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So, had this story sitting on a back burner for a while and since the dreaded writer's black has hit on my other story (Self Destruction). Decided to throw this one out here and see how people like it. I'll warn everyone now, it's a bit of a slow burner in this first chapter, but I promise it will get much steamier in the next chapter. Hope everyone enjoys.


Lesson 1: The Art of Negotiation

It all started when I came home from school over the summer break. Not wanting to get a job in some god awful burger joint or interning for pennies at an office, I decided that I would mow lawns for neighbors just like I had in high school. The money was decent, I got to enjoy the sun, and I usually got to set my own hours.


Most of our neighbors were on the older side, and I was sad to see that the Mercers at the end of the block had recently moved away, both of them getting too old for the larger house. My parents had told me that they thought someone recently bought their house, and taking up the hint, I proceeded that morning down the street, hoping the wife was home and they didn’t have any kids.


I’ve always known that a few of the women, especially the older ones, enjoyed me mowing their yards, and not one to disappoint I would regularly show off my body and good looks. 19 years old, 6ft tall, slender yet muscular, with wavy brown hair, blue eyes, and classically good looks, I knew how to use my physical attributes to my advantage. Not that the typical housewife really interested me. Being bi, I’d had my pick of the guys and girls at college and even a few in high school, and preferred not to crap where I ate so to speak.


Already, the sun was blazing in the sky, making the air unpleasantly muggy. I mentally kicked myself for getting up so late, as the sun was already extremely high in the sky. Walking down the street, I made my way towards the old Mercers place, hopeful as I saw they had a rather nice looking SUV in the driveway.


They definitely have some disposable income, I thought to my self, noting that the SUV was a rather new Range Rover in the driveway, a little out of place in the more middle class vibe of the neighborhood. Not that I would expect someone to put one on such and expensive vehicle, but no little stick figure family on the rare window, and no bumper stickers proclaiming to the world that their spawn was an honor student.


Putting on my usual customer service smile, I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I waited, looking around and adjusted my self, trying to at least appear somewhat presentable. A quick movement at the window confirmed that someone was at least home. I was shocked however when instead of the usual bored housewife with too much botox and filler, I was greeted by what could only be described as a bear of a man, wearing a tank top and loose shorts, covered in tattoos.


“Can I help you?” the man asked, sounding just slightly annoyed.


Shit… I thought to myself, This is going to be a lot harder sale…


Usually, the husbands were likely to shoot me down instantly, tight fisted on money and the usual male bravado of wanting to do it themselves to prove how manly they were. Quickly, I increased my smile a little more, bracing myself for the harder sale.


“Sorry to bother you sir, I’m Riley, and I live down the street over there. My parents have the beige ranch style near the corner,” I begin, turning around and pointing out the house 5 doors down.


“Uh huh…” the man said, boredom already in his voice.


“So, I’m home for the summer and I know you must be new the street. I usually offer to mow the yards here to make some money while I’m off school, especially with some of the people here being a bit on the older side…”


“And I fit into that same category? Do you make it a habit of trying to scam the elderly?” he said, his deep voice already sounding annoyed.


What the fuck? Where did that come from? I thought to myself, unsure how to answer for a few seconds.


“No, sorry, I just figured I ask if you’d like me to mow yours as well. I didn’t mean…” I replied hurriedly, trying to assure the man.


The man stared at me for a second with a flat expression before bursting into laughter. Confused, I stared blankly at him, feeling slightly embarrassed.


“I’m just fucking with you, kid,” he said, clapping his meaty hand on my shoulder, “You should see the look on your face!”


Still a bit perplexed, I gave a small smile.


“I’m Gregory, friend’s call me Greg. I’ve already met your folks and they told me to expect you,” he said, smiling and chuckling to himself, “Come on in and we can talk numbers over something cold.”


I quickly forced myself to regain my composure before following Greg into the house, quietly thankful to feel the crisp cold air of the AC on my already sweat slicked body. Standing to the side, I waited as he shut the door, shutting out the heat and bright sunlight into the much cooler and somewhat darker insides of the house. Looking around, I was a bit surprised at how much newer everything looked, compared to the rather dated 80s motif the Mercers had when I was here last year. Tastefully decorated in midcentury modern design, it fit the house much better than the tacky old gold, pastels, and insane amount of mirrors Mrs. Mercer loved, looking like it had come straight out of a Golden Girls episode.


I already knew where the kitchen was, but still waited politely as Greg led the way to kitchen. I was shocked too at how fully different the kitchen was as well, looking almost like something out of a magazine.


Definitely a metric fuck-ton of disposable income… I thought, looking over at the massive double fridge, and the massive, gleaming steel oven. I remembered vaguely that just the stove was something like 14 grand and the fridge even more, having seen it in passing shopping with my mother the pervious week for a new computer desk for school at the furniture store.


