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Any tips on becoming a better cum dump?

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Since I’ve started prep it’s really opened me up sexually. Now I take regular visits to the bath house and try to collect as many loads as possible. Almost no loads are refused and I love being used anon style. However I usually start to physically tap out around 5-6 cocks. Usually I can make it to 10 but it’s not super comfortable anymore if I’m being honest.. not sure if the cum in me is drying up between men or what and causing too much friction. I’ve tried butt plugs and that seems to help but only slightly. Even poppers after a while don’t do the trick. Any advice on being able to take more and more cocks and loads? Butt plugs start to becoming too large after a certain point and I can’t even get the girthy ones all the way in. 

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Sex is like any other sport. You have to train for it and train your body cock and ass for Game Days. This means devoting time most everyday to taking toys in you and pushing yourself to go longer and take bigger. As you get more sexual use, your body will build more endurance (and appetite/need for it) and you will last longer and longer each time. Guys see me in action in sex clubs/resorts or in my porn films and ask how they can become more like me and i tell them the same thing every time: get out and do it. live it. Train for the sport of sex and you will indulge on a level most fantasize about.

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1 hour ago, MuscledHorse said:

Sex is like any other sport. You have to train for it and train your body cock and ass for Game Days. This means devoting time most everyday to taking toys in you and pushing yourself to go longer and take bigger. As you get more sexual use, your body will build more endurance (and appetite/need for it) and you will last longer and longer each time. Guys see me in action in sex clubs/resorts or in my porn films and ask how they can become more like me and i tell them the same thing every time: get out and do it. live it. Train for the sport of sex and you will indulge on a level most fantasize about.

Totally agree...the words of a truly committed sex pig 😉

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To the O.P.:  How long have you been at this?  

It's taken some of us quite some time to build up the tolerance to take the number of dicks that many dream of.  As correctly and well stated by @MuscledHorse, you need to train for it.  It's not going to happen overnight, or even a few weeks or months.  And let's be fair, 5 or 6 cocks in a night is not a bad night at all...certainly nothing you should be disappointed by!

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On 5/26/2022 at 9:55 AM, Openmouthpolicy said:

Any advice on being able to take more and more cocks and loads?

All excellent replies above.  It's like any other bodily exercise - the more you practice, the more you can do.  The sphincter is a muscle, and it simply needs slow, methodical and regular exercise, in order to do it's job properly, consistently, and pervectly.  Some guys virtually live in a gym, and their body reflects the time and effort they took to sculpt their bodies into magnificent specimens of maleness.  Maybe start with an hour a day (or, whatever you feel comfortable with).  Gradually increase both the duration and the size of the Hole-opening tool (I mean plugs, dildos, whatever).  Be sure to practice squeezing it shut too, so you can retain the loads when you need to. 

With a few months of regular, daily exercise, your Hole will reward you with amazing abilities to milk any Cock into Breeding it, and you'll be able to take more and more in one night at the fuckjoints. 

Good luck, bud - the world never has enough real cumdumps, so turn your Hole into one of the very BEST !!! 

aw shucks .... did I misspell "perfectly" ???

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You've got to learn to take care of your hole if you want it to be able to withstand constant use. When I plan on bottoming frequently or for numerous people I make sure to lubricate my hole with Vaseline between uses to keep the skin soft and supple. Vaseline creates the effect of skin occlusion and allows the skin to remain most and supple and to repair itself faster than it would without the treatment. You can research skin occlusion. I've provided one link here: [think before following links] https://www.skincare.com/article/what-is-occlusive-skin-care-product-ingredient

You will need more practice as well to allow you hole to adapt to more frequent use, but taking care of it in between makes the process much easier. I've gotten into the habit of applying Vaseline nightly on the days I don't have activity so that my hole remains ready for use when needed.

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When you are practicing or playing with butt plugs, its not just about having them stuck up there, but repeatedly pushing them in and pulling them out again, so the sphincter gets used to the sensation of having to open wider. Small and gentle for a bit, then small and brutal for a bit, then bigger and gentle, then...

I also think (and this could be total rubbish) that it's good to look at sexy porn while cunt-stretching, to get positive associations in your mind.

Mind you, I'm as tight as a vice so probably the wrong person to give advice. But those who manage to break in seem to enjoy themselves.

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