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Not voting because Harris is a woman?


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On 10/13/2024 at 1:53 PM, danolivaw said:

I wanted to give Kamala a chance because I thought she might change Biden's policy with Israel and while she paid some early lip service to that, her actions since have shown that the US under her leadership will continue to unconditionally support a genocidal colonial proxy of the Empire. I cannot in good conscience vote for that, and I am ashamed I voted for Biden in 2020 because I did not know that he would aid and abet a genocide. 

I agree with you in principle.   I am in a very NOT swing state.   I support you if your in the same situation. 

Please consider a strategic vote if you are in a swing state. 

I know it's gross, given her recent statements... and Watz's... he's been well trained to tow the DNC line on the issue. 

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I think it’s annoying that the democrat party does this to Black people every election season. They never raise this much of an issue over who Asian or Latino men are voting for. But Black men have to be spoken down to as if we are incapable of making our own political decisions.

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23 hours ago, alphatop32 said:

The white educated liberals will quote New York Times and NPR which denied the Hunter Biden laptop story during the past election cycle and labeled everything as “conspiracy” theory. Their liberal media feeds the propaganda which denies vaccine injuries, censorship, inflation, warmongering in Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, fudged employment figures and on and on… Even their own RFK couldn’t stand their hypocrisy and endorsed Trump. Anyone who votes for this evil party needs to get their conscience checked! So white liberals please don’t tell a black man or woman what media they should consume and how they should think. We have that intellectual capacity to decide what is good for us from the evidence that is out there! 

So well said

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13 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

Or as I say, it's jacking off in the voting booth, making yourself feel good but accomplishing nothing.

Given the minuscule percentage of contribution your vote makes to the winner, voting for a winner is also jacking off in the voting booth. You can’t both excoriate Greens for not building a party from the grass roots and then pretend that only Democrats and Republicans don’t jack off in voting booths. It DOES sound like a hot idea though 🙂

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13 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

Why, then, did the entire rest of the world ALSO experience high inflation

Because stupid myopic medical experts thought it would be good for the starving poor of the world if they shut down the economy and put everyone on lockdowns just to let childhood iIQ plummet, drug addiction skyrocket, small businesses go into bankruptcy while the government let Amazon, Walmart etc foist the biggest wealth transfer in history. Government wrecked the economy then invented trillions to create debt and dependency while encouraging everyone to stop working. 

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Here are 21 reasons many  Black people will not be voting for the Dems or Kamala Harris this coming election:


Serving as the vice president to Joe Biden, author of the 1994 Crime Bill and best friend of staunch segregationist like a Strom Thurman and Robert Byrd

Performative blackness. This is not a uniform that you can take on and off.

Mitrice Richardson 

Serving in an admiration that argued in the Supreme Court against Miranda rights

Faught to keep nonviolent offenders in jail, so the point she was almost held in contempt of court

Not advocating for the prosecution of Carolyn Bryant. We don’t care how old she was, they’re still profiting Nazi’s

She appears to have no recent public connection to any black men. Husband, children, father (if he’s black).

Not platform injustice for the Tulsa race massacre victims

Using the legacy of the Freedman’s Bank to provide tangible or resources to other groups

Flooding black neighborhoods with illegal immigrants and utilizing the resources for that community to service the immigrants instead of Black people in the community (please don’t try to debunk this the cats out the bag, especially in Chicago)

Targeting black mothers for truancy violations (again this is already proven correct)

democrats believe abortion is an economic strategy for Black people (ask Stacy Abram’s)

Over sexualizing the black community. Anytime they want to talk to Black people they always have to invite sexy red, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B or some sort of other over sexualized performer. They don’t do that to any other group.

Promoting a general sexual agenda to pre-pubescent youth. 

Despite being the number one victim of hate crimes, failing to platform a hate crime bill for black Americans similar to the ones proposed for Asians and anti-Semitism.

Continuing a 60 year benign neglect policy by failing to promise, direct tangible benefits to the black community. And she stated she’s not gonna do anything several times.