“You guys really did a great job on renovating this place…” I said, looking around before taking a seat at the spacious island counter, across from Greg. I watched as he went over to the spacious fridge before opening it and looking around.


“Yeah, just finished last month. Beer, water, soda, or ice tea?” he asked, looking around inside before sticking his head out and staring at me.


“Oh, um, water is fine,” I said, briefly before turning my attention out the patio door into the yard.


Even the yard was different, having also been the subject of the massive renovation. Gone was the shabby garden and crab grass, and in its place was a very contemporary back yard, complete with a massive fire pit and new swimming pool, all surrounded by a very tall privacy fence. Honestly, I wasn’t really sure how much mowing was even needed, as even the grass looked new, likely having been recently sodded.


Suddenly, my attention was yanked back to the kitchen as Greg put his large hand on my shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze as he handed me a bottle of water with the other.


“I insisted on the new pool in the back,” he said suddenly, still giving my shoulder a squeeze, “might have taken a bit of the work from you there, but you have to admit when its hot like this, a pool is a must!”


Taking the bottle of water from him, I felt a slight blush creepy up my neck and across my cheeks as his hand moved from my shoulder to the back of my neck, his thumb moving back and forth across my skin.


“Um, so, price wise,” I said, forcing myself not to focus on his hand as I talked, “I usually charge $40 for the entire yard, and I can do it whatever time you want during the day.”


Removing his hand, he walked over to the counter and poured himself a cup of coffee, grabbing the newspaper next to it.


Must have interrupted him during the coffee and crossword puzzle, I thought to myself, thankful to finally have my shoulder back.


“The wife is a bit particular about the yard,” he said, taking a sip of the coffee before continuing, “Tell you what. She should be home in about an hour or so. If you can impress us, I’m sure we can figure something out in terms of price. Still will pay you for today, just need to justify the cost. We’ve got a mower in the garage if you want to use that.”


I nodded in silent agreement, and after letting Greg lead the way, proceeded to do just that.




“Babe, I’m in the kitchen!” Greg called out, looking up from his phone briefly as his husband walked into the room.


“Hey baby, how was your day?” Mike said, walking into the room before setting his bag on the counter.


“Oh, you know, just the usual,” Greg replied, setting the phone down before turning his head up to kiss him, “How was work?”


“It was fine. Just the usually bullshit,” he said, turning his attention to the backyard, “Um… Hey, uh, whose in the backyard?”


“So, the neighbors down the street have a son, Riley, and he’s back from college for the summer,” Greg replied, giving him a smile.


“Uh-huh,” Mike replied, watching as the brown haired teen stopped for a second, picking up twig from the yard and tossing over the back fence before wiping his brow and pulling his shirt off.


“And we’re paying him to mow the yard,” Greg continued, letting out a smirk as Mike continued to watch the college boy out the window.


“Oh, then lawn huh?” Mike said, letting out a chuckle, “And how is he?”


Suddenly, the lawn mower shut off as Riley began to walk the mower back to the garage.


“I dunno,” Greg said, adjusting his cock in his pants as he watched the outline of the teen’s ass, “Didn’t seem to mind when I was feeling him up a little earlier. Maybe we should find out?”



Walking back into the house, I quickly pulled my shirt back on, silently thankful to no longer be sweating in the heat and sun.


Making my way back into the kitchen, I was shocked to see a second man in the kitchen. Just as tall and muscular as Greg, he had his hair in a mohawk with a large septum ring through his nose. I could see just a few tattoos peaking out from under his dress shirt.


“Oh, um…” I said, unsure what to say, “I finished the yard. Did you want me to come back when your wife gets home?”


The other man started laughing before walking over and extending his hand.


“Hi, you must be Riley. I’m Michael, his husband,” he said, laughing slightly at my confusion to his introduction, “And before you apologize, he always introduces me as his wife. This one likes to play games.”


“Oh, uh… cool, nice to meet you,” I said, shaking his hand awkwardly.


“You look hot,” Mike continued, before going to the fridge and pulling out another bottle of water, “Thirsty?”


“Yeah, its sweltering out there. And thanks,” I said, grateful for the cold water to cool down with. I opened the bottle and guzzled half the bottle down. We stood there in silence for a seconds before I looked around the room. “So… you guys just moved in a few months ago? It looks amazing in here.”


“Yeah, we just got done with the last bit of the renovations a month ago,” Greg replied, “Everything really came out great and, well, I’m sure you know how it looked before.”


“Well, it really does look great in here,” I said, unsure what to say as both of them stared at me and then each other.


“We finally got the playroom set up last night,” Mike said, smiling at me before looking over at Greg again.


“Playroom?” I asked, not entirely sure if I understood what he meant, “What’s that?”


“Yeah, kind of a labor of love,” Mike said, as I looked down to him adjusting his bulge in his pants, “Want to check it out?”

