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Brothers In Arms

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Truth be told, I had lusted after guys since I was a teenager.  Enjoyed girls too, and got my fair share of them in high school, but I never acted on the other feelings I was having.

That all changed one night when me and some of the boys from my battalion where holed up in a cheap hotel in Vegas on a short leave break from the base.  Despite every single one of us being under-age, everyone had managed to score some booze so we were all pretty drunk.  Everyone was broke too though, and after hitting some casinos that afternoon we had nothing left for anything later on.  So, armed with only the illicit liquor we had got hold of and some decks of cards, we made our own fun crammed into the family room we had booked.

Things got pretty crazy, and once strip poker had left most of us naked, the ante was upped.  Things progressed through licking of each other's armpits when we lost a hand, to a couple of guys having to give hand jobs.  Eventually things reached their peak with me getting on all fours and having my cherry popped by a guy we called Duke.  I think we all had condoms with us, but Duke's impressive cock went in my hole raw.  It hurt like a motherfucker, but by the time he busted his nut inside me I was groaning in pure pleasure.  This didn't go unnoticed by the others, and with everyone getting seriously horny despite the absence of any women, eventually all six of them fucked and bred me.  Duke even took me a second time.

I was a changed man after that.  Nearly every bit of leave from base we got involved me getting willingly fucked somewhere, even on one occasion in the bathroom at the airport before we boarded flights home for Thanksgiving.  Soon that wasn't enough, and after a bit of heart-stopping trial-and-error, a secluded - almost forgotten - storeroom on the base was found to be the perfect spot for any of the guys who needed a release to use me without being seen by the commanders.  Some wrapped up in condoms, but most didn't so I ended up stashing tissues in the storeroom to catch all the cum from my ass before I went back to barracks.  I happily took whatever they had to throw at me, fully accepting that I was a bottom (a term I had heard to describe men like me). Fortunately none of this affected how we were as a military unit.

A bit of a turning point came during a trip home, when I found myself seriously needing to get fucked after I'd spent the evening with some school friends.  I didn't dare use any apps or anything, so instead just decided to investigate the rumours we'd all heard as teenagers about what went on in the woods behind the bus station at night.  I wound up on my hands and knees getting spit roasted by two old guys, taking one load up my arse and another down my throat.  I felt dirty as hell the next morning, but also kinda excited.  I went back for more every night I was home on that trip.

After that experience, while I didn't do it often, I would occasionally seek out some fun when I was able to get off base and there wasn't any military grade cock on offer.  Fortunately I found a middle-aged chubby guy in the local town who was always happy to fuck me, and if I gave him enough warning he could usually get a friend or two to join in. The truck stop on the edge of town was always another option too, particularly once word got out in the teamster community that there was sometimes an active duty soldier bent over in the bathroom taking whatever came at him.

Things sure did change on one trip home though...

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I was heading home for four weeks of leave.  A fellow soldier had loaded me up in the bathroom at the airport, and again while changing planes in Atlanta, but even with all that I was horny when the bus dropped me off in town.  My mom was working nights again this month and I didn't think my dopey brother would be sitting around waiting for me, so after I'd smoked a couple of cigarettes I slung by bag up on my shoulder and headed round the bus station into the woods.  I was still in my uniform, but actually thought that might help me score.

Man how right I was.  There were actually quite a few guys hanging around that night, all of them middle aged or downright old, and boy did it turn them on having a real-life soldier drop his pants and present his ass to them.

"You looking to get fucked, Soldier?" asked this fat guy with a big beard.

"Just here to serve my country, Sir" I replied.  Thought I'd play along.

That did it, and I soon had a steady supply of cocks going in both ends, until they had all blown in me at least twice.  I hadn't planned on taking that much cock tonight, but there were no complaints from me.

Once I sensed they were all tuckered out, I fished a tissue from my jacket pocket, cleaned off the worst of the cum lodged between my buttcheeks, pulled up my trousers, and then turned and playfully saluted those members of the group who were still there.  I then grabbed my bag off the floor and set off on the walk through town to our house, lighting up a couple of smokes on the way.

It being a Friday night, I assumed my brother would be out somewhere.  However, when I got to the house it was dark except for his room, so I guessed he must have a girl up there.  To avoid any problems, I entered as quietly as possible and made my way to the downstairs toilet to have another wipe of my ass before I went upstairs, just in case he intercepted me before I got to the bathroom.

It was when I came out of the downstairs toilet that I realised the faint sex noises I had heard coming from upstairs did not sound like I thought they should.  It sounded more like what I had become used to, in that there was definitely two or three different male voices.  Maybe he and some football players were gang banging some poor cheerleader.

