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  On 10/16/2024 at 4:37 PM, BootmanLA said:

The tone might well have been bad. But he wouldn't have had to say anything at all, if there weren't apparently a significant number of Black men who (for whatever reason) think that it makes sense to vote for anyone other than Harris in this election. Or that it makes sense to withhold their votes, possibly letting Trump win again. 


I just gave 21 reasons as to why we aren’t voting for Kamala

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  On 10/16/2024 at 5:07 PM, BootmanLA said:

A guy on a website dedicated to condom-free sex with multiple complaints about sexualization. Complaining that a woman takes charge of her sexuality to have a relationship with a Black man and then also complaining when she breaks that off because she married a white man. Pretending that sexualization is limited to black supporters while ignoring the fact that black female performers, in particular, present a generally more sexualized image (and I have no problems with them doing so). Plenty of more staid, less "racy" Black women have been majorly public supporters of Harris, including Patti LaBelle, Kerri Washington, Viola Davis, Niecy Nash... the list goes on and on.

Sure, flashy stars like Cardi B and Beyonce and Megan Thee Stallion are going to get attention when they perform at political events, because THAT'S WHAT THEY DO - they are attention-getters. Don't blame the Democratic Party for the Black community's promotion of liberated, sexually free women as a good thing. Maybe instead ask yourself why you see it as a bad thing.


The “black community” doesn’t promote those performers, records labels do, while not promoting other no sex-based acts. That’s done to dehumanize black women and justify harming them. 

And we’re calling it out. When it’s political season, we don’t want strippers. We won’t policies.




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How does a black, gay man benefit from a Trump presidency?  For that matter how do any of us?

We know he’s not a fan of non-whites. He has shown that over and over.

He isn’t pro labor.  He wants to gut unions. He wants  to make it easier for companies to avoid paying overtime. Remove any regulations that benefit hard workers.

His tax and economic plan or lack there of, will be disastrous the middle class regardless of race. Tariffs work in very limited situations.  The way he is talking about imposing them will drive prices up for most everything that is imported. I work with small businesses every day and foreign countries do not pay tariffs you and I pay the tariffs. 

He wants to give tax breaks to the wealthiest one percent. I’m all about creating wealth and building wealth, but there does come a point to where the wealth becomes too highly concentrated in the hands of too few. Since the 1980s, the concentration of wealth has totally switched from being spread across  the lower and middle class to being concentrated in the hands of a few.  This leads to the situation we have right now where the middle and lower class or suffering and have pretty much become one. People like Elon musk, and Jeff Bezos entrepreneurs and have created great wealth. They haven’t done this alone though. Thousands of people have helped them create that well, and have gained very little of it. It is wrong when a CEO makes 1000 to 10,000 times more than the average worker makes. Removing rights to collective bargaining will make this worse.

He and republicans want to gut social programs, including social security and the department of education.

He personally may not have anything against homosexuals, but a lot of his major supporters would just assume end democracy and create a theocracy. Don’t kid yourself he knows all about project 2025. He has praised the heritage foundation and 143 members of his former staff helped write it. White supremacists,  Christian nationalist and  the far Christian right are just waiting for the moment to be able to implement it. Trump wants the title and to avoid jail and he will give them what they want in exchange. Not to mention that that same group of individuals has no love for the gay community. Many of them would just as soon  see us dead on the streets.

He wants to end The ACA. You know that law that requires insurance companies to insure you regardless of pre existing conditions. I have a client who has cancer she has care only because of the ACA. She is scared to death that she is going to loose her health care. I remember the difficulty I had getting coverage before the ACA. Before the ACA I couldn’t even get coverage for my small business.  The ACA has allowed me to do that. There have to be many others on here who have benefited from it. I’m sure all of us know people who have benefited from it.

The bottom line is this election is about far more than Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. It is about all of us.

Kamala Harris is not perfect. However, she has served in all three branches of government, and has shown more care for the average person in the two months she has been the candidate than Trump has shown in eight years he’s been on the political stage.

Ii am not here to tell you how to vote, but I do encourage you to make an informed decision.

Yes I do know that not supporting Kamala  doesn’t necessarily mean you support Trump. However, not voting for her or voting third-party could be a defacto  vote for Trump. This election is too important for that.

 If you  believe that Donald Trump will be the one to best look out for your interest by all means vote for him.

Don’t vote for him just to stick it to the Democrats. You might just be sticking to yourself and the ones you love.




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  On 10/16/2024 at 10:25 PM, Blkmuscbreeder said:

Possibly, but don't dodge the fact that you felt comfortable calling all Black men "anti-women" bc of that .


I don't believe I did that at all. When I say there is a thread of X, or that X exists in a community, I'm not saying all of that community is X. If you can point to where I said that, I'll happy apologize and issue a correction. 

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  On 10/16/2024 at 10:23 PM, Blkmuscbreeder said:

@BlackDude Correct me if I'm wrong, but you aren't blaming the Democratic party for sexualizing Black ppl. You're blaming Kamala Harris, a non African American woman, for pandering to African Americans by using outdated stereotypes to appeal to us, correct? 