“We can talk about your compensation while we’re down there if you want,” Greg added, also moving his hand on his crotch, smiling at me.


Oh. Playroom. I suddenly realized. I was unsure at first how to react. Definitely not something I’d ever done before to be sure, but I couldn’t help but admit that both of them were quite hot in their own way. And I also had to admit coming back home had sucked as most of my usual flings were gone at college still, meaning I’d been without any sex for the last few weeks.


One thing I prided myself on at school was always being willing to explore sexually. So, letting my hormones take over I gave my reply.


“Sure, why not?” I said, a slight smile on my face.



Slowly, we descended down the stairs into the basement, greeted at first only by the inky blackness. The room was suddenly flooded with light as I took in the scene.


The ceiling was painted black, as were the walls. A few lights lit up the room, with a few being those colored smart bulbs that gently changed back and forth from magenta to violet to blue. Off to the corner, there was a large leather clad cross with shackles, and the opposite corner a leather cladded bench also with shackles. as well as several cases and tool boxes along one of the walls. On the some of the walls, there were various posters of naked men, as well as a wall filled with different ‘toys.’ Whips, dildos, anal beads, paddles, and even a few other things I had no idea what were all sat organized on one of the walls. Near the door we came in at several leather harnesses were hung up. On the opposite wall, a small steel mini-fridge sat next to a large humidor filled with various cigars, and in the center of the room hung a large leather sling, with a mirror directly above it.


I slowly looked around, letting my brain take it all in. I slightly jumped when I felt someone grabbing my ass.


“So, Riley,” Mike said, grinning at me, slowly kneading my ass as Greg began to get undressed, pulling on one of the leather harnesses, “Welcome to the playroom. What do you think?”


Releasing my ass, Mike also began to get undressed, revealing his hairy chest and multiple tattoos. I watched both of them get fully undressed except for the leather harnesses, taking in the sights. Both had decent sized cocks, with Mike’s being bigger, but Greg’s balls were much bigger. Both had several cock piercings as well as oversized nipples, which I found strangely hot.


“It’s… pretty wild. In a good way,” I replied, feeling my own cock growing in my boxers.


“Kinda looking a little overdressed there, bud,” Greg pointed out, walking over to the mini-fridge and pulling out a couple of bottles what I recently found out were poppers.


Quickly, I pulled my clothes off except for my boxers, unsure whether to take them off or leave them on.


Suddenly, Mike handed me a white jockstrap. Dumbly, I just stared at them in my hand.

“Told you he looked like a boxers kind of boy. You lose the bet babe,” Mike said, walking over to the wall and grabbing a whip with multiple tassels on it.


“So I think it’s time to go over our business proposal,” Greg said, tossing one of the bottles of poppers to Mike, who easily caught it before opening it up and taking several deep sniffs.


“Oh, uh, the business proposal?” I asked, not exactly sure what he meant.


“So, Riley, obviously the hubby and I find you quite the sexy little fuck,” Greg explained, also opening his poppers and taking a few sniffs, “Fuck those are good… Anyways, we’d definitely would like to use you for some fun if you’d be up for it. We can gladly pay you for your time, and you can say no to anything we want to do. What do you say to, oh…. A hundred bucks an hour?”


My eyes bulged out of my head for a moment. That’s more than even my parents made an hour. Combined.


There’s got to be a catch here… I thought to myself.


“I mean, that sounds good, but what all would be expected of me exactly?” I said cautiously.


“Well, I guess we should lay out the ground rules,” Mike said, coming over to me and slowly pushing the band of my boxers down with the whip in his hands.


“First, you’ll wear the jock instead of those boxers any time you come over,” Greg began to explain, “Second, you can’t wash it all summer. We expect you over here at least once a week to mow then play, but you’re welcome to come over more if you want. Next, you can say no to anything we do, but once you do, we stop this little agreement. We both like to relax and smoke while we play, as well as use poppers. You don’t have to but we can pay a little extra if you agree to trying both. And last, we want to bring over some friends for group play, you can say no, and we’ll still keep this arrangement, but you’ll get paid extra.”


“Babe,” Mike interjected, having successfully pushed my boxers off, began to slowly rub the whip up and down between my bare asscheeks, “You forgot the most important part.”


“Oh yeah,” Greg said, grinning at me, “We are a strictly no condom household. I’ll assume you’re clean, right?”


I nodded, my mind processing everything as fast as I could.


“Good,” Greg said, “Any questions? Thoughts?”


I sat there for a moment with my mind racing.


“Uh, I guess just a few?” I said, kicking myself mentally for how young I suddenly sounded.


“Ask them while you put that jock on,” Mike said, pointing the whip at the white jockstrap in my hand.


Slowly, I bent over, sure that I was obviously giving both of these men full view of my virgin asshole. I pulled them up in one smooth motion.


