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Syphilis - Advice?


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If you are going to be sexually active, you should get tested every three months. Suppose you are a SWer, once a month. If you are on any meds, take them as the Doctor ordered. Find a Dr. Or health clinic and tell them everything. You only have one body. 

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On 3/7/2024 at 8:42 AM, rock-cock-jock said:

1) early - has it had time to colonize and multiply its viral load numbers in the first month or so? possible but still a low chance

Syphilis is caused by a species of Bacteria, Treponema pallidum, not by a virus.

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What I'm not getting here is understanding of my original question.

I received anal. Will I be infectious if I were to now top someone? I'm not going to, don't worry, I'm just asking for understanding.

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1 minute ago, LondonLegendUK said:

What I'm not getting here is understanding of my original question.

I received anal. Will I be infectious if I were to now top someone? I'm not going to, don't worry, I'm just asking for understanding.

Presuming the time lag since your encounter is relatively short (less than 3 months), it's rather unlikely. I'd say possible, but a rather remote possibility.

From the Mayo Clinic web site:


The disease starts as a sore that's often painless and typically appears on the genitals, rectum or mouth. Syphilis spreads from person to person through direct contact with these sores...

The first symptom of syphilis is a small sore called a chancre (SHANG-kur). The sore is often painless. It appears at the spot where the bacteria entered your body. Most people with syphilis develop only one chancre. Some people get more than one.

The chancre often forms about three weeks after you come in contact with syphilis bacteria. Many people who have syphilis don't notice the chancre. That's because it's usually painless. It also may be hidden within the vagina or rectum. The chancre heals on its own within 3 to 6 weeks.


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6 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

Presuming the time lag since your encounter is relatively short (less than 3 months), it's rather unlikely. I'd say possible, but a rather remote possibility.

From the Mayo Clinic web site:

[think before following links] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/syphilis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351756

Thank you so much for your response. That does make sense. I may have got sores in my anus but wouldn't haven't known necessarily. And noone has been in me since my last encounter back in January. So infection is unlikely.

I'm starting to get little pimple like things on my arm so I'm starting to stress out a bit.

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Just now, LondonLegendUK said:

I may have got sores in my anus but wouldn't haven't known necessarily. And noone has been in me since my last encounter back in January. So infection is unlikely.

I'm starting to get little pimple like things on my arm so I'm starting to stress out a bit.

Agree that if no one has been in there since your possible infection, you are quite unlikely to have passed it on.

The secondary syphilis rash is fairly subtle and can vary. In my experience it was a rather modest sprinkling of pink dots, not raised or itchy, on my chest. That said, syphilis is well known for having highly variable symptomatology. My BF at the time (we never knew who caught it first) had it and was misdiagnosed with scurvy, of all things!

Consider the possibility that what you have on you arm is simply pimples, brought on by the stress!

In any case, hope you get successfully tested (and treated if necessary) with all dispatch.

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Just now, viking8x6 said:

Agree that if no one has been in there since your possible infection, you are quite unlikely to have passed it on.

The secondary syphilis rash is fairly subtle and can vary. In my experience it was a rather modest sprinkling of pink dots, not raised or itchy, on my chest. That said, syphilis is well known for having highly variable symptomatology. My BF at the time (we never knew who caught it first) had it and was misdiagnosed with scurvy, of all things!

Consider the possibility that what you have on you arm is simply pimples, brought on by the stress!

In any case, hope you get successfully tested (and treated if necessary) with all dispatch.

Thank you. It could be stress. I got a little pimple on the back of my thumb on Monday and been stressing since. 

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10 minutes ago, LondonLegendUK said:

Thank you. It could be stress. I got a little pimple on the back of my thumb on Monday and been stressing since. 

If you have a regular STI clinic it might be a good time to make an appointment.  

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I get tested regularly throughout the year by my PCP and ID doctors. I've had syphilis and gonorrhea. Fortunately, my tests are done frequently enough to catch it early. If you test positive for an STD, GO GET TREATMENT. Don't spread it around if you can.

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You're OK and don't panic. Nothing to be ashamed of in getting an STI.

Get checked every three months or, if you think you're exposed then asap. Most of all is not to panic! Anxiety is unnecessary and makes you feel bad ,because, in my opinion, getting an sti not a sign of shame or a death sentence. The only shame that would be warranted is if you decided to ignore your sti or to afraid to get treatment.

Edited by Justaholeff
Left out word
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Exactly on the go get tested.  I always set my timing depending upon a sort of mental slut index.  If I've taken unknown loads weekly I'll get tested every month.  If I get unknown loads monthly then every 3 I get tested.  And so on; and my minimum was always still annually for those very dry times.... 

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There are countless topics here over the years like: I've got a verruca, am I pregnant?
Not wanting to dismiss your distress, but STIs can present in numerous ways.
A 'pimple' could be all sorts of things, not necessarily related to sex. Easily treated early.
Many here are experienced, some are medically trained. The only diagnosis is testing.
Good luck.

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Went to sexual health clinic today and they took swabs and bloods. Initial HIV test is negative though.

They're not concerned too much about my spots or rash or anything. I did point out that I thought I had a small red mark on my penis under the skin which they looked at with two doctors. Doctor doesn't really quite know what it is. Mentioned its not quite like a chancre but can't be sure. Took a swab for testing. Results next week.


The sexual health counsellor didn't understand how it could be as I never ever use my penis for fucking or receiving oral so doubts it will be that. But who knows.

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Oh and they already gave me the two shots in my arse with penicillin just incase. No idea what you guys above were on about saying it killed you. Was absolutely fine for me. 

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On 3/15/2024 at 9:29 PM, LondonLegendUK said:

 No idea what you guys above were on about saying it killed you. Was absolutely fine for me. 

my thoughts exactly, i read loads online about how it's the most painful injection you can have etc etc etc


but like i said earlier, in england they usually mix it with a local anaesthetic so you barely feel it going in at all.

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