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Maybe some posts are confused?


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In my mind, all of us (the gay people) have something in common. We like men (no matter how they look like). Our thoughts and desires (in the sexual part) revolve around taking pleasure from men. But I think that somewhere in the way of achieving the biggest possible pleasure we may get lost and that can be reflected in several posts. Here, it feels that half of the members have fucked with their fathers, uncles and their friends. I'm sure that this something possible, but I can't believe that it is true for that many people. Oh and most people seem to have been fucked by their siblings at a very early age. I can't believe that. I also find stupid some things around the net as in the case of saving cum in the fridge and just giving it to the bottom. All these are stupid for me, no offence meant.

I think pleasure comes from simplicity. You find a guy he makes u horny, you make him horny. You don't need more than that to have fun. Even at gangbangs, do people really feel pleasure? Or just unsatisfied and tired? I don't wanna sound too romantic but sex requires chemistry and even love, it's also a mental process. If you're in a rush to just have it and then go to the next, nope u're in the wrong way for me

Small bonus: a (translated) part of a greek poem about a lover

"your have a taste of storm in your lips"

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12 hours ago, Sharp-edge said:

Here, it feels that half of the members have fucked with their fathers, uncles and their friends. I'm sure that this something possible, but I can't believe that it is true for that many people. Oh and most people seem to have been fucked by their siblings at a very early age. I can't believe that. I also find stupid some things around the net as in the case of saving cum in the fridge and just giving it to the bottom. All these are stupid for me, no offence meant.

You're free to find anything "stupid" if you wish. I'd point out two things: a lot of what you read on here, and on other sites on the internet, is purely fantasy/masturbatory fodder and has no basis in reality; and two, most people don't take kindly to their likes/dislikes being called "stupid".


12 hours ago, Sharp-edge said:

I think pleasure comes from simplicity. You find a guy he makes u horny, you make him horny. You don't need more than that to have fun.


I don't wanna sound too romantic but sex requires chemistry and even love, it's also a mental process.

These two statements directly contradict each other. Either sex is "simple" and the result of two horny people, OR it requires "chemistry and even love" but they can't both be true.

And in any case, what YOU require is not necessarily what OTHERS require. Categorical statements like "sex requires chemistry" as though you were handing down Revealed Truth from on high are just bullshit. If YOU require chemistry for sex, that's your business. Saying it's a requirement in general isn't your place to decree for the rest of the world.

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The majority (not the entirety) of the posts on this site that you are referring to in which men have had incestuous sex or other kinds of improbable sex are not “confused” - they are fictitious. The fact that they are posted in the guise of actual accounts rather than in the section designated for fiction also means they are lies, but that still does not mean the posters are “confused”. It simply means that they’re describing themselves in a fantasy context that titillates them and others like them. The fact that it’s a statistical impossibility for that many members to have actually had such experiences is immaterial to their reason for posting. One does not avoid reading novels simply because fiction isn’t nonfiction.

You may find it annoying that so much fantasy masquerades as truth here; so do I. Their hyperbole makes it difficult for my true accounts of what actually happens to me to be believed. But our dismay is a problem of our expectations of the forum, not the nature of the forum, which is to provide a place for men to talk about sex, including their fantasies. Coming at the forum with an understanding from the start that you cannot take most of the content at face value may make it a bit more palatable.

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On 6/27/2022 at 12:26 PM, Sharp-edge said:

In my mind, all of us (the gay people) have something in common.

Of course this is true.  What is also true, is that we vary widely in the manner we enjoy sex.  Some men love X, some men love Y, and some men love the entire alphabet. 

Yes, we have much in common, and we have a wide pool of ways to express out sexuality too.  There are men who are deeply in love with another man, and have mind-blowing sex with their loved one.  There are men who love their One and Only, and never find outside sex appealing. There are men who find polyamory thrilling, and men that don't.  There are men that find that "connection" with only one, and men that find it in a pile of rutting men.  Who's to say one is better (or less confused?) than the other?  Certainly not me.

There's room for everyone, and men that see things differently deserve just as much value, to have their lives upheld, and enjoy acceptance from all of us.  While it may be true that some guys write "can you top this" stuff on this site and there's room for that here on BZ.  The point is, do what makes you happiest, and share that with everyone else.  If some guy reads something he doesn't care for - well, no one is forcing him to read it in the first place. 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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