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Rules when cheating on your partner?

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I love my partner very much, unfortunately I also really love letting strangers use me up. I have a few rules that I try to follow and I was wondering if any other cheaters have any rules to they’ve set for themselves. 

I never invite strangers over when my partner is home/sleeping. I have a couple regulars who breed me in my garage late at night because that’s the only time they can get away from their wives but other than that I don’t risk it. You never know who’s on the apps late at night and the chance that they might bring drama or possibly get me caught just isn’t worth it. 

I never leave cum inside of me when I’m around my partner. If I’m out while he’s at home, and I end up getting bred, I always stop somewhere and empty my hole out before I’m around him. Same thing with when I’m ass up if he’s at work. I always fart out the loads before he gets home. Even though it is torture wasting that cum, there’s simply no explaining an ass full of stranger cum to a partner if they catch it. So I don’t risk it.

I also usually don’t let guys kiss me when they’re fucking me. Even though it’s ironic, I know it’s the thing my partner would hate the most so I try not to do it. I do break my rule for older white guys though. They’re just the best kissers to me lol

Does anyone else have any rules they follow when cheating?  

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12 hours ago, craems said:

I love my partner very much, unfortunately I also really love letting strangers use me up. I have a few rules that I try to follow and I was wondering if any other cheaters have any rules to they’ve set for themselves. 

I never invite strangers over when my partner is home/sleeping. I have a couple regulars who breed me in my garage late at night because that’s the only time they can get away from their wives but other than that I don’t risk it. You never know who’s on the apps late at night and the chance that they might bring drama or possibly get me caught just isn’t worth it. 

I never leave cum inside of me when I’m around my partner. If I’m out while he’s at home, and I end up getting bred, I always stop somewhere and empty my hole out before I’m around him. Same thing with when I’m ass up if he’s at work. I always fart out the loads before he gets home. Even though it is torture wasting that cum, there’s simply no explaining an ass full of stranger cum to a partner if they catch it. So I don’t risk it.

I also usually don’t let guys kiss me when they’re fucking me. Even though it’s ironic, I know it’s the thing my partner would hate the most so I try not to do it. I do break my rule for older white guys though. They’re just the best kissers to me lol

Does anyone else have any rules they follow when cheating?  

Sounds to me like your "rules" are really more like "things I do so my partner doesn't find out I'm sleazing around behind his back"? Are you looking for additional ways to make sure your betrayal isn't discovered?

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19 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

Sounds to me like your "rules" are really more like "things I do so my partner doesn't find out I'm sleazing around behind his back"? Are you looking for additional ways to make sure your betrayal isn't discovered?

This was my thought exactly:  the only “rule” was kissing and that was excepted for “older white guys;” the rest are methods.  

Since I would never cheat on anyone much less my husband I am unqualified to contribute further on the topic.  Tangentially I will add that on the rare occasions I or my husband play separately the “guest star’s” cum and sweat on or in whichever of us played is a HUGE attraction for the one left out.  

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5 minutes ago, partying.hard said:

Wow, a cheat with morals!  😈🐷😉

I'm a little confused. The only "rule" I see here that even vaguely hints as to "morals" is the idea of not kissing, because that's the thing that would upset his (cheated on) partner the most, and even that, he says he'll do if the guy is his type.

That doesn't sound much like morals in the slightest to me. The rest seems to be "here's how I cover my tracks".

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2 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

I'm a little confused. The only "rule" I see here that even vaguely hints as to "morals" is the idea of not kissing, because that's the thing that would upset his (cheated on) partner the most, and even that, he says he'll do if the guy is his type.

That doesn't sound much like morals in the slightest to me. The rest seems to be "here's how I cover my tracks".

Did the notice the 😉 at the end?

what I notice - often, in the majority of your posts - is what seems to be your rude and aggressive tone towards people.  Lighten up.  Please.  For us.  And for you!


That is all. 

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"rules to follow when cheating...."  Seriously someone put those words together?  Cheating is by definition a violation of "rules".  Cheating is thus NOT following rules.  Therefore any rules one might list are, out of the box, moot.  The point of this was ?????


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Whatever the OP does is his business. And maybe he should have phrased his request better. He's asking what are the best rules of thumb to follow in order to keep this from interfering with and/or affecting his relationship, not rules between he and his partner for doing this. Like none of you have guidelines you follow for 'harm reduction?"

But that said, why are people so damn rude on here? For a site full of the biggest pigs in the world, who will do just about anything and have (yeah, I've read all you all's posts) you sure get awful preachy when suddenly there is something you disagree with. Give it a rest. You are getting tiresome. 

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4 hours ago, SFCumdog said:

Whatever the OP does is his business. And maybe he should have phrased his request better. He's asking what are the best rules of thumb to follow in order to keep this from interfering with and/or affecting his relationship, not rules between he and his partner for doing this. Like none of you have guidelines you follow for 'harm reduction?"

But that said, why are people so damn rude on here? For a site full of the biggest pigs in the world, who will do just about anything and have (yeah, I've read all you all's posts) you sure get awful preachy when suddenly there is something you disagree with. Give it a rest. You are getting tiresome. 

Genuinely funny how mad this post got people! And you’re absolutely right…here on a forum where bug chasing, raw sex without knowing your status (or sharing that fact) and stealthing is celebrated. 😊 

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16 hours ago, craems said:

Genuinely funny how mad this post got people! And you’re absolutely right…here on a forum where bug chasing, raw sex without knowing your status (or sharing that fact) and stealthing is celebrated. 😊 

FWIW: the entire site is not about bug chasing, which is relegated to a very specific part of the site (aka "The Backroom"). Bug chasing content is banned from the majority of the site, in fact. Ditto for stealthing.


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As I was one of the replying posters, for the record I wasn't mad.  Not in the least.  But facts are facts (or they should be).  Cheating is by definition a violation of "rules".  Rules one ostensibly already agreed to.  So looking for rules about cheating makes absolutely no logical sense.  

But yeah rephrased "how can I cheat and get away with it?".  Sure that makes sense.  But the details aren't universally applicable.  And the consequences are typically not avoidable, eventually.  

It is a heck of a lot easier to just rip the bandaid off and have that discussion with your mate that you want or need to fuck around; and discuss what if anything that means for the relationship.  You may surprise yourself.  One of the options is that your mate replies, "sure, and I can as well".  Now if you find it uncomfortable as hell (as my previous made did in this exact situation); then really what are you trying to keep together in the first place?  

WRT Stealthing being celebrated here on BZ.  Indeed some do but most of us don't condone it.  Sure our society has always had some sort of snake oil salesman.  Selling poison while calling it elixir.  And stealthing is no different than that.  When "getting away with it" becomes the more desirable outcome; it is perhaps time to revaluate things altogether.  Living in a cooperative society calls upon us to be fair and honest.  And when we aren't history has shown it never turns out well.  

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