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This is the beginning of the next saga of how a Kid travels down the Pozzed up, Chemed up,  slut rabbit hole.

His first installment is in this section named

The Kid gets everything he wanted

If you'r interested in reading his first trip, please check it


As usual, this is only Fiction and is not intended for anyone to actually do this

Edited by drscorpio
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Chapter 1

A couple weeks ago the kid got his first taste of being a whore and what it was like being a parTy pig. He felt bad for a couple days but after that youth took over and he wanted to play again. He contacted me and asked when the next party would be. I told him that we usually got together once a month or so. Work and schedules are sometimes had to get together.. I asked him if he saw the pics and vids of his first time being an out of control slut. He said that he had seen them. Part of it he couldn’t remember but what parts he did was great and that he wanted to do more the net time. He said a couple guys that were at the party stopped at his place and one bent him over the arm of his couch and dry fucked him. He said it hurt but it kinda felt good at the same time. I asked him when this was and he said it was on Wednesday after the party. I told him his ass was probably still sore from the action of the prior weekend. He said the second guy used the Cum of the first guy as lube so it didn’t hurt any. He said that cum was dripping down his legs after they were done with him. I asked him if they gave him anything to help and he didn’t think so. I asked him ow they got a hold of him and he said the somehow had his email address. I told him I had given them it

He was disappointed that the next party would be a while off. I asked him what he would like to try next time, what he remembered from the first time he liked. He said he liked it all and that Frank was great. He remembered all the nasty talk he was saying and how great it felt. He said he wasn[A1] ’t expecting anything like the slam. He said all he remembered is that all of a sudden he wanted his ass to take a bull  sized cock. He said he wanted more and also wanted to try the sling next time. I told him that after a while we didn’t have him restrained much, just enough to keep him from slipping off the pads. If he got into the sling he would probably be hog tied in a way that anything the guys wanted to do to him would happen. He said “ That sounds great “. I reminded him what happened the last time and he said his insides are aching to get everything again. He also said that there was a strange craving for the wild sex again

He asked me about the marks on this butt and how long they would take to wash off. I told him probably a couple weeks. I wasn’t really sure. He said he was with his girl friend and had the lights off when they got in bed. He said he never fucked so long and came so much. She was amazed. I asked if he was bareback and he said she is on the pill so we don’t worry about it. He said he wanted to put it up her bubble butt but she would not let him. I told him “ That is why so many married guys are bi or gay. Wives don’t want sex and rarely give up the back door”. I asked him if he looked at the marks on his ass and he said in the mirror and he said it was difficult to see it. Texted him a pic I had on my phone. He looked at it. For a minute he was quiet. I asked him if he was still on the call and he said yes. He said “ I had a lot up my ass”. I said “ Yes you did . Do you see the marks on both sides”? He was a bit quiet and said “ Yes “ . I asked him to count the numbers under each side. “ He said 3 under a NEG side and 11 under the POZ side “. I asked him if he remembered telling me he wanted to get knocked up like the stories, he said “ Yes “. He was very quiet about his answers. I asked him if he remembered all the times I asked him if he wanted to stop? He again said “ YES”. I think the realization of what all went on was hitting him.

He said it was so much fun he was still craving more. I told him that the bath houses in the next town were a fun place to go if he wanted to try again. I told him to think it over and let me know. 


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These stories just get me more horny, being in a sling and hog tied along with PNP is something that scares me but excites me.



Chapter 2

He said it was so much fun he was still craving more He said it was so much fun he was still craving more. I told him that the bath houses in the next town were a fun place to go if he wanted to try again. I told him to think it over and let me know. 

He called texted me the next morning and said he needed to talk to me. I texted back and said I would be home after 6 and able to talk.

He called me right at 6, I wasn’t sure what he was so anxious to talk about. He told me that he really need to get more up his butt and would do anything to get it. I knew then that he was really hooked on the Chemsex. I asked him if he looked at the website on the paper he put in his jeans after the party. He said no that he forgot about it and put his cloths in the wash and the paper was destroyed. I texted him the information and logon details and told him to look.

On that site was video clips and pics of what all he got into. It showed him getting booty bumps, slammed, fucked by the Cruel condom on the dildo and how pink it was. It also showed him sucking cock for both cum and piss, taking cocks up the ass including the two cocks with the Bio Hazzard tats on them. All the face parts were blurred out.  We did have the originals incase he wanted to see his face in them.

