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Posts posted by rawTOP

  1. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    As an HIV+ man, one of the questions I am asked most frequently is, "Do You Know Who Infected You? In all honesty, I do not know one hundred percent sure when I was infected or who infected me although I do have a strong idea. I will say that I was diagnosed in 1993 but it is possible I was infected a little sooner. Athens, Georgia, like most other towns has a place where guys looking for sex with other guys go to meet. Of course with the Internet now, these places seem to be harder to find today. In Athens, one such location has always been "Ben Burton Park". When I arrived in Athens in the early 1980s it was notorious for quick anonymous sex. Ben Burton was a great place, situated near the Oconee River with trails and lots of wooded areas. The park has since been cleaned up and is more readily patrolled by undercover cops now days.

    I had connected with a group of local guys who often found ourselves not only looking for sex but also friendship. On warm summer days I liked to wear skimpy jogging shorts and a t-shirt and sometimes strip down back in the woods and walk the trails nude except my shoes. This one particular day I found myself deep in the woods and enjoying the sunshine and breeze on my nude body when I looked up and saw another guy jerking off half way hidden behind some bushes off the main trail. He was a tall guy, probably around 6'2", slender build, smooth chest (his shirt was off) and dark hair. He had his hard cock out the front of his shorts. It was a good 8.5 - 9" in length. It wasn't that thick but it was a beautiful cock. My cock immediately sprung to life at the site of him stroking. I grabbed my cock and walked towards him. Not saying a word, I approached then went to my knees and began to suck his stiff cock. I looked up in his eyes as he continued to feed me. I told him, "I want your cock in my hole". He said, "Bend Over". I wasn't sure if I could easily stand there and take his cock so I told him to follow me that I knew a better place not far away. There was a huge rock near the trail a bit further down. He followed me. When we arrived at the rock, I went back to my knees and sucked him some more. I wasn't expecting to be fucked but knew I sure wanted it. After his cock was good and lubed with my spit, I bent over the rock. He came up behind me and slowly slid the head of his cock in my hole. At first I tightened up and got nervous about the size of his cock so I turned around and wet it real good again before turning back around and fully submitting to him. This time his cock slowly slide further in. He spit down on his cock and began a rhythm that felt so good. I knew I should always be having safe sex but to be honest I have always preferred it bareback. There is just something about the warmth of a fleshy cock inside a hole. My cock was throbbing as cum began to drip out of the head without me even touching it. It wasn't long before he said, "I am going to cum". He thrust harder and began to groan as he released his how sperm in my hungry hole. I was in pure ecstasy.

    He slowly slid his cock out of my ass, pulled up his pants and walked off. I stood there for a few more minutes catching my breath and thinking about the hot cock and load that was now in my hole. I put my shorts on and walked back to my car in the parking lot. When I got back he was still sitting in his car which was great since I now knew what he drove. The only thoughts in my mind was hoping to see the car and my hot fuck again.

    The next day, I returned to the park and was talking to one of the buddies I had met in the park and had become friends. We would share information about tricks, cars, and our antics. When I told him about the guy and the car he drove, my friend said, "You do know he is HIV+ don't you?". I told him, "No, I was not aware of that fact". For a moment I got real nervous but then decided "What the Fuck", I knew I had to have his cock in me. My friend also told me that he had a brother who came to the park and was also HIV+. As it turns out, I had been fucked by his brother too in the past and on several occasions. I was completely stunned and frightened at the same time. I generally had not asked people if they were negative but went on whether the person "looked clean". My hormones always seemed to get the best of me. I had practiced safe sex on occasion, generally when the guy chose to act safely. I knew better but just was never able to control myself. Sex with rubbers always felt so clinical. I always wanted to feel the warmth of the cock and the experience of the guy releasing his sperm in me.

    I lived the next three or four weeks wondering if I had become infected or not, although it did not consume me. I had unconsciously came to the conclusion that if I was going to die from sex it was going to be sex that I enjoyed. About a month and a half after he fucked me I decided to go get tested at the local health department. The two weeks waiting for the results were the longest in my life. I think I experienced every emotion possible. When I went for the results, the test confirmed I was HIV+. My heart suck to the floor in disbelief although I suspected I would be charged--not only because of this encounter but my risky past.4840212955243495621-6873909492021937791?l=athensgapoz.blogspot.com


  2. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    This is a story from my college days as a student at The University of Georgia. I attended the University from 1983-1986, having transferred from a smaller two year school. Back in the early to mid eighties, I think cruising for sex was different from now days. Don't say it, I know I am an old geezer now of 45 but back then one met guys in parks, active rest rooms and such. The University had several notorious locations where guys would cruise for a quick blow job or quick jerk off release with a buddy. One of my favorite hangouts was the old "Stegeman Gym". You could always find action when you needed it there. The locker room had community showers, a steam room and two separate dressing rooms primarily used by Faculty and Staff. There was also a separate dressing room used by the University Swim team.

    Most of the guys who were looking for action hung out in the wet area adjacent to the steam room. It was not unusual to find a group of guys playing with themselves in these areas. One guy who caught my attention from time to time was a good looking blond guy, who stood around 6'3" tall and had a slender and toned body. Whenever he would come in the locker room, he was the guy that everyone tried to make a connection. I had seen him numerous times and he had never really given me the time of day. A friend and I had discovered that he was a UGA Varsity Cheerleader. We had seen him enough coming and going from the gym and such and the car he was driving. It had a Maryland license plate and we often joked about "Mrs. Maryland". It really was just a term of endearment since he really was not fem or anything but rather a masculine, good looking guy with a big cock that stood out probably around 5" or so while soft. I never really tried hard to connect with him since all the other guys were always after him, which was entertaining in and of itself. I felt he mostly liked to put on a show anyway and liked to be watched.


    One afternoon, I happened to be checking out another bath room on campus in the basement of Caldwell Hall, that had a glory hole between the only two stalls. I was in the stall next to the wall when this guy comes in with a gym bag and sits it on the floor. I tried to get a look at him to see if I could tell if I knew him or had seen him before but every time I would peek through the hole he would sit back and try to ensure I could not see his face.


    It was not long though before I had convinced him to slide his cock through the hole to allow me to suck it for him. It was a really nice cock and grew to around 7" or so in my mouth. After several interruptions, I whispered through the hole to go over to the next building, Brooks Hall (School of Business) to the bottom floor since there was a safer bath room. It had about seven stalls and also had double doors coming in so we could hear more easily if some one came in on us. I waited for a few minutes to give him time to get out and over into the building so he would not feel awkward.

    I entered the bath room and got in the stall next to him. There were no glory holes so he squatted on the floor and slid his hips and hard cock underneath for my wet mouth to continue sucking him. After a few minutes, he stood up and I thought I had lost him. Instead he opened the stall door and peered in my stall through the crack. I quickly stood up and opened my door. To by surprise it was "Mrs. Maryland". I was in utter shock since I never dreamed I would be able to get it on with him. He dropped his gym shorts around his ankles and I quickly squatted down and sucked his hard throbbing cock. It was not long before it started to gush down my throat. He thrusts his hips and cock into my mouth until I swallowed every drop of his sweet cum. He pulled up his shorts, said "thanks" and went on his way.


    I closed my stall door and sat down on the toilet and jerked off thinking about what had just happened. Nothing changed when we saw each other next time at Stegeman gym. He would undress and walk around the showers and steam room with his towel and occasionally flash for guys to see.

    Over the course of the next year or so, I ended up sucking him three or four more times. I always enjoyed sucking his cock. Stegeman gym is now gone but working on campus at UGA now and being in the area often brings back fond memories of the gym and especially, my UGA Cheerleader.4840212955243495621-7651030933403211800?l=athensgapoz.blogspot.com


  3. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    As I alluded to in my very first post on this blog, The Shower Pole, I have had some experience with my uncle.Looking back on the situation now, I wish more had occurred but here are the details. I guess this all started somewhere during puberty. I do know I was just getting hair on my cock at the time.

    My dad's brother has lived with his parent's his whole life. He suffered from Epilepsy and all his life had suffered from seizures. While I know people with Epilepsy can lead very normal lives my grandmother (who is 91 now) had always been overly protected of my uncle and actually never left home, married or anything. He is 23 years older than I am so I guess at the time of these encounters if I was around 13 he was around 33.

    I would go to visit my dad's parents a lot when I was younger. When I would visit I would always sleep with my uncle. He was an extremely hairy man of around 6' tall and real husky. I remember when we would get ready for bed. He would strip down to his boxer shorts and I would strip down to my white briefs. I was fascinated by all of his hair. As he would undress, I would always try and catch a glimpse of his cock and of his extremely hairy bush.


    We'd crawl in bed and under the covers. We really never talked or anything other than he would occasionally say, "boy doesn't this bed feel good". Funny, how certain phrases and stuff seem to stick with you. I would agree and then he'd roll over and head off to sleep. I'd lie there though and fantasize about being in bed with him and wonder what was inside his boxers.

