has started licking my saliva off of his fingers. He went for my nipples next and the tenderness was evident. He had a bit of milk in his beard. He quietly said, directly in my face like always, “milk tastes good. You have that because of my babies. You know that, no?” I said, “of course”. “Lick it from my beard, cunt.” As soon as I was done licking his beard, I saw that he was rock hard. He stood up and walked behind the sofa. I was still sitting. He reached down from behind to run his hands over my chest and abs. I looked down at the contrast between my tanned, lightly hairy body to his dark olive skin and outrageously hairy hands and arms. He said, “You feel nice. I feel your heart beating. Are you liking this, cunt?”. All I could do was moan and say yes. I felt his cock stabbing the back of my neck. It is enormous. He continued to feel my chest, then cupped my chin and put his fingers in my mouth again. I was beyond turned on. In place of an erection, which I was no longer capable of getting, my egg chamber gets more active. That is what was happening. I was waiting for him to ask me another question, so I could respond and maybe ask what we were going to do. Finally he said… “I want you. You want me too, no?” I said, “I absolutely do, but do we need to wait for the orgy so I could get pregnant with many babies to get you money?” He said, “yes, we have to wait, but I want it to be tonight”. He said he was leaving to put out a breaking news event about the impregnation orgy. He said this has the potential to be the biggest one in history. Everyone wanted a chance to impregnate the breeding stock sub that could give 21 men babies at one time, and get them money. While I didn’t see the broadcast news of the event like the Alpha Men did, all I had to do was watch the surveillance cameras from the island. You could see and hear the excitement. The cameras had sound too. You could turn on the sound one camera at a time. They were all told there would be a random lottery to determine order. All Alphas not on some type of infraction are eligible to participate. Whatever the participants were watching apparently showed them how many people are getting lottery tickets. The number reached 621 before the lottery stopped. This made the doctor and Giovanni have to pause the event tonight to work out more details. It would now be tomorrow night. I did not see Giovanni that evening. The next morning, I was escorted to the doctor and met Giovanni there. He said, “I have, what they call, blue balls. I wanted to fuck you yesterday but it was not right. I need you tonight, cunt. You will have my babies, like you want to”. I said, “I have been dreaming of having more of your babies, Sir.” He winked at me, the folded his arms and waited for the doctor to speak. The doctor once again pulled up a chair and said, “this is the biggest thing we have ever done. I see that you have over 500 eggs ready. There are 621 men that are eager to impregnate you tonight. We have no idea how many babies will result. The same thing applies this time as last. It is incredibly dangerous and life threatening. The more babies you make though, the more money will be generated. This could be a goldmine. 42 babies was unprecedented. You need to be prepared for more, and we will take the best care of you. That being said as well, taking 621 cocks would be nearly impossible. For this night only, we will give any of the men an option to be milked instead, and we will deposit their sperm via syringe. Many men may choose this choice, due to their need to ejaculate from the energy of the event, but are unable to hold back to wait their turn.” I said, “I understand”. Giovanni sat there silent with concern on his face. The doctor went on to tell me that they would have doctors on standby to sedate me if it was getting to be too much. They gave me a code word of “strawberry”, if that was needed. He also said the medical professionals would be on standby to monitor the condition of my hole, and to provide treatment and breaks as needed. My mind was spinning. I will be immobile and not able to stop what is happening. That is a lot of guys, and I could not handle two-thirds of that amount last time. There was a feeling in the room like this was exciting but really scary for everyone. They sent me back to my room to rest and prepare. Over the next several hours, the arrangements started to take shape. There was not enough room in the normal auditorium, so they set up two additional staging areas to house those that were lower in the lottery and had to wait. There would be lots of porn playing to keep the Alphas ready. Part of the Alpha code and programming is that they do not fuck or suck each other. Some surely masturbated, but that was forbidden, so it would be done in private. Alpha semen is not to be wasted. A third room as added as well, with several of the machines that they used on Frank, to extract the semen of those not wanting to wait. It turns out that nearly 100 men had volunteered to do semen extraction, because they already knew they were too low in the lottery to want to wait that long. Others will be given the same opportunity on the spot, if they make that choice. I heard other saying things like, “I want in that ass, no way I am doing the sperm sucking machine.” I probably shouldn’t have been as nervous as I was, but I couldn’t help it. Then I heard something on another camera that caught me by surprise. One of the Alphas said, “you know this cunt is Giovanni’s wife, you have to be prepared to deal with that too”. His wife? What does that mean? Four handlers and transporters came to get me this time. They were also naked this time. I walked with them as they surrounded me. This walk was becoming familiar, and it was more than just my egg chamber rumbling, it was butterflies in my stomach. We passed the waiting rooms, and as I went by, the large groups of men, flocked to watch from the doorways, jacking their cocks. They were making all kinds of crude gestures and comments. The horniness was off the charts. Just off the hallway, with the door wide open, were men attached to the extractors and containers filled to various levels. I am not sure why the door was wide open for everyone to see. After that, I walked into the main room and it felt and looked like the last time. About the same amount of men, as the overflow were in the other rooms. Giovanni did not stay at the top of the stairs like last time. Instead, he walked down the stairs to greet me. Surprising me by picking me up like I was being carried over a threshold. I felt like a rag doll in this giant man’s arms. I wrapped my arms around his massive hairy shoulders as he climbed the steep stairs with me. He gently placed me in the fucking contraption, stuck his finger in his own mouth, then into mine, and he whispered to me, “I taste good, no?” then winked at me. Then he stepped away and yelled, “it’s time!”