I crept upstairs to avoid making a scene, but then noticed his door was closed over but not actually latched.  Curiosity got the better of me, and when I slowly pushed back his door while pressed against the wall outside, I got one hell of a surprise.  There were a load of football players in there as I expected, and it was a gang bang happening all right, but it was my brother who was being fucked!

There he was, the handsome muscled 18 year old quarterback my mom so adored, on his hands and knees on his own bed while his teammates fucked him mercilessly at both ends.  I had started looking in right as one of them climaxed in his ass, and when he pulled out I could see even from the strange angle that he had been fucking my brother bare.  Jeez, this clearly ran in the family.  Maybe that's why dad wasn't around anymore.  Maybe he was off somewhere getting fucked repeatedly.

I watched for a bit longer, and then decided just to throw caution to the wind.  I walked into the room quite noisily, causing everyone to stop and heads to rapidly turn in my direction.  I don't think I've ever seen my brother looking so scared in all his life.

"Hey little bro" I said.

"Errr...hey" he replied.

"You having fun?" I asked.

"Er..." he mumbled, not a sound coming from any of the other scared shitless-looking guys in the room.

"Looks like it" I said.  "They're not forcing you, right?"

He stared at me for a moment, and then shook his head. One of his teammates was still lodged in his ass while we had this bizarre conversation.

"OK then" I said, before reaching to my pants to pull them down.  I pulled each leg off at the same time as the accompanying boot, and then got my tops off too.  That left me standing there in front of everyone in just my jockstrap, my tattooed muscled bod on full display.

"What are you doing?" my brother squeaked, clearly concerned I was going to fuck him too.  He was still in the same position, a cock lodged in his ass.

"Well, it looks like you could use some help with these guys" I responded, smiling.  I then looked round the other guys.  "Y'all want to fuck both of us?" I asked.

Without waiting for a response from any of them, I walked over to the bed and got on all fours from the opposite side so that my head was right next to my brother's, and then I turned to face him.

"Guess we've both been keeping secrets" I said to him, before a black cock appeared in front of my face.  Without even looking up at the guy it was attached to, I just turned towards it, opened my mouth and sucked it in.  Shortly after another cock was pushed into my hole in one go, and my brother and I settled into an evening of getting completely turned out.  These were young men in their prime, so neither one of us was ever without a hard cock pummelling our ass.

It was actually starting to get light when I realised the only guy who was still there and awake was the one fucking my brother, meaning I was going to get a break for a bit.  I hauled myself off the bed, threw on my pants and jacket, and then headed downstairs and out to the porch.  I lit up a cigarette, and then leaned on the railing looking towards the beginnings of dawn.  My brother soon appeared next to me, and helped himself to one of my cigarettes as well.  We then just stood smoking in silence, and it wasn't until we'd both lit up another that any words were spoken.

"When did you start getting fucked?" my brother asked out of nowhere.

"Strip poker gone crazy during base leave in Vegas a couple of years ago" I responded.  "Was drunk as hell.  Some of my brothers fucked me, and have been taking cock ever since.  You?"

"Last year" he said.  "Carson saw me checking out his cock in the showers, and made me blow him to stop him telling everyone else.  Then he fucked me."

I exhaled a big load of smoke.

"What about when you started being a whore for the whole team?" I asked.

"Carson told everyone, even showed them a video" he responded.  "Guess I'm lucky they didn't just beat the shit out of me."

We were silent again for a while.

"Do you like it?" I asked.  "I mean, so far it sounds like they could just be blackmailing you."

"Yeah" he said.  "Bro, I'm gay."

"Well yeah, I figured that much from you checking out Carson's cock" I said, "but being gay ain't gotta mean you like getting gang fucked."

"S'pose" he sighed.  "But I do.  I fucking love it."

We were quiet again for a bit.

"Is it just the team who fucks you?" I asked.

"Yeah" he replied.  "They're all so fucking horny all the fucking time."

"So no other guys then?" I asked.

"No.  But you do, right?"

"Yeah, I do" I said.  "Took some loads in the woods before I got home last night."

My brother looked a bit wide eyed after I said that, but I noticed his tongue just lightly touching his lip.  What I just told him had turned him on, so I decided not to hold back.

"Group of old men.  Could have been anyone.  They all fucked me and bred my ass."

"Fuuuuuck" my brother groaned quietly.

"Was still full of their cum when your teammate shoved his cock in me" I continued.  "Guess that makes me a slut, huh?"

My bro just nodded, his face now fully giving away that the thought of me - or maybe of himself - doing that aroused him.

We stood in silence for a bit, both lighting up another cigarette.