    I'd wait until I thought he was sound asleep and then I would roll over facing his back and gently take my hand and arm and reach over him and try and find the slit in his boxer shorts. If he stirred any at all, I would just roll over and wait a little longer.

    It was not long before I was feeling around in his boxers and find my hand in his hairy pubes. I would find his cock and try and feel it to see how it measured up and such. I would gently grab it and squeeze ever so slightly to examine it's thickness and length. It really was not long from what I could tell but was extremely fat.

    I would eventually roll over and go to sleep. Over time, I guess I got braver and braver as I would squeeze it until it began to get erect in my hand. He would roll over on his back and I never would withdraw my hand. Without any words being exchanged, I would find myself jacking my uncle off. Even when fully erect he was not long but the girth on his cock truly amazed me. It was clearly as thick as a coke can.


    Of course, I knew he was wide awake but since he never stopped me, I continued to play and masturbate his cock. As he would get close to blowing his load, he would reach over into the night stand next to his bed and pull out a rolled up pair of athletic socks. The only words ever spoken would be an occasional, "boy if you don't stop you are going to make that thing spit".

    Rather than stop, I would stroke harder in anticipation and having his blow his hot load of spunk. After he blew, he would take the pair of socks and clean himself up. Roll over and then go back to sleep.


    This night time activity would occur every time I visited for the night. It was always the same. Occasionally, he would play with my boy cock some but I would never cum. The next day though, I would make a point to go find the pair of socks, head to the bath room and shoot my cum in the sock with his.

    I guess this activity continued until I was around 16 or so. I regret now looking back on the situation that I did not do more. If I only knew then what I know now, I would have definitely sucked his cock and climbed on top of him to ride it cowboy style.

    As with the sex with my brother, this was a night time activity and we never discussed it outside of the bedroom or during the daytime.4840212955243495621-8542293428729567927?l=athensgapoz.blogspot.com


  4. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    Thanks to those who participated in the blog poll, "Where is the last place you had sex in public?". The results are in and the 70 votes were distributed as follows:

    Park 11 15%

    Hotel/Motel T-Room 6 8%

    Campus T-Room 3 4%

    Airport bathroom 0 0%

    Bookstore 8 11%

    Gas Station 1 1%

    Rest Area 9 12%

    Bar 8 11%

    Retail Store T-Room 2 2%

    Sex Club 19 27%

    I don't have sex in public 3 4%

    Feel free to comment.4840212955243495621-4781483531976472950?l=athensgapoz.blogspot.com


  5. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    Things are slow this week at work (University of Georgia) since students have already finished finals and left for the holidays. Since it was so slow, I decided to let my group leave early this afternoon, for Christmas shopping or whatever else they needed to do.

    I had other things on my mind though. I have been horny all week but not had much time to play, other than some phone jerking with a few buddies. I posted an advertisement on Craigslist with the subject "Mobile Cock Sucker". Basically, I was cock hungry and needed to be fed. In the ad, I stated, I was only interested in sucking cock and swallowing a cum load. I was not interested in a lot of email exchanges about stats or photo swaps. I actually prefer more anonymous and random hook ups anyway--the way it used to be when you had to cruise local parks or t-rooms for guys looking for quick relief.

    It was not long before, I got a response to my ad. The guy told me where he was located. Turned out he was quite near campus so it was definitely convenient. I showed up, he opened the door and let me in. I sat on the sofa while he kicked off his flip flops and lounge pants to reveal his semi-erect cock. It was nice and clean and it appeared he had shaved some of his pubic area recently.

    No words were spoken, other than I asked him "are you going to feed me some cock?" to which he replied, "you bet". He was an attractive guy, probably mid 30s with dark brown hair and an average looking body. He stood in front of me and I quickly started sucking his cock to the back of my throat. I could tell he really liked it deep, so I obliged by slowly sucking the entire cock in until my lips touched the base of his freshly shaven cock. His balls were extremely tight, so I caressed them and took turns sucking down the shaft and slurping first one nut in my mouth, followed by the other. I could tell he was really enjoying the service I was providing for him.

    He decided to lay down on his back on the sofa. As he was lying down, I asked him, "Can I take a photo of your cock with my phone?". He got really nervous and asked, "Why?". I replied, "you have a nice look cock and I like pornography". I assured him, it would only be his cock and his face would not show. Since he did not object, I snapped this photograph.


    I squatted on the floor beside him where I could work his cock and stretch and play with his nuts. Every now and then he would place his hand on the back of my head and indicate for me to go real deep. I had found his hot spot. Going deep and caressing his nut sack. It was not long before he began to moan and state, "I am going to cum!".

    I continued to suck his cock until my mouth filled up with a hot load of sperm. I swallowed all of it. When I took my mouth off of his cock, another few drops oozed out of the tip. I quickly licked up the remaining spunk, stood up and left.

    I do have his email address now, so hopefully, I can email him again and provide service for him.4840212955243495621-1145494223737254560?l=athensgapoz.blogspot.com


  6. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    Thank you all for the encouragement you have given me for my blog. I feel like I have a good start having on started the blog in early November. My goal is to have 20 followers of the blog by the end of the year! I only need four more to make that goal.

    You guys are awesome! I wish you all the very best of a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays; however you celebrate, be careful, safe journeys and look forward to entertaining more in the very near future.






  7. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    Thanks to those who participated in the poll on my blog, "Bareback Sex Views". The results are in and the 57 voters were distributed as follows:

    Under no circumstances

    5 votes 9%

    Regardless of hiv status

    31 votes 54%

    If partner has paper stating negative

    6 votes 11%

    If partner says they are negative

    15 votes 26%

    Feel free to post comments.4840212955243495621-5720797456798982617?l=athensgapoz.blogspot.com


  8. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    I grew up in a large family. My mom was one of five children and each of her siblings had three children each. My sister was the oldest grand child followed by my cousin, Lee and then myself. The rest of the grandchildren were younger than us so we were naturally a bit closer.

    Lee, is a year older than I am and I always looked up to him. We always lived in the same neighborhood so we spent lots of time together riding bikes, playing in the woods nearby and just hanging out. We were essentially like best friends. At school, he always looked out for me on the playground so it was much like having an older brother.

    I have already wrote about playing with my brother but I also instigated night time play with Lee. It really never rose to a major level but I was fascinated with knowing about his cock, sizing it up and touching it. On several occasions when we would spend the night with each other, I would wait until I thought he was asleep and then would pinch and rub his cock in his tight white briefs. His cock was always lying over to the left across his pubic region. This fascinated me to no end since I generally tucked my cock downwards in my undies.

    We never really did anything sexually other than feeling each other up and jacking off a bit. I don't actually recall us ever shooting our loads together though. It was purely curious type play with each other. One evening I asked him, "how do you get your dick to always point to the left?" I guess I was so naive since his cock had a natural curve to the left. All I know is that I wanted my cock to look and behave like his did in his undies. He replied, "I just always poke it in my underwear to the left."


    For the next week or so, I did everything I could to get my cock to curve to the left like my older cousin's cock. I packed a rolled up pair of socks under my boy cock to help keep it positioned correctly. I tried tape and anything you can imagine.

    It is funny to me now the things I did to be just like him. What about you guys? Have you ever had any similar experiences, fantasies or guys you idolized while learning about cock?

    Feel free to leave comments.




  9. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    Every now and then I get a wild hair and head over to Atlanta for some HOT, anonymous hotel sex. I like to get a room and then advertise on Atlanta's Craigslist M4M and Manhunt for some hot bareback sex. Sometimes I list in my advertisements that I am hiv positive and other times I leave it up for the guys to ask or choose whether to bareback fuck me or not. Generally, the advertisements are worded in such a way that I figure most of the guys who will show up are positive themselves or don't care about status.


    Once I get settled in, I get naked, lube my hole up some, crack the door and start placing my ads for anonymous walk in visitors. One of my first times doing this I got am almost immediate response from a guy named, Blake. He indicated that he would love to stop over after he got off of work. I told him the room number and continued my hunt.

    On my manhunt profile, I placed the hotel name, location and room number and indicated the door was cracked for guests. It was not long before a guy showed up ready to fuck my hole. When the door cracked, I immediately got up on all fours with my butt on the edge of the bed. I started hitting my poppers while he got undressed and started playing with my butt and talking dirty. I handed him the poppers where he could take a couple of big hits and his cock immediately sprung to a full erection. He was probably around 6.5 inches long with a nice thickness. He started plugging it towards my hungry hole. He asked me, "Do you want this cock in your hole?" Without hesitation, I replied, "yes sir, fuck my hole." I took another hit of poppers as he slid the entire length of his cock deep inside me. He fucked me real hard and then would slow down until he almost stopped just letting his cock pulsate in my ass before he would lunge inside me again. The whole time, he was talking nasty. He took the poppers, inhaled deeply and groaned as a thrusts his hard cock in me until he blew his hot cum inside. After a second, he slide his cock slowly out. As the head popped out of my hole, one final drop of cum spewed on my butt hole. I thanked him, he got dressed and went on his way.


