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Posts posted by rawTOP

  1. Click here to see Bottom Boy Slut's original blog post...

    strange day yesterday.. i don't think i've actually had anything for over a month now. been busy working mainly and because i live with my brother in a shared flat is real hard to find time when i'm off and hes at work so i can have the place to myself and without worrying hes going to come back and catch me in the act.

    my bother doesn't know i like cock and i kinda want to keep it that way. i'm a little gay acting sometimes and he really has a go at me about it, he obviously thinks i am but just doesn't really know for sure. hes a typical laddish guy, he used to be real rough with me when i was younger and used to beat me up alot. it kinda still hasn't really changed, but just doesn't happen too much that i can't handle it. his mates pretty much do the same as well, pick on me alot. but i guess that's just how it goes. i couldn't move out even if i wanted to, just can't afford it. maybe someone will pay me for sex and i'll be a houseboy or something hehe.

    anyway onto yesterday..

    so i had the whole place to myself for once. i knew my bother wasn't going to be back from work until late. i jumped on the net about 12 and started hunting for a hook up. i've notice a real lack in guys during the day on gaydar, but i guess their just all at work. 'gaydar' is pretty much a gay hookup site. i'm 'joshisready'. so yeah, i was looking around but there wasn't much going on, i really wanted to accom.. just nothing decent. when i say decent, i mean a nice sized cock, else it'd be kind of a waste. i really needed something that could drill me real hard and hit that spot ya know? ;)

    it was getting later and later about an hour or so until my bro was due home. i finally found one guy, cute looking, 24, totally active and a bit chubby and rough looking.. yum. he said he hadn't cum in over a week and really needed to fuck a tight ass... sweeet i thought. i gave him my details and he said he'd be half and hour. i told him to text me when i was outside and i'd buzz him in.


    i went to get myself ready and lubed up. he texted me back saying 'i'm on my way, but i got no condoms'... i replied saying 'i've got none either, you can get some if u want, i'm all ready lubed"... i said "we'll have to be quick cus my bother will be back soon, so just fuck me and go.. i'll be on the bed ready lubed blindfolded"..

    he said.. "cool. if u get in doggy position and stay like that it wont take me long.. im nearly there"

    i got ready on the bed, got the lube out and put it to one side and started to blindfold myself.

    i got a text "i'm here.. get your self blindfolded and gagged"

    i replied "number 3"

    he buzzed and i buzzed him in, then ran into the bed room and got ready with my ass pointed up doggy style over the corner of the bed. i could hear him walking up the stairs and the flat door open.. he walked into the corridor and i could feel him in the room. he let out a gasp, put his hand on my ass and started fingering me.. mmmm i thought. i could hear him drop his jeans and he pulled on the gag i had in my mouth so it was done up behind my neck and tied. he slapped his dick on my ass and it was hovering over my hole.. he mumbled 'i forgot to get one, but im gonna give it to you anyway'. i let out a mumble through the gag and before i could do anything he rammed his hard cock all the way into me. i let out a moan. fuck this was hot, its been a long time since ive had this. he thrusted in and out taking big pushes. i was loving it i forgot all about the face i was taking his cock raw. he grabbed my hips and began slamming all the way into me and getting faster with each stroke. he seemed pretty big, not as big as i'd have like but it will do. he slammed harder and started grunting more, i knew it wouldn't be long before he was shooting inside of me. it slowed down a little bit and then began to really go for it all out fast and hard.. about 15 seconds went and he let out another loud grunt and i felt a splodge just inside my hole. i didn't feel any shooting.. (i love that!) but i knew he had came. he stopped and pulled fully out pretty quickly.. i lay forward on my bed on my front and lay there.. i could hear him quickly put his jeans back on and pick up some keys.. then he said "thanks.." i could hear him walking back out the room and the slam of the door closing.. my ass was sloppy and wet and i just lay there for ten minutes or so..fuck my brother will be back soon i thought!



  2. Click here to see Bottom Boy Slut's original blog post...

    now don't get me wrong; i LOVE having sex with older guys. they really know how to give it good just as much as i like to submit to their every sexual need. but i kinda got a thing for much younger guys to. i like the fact they're normally horny as hell and fuck like theres no tomorrow. all they want to do is get in and get off. normally if they're horny enough i can normally get them to spunk in me, most of the time they really don't care and i LOVE getting a good load in my ass!

    i bet i sound really dirty; well i AM but i am also pretty careful. perhaps my previous post doesn't really agree with that statement but most of the time i am. when i get real horny i just want anything and everything haha.

    i like the fact young guys aren't bothered to much about my pleasure, or positions or lasting quite a while. they just need a release and go all guilty afterwards. i talk to quite a few really different guys on messenger, it's cool. i like talking to the horny 'am i straight', 'am i gay', 'am i bi' guys and inciting them to come over and release some sexual tension in my tight ass. i've had quite a few guys this way to be honest. i just class myself as a boy that aims to please all tops from all ages. i like the idea of being on call to guys whenever they're horny. i've got two or three on the go at the minute, but i'm always looking for more! some of them just want a quick bj, or quick fuck and i'm well happy with that.

    had a guy last night from msn and it pretty much sums up what i've just talked about.

    Guy: hey

    Me: hey hows it?

    Guy: horny as fuk

    Me: oh really ? ;)

    Guy: can i cum fuk u again?

    Me: sounds good to me, i told you could you shout whenever you needed!

    Guy: ah kool, yours?

    Me: yeah sure, aint got long.

    Guy: kool be der in a sec

    last time we did anything i couldn't have him back here because of my brother! (see previous posts) so we had to do it in his mates car. hes pretty regular and lives quite close. funny really when he said car to me to start with, he wasn't driving it at all because hes only 15 (is what he says, but i think he looks younger and probably is) it was his mates car. hes sorta the same build as myself, maybe i'm slightly bigger. it was parked in his mates garage and he normally hangouts in there fixing bikes and stuff. it was hot.. back of the car, he was really going for it. he said hes got a girlfriend and this is where he normally takes her. i wonder what they do? haha i dunno about that but it made it even more hornier! he obviously didn't care how long he lasted, he just wanted to get off in me. i was banged and pushed and my head slamming right against the backseat door. it was really uncomfortable, but i didn't really care. it was hot. i love it rough.. mmmm.


    the lad on the left is him. maybe i'll get the one on the right soon haha.

    next chapter tomorrow, i have to go. looks like i've got another hook up now hehe.5623538522685370389-7351568158167324259?l=bttmboyslut.blogspot.com


  3. Click here to see Bottom Boy Slut's original blog post...

    drunk, horny and the internet isn’t a good combination.

    i keep getting all these flash backs from last night. i think it’s the vodka that did it to me, because whenever i seem to have it after a while of drinking i just seem to blackout all together and then never remember very much!

    i can remember coming back home and going straight online and for the first time in a long time and it seemed as though alot of the guys i talk to and alot of my fuck buddies we’re online too.

    i’ve just come across my msn status from last night saying “fuck me now...” with my address right afterwards. oh dear.

    i can remember talking to one guy from gaydar for a little while and asking him to come fuck me. i think he mentioned something about his friend stopping over and that’d he would bring him too.. “we’ll double team your tight little ass..”

    after that i can’t really remember much apart from the odd occasions of fuck flash backs.

    i must have pretty much been totally well gone then. i must have actually left the door slightly open too, otherwise i have no idea how anyone would get in to fuck me. and i know i’d been fucked. my ass is pretty sore and i’ve been leaking cum all morning.

    i woke up on my bed face down, across the bed with a bottle of lube out of my bedside cabinet and cum on the sheets, crusty cum on my face and something deposited inside me. alot more than a normal one guy fuck too.

