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Genuine question here; I hope it doesn’t get flagged. 

I have been reading some of the posts in the forums about guys having sex when they are underage (i.e., less than 18(?)), taking raw dicks and getting loaded. The questions is, how do you get tested and treated for the STI that you inevitable catch? If you are, say, nine years old, and catch gono, you wouldn’t go to a sexual health center to get tested, because they would immediate question you and your behaviour (and worst tell your parents)? You wouldn’t want to keep quiet about it either because untreated STI will cause complications later down the road. 

Sometimes I think how hot it would be if I got into taking raw dicks earlier in life, say in highschool (before 18), but I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught something :S


Edited by Philip
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  On 5/22/2022 at 12:09 AM, Philip said:

Genuine question here; I hope it doesn’t get flagged. 

I have been reading some of the posts in the forums about guys having sex when they are underage (i.e., less than 18(?)), taking raw dicks and getting loaded. The questions is, how do you get tested and treated for the STI that you inevitable catch? If you are, say, nine years old, and catch gono, you wouldn’t go to a sexual health center to get tested, because they would immediate question you and your behaviour (and worst tell your parents)? You wouldn’t want to keep quiet about it either because untreated STI will cause complications later down the road. 

Sometimes I think how hot it would be if I got into taking raw dicks earlier in life, say in highschool (before 18), but I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught something :S



Bear in mind that anyone bragging about how he started having sex as a willing 9 year old is probably living in a fantasy world.

But also bear in mind, for the situations where it's true that someone started very young: it's highly unlikely they have any notion about STI's, so while they might experience symptoms for a bit, those symptoms often fade even if the infection is untreated. Such a person might well be in his late teens before he learns enough about STI's to protect himself, and even then, he might not associate "that thing" he had years earlier with the infections he's learning about now.

Your post raises a big question, though, for the interaction between health care autonomy, parental rights, age of consent laws, and the like. The existence of judicial bypass laws for abortion permission (while it's still legal) presumes that there are health care providers who will see an unaccompanied minor teenager who suspects she's pregnant. Abortion as a very public issue does have the side effect of making those resources more visible. The same, alas, cannot be said for (for example) urologists treating underaged boys for STI's.

And the problem for health care providers is that they're mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse. If a nine or ten year old boy presents with a case of syphilis or gonorrhea, it's a statistical certainty that he contracted it through what is legally sexual abuse; the person who infected him is almost certainly much older and that age is far below any age of consent (another concept that would be foreign to that child). 

I suppose within pedophile circles, there are health care workers who are known to look the other way when quietly treating an underaged victim of sexual abuse. But that's not of much use to a hypothetical, perhaps even imaginary, boy who is so sexually active that he contracts an STI at a very  young age.

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  On 5/22/2022 at 12:34 AM, BootmanLA said:

The same, alas, cannot be said for (for example) urologists treating underaged boys for STI's.


Moreover, a urologist is a specialist, and the patient in question isn’t going to be seeing one without a referral from a general physician or clinic who would therefore already be aware of the unusual condition in a minor.

  On 5/22/2022 at 12:09 AM, Philip said:

If you are, say, nine years old, and catch gono, you wouldn’t go to a sexual health center to get tested, because they would immediate question you and your behaviour (and worst tell your parents)?


If you are, say nine years old, you wouldn’t go to a sexual health center to get tested because A) You don’t have the means to transport yourself, B) You aren’t aware of how the adult world works to the degree that you understand that there are specialized facilities dedicated to the treatment of issues related to adult human sexual function. At 9 years old, even if you have been the unfortunate victim of sexual abuse, the whole concept of adult sexuality is probably still a murky and uncertain subject at best, if not baffling and/or terrifying.

  On 5/22/2022 at 12:09 AM, Philip said:

Sometimes I think how hot it would be if I got into taking raw dicks earlier in life, say in highschool (before 18)


I would advise caution in going any farther with that line of thought here - the site management’s tolerance for discussion of underage scenarios appears to be (justifiably) limited to a person mentioning that something happened to him at an early age, without any glorifying lurid detail. Talking about how ‘hot’ an encounter might be as/with a minor may be flirting with an infraction. The whole question is so improbable it almost seems like a pretext just for an opportunity to say how hot you think it would be.

  On 5/22/2022 at 12:09 AM, Philip said:

I have been reading some of the posts in the forums about guys having sex when they are underage (i.e., less than 18(?)), taking raw dicks and getting loaded. The questions is, how do you get tested and treated for the STI that you inevitable catch? If you are, say, nine years old, and catch gono, you wouldn’t go to a sexual health center to get tested, because they would immediate question you and your behaviour (and worst tell your parents)? You wouldn’t want to keep quiet about it either because untreated STI will cause complications later down the road. 


As someone who started in middle school, I only hooked up with guys around my age, except for one exception. The boy who took my virginity was a virgin, too, and so were the next 4 guys I hooked up with. So STD's weren't really a concern for me.