    It wasn't long before the door opened again. This tall guy, probably around 6'2", 190 lbs with brown hair entered the room and said, "I'm Blake, I emailed you earlier." I said, "cool" and got back on my hands and knees. He asked, "Did you get any loads in your hole yet?". I replied, "I just got fucked by a guy who show his load in my hole." Without a word, he immediately got down on his knees on the floor next to the bed and stuck his face deep in the crack of my ass. His tongue started lapping at the hole as he tried to feed on the other guy's cum load. I took a hit of poppers and handed him the bottle. He took a couple of hits and continued to eat my wet hole. I turned around to watch as he continue to bury his face in my crack. I whispered, "kiss me." He stood up and we started kissing. We took turns sticking our tongue down each others throat.


    When he stood up, I saw he was sporting a nice cock, probably around 7" in length. I told him, "I want you inside me." He took the poppers, took a hit and proceeded to push his cock in my rectum. After he was fucking me awhile, I turned around and asked, "do you have a poz load for me?" He replied, "yup." As soon as he indicated he was poz too, I started begging for his "aids infected cock in my hole." I could tell that my dirty talk turned him on. As he continued to fuck me deep, I said, "milk your poz load in my hole." He was so turned on. Before I knew it, he was back on his knees and eating my hole again.

    Finally he stood up, plugged his cock back in my gaping hole and started pounding my ass deeper and harder. I knew he was getting ready to blow his hot spunk inside me. As he continued to thrust, once again, I said, "shoot your infected load in my hole buddy." Before I could get the last phrase out of my mouth he was moaning with ultimate pleasure as he dumped his sperm inside me.

    I laid down on the bed and he collapsed on top of me. After a second, he got up and started getting dressed. I told him that I though he was hot as hell and if it would be okay if I emailed him the next time I came over to Atlanta. He said, "Sure, I enjoyed it."

    To date, I have hooked up with Blake about four more times. I have fucked him once but generally he is the one who does the fucking. The second time, he initiated the "aids/hiv" talk. I am not sure what it was but for some reason the process of sharing our DNA and talking about it was incredibly HOT!

    (Note: Embedded photos are not of me or Blake, although next trip I may see if he is willing to take some photos of his cock in my hole)4840212955243495621-6253696726229845878?l=athensgapoz.blogspot.com


  10. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    If you are a gay man with an active sex life, more than likely you have heard of the notorious Parliament House, gay resort in Orlando Florida. I have actually never been to the resort in Orlando but was overly excited around 1999 when I heard that a similar place Parliament Resort had opened in Augusta, Georgia.


    It was hard for me to imagine that in the Heart of Dixie and in the Bible Belt nonetheless that such a place could open, much less still be thriving in 2010. It did not take long after I heard about it that I planned my first trip down to scope it out. I have to admit I was extremely nervous about going yet overly excited at the same time.

    When I arrived I was greeted by one of the owners who was amazingly friendly not to mention extremely cute! Get that out of your minds guys, no I did not have sex with the owner. He was extremely professional and accommodating in welcoming me and explaining the facility amenities. Once you check in, you drive into the facility (it is gated) which basically is an old style hotel that had been cleaned up, painted, etc.. There was a pool, a hot tub, a tower and a maze. The tower and maze are the primary place space areas outside of your own private rooms, although the hot tub did get a little frisky.


    At the time of my first visit there were a couple of other rooms near the hot tub that had mattresses in various areas as well as a sling in one of the areas. Something about the sling intrigued me. I had seen them in porno flicks, magazine spreads, etc. but never experienced them first hand. Whatever it was, I knew I had to get in it and give it a try. I was unsure as to what the proper etiquette was in regards to the sling--whether you met someone and then went to it to be fucked or whether you just got in it and hoped a top came along. I was wearing a pair of nylon gym shorts and a simple t-shirt. I was also carrying a small bottle of Wet Lube as well as before I left my room I had lubed up my hole a small bit.

    It was still early on a Friday afternoon and there really were not a lot of people cruising around. At any rate, it did not take me long before I shed my shorts and t-shirt and climbed up in the leather sling. I was instantly hooked. The feel of the cool leather sling against my back along with the smell and the thought of a hot top fucking my butt in it gave me an instant erection. I started playing with my cock some since I was so turned on. I placed my shorts beside me in the sling and the t-shirt over my face. Since I was a sling virgin, I figured if my face was covered it would save the embarrassment if someone showed up and saw me lying up in it with no top guy around.

    It was not long before I heard the door of the nearby room open. There was black plastic on the windows although the room was not pitch black since it was still bright daylight outside. I could hear foot steps nearing me. My heart began to race with excitement and nervousness at the same time. I still had my face covered but could feel someone's presence nearby. Someone was watching me lying naked up in the sling with my butt hoe fully exposed. The foot steps started again and after a minute or so (seemed like forever) I felt a warm hand touch my bottom. He used his fingers and started rubbing my lubed hole. He whispered, "you're ready, aren't you?" I took the t-shirt off my face and whispered back, "yeah, I want to get fucked."


    Although it was somewhat dark, I could tell the guy was probably around 6'3" tall, weighing about 200 lbs and had dark hair. He looked to be in his late 20s or early 30s. Like me he was wearing a pair of what looked like running shorts with no shirt. His chest was well defined and had some hair. His nipples looked to be about nickel sized and were erect.

    After playing with my hole a little longer, I handed him my bottle of lube. He pulled his shorts down to expose his already hard cock. The way I was positioned it was hard to tell exactly how hung he was or anything and just knew I wanted and needed him inside me. He flipped the lid on the bottle of wet and squeezed some onto his stiff cock as he poked the head towards my rosebud. I was afraid at first he might go to fast especially with me being in the sling and not knowing how the dynamics might work. I did not have to worry though as he was extremely gentle as he slowly worked the the head in my hole followed by little by little more cock until he was buried completely inside. Once inside he grabbed the chains on the sling and began to fuck his hard cock in and out of my hungry hole. I was in complete ecstasy! The sling would move with every thrust of his hips inside my guts. He would fuck a bit and then slow to a slight rocking pace until I could tell he would not be able to hold it much longer. A few more minutes and he started fucking me really hard. His thrusts became harder and faster until he moaned out as he spilled his spunk inside my hole. I could tell his legs were a bit weak from all the thrusting. He almost pulled out but then thrust it deep back inside to empty the last drops of his sperm inside my hole.

    Without a word, he pulled his cock out, pulled his gym shorts back up, said, "thanks" and hurriedly left the room. My cock was dripping from having him hit my prostrate as he was fucking me. I started jacking my cock as hard as I could stroke. It was not long before I was shooting my load on my hairy chest.

    After I caught my breath, I climbed out of the sling and went around the corner to the hot tub to relax. Since that very first fuck in the sling I have been hooked.

    Feel free to leave me comments.

    (photos: all from the internet)4840212955243495621-3772598032326457915?l=athensgapoz.blogspot.com


  11. Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

    I finally made it back over to Atlanta for a night of debauchery. It has been several months since I ventured over so I was indeed ready. Since my last trip over I have started this blog and began to use Twitter. I never thought I would be a person who got into the whole "Twitter" rage but I have found it to be a lot of fun. Who knew there were so many nice guys (and I assume girls, too, hehe) out there who enjoy following your actions and in my case antics.

    I have been chatting with an Atlanta follower for the last several weeks and have really enjoyed reading his blog, ATL Versa Bare, especially his latest entry about Group Fuck Many Loads but 1 Big Poz Load. According to his blog profile he is a 6'1" 30-something slut. Will Top but really wants to Bottom and take all loads both Poz and Neg.

    I emailed him and gave him my cell number so he could contact me if he wanted. We discussed creating some new blog material. He phoned early afternoon and told me he had to work until around 9:00 PM or so but would phone me when he got off so he could come breed my hole.

    I was excited at the thought of meeting him but felt the need to go ahead and start looking for anonymous no strings tops to warm my hole up. I updated my profile on Manhunt to include the hotel name and room number of where I was staying Red Roof Inn, Druid Hills Road. I indicated the door would be cracked for visitors to just come in. I also indicated that if others were there to join in or wait it out. I also posted an advertisement on Atlanta's Craigslist M4M to begin my adventure.

    Needless to say things got off to a slow start compared to some of my previous visits. For the night, I ended up taking 5 loads, 1 piss load in my hole, a load down my throat and had my nipples fully abusedby a dominant guy who wanted me to totally submit to him.

    As 9:00 PM approached, I was really unsure if ATL Versa Bare was going to come through or not. I figured with him having to work and all that things might not pan out. It was not long after 9:00PM that he phoned and told me he was on his way. I told him to phone me when he arrived so I could be on all fours when he came in the room.