    i can remember my friend telling me he went to london once to go clubbing and instead of getting a hotel for the night he visited the gay sauna and was going to go into one of the rooms and lock it and use it to sleep before he had to catch the train in the morning. however he was so out of it, he forgot to properly sort the door out and woke up to a bunch of really dodgy old random guys taking turns fucking him. before he properly began to realize what was happening he was knocked around the head and went unconscious again. he woke up in a bloody cummy mess. i don’t think hes ever properly checked himself out.

    as much as i don’t want to say it and as much as i’m really not sure what happened last night, i’ve got a funny feeling that pretty much happened to me as well.

    i don’t know what to do really. maybe i’ll do a bit of talking to some of the guys on my msn and figure out what actually happened and if they were one of the ones to fuck me last night.5623538522685370389-2148472267755750798?l=bttmboyslut.blogspot.com


  4. Click here to see Bottom Boy Slut's original blog post...


    how could you not want this hole right? ;)

    i signed up to www.barebackrt.com. (joshisready) i know i really shouldn't but just the thought of bareback turns me on so much i just can't help myself. i know i'll probably end up chatting to guys on there, meet up with them and let them do whatever they want to me hehe.

    got talking to a guy from gaydar today. can't remember his username because i was talking to him off my msn, but i'm sure hes added me from there. only lives about twenty minutes away which is ideal. got talking to him and hes apparently 'straight' and has a girlfriend that's away at the minute on holiday with friends. hes 29 and his pictures looked really hot and buff, he said hes got a thick 7". sweet i thought. however i have notice lately that guys tend to lie quite a bit about their size and add a few inches just because they think i wont meet up with them and if i do meet up with them because of their size then they think i'm unlikely not to go through with it. the truth is, i don't really care. i mean as long as its not tiny tiny i just love a nice load.. (when i'm being naughty hehe). i gave him my details and arranged for him to come over in twenty minutes when he gets into town.

    i decided to get the poppers out. i don't really use them much, but lately i've really enjoyed wanking off with them. can't say i used them while having sex at all really. i really love the buzz. i thought it'd be real kinky to wear my beenie hat pull it all the way over my face and get fucked like that. i think it's really hot, i like not being able to see the guy and the whole anon thing. i told him i'd be waiting ready on the bed and i'd buzz him in. i was trying out the poppers with my beenie covering my whole face and i thought itd be a good idea to pour some on the outside, and just wear the beenie and get really high and horny from being able to sniff it though the hat. probably not the best idea i had. i started to do it and the buzzer went, i was breathing more and more heavily. i buzzed him in and before i knew it my heart was racing really really fast and i was getting real dizzy.. i made my way to my bed and could hardly walk straight, i didn't think to take the hat off got more and more dizzy and must have passed out on the bed.

    next thing i knew i came round to this guy going hell for leather plowing my ass and pounding me like fuck into the bed. i dont think he could have gone any harder if he tried. it was hurting quite a bit and i was moaning lots, still high the pain must have been a little bit dampened too so god knows what it would have been like if i wasnt under the influence of the poppers. i ripped off the hat and before i knew it the guy was whispering in my ear 'im gonna cum'. he did one final push real deep in me and i could feel his cock pulsing felt him shoot deep me in. shit i thought.. i reached around to his cock and felt the base of his cock while it was in me still.. no condom. fuck.. not again! yet another raw load and yet another time i had no control in it! (see previous post.. still to investigate that further.. i'll keep you informed!)

    i'm just a bad boy. he pulled out of me and started to put his jeans on.. i asked 'what about the condom?' he just replied.. 'sorry i didn't have any.. ' he got up to go with a 'ill see you around, cheers'. i guess that might be another regular.

    the things i do when my brothers at work hehe.

    not sure if anyone reads this really.. comments would be nice :D5623538522685370389-2047759564609009807?l=bttmboyslut.blogspot.com


  5. Click here to see Bottom Boy Slut's original blog post...

    hehehei love this last month! you can imagine why i'm sure! i've had soo much sex hehe - but more importantly lots of cum! man it's so fucking lush i can't get enough of it. i just want to drink it, gulp it, swish it round my mouth and swallow it all the time.. yum!

    serviced the guy from my blog post 'cutting it fine..' again. he seems to be a bit of a regular. i think he really gets off on the fact that i'll just let him walk in, i'll be ready on the bed waiting and he can just get straight to fucking my ass, he can go as slow or cum as fast as he wants and then just pull out and leave. not to mention he fucked me raw last time.

    he texted me the other night 'hey hope you enjoyed my load the other night.. any chance in me coming over now and dropping one in your tight boy pussy?'

    who am i to resist an offer like that?!

    my brother was at work, so i gave him a text back.. within fifteen minutes he was buzzing me.

    i stripped off down to my boxers and socks, quickly lubed my ass, pressed the buzzer to let him and ran to the bedroom pulled my boxers around my ankles and lay face forward across the corner of the bed and waited. i could here him come into the room, undo his belt and pull his jeans down.. he started slapping his half erect dick on my ass 'you want my baby juice slut'.. 'you're gonna get it good and fast'.. after he said that he just went full out and shoved his dick right in my hole, before i could winch in pain he was plummeting my ass hard and fast like a madman.. 'i aint had pussy in a while.. i'ma come quick mate..'. he kept it up for a good minute and a half then slowed down a bit and sped up again... 'uhhh uhhh heres my load slut...' with that said he pushed right in as far as he could, trying to get balls deep and let out a grunt.. i could feel his cock pulsing inside me.. i felt full.. before i knew it he pulled out, quickly got his stuff together and said 'see you again cum slut...' and walked out.

    i definitely want this guy to unload in me whenever he wants.. i can't wait till next time. fast or slow i don't care! as long as i'm getting cum!

    i get quite a bit of interest from barebackrt.com wish is cool.. message me if you're on there. i've setup an account on manhunt.net too - bttmboyslut.. talk!

    LONDON TOPS? - i'm visiting london on the 21st of this month with my mum to visit some places, but i'm sure i'm going to be free in the evenings.. give me a message if you fancy using this boys cunt and dropping a load or two (im sooo horny atm!! haha). really want a group thing.. got a hotel room all to myself :D comment on here and leave your msn's ;)

    just to leave you with this...

    i've been a bit naughty with one guy too, we took a few pictures.. heres one of them and it'll give you a bit of an idea of what we got up to! hehe - details to come!!




  6. Click here to see Huntsville Barebacker's original blog post...

    So I woke up early Sunday morning. Had fallen asleep at the tranny's room and we were in bed spooning. Very sweet, but I was horny so I left and went back to my hotel and got online. There was this really cute blonde military looking guy online. His profile said "safe only" but he hit me up wanting to put his load in my hole. I gave him all the info and told him that I'd leave the door open and I'd be naked and ready when he got here. He called from the front cause the hotel wouldn't let him up, so I had to get dressed and go down and get him. When we got back up to the room he noticed that CC was in the other bed asleep but didn't seem to care cause he started getting undressed and I followed suit. He was kinda short which made positioning difficult, but we finally found one that worked well. His dick wasn't huge, but wasn't tiny either. He was really enjoying my ass and keep stopping so he wouldn't cum so quick. I was feeling a little impatient cause I wanted to see if I could line someone else up to come over after. After I told him I wanted his load, he picked up the pace and was soon dumping it in my ass. He left and said he might bring some friends with him and come back later in the evening, but he never called back.

