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Part 1

Carson Bull woke up to his 4am alarm. As he began to move and shook the fog from his brain, he sat up and began his morning routine. It started by throwing on shorts and a tank top, and making the mile run to his gym. After 90 minutes, he would run back, meditate, shower, and begin his day. He was about to turn 55. He had spent his entire life working, never stopping. His success eventually paid off, last year he had “retired”. Now he spent his time pursuing passion projects and teaching chemistry at a local college, though he still had a research lab running at the big university he was granted a position at after selling two start ups to big pharma.

As he got dressed for the day, Carson made note to see his barber at lunchtime. He was 55, and looked it. At 5’10, he was 200lbs of beef. No abs to be seen, but he usually put younger men to shame in the gym. He had started shaving his head when he turned 40, and let the beard grow in enough to attract younger guys, but short enough to be taken seriously at conferences. It was also around the age of 40 he began accumulating tattoos. As a scientist, he was concerned with symmetry. Things in nature have a perfect symmetry, even if it seems unaligned. He made sure that for every piece he got on one side of his body, there was one that matched the size and general shape on the other. He even eventually had a small tattoo done at the base of his 8in dick, to make everything even as well.

At 45 he began accumulating piercings. They were simple enough at first, but after his nipples were done, he went to his monthly group party downtown at the bath house, and saw a man with a Jacob’s ladder gaping some twink. So he began adding those. Six piercings later, he topped off his daddy dick with a PA. Over the years, he had gauged them up. Now, he considered himself in the prime of his life. He had reached his peak evolution.

By 8am, he had reached the building that his research lab occupied. In his office he opened his email to what indicated a long day was a head. Of course, before the holiday weekend and indulging in projects outside of work. “For someone who is retired, I work a lot”, he remarked.

“Good Morning, Dr. Bull”. He saw his grad student, Arthur, standing in the door way. “Good Morning Arthur, how’re you?”. Arthur proceeded to chat a little. Arthur was in his final year of his doctoral program. He had been instrumental in the research Carson had been focused on for the last five years. Carson had allowed him into the lab for his mind, but also because four years ago he found Arthur cruising the Fens, the local park where students went to hook up. He had decided not to indulge then, but knew Arthur had a place in his research. That time was quickly coming to an end, and little did Arthur know Carsons plans for him to help with his research even further.

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Part 2

Carson spent much of the day in his office. Since it was a Friday and a long weekend, he decided to duck out at 3pm.

“Any plans for the weekend?,” Arthur asked him as he dropped some paperwork off at his secretary’s desk. “I’m going up north.” “Oh right, your cabin.” Years ago, Carson had bought some land in the Maine wilderness, near what was called The Golden Road, a 96 mile stretch of road owned by a logging company. He modestly described it as a cabin. The original cabin was there, but he had since bought more land along one of the many lakes. He had a nice property with a mile long private driveway that led to the Master House on the water. A separate, rougher road led to north to the Cabin, it was really a logging road as well, having been cleared to connect his property. South of the main house was a Barn he had put up.

Carson said his goodbye to Arthur, then went home briefly to pick drop off his work bag. The drive took several hours from the city, but it gave him time to clear his head and prepare himself for the weekend. At 8pm he passed through the village on the lake, another 45 minutes later winding his way around he reached the gate to his property. As he drove through, the gate beeped and swung shut behind him. In the city he lived simply. Here though was a different story. He had put a lot of time, and money into making this property exactly what he wanted. The gate was an indulgence and unnecessary, the driveway was a mile long and set so far back from the road that no one could see lights through the dense trees. The only way onto or off the property was through that gate, unless someone trekked to the main road, or came across the lake by boat.

As he pulled the car into the garage, the House began lighting up. His first stop was the kitchen, which he had fully stocked. Once a week the wife of a retired farmer came by to check on the House for him, clean and tidy, and bought food ahead of his arrival. A nice woman, and not too nosey, despite being one of those creatures that were born, lived, and planned to die in the same place.

Carson stripped and showered, washing the day off him. The shower was the size of a small bedroom, never mind the rest of the bathroom. As he showered off, he admired his tattoos and cock in one of the mirrors, twitching a little at the thought of what the weekend would entail. He dried off, changing into jeans with a black t-shirt and boots. He also grabbed a second cellphone from the charging station next to the kitchen, and a set of keys. His first stop was the Cabin. He drove the ATV 10 minutes up the dirt track. Again, as he approached the flood lights came on. He parked, and went up to the solid oak door. As he did so, the phone app began to automatically unlock the door. He used two keys to unlock the door the rest of the way. This Cabin served as the home for all of his research projects over the last decade.

The set up was simple yet elegant. It had servers and hard drives, the laboratory equipment and chemicals he needed. Carson set to work pulling tubes from different incubators and examining the contents, then pulling flasks from others, He looked at them under microscopes, ran partials through instrumentation. The work took a few hours, and when he was done, he leaned back satisfied. He was ready for the next phase of his research, but that would have to wait until after the weekend, when he returned, and Arthur would be waiting for him.

Carson left the Cabin, locking up. He then drove the ATV back down the road, past the House, and to the Barn. He ignored the large door, and buzzed himself into an atrium. Here he began to strip naked. He left his boots on, and buzzed himself into the main structure. He immediately had to adjust his eyes to the dim blue light in the first stall. On the other side of the glass door was the most recent subject that had enrolled in his “trial”.

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Part 3

Subject 6 looked up at Carson as he approached the glass. “How are you feeling today?”, Carson asked, as he pulled a clipboard from the wall. Subject 6 looked longingly at Carson’s piercing adorned cock longingly. “I am good Sir. How much longer will I have to stay here?” “Not much longer.” Carson asked him the standard questions he did every week. This stall was designed to be self sustaining. The Subject had everything he could need, bathroom with shower, bed, small kitchenette, even a tv and books so he didn’t get bored. “You know the drill”, Carson said as he put on gloves and took a kit from the table nearby. He opened the pass through, and took a few samples of blood from the Subjects arm, a urine sample, and saliva swab. Next, he opened the lower pass through. The subject removed the grey shirt and joggers he wore, and presented his caged cock. Carson took a key from the wall, and removed the cage. With a gloved hand, he worked a large quantity of lube onto the Subjects cock, and with the other slid a finger into his waiting hole. The Subject began to moan. “Yes sir, that feels so good sir. Please sir, I want to feel your dick in my hole like you promised.” “Shhh, soon boy.” The Subject began to buck, after a week caged and his prostate getting massaged, it didn’t take long before Carson could tell he was about to cum. He took a sample cup, and fingered the prostate harder, almost violently, until the Subject came into the specimen cup.

Carson put the subjects deflated cock back into the cage, and logged the samples into a computer nearby. This particular Subject had only been here about a month. At this stage of the trial, Carson really did not need him, it was more for the study than anything. The Subject was a drop out, he failed some class or another one too many times. When he came to Carson it was off of some dating app. Carson had carefully explained the purpose of the trial, and had him sign all of the necessary paperwork. “To improve the human experience”, he told all of his subjects.

He flicked a switch, and the blue light disappeared, the glass had turned opaque. He could hear the Subject still panting behind the glass. Carson moved down the barn to the next stall, to see Subject 5.

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Great start!

And OMG... When I was an undergrad I used to live literally across the street from the Fens.  For real.  Had no idea at that time what went on there.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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