    When he phoned and indicated he had arrived, my heart began racing with excitement and nervousness. I got on all fours and then the door opened. The room was mostly dark with the exception of the laptop playing a bareback porn flick but it was light enough to see that he was tall and extremely cute. I took a hit of my poppers and turned around to see as he unbuckled and pulled his pants and his white boxer briefs down to expose a beautiful cock. I knew I had to have my mouth on it so began to suck him a bit until his cock got rock hard.

    At the moment, I just blurted out, "do you have to piss?" to which he replied, "actually, I think I do". I am unsure what came over me since I have only rarely drunk from the tap. For me to do it, I have to really like the looks of the guy. Since I was unsure if I would be able to take it all, I asked him "if he wanted to go to the bath room", he said, "sure". I sat on the toilet and got ready but before he began to pee (since his cock was hard), I asked him, "or do you want to piss in my hole?". He said, "I could probably do that too." We went back to the bed and I got on all fours again. I had taken a quick shower before he got there to freshen up a bit so he lubed me hole up a bit and slid his cock up inside. I want go into all the specifics of his cock size or anything, out of fear of not being totally accurate, other than to say it was a very nice cock. I especially liked his big mushroom head.

    While he fucked me, I hit my poppers and we talked about fucking bareback and how this was the way sex was intended to be, skin to skin. He said, "oh yeah". I also mentioned if he wanted to create some blog material, he said, "sure". I grabbed the camera and placed it on the bed beside me and he flipped the light switch on.

    The fucking felt so great though he never stopped to actually take a photo of his cock in my hole. He was an excellent top, even though, I think he enjoys having his hole worked over too. He rubbed his warm hands over my back as he slowly fucked in my hole until he blew his hot load of sperm deep inside. He stayed there a second as his balls emptied the last drops and he pulled out.

    I grabbed the camera and asked him if I could at least go ahead and take a photo of his cock, to which he replied, "sure". Below are the two snap shots I took.



    We never actually got around to the "piss" thing but it didn't matter as I truly enjoyed meeting him and taking his cock. Since I did not get his piss, I placed another advertisement on "Craigs" and specifically stated, I wanted to take a piss load. It did not take long until I was fulfilled.

    If you enjoyed reading about ATL Versa Bare, be sure to let him know and follow his blog at ATL Versa Bare.4840212955243495621-5095658350871575935?l=athensgapoz.blogspot.com


  12. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Bareback Blogs seem to be all the rage, only a few people in Belfast have started one, gotta admit it they turned me on... to a point.

    I say to a point, because, well, being totally honest, the thing that these barebacker's blogs lacked, was 'quantity' of spunk in their asses. Something that I have tried my best to make up for.

    In case anyone is wondering, I don't know for sure if I am poz, I will be finding out in a month or so. My ass has been filled with Poz Cum, and lots of it.

    June 2009

    I have just had a massive dry spell, no sex for litterally almost a year, my hand had been the only companion my cock had experienced in ages. I had just had enough of this dry spell, and thought to myself, it was time to end it.

    I went onto gaydar, made a new profile, a special profile, one that I specifically wanted to use for the sleazier side of sex.

    Barebacking, Fisting, Piss, gang, and group fun etc.

    As you know, a gaydar profile takes about 24 hours before you can get it onto chat, so.... my story sorta freezes for a day. . . .

    . . . . . Day later.

    Nite has come, my ass is twitching, and I have already started the task of getting lubricated, although, not my ass, instead I was getting my head fucked up on vodka and Carlsberg. I was well on my way to having enough dutch courage to actually go and meet a guy after the long dry spell.

    I enter gaydar chat, and the name of my profile, which, let me just say, implies bareback sex, attracted about 4 chat windows within the first 5 minutes.

    Suffice to say, most of these people were the typical 'body beautiful' types, who have 'always' on their profile for safer sex. The types I hate.

    After politely declining both sending them a face pic, and meeting them, I had waited for about 10 minutes when the real deal appeared.

    This guy was nearly 30 - according to his profile, but im fairly sure he was lying, and was actually 30-34, not that it makes any difference, thats my type of age range anyway.

    He told me he loved bb sex, and lived for pumping loads into young btm's. I showed him my face pic and he still seemed keen. The only problem was that I couldnt accom, and I was still quite nervous about meeting guys of gaydar, after the dry spell.

    We agreed on a somewhat neutral meeting place. The Pipeworks Sauna - I hadnt been here in over a year, this was gonna be fun.

    I got a taxi down to 'the Kremlin' I say kremlin, cause thats what I told value cabs. Im not gonna say 'Pipeworks Sauna' now am I.

    I walked up the stairs to the entrance of the Pipeworks, im lucky they let me in, I was quite drunk.

    I also bought a bottle of Poppers, cause I was well in the mood for getting my ass abused.

    [[ Stripped off, Clothes in Locker, and proceeded to the cubicles on the side of the complex with the computers]]

    I stumbled into the cubicle, choosing the one on the far side of the room, ensuring that only people who are 'keen' enough, are gonna find my hole. The thing I hate more than anything, is when people spend ages looking from the doorway, and never enter, even once they get the nod of approval.

    I was in the far cubicle, face down, and a small portion of my ass showing. It wasnt long, before I had 2 guys coming into my cubicle, there was no words, nudges, or even question of what I wanted, it was all about what they wanted, just rightly too.

    No foreplay, all it was, was one of the guys proceeding to shove his cock in my ass, and fuck me fast and hard. As much as this should be hurting, it wasnt, my ass was made to accomodate any type of cock, 'except the small ones', and Im glad to say, this cock was quite satisfying. He fucked me at an even pace, with groans of appreciation from his friend.

    Top number 1 moved asside, and top number 2 took over, he fucked me quite rapidly, grunting and groaning as my hole accomodated his raw cock.

    Top 2 moved asside, and yet another cock took its place, I dont know if this was a third guy, or top number 1 again, but at this point, no one has cum yet.

    Top 2/3 fcked me, hard and fast, and before I could beg him for his load, he had already pulled out, stood up, and shot his load all over my back, I turned around to see the load, and saw 2 guys on either side of him, also wanking, and proceeding to shoot their spunk on my ass, and back.

    This was the first time I had seen cum from another guy in over a year or so, So I lay down again, smiling, waiting for the guys to leave, once they did, I proceeded to lick their loads of the leather of the cubicle.

    At this point in time, I was horned up beyond belief, My ass was lubed from a mix of loads that I managed to scoop up, and finger into my hole. Being well used, and tired, yet begging for more, I didnt care at this point about how slutty or bad I looked with my ass showing to the world from the open door of the cubicle. I lay there, ass up, face down for a time.

    'He' arrived shortly, he was kinda late, but it was well worth it. He hopped into the cubicle with me, and checked my ass, he gave the usual sounds of approval, the sound a top makes, as he fingers a hole with one hand, and wanks a little with his other.

    The Top was lean, about 6'2, not the best looking face, but he made up for that in more than one way.

    He shoved his cock into me, sliding in slow first, to test how well my ass could take it, I don't think he was particularly big, in terms of length or girth, but I wasnt complaining. He pulled out, and proceeded to do that thing again, where he would finger and play with my hole, as he wanked a little in one hand.

    What happened next, was totally unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome, as it shaped who I have no become.

    He came up to where my head was, gave me a really forceful kiss, holding me down, with his cock pressing against my hole, which was begging for more. At this point in time, I was wondering what he was waiting for.

    He reached for something, and revealed it to be a bottle of poppers, he forced it under my nose, and made me take a big hit of it. The whole time, he was fingering my hole, waiting for the tell tale signs of poppers induced loosness.

    When he got that 'all's good sign' from my ass, he rammed his fingers into my hole, in that forceful conical shape that your typical fisting top is all accustomed to.

    It was just a few seconds, before 3 fingers, and 4 fingers, became 5 fingers, and then a whole hand to the wrist. This guy was really into fisting, he knew the way to do it, lubing as you go, smothering the lube around the wrist as you go in and out of the ass.

    I was so tired, and to be honest, my ass was in total agony, I've gone from no cock in 1 year, to having 3/4 cocks in space of 2 hours, and now a fist was working its way up my rectal tract.

    My ass was in literal pain/torture mode, I have been fisted before, but this guy was either experienced as a fisting top and was intentionally making this into the most painful sex I ever had, or he was a noob at it.

    Either way, my eyes were squinting as I tried to endure the pain, trying to be quiet about the pain, because all I really wanted, was this guys load. He didnt seem to be much into the in out motion of fisting, he was going in one direction, and that was 'deeper' and 'deeper', hitting the wall that is at the top of the rectum. He just kept going and going, and Im fairly sure his nails were digging into that wall, trying to claw his way further up the track.

    'Your ass is crying for it!!' he said.

    'My ass is crying!!' i responded.

