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On Destinations Part 3

To those who search the world all over, only to return home to find it. Recently, there’s been this guy at work that I’ve been crushing on—Paul. He’s 43, Vietnamese, about chin-height on me, and has one of those smiles that actually reaches his eyes. He’s an exceptionally good worker, and I often find myself feeling safe around him, like everything’s going to be alright. One time, when we were working together, our hands touched, just for a second, and I felt this tingle running throug


Philip in Relationships

Fucking Braydon with an Audience

Near Home—February, 2024 Braydon, the cub who loves to share his hole, wanted to meet.  We couldn’t decide whether to use the playroom or hope for some willing men at the bookstore.  Our love of sharing his hole won.  We met at the bookstore, in the straight theatre, around 2pm…   I am sitting against the wall.  Opposite me is a man stroking to the porn.  He has pulled his cock low, so he is jerking, with his cock pointing to the floor, so I can’t see it.  A man sits next to him a


Hi guys, I'm gonna write about myself on this blog - it's a turn on to share details about my sex life as well as pictures and art of myself etc, so that will be the main thing. But also if you want to get in touch send me a message, ask me anything and I'll enjoy answering. I'd love to have to answer questions and expose myself to strangers no matter who it was. So this first blog is an appeal for guys to get in touch and bring out the worst in me really. Max 24 UK x


max2001 in First post

"Fuck Me. Next Door."

Near Home—February, 2024   It was Saturday, the day after my three hours with GaryM.  Good sex, as I’ve mentioned before, can either totally satiate me or leave me wanting more.  This Saturday, I wanted more.  I knew it would be totally different than how we’d played (and that was a positive.)  I took off to the bookstore nearest my home, right after lunch…   The parking lot is not as full as I expected; maybe seven cars.  I break tradition and head into the gay cinema first.

GaryM's Three Hour Play Session

My Playroom—February, 2024 I was so drained (in so many ways!) after the piss party, that I took some days off from looking for sex.  But I was ready to go again by the end of that following week; a good thing as GaryM was making another trip to the playroom. Friday morning, he sent a text saying he was on the road.  There was so little traffic and road construction, he was at my doorstep before the appointed hour.  He went down to the playroom to strip off while I did the same up in m

Chicago Piss Party, Part Two: "Fuck My Piss Into Him!"

Chicago—February, 2024 (The piss party continues.  If you haven’t, you might want to read Part One.) …The pisser moves his stream so it plays on my cock as it fucks into him.  The heat of the piss is wonderful.  I fuck harder, if that is possible.  The sound of piss splattering to the floor, of the fucking and of four men moaning fills our little corner of the bar. I pull out of Hairy Blond’s ass.  He swivels from sucking the attractive older man’s large dick, to cleaning me off. 

Chicago Piss Party, Part One: "Fuck Me, Man!"

Chicago—February, 2024   It was the second Saturday of the month—the day of the monthly piss party in Chicago.  It was an unusually warm day for February and I hoped that it would help warm up the back bar where we got wet.  I drove in with plenty of time to spare.  I didn’t really start hydrating until I found parking.  I have learned you never want a full bladder and fight Chicago traffic…   I am the first to sign in and pay.  The host and I talk briefly before I head in an

Evan Goes Through the Toy Shelf

My Playroom—February, 2024 Evan wanted to re-connect.  We had not seen each other since IML this last May.  Usually, he drives in from his home in the burbs of Chicago.  We have a good stretching session before dinner which is baking in the oven as we play.  He spends the night in the playroom and heads out, his ass reminding him all the way home, just how much abuse it took. He loves my dick and fist—but he really is about the toys.  He loves how they stretch his ass differently than


FelchingPisser in Fisting

"My Beard Is Gonna Smell Like You All Day..."

Near Home—February, 2024   I was wanting something different by Monday.  I tried looking online, but I had no luck.  I thought about going to another bookstore for variety, but somehow it just seemed easier to go where I was having such a good run of luck.  And it held…   I am in the straight theatre.  Alone for the briefest of moments.  I stroke myself hard.  The door opens.  The bald-headed man comes in.  I had seen him, and his partner, finishing their lunch out in their S

Snap Buddy

"Hey buddy, can you help with a load today?" My phone's Snapchat pinged.  It was 6:30 in the morning. That message was code for a fuck bud list I'd created.  I'd posted the codephrase to stay discreet in small town America for horny guys.  So some new buddy was horny. "Hey man, I sure can.  I'm 41yo 5'8 150# 7c white married dl ddf.  When?" I shot back my stats, my dick pic and ass pic, as confirmation that my buddy had the right Snapchat. "Today.  32, 6'3", 230, discree


chipygmalion80 in fiction

On Dating

To new adventures. I’m ready to date again. It’s been three weeks since the breakup, and I know what you’re thinking—isn’t that too soon? And the answer, like most things in life, is it depends. I’ve spent the past few weeks doing what I do best—thinking, thinking. About past relationships, not just the last one, but all the ones before that. About the present, where I stand now, who I’m becoming. About the future, where I want to be. But this time, I have a secret weapon.


