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rawTOP last won the day on June 15 2022

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About rawTOP

  • Birthday 12/08/1967

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    New York (Harlem)
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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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    Versatile Top
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    "Load #6" in Dawson's 20 Load Weekend

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  1. This should be fixed as of yesterday. Sorry. It amounted to a dumb oversight.
  2. Please try again. I think I may have fixed it, but not sure.
  3. The 6th Circuit has overturned the stay in Indiana, so in a moment I'll be blocking Indiana. The court's logic was "weird"… Yes, age verification is probably unconstitutional But because the Supreme Court allowed a similar law to be enforced pending appeal, we'll let the Indiana law to be enforced. Meanwhile the case is on hold until SCOTUS rules on the Texas case
  4. There were a few weeks when my server got on one (of many) block lists. If your mail provider uses that block list you would have been affected. It looks like it started around July 19th and was resolved the first week of August. But it looks like the server got blacklisted again a couple days ago. I've submitted a request to get off, but need to look into how it's happening. Hopefully I can find some time the next day or so to pour over a mail log and look for things that are suspicious. Anyway, email sent during a block doesn't get resent. It just never gets to you. So in the case of registration, you'll need to re-register.
  5. There are many geoIP data providers. There's no universal source for that data. You need to look at what MalePrime says your location is (see the screenshot a few messages up). The other thing is… I see you're on IPv6. This site only uses IPv4. So that's not even the IP we're using - we're using a different one. You've used 4 different IPv4s in the past 2 weeks… That's using BZ's internal geoIP lookup, which is NOT the same data source as what I use to do the redirects. But unless you've been traveling that's showing 4 different locations, 3 different states. But even Indiana wouldn't get you blocked since FSC got an injunction for that state. But the data provider I'm using may have put you somewhere else completely. This is common with mobile providers - they move IPs all over the place and sometimes let you hold onto one as you move around. So it's significant that you're connecting via AT&T. You'd probably have fewer issues on something like cable-based wifi in your house. A lot of you know that I had a stroke last year. That slowed me down a lot. Then in December I figured out I had mild to moderate case of Long Covid and that I had it for over a year (at that point - pushing 2 years now). It took me a while to be seen by specialists, get the diagnosis, and understand what I needed to do to get better. But that's happening now. The problem is (and why I'm mentioning it here) that sitting and working at my computer actually drains my energy reserves quite a bit, so I'm getting almost no programming done. I'm far better than I was 3 month ago, and starting to see signs that in the next few months computer work will be more possible. When that happens one of my first projects will be to upgrade that page on Male Prime that you see so that mobile users can basically say "your data is wrong, here let my device tell you my lat/long…" Then I'll figure out what state that is, and let you in and whitelist that Class C range for the following week. But first I need to get better… As far as IPv6… geoIP lookups are even more difficult and unreliable for IPv6 than they are for IPv4. It's pretty safe to say everyone in a class C range is near each other, so if I have the location for one IP in the Class C, I can (fairly) safely assume the others are close by. But IPv6 is far more complicated. Let me try to break it down for you… Your IPv6 is/was 2600:0387:000f:5b16:0:0:0:0002 The first 4 segments (2600:0387:000f:) are your "network address", the portion after that… well, it depends on how your ISP set things up. An entire company (or ISP) can all be on the same network address. From a legal compliance standpoint it's fairly safe to say that everyone at a particular network address is at least routed through a single location, but the laws don't specify how their routed, but rather the physical location of the user. AND there's no equivalent of a Class C. You have to know the location of each and every network address - and there are BILLIONS of them!
  6. Hi, I want to be pozzed by u.

  7. how do I empty  in box  so I can send messages 

  8. SCOTUS has just agreed to hear Free Speech Coalition’s challenge of the Texas AV law. So by this time next year we should have some sort of resolution to the legal questions. But given the make-up of the court, it may just lead to more AV laws. But at least things will be less up in the air. This is why who you vote for matters - they determine the make-up of the court…
  9. It will be blocked when their law goes into effect on 1/1/25. VOTE!
  10. Use a VPN… (I really should be promoting one…)
  11. As of today I've added Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky and Nebraska to the list. As @BootmanLA mentioned, Indiana came very close to being added as well. Free Speech Coalition is the reason why that law is suspended (for now). Please give to them if you're able so legal challenges like that one can have more success. I've also updated the OP so you can see the full list of blocked states…
  12. C5050.jpg.181d936c0378e55011d5b7ffc19ffb9c.jpgCra

    ving your cum in my gut 

  13. My reading of that is a conservative court making sure conservatives lose in November. Nothing will get people voting Democratic quite like going back to an 1864 law controlling women's bodies back in the era when they couldn't even vote. And in a purple state… Republicans / conservatives are their own worst enemy. (The same can be said of Democrats sometimes…)
  14. I redirect traffic from blocked states to this page… https://maleprime.com/about/restricted-state That entire site is porn-related, minus the actual porn. The state doesn't know what sites you're viewing. The laws don't criminalize viewing porn, they criminalize publishing porn. Most of the laws don't even give the states jurisdiction over enforcement (because that lets the porn industry preemptively sue the state). Instead they let (MAGA, Christian Nationalist) parents sue porn sites for perceived "harm" the porn site did to their child when the child encountered porn because the parent failed to do their job of putting appropriate content filters on their kid's device. So basically the laws reward people for being bad parents. And no, websites are not exempt from laws just because they're located elsewhere. That's how it should work but everyone wants to pass laws that apply to people outside their jurisdiction, so websites have to follow the laws where their visitors are, not where they are. Technically that means I violate the laws where homosexuality is illegal and could be tried in those countries. But those countries going after people like me is pointless since the US would never extradite me to face trial, and I avoid those countries…
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