“I’ve never done this before,” I explained, unconsciously rubbing my hands over my thighs, “I mean, I’ve been with a few guys before, but pretty much as the top, and its always been pretty vanilla.”


“Fuck that is hot,” Mike groaned, “Prime virgin boy-pussy, babe.”


“You can always say no, boy,” Greg said, rubbing his cock, the metal cock ring in his harness gleaming around the base of his dick.


“Well, I mean, I just want to know what the limit is of saying no,” I said hesitantly, hoping for some sort of negotiation or compromise, “Like, can I ask for a break if it gets too intense for me? Or…?”


Mike and Greg exchanged a glance before nodding at each other.


“I mean, asking for a break isn’t saying no I guess,” Greg mused.


“And I’ve never done anything like…” I continued, gesturing around the room, “This… So, can we move slow. I think I might get overwhelmed otherwise.”


“Mike,” Greg said, walking over to the leather cross, before starting to strap the cuffs to his wrists, “I think we need to demonstrate exactly what Riley here can expect.”


“Babe, I think it’s time to give the boy here his first lesson in hardcore man-sex,” Mike replied, shoving the poppers into a small pouch on his harness before smacking the whip in his free hand.


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Posted (edited)

@nymidtowneast Thanks for the first comment. I really appreciate it. Hopefully this next chapter will give you a taste of what's to come.

@pozpopperpig well, if you know my stories... its going to be fun...

@Cumboi Hopefully, this next chapter will be enough to hold you over until I can finish the next chapter.

@ErikRaw My pleasure. Glad you enjoy it!

@marcus1969 Thanks for the reply!

@shinelover Glad your enjoy it so far!

@Falls727 Hopefully the next chapter will do more than that for you 😉

@negchaserlooking I don't think even I know, and I'm the author lol. But I'm sure we will all enjoy the ride.

@MuslDadOC Oh, it's going to be an interesting event, to be sure. I think everyone will like what I have planned there.


Here's the next chapter. I'm still proofing the 3rd and 4th chapters, and have the next few at least mapped out. Still working on the other story, mind you, but hopefully this will tide everyone over until I can get that one out. Still have at least two more chapters to go on it.

Anyways, enjoy!


Lesson 2: The Power of Letting Go


I watched on as Mike set the whip down on a table near the cross, and walked over to the tall humidor and pulled out two rather large cigars and prepared to get them lit. Slowly he brought the first one to life, puffing repeatedly until a large cloud of smoke was erupting from his mouth. Seemingly satisfied, he walked over to Greg and put the lit cigar in the corner of his mouth, followed by shackling his remaining free hand.


“Fuck yeah babe,” Mike said, now bringing the remaining unlit cigar in his mouth and puffing it to life, “You ready to get flogged?”


Greg let out an appreciative moan around his cigar, letting out a cloud of smoke in its wake.


Walking over to cross, Mike moved the cigar to the corner of his mouth and picked the whip back up from the table. With a nod of his head, Mike gestured for me to get closer to watch.


I stepped closer, watching as Mike suddenly cracked the multi-tasseled whip across Greg’s ass, immediately eliciting a loud groan. I felt my cock jump at the sound in the confines of the white jockstrap I put on.


I stood there taking in the sight as Mike smacked Greg’s ass several more times, both of them puffing on their cigars in between strikes. Unable to take it any longer, I reached into the jock and began to slowly work my cock, as I slowly moved my left hand across my chest before slowly starting to pinch my right nipple.


“Fuck yeah, boy,” Mike said, grinning around the large cigar as he looked over at me as I slowly began to feel myself up at the scene, “Liking what you see so far?”


“It’s really hot,” I said in agreement, pinching my nipple even harder, letting myself get lost in the scene in front of me.


Mike’s only reply was and even harder smack across Greg’s ass, causing him to groan even louder.


“Smack that ass even harder,” Greg groaned aloud, puffing hard on his cigar before moving his ass back even farther.


“Yeah, you fucking love it don’t you, pig?” Mike asked, suddenly giving three hard smacks in succession.


Greg gave a groan in appreciation, as Mike pulled the cigar out of his mouth, gesturing with it at the scene in front of us.


“What do you think, boy,” he asked, giving his hard dick a few long tugs, “Ready to give it a try?”


I could only nod, unsure if I could even voice words with the amount of hormones rushing through my bloodstream.


Walking over, I helped Mike unshackle Greg, and with my heart racing, I watched as Greg turned his head grabbing his cigar out of his mouth with his now free hand. Before I knew it, he grabbed my face and blew a huge cloud of smoke in it. Before I could react further, he locked lips and slowly forced his tongue into my mouth.


I felt as Greg grabbed the back of my neck, his cigar butt rubbing against my skin as we both stood there, making out. As Mike finally released his other hand, I felt as he reached into my jock and slowly began to tug on my balls, working them in his hand while our tongues continued to slide against each other.