    At this point, I think he knew that I was in pain, and he proceeded to withdraw, only to replace his hand, with his cock, and he gave a few furious thrusts, after which he shot his load deep in my hole.

    He pulled out, squeezing his spunk out of his cock as he withdraws.

    'Thanks for that, nice hole!!' he said, as he left.

    At this point, I more a less passed out, I rested, cubicle door open, on the off chance that someone else might be able to soothe my ass with some love juice. It was a Thursday nite, so the place was only open till about 3am or 4am... not sure which.

    I woke up, and checked the time, it was about 2:30 am, and the place was quite cold, and empty.

    I decided it was time to leave, so I proceeded to get dressed, taxi, and home.

    2 Day's later, I heard that the top who fisted me, was attending some bareback parties in England in the next few days. As hot as that sounded, I was Neg at this point, and immediately thought that he might be poz.

    I have to admit, I might not have jumped to this assumption, had it not been for the fact that I had started talking to my ex from 4 years before, who had been infected by hiv shortly after the break up. So, with the revelation of my ex being poz, and this guy doing bb parties in england, I had poz thoughts on my mind.

    Through some encouragement from my ex, I went to the clinic. They tried to turn me away, said registration for the clinic was finished for today.

    Before I left, I saw a piece of paper on the desk, saying

    "Ask to speak to a member of nursing staff if you have


    Exposed to HIV, or

    Sexually Assaulted."

    I went back to the guy on desk, and tapped at the sheet of paper, and said I need to speak to a member of nursing staff for one of these reasons.

    I was then given the royal treatment.

    Pretty much, this was 4 days after my Pipeworks Sex, lovely nurse woman took my details, passed me on to a doctor, and lovely doctor woman told me that if its 4 days after exposure, its all too late for PEP's.

    Pep's - for those who dont know, are lovely little pills, infact, they are actually the same pills, that Poz guys take for their med's.

    The idea is, that these kill the virus, before it has a chance to take root in your system permanently.

    They are only effective up to 72 hours after exposure, it had now been about 96 hours.

    Doc said we would test me every 2 weeks, for 6 weeks, to track my levels, should I turn poz etc.


    Poz Ex chats to me on and off for wee while,

    Ironic, he was the first guy I ever slept with, and I became totally head over heels in lovey dubbyness with him. Was so upset when we stopped seeing eachother, and always held a torch for him. From chatting to me, Im fairly sure he knows I still feel this way, but think he kinda gets off on the attention, knowing I feel this way, and that he holds a 'power' over me.


    Poz Ex does the usual, texts once a fortnight, coincidentally always on the day of my trip to the clinic, supposedly just to say hi, or find out whats going on in my life - but really, its obvious it is more a

    'Are You Poz or Not' checkup call.

    Anyhow, these txt's typically involve 3 txts a day, for that one day, then 2 weeks of silence.

    Got to the point, where I convinced myself I was poz, seemed that it was best to assume the worst, and make the best of it. Which isnt all that bad to be honest.

    I made a new profile, one that showed my apparent poz status, and surprisingly enough, had lots of guys who wanted to dump in a poz ass.

    Arranged to meet a guy in Pipeworks, for a raw fuck, and he never showed up - waste of time, but not completely, Got a load dumped in me by another top.

    This fuck was great, in that I felt his cum stinging my ass, as it flooded into my guts. At this point in time, I convinced myself I was poz, so I did everything I could do to make it riskier, as risky as an already poz guy could do.

    After getting the load, I went to the toilets, and proceeded to finger fuck myself, 3-4 fingers, and then some self fisting, just enough to draw a little bit of pink blood, mixed with the cum, which tasted even better fresh from an ass.

    I didnt get many bb fucks for quite a while after that, but suffice to say, I tested NEG for tests 2 and 3.

    So.. hey!! Im neg after all...

    Was kinda annoyed though, I had just got used to the idea of committing to the poz lifestyle.

    I also got messaged on gaydar, by a profile that I saw, who holds bb parties in England, they saw me leaving a track, so they rather nicely, invited me to their July event.

    The profile said that everyone was either poz, or poz friendly, and knew the risks of playing with poz guys. At this point, I knew I wanted to go, the pics were so hot, and the idea of 30 guys being able to fuck me raw, just turned me on so much.

    It was funds which prevented me from going to July's party, but at this point in time, I was thinking of Augusts event, for which I had lots of time to plan.

    With a month advanced notice, I was able to book flights to england, for a very cheap price.

    I had just forked out a bit of dough, committing myself to this decision, kinda thought to myself, maybe I should chicken out.

    2 Day's later, I actually messaged flybe, asking 'can I get a refund, a death in the family makes it inappropriate to fly on vacation'.

    Flybe responded, : No!

    No refund, meant I was committed to going to England.

    To a BB Poz Party.

    The time of the party arrived, and I flew over, travelled, and arrved at the party. Was nervous as fuck, but turned on too.

    I had never been to a sex party, let alone the one that might be knocking me up.

    The party didnt start for few hours, first one guy turned up, he was nervous too, first timer like me, then others arrived, and soon we had about 7 guys in the kitchen, talking and chatting, but no fucking.

    I went to the toilet, and came down, and in that time, guys had their clothes off, and someone was getting fucked over the counter.

    I went back upstairs, and took my clothes off, and went downstairs. A guy proceeded to get on my cock, and I gave him a good fuck, but no cum.

    I had been given a Chemagra, apparently they are viragra's without the head'ache.

    I went upstairs, and lay on the bed, hoping someone would come in and fuck me, 5 minutes did the overflow from the kitchen, came up the stairs, and my ass had a stranger attached to it, he fucked, until his face went bright red, and he let loose a big load into my ass.

    He had a big red poz biohaz tattoo beside his belly button, the horniest thing I ever saw, he shot a big load in my hole, and pulled out, and moved on.

    I hopped into the sling, and found that I had become a party piece. My hole was being serviced by another top, and this time he shot his load, while holding onto the top bar of the sling. My ass clenched hard, to suck the cum out of his cock.

    The whole night passed, and I got fucked by about 19 poz top's, fucked about 4 guys.

    How many loads I took? I would say probably about 8 or so, cant be sure, many tops wanted to conserve their loads.

    I returned to Belfast, with a renewed thirst for cum, but this time, I didnt care about poz or neg. Poz infact, was a plus, litterally.

    I swear to god, that party, was the most fun I have ever had. I am definitly going back.

    Since the party, I've taken one other poz load.

    Guy from glasgow, he gave me a really big poz load, which I played with in my ass with my xl butt plug. Using the cum as lube, and seeing it come out on the black rubbery butt plug was a big turn on.

    Im going to wait 6 weeks before getting tested again, but in the mean time, im looking for bb fucks everywhere.

    Poz a Plus.6097407870184969815-4014732230946401886?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  13. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    This guy msgd me of gaydar, said he wanted to unload in my ass, and lets be honest, who am I to say no.

    He was staying at a hotel in belfast, and said he would pay travel costs and extra if you get my meaning. Lol

    Started on a Friday Nite, I was on gaydar chat, on my poz/bb profile, the profile that lets everyone know truthfully what im into. One message arrived, and it was him. He said he was up in belfast with work, and was looking for a bb fuck for the night. I told him that It could be arranged, but that I had trouble with accom and travelling etc. Thats where it took an unexpected turn. He offered to pay travel costs, and offered me a tidy sum of cash for the company.

    Who woulda thought I could get a bb fuck, my guts flooded with cum, and get some very welcome cash.

    Saturday Nite came, and it was time for me to get my taxi, I had texted him to let him know I was on my way. I arrived at the hotel, where he was staying, and met him outside. I was strangely pleasently surprised, because most guys who have to pay to get a fuck, tend to be either fat, or old, or ugly... or a combination of both. But this guy, he was late 30's, quite fit, and a pleasent face to look at.

    He wasnt a dictator either, he kept giving me the option to leave, little did he know, I was craving for his cum, more than the cash.

    He offered me the choice of a pint at the bar, or champagne in the hotel room. Because I knew that a glass of Champagne would not get finished before the fun began, I chose the Pint. Got about half of the pint down me, before we headed to the hotel room, and from there we proceeded to take eachothers clothes off. [insert exchange of money here]

    I was happy at the sight of his hard cock, it was about 7-8 inches long, and quite thick at the base, a good fuck tool.

    I immediately started sucking on the hard cock, in the hopes of getting it to full hardness for the fucking that I craved. His cock glided in and out of my mouth, touching the back of my throat, I sucked him for quite a while, until I could start to taste the pre-cum.

    With the taste of pre-cum in my mouth, my obsession with cum kicked in, and I immediately asked him to fuck me hard.

    "You want it raw dont ya!!"


    He manuvered me onto his cock, so I was riding him, not my favorabe position, but saying that, Dawson did it like a Pro, especially with his Churning the Butter Scene.

    He pumped my ass for few minutes, and then he rolled me over, to get me into the Doggy Style that I am much better at.

