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Rash on dick after syphilis - Anyone ever had/seen this?

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Hey guys, so about a month ago, I started noticing a small sore right below the head of my dick. After a couple of weeks, the sore grew and pus started coming from the sore and affected the skin on the upper part of the shaft and a couple of spots on the head, creating a rash that feels both macerated and like a burn.

Went to doctor last week and got tested. It was syphilis. Herpes culture was negative. Got treated for it via a single Bicillin shot one week ago today. The sore went away, but this rash still remains. It looks like it fades in color and but will turn red when I shower or stimulate the skin in that area.

I told the doctor and she said that syph rash goes away on its own. I think I’m concerned because the chancre went away but this rash remains. Any of you guys ever got a rash like this from syphilis (separate from the chancre)? How long did it take to go away?

I’m starting to worry that this might be permanent or leave a scar…



Edited by VersatileBreeder
Needed to add at the bottom
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It probably is just taking some time to heal. You might ask your doc whether a mild OTC cortisone cream would be appropriate (I think it would).

I find the skin on and around my glans is sensitive to irritation from friction and sometimes from allergens (eczema). It's one reason I wish I had not been circumcised as an infant.


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As I learned the hard way, syphilis really is all over the place when it comes to presentation. The tool (he knew he was infectious l) who gave it to me never had a chancre but did have a rash like that all over his chest and back. I didn’t catch on at first because he was wearing a tee shirt when he first started fucking me and I was horned as fuck, ass up, face down and poppered up. That rash is secondary syphilis I found out and is highly contagious. I’m glad you caught it and treated it. If you can, do another rpr test and watch your titer levels. 

I never really presented with rash. Just a faint rash on part of stomach that looked like a heat rash. Even though it was faint, it took a while for it to go away, but I wasn’t treated yet. It might have been in my ass though. 


Edited by Hole4u
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Given the location, that’s just begging to get re-irritated from simple friction against clothing. You might consider a light gauze wrapping just until it’s no longer inflamed.

Be aware that having tested positive for syphilis, you may test positive for syphilis antibodies for a long time. The antibodies can linger in your system for many years, tripping up blood tests and returning a false positive on an RPR test. If that’s the case, you can expect to have an FTA test run to confirm or rule out an actual re-infection. I’ve had a false positive on every test - like, six or eight of them - since I actually got and was cured of it.

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