When my mom discovered I was having sex, she made an appointment for me to see my pediatrician. Surprisingly, he kept things comfortable and asked me a few questions about my activities and my partners ages. Looking back, I realize it was to make sure I wasn't being intimate with an adult, which I was nowhere ready for at the time. After that, I was sent across the hall to get bloodwork done so I could get tested for STI's. After that I was tested every time.

So to answer your question, if the kid is sick his parents or guardian will probably just take him to the doctor and they'll figure it out. Unless one of the parents is abusing him. Then his condition might go untreated until he tells the school nurse or another adult about his symptoms.

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I had sex as a teenager with an older man, and the thought honestly didn't cross my mind at the time. I think it was just that I couldn't conceive of anything "bad" like that happening.  I was certain of my own immortality.  Teens are impulsive and not inclined to consider all the angles in these situations. My prime goal, looking back, was to have the assurance that yes, I was attractive and lovable.  Nothing else much mattered at that stage of life, when all I heard at school was "faggot" and how useless I was, and had only the rather distant love and caring my parents could give me. Growing up gay in the Midwest in the 70s was brutal, at least for me. So even though he wasn't the love of my life, afterwards when I would walk through the hallways of my high school and hear the never-ceasing taunts and slurs, I could think something to myself along the lines "You fucking idiots, you don't know anything."

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It depends on the state and the county/city you're in. I went to middle school and high school in the Dallas ISD and both offered confidential STD testing for kids 12 and up. Both that I went to were predominantly Hispanic and there had been a number of STD outbreaks in the past and so the ISD started offering it as kids couldn't/wouldn't go to their parents because of the cultural stigma. That said it didn't include HIV testing. Dallas is a Democratic city so I'm sure outside of Dallas this kind of testing doesn't happen. I was pretty freaked out the first time I went to get tested but the nurse was very nice and I got treated without my parents finding out. They do advise that they can't test you for HIV and strongly suggest you go to your pediatrician to get tested. They aren't allowed to talk to you about safe sex or to offer condoms though, so if you don't know about those things it isn't going to help young gays boys if they're barebacking. I was WAY too scared to talk to my pediatrician about it for fear they would tell my parents and so I wasn't tested for HIV until I turned 18. And while its not illegal for minors to take PREP in Texas there's no programs in Dallas that provide PREP to underage boys either. So unless you're parents are cool with you being gay, sexually active, and get you on prep you're rolling the dice if you're under 18 and barebacking.

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  On 5/22/2022 at 12:09 AM, Philip said:

Genuine question here; I hope it doesn’t get flagged. 

I have been reading some of the posts in the forums about guys having sex when they are underage (i.e., less than 18(?)), taking raw dicks and getting loaded. The questions is, how do you get tested and treated for the STI that you inevitable catch? If you are, say, nine years old, and catch gono, you wouldn’t go to a sexual health center to get tested, because they would immediate question you and your behaviour (and worst tell your parents)? You wouldn’t want to keep quiet about it either because untreated STI will cause complications later down the road. 

Sometimes I think how hot it would be if I got into taking raw dicks earlier in life, say in highschool (before 18), but I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught something :S



Some parts of the USA,  15/16 yo's going to the Health Dpt for testing & treatment nothing would be said... It would be kept private.  At the early age of 9... way to young to consent & it's criminal.  There are plenty of adults above the age of 18 to play twisted games.  Leave the children alone!

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I was fortunate to grow up in a time and place where I got a reasonably complete sex ed class in 8th grade, so I would have known what to do (though not probably how to find it) if I'd crossed paths with STIs as a minor. As things happened, I was way too shy at the time (yeah, I got over it) to have that be an issue. Though I had no issues whatsoever dealing with it when I hit that bump at 20 (the college clinic guy was convinced I couldn't possibly have that... and I proved him wrong by showing up to the appointment with a crab louse stuck inside a piece of scotch tape).

On a slightly political note, this issue (and the related one of teen pregnancy) is exactly why left-wingers are always insisting that yes, we do need sex ed in middle school (if not earlier), whether the values of the parents bless teenage sex or not.

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I was 12 when I first got fucked by my dad and his brother ( My Uncle ). They both fucked me till I was way into my 20's. I also got fucked by many other men. Many straight married men with kids and wife. On my 14 birthday they started a gangbang letting other men fuck and breed me as a birthday gift/ party. As well as me swallowing cock and cum on a daily basis, multiple times a day from many men in Mexico and in the States. I remember getting my 1st STI when I was 14. I was concerned and scared at the same time, did not know what was going on. I went to Mexican border town saw a doctor no questions asked. Gave me antibiotics and sent me on my way. Being young dumb and full of cum ( My ass full of cum ) had its challenges but if you are a true cumdump you will find a way to be a productive cumdump no matter the situation. 