    The next guy was supposed to be right over after that, but ended up taking forever to get here. I was almost to the point of giving up on him showing when he knocked at the door. He had actually also been talking to CC and that is what was taking him so long to get here. Even though he was "on the way over" he was still really just online exploring his options. We almost started to fuck with him and send him to the hotel room of the top with tina dick that had pissed me off earlier in the weekend, but he finally made it. CC lay face down on the other bed with his head buried in the pillows so the guy wouldn't recognize him. He got in and I started undressing him and pulled down my pants to get myself lubed up. It took me a while to get him hard, but finally we got it up enough to get it in me. He wasn't a horrible top, but nothing to write home about either. He did ask me how many loads I had taken this weekend and how many I had in my ass now, which made him hotter. So I asked him how long had it been since he had cum, and he told me four days. About that time CC had kicked the blankets off him in his sleep, which gave me an idea. I asked him if he could cum more than once which he could, so I told him that I wanted his four day load, but then I wanted to watch him fuck my roomie while he was passed out. I told him that I wasn't sure what he had taken, and I knew he wouldn't wake up. This turned the guy on apparetnly cause soon after that he was shooting his four day load in me. After that I grabbed the lube CC likes out of his bag and started to get the top hard again. When he was semi hard, I went ahead and lubed up CC's hole and finished getting the top hard. He didn't take much convincing to do it. He did say "most people would consider this taking advantage of someone" but I told him that CC wouldn't care, or I just wouldn't tell him about it and he'd never know. After the top shot his load in CC he got in the shower and CC and I started whispering about how hot that was. He didn't leave so quick after the shower, which was annoying but it could have been worse I suppose.

    After that I kinda dicked around online for a while and took a nap. I had lined up a guy that I had actually seen in video years ago when i was a teenager. He was a hot bear cub who loves bareback. We had a really hot text message conversation while he was at a late lunch then he headed over to my hotel. I didn't realize it but it had been pouring down raining and when bear cub got here he was soaking wet. He got out of his wet clothes and I started sucking his dick. I realized then that I'd never seen it properly in the videos. They were all shot far off like a "hidden cam" vid so I was pleasantly surprised how big his dick was swelling up in my mouth. He tried to get it into me with no lube, but I had tightened back up since earlier and it just wouldn't happen. I enjoyed sucking his dick for a while longer to get him hard again and then he lubed up my ass and finally got inside me. He was a pretty hot fuck, did a lot of growling and grunting, especially when he shot his load in my ass. He travels around a lot, so hopefully I'll see him again sometime and we can make a video :)

    The rest of the day CC and I ended up doing touristy things. We went to the Farmer's Market and bought souvenirs and walked around the French Quarter, especially Jackson Square. I got my palm read and apparently I'm going to live to a ripe old age of 94. Guess that means I am gonna have the time to take a lot more cum in my lifetime and it's not gonna kill me. ;)

    That night CC had a couple of guys over to fuck him and he went out to the bar and had a great time. My stomach was acting up from lunch, so I was a sloth and stayed in all night rubbing my belly. I guess I'm going to have to get my "public sex" experience next year cause I missed out both nights this time. Oh well, just gives me a goal to shoot for...649685244895024316-6279094543621787912?l=hvillecumdump.blogspot.com


  7. Click here to see Breed The Bear's original blog post...

    I have debated that question for awhile now.

    This past Summer I started reading some of the bareback blogs on here and now I find myself checking them daily. Hell, I think I spent more time on Labor Day weekend watching for Southern Decadence updates from Huntsville Barebacker and CumCraver than I did anything else!

    I love watching the total loads for the year go up on people's blogs and that got me to thinking... "I wonder how many I have taken for the year?" I was pondering this questions as I was dealing with the crowds at the grocery tonight and realized I can't even remember all the loads this month! Or this week...and really had to think about today...so that will lead me to my first story:


    Woke up horny as hell today! You bottoms know what I'm talking about...when that familiar "twitch" in your ass is the first thing you notice. Well, that led me to Adam4Adam and a "hello" from a very handsome guy next door type who was just getting off third shift and wanted to get off before he went to bed. Happy to help. The usual back and forth for a bit and when I asked him if he liked to top bare he replied with a "yep." Worth the drive.

    Had no trouble finding his place about 20 minutes away. Met me at the door and led me to his bedroom where he asked me what I wanted to do. I just dropped to my knees and he started taking off his clothes.

    He leaned back against the bed and I blew his 7" grower while rubbing his dark pubes with one hand and rubbing his slightly hairy chest with another. The he abruptly said, "Let's fuck."

    Okay. Not getting a debate from me! So I stood and dropped my pants and leaned over the bed. Good fuck...about 5 min and he shot a huge load! Pull out, pull up and leave.

    Earlier, while I was on A4A chatting with him I had also posted on craigslist. When I got to my car and checked emails I had a couple and one that really caught my eye: Married, 44, 6'3", hairy, 8.5 and very thick. Sounds good to me but there was a drawback: top safe only.

    Well, I wanted to see how thick so I agreed and we made plans for him to come over at 1pm. He walked in and was the type you would never expect to be interested in getting some ass! As he was undressing in my bedroom I was getting hornier and hornier...hitting the poppers just watching him get naked! Hairy chest, tighty-whites that had a buldge and I mean a big one!

    He laid back and I started blowing him. Took it all which made him moan quite a bit but it kept growing! After a bit of chit chat and oral he ended up kissing my neck and laying on top of me. Finally I said that this would be a whole lot more interesting if I were turned over. No objections and he grabbed the lube! He lubed his giant cock and then lubed my ass with a really tender touch.

    As he rubbed my ass I squeezed and twisted my hole to be at just the right angle and I gasped when his head popped in! He immediately pulled out and apologized to which I replied "You know I don't do that." *smirk* He kept rubbing and we kept acting like neither of us realized he was knockin pretty hard at the back door just going in a bit. Truth was that he would have really had to work it in with a lot of lube. I'd have been up for it but after a few minutes he convulsed and started spraying my ass down. Still fun but...

    That led me to load #3 for the day!

    Texted a fuck bud with this: Had a married man that was so goddamn big he came before I could work it in. So fucking frustrated. Come breed me ASAP!

    He was here in 15 min. I was face down on the bed with my ass lubed. He came in, stripped off his scrubs, mounted my ass with his 7" and asked me to tell him about the married man. I did in great detail and he blew in my ass as soon as I told him about the guy coming all over my hole but not in it.

    That would be enough for most bottoms, I'm sure. I however texted another bud who said he could come over at 3:30PM and would be up for some fun. He is a very handsome, very fit, hairy chested with 8" and I always enjoy sucking him hard until he's ready to fuck me. After he came he rolled off and we talked for about 45 minutes...some about his boyfriend and about perhaps going out later tonight. Then abruptly he tells me that I need to roll over and he gives me his second load and now my 5th today.

    At that point I had some errands to run...one being the grocery where I mentioned dealing with the crowds while contemplated starting a blog and wondering what they would think if they knew I had 5 loads in my ass and dripping down the inside of my jeans? HOT.

    I came home. Logged in here and set this up. Of course I got distracted by a neighbor top who I met on A4A last week. He likes anonymous as well so I have been leaving the door open for him and he comes in, finds me bent over the end of my bed in the dark and breeds me. He's done that 5 nights in the last week. Gotta love a regular that can be in my ass in 5 min or less!

    So what is that...six loads now? Frankly, one of the biggest reasons to set up this blog is just to remember who all has bred this bear!

    And I am planning to go out for a drink or three tonight as well so the cound may go up!213146585035228114-7975167281219898006?l=breedthebear.blogspot.com


  8. Click here to see Breed The Bear's original blog post...

    Went out last night and after about 45 minutes I had to piss so went to the bathrooom and was immediately followed by a very attractive black man. He stood next to me acting like he was taking a piss but instead was just flopping a nice piece in his hands.