. My transporters fastened me into the cuffs. I noticed that they had receptacles around me, which were intended to catch overflow semen, instead of letting it fall to the floor like in the past. Giovanni took some time to tell my story, as if everyone did not already know. He finished off by saying this pregnancy will be even more momentous, as the baby count could be much higher and bank accounts could be much fuller. Then he said, “before we begin with whoever has number one, it will be my turn.” He turns abruptly to me, approaches my hole. Leans over me to my face, kisses me, spits on me, then slaps my face hard. He whispers, “time to take my babies”, and he forced himself inside without warning. Just like last time, with my body back to a small waist and trimmer muscular body, his cock caused by abdomen to poke out each time he was inside of me. He took his time, and I could see the restless group waiting for their turn. Finally, he came inside me with a primal yell that nearly shook the entire room. I heard the moisture as he pulled out. Nobody else came forward, so Giovanni said, “now, it’s time for lucky number one”. A man I had seen before stepped forward and blew his load nearly immediately. Then everything took off. Alpha Man after Alpha Man. Every one of them fucking like they were playing in the Super Bowl. The doctors frequently stepped in to massage my hole, can capture any semen that was not staying inside. I was dizzy and excited, as I took cock after cock after cock. I lost count around 100 or so, but I was impressed with my stamina. Even in the shackles, my legs were shaking. Giovanni announced after 150 that a 15 minute break would take place after each 150. I felt like a puddle of sweat and cum. I was exhausted, unable to function in any way. I was just a hole at this point. I loved getting fucked and looking at all of these handsome, masculine, Alpha Men, but after a while it all feels the same. As before, I went in and out of consciousness. As we moved into the 200 range, I said “strawberry”. It was unbearable to take that kind of a beating. The doctors injected me with a sedative. At first, it felt weird, like twilight. Then I was completely out for the rest of the session while the hundreds of other guys took their chance at impregnating me. This lasted through the night and into the next morning. I started to wake up in the doctor’s office the next afternoon. I had been cleaned up and safely and comfortably positioned on the exam table. I was too weak to move at all. The doctor was in the room with three of the four handlers, all clothed at this point. The handlers never talked to me, but one them started clapping and said, “that was amazing. I have never seen anything like that. The amount of men you took inside you was incredible. I don’t know how you do it.” I nodded. The doctor checked my vitals and said I needed some serious rest. They would be sedating me again to get some deep sleep, but before doing that, they put the ultrasound on me again. I woke up the next morning feeling much more refreshed, but feeling like I had just been beaten up. The doctor was examining the ultrasound data. No doubt I was pregnant. I could feel what I felt the prior times. He told me it was taking a while and would wait to talk to Giovanni before he told me anything. He told me that after I had taken all of those cocks, they injected the sperm extracted from all those other guys too. He said that I had taken sperm from officially 617 Alpha Men. Men that all are in the 95% or higher percentile of active sperm concentration compared to all men. Giovanni came in, winked at me, then stepped over to the doctor. They conferred for about 15 minutes, and I could not hear them. The doctor then came over and said, “Well, we have 60 this time, which is disappointing, considering the number of men that contributed.” I felt like he was blaming me in his tone. He said there were 2 sets of triplets, 5 sets of twins, and even one with eight babies together, leaving 36 single babies. He immediately started the supplements again, and said we would need to make sure the milk suppressing was working too. Then the doctor said, “we are going to try something new this time, although it is untested. We are going to let men continue to try and impregnate you because we believe your other unfertilized eggs in your chamber could still be fertilized.” I looked puzzled because how would they know when which ones were ready. Giovanni said, “the doctors are going to figure out how to take the one out that are ready while the other ones finish growing. You will always be cunt.” I looked down at my stomach in disappointment with his lack of connection with me right now. The doctor turned back around and moved back to his computer, stating that he was beginning to work on who the fathers were now. Giovanni said he would be right back. He came back in 15 minutes wearing a robe, and he handed me robe too. He said, “Come, cunt. We will go swimming and spend time together while we wait.” The doctor said it would only take a few hours to finish the DNA matching and told us he would come find us when he was done. Giovanni took my hand and helped me up. I was very unsteady. He helped me put my robe on, then we walked slowly towards the smaller pool. We didn’t speak at all. When we got there, he said, “Take your robe off, cunt.” I did, and eased my way into the pool. Then he took his robe off too and got into the pool next to me. Literally every inch of him was covered in hair and that seemed to be magnified when he was all wet. Even the surface of his ass was covered. I started to swim around a bit, and noticed excess semen leaking out of me into the water. Giovanni noticed too, and said, “you try to keep that inside, cunt. That is Alpha sperm.” I nodded. I started floating on my back. He put his hands underneath me to help hold me on the water. I just stared at this big, beautiful hairy man. He held me up with one hand and felt my body with his other hand. He was lost in the fascination of exploring my body. I lost my balance a bit and reached for his arms. He did not pull away, so I started exploring his body too. Running my hands through the massive land on his chest, then his tight abs. He was smiling at me. “You like my body, no?” I felt like I rolled my eyes when he said this. He said, “you know why I ask you that so much? Because I was always told that being this hairy is gross and I should wax it or shave it. Even when I tried that, it all grew back. I am Italian and Arabic, I started to grow body hair before I was a teenager. You seem to like how hairy I am.” I said, “you can’t be too hairy for me. I love it”. He smiled and said, “Good, cunt.” The moment did not go unnoticed for me. Here I am with the Alpha of Alphas, probably the most powerful guy on the island and beyond, even a criminal, sharing a moment of his insecurity about his appearance with a breeding stock sub. I felt special, and safe, and I think I love him. We spent the next half hour just kissing and exploring each other’s bodies, then the doctor appeared. Giovanni climbed from the pool first, with a raging hard-on. It rattled the doctor for a moment, as he stuttered that he had the results. Giovanni extended his hand to help me from the pool. We all had a seat. The doctor said, “I have the DNA results. They are quite interesting. Giovanni, one set of triplets is yours, one pair of twins, and six of the other babies. All yours. 11 of the 60 babies are yours.” Giovanni, back to his cocky, invulnerable self says, “That’s all?” The doctor said, “11 out of 60, when over 600 men had a shot, is pretty impressive.” Giovanni shrugged. A new Alpha man, aged 25, had fathered four of the babies. 14 other men fathered either a set of twins or a single baby. Then the doctor said, “One Alpha fathered not only the octuplets, but the other set of triplets, a set of twins, and seven single babies. So 20 of the babies. They are Frank’s.” The doctor paused for what he expected to be an angry reaction from Giovanni. Giovanni remained calm though and said, “that’s what he is good for. He makes a lot of babies and it is a lot of money for me.” He paused another minute and said, “Frank’s cut is now my cut. He is confined and does even need to know. Keep your mouth shut.” The doctor then explained that analysis of the semen extracted from Frank each day was in the 99.999% percentile of active sperm and he has a higher count than any other Alpha that has ever been on the island. Giovanni sat calmly and said, “harvesting his sperm is good for me and my empire, it will continue. Where am I in this sperm pecking order?” The doctor said, “You are actually second, although a decent distance from Frank.” Giovanni shook his head in confirmation, and said, “I will always come out on top, no? Frank is nothing but a sperm donor, but I am all of this.” He grinned as he rubbed his hand down his body and winked at me. I took a chance and said, “That’s right, Sir”, and I was not punished for speaking.
