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Chad's Collapse into Chaos


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Chapter 4: Who have I become?

“Sup Fag? You want some of this?”

“Yeh? You want to play with it? Tell me about you”


I typically follow instructions well. I rarely color outside the lines in life. Boundaries and rules have kept me on a pretty consistent path. So I guess it isn’t a surprise that I followed these instructions like my life depended on them. The next part of the journey isn’t always clear in my memory. I know I reached out. I know I consented to be drugged and to get used. I don’t know much else. I also know that I hit a sort of rock bottom after this. 

I opened up to friends and family about what was happening, not going into explicit detail, but letting them know that the breakup was really hard on me and that I was struggling. I knew there was a risk that the photos, videos, or other information could end up being used against me, but I did what I could to prevent that. I changed phone numbers, scrubbed my online presence, and started trying to take care of myself. The photos and videos of me never surfaced, my family and friends were never contacted, and in general, the only person who knew what happened was me and whoever else I came into contact with, or rather, who came into contact with me and then shot their loads in me. 


This new direction was helpful, for a time, but deep down I knew that I was always going to stumble and fall back into depravity. But, there were lessons from this experience that helped in other areas. I became less rigid, more flexible in terms of boundaries and rules. However, this also meant that it wasn’t always so straight forward or certain what steps I should take. I was used to living in black & white, and suddenly I was forced to live with a lot more complexity than that. 


I pumped the brakes on sexual activity and I went completely sober. Following this experience, it took time to get over Trev and to put the wheels back on my general existence after falling off the tracks so spectacularly. I deleted the online hook up apps, I stopped watching porn, and I went an entire year without even making out with a guy. I think I wanted a hard reset. It was useful. However, after a year of trying my best to be what I thought was a better version of me, I was finding myself bored, alone, and horny. 


Over this time I had switched jobs, still in comms/marketing, but with another organization and a different type of role. In my new role, I was going to be traveling a lot more which I was excited for, but also nervous about. I knew traveling could get me into trouble. I got a new phone at work, the same number and phone as a previous employee from another department, but otherwise new to me. First on my agenda in my new role was to head to the national office for training and onboarding. I was going to be flown to a much larger city in the middle of the country for a week to meet directors and VPs and get a sense for the new landscape I was in. I was excited, but all I could think about was, “will I behave?” I wasn’t so sure.


I headed up early on a Monday morning. I hadn’t even booted up the phone yet, waiting till I was on the plane out before even looking at the thing. It was completely reset. Funny how I was trying to do a complete reset on my life too. I booted up the phone, set it up with my info, and then looked to see what was happening. Right away I got a text message. I assumed it was from the corporate head office. I was wrong. 


“Sup Fag? You want some of this?” It was from an unknown number, with a picture of a hard uncut dick, wet, with a bottle of poppers next to the dick. I was shocked. I had also opened this on the plane, but thankfully no one was sitting next to me. Was the previous owner of this phone a slut? What was happening? The text message and the picture was so shocking to me. I didnt notice that I was instantly harder than I have been in months. I had to cover my lap with my bag to hide my hard on.


“Sir, you need to put your bag under your seat for take off”. I smiled at the flight attendant and nodded and replaced my bag with my jacket. My dick was throbbing. I wasn’t sure what I should do about the text message? I was going to delete and block the number, but I was so curious. Curious and horny. 

Things were a bit different for me now. I was on prep, feeling a bit more secure in my own sexual desires, but it had been so long since I tried anything with anyone. I had assumed I would start dating, not jump into the apps. But this message from a complete stranger, it almost didnt seem real. I texted back. 


“Hey, this message must be for the previous owner of the phone. I got this number and phone through work. Sorry, you got a different guy here.” Thinking this would be it, I turned off the phone, tried to recenter myself, and tucked in for the flight. But my hard on wouldn’t leave. I just kept thinking about that dick and the poppers, about the wild times I had a year ago. As the plane took off and we started the climb into the sky, all I could think about was getting off. 


As soon as the plane climbed high enough for seat belts to be taken off, I grabbed the phone and rushed to the bathroom. I need to jerk it, and the least I could do was use this unsolicited image as my bate material. I booted up the phone and saw another message. Fuck, I forgot to turn the phone onto airplane mode before turning it off so it was still sending/receiving messages. The message was from the same number.


“Do you like what you see?” Of course I did. My rock hard cock was leaking through my pants as I was standing in the airplane bathroom about to jerk it to this random guy's photo. I had to ignore the messages and just jerk off. Ignore the messages. Just ignore it. 


I turned the phone on airplane mode and started jerking to the photo. I could feel myself shaking, I was so horny and worked up.  Just receiving a message like this after such a long period without porn and action was enough to send my body into overdrive. I was jerking, with the intention of getting off as quickly as possible. I didn’t last long. I jerked and shot a huge load into the sink and streaking up into the mirror of the plane bathroom. Hopefully I didnt make too much noise. I cleaned up, headed back to the seat, and forgot all about it.


A few hours later I landed and I headed to the hotel. I wasn’t on official work duties at all today. I was just required to get to the hotel, check in, and relax. It was summer and hot. I thought about maybe checking out the local queer scene, or going for a walk. I wasn’t really sure what I was going to get up to. 


Shortly after getting to my room, visions of my hookups a year ago came back to me. The text message and the photo were front and center in my mind. I was in trouble. Even though I jerked, I could tell I was still excited and felt a sense of ravenous desire that I have not experienced sober before in my life. I opened up my phone, looked at the last message from this mystery popper dick guy and wrote him back. 


“Yes.” Short, simple, uncomplicated. I fell into bed and started playing with my dick. 


I had not used porn in almost a year. I deleted most of my accounts and I didnt have any saved content anywhere, not even on my computer. But I was craving porn. Really bad. But I wanted to stick to my principles. I felt the phone vibrate. It was him. 


“Yeh? You want to play with it? Tell me about you”


I knew this wasn’t going to end well. I needed to delete and block the number. I needed to stick to what was working for me. But, if I was so serious about these new rules and boundaries in my life, why was I so bored? So alone? So fucking horny all the time? 

I wrote back and sent him a selfie with a message. “Bored, away for work in another city, and horny”. Well, I knew exactly where this was going to go. I told him where I was, which hotel, the room number, how long I was staying, he asked more questions, never really offering up details about himself. But I think I needed and wanted an outlet. He became the place for my sexual confessions. As much as I tried to improve my life and reconcile all these different parts of myself, I hadn’t truly opened up about what had happened a year ago.


“So, you are a submissive gooner fag? Wanting to get fucked anonymously while also being fucked up? Is that correct?”


I was rock hard and jerking while texting with him. He was triggering all the parts of me that have been wanting to be triggered. I was completely unhinged and unlocked. 


“Yes sir. That is what I want. It has been so long.” Even though I had gotten off earlier I was rock hard, leaking, and bating hard. 


“Good boy. You are little fag. I will have more instructions for you, but for now, stop touching your dick and wait by the phone. And go check the package that is outside of your door”.


Oh fuck. Things were escalating. I tucked my dick in my shorts and opened the hotel door to find a small brown bag. I quickly grabbed it and went inside. Another text. 


“Enjoy… be in touch soon”.


Inside the bag were two bottles of unopened poppers, a brand I had never used before, and some treats, a couple baggies of white powder, a couple baggies of brown powder, and a few pills. I should have just thrown it all out. I should have gone to the hotel and asked for a new room. I should have blocked the number. But all I could think was, fuck it. 


Who was I becoming?


(to be continued)

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