    I looked over and said "Doesn't look like you're doin much pissin there." He said he just wanted a closer look at me so he came in. Ahh...so I took a closer look at him and got a quick taste. He was rock hard in an instant with about 8.5" as he leaned over and felt up my ass and asked, "What are the odds I can get in there tonight?"

    Oh...about 100%...just let me finish my drink. *gulp*

    We chatted for a bit...very intelligent conversation...very interesting guy. And a rock hard, ripped, hairy body to boot! I suggested we head to my place and I could bring him back to the bar. We left immediately.

    Made it home faster than ever. Walked in and never turned on a light while throwing off my clothes. Grabbed the poppers and laid face down on my bed. He stripped and jumped right on and started jackhammering my ass! Damn this is one great top! He plowed me in various positions for about 30 before coating my ass with one hell of a big load! Now my 7th for the day! As he was recovering he asked "how often do you need that?" um...everyday? He only lives about 2 miles away and it was sounding perfect until...

    After we got dressed he fuckin hustled me!?!?! WTF?? Sob story about how hard it is at the holidays...getting mugged...being out of work. Again...WTF? This is not the same type of conversation we had before!

    Needless to say, I got him dropped off as soon as I could. No, you're not getting cash. No, you're not getting my number.

    I was so pissed I went home and squeezed his cum out of me...it didn't deserve to be in my ass!213146585035228114-6124160782795804017?l=breedthebear.blogspot.com


  9. Click here to see Breed The Bear's original blog post...

    A 22 year old hit me up on Adam4Adam earlier today. Said he was horny and hung and thought I had "a HOT ass for black dick!" Well...come over and find out for yourself.

    He was a bit queenie for my taste. I do like 'em butch. But a cock is a cock and this just happens to be quite a meaty one! I'm guessing 8x7.5 or even 8x8. Thick...and I've had some thick ones but this was about more than I could handle in one quick push! I mean its been 36 hours! Almost a damn virgin again...

    He had the potential to be a great top...perhaps someone will teach him how to fuck and in a few years he'll be making butts happy. Right now, he just makes them gasp and get flooded. Not all bad but he could have been a hell of a top!213146585035228114-1986992136270222164?l=breedthebear.blogspot.com


  10. Click here to see Breed The Bear's original blog post...

    Surfing craigslist and notice a guy looking for a blow job...on my street! Had to check this out of course.

    44, 6', 160, 32w, 7.5thick

    Well "Cum On Down!"

    He is here for the week visiting a neighbor and just blew a 7 day load down my throat. It was kinda hot seeing him walk out of a house 5 doors down and walk down to my place.

    He will be here for a week. He rarely tops but he's got a great cock for it. (Side note: the biggest bush & super hairy balls!) But he may be a bit skinny for me...213146585035228114-6618266323543753157?l=breedthebear.blogspot.com


  11. Click here to see Breed The Bear's original blog post...

    After seeing Dan's video he posted today I was horny as hell...OMG...so fuckin hot! That sent me online looking for some fun and found a real good prospect on CL.

    The ad was titled "Beefy Bear" Well, that got my attention! 5'8", 220, 7.5c thick, very furry body, oral top. Visiting, cannot host.

    We emailed...and emailed...and emailed. If he wasn't so HOT I'd have stopped. Then he didn't have time and said he would email me when he gets back in tonight. We'll see...we've all been there. Of course I'll post an update if he does!

    Then I posted on CL: Want to blow a beefy masculine man!

    JACKPOT! 38 yo masc bi mwm here. 6'1", 260, br/bl, very hairy. 6.5c.

    He came over and was very, very into me...which is always a good thing! He started taking off his shirt and WOW! what a nice thick hairy chest! I couldn't get my hands and lips on him fast enough. Not quite 6.5 I didn't think, but very nice to suck and he was really enjoying it. And he came a bucket while I was rubbing his chest and swalling his cock! Mmm...both very happy.

    Now...if he just wasn't married.

    Still horned up...so I'll update you if I get lucky tonight!213146585035228114-6797131610185650596?l=breedthebear.blogspot.com


  12. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    fear lives deep inside of me. but eventually makes its way to the forefront, requiring my brash demeanor to submit to this devouring emotion. i'm afraid of plenty of things, but somehow, i need to get my story out there.

    it's definitely a blur between fantasy and reality, fact and fiction. imagination, something we all have, but not all use. i don't know if i want to give too much background about me. risking a lot doing this. my boyfriend of more than 6 years. family and friends. and who knows what else.

    all i can say is that i'm in my early twenties, living in a college town in florida. graduated from a major university in florida and currently working towards grad school while working full time. as stated before, i'm in a committed relationship that has been going strong for over five years now.

    the stories in this blog are real. true emotion. true feeling

    fear consumes me. but i'm burning to tell my story. a story. anyone's story.

    risk vs. reward. there's no such thing as a reward without any risks. i hope to conquer fear through my writing.




  13. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    been online all morning. searching from my next fuck. my next catch. my insatiable appetite for sex has grown throughout my relationship. it's just that, that my need for sex hasn't been for him. i'm lusting over guys outside our circle. i see them walking around campus. at the mall. in stores around the city. i get the stares, glances. i give them right back. i know what they want. i know what i need.

    my cock itches at every stare. my imagination runs wild. yea, he wants this big, chocolate cock in his bubble ass. oh and him, yea, he wants/needs my cum down his throat. oh yea, he wants to bury his face between my juicy ass cheeks and tongue me down.

    i know what these guys want. i know what they need. somehow i find a way to control myself in public. but behind closed doors, the games begin.

    i begin to cruise the internet. sex websites. blogs. craigslist. i want it so bad. my body aches for it. then i try to take it all out on him. sometimes it works. though a lot of times lately, it hasn't.

    so i cruise. i find guys. they find me. we chat. exchange pics. sext back and forth. IM filthy messages back and forth. cam2cam.

    sometimes i get the courage to meet up. fool around. get mine. they get theirs. but the guilt soon sets in. i love him. but his sex isn't cutting it anymore. i want something more. something hotter. sexier. raunchy.

    i wonder if he wants the same thing...

    i'll get the courage to ask him soon. to see if he wants something more. not in our relationship, but in the bedroom. i'm sure he does since he did bring it up a year ago. and i'm pretty sure he fools around... i kind of went through his text messages one day.

    but until then, i continue to cruise. to find another empty hole to fill. another cock to fill my tight hole. companionship. lust. another guy's scent. musk. natural body odor.

    such a fucking turn on.

    hopefully soon, i'll be able to share this with him. that's the biggest fantasy of all. tag-teaming hot twinks, jocks and studs.

    here's to wishin.

    - ugtsrvd



  14. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    interesting night. hit this guy up that i'd hooked up with once... it was amazing. big dick, cute, a little older. he wanted to try my big chocolate cock and i wanted to taste his thick vanilla muscle.

    we both got or chance a couple of weeks back after attempting to get together for some time. we both are usually tops, but felt like flip flopping after checking out each other's nice, thick packages. i must say, my hole was twitching every time i took a peek at his dick pic. mmmmmm. delicious.

    anyways, we finally hooked up. great kisser. great lover. i fed him my 8 inches of dark meat first, which had him begging for more. but i was done with that. i wanted him to breed my fat ass, pronto!

    "you are so fucking tight dude!" he kept repeating, trying to ram his stud cock inside me. it took a couple of minutes and some lube but we finally got it to work. and ooooo did it feel oh so gooood! i've never had a cock as big as his inside of my tight hole.