Guest Posted September 7, 2021 Report Posted September 7, 2021 Part 6 Giovanni left, to attend to business, as always. I was taken back to my room and given my freedom for the day. I was starting to get restless just hanging out all day every day, not knowing if or when Giovanni was coming back, or even when I would be escorted or summoned somewhere else. I knew I would start showing again, perhaps even within the next 24 hours. I decided to take a walk outside. I was not so concerned about my safety at this point, because the entire island had undoubtedly heard that I was pregnant already, so most men had no real intention to fuck me for that. It was beautiful out. I decided to go off grounds. I remembered the code the security guys put in the last time we left grounds, when they took me into the more populated area. I thought I heard that they changed the code each day, but the old one worked. I walked down the path. I didn’t leave naked though, and all subs were typically naked. I had on some thin shorts and a tank top. Even being clothed, there was no mistaking that I was a sub. The Alphas were all very recognizable, and so were the few workers. I had walked pretty far and turned around to come back, but I could not quite figure out how to take the same way back, and I got lost. There are a lot of cameras on the island, but I don’t know where all of them were. Plus, without Giovanni in the surveillance room, I don’t know if anyone goes in there or watches the same ones from somewhere else. I suddenly started to panic a bit. Nobody knows I left or where I was, and I was hesitant to call out or ask an Alpha for help if I saw one. I could never trust his intentions anyway. All Alphas can be volatile. I was in a fairly secluded area. I sat for a moment in an attempt to catch my bearings. I heard a rustling sound, but couldn’t see what it was or where it was coming from. Probably just a deer or something. As I looked around, I saw a group of Alpha men emerging from a wooded area. The one in front stopped in his tracks and said, “You’re fucking kidding me! It’s him!”. “Who?”, as another guy looked around. The guy up front pointed at me and said, “Giovanni’s breeding stock! What the fuck is he doing out here alone?” I froze for a moment, not really sure what to do. Do I run, do I stay and assume they will help me? The group continued to emerge, and I saw 12 of them. One of them said, “are you out here alone? You may speak.” I said, “yes, just left for a walk and lost my way.” The twelve of them started exchanging glances, then grins, then they looked at me. I could tell right then and there, I was in trouble. I made a big mistake taking a chance and leaving the mansion grounds. The guy up front said, “don’t…move” as he walked toward me. A sense of dread came over me, as I saw sinister motives in his eyes. He lunged at me as I started to run. It was a futile effort on my part, as the all caught up to me right away and surrounded me. One of them said, “do you know what we have here? The most breedable breeding stock ever to exist, freshly unpregnant. This can’t be real. How lucky would we be?” They all started to get excited. I broke code and said, “I am pregnant. I was told yesterday. It just happened.” One of them promptly slapped me and said, “how dare you speak without permission, and you are a LIAR!!!” The atmosphere was turning primal, like they could smell their prey. These guys were definitely Alphas, but the were a different kind. Giovanni and the mansion-visiting Alphas seemed perfect. They had flawless bodies, and faces, they seemed smart, rich, and incredibly successful. The Alphas I started with were more of the every-man kind of Alphas, middle-upper class to paint the picture. These Alphas must have still qualified, but they seemed more rogue. Like they had infractions, and frequently broke the rules. Most were a little thicker around the middle, a little more gray here and there. More blue-collarish. The group of Alphas on the island that don’t get as many workers so they do hard jobs themselves. Calloused hands, more unkempt. It looked like they spent a lot of their time exploring and outdoors. They smelled of more aged sweat, so it had an odor rather than the fresh sweat I had been used to smelling in the mansion. I was also bowled over by the semen smell again. One of them quickly jumped me and put me in a headlock. Another one of them said, “quick, let’s get back into the cove over here, so nobody sees us.” He literally dragged me over sticks and rocks and dirt while in a headlock to a small, undetectable clearing. Several of the other men went to the far end of the clearing and began brushing away piles of dirt, sticks, and rocks, but it was actually a fabric covering that looked like dirt and sticks. Underneath was a large wood door with a round iron ring to pull it up. They pulled it up and motioned the rest of the men to go in. This front Alpha dragged me down wooden stairs into an underground cellar of some kind. It was fairly large under there, with a couple of small offshoot hallways. I looked around and saw lots of lounge chairs, some tables, shelves with food and water. There was no natural light, there were torches, lanterns and candles everywhere that gave just enough light to see but not enough to live in. It smelled of a damp basement, sweat, and cum. I noticed a few mattresses in the offshoot hallway rooms. They had apparently built this underground lair. I didn’t know if they lived there or just used it like a getaway. The floor was dirt, but the walls and ceiling looked like thick sound-proof cement. I suddenly realized I was way off the grid, and I could not imagine Giovanni had cameras or knew anything like this was happening. Still in a headlock, the rest of the men scrambled to make sure all the torches and lanterns were on full-force, and things were in relatively good order. The body odor of the Alpha choking me was overpowering. The sweat and hair on his upper arms was drifting up to my mouth and nose. What I did not see was what was behind me. A decent sized room with cement and even more padding, with a large premium-looking sling. Off to the side was a large vertical wood slab with two holes side by side and far apart up high. Down low was a large circular opening with padded leather around the wood edges. As I looked at it, I knew what it was. The wood had fasteners on it that corresponded to places on the sling. They bring the wood up to the edge of the sling, with my feet and ankles through the top holes and shackeled. This leaves my hole wide open through that leather padded hole. Like people could fuck me through this wall without me seeing the man or him seeing me. At the top of the sling was a leather hood, presumably for whoever was in the sling. He finally let go of me and let me sit down. After pacing for a bit, he said, “you know what… you are worth a lot of money. Me and my boys here are going to be rich, if your piece of shit Alpha husband wants you back.” He was planning to hold me for ransom. I had told them I was pregnant, even though they didn’t believe me, but they did not know I was growing 60 babies. If they knew that, what kind of ransom would they be asking for? I would not be able to hide my pregnancy probably more than another day, so they would find out. I would have to lie as long as I could about how many though. While I was sitting there, I saw two of the 12 Alphas in a dark corner of the room having sex with each other. Against Alpha code. They looked like two rabid bears going at each other. One finally came inside the other one, then pushed him to the dirt. He got back up and wrestled the other one to the ground. Animals. Testosterone. Uninhibited. Alphas cannot get pregnant, so the one simply had an ass full of premium sperm that would serve no purpose. I was kind of calm, for some reason. Kicking myself for taking the risk to go out, just because I was