    He re-entered my now well lubed and wet hole, and started thrusting in and out faster and faster, with the occasional slower thrusts, the thrusts that let ya know that he was edging.

    He put a thing of poppers beneath my nostrils, and the action of him fucking me instinctivly made me breath in the fumes. My senses were swimming in popper fumes, and my own leg muscles were just tired from the doggy style. At this point, my legs and body sorta angled forward, flattening my body out onto the bed.

    I was now flat on the bed, and the Guy was fucking me hard into the Mattress, he put his arms around my neck, not in the 'I wana strangle you' way, but in the I wana hold you tight, and control you as I unload in you way.

    He held me tight, and fell down ontop of me, his cock skitted forwards all the way, deep into my hole, and I felt it twitch about 8 times, the whole time, my legs wrapped backwards around his ass, pulling him down tight, while my hole milked his cock for every bit of cum he had.

    . . . . . .

    For about an hour, we did the 'post-fuck' cuddle thing.

    He fell asleep, and well... that was my cue to leave.

    I gave him a few snogs before leaving, and ordered a taxi, and left.

    I got home, and proceded to examine the cum in my hole, my Black Butt Plug was used to loosen my hole, and to get some of the cum onto it.

    Dissappointingly, the guy only left a little bit of cum in me, and it wasnt the good type I love, it was the small amount type, where it tends to clump etc.

    I love cum loads which fill a entire ass, and stream out of it when the ass opens.

    Anyhow, thats my bb fuck on 12th September 20096097407870184969815-7920265959505976031?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  14. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Doing well this weather,

    Got a cum load, as well as a wad of cash the night before.

    Now I have arranged a meet with a guy from gaydar, he had wanted to bb fuck me now for a while, he knew what I looked like, but not much description as far as he went.

    I took a bit of a chance here, cause I knew he was slim, and young, the type of guys I am not really into.

    prefer the built guys, who are older . . . but it was ok.

    He pulled up outside my house, in his blue bmw, and I got in, and we went back to his.

    The first thing I noticed, was that he was the silent type, quite well trimmed, and possibly a little bit camp, not overly, but still radiated a little bit of feminism - the type with the body beautiful thing goin on.

    Anyway, I really didnt feel comfy with him, cause he clearly had a better body than I did, and he wasnt the chattiest person I ever seen. So, when we got to the bedroom, I proceeded to suck him off. I didnt wana do any kissing, I just wanted his load.

    He started fingering my ass, I didnt exactly want him to, so I didnt make it easy for him to reach, but once I sucked him enough, I asked him what his favorite position was.

    "Any, im ok with any"

    "Wana try doggy?"

    Well, as ya can guess, we tried Doggy style, he stuck his cock, which was about 7 inches, into my ass, and I immediately tried clenching my ass around his cock, for his pleasure.

    He took his cock out a few times, to try a little fingering, not to my taste, but I was happy when he replaced his fingers with his cock, and continued fucking me.

    As with the night before, my legs got a bit tired, and my arms gave out first, I was now lying resting on my head, in the pillow, with my back arching downwards, with my ass pointing up.

    After a few minues, my legs gave way, and I was competely flat on the bed, Young guy loved this, he started fucking me really fast and rapidly now, he also tried some other weird positions, where he would sit direcly over my ass and fuck me downwards at an odd angle, it was fun, but as we all know, all I was interested in, was his load.

    He whispered to me

    "Im getting close"

    He really was, because about 15 seconds later, he let out some

    "Oh, fuck!!"



    His cock twitched so many times, and it wasnt a small twitch either, I felt every spasm of his cock inside me.

    He left me home, and well.. that was that.

    He text me, to say he enjoyed it

    "That was well horny"

    I told him that I loved getting his cum flooding into my guts.

    He said he hoped it was a good load I got,

    I told him,

    "Will find out later"

    Well... it is now later, and I am about to go to bed,

    but inbetween heading upstairs, and getting in bed, I will be squatting on the floor, over a towel, with a butt plug up my hole, if its a big load, I will be spooning it into my mouth, or at least giving the butt plug a lick.

    Well guys, until the next bb load, thats me signing off.6097407870184969815-6752177067546215441?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  15. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    My bb fuck from last Sunday asked me round for another bb fuck fest. The only difference this time, is that I stayed the night.

    He arrived at the house, at around 00:15, and I climbed into his car, the only thing I've noticed about this guy, is that he is especially quiet, not that touchy feely, which is strange, because he's quite well groomed, and slim. The sorta person you would expect to be chatty, and touchy feely in the bedroom.

    But alas, he turns out to be the silent type.

    We get to his house which is only up the road from where I live, and we go into the house, straight through the dark house, to his bedroom, which has the tv on already, alas, no porn playing, just some early morning gameshow tv etc.

    He proceeded to take his top off, and then moved onto his track suit bottoms which had already started to give me a hard-on in the car.

    We had chatted over the past 2 days, about the things he wanted to do to me, he said he wanted to fuck me bb, and use the cum as lube for fisting me, he also said he had a used condom that he had from the night before, that he wanted to dump into my hole.

    I kinda thought he may have been exagerating about the condom bit.

    Anyhow, I started taking my clothes off too, I was wearing a black shirt, and jeans, no underwear.

    We climbed into bed, with the lights on, and started touching eachothers cocks, I moved down, and started sucking on his cock, a good 7-8 inches long under the right stimulation.

    I gave his cock a good suck for about 5-7 minutes, and then moved back up to the pillow, another few minutes of mutual wanking.

    He proceeded to get to the base of the bed, where my legs were, and at this point I rolled over, pointing my ass into the air. At this point, I was expecting him to either start trying to fist me, or to start trying to work his cock into me.

    Instead of doing either of these things, he leaned over me, and reached for his upper drawer, and pulled out a condom which had a large load in it. I gave a quick snigger into the pillow, cause I really didnt expect him to have actually have saved up a load for me.

    He tried to hold my hole open with one hand, but it proved difficult, with one hand holding the condom.

    At this point, I reached back, and spread my cheeks, and held my hole open, awaiting his deposit.

    He forced the condom inside me, turned it upside down, and squeezed the contents into my welcoming hole. As he pulled it out again, some of the load went onto the entrance of my hole. The load felt cold, and actually stung a little, but I endured it, cause it was seed that I craved.

    He fingered the load that was round my hole into my ass, and then proceeded to force his cock inside my cum lubed hole.

    He forced me down flat on the bed, and proceeded to go all the way into my hole, he bump and grinded on my hole, in a circular motion, going deeper and deeper. He would then pull out, and go back in, slamming hard into my ass.

    He was fond of pulling out partially, and going in and out fast, stimulating the area round the top of his cock, I've come to realise that this is the indicator that he is near to cumming.

    Like I said, he is the quiet type,

    so he forced into my cock, and started pushing in as far as he could, even forcing me foreward on the bed.

    He just let out a big sigh, and relaxed ontop of me. I had to ask him, if he came, because it was actually hard to tell. I love it when guys tell me their about to cum, it turns me on so much.

    I raised my legs, and used them to force his ass into me even harder.

    For about 7 minutes, he kept his hardon, inside me, as my ass milked his cock.

    We did the post fuck relaxation thing, where we sit on the bed, watch tv.

    Tv went off eventually, and we tried to have a sleep.

    Strangely enough, I couldnt really get to sleep, I didnt know whether he was into cuddling or not, so we more a less stayed on our sides of bed for few hours.

    5am comes, and hes got the horn.

    He comes over to my side of the bed, and started to feel my ass. I reached back, and felt his cock, it was rock hard again.

    He tried to get his cock into my ass, but alas, the cum which was used as lube, had dried up, and it was actually hard to get it in.

    He licked his hand, and used it to lube his cock, and used the excess to wet my hole.

    He forced his cock in, and proceeded to give me a rough fuck.

    It felt different from the first fuck, because now there was 2 loads in my hole, he fucked me for a good 10-15 minutes during which time, I had images of Dawson's 50 Load weekend flashing through my head - specifically the Churning the Butter scene.

    I could feel the cum from before, leaking out of my hole, soaking my balls, and cock. He started to slow his pace, and give deep sighs.

    He lay ontop of me silent again, I asked once again,

    "Did you cum?"


    This time, it must have been about 10 minutes, he stayed inside me, before getting up.

    He had work starting at 7am, so shortly after this, we had to get dressed, and he drove me home, with several loads in my ass.

    Before I climbed into bed on arriving home, I played with my ass with my butt plug, and saw that he had cummed loads in my ass. Each time I pulled the plug out, a huge load followed it, which just turned me on so much.

    I proceeded to ram my massive butt plug into my hole, faster and harder, in and out, making sure his seed, what was left of it, got rammed deep into me.

    I pushed the plug into my hole, and then got on my bed, and tried my best to sleep with the plug in my hole. I did well, managed to keep it in for 30 minutes before starting to get irritated, I took it out, and managed to get some sleep.