Serving as the mistress to Willie Brown, a man who proudly stated he wasn’t gonna do anything for Black people because we don’t vote despite all of the evidence to the contrary. Yet he had no problem, providing economic access, and resources to the Asian and LGBT communities. Again and continuation of the benign neglect policy.

Cackling at an innocent black man being sentenced to life in court. By the way, he won $13 million judgment for wrongful conviction

Her association to Black sororities and other Boule affiliated organizations.

Her association with AIPAC, a group who is currently targeting Black members of Congress. They were even caught on tape, saying the biggest threat to them as young Black people. 

She refused to reevaluate cases were proven tampered Evidence was used.

So there you have it. Now no one can claim to not know the reasons why an increasing number of Black people aren’t voting for Kamala Harris. Now a lot of people are going to claim most of that stuff is misinformation, but it can easily be verified through numerous newspaper articles, and news report. That’s the great thing about the Internet.


Now you may not have to like it. You may say Black people should do something akin to slavery, which means put their needs, politics and personal desires aside for the good of everyone else. You may say that we’re Trumpers ( most Black people are not, and the numbers easily verify that).  But that’s fine. We’re OK with that. Ensure you may squeak by yet again in this election, because Donald Trump is such a racist and incompetent candidate. But just know the clock is ticking and it’s going to get increasingly harder each election.

now some of you are going to read that and say I don’t care. But the purpose of that was not to convince just to inform.

Edited by BlackDude
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4 minutes ago, topblkmale said:


I would imagine Kamala Harris is looking to walk into a black church service this Sunday in either Atlanta, Detroit or Philadelphia.

I hope she really leans into her down-south roots and does her black accent for us.


So much hatred, so much fanaticism. Trump is America's brain cancer.

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18 hours ago, BlackDude said:

So number 3? Black men need to be a emasculated and sacrifice their humanity for the good of humanity as a whole?

Only if you consider being asked to contribute to the overall good of the community "emasculating" and "sacrificing their humanity".

As I've noted elsewhere, for decades the LGBT community got barely lip service from the Democratic Party. But we (at least, the ones not delusional enough to join the Log Cabin Republicans) understood that our options would ALWAYS be better with Democratic leadership, because there was no way in hell that the Republicans were going to govern in our best interests. And, whether it was luck or something else, we prevailed in the end - getting rid of DOMA, getting rid of DADT, getting same-sex marriage approved nationwide.

I never saw us compromising to support flawed Democrats - including Bill Clinton - as "emasculating" nor did I see it as "sacrificing my humanity". Your mileage may vary, I suppose.

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18 hours ago, BlackDude said:

That’s a non sequitur. We are referring to Obama’s speech to black men and the tone. 

The tone might well have been bad. But he wouldn't have had to say anything at all, if there weren't apparently a significant number of Black men who (for whatever reason) think that it makes sense to vote for anyone other than Harris in this election. Or that it makes sense to withhold their votes, possibly letting Trump win again. 

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On 10/15/2024 at 7:41 AM, alphatop32 said:

How noble of you to save our “dumb asses again” Remind me the last time you and your party saved it since it was the Republicans who freed the slaves while the Democrats wanted to keep them in chains. 

Anyone who thinks the Republican Party of the 1860's has anything to do with the Republican Party of the 2000's probably shouldn't be allowed to wander the streets unsupervised. Either that, or that person is completely historically illiterate about 20th century U.S. political history. 

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14 hours ago, Asn17 said:

I think it’s annoying that the democrat party does this to Black people every election season. They never raise this much of an issue over who Asian or Latino men are voting for. But Black men have to be spoken down to as if we are incapable of making our own political decisions.

That's partly because while Asians and Latinos face discrimination from conservatives, it's usually not as virulent, nor has it been as deep-seated and long-lasting, as that directed against Black people - especially restrictions on voting. That's not to downplay racism against Asians and Latinos, but it's fair to note that liberals - not conservatives - led the push to give Black people the (actual, as opposed to "on paper") right to vote in the 1960's. And it's conservatives - not liberals - who are attempting to make it more difficult for people to vote, targeting those efforts at poor people and students, groups among which Black people are disproportionately represented.

And it's the Democratic party, not the "Democrat party". 

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