getting restless. Not telling anybody, not getting an escort. Now I am in deep shit. Giovanni is going to lose his shit, and these twelve men would have hell to pay. Not even knowing their intentions, they have kidnapped me and are talking about ransom. The other men were calling this lead Alpha, Mark. I tried to catch any other names and match them with their looks. Mark yelled, “hey faggots! Knock it off!” to the two men that just did the deed in the corner. He pulled up a chair in front of me, and turned it around so the back was toward me. It was like a kitchen chair. Then he sat on it, facing me with his arms folded on top of the back of the chair. He arched his brow and looked me up and down, and softly said, “what are we going to do here”, seemingly speaking to himself. Then he nodded at me and said, “why would leave by yourself? Did someone follow you, boy? Speak now.” I said, “No, I made the stupid decision to talk a walk on my own because I was getting restless in there.” He said, “why would you do that, especially when you are ripe for impregnation?” I said, “I’m already pregnant, I swear.” He arched his brow again, paused, and said, “bullshit. Look at that body. Ain’t nothing in there but eggs waiting for men like us.” I shrugged my shoulders, afraid to correct him again. He said, “I’ve been dreaming about that boy pussy ever since I saw you come to this island. Now you’re some hot shit breeding stock that doesn’t give guys like us a chance. That changes now.” I shifted just a little in my chair, and he swiftly stood up, “uh nah, you don’t move, boy”. I looked around and all chairs and seats and tables had dried cum everywhere. Clearly this group of ragtag Alphas just follows the beat of their own drum and live the consequences of their actions. That was not a good indication of what I might be in for. I wondered if I might be able to talk them out of it, if I could speak because they were rule breakers. I mustered up the courage to say, “what will happen to me”. I immediately got backhanded by another one of the Alpha men, and he said, “who the fuck told you that you could speak, boy?! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” God, that stings, he must have left fingerprints on my face. The other Alphas laughed. Suddenly Mark got stoic and expressionless, looked at me, and said, “get him ready”. They yanked me out of the seat and literally dragged me through the dirt to the sling, and threw me into it. Then they moved the wood wall over, put my feet in it up high, then fastened it to the sling. I could feel the cool air down there on my hole through the leather padded hole lower in the wood. I could not see anyone or anything approaching my hole. Just then, the Alpha on my right looked at stomach and said, “Hey Mark, come look at this”. Now that I was on my back, you could see my lower abdomen already starting to protrude a bit. Mark looks at my stomach, then to me. He pointed at my stomach and said, “what the hell is this?” I didn’t say anything. He told me to speak. I said, “I am pregnant, it happened a while ago.” I didn’t want him to think I was freshly pregnant because then he might know there are multiples since I was showing already. More money for him that way. He said, “I just saw the announcement that you birthed 42 babies for all those men, and that was like a two days ago.” He stared at me with a puzzled look, then that look that he figured it out. “Holy fucking shit. You ARE pregnant, and it’s more than one baby in there again. Right, boy?” I said I did not know. He seemed convinced and got really excited, telling the rest of the guys. Initially they were excited about the prospect of getting money for the babies, then apparently disappointed that they would not be able to make their own babies. Then I remembered… the doctor had told me they figured out how to fertilize eggs still there that were not already fertilized. Even if I was pregnant with others already. Damn, what timing. These Alphas did not know that, but if any of them fuck me, impregnation could happen anyway. I already had 60, and now I would be unsupervised and in danger without a doctor, unless I was rescued. Things just went from bad to worse.
enedamian Posted September 8, 2021 Report Posted September 8, 2021 fucking hot! I'd love to be a sub... have Giovanni and company use me every evening Â
Guest Posted September 9, 2021 Report Posted September 9, 2021 Part 7 Mark just saw dollar signs, I could see it on his face. “So boy, how many you have in there?” I said, “I was told just one”. “Bullshit!” he said. “You don’t look like that on day two or three with just one in there.” I shrugged once again. He started talking to the other men standing around, asking them what they wanted to do. One guy said, “I want to fuck him, even though I can’t get him pregnant. I mean, look at him. I want a piece of him.” Then several other guys chimed in to say the same thing. Eventually they all agreed and wanted to fuck me. All I could think about was 12 more loads inside me and they had no idea they could be getting me pregnant. There was nothing I could do to stop it, but I still tried to make it more difficult for them. As they approached me and started to manhandle me, I struggled to get out of the sling. Finally Mark snapped and said, “What the fuck! You know your role. You gonna make this hard for us or easy? Either way, we get what we want. You understand that, boy?” I just continued to struggle. One of the men yanked me out of the sling, drug me across the dirt to one of the mattresses, and immediately shoved himself inside me dry. I screamed out loud as that big dick slammed all the way in. He covered my mouth and pressed down. I was having trouble breathing. He was sweating all over me, dripping. He smelled sweaty. Like every Alpha on this island, he was hairy too. He had a bit of a muscle belly that felt like a rock every time he pushed all the way in. The rest of the guys had come over and gathered around, jacking their cocks. Two of them were behind the mattress, dripping their pre-cum on my face. They got some on the guy’s hand that was covering my mouth, and he told me to lick it off. My God, the smell of cum is overpowering right now. The guy fucking me said, “Hey fuckers, this slut is amazing! Warm and still tight! I could fuck him forever!” Then another guy said, “Hurry up asshole! I want my turn!”. The guy fucking me was getting close, I could see his face. He started to grunt and I felt about a dozen strong pulses as he emptied into me. He pulled out and my hole slammed shut. Before he was even out of the way, another man dived right in. This time not as painful as I was lubed with the last guy’s cum. The guy inside me now was pretty quiet, but clearly knew what he was doing. He whispered in my face, “fuck, I want my babies in you”, then he shot what seemed like a gallon in me. These roughnecks were just having a good old-fashioned orgy fuckfest. After 11 of them had their turn, Mark climbs on top of me. Pins my wrists to the mattress, lays on top of my body. He let go of my wrists momentarily to put my legs on his shoulders. Then he pushed in slow. He said, “you feel that? My cock pushing through the cum of 11 men. You are such a fucking slut. You don’t deserve to be in that mansion. You’re nothing but breeding stock.” Mark had a rugged and handsome face, covered by a thick beard, starting to gray. His eyes were intense and dark. He was hairy too, of course. I noticed a large thick patch of hair on his lower back above his crack, which was hot. He churned the cum as he went in and out, and then had an explosive orgasm as deep as he could get inside me. You could hear the moisture as he pulled out. Cum smell lingered heavily in the air. Two of the guys then came a second time, but they came on my body instead of inside. Another violation of the rules. I was spent, so I just laid there for hours, and they let me. While the men were fucking me, Mark