Greg was the first to pull away as I felt Mike come up beside us, his hand slowly working a few fingers between my ass cheeks, slowly prodding the outside of my hole. Mike took a long pull on his cigar before exhaling in my face, and then we locked lips as well.


“Fuck yeah,” Greg growled, giving my nuts a slight squeeze, making me let out an involuntary moan, “Gonna enjoy turning you into our dirty little sex pig.”


After a few minutes of making out, Mike and I broke apart as I felt Greg tugging my hand out of my jockstrap, and pulled it up towards the shackle. I let him deftly strap my wrist in as Mike began doing the same with my other hand. Both occasionally puffed on their cigars, blowing the smoke towards me as they quietly worked.


Satisfied I was fully shackled in, Greg walked over to the wall of whips and toys, and grabbed another nearly identical whip to the one Mike was using earlier. While Greg was doing that, Mike double checked the shackles, growling deeply with approval.


“Fuck yeah,” he said, slowly running his hand down my back until he reached my ass, giving its a firm squeeze, “Got you chained up right where I want you. Gonna make those ass cheeks glow red.”


Stepping back, he took another puff on his cigar as Greg walked up beside him.


“You ready, pig boy?” Greg said, puffing on his cigar as well.


Nervously, I just nodded and waited.


And then I felt as first one asscheek and then the other were smacked, leaving a slight sting where each of the whips came in contact with my skin. The sensation cause me to take in a slight gasp, as well as my cock to twitch a little.


“Nice,” Mike said, as he took another swing and connect with my right cheek, “Already a bit pink.”


We stood there for several minutes, each man taking a turn smack one ash cheek then the other, as progressively each crack of the whip got harder and sharper.


I began to moan as I let myself drift away mentally, enjoying the pain with each smack. The room was quickly filling with a haze and the cigar smoke floated in the air. Suddenly, one smack connected extra hard, causing me to yelp with the pain and shock of it.


“Like that, fucker?” Greg asked, as another equally sharp smack hit the other side, again making me yelp, “Look how fucking red his ass is getting.”


“Yeah, pig boy here must like the pain,” Mike laughed, before walking around and pointing the whip at my crotch, “He’s hard and the front of the jock is already soaking wet with his precum.”


I felt several fast and hard smacks connect with ass, causing me to whimper slightly from the pain as I involuntarily flinched and tried to pull away.


“Where do you think you’re going,” Mike asked while he laughed, pulling hard on his cigar before blowing it in my face, “You aren’t going anywhere. We got you right where we fucking want you.”


“We got ourselves a nice slab of boy meat here,” Greg added, rubbing the whip between my thighs, “I can’t wait until we fuck you up and make you our personal fuck toy. Turn you into a brainless little fuck puppet that we can do whatever we want to.”


I flinched away as a a massive wave of fear filled me as the reality of the situation hit me. I’m chained up essentially a random stranger’s basement, and nobody knowing where I was. I was at the mercy of these guys, and suddenly I felt panicked as every possible outcome race through my brain. The fear must shown on my face as Mike looked at me directly.


The tone of the room changed suddenly and Mike looked over at Greg for a split second.


Stepping closed, Mike stepped to behind me, grabbing my chin as he whispered in my ear.


“Don’t worry boy, it’s all talk,” he said gently in my ear, his hand slowly moving up and down on my chest and stomach, “You’re safe here, and you can say stop at any time and go home. But we both hope you won’t. We got lots of plans for the entire summer. It’s your choice… do you want to keep going and see part of what we have planned?”


I stood for a second and let out a few shaky breaths, forcing myself to calm down. Letting out a deep sigh, I nodded.


“Good boy,” he said, before running his hand through my hair, before turning to Greg as he then moved his hand over my still stinging ass, gently rubbing it before he continued, “Looks like he’s ready to move to the sling. I call dibs on taking his butt cherry.”


Reaching up, he began to unshackle my arms, causing the tension and fear in my chest to release. Gingerly, I pulled my arms down before twisting my body, looking down at my ass.


Damn, I thought to myself as I took in the sight of my bright red and throbbing ass, they really did a number down there.


Greg walked over to me, taking his half smoked cigar out of his mouth and began to make out with me, as Mike took both paddles and and put them back.


I tasted the thick cigar smoke all over his tongue, letting myself relax as he suddenly pulled away and using my hair, pulled my head back, leaving my mouth gaping opening.


Suddenly, I felt him spit into my open mouth, before he took a huge drag on his cigar and then went back into kissing me, forcing his cigar smoke into my mouth. Surprisingly, I found I really enjoyed it, enjoying the taste as our tongues intertwined.


Finally he pulled away, and I let out a sigh, noticing some of the smoke on my breath.


“Good boy,” he growled, “You like taking Daddy’s smoke, don’t you?”


“Yes sir,” I said, very turned on as I nodded, “Thank you sir.”