    8.5 inches of thick, juicy uncut muscle ramming my fat ass until he shot his load deep in me. i love the feeling of hot man juice spraying my insides. i was on all fours begging, pleading for more as he made sure to thrust his cock deeper into my hole, pushing the cum as far as he could. finally pulling out, his seed leaking out my happy hole, sliding down my leg.

    i never do it bareback, let alone have a guy cum in me, but damn. i knew we were both safe and it just felt so amazing to have him fill me up.

    well tonight, i got my chance to return the favor as he wanted me to breed his ass so he could fall asleep with a satisfied hole stuffed with hot college boy sperm.

    of course i gave him exactly what he wanted.

    we laid there after. soaked in sweat, laying next to each other. our bodies warm to the touch. the chemistry still flowing. our lips interlocking. our tongues intertwined.

    he tastes so good. his natural body odor turns me on. it's just a natural mans odor that gets me going the most. fuck cologne. i want your natural scent. and boy did his not disappoint :-).

    on to the next one.




  15. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    sorry for the lack of posts lately. having a full-time job and being a full-time grad student is no joke lol. now don't get me wrong, i've found the time to hook up with a couple of guys. some are regulars. but there were some newbies sprinkled somewhere in there.

    this particular story is about one of my regular fucks and our first meet up. i met up with him during my hiatus from the blog, but i thought a little background would be great before i post about our extremely steamy encounter this past week.

    we'll name him spaz. now i met spaz just over a year ago on a4a, adam4adam for those not familiar with the website. i'm pretty sure if you are reading this blog, you know all about it lol. it was the fall semester of my senior year and when i really started to explore the sexual side of my sexuality. he hit me up first. i glanced over his profile, sophomore, white, 19 5'10 175 brown hair and brown eyes, some body hair. i was interested. you see, my tastes in men varies. i can go for the smooth bodied twinks but guys with moderate body hair really turns me on. gets my motor running for sure.

    we chatted for a bit and decided to hook up. nothing all that special. him blowing me in my car on campus. but it was the way he blew me. he was very spastic in his sexual nature. something i was not use to. it was like he was a starving animal, extremely hungry for cock.

    we found each other in one of the garages. he got into my car and drove around campus until we found a decent spot to park and get down to business.

    he kissed passionately but hard, making sure to kiss my neck and touch my body. he was nervous when he pulled my cock out of my pants, "wow! i've never seen one this big in person! i don't know if i can fit it all in my mouth... but i'll try," he said with a smirk. he held on to my 8.5 inch and thick meaty tool and just stared at it for a minute. examining it. probably planning his attack.

    and oh did he try to take my cock. he choked on it, literally, for as long as he could. attempting to take each and every inch down his throat. the position that we were in and the perfect curve of my cock, kind of made it difficult for him to really deep throat. but i was enjoying it. watching this sophomore gobble down my cock made me quite the happy senior.

    "you ready for my load, boy?," i asked, just to gage his intent. "yea stud, give it to me. i fucking want to see you shoot," he mumbled while bobbing on my dick.

    kind of a turn off, since i like for guy to at least swallow or let me blow on their face when it's just a blowjob.

    my cock stood straight up. my muscles began to tighten. he knew i was getting close.

    he slurped faster, stroked harder, until my release.

    "i'm gonna fucking shoot dude, fuuuuuck!"

    and to my surprise he stayed on my cock, milking it til it was all gone. seeding his throat and stomach. he loved every minute of it as he came up with a satisfied smile.

    "damn, you shoot a lot. and it's really thick and creamy... just how i like it."

    "thanks," i said with a chuckle. "didn't expect you to take it all."

    this was the first of our many encounters during the next year. and each one got better and better. steamier. sluttier.

    we exchanged numbers as i dropped him off by his car. i knew this was the beginning of something fun :-).1986501527482073462-1888147197227795942?l=ugtsrvd.blogspot.com


  16. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    have been so busy, that i haven't really had time to post my hot experiences this past week! with school and work consuming my life right now, it really sucks that i can't post more often.

    let's just say i've had one incredible week. these hot college guys have been helping me keep my stress level down during this crazy time of the semester and year. this job and school work will NOT get the best of me lol. and won't stop me from hooking up with hot guys ;). I promise a detailed story of one of my encounters tomorrow since i have a day off. i'm thinking of the 20 yr old bi blonde twink with the dog right about now...

    i'm off to dump a load in my bf. later.

    - ugtsrvd1986501527482073462-1176864749252565678?l=ugtsrvd.blogspot.com


  17. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    so it was just under a month ago that i answered an interesting craigslist ad. it was from this 20 yo 5'11 170 bi bottom twink that seemed very excited that he was successful at taking a pretty big cucumber up his ass and wanted to try something else. now, even though i'm not really into things of that nature, (i mean i have toys of course, just not of the food variety) i answered the ad asking if he wanted to "test drive some dark chocolate college cock."

    corny. yes. got his attention. of course :-)

    we exchanged a few emails, pics and the like. i told him that maybe one day me and the bf can tag-team him and he was down with that. the one issue with him was getting away.

    here's his situation:

    he just recently moved into town to live with his girlfriend. he doesn't know a soul in town but her. he has no cell phone, no form of transportation and his girl harasses him if he wants to go somewhere without her because she thinks he's cheating on her... which he is lol. with men. but she knows he's bi and apparently is cool with it, or not? sounds like a dysfunctional couple, but hey, not my business. so in order to get out of the house, he has to take the dog for a "walk." kind of like a decoy. we'll get to that part of the story later lol. btw, we'll name him bidogwalker.

    for the last couple of weeks, we've missed each other with emails and im's. but finally, friday, our schedules synced.

    bdw: hey sorry i aint wrote back been having issues with my harddrive. im definatly still down so lets set this up.

    me: great man. when are you free?

    bdw: definatly sometime vedry soon prolly tomorrow sometime

    bdw: im actually free now if i can bring my dog as a cover

    me: i'm free now too, but it'll just be me and you. my boy is at work. what kind of dog?

    bdw: an actual dog. i need a cover for leaving otherwise i get the third degree for going anywhere cause i dont know anybody here in ********. she listens to me very well wont eat your shoes or any tjing like that wont shit in your house or nothing.

    me: that's cool man, as long as the dog is cool lol. have had some bad experiences with them.

    bdw: im in ****** next to *******. one other thing i cant travel or host girls at work with car and its the only time i get a chance for some fun

    me: ok that's fine.

    bdw: ok gotta shower real quick or can i at your house would make it alot easier

    me: you can at my place. i'm on my way.

    bdw: k, ill be walking my dog in ******

    not the most book smart person i know, but it's not a deal breaker. he's sweet, easy going and not to mention, cute as hell! he has this good ol' southern boy charm that gets my motor running.

    so after about 15 minutes of driving across town, i turn into his neighborhood. i drive a few blocks and sure enough he's outside walking his dog, waiting to get picked up and have a good time. i pull over to let him in.

    "hey man," i said as he hopped into the passenger side seat with his dog, which as he described, very obedient.

    "hey sexy! sorry about the whole dog situation. she'll be fine, i promise."

    "don't worry about it. she seems nice. she hasn't growled at me yet, so i take that as a good sign," i say with a smirk.

    "damn, you look better in person," he says with a smile. a really cute one at that!

