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The site just notified me that Congratulations! You just increased your rank to Grandmaster!

 I’m not quite sure how to take this. Grandmaster is a title applied to people at the pinnacle of ability in Chess. I suck at Chess. I mean, why wouldn’t I? I’m a complete submissive and play a completely defensive game strategy, which is a guaranteed loser. Don’t believe me? Try keeping a determined cock out of your ass without going on the offensive - you’re getting fucked. So there’s that out of the way.

More broadly, “grand master” is taken to mean a person of the highest level or ability in a particular field. In this case, it only appears to mean I’ve mouthed off more than most.

What sets me back on my heels a bit though, is the fact that I would end up reaching such a bar here. There was a time in my life when I would have been horrified, aghast at the idea that I could be so involved in things having to do with sex, let alone sex with men, let alone depraved sexual acts with men. Horrified that I could have enough life experience with such things - and their consequences - to have enough to say to propel me to this point.

Yet here we are. I dislike the thought that anyone might look at such a label and assume that I hold such a view of my sexual ability (that I “let it go to my ass” so to speak) - I may have been put on Earth to service Tops, but I certainly don’t consider myself a master at my craft. I can’t in good conscience make such a claim when my cocksucking is so plainly below gold standard. Even with my ass I won’t feel accomplished until I finally manage to take a fist. Grandmaster slut? Hardly.

But if I ever do reach a point, however high (or low) that is, where I’m truly at the highest level or ability as a sexual utility for men, I would suggest a minor alteration to the title when applied to men like me: Grandmasster.


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Congrats ...er.... whatever ....     I recently got a notice that I've been knighted as a "fanatic".  Not really sure what that means*, or those badges are meant for.  I suppose it's for participating in the discourse - but that's why I'm here in the first place.  

I could offer a couple of thoughts on your Masstery of certain facets, but I've already said enough prior.  Just keep offering your acuity ... that'll make you King of BZ one of these days !!!

*how would they know?  are there spies at Slammer, RR, Eagle, taking notes?  🤣

9 hours ago, hntnhole said:

how would they know?  are there spies at Slammer, RR, Eagle, taking notes? 

It's the surveillance society. If the government isn't watching you, umpteen corporations are tracking you. But if there was a notetaker at the various establishments, the notes would make for one hell of a guide to gay sex (assuming the notetaker wasn't totally distracted by the patrons).

20 hours ago, raw773 said:

I'm not even a Devotee.

I'm guessing that in the bars, backrooms, tubs, fuckjoints, you're anything but unappreciated.  Frankly, those are the places where it really counts.  I enjoy the discourse here on BZ, but what really counts is what we actually do when we're out hunting hole.  After all, no Hole has popped through the computer screen onto my Cock quite yet !!!  

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