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In over my head


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„Fuck…. Agh… Please… I…“ I didn´t even know what I was begging for. It was all so much. Too much? Another question I couldn´t answer, but that was battered out of me seconds after it came to my mind. I honestly couldn´t think anymore.

„Come on sweety, let go…“

„I… Ugh… I´m…“ I exhaled slowly. „Yesss…“

„Good boy!“ I could feel him moving above me, those mountains of muscles, as well as in me. Even more in me, I guess. „Look into my eyes!“

I opened my eyes and looked into his dark globes. Already normally dark, they were even darker now. He grinned. „I love it when your face twists. Now get ready for even more of that…“

I wasn´t sure if this was heaven or hell.



Some hours earlier:

It was New York Pride and the whole city was an entanglement in every way. I´d been out here for a couple of hours, watching the parade, dancing with my friends as well as with some strangers, lost my friends, found them again and lost them all over while a hot dude was flirting heavily with me. We got very close, he groped my ass and we shared a kiss as somebody yelled at him, his eyes shot open and he left with an „Oh fuck, coming!“ and just a quick „Sorry!“ to me. I stood there in my jock and way too tight sports pants with a massive hardon and watched him disappear into the crowd.

„Fuck…“ I had totally imagined myself going home with him already. I was a bit desperate for some fun, not having had sex in two months due to work issues. But I wasn´t bold enough to do more than kissing and dancing out here in the streets, not in public. Not even during pride. Call me prude, but this just gets to my nerves.

After admiring my imagination of what could have been, I was soon shoving myself after where I thought my friends must have left. But it was no use, so I just went with the crowd and tried to enjoy the music, all the guys and the happiness around me.

Well, who am I trying to fool: and I was looking for a hot guy to have some fun with.

After a while, I was trying to get something to drink from a popup-store on the side of the street, somebody bumped into me.

I turned around, while the guy was already saying „Oh, sorry man!“ with an unapologetic smiled that told me everything. He was extremely muscular and went topless to show it off, like I did. Just that I was more oft he slim-muscular type and – well, he definitely wasn`t. His grin made his face shine brightly and friendly and contrasted perfectly with his dark skin and angular features. A trimmed beard and a buzzcut completed his handsome face that was still beaming at me. How long had I already stared? I hoped it had just been a few seconds.

„No worries man, it happens when it´s crowded like that.“ I figured to just go along with his excuse.

„Still, your drink´s on me!“ He stepped back a little and slightly cocked his head, as if curious to my response. Well, wouldn´t say not hat.

„Sure, thanks! What´s your name? I´m Jake.“ While I said that, I tried to get a better look at him. He was wearing white sneakers (again, that contrast!) and shorts that wear not quite as skimpy as mine, but still tight. When my eyes started travelling up his body again, they were suddenly drawn back to his shorts, as if my brain had just realized something: That stretched out part of his pants to the left was not wrinkles!

I must have started again for a couple of seconds (Please! Just a couple oft them!), because when I snapped back and looked into his eyes again, his grin was even wider and he looked as if he was waiting for something.

„Uhm… sorry, what did you just say?“

„Were you drinking before or did you get distracted?“ he asked me with a wink. „I´m Jamal, nice to meet you!“

„Haha, sorry, just a bit distracted by… And yeah had a drink before.“ I cleared my throat. „Nice to meet you man! So let´s drink something!”

We got ourselves some sodas and went along with the crowd for a bit more.

Jamal made some smalltalk, but was flirty from the start. We both knew where this was going. When we stood for a while to watch a crowd of dancers perform, he stood slightly behind me, pressed his crotch into my backside, caressed my arm with the opposite hand and gave a slow kiss to my neck. It must have looked already like he was owning me, but nobody seemed to be watching us. „Fuck sweety, your so sexy! I love to watch your ass in those shorts…“ he whispered suggestively. Then I felt his other hand knead my ass and I had to constrain myself not to let out a moan. I wanted this guy!

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Chapter 2

We got to his place within thirty minutes. Thirty minutes that I had great difficulty to hide my excitement (mentally and physically) in public transport. Jamal didn´t make an effort to do so, but looked so nonchalant about it, that probably less people would give him a second look, while I was red from frantically trying to stuff my erection to the side. Well, if they didn´t take a look at his bulging pants that is. Then they would look more than two times, I swear.

When we got to his flat, we practically ran through the doors and up some stairs. When the doors closed, he pinned me against the wall and gave me a long, slow, sensual kiss. I was a bit surprised by how gentle he was. But then he smiled at me and said: „You really need to calm down sexy. You look so nervous! And… well, nervousness is not a good match for trying to fit something into you…“ I looked down for a second, a bit ashamed, but also realizing that he was right. He was obviously big and I needed to relax.