“Polite fucking pig, isn’t he,” Mike said, standing over near the sling as he motioned for me to get in.


Having never been in a sling before, I failed the first two tries to get it, before finally getting the hang of it with some help from the both of them.


Slowly adjusting myself to get more comfortable, I was inwardly glad there weren’t any restraints on the sling after my minor panic attack at the cross.


Greg came to stand next to my head as Mike went over to the wall, looking at the different dildos, before deciding on one that was just a bit smaller than his cock, but somehow still large enough to make me nervous.


I looked up as Greg opened up his bottle of poppers, taking a few sniffs of the bottle before letting out a content sign.


“That fucking better,” he growled, tipping his head back as he closed his eyes, clearly content.


Having heard of the poppers, but never trying them before, I was a bit curious as to what they were like. Apparently, I was about to find out as Greg set his cigar back in the corner of his jaw, and began to hand me the bottle.


“Ever done poppers, boy?” he asked, as I grabbed the bottle from him.


“No, I mean, I know of them, and I know it makes sex fucking wild, but never had a chance to try them,” I answered, as I began to mime what I had seen both of them do.


“Go ahead and pinch off one side of your nose with your thumb there, and I want to you to take a deep sniff or two in each nostril,” he said, coaching me through it as he slowly stroked is cock.


I did as he said, watching as Mike came over with he dildo and some lube, as well as dragging a stool behind him.


I didn’t feel anything at first as I watched Mike take a seat at my ass, and then, a wave of warmth spread across my face, making me feel flush as I felt my heart start to race. The feeling was intense, and after handing back the bottle to Greg, I sat there in the sling, enjoying the rush.


“Good fucking poppers, aren’t they,” Mike asked, slowly coating my asshole with the cool lube, “Greg and I picked up quite a few on our last trip to Berlin.”


I could only grin stupidly and nod as I felt myself floating on the high.


“You ready?” Mike asked, slowly pressing the head of the gleaming black dildo up against my hole.


“Oh, fuck,” I blurted out loud, feeling the pressure at my asshole.


“Babe, get him fucked up on the poppers while I break in his hole and stretch him out,” Mike said, rubbing my cock and balls as I pulled away slightly at the sudden intrusion at my ass.


I laid there gripping the chains of the sling as Greg held the bottle to my nose, having me take 4 deep sniffs in each nostril. Satisfied, he closed the bottle back up and watched as his husband slowly began to press the dildo harder against my hole.


I was about to tell him we’d have to quit when I finally felt the head of the toy suddenly breach my opening. The sudden stretching of my assails caused me to let out a loud, pained groan as Mike slowly worked the large black toy deeper and deeper into my ass, occasionally looking up and me with a grin and nodding as it slowly breached my guts.


“Good boy,” he said, rubbing his free hand across my flat stomach, “Good fucking boy. Let your daddies stretch that ass out so we can breed it later. Fill you up with a few nice loads of dirty bear cum in those virgin guts. You want that, don’t you baby?”


The poppers having taken full effect left me too far gone to speak, only leaving me with enough brain power to nod. The pain in my ass slowly switched over to a pleasant fullness as the head of the dildo began to slide past my prostate.


“Oooooh fuck,” I groaned, feeling as the dildo occasionally was pulled back before being driven back in again. I looked up and watched as Greg slowly smoked his cigar, enjoying the feeling as he slowly began to pinch and twist my nipples.


“Ah…. Oh god,” I gasped, feeling as the base off the toy hit my taint, finally worked deep in my guts, “Oh fuck, it’s so fucking deep.”


“Yeah, fucker,” Greg said, blowing his smoke down at me as he continued to stroke his hard cock, “Take that toy deep in you. So fucking hot seeing your young jock hole get destroyed. We are going to get those guts nice and stretched out for all the cum we’re gonna dump in you.”


“Shiiiit,” I groaned again as I felt Mike jiggle the toy around before slowly pulling it back to the entrance of my hole. The sensation caused my legs to shudder for a short while, as I felt my ass grip down on the toy. Unable to stand it anymore, I slowly reached down and after pulling out my dick from the confines of the jock, started slowly jacking off.


“Yeah,” Mike growled, “You like feeling your virgin hole get stretched, don’t you boy? You’re gonna be a good boy and let us do whatever we want? Let us fill you up with our dirty bear cum until its leaking out?”


“Oh, fuck… yes…. Fuuuuck,” I groaned, as he began working the toy in and out of my hole, “Whatever you want.”


For a while, Mike continued to slowly fuck my ass with the large toy, as Greg continued to pinch and work my nipples, both of them covering my body with cigar smoke. As I got more used to the sheer size and length of the dildo, I laid back and slowly stroked my cock, enjoying the stretch.


Finally, after what felt like like forever but was likely just 10 minutes, Mike pulled the dildo out, with a dull pop. Grinning, he laid it on my stomach.


