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Braydon Explores Me...with His Tongue

Near Home—January, 2024   Braydon, the furry cub I’ve been meeting and breeding at the bookstore, sent me a text, hoping to set up a date for the last few days of January.   We talked about his coming to the playroom, but we both really liked his being available to other men while we were playing.  We agreed to meet at the bookstore, on Tuesday at 1:30pm.   I only mention the time as I went a little earlier to see what was happening.  And what was happening was Braydon on his knees, su

On the pursuit of Happiness

To mementos that we collect along the way. I am parked outside of Sean and Phong’s apartment. I was confident on the drive here, in my resolve, in my decision to come. But now, now I am nervous for some reason. A part of me wants to chicken out, to turn the key, to drive back home, to where it’s safe, to where it’s quiet. But I’ve been looking forward to seeing them all week, so I muster the strength, send Sean a text: I’m here. I think I am nervous because I don’t know how we’ll conne


Philip in Relationships

On Massage Part 2

To lonely nights. I am at Pipemakers, feeling particularly horny tonight. The car park is full, which is always promising, and I spot a rather muscular guy in a white t-shirt and shorts, walking to his car. We make eye contact, he circles back to the shed, and I make my way there too. There's quite a lot of guys here tonight. I make a quick lap around, survey the area. My mind wanders to this time last week, to Sean and Phong, to their faces, their warmth, and a pang of longing hits me


Philip in Relationships

Poz Guy Breeds Me

Like most of my hookups, I met Drew at one of the bars. We hit it off chatting at the bar and when we decided to call it a night I walked with him to his apartment since it was on the way to mine. When we got to his place he invited me up for a glass of wine. He had a tiny little studio in an old building, and he just had a kitchen and dining table with mattress on the floor. He poured some red wine for us and suggested we sit on the mattress as it would be more comfortable than the chairs he ha


JamieLong in BB

On Letting Go

To those that we leave behind. I am in my massage class. Outside, the rain is pouring, loud, relentless, and we stop, just for a moment, to listen. Melbourne has been sweltering for days now, the kind of heat that clings to your skin, the kind that makes you grab for a cone of ice cream, so the rain feels, for once, like a gift. There are five of us today, just five, and Gulchin is teaching us about releasing tight spots. We go into pairs, like always. One on the table, the other


Philip in Past

Two Bookstore Oddities: The Death Grip and the Phone Block

Near Home—January, 2024 It was the last Saturday of the month.  This was the end of the week where I had had to re-schedule two meets and be stood up by the third.  I usually went to the bookstore on weekday afternoons.  But I had tried a Saturday afternoon before, and found it much more varied.  I had an early lunch, and took off… The parking lot is jammed.  I have to park on the street.  Something I have never done in all the years I have been going.  I go into the straight theatr

On Criticism

To Growth   I am lying in bed, thinking about my previous two relationships, and I’ve noticed a pattern—something they both said to me countless times. I didn’t really think too much about it until now. They told me I criticized them too much. And the worst part is, I didn’t even know I was doing it. Not until I reflected on it later. Looking back, I can think of a few examples: on the way they cut their food, or the way they drove, or how they approached talking to


Philip in Relationships

Breeding in a Doorway

It was late on a Friday night, the bars would only be open for an hour more. The bar I was at was pretty dead and there weren’t any prospects so I decided to walk down the street to another bar.  As I was walking I noticed a guy a few years younger than me walking toward me. We made eyes at each other and we both turned to look back when we passed. We both stopped and walked back to meet up. “You just come from the bar up the street?” He asked me. “Yeah, it’s pretty dead there,” I said. “I was h


JamieLong in BB

On Simplicity

For those small words that get lost in the crowd. There’s this game I used to play called Poetry for the Neanderthal. It goes like this: You’re given a word. Using only single syllables, and working with a partner, you try to describe the clue until they guess it. It’s harder than it sounds, but like anything in life, practice makes the world go round, or something like that.   Let me give you an example: apple. It’s a fruit. Red. Makes crunch when bite.   Simp


Philip in Writing

The Voyeur Recommends My Mouth

Near Home—January, 2024   On Sunday, the third week of January was full of playdates.  Three to be precise.  By Monday, there was one.   I landed a work gig and now had a conflict with Friday.  My fisting bud graciously agreed to come to the playroom two weeks later.  Another bud had his own work conflict, his boss couldn’t let him have Wednesday off.  We agreed to meet the following Wednesday instead. That left my Tuesday meet.  Maybe.  He was a young man who had stood me up befo

On Directions Part 2

To familiar routes that shape our lives. Today is a class night, so I get in my car, pull up directions to the school.   I’ve driven there over a dozen times now, the route etched into my mind, but today, the maps show me something new.   A different way.   It promises to be faster, so I decide, why not, let’s try it.   It takes me down small streets, the kind lined with traffic lights, the kind that creep along at 4