"You wanna come with me next time I go to the woods?" I eventually asked.

He paused, then said "isn't it dangerous?"

"Probably" I said.

He was quiet for a bit longer, before looking at me and silently nodding.  I guess he was ready to try something other than the football team.

Neither of us was to know what this decision was going to lead to...

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How my brother got through football training the next day I did not know, but I did the sensible thing and just passed out and slept once I had said hello to my mom when she got back from her night shift.  By the time I got up again she had gone back out to work again, which I thought sucked for a Saturday night but I guess she had to make ends meet.

My brother messaged me to say he was staying at a friend's that night, so I decided just to go out and see about some fun of my own. I drank a few beers first, then went back to the woods behind the bus terminal to see what was going on.  Thankfully there were some guys hanging around, so I didn't waste any time in getting my pants off before I bent over against a tree.  It didn't take long before the first of a number of cocks was inside me.

Things were a bit different tonight though.  These guys were all pretty skinny, even slightly unhealthy looking from what I could see in the dim light, and they kept saying words like "toxic" and "gift" as they were fucking and breeding me.  I didn't know what they meant, but enjoyed the fucks anyway.

When the last of them had finished in me, I stood up straight and looked around to see whether they were just resting or if that was it for tonight.

"You wanting some more loads?" one of them asked.

"Yeah, I guess" I replied, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Well" he continued, "I'm hosting a party next weekend, but I think the bottom is about to flake out. You wanna take his place?"

"A party?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said, "a group of tops ready to drink and fuck all night."

"Sounds like my kind of party" I said.  "Is it local?"

"Yeah" he said, "other side of town."

"Cool" I replied.  "I'm in.  Just one thing though..."


"If my brother is interested, can I bring him too?" I asked.

"Your brother?"

"Yeah, he turned 18 a few months ago" I said.  "Quarterback in high school."

That got them going.

"You both get bred?" he asked.

"Yeah" I replied.  "I've been getting fucked by my platoon for years, and found out yesterday he's been taking it from the rest of the football team."

More excited murmurs from the rest of them.

"A soldier and a high school quarterback" the man said, looking around the other guys. "This could be the best party yet."

"I don't know if he will come" I said, "but I'll be there.  Just let me know the details."

The guy gave me his address and let me know it was on the Friday night, and by then they all seemed to have got excited again so I ended up on all fours on the ground taking a fresh load from each of them.  I still didn't understand some of the words they were using while they fucked me, but made a mental note to do some research later.

Once they were all done and had said their goodbyes to me, I lit another cigarette and then wandered off into the woods.  I only managed to take two more cocks that night as there didn't seem to be many guys around, but figured I'd done pretty well when I gave up and went home.  I had a shower to clean up, then decided to browse the net for a bit to see if I could find out what all the verbal stuff from the guys who had been fucking me was about.  It didn't take long...

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Poz. Pozzed. I had been pozzed. I had taken several loads of HIV positive cum inside me.  Shit.

Except, no, not shit. The moment I realised what it had all meant had caused the bottom to drop out of my stomach, but at the same time my dick had started to get very, very hard. Fuck, this turned me on.

I sat back in the chair and stared at the screen while my brain went a thousand miles a minute. Thoughts started occurring to me. Of course this was going to happen. I willingly bend over for any man when I am on the prowl. On the base I let any soldier breed me, regardless of what he may have been up to with hookers when he was last on leave. I never ask for condoms, and I don't take any other precautions. Of course I am going to get pozzed.

I wasn't going to stop doing what I was doing, and who knows how many poz loads I had already taken before tonight. Maybe I was already infected. Realising that started to calm me, and just allowed me to focus on how turned on I now was.

But then it hit me.  My brother.

I had offered him to this group as well, when up until now he had just been getting used by the football team. Yeah, one of those guys could still pick up something and pass it on to him, but it seemed pretty low risk. Taking him along next week, or indeed up to the woods with me some other time, would mean he would be taking poz loads too.

I loved my brother, but I didn't think he was all that smart. There was probably no chance he was taking any precautions, if he even knew you could. If he took random loads, some would be poz, and he would eventually get infected. It was basically his destiny.

He was bound to start seeking cock outside of the team eventually, with or without my help. If he followed my lead and started going to the woods, eventually those guys would be there one night and the deed would be done.

Should I tell him? Or should I just bring him along to the party or the woods and let fate take its course?

Testosterone answered that question for me. Thinking about my hunky younger brother unknowingly taking toxic loads made my dick even harder. Fuck, I was twisted.

But the decision had been made. Now I just had to get him past his nerves and out into the world to fulfil his destiny...

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