He called me back less than an hour later. He said that was hot and wanted it again. I told him in a month but if he wanted to get some action try the baths in the next town. One is clean and pretty much vanilla play. The other has a rep of being sleazy and really wild. I asked the kid if he was keeping the hair off his pubes. He said yes, smooth as a babies bottom. I told him that at either lace if he walked around naked he would get lots of action because he looked like a teenager and guys go for that. I didn’t tell him that in the sleazy one he would be considered only a piece of meat and all the guy would be ripping his ass up. There are guys there that lean toward the molesting side and he would be prime meat.

He asked me about drugs. I told him at the upscale one probably not, at the sleazy one drugs are all over the place, trying to avoid them is the trick. I didn’t tell him that at the sleazy one all sorts of STIs and HIV+ unmedicated guys go there.

He told me that his girl friend was going to be out of town for a couple weeks and he had a four day weekend coming up. I told him to let me know what he wanted to do.


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i hope I am not breaking any rules - some what but not a steam bath house bu should be - a local gym for men and women !  It was a time being young and playing sports - looking Good for the summer !

I was very young boy with my cousin ( 20 years old ) taking me to the gym - I have been their 1 time - mixture of men and women working out !  This night must of been men's night - only men there during this time !

I walked in and was accepted - changing into my gym clothes - lots of middle age men - some guys were body builders - some were in tiny thongs - about nothing - showing off their nuts and meaty cocks !

i started running on the tread mill and listen to my music - looking at these different size males and what they were wearing . Soon i was doing curls - bending over - squats and now the bench press .

I was adding weights to my bar and this good looking - perfect body with muscles and a small tight thongs - he told me - I will be your spotter .

I told him I would appreciate it - Thank him - and another male -  older male about 55 yrs old mentioned I needed someone to hold my legs down pressing the weights .

I needed to do 3 sets of weight lifting - pressing heavier weights - my spotter keeping his eyes on me and same to him - except I was staring at his thongs ( nuts and dick ) in my face !

The older male held my hips and legs down - moving his hands about on my hips and legs - forcing them down - safe protection he mentioned .

Soon the Muscle guy became my coach - telling me to pressing the weights harder - telling me things to do - soon my 3 sets was over with - the muscle guy and 55 year old man became my buddies - hanging with me - weighting weights .

Then , the 3 of us went to the steam bath section - older men there- about 6 or 7 men there - having the towels off - hanging dicks - different sizes - cuts or uncut's - i was encourage taking off my towel but before saying anything - the 55 year old grabbed my towel off - now nude .

The muscle guy slipped off his thongs - soon everyone was naked - chatting - and at times wiping / towels their cocks - shaking them - imagining in a room of 7 cocks - some were semi's !

I could smell the sweat , and the male hormones running in the cum -  like hard cocks / cum loads - soon the older man / 55 yrs old lean over on me - his big old thick touching my body regular at times - insisted sniffing the brown bottle - several times sniffing - then he touching me - toweling my dick - feeling high and good  while  the other older males stroking their dicks !  Seeing erections - so many erections - soon the older male stroking me off - felt so wonderful - soon looking upon guys sucking each other off !

Soon , the Muscle guy / my coach grabbed my hands - giving me commands - i was looking around in the room - all these males had their eyes on me while jacking off !  The coach was stern and forceful - telling me to jack him off and start sucking his huge uncut dick - I had to do it - then the 55 yr. old male stroking me off - continue telling me sniff the brown bottle / poppers !

i was dazed - high - having sexual muscle guys - having older males shooting their cum loads on me - their hands feeling - smearing their cum on my body !

Soon , I was sloppy wet of cum loads from the other males there - the Coach helping me to a personal room connected to the gym - dark - low lighting - pictures of muscle guys in shorts - naked pictures - hung cocks - HOTTER than HELL - main was  Big , Beautiful , Big male Cocks / Breeding !

About 5 older males and the coach with me - we all smoking weed and playing with cocks - cocks - now a hour later - I was blizzed - drunk - high - I could not refuse cocks - obeying commands - the gym was closed for a hour - i was stretched out - naked - guys using my body - soon I passed out !

The morning waking up , my body extremely sore , my coach had 1 of his girlfriends ( muscles ) chatting with me - she smoking weed ( commanded me to smoke with her )  and sucking me off - Oh My God - so freaking Beautiful and big tits !

i spent the whole day at the gym - I was being used all day as a cum dumpster - being used - cock hound - No Refusal - drugs - booze and cum loads - Oh - by surprise - his muscle girl friend was a Transgender who was a dom muscle bitch loves to fuck drugged sissy boys !