„So, lets get cozy first, shall we?“ Jamal asked. Want something to drink? Alcohol? Or I´d suggest a little G.“

I was taken aback by his directness. Had he really just suggested to put a drug into my drink?

„Uhm, I think…“ I trailed off, confused.

„It´s fine sweety, you´ve probably never tried it, right? Let´s just have a little and then you can decide if you want more or not. I`ll also have some and you can watch me measure.“ It was hard to argue with that. „No worries, I won´t try to knock you out, that´s no fun at all.“

 „…okay. Yeah but just a little.“

We went into the kitchen, he prepared some coke and drew G from a little glas vial. I watched curiously. „1.6 for me and 1.3 for you sweety. I´m bigger so I can take a bit more.“ He flexed his arm grinned and then handed me the drink. I had to laugh a little at his display and took my drink. „To a great night!“ Jamal said cheerfully. „To a great night!“ We downed our drinks, it tasted  nasty, but we had a sip of coke afterwards, so it was okay,

„Lets get over to the sofa.“ Jamal suggested. When I turned around, he placed his hand on my ass and guided me like that to the living room, which made me hard again.

The room was nice, clean, with a big U-shaped couch around a table, looking at a big ass TV with speakers all over the room.

„Looks like somebody likes to watch movies.“ „Indeed“, he said. „All sorts of movies. How about some porn for now?“ he said with a wink.

„Haha sure. What do you like to watch?“ „I´ll show you some, lets start with this.“ The TV showed a big, muscular guy and a twink getting slowly physical. They kissed and the twink started groping the other guys bulge. „Reminds you of something?“ asked Jamal. „Well… I guess you could say that.“ I quipped and sat down on the sofa next to him, letting my hand roam over his arms and pecs for a while, then settling on his bulge and giving it a squeeze. It was massive. He kissed me, more forcefully this time. We went on like this for a while, my hand still on his straining bulge, feeling it flex from time to time. When he let go of me, he put my other hand on his bulge, too, and looked into my eyes. I tried to pump his cock through his shorts, but then reached for his buttons and fly. „Becoming more comfortable, hmmm?“ he asked with his sexy, low voice. „Feeling the G sweety?“ I was a bit startled, but then realized he was right. „Yeah, I guess… feels like… waves? And I´m way calmer.“ „Good! Do you like it?“ „Yeah… yeah I do.“ I said. „Then go on…“ I reached to unbutton his pants and see the monster hiding in there with my own eyes for the first time. When I managed to pull his pants and underpants down far enough, it flopped out against his belly.

“Wow!” I just said. I marvelled at it! It was not only big, but such a nice color, with a thick, lighter head and slightly curved upwards with some veins running along it. My mouth watered by the sight. “Haha, don’t just say that. Show me you like it!” With that he took my hand off of him and pressed me by my shoulders down to the floor. Fuck, I love a guy who takes control! I looked up at him and saw him grinning widely. He obviously loved seeing me between his legs, marvelling at his cock. I felt a bit embarrassed, but then he smacked his cock into my face and the thought disappeared into thin air. I saw his dick, his grin, and between those two were his massive pecs, his big body and… My thoughts trailed off.  I just wanted to worship this beautiful, hot fucker.

“Move your head closer and stick your tongue out!” he ordered. I did what he told me and his scent enveloped me, even before he planted his cockhead against my tongue. I loved it. He smelled a bit like fresh sweat and just… manly. Just then I realized, that he had smeared a drop of precum against my tongue. Fuck! “Swallow that sweety. Get a first taste of my babies in you…” I savored the slight taste and then swallowed my first bit of his cum. Fuck! I realized that I definitely wanted more!

He took something from the table and then a heard a click and a hiss. I was startled and looked up confused. He sucked on a glas pipe while watching me. When he saw my confusion he smiled and exhaled a cloud of white smoke just above me. It smelled weird, but not as bad as cigarettes. “Sorry, this just gets me in the mood even more.” He winked. “I guess you´ve never smoked from a pipe like that?” I shook my head. I had smoked from a bong, but that? “No worries, it just makes horny as fuck and doesn’t taste so bad like some other things you can smoke. Wanne try?” Before I could respond, he already held the pipe in front of me and used this hissing lighter. “I, ehm…” “Just slightly suck it when you see the smoke coming out of the hole on top, like now. Go on!” I don´t know what drove me in that moment to suck my first cloud of t into my lungs. Well, I mean… I don´t know EXCACTLY that is. He was still a stranger after all, this was a hookup and I didn’t know what that was in the pipe. In that moment I couldn’t even think about consequences, it all went too fast and I was too horny. But after all, I was between the legs of one of the hottest studs I´d ever seen, sucking his dick and he wanted me to… he was so nice and dominant at the same time, he just pushed all of my buttons. So I just did it. And things started to change.

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This is already a hot story and it's going to get better when the chems properly kick in. Chems and two hot and horny guys and then limitations will be let go 

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