Philip in Relationships

On Pessimism

To plans that never work out. I’ve become a pessimist. It happened in the same way that Hazel Grace Lancaster felt about sleep in The Fault in Our Stars, slowly, and then all at once. But I wasn’t always like this—at least, not that I remember. There was a time when I was an optimist, when I believed in good things, in bright futures, in paths paved by the best intentions. If you read enough self-help books growing up, you start to think that way too. It’s not


Philip in productivity

On Hugging

To those hugging muscles that need flexing at all times. It is Friday, and it is nighttime. I am sitting in the car with my best friend, Minh. We are talking about life, relationships, how, in a few months, he will be attending the wedding of a friend, how there is a chance that he will see his ex there. Her name is Akari—married, kids and all. I ask him how he will react, seeing her there, and he answers with indifference. Acknowledge her presence, but that is as far as he would go.


Philip in Relationships

On Safe Spaces

To environments where we can become ourselves. I’ve been thinking a lot about spaces lately—how to create them, shape them, make them feel safe. I want people to feel more at ease around me, to be more themselves, to let their guard down, to speak without fear of judgment. I’ve been practicing two techniques, both of which I picked up along the way. The first, from a trainer at my massage class. He suggests slowing down my speech—very slowly, deliberately—and that by doing so, the clie


Philip in Relationships

Buzzed Down and Cum

I buzzed myself down today. I have shaved in the past before, but as I have learned razor rash is a turn off to some alphas and masters. Particularly, my current master. I've made a commitment to try and hold my cum in as long as I can. I did fail today and so I'll suck my Master and get him to breed my throat. Two days was my limit. I do want to commit to tasting cum, anywhere, from someone before the day is out. I've stopped taking poppers to really work on my skill as a cocksucker. I've been

On Best Moments

To the little things that make life special. I came across a line somewhere—perhaps in a movie, perhaps in a book—and it mentioned something about finding the best moments in something, perhaps in a movie, perhaps in a book. And I’ve been doing that ever since. The great thing about this is that the best moments are different for everyone. A single moment, a single scene, a single line—it can strike one person deeply, yet pass unnoticed by another. And that, I think, is the beauty


Philip in Writing

On Transient

To the moments that pass us by. I am at work, speaking to Paul, one of our new operators here at Michelin. He is an exceptionally good worker—perhaps the best thing that has happened to the factory since I started here, seven years ago. He asks me, why am I still here, in this factory, one that pays below the Australian average income, with the degree and background that I possess? He asks if I ever felt that I wasted my degree in Food Technology, the one I acquired over a decade ago.


Philip in Past

My Cock Likes Hole. Any Hole…

Near Home—February, 2024 This entry contains some straight sex.  If that is an issue, skip this post.   Saturday afternoons at the bookstore (not that they sell anything that looks like a book or a magazine anymore) had proved to be a lot of fun.  So, the first Saturday of February, I took off after lunch, not knowing what I would find…   I am in the cocksucker’s seat in the straight theatre.  A very old white man is standing against the wall near me.  He pays me no atte

On Bridges

To the planks that others lay along the way. I’ve been contemplating my role in the dynamic with Sean and Phong. Phong, drawn to the physical, evident in the way he enjoys my massages, the kisses, the closeness. Sean, pulled more to the cuddling, to the conversations, to the endless flow of thoughts that we share. And I’ve wondered. I’ve wondered if I am a bridge, a connection between the two of them. I am the bridge Phong crosses, through touch, through intimacy, to fin


Philip in Relationships

The Playroom Helps Jaylen Push his Limits

My Playroom—January, 2024   At the top of January, Jaylen sent me a text.  (Jaylen is the college aged young man I met first at his apartment and once again when he came to the playroom for his first sling ride.)  He requested a meet.  I asked if he would like me to come back to his place or if he would he rather be in the playroom?  He emphatically chose the playroom.  We set a date, but his boss needed him to work.  But, being the responsible type, he let me know days in advance

On Loneliness Part 2

To the shadows that make the light shine more bright. I am in bed, restless. Someone walks into my room, without a knock, without a word, and lays beside me. He feels familiar, and I try to ignore him, but he won’t go away. Tonight, I am not alone. Tonight, loneliness is with me. I’ve been trying to outrun him for weeks now, filling my schedule with meet-ups, with chores, with noise. But that can only last so long. Sooner or later, in the quiet moments of the night, he will c


Philip in Relationships

On the pursuit of Happiness Part 2

To chance encounters. I am at Sean and Phong’s apartment, sitting around the living table, each of us in our own chair. Small chats, questions, smiles, to get to know each other. There are half a dozen peace lilies on the floor next to the window, their leaves wavering with the wind from the balcony. On the table, a puddle of condensation is forming around the bottom of our mango smoothie cup.  The conversation turns towards massage now. Why I did it, what I wish to accomplish. Phong m


Philip in Relationships

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