    "shit, i can say the same for you stud! you can wow me with your southern charm all you want." i really wanted him to.

    we begin to have some small talk, asking each other questions. the usual. he really knows no one in town, so i think we'd end up being actual friends since we had a lot in common too. i brought the issue of not having any condoms up and he responded, "as long as you are clean, that's fine." that's all i needed to hear. thinking about this southern twink wanting to take my cock raw gave me an instant boner. i let him know on the way that we are strapped for time because i had to be to work within the next hour and a half, but not to worry, we'll get our time together in.

    we finally make it back to my apt. i let him lead the way to get a good look at what i would be holding in just a few moments. watching it sway in his loose pajamas drove me crazy. i couldn't wait to get him in my arms!

    he let the dog loose and we immediately grab each other, embracing as he slightly bit my neck, letting out this low growl. the growl, moan of pleasure. he wanted me and he wanted me bad. it had been almost a year since he last had any cock, so he was insatiably hungry to say the least. he smelled great, a very masculine scent. and his lips were soft. we kissed passionately for a few until we heard steps going up the stairs... the dog.

    after chasing her for a second, it was actually a nice segway to the bedroom. we made out for a couple more minutes until he released to go freshen up in the shower. i get undressed and wait naked outside the door, stroking my dark meat.

    after a few, he finally made his way out. he had his boxer briefs on and man did his ass look good in them. his body was just right. not too athletic or cut. everything just looked natural.

    he grabbed my cock, leading the way to the bed.

    "i want you so bad bro, you don't understand," he said with this intense hunger for pleasure in his voice.

    "oh i understand stud. now get down there and go to work."

    and did he! he started sucking slow, getting a taste of the head. tonguing my slit and then began to give an amazing blowjob. doing the right way, working his hand up and down my shaft. he was developing a pretty good amount of spit, leading me to speculate that he was also lubing my cock for his hole.

    and sure enough, after another minute or so of sucking, he got on all fours, without a word, in position to get fucked. his hole looked amazing. nice, pink and smooth. my mouth began to water at the thought of tonguing his ass. but from the looks of it, he wanted my cock right then and there. no foreplay. just my cock, his ass and some deep fucking.

    i run my thick 8 plus inch chocolate slab up and down his ass, pressing the head against the opening of his hole. to my surprise, as i was pushing in, he backs on to it, taking all 8 plus in one take. that drove me crazy!

    "go slow first sexy," he whispered.

    i obeyed and started slow, taking my cock to the edge and sticking it halfway in. i could tell he was liking this by his soft moans, so i continued this until i could feel him loosen up.

    i dove right in, giving him all of my cock, giving him consistent thrusts. i gave him a pretty good pounding as he was enjoying taking my entire cock. i started to really give it to him as he grabbed a hold of the bed sheets. i rode him wild.

    i flipped him over to his back and shifted his legs on my shoulders and dove right in. that made him basically scream with pleasure so loud that the dog began to bark lol. we ignored that as we were enjoying each other. i bent down to make out. passionately kissing as i continued to pump my cock in and out of his ass. he hugged me, pulling me down and whispered in my ear, "i want you to blow your load in me."

    you couldn't believe how that got me so close to the edge. but i kept my cool and gave him a couple more minutes of pounding. our bodies were electric together. my sweat dripping on to him. the passionate make out sessions while i gave him a steady pumping. our breathing growing heavier by the minute. we were so in sync.

    i couldn't take it anymore. "I'm gonna cum soon stud," i said in between our kisses.

    "go ahead and give it to me bro, i want your load."

    that took be over the edge. "fuuuuuuuck dude! i'm cumming!"

    he pulled me in, making sure i could get in as deep as possible, seeding his southern hole. that felt amazing. i gave him a few more thrusts to work in my load. i finally pulled out and he took my cock in his mouth, sucking off the mixture of my cum and his ass juices. i loooove when a bottom does that. it's so hot and he was enjoying the taste too.

    i bent down to give him a final kiss, making sure i get a taste of what he just had.

    "fuck dude, that was hot!" i said

    "i'm pretty sure you hit my tailbone," he said rubbing his ass. "but it was worth it!"

    so on our way back, we're chatting and i asked him, "so do you usually fuck black guys?"

    "actually, you are my first!" he said with a gigantic smile across his face.

    this wont be his last that's for sure.



  18. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    currently I'm laying in bed, enjoying a huge load my bf just dumped in me. I guess the holiday spirit finally hit us because we were decorating the apartment one second and fucking each other around the place the next. oh and did he fuck me! we just ran around the place trying all kinds of positions stuffing his thick 7 incher in me anyway he could. I feel so full right now. I'm letting his college sperm simmer inside me. I want to keep it in me as long as possible.

    and damn, him walking around without a shirt is getting me all hot again. pretty sure I'm up for round two soon. i want him to fuck me right under the Christmas tree. wish me luck!


    btw: deposited another load in bidogwalker earlier bringing my load given and taken count to 6/3 in less than two days. the end of semester stress is non-existent at the moment, which is a welcome change of pace :-).

    - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone



  19. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    wish i was posting a lot more because i have plenty of stories to tell. but with being a full-time grad student and having a full-time job during the holiday season, makes things a little complicated. of course i'm able to make time for fun :-), and that i have gotten. so if you want instant updates of what i'm doing and my encounters, my thoughts, just follow me on twitter, ugtsrvd.

    there you can live vicariously through my entertaining life when i'm not too busy or lazy to make an entire blog post. hope you guys are staying safe, keeping busy and having a good time.

    happy holidays!



  20. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    so exhausted from the end of semester work, holiday hours at my actual job and a pretty sad ending to the college football regular season, but i needed to write this particular post. i had to write about this encounter, even if it meant postponing the post about my very steamy session with spazboy.

    so it all started late sunday night, early monday morning. me, dicking around on adam4adam not really looking for anything in particular. basically seeing if i could possibly find a hook up for later that week. then i get this message from a guy.

    his profile read like this:

    "I'm a masculine good-looking fit dude looking to chill with similar guys. Enjoy beer, football, staying in shape, etc. and looking for other guys who value discreteness. NOT looking for friends or chat, just other people for nsa fun."

    he also mentions that he's a frat guy. BINGO! exactly what i was looking for. i don't know, but there is something about a frat dude that turns me on. i think i'm attracted to the pure masculinity of them all. especially southern frat dudes. mmmmmmmmm.

    anyways, he's 21 5'10" 175 muscular with brown hair. his profile pic is only of his back, which definitely shows that he's in-shape. just how i like it. i mean how can i expect you to hang with me if you are not remotely in any kind of shape.

    we chat for a while, exchanged pleasantries and since it was quite late, we decided to try to get together for another time.

    here's where it starts to get interesting...

    i'm on a4a the next morning and he signs in. immediately messages me.

    "hey bro, want to chill?

    "sure man, where can we meet."

    i ended up meeting him right down the street from my place, which is damn near across the street from campus, down the road at a gas station. apparently his frat house is near there.

    finally get there and he hops in. damn! he is extremely cute! nice medium build. precisely light tan. short brown hair. i was hooked.

    "sup bro? got worried there. didn't see you for a minute."

    "sorry man. got caught is traffic around ************. you know how it can get sometimes."

    "definitely dude. nice ride man," as he looked around the cabin, impressed.

    "thanks. i worked hard for it."

    "and awesome! you have tints!"

    of course i do :-).

    we ride around, small talk and looking for a potential place to park and play. he mentions he has class in a few. like an hour or so. we finally settle on a semi-secluded neighborhood, parking in between houses.

    he turns to me. leans in. "you're fucking hot bro!" and locked lips passionately. damn, that got me going.

    while our tongues played together, i made my way to his pants to pullout a nice 7 inch thick uncut cock. niiiiiiice! i haven't had an uncut cock in forever! they are so fun and interesting to play with. oh and i've found this trick that i could do with my mouth that has drove every guy with an uncut cock i've been with nuts.

    he moans as i handle his tender meat, stroking it every so gently while we continue to make out. i finally make the move. i start to work my mouth up and down, making sure i do my usual. he begins to slightly thrust and his moans makes me work his cock a little better. be he lifts my head, we make out and he goes in on my cock

    "fuck bro! nice fucking cock. damn, and i thought i was big!"