    Now im online, looking for more loads.6097407870184969815-1450844670662458656?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  16. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Well, had a bit of a pisser time recently.

    Guy who fucked me, who also paid, contacted me to accuse me of giving him Gonorrhea.

    Instead of turning into a bitching fight, I acted quite mature about it, and assumed good faith.

    I contacted my fuck buddy, and asked him if he had any symptoms. He said he had none.

    I also had none, so anyway, on Wednesday, I went to the clinic, got the tests done,

    This was the first time I had been to the clinic since July, when I was getting tested for the hiv back then.

    Anyhow, lets count everything up.

    Since July, have been

    1. Fucked by a poz ex - did not cum in my ass though. (bb)

    2. Poz Bareback Party - about 12 Poz guys fucked me, one guy particularly, who had not been on meds for 5 years. He fucked me 5 times during the night.

    3. Poz guy from glasgow fucked me bb week after the party.

    4. Gonorrhea dude - bb fuck.

    5. Fuck Buddy - bb fuck

    6. Fuck Buddy - bb fuck.


    I couldnt exactly tell the doc's all this.

    So, said I had 1 unprotected anal and oral - in england, and 2 unprotected anal and oral in belfast.

    Said one of the guys was complaining of gonorrhea, and I also suspected him of having hiv. (He actually admitted to having HIV after he fucked me, to a friend of mine - but he denies it to my face)

    So.. The doctors did the normal.

    Swab Tests -

    Urine Tests -

    and the bloods

    Blood tests were marked as urgent, so the results would be done within a few days. Instead of results after 2 weeks.

    Urine tests gave results there and then

    Swab tests - normally given there and then, but they didnt have them done on time, so said they would contact me if anything popped up.

    Urine Tests showed no gonorrhea, did show a little irritation/inflamation of the urethra - but this is just called NSU (non-specific urethritis) - Which means an inflamation, which may indicate an infection, or could just signify a local irritation caused by wanking too much, shower gel irritating my cock etc. So.... nothing to worry about there..

    Swab tests - After 4 days, have not heard anything about these - so im assuming im clean...

    Blood Tests - 4 Days, and no word back - im starting to get concerned... lol

    I know that the typical reaction is, that no news, is good news. However, im obviously hoping to hear something back.

    What are the chances I am neg after all this.....

    Well.... im starting to think that maybe its higher than I thought it could be.

    They said that the results would be back in a few days, opposed to 2 weeks.


    As for my sexual health at the moment.

    1 - I have no traces of Gonorrhea - so "Mr I pay for sex" who accused me of giving it to him. Im obviously some sort of mutant who can turn the infection on and off at will, cause as it stands, I have no detectable traces of it, so nah nah nah nah.... you got it from someone else, If anythig, im lucky that you didnt give it to me.

    2. NSU - They gave me 4 pills, for the NSU, just incase it was the Clap - Took the pills.... so thats me in tip top sexual health condition.

    Anyhow... felt I should post my results here....

    Im away now... to try and get more cum in my ass.6097407870184969815-4182619386740340570?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  17. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Ok, had planned to head to Dublin tonight, for an overnight stay in the Luxurious Boilerhouse Sauna, Bareback heaven.


    However, earlier in the week, I seem to have over done it with my butt plug.

    My ass is all red raw and sore, from rubbing on the rubber/pvc of the butt plug.

    Even more a problem, since tomorrow my fuck buddy is wanting a fuck.

    Hes been saving up loads for the past 3 days, so hes gonna have lots of cum to dump in my ass, im just hoping that my ass will be in top shape for it.

    Note: The gum clinic never did contact me - and its well over 2 weeks now, so definitly am NEG and definitly dont have any other std's.

    I don't expect to remain that way indefinitly, but who cares, we play, we pay, its part of the fun, part of the thrill from the russian roulette that is bb sex.

    The naive part of me wants to believe that I have some sort of immunity to HIV, after all, I have been bb'd by lots of POZ guys, and yet no result for me.

    There are people in europe, and africa, who have a genetic trait called

    CCR 5 Delta 32.

    This has been linked to

    1. People who find it hard to get hiv

    2. Long term non progressors.

    3. People who never seem to get hiv.

    Basically, the way it works is like this : This is where I get really scientific.

    1. Hiv virus targets cd4 cells,

    2. Hiv gets into the cells via 2 types of receptors that are on the surface of the cd4 cells.

    3. The virus locks onto these receptors and uses the receptors to pull itself into the cell.

    4. People who have the CCR5 32 Delta trait typically have either one of these receptors, or both of these receptors missing.

    5. The amount of receptors missing, usually depends on how many allelles of this trait the person has.

    Basically, how this affects hiv individuals are as follows.

    Infection can only occur for ccr5 32 delta individuals, if they have an extremely large amount of virus cells invading their system. The chances of catching hiv are severely small in normal cases of exposure, 8% usually. Hiv virus isnt a smart organism that can go where it wants, it typcially drifts past the cd4 cells, attempting to latch onto them, onto the receptors.

    So, people with one allelle of this trait, are missing one of the receptor types each cd4 cell has. That means hiv has 1 less receptor it can latch onto.

    People who have 2 allelles, are missing 2 of the receptor types which instigate the crossing of the cell membrane. - Note - this isnt 100% immunity, under the right circumstances a large amount of hiv viri vs a low amount of cd4 cells can instigate an hiv infection.

    So, lets work on the rough odds of infection.

    1. Normal person - apparently 8% chance of infection per sexual act - according to my gum clinic.

    2. Person with 1 allelle of the trait - Well, you could in theory, argue that it makes them half as unlikely to catch it. But those statistics are just off the top of my head.

    3. Person with 2 allelles of trait, these people find it almost impossible to catch the virus, because the cd4 cells are able to kill more of the hiv virus, before the hiv virus can find a method of cell entry. If the cd4 count was low, and hiv virus load was high, then it might be a different story.

    Anyhow - this is just some insight, or at least my own understanding of the ccr5 32 delta.

    In the case of long term non-progressors.

    These people have been infected, dispite their own resistance.

    Basically, their cd4 cells got swarmed by hiv viri, and cd4 cells were not able to zap the hiv viri before one little viri managed to get in.

    Only takes one viri getting into a cd4 cell, before that cd4 cell gets converted into a hiv making machine.

    1 CD4 Cell having been compromized, can in theory produce hundreds, if not more, hiv viri.

    In the case of long term no progressors, although having had some of their cd4 cells compromised, there is a sort of balance between the amount of new cd4 cells being infected and not infected.

    Not forgetting, hiv can and is fightable by the human body, the only reason it ends up causing harm,is because in large doses, the viri manage to overpower the cd4 cells, which do the viri killing job, and turn them into their base of opperations. Which leads to death of cd4 cells, and results in a diminishing immune system.

    Imagine it like this, 100,000 hiv viri coming towards one cd4 cell, in a normal person, they probably wouldnt stand a chance of non-infection.

    Its just the law of averages, chances are, that one of those 100,000 viri, will get inside the cd4 cell.

    If however, it was 10,000 viri, vs 100,000 cd4 cells, the cd4 cells could probably fight the hiv virus, rendering each of the viri harmless before they have a chance to get into the cd4 cell. Taking into consideration, these numbers are fictional, you are not likely to ever have 100,000 cd4 cells in a single drop of blood

    In the case of non progressors, imagine having 3 infected cd4 cells, and 10 non-infected cd4 cells.

    3 infected cells start pumping out hiv viri, but the 10 non-infected cells are fighting back, they are taking out some of the hiv viri,before they can get near the cd4 cells, during this battle, new cd4 cells are made, which are healthy, these serve as reinforcements for the army of cd4 cells. But as in all battles, there are some casualties, dispite their resistance to hiv, 4 of the 10 cd4 cells get infected, pumping out more hiv, but thats ok, cause their sacrifice has allowed healthy cd4 cells to replace them.

    So.. as you can see, its a kind of balance that works.

    CD4 Cells do get infected, but at a much lower rate, in most cases, cd4 cells are generated at a rate equal, or greater than the cd4 infection rate.

    This would delay the progression of hiv from being just years, to being possibly decades,

    How do you know if you have this trait?

    Well.... some sites used to offer testing for this trait, but I would never put much belief in what their results say, they are after all, taking you money, and you never know how reliable their testing methods are.

    I'd only believe an actual result that was done in person by a doctor, but the problem is that hospitals typically dont do dna tests just for patient curiosity.

    Research projects do exist that study this. Obviously research projects exist in such large quantities that test for this, that they managed to work out the demographics of the trait. Apparently its 16%-22% in europe, and the trait is apparently next to non-existant in america and asia.

    This trait has also been linked to immunity to black death plague. Saying that this trait evolved through natural selection during the plague times.

    This however is discounted by the fact that this trait has been found in the same demographic locations dating back to early man times.