Philip in productivity

An Update on Training

(Note: this is a completely fictitious blog entry.  How could any of this be true?)   It’s been a little over a year since my last report. I thought I might just delete this account. I thought I would delete it when I finally stopped . . . well, everything.  I now understand that I can’t but more importantly I don’t want to.  the training has continued.   Here’s an example of a typical lesson. I was on my way to wok, determined to get there and not fuck around. But driving has a


SubMascT in Weekly Report

On Everything Part 2

To the knots in my mind that have yet to be untangled. On Massage Part 2 I am at my sister’s house, and she is lying on the massage table, on her stomach. The fan buzzes softly in the corner, upstairs, one of her kids cries, but none of it matters. This is her one hour of personal time, her chance to escape. I notice my movements today are rigid, stiff, and my mind flashes back to one of my trainers, reminding me, move like water, shift your body like waves at the beach, the ebb and fl


Philip in Writing

On Teachers

To those who love to teach. Today was the Provide First Aid course. It’s 33 degrees Celsius outside, the sun blazing brilliantly, but we’re tucked away in a classroom with the air conditioning humming softly. Our teacher, Peter, is lovely. His teaching style is unique, and I find myself wanting to borrow a page—or two—from his book to raise the standard of teaching in my own life. I don’t teach biology or history or legal studies. I suppose, though, that we’re all teachers in one way o


Philip in productivity

Another Bookstore Bonanza

Near Home—January, 2024 The morning after I played with GaryM, I knew I would be headed to my favorite haunt. I had ended that session quite content, but I was hankering for more. What I found proved to be an explosive session…   I arrive just before 2pm.  There is one older white man in the straight theatre.  He is in the cocksucker’s seat, but I am pretty sure he’s not there to give head.  He seems enthralled by what I think is very average porn.  I sit off to the side.  My dick

On Massage

To the pleasure of touch I am currently studying for a Certificate IV in massage therapy. The course is ten months, part-time, which I juggle alongside my full-time job as a machine operator for Michelin tyres. My primary goal in taking this course was to give my current and future partners great massages because no one can decline a free massage, the fastest way to a person’s heart is through physical touch, and I needed something new to fill my free time. For years, my


Philip in Relationships

On Connections

To the most unexpected hook-ups. Pipemakers. Moonless night. 9 pm. I am feeling rather horny tonight, so I clean, start my car, head down to Pipemakers. The car park is full, which is promising, and I make my way through the back entrance towards the glory hole shed. I cross eyes with this Asian man, handsome was his face, and I make a mental note to play with him if our paths cross. A quick lap reveals no one of particular interest, and I spot the Asian man standing there, waitin


Philip in Relationships

GaryM Brings His Toys

My Playroom—January, 2024   GaryM was coming back to the playroom for another session of wet fun.  I was looking forward to seeing him again.  I spent the evening before thinking about what new things we might try—or how to make things we’d done slightly different.  I went to bed, still musing over what we might do.  And it went on all night.  I would sleep for an hour and suddenly wake up—not even remembering what it was that woke me up.  After this happened three times, at ever

On Productivity

To the perfectionist, who I’ll never be. I am at the gym, on a stationary bike, doing one of my HIIT workouts—the ones where you go intense for a brief period, followed by a moment of respite. I’m feeling low on energy today. Maybe it’s from work, or maybe it’s the change in weather, but whatever it is, I decide to take it easy. I come up with a strategy, inspired by a YouTube channel whose name escapes me at the moment. In the video, the creator talks about the importance of having both a


Philip in productivity

2025 and 4th Reich

As we get closer to the day The Orangutang takes charge, I want to try a chemical enhanced party that gets filmed.  I wanna fly so high and be so turned on that no load could get away.  Be used like a wild porn party and get to see images of my face in a state of bliss of having cocks filling me up from both ends.  Being sprayed and filled.  Being fucked so loose and filled with so much cum that I could be DP'd and fisted, repeatedly. Could watch the video when I feel down.  See the look on my

On Mothers

To my mother, the most resilient person I have ever known. My mother—beautiful, soft-spoken, friendly, and someone who could swing a broom like a sword—is the best person in the whole wide world. She, along with my father and sister, migrated to Australia when I was four years old. They barely spoke English, had nowhere to live, but somehow, they managed. Her marriage with my father lasted just shy of thirty years. We weren’t the stereotypical American family you see on TV, sitting aro


Philip in Relationships

Mouth Over Ass

My Playroom—January, 2024   Kieran, the married bear who is an excellent cocksucker, had been trying to set a date to meet up.  First, the holidays got in the way. On my return, my schedule was unexpectedly busy—and didn’t coincide with the limited days he had when his wife was working.  Then the snow kept us apart even longer.   Finally, we found a day in the middle of the month. I suggested we meet at the bookstore so we could play with others as well, but Kieran really wanted t

On Friendships

When I was in a relationship with K., I felt very safe in my social life. I had him to talk to about almost everything, and I never felt that sense of loneliness creeping in. And then, when ChatGPT came along, I started talking to the AI more often—about anything and everything—and it created this gap between me and my real-life friends. I barely talked to them anymore. I even stopped hanging out with most of them, except for one or two, and even then, it was maybe twice a year, max. Occasionall


Philip in Relationships

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