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Busted by the Cops

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Last night I chatted up a guy on Grindr late in the AM (around 2-3). I had been driving around for a while (I do that when I'm bored sometimes, enjoy driving at night), and was too far from my home to head back, and he couldn't host (he lived with some family members). We ended up meeting in the parking lot of a small shopping center. All the stores were closed, nobody was around. Neither of us ever had sex in a public space before (well, I've given head in a Barnes and Noble bathroom before, but never an open area like a parking lot). We thought the front parking lot was too risky so we checked out the loading areas behind the stores (tried to find a dark place that would hopefully be away from any cameras). I gave him a bj in the back of his car, he really wanted to fuck me so I took my clothes off. Just as I was positioning to sit on his cock (I am tall, so fucking in a car is a challenge), we saw headlights. We tried to duck down and wait for them to drive on by, but the familiar colored lights started flashing (no siren 'though). Yep, it was the police. We were both panicking, worried we'd be sent to jail, have our names in the paper, get put on the sex offender registry, God knows what.

I scrambled to get my clothes back on, and my companion zipped up (he was still clothed, he had only pulled his pants down a bit) climbed up front and got out of the car slowly, started talking to the cops and bought me a moment to finish getting dressed. (In retrospect, I think the cops knew I was naked and waited a bit before approaching the car, just so I'd have time to put my pants back on).

It was two male cops, one seemed squicked out when he realized it was two guys screwing around, but he just ran our IDs and didn't give us any real trouble. The other cop stayed by our car and just chatted with us (not even about what we had been doing; I mean he fucking chatted with us about the job market up here and my recent move from Fort Lauderdale, and other crap like that). I don't know what exactly was said before I got out of the car, but apparently it was just "hey, go somewhere private to fuck, it's late and nobody is around but this is still a public area." After they ran the check on our IDs, they let us go. No lecture, no real interrogation, no talk of jail or courts, not even sure it'll be on our records. I suppose I could get a court summons or something in the mail, but I'm hoping that won't happen.

Felt really lucky driving away afterwards; my companion actually said he thought the cop who had chatted with us was gay. Maybe that played into us getting sent off without incident. I know us both being young (I'm mid 20s and he is a few years younger than me) worked to our advantage; the cop who chatted with us apparently mentioned to my friend (before I got out of the car) how he remembered being young and horny and not having a place to fool around, and seemed to view the situation as something funny rather than a serious offense. (My friend says this is a pretty low crime area, so the cop was probably amused to see something other than the usual traffic violations, shoplifting, and drug busts).

Anyway, I'm curious if anyone else had fucked around in public and gotten caught (by the police or otherwise)? Did it blow up in your face, or did you get lucky and walk away with just a lecture/warning?

Edited by Hotload84
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This was a good 20 years ago, but my bf and I pulled off onto some abandoned railroad property one night. He was in the middle of giving me a bj, when cop cars and searchlights came at us from four or five directions, guns pulled. I pulled up my pants, but apparently didn't fasten them well because they started falling down as they had us standing with our hands on the hood of the car, which got a good laugh out of the cops.

It turned out, we had unwittingly picked a nice private spot that had apparently been popular for drug trades and whatnot. The cops were almost as surprised as we were to find two teenage guys getting it on. After they realized there were no drugs involved, they let us go with a warning and a laugh. Scared the crap out of us both though!

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The police in the UK know the area's where it goes on, and they occasionally police them. Not to catch guys fucking, but rather to catch those who go to these area's to give the gay's hassle.

The official line is that outdoor sex is illegal, but the practise is, that if you're in a recognised "cruising" ground, then, providing your being relatively discrete about the whole thing - ie. going into the bushes etc then the rozzers just turn a blind eye. They don't even run a PNC check (Police National Computer which holds details of any warrants etc).

When the police are going to crack down on gaybashing in a particular cruise ground, they contact the local gay rags, and they'll publish a notice saying as such, so all the cruisers know that cops are going to be in the area... but again, they rozzers only patrol occasionally, and it's only to stop people giving us cruisers a hard time...

I've never heard a story of anyone being busted for cruising in a recognised cruise ground.

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Well not the cops, but close enough I guess. Early last year I met a guy on CL who agreed to let me suck his cock. We agreed to meet in the restroom at his workplace, telling me that all units in the building had their own restrooms, so the common floor restrooms are practically unused.

I was excited because he worked a few minutes walk from me, and I was thinking if we hit it off and we could indeed use the restroom, I could ask him to let me suck his cock everyday. So I met him at the lobby, he was a bespectacled guy in his mid or late 20s, a bit skinny, but quite good looking. We entered the restroom and went into an empty stall. In fact, all stalls were empty and it seems like the restroom hardly ever gets used indeed. He was quite shy; I was the one who led him into the stall, and then he just stood there waiting for me to make a move. So I grabbed his crotch and started massaging his dick through his khakis. When he still didn't make a move, I unbuckled his belt, open his pants and took out his cock. It was a bit on the small side, maybe 5" and not very thick, but I'm not a size queen anyway, so I just started sucking.

He got hard immediately, and I lost myself in the pleasure of cocksucking. I remember looking up at him from time to time, his dick in my mouth. He really was very passive, I had to take his hand and put it at the back of my head so he can get a little more aggressive in feeding me his cock. I did my best as a cocksucker, in the hopes of him giving me unfettered access to his cock in the future.

