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Latest "study" says nose size and penis size are related


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[think before following links] https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/16634025/doctor-reveals-connection-penis-nose-size/

What do you guys think of this... is it crap?

Apparently small nose = small dick and vice versa

First of all I'm not even sure if it really is an "age old" rumour like the article says. I've never heard that, maybe I'm glad I didn't, it sounds like a slightly weird belief.

I once worked with a straight guy at a hotel a few years ago, I was told after a couple months he had a "massive dick" but I don't remember him having a particularly noticeable nose or anything, in fact, I looked on his Facebook and he doesn't.


Here's one of my fav porn stars J.J. Knight - you wouldn't say he has a small nose.



Also, here's WWE wrestler Triple H who was often the butt of jokes about his nose.


If there's other wrestling fans here, I'm sure you won't remember the really brief boast he made about his pee-pee, once many years ago - but he claimed it was 8". I always thought he looked like he had a solid package. (I never really found him "hot" for the record).

So, have you had sex with someone who had a cute little button nose and was hung like a horse? Or other way around?

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Puh-leez - This story about a “study” (that isn’t cited) appears in the sensationalist rag The Sun and features as its expert source of information a plastic surgeon whose job is changing people’s noses. No potential conflict of interest or pecuniary motive there, no, just pure science.

It’s crap. It’s the exact same thinking that compares ear size, hand size and foot size with penis size, the ludicrous assumption that if one protruding body part is large they should all be large, and vice versa. Utter genetic bilge.

Nor do anecdotal accounts like the ones given in the report (of fictional characters, mind you) lend any weight to the notion - people will tend to notice and remark upon only those instances that confirm the bias in question because they match the pattern being looked for. See a hung guy with an average nose? People will ask themselves, Is his nose really small or not? Can’t say for sure... See a hung guy with a big honking schnoz? OMG It’s TRUE!!

If you want to assess whether a man has a gifted endowment, his nose is not where you should be looking. The overwhelming consensus on these boards appears to be: 1) Look him in the eyes; 2) Look down at his crotch; 3) Look him in the eyes again; 4) Smile; and with any luck the truth will shortly be revealed.

Edited by ErosWired
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Well, I thought I'd heard (or read) it all by now.  Obviously I haven't.  Never have I heard so much as a  whisper about any parallels between nose & Cock size.  I couldn't care less about nose size, since I don't suck off noses.  I don't fuck nostrils either.  I have heard that size 12 stompers indicate a substantial Cock, I have heard that a squarish shape to the hands indicate the same, but when all is said and done, none of it's worth the time it takes to tell about it, since we don't fuck feet or hands (unless, obviously, the hand is our own).

It's not all about noses or nostrils or hands or whatever - it's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm.

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1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

I don't fuck nostrils either. 

Funny you should say that - I remember once hearing a guy talk about cumming up another guy’s nose. I can’t even imagine. I mean, even when a Top has told me, “I’m gonna use all your holes”, I’ve never had one go for the nose or the ears. Maybe that’s because you don’t hear any nonsense about the size of a guy’s nostrils indicating the openness of his anus or his ability to deep-throat.

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8 hours ago, hntnhole said:

Well, I thought I'd heard (or read) it all by now.  Obviously I haven't.  Never have I heard so much as a  whisper about any parallels between nose & Cock size.  I couldn't care less about nose size, since I don't suck off noses.  I don't fuck nostrils either.  I have heard that size 12 stompers indicate a substantial Cock, I have heard that a squarish shape to the hands indicate the same, but when all is said and done, none of it's worth the time it takes to tell about it, since we don't fuck feet or hands (unless, obviously, the hand is our own).

It's not all about noses or nostrils or hands or whatever - it's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm.

FWIW: The saying (again, obviously bullshit, but...) was "Big nose, big hose".

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