I have a Life time membership to the Club now !

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Chapter 3

He told me that his girl friend was going to be out of town for a couple weeks and he had a four day weekend coming up. I told him to let me know what he wanted to do.


He called me back and said his craving was getting the better of him but he thought he could handle the sleazy one. He figured he could say no and stay out of the bad areas. I told him it wouldn’t be that easy but he said he wanted some of what he got a couple weeks ago. I told him to come to my place on Friday when he was on his way. Also to clean out real good and shave he pubes again. I called my one friend and told him about the kids craving and the plan. He said he would drop off something for him.

Friday my friend stopped in the afternoon and gave me 2 syringes. One had his special mix in it but looked bigger and the other one had a normal load of Meth. I asked him about what was in there and he said that the first one had the stuff to keep the kids cock had as nails and the other one had a huge load of meth in it.

The Kid texted me and said he would be at my place about seven. Knowing this kid I knew ne would be knocking on my door at 7pm.

There was a knock at my door and thought to myself it must be 7PM, sure enough it was and it was the Kid at the door. After he came in I asked him if the GF was gone and he said yes. He also added that they had a fuckathone last night and that he almost got the head of his cock up her ass. He did say he shot a huge load in her cunt and one down her throat. He said that since the party it seems that she has been instable.

I asked him if he was ready and he said “ Yes, I really need this “. I said OK, I told him to drop his pants that I wanted to see his cock and ass. His cock seemed to have grown but it was hard as a rock. I got down and sucked if for a few minutes. When I felt he was really getting into this I stopped. I just wanted to make sure he was hot and ready. I turned him around and saw the faded words and marks on his ass. I tool some cleaner I have used and wiped it on his ass. With a little work I was able to get all the load marks off. I grabbed my marker and redid the POZ and NEG marks on his ass. Above it I put ‘ FUCK THIS TEENAGER UP ‘. The in smaller print I put ‘ First trip to a bath ‘. I figured when they saw his young frame and hairless Kid they would see this after he passed and it would be Game On.

I gave the kid 3 bottles of water and the 2 syringes. I opened one and gave it to him and said to take a drink. I took it back and put the cap on it. He didn’t notice that it was opened already. I spiked it with some G. I wanted this kid to be so fucking horny he wouldn’t back out. I told him that he needed to keep hydrated and to drink about half on the way over and the rest of the bottle when he was parked. I told him to put the other 2 bottles in his bag for later. If they looked in his bag they would see sealed bottles and not think of it. I also gave him the enema bottle that he filled at the party. I told him that it was up to him but if he had to piss to put it in there, go to hi room and shoot it in his ass. There was a cap full of liquid in it, not much but it was some strong tina. I told him to put the 2 syringes in his socks so they would not be discovered incase they were looking for stuff. I also told him that once in the room, close the door, get naked go ass up on the bed and shoot the contents of the bigger one up his ass. I told him to stay like that for at least 15 minutes and then open the door with his ass up pointing at the door. I told him to hide the syringes under his mattress.  He had some lube and poppers with him already.

I bent him over and put some lube p his ass and then slowly pushed my cock in him. He was huming saying that the lube was nice and getting his ass warm but my ok felt great. He pushed back but I would not let him have any more than half, I wanted him ready for the night of debauchery that about to fall on him.

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Thank you for the encouragement is appreciated. It is good to see guys enjoying it and hopefully good material to get off on when there isn't anyone around  to help with that.

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Chapter 4

I bent him over and put some lube up his ass and then slowly pushed my cock in him. He was huming saying that the lube was nice and getting his ass warm but my ok felt great. He pushed back but I would not let him have any more than half, I wanted him ready for the night of debauchery that about to fall on him.

I pulled out and gave his bare butt a couple swats and told him to get dressed and head over. It would be way after 8 when he got there. I told him it would be a little early but you would be able to get a room. I also told him that the rooms on the first floor are cool to roam in. there are= some glory holes and dark areas. I told him he might want to avoid the basement area , that is where it really nets nasty and wild., He asked like what and I said all the degenerates and molesters are hanging out. If you go down there I promise you will get everything in your wildest imagine and probably a lot more. I have known guys that went there and couldn’t walk right after. His eyes lit up when I said that.