devised his plan. He wrote an e-mail to the mansion manager, who everyone knows screens e-mails and calls for Giovanni and many of the others in the mansion. It was simple. The e-mail said, “We have your breeding stock. We know he is pregnant. He is not harmed yet, but should you not follow through with our demands, we will harm him. We will determine how many babies he is carrying, because we know it is more than one. We want $250K for each baby and $2 million for the breeding stock.” The typical high rate for babies is between $100K and $200K. I did not see the e-mail, but they were reading it out loud. They finished it off saying to not try and identify them or find them, because it was not possible. They provided an account to wire money to. I wondered if there was a doctor there, because they said they would find out how many babies were in me. They were unable to fund having their own doctor with their group, so they had to find one. And they did. They did not even think about letting me out of this cellar, so they found a doctor and brought him in. He looked terrified. He looked around in disbelief at what he saw. Then he saw it was me. He knew who I was instantly. He took a few deep breaths and approached me. Mark grabbed the back of the doctor’s shirt to stop him, then walked around in front of him. He said, “you tell no one about any of this. NO ONE! You understand? I will kill you, as sure as you stand right here. You got it?” The doctor nervously said, “of course. This is between me and you”. Mark stepped out of the way. The doctor didn’t speak to me, he just attached one of the ultrasound devices to gather info. The men were not going to let him leave until we knew everything, so they made him stay there for the next two days. They let me move around the cellar, but I spent most of my time on the mattress getting fucked by at least one of the twelve men constantly. They were insatiable. Just two days later, my stomach was clearly protruding at an accelerated rate. They all noticed too. The doctor finally got the results, stammering and stuttering… “I don’t believe this. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. I don’t know how any of this is possible”, then he looked at me for a while with a look of astonishment. Then he turned to Mark and said, “I am certain of these results, but I have no explanation”. Mark put his hands up in an “I don’t know” kind of motion, and said, “tell us what the fuck you mean”. The doctor said, “there are 66 babies in there. 66!” I thought there were 60, could it be that these Neanderthals impregnated me with six more babies 48 hours ago? The doctor went on to say, “as if that is not crazy enough, six of those babies were newly created. You said he has been here for two or three days, that means those are yours.” Mark looked dumbfounded, “Wait. He was already pregnant, how could we have gotten him pregnant at the same time?” The doctor said, “that is what is so strange. That shouldn’t happen, but it did. I suspect Giovanni and his doctors may have tried something, some kind of experiment.” Mark said, “I don’t even know how this would work, but shit, we are going to get so much fucking money!” The doctor said, “if you’re interested in knowing, the six new babies are all single babies and they are from six of you. One is yours.” Mark nodded in acceptance and confirmation. The doctor sat there waiting for what was next. Mark let him go but threatened him so hard that the doctor was literally shaking as he left. It was another week being trapped and fucked before there was an answer from the mansion. Giovanni was now aware that I was being held captive, but he likely had no idea how it transpired. My stomach was growing fast, and every time I get fucked, there could be additional pregnancy. I started to worry about not having a doctor see me more frequently. Apparently the first response from Giovanni, which he sent through a spokesperson was not what they were expecting. He said he will not be paying a ransom, and that he was finding out their location as he spoke, and that if I am harmed in any way, it will be the biggest regret of their lives. They seem genuinely surprised and worried by the response. They had been so confident. Mark stood up and threw a bowl in anger and it shattered against one of the cement walls. Then he said, “we should have known he would play hardball”. One of the other men said, “you don’t think he would ever find us here, right? I can barely find my own way back sometimes.” Mark said, “who knows. He is resourceful.” I was starting to feel better about my chances of being rescued. Would these men really harm me, if there was even a chance they could get some money for the babies? I didn’t get to hear most of the men’s names that were down here with me. They basically just addressed each other by looking at each other and speaking, no names. They were all white, most darker complected. One guy was a blonde beefy guy, with that kind of blond curly fur that grows over his entire body like grass. He was pretty quiet, but was always looking at me. He has fucked me several times since I got in there. His cock is cut, and quite thick. A bunch of prominent veins as it swayed between his meaty thighs. He bent over to pick up some wood, and his hairy balls hung down from behind like a giant farm animal. He finally sat down, not far from me. He said, “you’re going to ruin this for everyone. We deserve that money. We have been trying to find a way to live better around here forever. We never get a chance. There are so many guys at the orgies that we hardly ever get to impregnate anyone. It’s not fair. You’re a piece of shit.” I just hung my head, as he did not offer a chance for me to respond. He swung his feet over to me, and said, “massage my feet, boy”. I did as I was told. His feet were three times the size of my hands. I had to use both my hands. Even his feet and toes were covered in that thick curly blonde hair. Then he said, “two times. I have fathered a baby just two times in my ten years on this fucking island. All these men that have dozens need to step aside and give another brother a shot.” I just kept on rubbing. His lifted his left foot, placed it on the side of my face and pushed. Then he said, “you got more eggs. Give me a baby. I deserve it.” I just kept rubbing and didn’t do anything. The other guys were just doing their own thing. A few guys were fucking. They did that a lot here, with nobody to call them out for breaking rules. Then one guy said, “Tom, leave the boy alone, he ain’t done nothing to you”. Tom said, “it’s my chance though. We know he’s fertile as fuck.” He told me to go get in the sling, which I did. He didn’t pull the board around, he just lifted my legs and put them on his shoulders. He spit down onto his throbbing cock and pushed his way in. I could see the light from the torches behind him shining through the layers of blond hair on his body. He had a really handsome bearded face. His cock was so veiny, I could feel the contours as his pumped my hole in and out. He put both of his meaty hands on my growing stomach, and said, “’bout to add one in here”. Not long after, he let out a deep grunt and let loose inside me. Warm and thick. So thick that when he pulled out, the excess cum didn’t drip off his cock, it just hung there. He swiped it up with a finger and pushed it in my hole. Then he just dropped my legs and walked away, saying, “that oughta do it”. Mark emerged out of a side room and said, “enough with the funny business, we have to figure this out”. The group of men determined that they were going to take me in a van to a location, showing Giovanni or his representative that I was alright, and they would swap me for the money. A lump sum of $5 million. He said, “no muss, no fuss, we just swap”. He said Giovanni just agreed to do it. That did not sound like Giovanni to me, and I figured something bad was about to happen. They put a robe on