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Dear Bottoms


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i've been a bottom my whole live and received prolly a few thousand Men, i've never had an accident where i was not clean and He got besmirched, though i still live in fear of that happening. i'm not so much mortified by my own feces as i would be of a Man feeling turned off, or even repelled. For me, a Man's attraction and lust are major components of sex, so i work hard to stay clean. 

Having said that, i also wish for and fantasize about being able to be spontaneous 24/7. i've often gone a whole day without eating in anticipation of a Man wanting to fuck and me wanting to be there for Him.  i currently have a FB who contacts me on the spur of the moment and have had to scramble to douche. There's been several times where i have not been as confident as i want to be because He really doesn't get what a bottom goes through to prep, regardless of explanation, so i don't take as much time.  i'm not going to forgo His desire, so i work to accommodate, but it does interject an element of nervousness.

i wouldn't mind being bred au natural if the Top is really into it, but that's because it's His need/desire that evokes and connects to my own.

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3 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

i've often gone a whole day without eating

now THAT'S real dedication !!! That said, I'm not at all surprised.  We're of a like mind regarding The Connection.  

I know I have what's apparently called a "high metabolism", but I start to get surly when any of the 3 meals is an hour late.  I even insist on the first appt of the day when I have to get a blood test*, and have something to eat waiting in the car as soon as it's over.  Not "breakfast", just something to ward off road rage !!  

*not being medically trained, I have heard that eating before a blood test only affects the levels of cholesterol in the blood in test results. Since I know I am a healthy eater, I tend not to give a rat's ass about the cholesterol other than once a year.  It's been low for decades. 

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Being clean in general....and also including as a Bottom my insides is a precondition to sex.  Tops must be equally respectful and have clean asses, cocksand balls.  BO (for me) is a turnoff and I'll say "No thank you" to any/all men that are not clean.  Other people may find odors a turnon....more power to 'em and that's part of our individual sexuality. 

Edited by downtownswallow
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Fair request, but Counterpoint.....

When I tell you I'm not ready because we met with the understanding that I was going to swallow your load but then you decided you wanted my hole, please don't tell me to go do a quick clean up or that it's okay. It's not!


Unless of course your dick is 2"

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