    "haha, thanks man. trust me. you have more than enough to satisfy."

    he begins to work on my chocolate college meat. i can tell he loves to suck dick but he wasn't the best at it. he got the job done though, plus did i mention he was really cute and a pure masculine frat guy?! so all was forgiven.

    he comes up, going for my lips and as we locked that's when it happened... a car started to pull into the parking spot right in front of us. we stop, slouch down in our seats and just stroked our cocks. it was actually kind of hot knowing that we could be getting caught. i think he was really turned on too because he had this look of excitement in his eyes. we lock lips again, making sure to keep an eye on the car parked a few yards in front of us.

    we finally decided it might be best to find a better place. and that we did. a couple of blocks over we find a nice secluded place behind a house. lots of trees. but still in plain sight of the road.

    "let's hit the backseat," he said almost instantaneously jumping out the front seat

    we make it back there, but of course i forget to move the front seats up. so maybe, on purpose, i get up, bend over and my pants and boxer briefs slide down my legs, exposing my nice muscular ass.

    "fuck bro! what a nice ass. you like to get fucked sometimes," he asks while grabbing my ass, admiring the view.

    "fuck yea dude. i'd let you have this anytime you want... just don't know about now lol." i really didn't prepare to get fucked.

    "yea bro, that's pretty ballsy anyways if we were to do it now."

    i move the seats up, but not too fast as i was enjoying having him play with my ass.

    we go back to making out. love his soft lips. he was a great kisser which is another big turn on for me. that got me rock hard. i begin to work on his cock again, this time doing my little mouth trick with his uncut cock. he moans loudly

    "fuck bro, that feels amazing! you are going to make me blow it just from you blowing me."

    not quite yet. i wasn't done with him.

    i let up and we switched positions, 69ing in the backseat of my small suv. this was sooo fucking hot! i've never done this before, so it was a very hot scene. me on top, him on the bottom. i stuffed my cock down his throat, making him gag. he enjoyed it. the way his tongue caressed my low hangers were fantastic.

    looking at my watch, we didn't have much time left until he had to head to class. so i did probably my favorite thing, took a load down my throat.

    i went to work again, working my magic and after deep throating his cocks a couple more times he couldn't take it anymore.

    "i'm gonna blow dude, you ready for it? he said tensing up

    "fuuuuuuuuck bro!" as he squirted his fratboy jizz down my throat. mmmmmmm tastes so good. i'm a bit of a cum whore, so this was right up my alley. even though having his load in my ass would've been great, i know he will make a deposit one day.

    "damn bro, i'm definitely re-energized for class now lol" as he zipped up his jeans, with a huge smile on his face.

    i drive right outside his frat house.

    "let's do this again soon bro. and i'm all about working out together too." as he bent in for one last embrace.

    "of course man. this was really fun. and next time, i promise you my ass."

    "fuck yea bro! i'm looking forward to it." he gives his beautiful smile one more time before exiting.

    this was one good looking frat guy and i can't wait until our next meeting. it's not too often i find these types that are actually into chocolate :-). so i have to savor this.

    - ugtsrvd1986501527482073462-8385297784404304726?l=ugtsrvd.blogspot.com


  21. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    first of all i would totally like to give a huge thanks to Matt and Dan for their recent shout out on a post about their latest blog interests. there are some hot blogs in their post too. really worth following for sure.

    their blog, along with a couple of others you can find in my follow list, led to the creation of this particular blog. so definitely very thankful, honored and really appreciate the shout out guys! keep bringing us those hot adventures of yours!

    second of all, even though i've been very busy with work, which i fucking hate during this time, i managed to get in a fucking hot 3 way action with a total bottom slut (fellow student) and a hot somewhat older guy, 30 to be exact. very impromptu but glad i went over because this slut took everything i gave for sure. we kind of got lost with each other and forgot about the other guy for a while... sorry. but more on that story in a post that should be finished by tomorrow.

    just really busy with work and graduation parties for a few of my friends. too bad a lot of my favorite fuckbuds are leaving town for the break... but there's one that's not and is in the same situation as i am. fun times to happen soon, REAL soon!



  22. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    before i begin my post, i will like to wish everyone happy holidays and if you celebrate christmas, merry christmas!!! i would also like to say it's amazing that i have over 20 followers already! thanks to everyone that has helped getting my blog's name out there, converting it into traffic. you guys are amazing and you know who you are :-).

    i'm sitting here on christmas eve exhausted but satisfied. not in my sex life but just life in general at the moment. but i'm very satisfied in my sex life because of the past couple of days... from pounding to getting pounded, it's been a very fun and interesting three days. hope to continue the trend through the rest of the holiday season. end this year on the right load.

    anyways, hope you guys are having a joyous holiday season enjoying family, friends and lots of loads :-).



    p.s. i need to stop with the promises of publishing posts. especially during this hectic time. i apologize for not getting my 3some post up in a timely manner. hopefully i'll have more than one story to post at once. i just never expected to be so busy just to be working. thought with the semester being over, i would have lots more time... but apparently that's not happening :-/.

    i have had some pretty hot encounters lately though :-). been thinking of being a copycat and keeping a load count, but i decided against it. it would take the fun out of it all for me. and i don't want it to turn into work. whatever happens, happens. *shrug shoulders*



  23. Click here to see U Got Served's original blog post...

    writing these posts in obscure locations is fantastic. it's beginning to become a staple in my writing process. I think it's sorta risky and a turnon to be in an open area publishing stories about my sex life. makes me think what the guy on the computer, or phone, next to me might be doing... maybe watching porn?! if so, that's hot. I'll ask him if he wants to film a porno of our own. he's pretty cute too.

    haha, totally getting ahead of myself and off topic. now to the exciting post of my impromptu 3some:

    I'd just gotten up, started making breakfast when I got a text from this stud I'd hooked up with not too long ago. to get an image of him, he's white 30 5'11" 170 7in cut cock with a hard, ripped body. he has long curly dirty blonde hair, some hot tattoos on his arms and an ass I'd tongue and fuck all the time. he also has a motorcycle and just exude hotness. oh did i mentioned he's married... yea. didn't know if i was cool with that at first, but i got over it. but definitely don't want any drama. we're going to nickname him motorcycledaddy. easy enough lol.

    to move along, he texts me:

    "hey stud, remember me?! come over now! I have this complete fucking slut coming over to get his hole used!"

    i kind of ignored the message until he sent me a pic of the "slut's" ass. he got my attention after that to say the least. he was 25 5'8 155 7in cut. oh btw, he's a ginger! total turnon on for me. I knew this was legit because gingers usually know how to put on a show :).

    I text him back:

    "fuck dude. totally got a boner after that pic. but is he down with this?"

    md: "no. he'll be here in about 10. just show up and let's surprise him"

    now, I've recently just started to embrace my slutty side and I'd never been in this type of situation... was a little apprehensive about it all.

    but of course, curiousity and plain horniness got the best of me and after finishing up my oatmeal, I was on my way.

    in about 10 minutes I finally pull up in front of the house, which is right across the street from a school that his wife teaches at mind you. I knock on the door and after a few seconds motorcycledaddy answers with just a towel wrapped around his waist. instant boner.

    "hey stud. c'mon back here. this fucking slut has no idea what he's about to get into."

    we walk back into a small reading room it looks like and there's gingerboy on his knees, blindfolded, hands tied behind his back with his own belt (cute buckle btw) mouth wide open and hole exposed. ready to get filled from whatever end.

    "have a surprise for ya boy! go suck on that big black cock!"

    daddy turns gingerboy's body around so he could get in position to blow me. at this point, I was in a little state of shock. "what the fuck have I gotten myself into?!" I thought to myself. but hell, my hardon did not go away.