me because the clothes I came with already did not fit me. They put the leather hood on me as well, and guided me to a windowless van outside of this cellar. It sounded like many of the men were staying behind. Mark, and three others got in the van with me. They said Giovanni and three of his security guards would be there and walk the money to a van. They would not wire the money. These guys with me would check for the money, and send me back with the one dropping off the money. We arrived wherever we would be conducting the transaction, but I could not see a thing. I stayed in the van with two of the guys. Mark and one of other guys got out with the money. I heard Giovanni yelling across the area, “where is he? I want to see him first”. Mark said, “no, cash first, then you see him. That’s the deal.” Giovanni said, “my man here will bring the money over, but as he approaches, you bring him out”. Mark nodded. Another agreement was no guns or weapons, just an even exchange, so Giovanni’s security man carried a large brown leather bag over to the van, unarmed. He made it two-thirds of the way over and stopped, Giovanni yells over, “bring the cunt outside the van now and hand him over”. One of the men brought me out of the van. Mark checked the bag, and dug around a little, and said, “alright, hand him over”. Giovanni’s man took my arm and quickly pulled me away and off to the side, when a sniper hits Mark in the back of the head, with another sniper hitting the other guy with Mark. The other two quickly shut the van door without the money and started to speed off, but the driver was shot and crashed the van. The last man stayed inside the van and would not come out. I was loaded into the vehicle with Giovanni and all but one security guard that waited outside. He pulled the pin on some grenade-looking device and threw it under the van. Then quickly jumped in our vehicle as we sped off. I was saved! Four of the twelve men in that Alpha group just died. I did wonder what the other eight would do, because they definitely fit the type that will want revenge. As we sped away, one of the security guys took the hood off, and I could see I was safe. One security man driving the vehicle. Giovanni sitting in the middle in the back with a security guard on either side of him, and me across from him. He looked like a warrior, assuming he was trying to be incognito, yet how could he ever be. He was in full military garb, including aviator glasses and a camo cap. No rings on his fingers either. All his unique style was absent. He was just staring at me through those glasses, burning a hole in me. No expressions, just staring. I knew he would be angry with me, but I could really feel it without saying a word. He slowly took his glasses off, then his hat, running his hand over his head. Sighing and looking up. Finally, he spoke…”you dumb cunt. After all I have done for you, why would you leave and not tell anyone, or take someone with you? YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON!!” He screamed so hard and loud that I was shaking. Saliva flew from his mouth into his beard from his screaming. The security men sat unphased, because they probably get yelled at all the time. I actually felt like I was going to cry. I held it together while he put his glasses back on and remained quiet for the rest of the drive. When we got back to the mansion and inside the gate, he gathered his items and stormed out of the vehicle and inside. The security guards took me directly to the doctors office, considering my size was growing by the minute. I had to sit there with the ultrasound for a bit, had a physical examination, and was brought back to my room. Jon waited with towels. I needed washed. I was covered in dirt and sticks from being dragged, plus covered in the cum and sweat of a bunch of men. It felt good to wash off. My stomach was greatly protruding at this point and started to grow more round. The drugs to stop breast growth and milk production seemed to working for the most part, but not completely. I still had some growth and milk, but it was minimal. The sensitivity of my chest was still present though. While I was in the shower, I heard my door slam. I got out of the shower and took a peek around the corner to see Giovanni pacing the room, waiting for me. I was afraid to go out, really. There was no getting around it though, I had to face the consequences. I turned the corner naked, and he stopped and looked up from the ground. He looked magnificent. He was now wearing a crisp navy blue suit, with a stark white dress shirt, unbuttoned halfway down, of course. All his rings were back on. His hair had grown a bit and it looked perfect. The beard looking thick and long, but needing a bit of trimming. His shoes matched this suit. His package and his ass were perfection in the pants. His was frequently wringing his hands. I have a hard time keeping my eyes off of those giant gorilla hands every day anyway, now especially with his wringing them. He darted for me, and fearing for my safety, started to cower. He stopped, straightened me up and held me. Tight. He released me for a moment to look me in the face, and said, “you damn stupid cunt. You scared me. I thought you were dead. Tell me why you left.” I said it was a simple spur of the moment walk because I was restless, and I thought I would be safe because I was already pregnant. He said, “nobody could tell you were pregnant, dumb ass. Plus, this whole island knows you and knows about you. You just never, ever leave here without telling someone or having people take you. Tell me understand. Now.” I nodded. By the way he was dressed, I knew he was headed somewhere. He stepped away from me, posed, and said, “You like my body, no?” and roared with laughter. I quietly said, “I love your body”, and smiled. He stuck his finger in his mouth, then stuck it in mine. “I taste good, no? I know I do.” Then he winked and left.
Guest Posted September 11, 2021 Report Posted September 11, 2021 Part 8 The next morning, I was summoned to the doctor’s office, and Giovanni met us there. The doctor said, “you left here with 60 babies, now you have 72. Can you tell us what happened?” I said that when they believed me that I was pregnant, all 12 of them still wanted to fuck me, but they did not know that I could get pregnant with more once I was already pregnant. They had their doctor check me out and he told them the number, and he discovered there were six new babies, from these guys. The doctor responded, “this was our experiment that we were not sure would work, so they probably couldn’t understand what was happening. Is that how they reacted?” I said yes. I went on to say that they continued fucking me from that point on until I was rescued, practically non-stop. The doctor said, “well, that resulted in six more even since their doctor saw you. This is highly dangerous for you. We need you to stop being used until you give birth. Clearly you are easily getting impregnated, practically every time you are having sex.” I looked at Giovanni, who was rubbing his beard, and looking inquisitive. The doctor went on to say, “I am also very concerned about your size. You are growing so quickly already, and this is not sustainable, even with the elasticity supplements. We saw how big you got with 42, and now we are nearly double that.” All of us sat silently. Then the doctor said, “I am exploring how we may be able to birth the babies early and have them finish growing in external environment, before they get too big in there.” He went on to say they needed to figure it out soon, because it’s possible my body would become so full that the babies may start delivering earlier anyway. My mind was blown and I didn’t know what to do. He went on to tell me about the DNA of the twelve new babies. There were 8 different fathers out of the 12 men in that cellar. I already knew the first six had different fathers, including one for Mark. The other six