“Fuck yeah, thats how deep it was inside you,” he said, rubbing his hand on my stomach along side the toy.


“Holy shit…” I replied, my voice quivering as I slowly got used to the empty feeling in my ass.


“Hey babe,” Greg said suddenly, getting up and walking over to one of the tool boxes, “Since you get his ass cherry, mind if I take his cock cherry?”


Confused, I looked at Mike. My mind tried to figure out what he meant, seeing as I was definitely not a virgin in terms of penetrating someone.


“Fuck yeah, if you think he’s ready. You’re gonna love this, slut,” Mike said, grinning before he got up and moved towards my head. Slowly, he took the cigar out of his mouth and began to rub it on my left nipple.


“Open up your mouth for a second, pig,” he said, as Greg continued to rummage around. I complied with his request, and slowly he let a long line of drool out into my mouth before he put his nearly finished cigar in my mouth. Knowing what he wanted, I closed my lips around the  cigar, unfamiliar with the sensation.


“Fuck that’s a hot look,” Greg said grinning around his cigar, as he walked up to my ass with several long and curved metal rods and a tube of lube. Mike quickly walked away, making his way over to the humidor and pulling out another two cigars as well as an ash tray.


Walking back up to me, he set the ashtray on my chest, effectively using me as a table, while Greg began to cover the smallest of the rods with lube.


“Extra hundred for you tonight if you finish both of our cigars, boy,” Mike said, before sticking the first cigar in his mouth and lighting it.


I sat there for a second contemplating it before deciding to do what he asked. Having never smoked before, I felt a bit weird doing it, but I decided to follow their lead and took a few puffs on the cigar. I was surprised at the taste, amazed that it tasted better or at least different than it smelled.


After a few puffs, I pulled the cigar out of my mouth, turning my attention to what Greg was doing.


“What’s that?” I asked, watching as he covered the rod with the lube, ensuring that it was fully covered.


“Well, since Mike gets first crack at breeding the prime unused hole, I figured I deserve to take one of your other cherries,” he began to explain, grabbing onto my dick suddenly, suddenly rubbing the length of the rod along my dick hole, “This is whats called a urethral sound. I’m gonna break open your dick cherry and fuck you nice and deep with these sounds until you shoot your load.”


I paused for a second.


There’s no fucking way thats gonna work, I thought to myself, trying to wrap my head around what Greg had just told me.


“Don’t worry, boy,” Mike assured me, reaching over me and grabbing Greg’s cigar out of his mouth and placing it in the ashtray, before replacing it with the freshly lit one, “Greg is a professional at this. I thought the same thing the first time as well. But trust me, you’re gonna love it.”


I sat there for a second, contemplating if it was time to stop. But as I felt him slowly start to stroke my dick, my hormones got the better of me and decided to just sit back and enjoy the ride.


“Fine,” I sighed, “As long as you know what your doing I guess.”


Resigned and just a tiny bit darkly curious, I stuck the cigar back in my mouth and watched Greg as he continued to tease the opening of my dick with the cold metal rod.


“Babe, wanna give him a few hits off the poppers?” Greg asked, not looking up as he gently pressed the tip of the metal to my cock hole.


Silently, Mike grabbed the bottle of poppers out of his harness, opened them and put the opening to my nose as I instinctively pressed my thumb against one of my nostrils and sniffed deeply. Looking up at me, Greg gave me a huge grin, waiting as the poppers did their job.


“Ready, fucker?” he asked, and not waiting for the answer, slowly began to push the rod into my pisshole.


The sensation of the thin cold metal rod inside my cock was intense, causing me to groan immediately. I watched in fascination as the rod slowly worked down into my dick, and I could feel every twist of the metal as Greg worked the rod further and further down.


“Yeah, babe, stretch out the pig’s pisshole,” Mike growled, lighting his cigar now before walking away to the tool box as well.


I only vaguely registered Mike leaving as nearly al my attention was on the scene before me, as Greg began to work the metal rod deftly in and out of my urethra. The sensation felt amazing and alien at the same time.


Eventually, Mike returned, with what looked like two suction cups and what looked like a hand pump. I began to puff on the cigar as Greg continued to do what I could only describe as fuck my cock with the metal probe, while Mike placed each suction cup over my nipples and began to pump the air out, effectively obscenely sucking out my nipples to fill each cup.


Satisfied, Mike flicked each cup, checking the seal before moving back to my head, slowly stroking his cock as he watched as Greg pulled out the metal rod.


“How was that?” Greg asked, as he began to lube up a thicker rod, “Ready for more?”


To enraptured at the scene before me, and with the large cigar in my mouth that I was now puffing regularly on, I could only nod.


“Go ahead and grab your cock so you can feel me shoving it in you,” Greg said with a smile, as he pressed the tip of the rod at my dick’s opening.