    "yea slutboy. suck on that hung black cock. bet you never had black cock in your mouth before huh?!" motorcycledaddy said with an edge to his voice.

    gingerboy whimpered with my cock in his mouth now, "I've never had a cock this big." haha how cute.

    he blew me real good, sucking mostly on the head, not really attempting to take it all. I then forced his face down to my trimmed pubes, causing him to gag. "yea dude, gag on that cock." while he continued to work my cock over, daddy got behind him and shoved his nice 7 incher into gingerboy's tight hole. he winced a little from the pain but fuck, he was enjoying getting filled from both ends. he started to ferociously suck my hung dick, taking it down his throat no problem now while bouncing back onto daddy's cock. this was such a hot fucking scene!

    motorcycledaddy pulled his raw cock out, "you want some of this ass now stud?" of course I did and we switched places. but gingerboy was a little afraid. "I don't know. I've never had a cock that big before."

    "shut the fuck up slut! you will do as you are told and take that black cock up your hole," motorcycledaddy yelled at gingerboy.

    now I can switch from aggressive to caring on a dime and I didn't want to hurt the dude. I mean, I don't want a cock just rammed up my ass at first. it hurts like hell. so as usual, I spit on my cock and eased it in his tight hole, which apparently daddy didn't loosen up all that much. once I bottomed out, I made it my goal to leave this ginger's hole a sloppy, gappy, cum filled tunnel.

    I started out with a couple of small thursts, pulling my cock all the way out and slamming it deep back in. he was loving that. I started attacking his hole. pounding him as hard and deep as possible. this drove him wild as he started to buck on my cock. "cum in my hole. I want your load deep inside me." oh he was going to get my load, but not so soon. I wasn't done working him over.

    I pulled and went to sit on the edge of the sofa. daddy turned gingerboy around as I wanted him to come taste the mixture of ass juice and spit on my cock. he moaned in pleasure while getting a mouth full. his blindfold began to slip off and his entire face was revealed. he had a very cute, innocent face, which usually turn out to be the biggest whores haha. he gazed into my eyes with a purpose. this slut wanted my cum and he wanted it bad. he popped off my cock and climbed onto my lap, basically pouncing onto my dick. he rode me like no other, riding me so passionately.

    at this point daddy was in my between our legs, getting a perfect view of my cock in gingerboy's ass and licking and sucking on my low hanging balls. but me and gingerboy were totally into each other, basically leaving motorcycledaddy to be non-existent. it was kind of wrong, but he had trouble staying hard and getting off :-/.

    I released gingerboy from his belt entrapment and he wrapped his arms around me, passionately locking lips. it was fucking hot! I turned him around and he begin to ride my cock on the edge of the sofa inbetween my legs. moaning loud in pleasure. that's really turned me on so I started to dive into his ass again, darting in and out of his hole.

    "give me your cum baby. I want you to explode in me right now."

    I gave a couple of final thursts and then plunged deep into his hole. releasing probably a cup full of cum inside him.

    "fuuuuuuuuuuuck," I yelled out in pleasure. his ass milking my cock.

    gingerboy turned around, with my cock still inside him, and shot his load all over me. his hot, milky load glistening on my dark skin. we just sat there in each other's arms, my cock still buried in his hole, recovering from our fuckfest.

    finally we broke from our embrace, both with big silly grins on our faces. we kissed as he got up out of my lap. he turned around to show me his cum filled hole. i definitely dug a tunnel. we exchanged numbers on our way out, definitely getting a little more one on one time with this boy :-P.


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  24. Click here to see Catcher In The Raw's original blog post...

    Tomorrow I'm hosting a bareback pump and dump party at my studio, so far about 8 guys on barebackrt and 5 guys on adam4adam are down to go. Here's the ad I posted on bbrt:

    Horny cum hungry bottom looking to take load after load until I'm filled up. My record is 14 so I'd love to beat that. Also posted on A4A and going to on CL so I hope to get a good amount of seed. If I host it will be more of a one top at a time thing (small apartment) but if you have a great location in Hillcrest and can host a gang bang I'm all for it. Taking loads from all athletic bodied tops. No flakes! Neg but very poz friendly. v

    One of the tops I started chatting with on adam wanted to come over tonight and get a preview of my hole. He was a hot, hung guy in his 40s, HUGE cock. Said he lives for breeding young bottoms. Who am I to say no? He came over straight after work, still in his dress shirt and slacks, and I immediately started unbuttoning his shirt and felt his hot cock through his pants. Even though the lights were dimmed I could tell he was going to be a hot fuck. He bent me over the bed and started rimming my hole, telling me how great it tastes. I'm not much for getting eaten out, so I told him I wanted his cock in me. Here's a pic of his cock from a4a:


    I hadn't been fucked in a week or so, but my hole immediately accommodated. His cock felt so good skin on skin, and he told me how good my ass felt wrapped around his cock. He had me lay on my back and I thrusted up and down his shaft milking his cock. I could feel my ass getting wetter with his precum. He told me to get on my back and I positioned his hands on my throat so he would pin me down and choke me.

    I told him I wanted him to give me his poz load. This really turned him on, I had asked him online if he was poz or not and he told me he was. But he never asked me and I wasn't sure if he was into the dirty talk. "You're gonna get my poz load deep." That got my hole immediately perked up and I started squeezing tight and pulled his thighs tight towards me. He let it release and I could feel the cum squirting inside me, I made sure every last drop was deposited in my ass.

    After he pulled out he told me to feel how much cum he had deposited. It was the sweetest thing feeling that cummy hole, and I told him to stick his (still hard) cock back into me so I could have the cum deep pushed deeper into my ass. He kept pounding me while I jacked off. Then he said he had another poz load cumming. My ass quenched again, and I took more of his seed. My cock is rock hard thinking about it again, thinking about logging on to take another load.

    I'll be sure to blog about my party tomorrow.7933564387338326097-8313725488387229507?l=catcherintheraw.blogspot.com


  25. Click here to see Catcher In The Raw's original blog post...

    Last night's party did not go how I planned... So let me tell you about a different hook up...

    I was taking the early morning bus to school and this guy I fucked raw in a 24Hour Fitness shower once hopped on. We nodded heads at each other and kept making eye contact on the bus. He seemed anxious to get off the bus as we neared the school, and made sure he got in front of me to lead the way. I was getting hard already thinking about fucking his hot ass again.

    Of course he went to one of the bathrooms on campus in one of the food courts (it was 7:30 A.M. so it seemed pretty safe). We went into the stall and dropped our pants and he started sucking me off while sitting on the toilet. I was standing up and fucking his face. He was getting hard too and has a huge cock, what I wouldn't give to have that in me raw. He turned me over and started eating out my ass and playing with his fingers, then someone came into the bathroom.

    We stood quietly and waited for him to leave, I was still jacking off and when the guy left the bathroom I asked if my bud's hole was clean and wanted my raw cock. He bent over without saying a word and I stuck it in. He was really working my cock and told me he wanted me to cum inside him. Unfortunately ANOTHER guy came into the bathroom, FUCK!

    He pulled away from my cock and right as I was about to cum! I jacked off my seed into the toilet. What a waste! As soon as he came (also in the toilet) he kissed me and said how he thinks redheads are fucking hot. Was hoping to grab his number but he was in a rush and bolted out the bathroom. I see him around quite a bit around town so I didn't doubt that I'd see him again.

    Right now I'm looking for a hot bare fuck, so if that all works out I'll have something juicier about ME taking a load.7933564387338326097-4956401283287878062?l=catcherintheraw.blogspot.com


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