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What is "Woke"?


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On 9/9/2024 at 1:16 AM, nanana said:

You just either made my point BootmanLA: the bigger government gets, the more it tries to legislate morality for others. The smaller it is, the less likely it is to impose conservative views and policies on liberals and vice versa. 

Bull. Small governments can be heavily tilted toward one pole or the other just as readily. And not all legislation is legislating "morality".

On 9/9/2024 at 1:16 AM, nanana said:

To riff off of your point about debt, you may want to go in debt to pay for the leveling of the Gaza Strip but I MOST DEFINITELY DO NOT. Who made someone king over me to take my life’s work and divert it to causes that I think are abominations?

I don't want Gaza leveled either, it might surprise you to know. But that's the thing: in this country, we elect people to make choices for our government, and for good or bad, successive governments on both sides have chosen to support Israel, while only sometimes expressing support for Palestinians. If I were making the decision solely for myself, we might or might not have a very different relationship with Israel. Or with a state of Palestine. If I disagree with the status quo, it's up to me to urge change. But that doesn't mean I get to "opt out" of things simply because I don't like some of the choices my government makes.

On 9/9/2024 at 1:16 AM, nanana said:

There IS NO CONSENSUS on morality so coercive taxation should cover the smallest possible sphere covering areas that engender the greatest support. 

That doesn't follow. There's actually no consensus on ANYTHING - I can guarantee you that I can find people opposed to just about every policy choice in the entirety of government - so we go with a "majority rules" system, with the exception that certain policy choices are invalid because we've written or amended our constitution to say so. If we had to limit things to "the smallest possible sphere" we couldn't get taxes appropriated to pay for declaring when or if we go on Daylight Savings Time.

On 9/9/2024 at 1:16 AM, nanana said:

on that we disagree. Inflation cooks up because Government and its monopolistic, non-capitalistic, financialistic drug-dealer the Federal Reserve invents money from scratch, which is why most Americans don’t understand anything about value or economics and don’t understand the morality of theft. 

I find both Pikety and Reich, and though you didn’t mention him, Paul Krugman, to be very flawed in their philosophical understanding and misguided in their premises and quantifications. Give me Mises and Rothbard and Hayek any day. 

That's ONE thing that can lead to inflation. So can the mere act of jacking up prices when you (or you and your fellow corporations) simply decide you can charge more for something and people will pay it because they have to. Mises and Rothbard and Hayek believed, or pretended to believe, that consumers could temper that by simply refusing to pay inflated prices and finding cheaper alternatives, but that doesn't work any more. No startup can afford to establish, say, a textiles factory in the US to make socks to compete with ones produced for pennies in southeast Asia, and couldn't sell them at a competing price if they could build the factory. And given how the GOP, in particular, has hollowed out our anti-monopoly laws to allow a handful of giant companies to dominate practically every industry, there's not much chance of that changing, either.

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