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Weird Encounter - Sarah Palin


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Hi everyone. Let me introduce myself. I'm a 19yo countryside virgin boy and I had a weird encounter and looking for some answers. 


I was talking with a random old man over cam and he made me so so horny. Then he started to tell me that I am a virgin piggy designated for Sarah Palin and I should let him in and feel his breath all over me.


The weird part comes now, as I actually felt a breath all over my body and a weird sensation on my tight hole. It was getting more and more intensive and I ended up shaking like crazy and cumming hands free. At some point i thought i lost my mind and I have the image of a very red long cock in my mind. It was something crazy to experience. 


Does anyone know what this has been? I'm all confused. The old man later left telling me that he has done his part.

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It's very possible that you did believe you felt the various sensations; the mind is quite powerful in that way (and besides there's a whole slew of philosophy which argues that everything is an illusion and it's all in our mind)...that said, what is this about "Sarah Palin"? Am I too old to get the reference, or too disconnected from modern slang?

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@fuckyouraw777 - This site disallows certain words and phrases and when they are used automatically substitutes either “[banned word]” or a specific alternate word or phrase. I believe in this case “Sarah Palin” is the chosen substitute when a person tries to use the formal name of the entity referred yo in the Judeo-Christian context as the Prince of Lies.

@Twinkconfused12 - It is possible that the man you interacted with over cam is a hypnotist, and manipulated your perception through the power of suggestion. If you are not experienced with such things, a skilled hypnotist could place you in trance without you being aware that it was being done, and if you are particularly susceptible to suggestion, could have prompted you to experience the sensations you report relatively easily.

 I assure you, however, that you were not in any way actually supernaturally visited by anyone with horns… or even horny.

 I would not, by the way, recommend you have any further contact with this man with whom you cammed - hypnotizing you unawares is an unethical and predatory practice, and he is not to be trusted.

Edited by ErosWired
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2 hours ago, Twinkconfused12 said:

Thank you for the answer. It actually makes so much sense. He spoke about worshiping the demon but I guess everything was in my mind.

It may have been in your mind, but don’t think that the possibility that someone hypnotized you suggests that you’re weak-minded. On the contrary, it says something about your power of visualization and imagination that you could achieve a state in which sensations seemed real enough that you could cum hands-free. Not everyone is able to do it.

I have been told I am a particularly good hypnotic subject, and I have had more than one experience such as you describe (though none of them involving anything that purported to be diabolical) and I, too, have been made to cum hands-free from it. But my experiences have been at the hands of unethical men who have attempted to do truly wretched things to my mind, and it’s only because of the particular quirk of my psychology - and a bit if good luck - that I became aware of their intentions and was able to thwart them. I now have rather complicated defenses built up against such attempts, but the average person is best advised to approach anything like that with caution.

Hypnosis isn’t magic, or ESP, or a superpower - it’s a skill that can be learned, and learned to be detected by its techniques. A hypnotist can’t exercise true mind control - they can’t make you murder someone or jump off a cliff - but they can fuck with your head in very unpleasant ways. I still have little bits of things left behind from past experiences in my head, nothing dangerous, but annoyingly persistent.

If you have the sort of mind that might lend itself to suggestibility, and it sounds as though you might, you may want to study up a little on how hypnotists do their thing so you can spot them having a go at you.

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5 hours ago, fuckyouraw777 said:

what is this about "Sarah Palin"? Am I too old to get the reference

Too young, maybe ....

I've been wondering about that too.  So I read through a lot of the posts, and realized that perhaps typing in a certain "forbidden" word (aka Lucifer, I gather?) would alter that word and what would appear would be the name of that ridiculous choice of running mate John McCain made, and a vain attempt to garner women voters.  That was the woman who thought it would impress potential voters to tell how she could see Russia from the roof of her house.  She should have stayed there.  The choice of Sarah Palin as Veep candidate went a long way to sinking his hopes of winning the Presidency.  As far as I'm concerned, the connection between (the unmentionable one) and Ms. Palin is far too slim; there is not one ounce of wile or wit to that utterly dull, vacant woman.  I think that some computer geek somewhere, hired to "filter" certain words and substitute other words, got a big fat laugh out of it.  

If I failed to figure this out properly, someone please let me know.  

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12 hours ago, hntnhole said:

I think that some computer geek somewhere, hired to "filter" certain words and substitute other words, got a big fat laugh out of it.  

I may be mistaken, but I am under the impression that word filtering decisions for Breedingzone are made at the site level directly by management, and not by some third-party filtering agent. The nature of the specialized discourse on these boards may not lend itself to a generic filtering scheme and likely requires not only context-aware decisions, but also an ability to adapt to changes in usage that may not yet become mainstream enough for general filters to catch them. The constantly shifting vocabulary relating to illicit drug use is one example.

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On 12/24/2021 at 1:34 PM, Twinkconfused12 said:

Hi everyone. Let me introduce myself. I'm a 19yo countryside virgin boy and I had a weird encounter and looking for some answers. 

I was talking with a random old man over cam and he made me so so horny. Then he started to tell me that I am a virgin piggy designated for Sarah Palin and I should let him in and feel his breath all over me.

The weird part comes now, as I actually felt a breath all over my body and a weird sensation on my tight hole. It was getting more and more intensive and I ended up shaking like crazy and cumming hands free. At some point i thought i lost my mind and I have the image of a very red long cock in my mind. It was something crazy to experience. 

Does anyone know what this has been? I'm all confused. The old man later left telling me that he has done his part.

and welcome to BreedingZone,

Did you join our community here on BZ after this encounter?
I read the above posts, and especially ErosWired makes a lot of sense.