Through middle-school, I grew up in a school system that abided by the adage "it was good enough for me, it's good enough for my kids". Unfortunately, it wasn't, so things like Sex Ed went by the wayside, and about all we got was a film from the early 60's as instructional. STIs? Teen pregnancy? Contraception? Things other than heterosexual contact? Nope. The result was that we had a few 13 and 14 year olds who got knocked up and a lot of promiscuity because you had bored kids with nothing else to do.  In grade school it was even eye opening for me.

Nonetheless, I did not think it was entirely the responsibility of the school system to provide Sex Ed. It was parents who just ignored it out of either embarrassment or other factors. Doesn't mean that I think we need to be teaching that in K through 3 because kids need to understand and process the information, and that area to me is a bit young and potentially "groomy-feeling". But there's a progression that would be educational on the basics before we get into non-reproductive stuff. Just my $0.02.

  • 4 months later...

Having been that age not that long ago and knowing the guys I played with who were the same age I can tell you you're playing with fire. As I mentioned above the sex provided us was terrible and didn't address gay sex, sexual safety and precautions, or safe sex. None of the guys I knew were on Prep, none I knew used condoms, and so it was the perfect storm for bad things to happen. If you were to pick up one of those guys you're a greater risk of getting something as they don't know their status and aren't on Prep, not to mention the legal consequences here in Texas which is pretty severe on that sort of thing. 

  On 5/23/2022 at 4:15 PM, PigBoyDallas said:

It depends on the state and the county/city you're in. I went to middle school and high school in the Dallas ISD and both offered confidential STD testing for kids 12 and up. Both that I went to were predominantly Hispanic and there had been a number of STD outbreaks in the past and so the ISD started offering it as kids couldn't/wouldn't go to their parents because of the cultural stigma. That said it didn't include HIV testing. Dallas is a Democratic city so I'm sure outside of Dallas this kind of testing doesn't happen. I was pretty freaked out the first time I went to get tested but the nurse was very nice and I got treated without my parents finding out. They do advise that they can't test you for HIV and strongly suggest you go to your pediatrician to get tested. They aren't allowed to talk to you about safe sex or to offer condoms though, so if you don't know about those things it isn't going to help young gays boys if they're barebacking. I was WAY too scared to talk to my pediatrician about it for fear they would tell my parents and so I wasn't tested for HIV until I turned 18. And while its not illegal for minors to take PREP in Texas there's no programs in Dallas that provide PREP to underage boys either. So unless you're parents are cool with you being gay, sexually active, and get you on prep you're rolling the dice if you're under 18 and barebacking.


Yup! Most states allow for STI treatment/testing without parent's consent if you're 12 or older. 

  On 5/24/2022 at 3:43 PM, TXltnpozcumdump88 said:

I was 12 when I first got fucked by my dad and his brother ( My Uncle ). They both fucked me till I was way into my 20's. I also got fucked by many other men. Many straight married men with kids and wife. On my 14 birthday they started a gangbang letting other men fuck and breed me as a birthday gift/ party. As well as me swallowing cock and cum on a daily basis, multiple times a day from many men in Mexico and in the States. I remember getting my 1st STI when I was 14. I was concerned and scared at the same time, did not know what was going on. I went to Mexican border town saw a doctor no questions asked. Gave me antibiotics and sent me on my way. Being young dumb and full of cum ( My ass full of cum ) had its challenges but if you are a true cumdump you will find a way to be a productive cumdump no matter the situation. 


I had something similar. I was like 12 or 13 and developed an infection in my ass. At the time and place you could just buy antibiotics at a pharmacy without prescription. So I just bought some and it went away. I never got tested though so can't say for sure it was an STI but at the time I was getting my ass pounded regularly by older guys and i was getting pregnant every single time.  So who knows. 


even though I started getting fucked really early it was all teen boys until I got to high school and then even though I started taking loads from a lot of strangers and anonymous men in grade 9 I somehow managed to not get knocked up with any bugs till I was 16. by then I had dodged a LOT of bullets from a LOT  of different men. but not just men, the kinda men willing to fuck a slutty high school femboy cumdump raw. so while I was getting fucked by lots of straight men and married men who were clean and assuming me to be clean because of my age, there were probably a lot more men breeding me who expected me to be dirty just because of what an easy fuck I was, with like zero standards in the men fucking me and unloading their balls into my teen body. I was not innocent looking at all. men told me they could tell I was a cumdumpster as soon as they saw me prancing my faggoty ass around. the first time I tested positive for anything I had spent several hours every day taking porntheatre loads all summer and getting my guts filled in the bathhouse with my boyfriend watching, and was getting whored out by my uncle on the regular so it was no surprise. I thought about starting to use condoms for like a minute and then remembered that whores like me are born to get barebacked. so I just accepted the odd bug as the price community fuckholes pay for getting loaded all the time.

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I have mentioned this in other posts here before. 
I was repeatedly raped from age 8 to 12 by an uncle. I had no clue what an STD/STI was back then. And I highly doubt there are many (not saying none) 9 year olds out there fucking wild and catching STI. 

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