I told him that I had work to do and I might not be able to get over until late. He said OK. What he didn’t know is that I was going to follow him in and get a room next to his. I already talked to one of the guys working the door and told him about the kid. He was disappointed he couldn’t come to the party a couple weeks ago we had for him. He said he would take care of him. I asked him to get a room at the end of the hallways and hold the room next to him for me. He said “ that would be fine and when he takes a break maybe he could stuff his cock up the cunt of the newest ChemFag ”. I sent him a pic of the kid so he would recognize him. I told him to check his ID like normal, but he is shaved and when he walks around the place everyone will think he is a teenager piece of meat.

The Kid left and went on his way to the sleazy bath. If he drank all the water like I told him by the time he got into the room the G would be kicking in. If he did what I told him to do and gave himself the booty bump and waited 15 minutes, he would be high and ready for anything.

I waited until the kid was gone for about 10 minutes and got in my car and drove over. In my bag was a few items including a hood for me. I didn’t want the kid seeing me until he was spun out. If I had my way he would end up in the basement tied in a sling

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Chapter 5

I waited until the kid was gone for about 10 minutes and got in my car and drove over. In my bag was a few items including a hood for me. I didn’t want the kid seeing me until he was spun out. If I had my way he would end up in the basement tied in a sling

When I drove in I saw the Kid walking into the place. I parked next to the Kids car . I looked in and saw the empty water bottle. My plans were working so far. I walked in and the guy at the door recognized me and smiled and said the Kid really looks young but his ID checked out. I had sent him a link to the Video site and gave him the permissions to view the contents. He said  “ I was looking at those Vids you really converted that kid in record time”. I told him “ It was easy since the kid got to reading real and fiction stories on BZ and wanted to experience some of them”. He said that the 2 other guys working tonight saw them and wanted to see if the kid would let them fuck him. I told him “ The Kid will be so fucked up that he will take anything up his ass” . He said great because ‘ Horse ‘ checked in earlier and is looking for a hole to break. I was a bit concerned because I have seen ‘ Horse ‘ fuck a guy. He is a Freak of nature. His cock hangs down to his mid-thigh or more and is thicker than a beer can. I heard that he was straight at one time but no woman would let his cock near them for fear of permanent damage. I told the guy “ Let Horse know that fresh young meat will be down in the basement soon enough “.

I went inside thru the office door and stook off my joggers and put on my hood and went to my room. I put my bag in the locker in the room and could hear the Kid ruffling around in his room. I went back out the blackboard and  put up a notice, “ Young Fresh Meat Needs Plowed , Rm 129 “. Usually the staff would erase these at the top of every hour but they knew about this one and would not erase it until we left.

When I came back to my room the Kid had his door open and there was already a guy finger and eating the Kids Hole. The Kid was moaning and saying how great that felt. While I was standing there a guy came up and stared watching. The next thing I knew he slipped a finger between my cheeks and stared rubbing my hole. I am never one to turn down some action up my ass either. The guy got behind me spread my cheeks and stared eating my ass. I must say, it felt great. I looked back at the kid and saw that the guy had pulled the kids cock back and was sucking it while fingering the kid. From the angle of his 2 fingers I guessed he was massaging the Kids prostate at the same time. Between the T, G and what the guy was doing the Kid was really squirming around. I had hoped that the guy wouldn’t bring the Kid off to soon. I also knew that even if the Kid shot he wouldn’t want to stop. The guy stopped, stood up and dropped his towel. He had an average cock sticking straight out. I could have sworn that I saw it dripping precum. The guy put the head into the Kids hole and stared pushing in. The only lube was the guys spit. The Kid groaned and said “ I really need this, please do me “. With that the guy grabbed the kids hips and pulled him back. His cock bent a little but suddenly popped in. The kid gave out a loud grunt with the first Violation of the night.

The guy must have been close because he only lasted a few minutes. After he pulled out I motioned to the guy behind me to take the kid if he wanted to, This guy also had an average cock and proceeded to plow the kid ass. This guy didn’t last long either and when I noticed a ring on his finger I knew he was there to get his rocks off and go home. I wondered if the guy gave any though to going up a hole that was probably POZ  and maybe had other.

He pulled out and another guy stepped up to enjoy the Kid. He had a smaller cock and looked dirty, almost like a home less guy. He pumped for a few minutes. The Kid was saying “ Deeper, Deeper, Rape my ass” .  With the kid talking like that he was going to really get it tonight. The guy shot pretty quick and left.

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