were from two fathers. A set of twins from one of them named Brad, but I am not sure which one was Brad. Then there were two more sets of twins, both fathered by Tom. He would love knowing that, but he probably never would. He was not one of the four Alphas killed though, so maybe he would know someday. Giovanni looked at the doctor and said, “I like fucking the cunt, so I cannot, no?” The doctor stammered, as he does every time Giovanni is challenging, and said, “he can still get pregnant, so I don’t think it’s wise. We know the impregnation chances are high with you” Giovanni sat motionless for a moment, then said, “I want you to figure out how this could work. Now.” The doctor was really on the hot seat now, and simply said, “let me see what I can do”. Giovanni nodded in acceptance, then said, “look at him, I cannot abstain”. Then Giovanni said, “let’s go”, took my hand and led me from the room, taking me back to my room. He was not happy, but also not angry. He seemed perplexed, like he was thinking through how to best make this situation work for him. First and foremost, he almost always seemed to prioritize the money side of the breeding process, and building that business, but he clearly liked me personally. I supposed he was conflicted. He suddenly said, “I feel like you should show other breeding stock what you do. We need more like you here.” I was told that Alphas are being developed and moved to the island at a twenty times greater rate than breeding subs. Giovanni said he has been talking to scientists on the mainland and how they could take more subs with potential, and create the breeding stock that is so badly needed. It takes time to reform the reproductive systems. There were still under 30 breeding stock for these hundreds of Alpha Men. He is always thinking about money and business, but he was wicked smart, even if he looked and talked like a dumb Mob Boss most of the time. Giovanni broke his thought process at that point, like he had snapped out of it, and just looked at me. He stood on his back foot with his arms folded, looking me up and down with a raised brow. He then walked slowly to me in that familiar swagger, and placed those beautiful hands on my stomach. He said, “how does this feel to you, cunt?” I said, “you know I love your hands, I call them gorilla hands.” He said, “no, not that. How does it feel to have all those babies inside.” I said, “strange, like I always have something moving inside me, and some pressure, and the stretching. It’s hard sometimes.” He said, “what you are doing is special, no? You are keeping the world running by creating humans. It is your lot in life and you are good at it, no?” I said, “I know having babies for Alphas is what I was meant to do, yes.” He smiled and nodded. He said, “you like having my babies, don’t you” nodding in anticipated confirmation on my end. I said, “I wish all my babies could be yours”. He traced my lips with his fingers, and I noticed he was getting hard through his pants. I said, “I don’t think we should”. His facial expression changed, and he said, “why would you think that is your decision, cunt?” My interpretation of our relationship continued to be full of mixed messages. I quickly said, “it is not, I’m sorry”. He said, “I need to release, but I will not make another baby right now, while we wait for the doctor to find a solution. You will help me though. Now.” He undid his pants and pushed my head down. I got down onto my knees, which was unexpectedly difficult due to my growing stomach. He said, “start with my balls and warm them up.” Holy God, the hairiness is beyond. I lapped up every inch and consumed that amazing musk that wafts through his hairy body at every moment. His heavy cock weaved it’s way across my head, onto my shoulder, shifting to on top of my head. Basically any spot that monster could find to maneuver around my face. I got underneath his balls and encountered perhaps the most hair dense spot on his whole body. Could not even get to the skin. He grabbed the hair on the back of my head and pulled me away then pulled me onto his cock. I opened as wide as I could, and it slid down my throat. My eyes were watering, but I can take it. In and out, in and out. His pubic hair was so full and bushy, that it stuck out inches, perhaps dwarfing his already impressive length and girth. It had only been about ten minutes, and he said, “I’m ready. Stay.” He grabbed the back of my head with both hands and pulled as close as he could. His cock was practically in my stomach. I could feel the pressure in my esophagus as he began to expand. Breathing through my nose, and appreciating my non-existent gag reflex, he said, “aw, fuck, you cunt” and gave me another load of a lifetime. I couldn’t see it, but I sure could feel it. My stomach literally felt full. He gently pulled his cock out of my throat, with some last drips of cum hitting the floor. I knew what to do, I licked them up promptly. His big hand grabbed his cock, then he took the pointer finger on his left hand, and circled the head of his cock, gathering any residual cum on his finger and fed it to me. Then he licked his own finger. He said, “wasted babies. Damn”. I felt bad. I knew how much Alphas needed to breed, and he did just waste babies (and money, according to him). He helped me up off the floor, handed me a towel, and told me to clean up. Then he left. The next day, Giovanni stopped by in the morning to take me to breakfast on one of the back patio areas. He arrived in nothing but a tight blue speedo and a towel around his neck. He filled out that speedo to perfection. He was hot as fuck, and I could barely catch my breath just looking at him. I was naked when he arrived, and feeling big. He called Jon to come get some clothes for me. He went into my bathroom while we waited and he was washing his face and fixing his hair in the mirror. He leaned forward on the sink with his arms, with his ass out. What a beautiful ass. Not an inch not covered in dark hair, cupped and lifted so perfectly by that blue speedo. Jon arrived with a couple of shirts for me that buttoned up the front, and some khaki shorts. The first shirt he gave me did not fit around my belly. The second shirt did. A nice plain white button-up shirt. I quickly dressed and we walked down the hallways to get outside. He held my hand the whole time. We went outside to a table full of fruit, oatmeal, bread, and some other healthy foods. He had two workers outside serving us. Giovanni pulled my chair out for me, and one the workers pulled his chair out. One of them brought him his sunglasses as well. I was feeling special. Giovanni started eating like he was famished. He started talking with his mouth completely full, “you look bigger today. You are growing fast, no?” I said, “yes, even by the day”. He said, “Doc said he figured out what to do, we will see him around lunch time”. I just nodded. He said, “what do you think of my bathing suit?” I said, “I don’t think I have ever seen a better one, it fits you so well.” He grinned. Those nice white teeth beaming out of that dark beard. He kept eating. I picked at my fruit and ate a little oatmeal. As breeding stock, I always ate little and made sure I was always completely clean. He snapped his fingers to call over one of the workers, and said, “where is the orange juice? It should be out here. Got get some. Now.” The worker bowed and left to get it. We sat there in silence for a bit and I just sat and looked at him, admiring him. He looked at me too, but was also looking around the grounds. He said, “this is one of my favorite views here on the grounds. It’s beautiful, no?” I said, “sure is”. Then out of nowhere he said, “I want you to be with me. I want you to be only mine. I will take care of you. That would mean you do only as I say, and I will give you the world. I have money. You will be happy.” He wasn’t really asking me anything, but rather telling me. I was scared of him, but I love