I am not knowledgeable on hypnosis at all, but it dawned on me that by joining BZ - if you did that - the talk with that man from the cam-session, possibly lead to your choice to become a member here.
Or were you already an avid follower of this website?

Personally I don't believe in dieties and I do know for a fact that it's the main religions that believe in the existence of the devil. It's literally part of Catholic doctrine for instance.

If you're an adult I hope you use the information that's available on this website about barebacking and HIV / Aids, and if you have come across BZ only recently you might want to stay out of the fiction sections at first and focus on the health info.

Whatever you do will be your choice from now on, and whether you're going to bareback or not, and how, it's probably a good idea to be well-informed about both what is good about it but also what the risks are. End please do not let anyone else push you one way or the other, or make that decision for you.
Good luck!

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I echo what others have said.  I've been (I'm sure) hypnotised in a very odd hookup that I've mentioned on here before.  What was oddest in my case how little the guy did after all he'd done to get me into that half-conscious state of mind. The pleasure for him must have been having the power, not what he did with it.  He knew he didn't have to hypnotise me to get his cock sucked.  Anyone else would just invite me over.

Some people will say that  you cant be hypnotised at all, others that you can be but not unknowingly.

I don't know. But my experience tells me both are wrong.  The fact that they can't do it does not mean it can't be done.  I forget what they call it, but there is a term for hypnotising people unawares and people who say they have done it. Unethical, sure; illegal, probably. It's still a big turn on for me - largely because of what the guy did.

Obviously the ones who say they can do such things might be crazy pr wrong - or so might I be.  I can't completely rule out that he did nothing and it's just my mind playing tricks (it's too long ago to remember, but  maybe it had been a stressful week at work).

Another possibility, maybe slightly more likely is that he might have put something in my drink.  But even then, he must  have been at least acting out a hypnosis fantasy. One thing I do remember is waking up when he repeated a particular phrase.  I've just never heard of anyone slipping them rohypnol and then trying to bring them round with the magic words -  still less of it working when they did. 

Probably because of how it played out with me,  I come at it almost from opposite perspective of ErosWired. Whatever it was, I loved that he could do it. It was the only hot part of what was otherwise between tame and lame. While I don't know what it was, I loved that he could do it. I just wish he'd done something more twisted or unethical when he had the chance.

I would agree, be aware and don't let others push you into anything you dont want to do.  But the opposite is true too - if the idea turns you on and it is what you want to do and your instinct says go for it, then do.  I'd love it if guys could somehow take control of me and my mind.  Sadly - and strange as it was - what the  guy did in my case, just confirms I did nothing I wouldn't have done anyway. Likewise, the whole forces of darkness idea, I find a turn on - it would be even more of one If I actually believed it. 

So sorry - long answer without much in terms of an answer.

ps 1 I'm from rural north of Scotland  and was a virgin  (who thought he was straight) until my late twenties; I don't think made my instincts any different or any worse for it.  Trust your judgment - it may not be right the whole time but its as good as anyone's and always your most reliable guide.   I've never noticed any correlation between good judgment and how built up it is where you live.

ps 2 I've always thought the word substitution thing flatters the former governor of Alaska. The antichrist is evil not stupid.  He has worshipers too - but let's lets not get sidetracked into American politics.

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On 12/25/2021 at 3:03 AM, ErosWired said:

are made at the site level directly by management

Well, thanks for the education.  I had / have no idea how websites operate, so if Ms. Palin was the choice for substitution, my thanks to mgmt.  I simply assumed it was some kind of contractual thing with some service-provider.  If it involves a wrench, hand-tools, I can usually fix it.  Other than that, not so much.

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14 minutes ago, gwmxyz said:

I've always thought the word substitution thing flatters the former governor of Alaska

Utterly.  Completely.  

re: the hypnosis thing:  There are some people who, for whatever reason, are more susceptible to hypnosis than others.  Some folks simply resist it (knowingly or un), and no matter how hard the hypnotizer tries, they cannot (will not?) be hypnotized.  Other people, more susceptible, can be hypnotized at the first suggestion.  I've witnessed this, when I was familiar with both of the people who were the "volunteers" - and I know neither were "in on it".  

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4 hours ago, gwmxyz said:

Probably because of how it played out with me,  I come at it almost from opposite perspective of ErosWired. Whatever it was, I loved that he could do it. It was the only hot part of what was otherwise between tame and lame. While I don't know what it was, I loved that he could do it. I just wish he'd done something more twisted or unethical when he had the chance.


I'd love it if guys could somehow take control of me and my mind.  Sadly - and strange as it was - what the  guy did in my case, just confirms I did nothing I wouldn't have done anyway.

Two different hypnotists tried “twisted and unethical” with me. Both of them, immediately after placing me in trance, at once instructed me forcefully to either imprison of incapacitate my own independent mind in a dark, inescapable place so that they could do their work uninterrupted. They both then began grooming me for abuse and what could have amounted to trafficking. They weren’t playing around. The second one was trying to lead me into a situation where I would come to him and allow him to put me in a cage.

With the first man, I had no prior experience and was only alerted to what he was doing because he had been doing it over chat (yes, it can be done by text). Luckily, I had my chat log on and after that session was over and I came out of it, there all the evidence was, right in front of me - no amount of “you will remember nothing when I count to five” is going to help when it’s all been logged.

By the time the second guy got to me, I had learned a thing or two and had set up defenses to protect my mind from assault. Even so, he was damn good at it, and took me to some places I would rather not have gone before I kicked him out of my skull.

So be careful what you ask for, and don’t be too eager to let unethical men have their twisted way with your mind. They can do some vile shit. But - you’re right about one thing: They can’t make you do something that you would never do. The danger lies in their ability to take what you could possibly do and persuade you to do it.

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