I let go of one of the chains I hadn’t realized I was hanging onto tightly and gently wrapped my hand around my dick, firmly holding it in place.


“Yeah, feel that fucking rod stretch out your piss tube,” Greg said, as I could indeed feel the metal rod slowly go deeper and deeper into my dick before stopping half way, “Want me to go deeper?”


Pulling the cigar out of my mouth, I groaned, feeling the metal rod against my fingers, deep inside my dick.


“Fuck yeah,” I groaned, giving my dick a slight tug, feeling how the my urethra conformed to the metal around it.


Slowly, he pushed the rod deeper, until finally only the tip remained. Finally he let go of the rod, and we all watched as it slowly began to work itself out of my cock. Greg began to gently tap and press the rod back down.


“Oh fuck, keep doing that,” I groaned around the cigar, loving the sensation it was giving me.


Greg grinned down at me as he continued to tap and slide the rod in and out of my cock.


“Yeah, you like that?” he asked slowly jacking his cock as he watch on.


“Oh god, yes, keep doing that,” I said, my whole world narrowed down to the feeling of the metal rod fucking the inside of my dick as I puffed away on the nearly spent cigar. I felt as Mike pulled the nub of the cigar out of my mouth and set it in the ashtray, before grabbing the other mostly smoked cigar and firmly planting it back in my mouth.


“Fuck yeah, pig,” Mike growled, jacking his cock and rubbing the tip of it in my hair and across my face, “You look so fucking hot smoking that cigar while that metal rod fucks the inside of your dick. Can’t wait until I get to paint the walls of your guts with our loads.”


Greg continued to fuck the sound in and out of my dick, and after a few minutes, he began to move my hand up and down, jacking my self on the sound.


“Yeah…. That sound is nice and deep in you,” he growled, holding it in place as I began to stroke myself, “Show your daddies how much you love it. Fucking take it.”


This continued on for several minutes, with Greg asking how much I loved what he was doing, and Mike telling me how hot the scene was. I couldn’t help myself and started jacking off my dick rougher and rougher, telling them how fucking good it felt. Finally I felt the telltale feelings I was about to shoot my load.


“Oh, fuck, I think I’m about to shoot,” I groaned, still jacking my cock hard as Greg continued to help push the rod back down inside my dick. I could see a small puddle of precut had already formed on my stomach, pooling easily around my abs.


“Fuck yeah, shoot your load for us!” Mike and Greg said nearly in unison, as I began to jack myself off with reckless abandon.


“Fuck, oh fuck,” I gasped, the feeling of humming building hard and fast deep in my dick, “I’m gonna fucking nut, shit…”


Suddenly, I felt as my dick began to erupt, shooting with such force that half the rod shot up out of my dick, the first volley of cum squirting around it and onto my stomach. I continued to roughly jack my cock as Greg quickly pulled the rod out, as I continued to pump several more times, causing me to yell out wordlessly with each massive spurt.


It took me a solid minute before I finally felt like I was done. I looked down, amazed at the amount of cum I had shot. My cock was covered, with a massive white puddle pooling on my abs. It was hands down the largest amount I’d ever produced.


Pulling the cigar out of my mouth, Greg then began to rub the end of it in the pool of my cum, coating it thickly before shoving it back into my mouth.


“Fucking taste yourself on that cigar,” Greg said, before he and Mike began to do the same thing with theirs, scooping up the massive amount of cum. It reminded me of when I was a kid, after begging my parents for it, they’d break down and buy me one of those Fun Dips and I’d share it with my friends.


Following their lead, I took the cigar back out of my mouth, scooping more of my cum onto the end of it before putting it back in my mouth, the salty and somewhat creamy flavor contrasting the taste of the cigar. The three of us grinned at each other as we slowly scooped up my spent load, sucking it off the end of our cigars until finally only a slick sheen of my spent land remained on my stomach.


Finally, Greg broke the silence and picked the rod up and held it up vertically along side my still hard cock.


“Fuck yeah, boy,” he said, grinning at me as I set the spent cigar out of my mouth and placed it in the ashtray, “Thats how deep it was inside you.”


“Holy shit,” was the only thing I could think of as a reply.


I was pleasantly shocked at the length, as I never imagined something so long would fit in there and actually feel good. I let out a small laugh as Greg stepped back and Mike took his place.


“That was amazing,” I said, still riding the high of endorphins after summing so hard.


“Oh, we’re not done yet,” Mike said, as he slowly pressed the head of his cock against my now wet and slightly stretched hole, giving me a wicked grin.


“Now it’s our turn to cum.”

Edited by kspozcum
  • Like 19
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  • Piggy 24
  • Thanks 2

Fuck yessss!  I love this!  I’d love to find a hot couple like Greg and Mike!  I love how descriptive your writing is not to mention the interplay with the kink, cigars and poppers!  I cant say I will be patient to read the next chapter!  

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