him too. I don’t think he was asking me to marry him, I just think he wants to be with me. I said, “that sounds wonderful to me”. He takes his glasses off, winks at me, finishes his piece of bread. Then he stands up, walks over to me, traces his finger on my lips, then holds out his hand to help me up. He led me over to the pool. He walked down the pool steps, and held his hand out to help me in. I said, “should I have a bathing suit?” He said, “not necessary, just take those clothes off, cunt.” I took my clothes off and walked into the pool. The buoyancy helped lift some of the weight of my stomach, and it felt wonderful. Giovanni began washing and rubbing me with the pool water. It felt like a tender moment. From the man that still calls me “cunt” practically every time he talks me. He was infatuated with my stomach. He swam probably 50 laps. He takes amazing care of himself and does a lot of hard exercise. I used to, before I came here. I am too big to partake in activities like that. He got out of the pool, and asked one of the workers to have some of his men come get me. Then he walked back into the mansion, leaving me there. After a quick time in my room, two of his men came to get me and bring me to the doctor. Giovanni arrived shortly after, now fully dressed. The doctor said, “we worked all night, but we have found a solution that should work.” He showed us a virtual tour of an area they built in one of the mansion wings. They built a 200 chamber incubation area. Each chamber could house a baby born early. He said that any babies over 20 weeks would be able to finish developing with all of their needs met there, without the need for breeding stock. The first 20 weeks, it would still be necessary for the babies to grow inside of the breeding stock. Fertilization would also still need to occur the natural way, as eggs in the male egg chambers could not be artificially fertilized in a petri dish like used to happen with women. The doctor then said, “the challenge is still how to get to 20 weeks with so many babies in there. I am not confident that you can carry 72 babies to 20 weeks. We need to be prepared to lose some of these babies.” Giovanni spoke up and said, “the fuck we do. I’m not losing that money!” The doctor stammering, said, “I know how you feel, Giovanni, it’s just not physical possible for him to do what you are saying. We will do our best, but we do have physical limitations”. Giovanni grabbed him by the back of the neck and said, “money” with a growl, then let go. The doctor took a moment to gain his composure. He said, “with all due respect, I understand, I really do. I will continue to do everything I can.” Giovanni stormed out. After the doctor gained his composure, he asked me to lay back. He did another thorough examination, and said, “this is quite something, young man. You have a road ahead of you with these babies. You are growing at a rate I did not expect. I would say you are maybe a month away from needing to be bedridden and immobilized for your safety and so the babies can get to 20 weeks.” There was really nothing I could say. The next several weeks were pretty ordinary, with the exception of my growth. I reached 14 weeks and could barely move. I was able to wear a tight compression garment to support my stomach, but I had gained 80 pounds of baby, all in my stomach. I needed help to do anything. The doctor checked on me each day with extreme caution. Today was the day he said I was done moving. 60 of the babies could conceivably come out in six weeks and live. They were active. They never stopped moving and I felt all of it. They had created a comfortable bed for me enabled straps and lifts to support my stomach. It was quite the contraption. Giovanni was pretty absent through all this, likely working on more business deals. He showed up in week 16, after the doctor told him I may in danger and so could the babies. My blood pressure was high, the strain on my lungs and other organs was being pushed to the limit. My skin was stretched so hard that I was in constant pain from that. My hole was started to expand in preparation for birth. At 16 weeks. That would be really, really bad. There just wasn’t enough room. Giovanni may have showed up, but he didn’t even talk to me or seem to care about me. Just the babies and the money. Later that week, the doctors inserted a plug in an effort to keep any of the babies from being born early. They had to put me in an induced coma and a ventilator to keep me alive and make sure I could breathe. If Giovanni cared about me, this is how he was showing it. I was not conscious, so I would not have known if he did anything else. There was a team of doctors taking care of me around the clock. The very day I reached 20 weeks, all the babies were still there, and I stayed unconscious. With careful maneuvering the doctors moved the babies from the outside, watching through the ultrasound cameras, to direct the 60 babies to the birth canal, and leave the other 12 inside for another week or longer. One by one, each of the babies was delivered and promptly taken to the incubation room to finish their development. Due to the elasticity supplements by stomach contracted back to house just the 12 babies. They pulled me out of my slumber. After several hours of grogginess, I woke up to see an infinitely smaller stomach. The doctors around starting clapping, with my main doctor saying, “you did it, young man! All 60 of those babies were delivered living and successfully, and are now in the new area to finish. That was quite an accomplishment. In spite of the money, we musn’t allow that many all at once ever again. We are finishing up a medication that can limit some of the chances of extreme fertilization, before you go to your next impregnation orgy.” He went on to say that I would be resting for 48 hours, then I could do my normal activities, except sex, for as long as I could finish growing the 12 babies left. Giovanni showed up as my 48 hours were wrapping up. I wondered what all he was doing when I have been in here going through all this. I knew by now that I was just a piece of his puzzle, and he was always trying to earn money and build his empire. He said he came to get me. Looking as good as ever. Today he wore a tight kelly green t-shirt, and knee-length khaki shorts, with some sandals. That dark skin and hairy body showing, just made me melt. He smelled like fresh sweat but also clean. As he reached to take my hand, I saw some heavy armpit stains, so he had been outside doing something. Beautiful as always. He took me outside and gently helped me to a chair. I was still very large, with 12 babies nearly 20 weeks along. After what I just went through, it did not feel as massive as it would have before. He told me he had been working on a bunch of projects and was sorry he had not been around. Then he told me he was bringing in some potential subs for me to teach and talk to them. The mainland has identified about 100 young men that could physically make great breeding stock, but they will need some work and some education before qualifying. I was part of helping them. He also told me that after I give birth, they want me to try and experiment that will curb excess fertilization. He was very angry and unhappy over that though, but he said he really saw what it did to my body and my safety to not have limitations. Even if that meant less money. He said it was not stopping pregnancy, but rather just changing the timing so it was not so hard on the breeding stock. I found all of this to be promising. I have learned so much over the past couple of years, and I would be in favor of having more breeding stock on the island. I did wonder about how Giovanni was getting his rocks off without me around. He was certainly fucking others. A man like that needs it all the time. I was jealous, I felt that strongly. I want to be the only one for him.
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