Outdated stereotypes that outsell all other entertainment within the Black community? I must have missed the part where Black people have guns held to their temples and are ordered to buy Beyonce albums and attend Megan Thee Stallion concerts and pour so many billions of dollars into rap and hip hop artistry that. well, some people in the community end up behaving as badly as rich White guys have for centuries.

Like it or not, the Black community wholeheartedly embraces these artists. If they weren't so popular to begin with, politicians like Harris wouldn't be seeking their support to generate enthusiasm and votes.

  On 10/17/2024 at 12:42 AM, topblkmale said:

Part of the nuance is that black men put their sexuality last. 
And by last, I mean in the closet. 
And most white liberal gay men are out and proud. LGBTQ is their movement akin to the Civil Rights movement of our parents’ generation - which they are passionate about. 
So yes I have to be honest and acknowledge that their fight will benefit me as a gay black man. But yes, we’re focused on the black community first. Including our many straight black brothas who may be VERY homophobic.  


Point taken, and thank you for at least acknowledging that white liberals are out here doing the civil rights work for the LGBT community (not alone; there are many, many people of color deeply involved in this issue). I'll remind you, though, that a lot of the reason that advances were made in civil rights for Blacks in the 1950's and 1960's was that they convinced a lot of white people to join their cause, so it wasn't just "us vs. them". Demanding - by the people affected - SHOULD have been enough, but it wasn't. The Black civil rights leaders of that era succeeded, in large measure, because they convinced enough White men - who held the power - that a push for equality was the right thing to do, and they did that in part by convincing some of their ardent white supporters to join them in pressuring White politicians to do the right thing.

And I do get that for a Black man, his Blackness may well come first, always, as a cause (for lack of a better way of expressing it). But even so, I can't see where *anything* Trump has done is better for Black men than *anything* Harris has done. Even Harris's prosecution of a lot of Black men, in California, for crimes committed there pales in comparison to Trump's calls for executing the Central Park Five, who even today he believes are guilty despite a confession and DNA evidence linking the confessed criminal to the crimes. I keep hearing terms like "emasculating" and such being tossed around, but I don't see anything "emasculating" about someone telling you - or me - why they should vote for a particular candidate. 

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  On 10/17/2024 at 1:30 AM, BlackDude said:

The “black community” doesn’t promote those performers, records labels do, while not promoting other no sex-based acts. That’s done to dehumanize black women and justify harming them. 

And we’re calling it out. When it’s political season, we don’t want strippers. We won’t policies.


And there have been policies galore. Moreover, there are a lot of policies coming from the other side, awful ones. So what is it you want to hear?

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  On 10/17/2024 at 3:33 AM, topblkmale said:

Yes. LGBT identified out black men will benefit. 


As long as court decisions like Lawrence v. Texas remain intact, deeply closeted Black men will benefit too, because it means the police can't use vague statutes to arrest closeted people for a  private sexual act and ruin their lives with the attendant publicity. You don't have to be OUT in order for that to help you.

And the more of us who are out - Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, whomever - and the public sees, over and over, that we're not a threat to them, that will help reduce that homophobia that (to me) seems more pervasive in the Black community, in general. Moreover, Trump has surrounded himself with preachers who condemn gay sex acts loudly and publicly, and those people will have his ear during his administration if he makes it back into office. Is that what you want for your "closeted brothers"?

Tell me what policies will be best for Black men. Both in general, and for closeted Black gay men in particular. I'm open to learning, but I can't find anything on which Harris isn't better than Trump, any day of the week.

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  On 10/15/2024 at 8:22 PM, 50latinos said:

Fear mongering memes is all trumpets have left, because the imbecile they nominated can't pot a sentence together. Let lone understand policy in the simplest terms.


All he could do at that last town hall was slur a bit and sway to the music.  

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  On 10/16/2024 at 2:46 PM, topblkmale said:


I would imagine Kamala Harris is looking to walk into a black church service this Sunday in either Atlanta, Detroit or Philadelphia.

I hope she really leans into her down-south roots and does her black accent for us.



Well, golly gee!  You must’ve been just pleased to the point of coming all over yourself when the convicted felon held his rally/photo app at a historic black church - and the black church membership refused to attend - so the convicted felon/conman had two loads of white people bust them familiar by CPAC convention and used them as props thinking nobody would notice.

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  On 10/18/2024 at 8:20 AM, NEDenver said:

How?  Are you worth a quarter of a billion?

no one else benefits aside from sadists.


I *think* he was saying that "LGBT identified out black men will benefit" if Harris is elected, but the average Black man - counting among them the DL black men - won't. I disagree, but I can see his point that being pro-LGBT is less helpful if your life is such that you have as much or more to fear from your own family and community than you do from society at large.

Of course, to me, that's more of an argument for working to change your community than it is to vote for a bigot who's going to harm millions with his policies. But as I say, your mileage may vary.

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