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So some neighbors came over to get some plants, one maybe 50, the other maybe 25, and they both had silver rings on their thumbs and index fingers.  They're a Daddy/son couple, and it reminded me that I've seen this occasionally at the bars, etc.  

Does anyone know the significance?  What do the silver (and only that metal)  rings, and the placement on only thumbs and index fingers mean? 

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2 hours ago, hntnhole said:

the placement on only thumbs and index fingers mean? 

I came across the answer to this question in a book called “Rules of the game” by Neil Strauss. Below is the entire passage from the book:



”In ancient Greek culture, each one of the mounds at the top of the palm was represented by a different god. And people back then would wear a ring on the associated finger to honor that particular god. 

“For example, the thumb represents Poseidon, the god of the sea. And he was very independent. He was the only god who didn’t live on Mount Olympus. And the thumb kind of stands apart from the other fingers. So people with thumb rings are generally independent thinkers who tend to do their own thing. They don’t follow trends; they like to set their own. 

“The index finger is represented by Zeus, the king of the gods. And it represents power and dominance. Just like when parents scold children, they always wave the index finger. So people with a ring on this finger generally have an inclination to take charge. 

“The middle finger is represented by Dionysus, the god of wine and partying. He was a very irreverent god. And he liked to free people from their inhibitions. So if you have a ring there, it means you tend to do whatever you want without depending too much on what others think. You can be an instigator sometimes. So it kind of makes sense that it’s the finger people use to swear. 

“Your ring finger is, of course, represented by Aphrodite. She was the goddess of love, and that’s supposedly why we wear wedding rings on that finger. Interestingly, it’s the only finger that has a vein that goes straight to the heart without branching off. So when someone puts a ring on that finger, they’re actually making a direct connection with the heart. 

“Your pinky is represented by Ares, the god of war. That’s why you see mobsters wear pinky rings. It represents conflict. When people put the ring on themselves, back then it meant they were in conflict with themselves or had some inner turmoil. If it was given as a gift, that often meant there was an element of conflict or competitiveness with the giver beneath the surface. 

“People who didn’t wear rings were aligned with Hermes, who was the messenger of the gods. He represented exotic travel and wealth, and loved the best of everything. But he wasn’t greedy. He was known for his giving nature, and was the most helpful of the gods. He was also the most adventurous. So people with no rings tend to be open minded, and enjoys travel and being around others.”


If they say that the ring doesn’t fit any of their personalities, you generally tell them that people sometimes choose those fingers because they’re subconsciously working on cultivating that particular attribute or because they’re attracted to people with that attribute. 

I’ve tried this on a lot of people and it is true most of the time. 

For those that are reading, do you find the above statement true about yourself? 

Edited by Philip
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Well, thanks for that interesting reply, Philip.  I wonder if it isn't a bit "deep" for some of the guys wearing these rings.  

James100, neither am I.  I have a few finger-rings, class rings, etc, and can't recall ever wearing any of them.  I wear a wristwatch, and that's it.  

And BootmanLA, it wouldn't be the first time a fashion statement or trend has escaped my attention either !!!  

Thanks for the replies, guys.  

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I'm going to have to watch now, since I don't really remember seeing any on index fingers, I definitely see them on thumbs. I've been noticing guys with some, but not all of their fingernails painted, now I'm wondering if there is significance as to which ones. 

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11 hours ago, Philip said:

”In ancient Greek culture, each one of the mounds at the top of the palm was represented by a different god. And people back then would wear a ring on the associated finger to honor that particular god. 

“For example, the thumb represents Poseidon, the god of the sea. And he was very independent. He was the only god who didn’t live on Mount Olympus. And the thumb kind of stands apart from the other fingers. So people with thumb rings are generally independent thinkers who tend to do their own thing. They don’t follow trends; they like to set their own. 

“The index finger is represented by Zeus, the king of the gods. And it represents power and dominance. Just like when parents scold children, they always wave the index finger. So people with a ring on this finger generally have an inclination to take charge. 

“The middle finger is represented by Dionysus, the god of wine and partying. He was a very irreverent god. And he liked to free people from their inhibitions. So if you have a ring there, it means you tend to do whatever you want without depending too much on what others think. You can be an instigator sometimes. So it kind of makes sense that it’s the finger people use to swear. 

“Your ring finger is, of course, represented by Aphrodite. She was the goddess of love, and that’s supposedly why we wear wedding rings on that finger. Interestingly, it’s the only finger that has a vein that goes straight to the heart without branching off. So when someone puts a ring on that finger, they’re actually making a direct connection with the heart. 

“Your pinky is represented by Ares, the god of war. That’s why you see mobsters wear pinky rings. It represents conflict. When people put the ring on themselves, back then it meant they were in conflict with themselves or had some inner turmoil. If it was given as a gift, that often meant there was an element of conflict or competitiveness with the giver beneath the surface. 

“People who didn’t wear rings were aligned with Hermes, who was the messenger of the gods. He represented exotic travel and wealth, and loved the best of everything. But he wasn’t greedy. He was known for his giving nature, and was the most helpful of the gods. He was also the most adventurous. So people with no rings tend to be open minded, and enjoys travel and being around others.”


I've been wearing two two rings, on on my (left) thumb which to me signifies heart/feelings or 'Eros' and the self, and one n my (right) middle finger that for me stands for the head/mind, thinking or 'Psyche' and balance and centre.
Balance is also the reason there's one my left hand, and one on my right.

But I mostly feel it looks cool tbh. 

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