A few minutes into the cocksucking, however, the restroom door opened and the sound of someone walking in could be heard. I was sitting on the toilet with the lid down, him standing in front of me to give the impression to whoever might see his feet that he's peeing. I lifted my feet so that they couldn't be seen from the outside. Apparently, it was the janitor who came in because we could hear sounds that could only be a pail and a mop, as well as running water. All the while, I never took his dick out of my mouth, but eased up on what I was doing. After a minute or two, the door opened again and it was all silent. We figured he was gone and I got back to sucking his cock.

Unfortunately, the door opened again, with the unmistakable sounds of a group of people entering. I stopped sucking again and looked up at him. Then came a knock on the door. He took his cock out of my mouth and zipped up. There was a knock again, and he had no choice but to open it. There outside the stall stood 2 security guards and 2 other janitors, looking at us disapprovingly. One of the guards said to come with him. In our panic, we did follow.

We were led to the security room and given a stern talking to by the security chief. He got the brunt of it, being an employee in the building. Ultimately, they let us go with a warning not to do it again. In the elevator, he just grinned and shook his head about the bad timing, then high-fived me before exiting, but not before telling me we should hook up again somewhere else. We never did, and I never did get to taste his cum :(

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i dont agree with barebacksaunaslut. over the last couple of years the police have really upped the interogation of cruisers in yorkshire. ive been to wakefield when they sent a copter and all the police raided. ive also been in doncaster and similar things happen. i dont know anyone busted, but you get asked questions and you really get some homiphobic questions from the cops when they know what youve been up to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

haha well...

i worked at a major department store as plain clothes secruity. on more than one occaision i noticed evidence of activity in the restroom. (one time i had to use the restroom and while inthe stall could see from the shadows that the guy next to me was jerking off.) i eventually got it figured out , the pattern of when guys were there) and would go while i worked to give some hot head. it was never too crazy just bjs/handjobs. but it was def the best part of that job! lol

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  • 1 year later...

About 10 years ago I was working on a project in the US in the Boston area. I would work there for 6 weeks and then went back to Holland for two weeks, then return to the US for 6 weeks etc. That went on for about two years. One weekend I took the Friday off and drove to Provincetown for the weekend. I stayed at the Boatslip. On Saturday night I just walked around town, had a few (too many)drinks and was heading back to the hotel around 1am. A car slowly passed me and then stopped. A very attractive guy asked me if I was looking for some fun. Sure! I got in and he drove to his hotel. I think it was the Holiday Inn, but can't really remember. It was out of the center of the town. We made out and he was fucking me when suddenly another guy walked in. Boyfriend! He was clearly as drunk as a skunk. At first he joined. I sucked his dick while his bf was fucking me. The without any reason he suddenly got mad. He threw my clothes and shoes out of the window and told me to fuck off. He actually hit me. I hurried out and found my stuff on the parking lot. I dressed and started walking (the hotel lobby was closed). I was still half drunk myself at 02.30am. I saw another hotel with the lights still on, got into the lobby and called the police. They came over. I told them that I had been abused. I got into the police car and they drove back to the hotel where I came from. They asked me which room I had been to. After I had told them one of them went to investigate. When she got back she asked me if I wanted to press charges. I had sobered up a bit by then and thought it would not be a good idea to do that. The company I was working for would learn of it and being a foreigner it would also not be a good idea to get involved in a legal issue. So I said no. The police officer told me the guy was charged anyway for being abusive to his boyfriend anyhow and was facing jailtime. They drove me to my hotel and wished me goodnight. Provincetown Police is cool!

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yeh in the uk, i had more of a lecture for fucking so close to the road in the winter. in the summer your hidden but when the leaves are down u need to be 100% sure others cant see your enjoyment. fortunately i got off with it, he said i didnt say this n off the record, but u was spotted by two old bitches who were obviously out with binoccolas tying to create a scene. im 90% sure i had a gay copper lol. i so wanted to take it further n test but i neshed it

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Many of you have probably heard of the dick dock in Provincetown. if you have not, the you need to come here. It's an area along the beach below a covered deck where guys go late at night to fuck. In the summer it can be packed with guys, and in the offseason on a nice night, there can still be a handful of guys there. Well I had not frequented the place early on when I moved here, though I had heard of it. One night after the bars closed I met this hot couple and wanted to play with them, so we went there. It was 4th of July weekend, and it was packed - probably over 100 guys there... I was there with my two new friend, with our pants down, when we see the shine of flashlights from the end of the dock. Yup, it was the police - probably about 6 or 7 cops were there.

I was wondering the the paddy wagons were there, but Provencetown has often been a pretty tolerant place. the police certainly know that this goes on there all the time, but it appears they leave it alone unless they get noise complaints from neighbors, which was apparently the case this busy night.

The line up of cops just stood there and guys put their pants back on on scurried out, right past them. I was both upset that my hot threesome came to an abrupt end, but impressed at the way the cops handled the complaint. I ended up making a visit to Chicago a month later to complete the visit with the couple.

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@Nicehard1. It's been years since I have been to Ptown. But I do remember the deck under the Boatslip Hotel was a favorite meeting place. Fuck, I was in my room and heard the fucking going on then. I was still shy then (still am) but the noises got me so turned on I had to jerk off hearing the guys getting off. Is this still going on? I need to go back to Ptown!

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