    How the fuck did I go from horny bb slut, to science geek.



  18. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...



    Didnt get meeting my Regular Fuck Buddy at the weekend, which is kinda good and bad, Good in that my ass has only just recovered anyway, Bad in that well... he might be put of by the delays etc.

    Anyhow, I tested my ass out last nite, and it seems to be working just as good as it used to. No more stinging sore leather chafed feeling like last week.

    How I tested my ass out you ask?

    Well.... Gaydar.co.uk helped me out in that regards.

    Firstly, I have to say, that I wont be able to concentrate on my Cum hunts as much as I used to, as my DickWad of a Convicted Sex-Offender Housemate has decided to Fly away to England, to live, and never thought that his Housemate, might be the first person who needs to know? Yeah - I know. Strange.

    Anyway, Im house hunting more than Cum Hunting.

    Last nite -

    Started Chatting to a guy on gaydar whilst I was at work during the day, he said he and his BF Would be up for dumping in my hole, they wanted to see my face pic.

    Well... this is where Gaydar.co.uk's Technical Glitches of the 8th of October, completly screwed up my fuck chances.

    I have another profile on gaydar, which I made when I was under the impression I was poz, Because im at work, and cannot go onto 'pornographic' sites, I use a dedicated server located over in england to do my gaydar browsing, that way, my bosses dont know what Im looking at.

    Anyhow, I had left the dedicated server logged into my poz profile or something, then logged out, and went onto my cumdump profile, but for some reason, while I was on my Cumdump profile, when I sent a message to anyone, it was coming up saying it came from my poz profile. How annoyings that.

    Anyhow... Im fairly sure the pozsibility of me being poz, may have put this couple off. Which is a really shitty thing, I mean, for fuck sake, they are willing to bareback, but get scared off at the word poz, even more annoying since my tests all show I am neg....

    FUCK YOU GAYDAR.CO.UK - Your technical glitches ruined my chances of another double fuck.

    Anyhow.... This little technical glitch persisted the whole day - including messages in the menu bar saying

    "Err. No Languages Loaded"

    or something similar.

    After I got home, I started chatting to more people, and found 2 guys who wanted to fuck me bb.

    One was in his 40's, and had some facial hair, but I wasnt really into facial hair - really ticks me off, got images from Roal Dahl's 'The Twit's in my mind, with pieces of food etc stuck in beards. YUCK...

    Anyhow.. wasnt really sure about beard guy,

    2nd guy was bit intimidating.

    He has Red Hair - which is often a Euphanism for 'GINGER!!'

    But I can actually confirm now, that it was infact dark crimson Red, an odd shade.

    He had chatted to me b4, when I was less Desperate, when I had kinda...er... 'Not agreed to meet him' - So naturally he was concerned that I wouldnt like him. I told him that I was alot less fussy these days.

    He also told me that he was french, which believe it or not, is another off putting thing.

    I slept with a french dude once before, and between Fucking (which he did lots of that night - bareback), he would spout out the biggest load of crap about how he is superior to most of the people in N.Ireland because he can speak many european languages.

    Well, I can programme in PHP, ASP, VB, C# and I know the odd word of Klingon - ya dont see me calling myself superior. (It goes without saying . Lol)

    Anyhow.. So, that young guy put me off French guys.

    Back to the present though

    French dude, met him, he was meant to be somewhere in his early 30's, but can tell ya now, he looked more 50's.

    He was very short, curly red hair, very lean, and he reeked of Cigarette Smoke. House was obviously some sort of Student Accomodation, but was really a pig sty.

    Did I mention, he reeked of Cigarette Smoke - I tried my best not to breath.

    We went to the bedroom, and he was still smoking, with his one free hand, he started groping my cock, I tried to do the same.

    HEY HOLD ON....


    Yeah.... tonight was just full of disappointment.

    7 inches Uncut, has just suddently become 3 Inches Cut.

    His Pubes were even weird too.

    looked like Moth Balls or Like his pubes had been permed - seen it before, tends to happen in people who have curly hair.

    In my own opinion, just looks and feels weird.

    But I can kinda see the benefit, less likely to get pubes in ones mouth when they are like that I suppose.

    Anyhow...I didnt wana voice my ...er... Dissapointment, so we got onto bed, and I rolled over, and he hopped on.

    As hard as it was for him to get his 3 incher in me, he somehow managed it.

    He kept stopping every 45 seconds to ask if I was ok, which was really annoying, since I could barely feel the bloody thing.

    How would he like it if I stopped every 45 seconds, to ask - "Is it in yet??"

    Yeah, well... I didnt have a chance to do that, because as soon as it had started, it was over.

    Yeah, thats right, he came in less that 2 minutes flat.

    I actually think the longer duration was spent with him slowly edging out of my ass.

    We sat, and tried to make small talk - well.... tried.

    It woulda looked bit rude if I just upped and left, considering I had just got there.

    He then told me that

    "I dont think I could manage to cum again" - in his French Accent

    Wow - feeling the dissappointment - This is my cue to get dressed.

    Im getting dressed, im calling a taxi, and im out the door.

    Waiting for taxi, and hopping into taxi when it arrives.

    Im back home, and telling my Mate David all about my night via Gridr on our iPhones. (with housemate in the room)

    We both burst out laughing, especially at the 7inch uc = 3inch c bit. Lol

    Anyhow.... Im still looking cock, but cause of the house hunting thing - its gonna be hard for the next month or so.6097407870184969815-2713249716829153016?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  19. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Well, last night was certainly strange.

    I started chatting to this guy on gaydar, who typically isnt the usual type I go for. He looked really fit, and was under 30. Lol

    He said he wanted to dump a load in my ass, but said he couldnt accom, he wanted to do me on the side of the road somewhere between Lisburn and Belfast.

    I went and got ready, shower,bath etc. Then started to get cold feet.

    Literally - my feet were cold, my clothes were all soaking wet, cause of the bad rain from my walk home from work.

    Anyhow, I texted the guy, and told him that I was kinda uneasy about the outdoors thing,

    He started getting irrate, but managed to turn him around, and we ended up agreeing to going to his place instead.

    He picked me up accross the road from my house, and as soon as I was in the Car, we started driving, and for 5 minutes, didnt talk to eachother. He was very assertive, he undid his trousers as he drove, was loose trackies.

    He told me to play with his balls as he drove.

    I did as he asked, he was way more assertive than what I was used to.

    It wasnt 3 minutes later, that he had his hand on my head, forcing it down on his cock, trying to force it all the way down my throat, I gagged alot.

    Every now and again, we needed to stop the sucking, as he needed to change gears etc.

    We arrived at our destination, and got into his house, had big electric gates etc.

    Kinda weird looking. Not every day you see a gay with a house like that.

    Anyway, got into his bedroom, and he demanded I take my clothes off. At this point, I was very nervous, I had actually thought that this meet might turn bad, or violent, so I dared not refuse.

    This guy, is what I would call a lazy top.

    He was very much into being services by his bottoms, he had this thing he liked to do.

    He would tell me to get down, hands and feet on the floor, whilst I sucked his cock, my hands being on the floor, meant I couldnt control how far his cock went in my mouth. He liked it like this, cause he wanted to force it down my throat.

    Any attempt to put my hands up to guide the cock down gently, would result in him shouting,

    "Hands on the floor, fuckin faggot!!"

    This continued for a few minutes, with me gagging the whole time.

    He told me that he wanted to try and get his cock down my throat, the whole way, so he said he will do it in one big thrust, when I said I was ready.

    I braced myself, and well...

    Nothing prepared me for it, he forced it all the way down, but believe it or not, once I had finished gagging, and it wasnt moving any more, I was able to stop gagging on it, it was only when it was trying to go down, that it made me gag, once it was down, I quite liked it.



    Now he got on the bed, and he demanded I give him the 'best' blowjob, and he wanted me to focus on his balls, and crack.

    He liked it when I sucked his balls, taking each one into my mouth, its not often I get a top who is making sounds as if they were in heaven, from just my oral skills.

    Soon, I was ordered to change my technique, I was told to lick from crack, to balls, to cock, all in one stroke,

    He told me that he wanted me to use my hands to tickle his upper area as I sucked his cock.

    At this point, he grabs my head, and forces it down hard on his cock, another deepthroat experience.

    I was seriously getting tired of the oral, my tongue was getting tired.

    It had been an hour of non-stop oral, and this guy was less than reciprocal. Him getting all the suck fun, and me getting no cock up my ass.

    Well, this guy had noticed my talents with my hands, this little tickling thing that runs in my family.

    My grandad used to tickle my mum's back in a way, that would send her to sleep, and she used to do the same to me, and now... I do it to anyone im in bed with. Lol

    He wanted me to stroke him with my fingers, so I did.

    One finger, up the side of his body, all the way to his armpit, and onto his arms, and then back down, accross his belly button area, and repeat.

    He really loved it, at least, after 5 minutes of it, the snores he was giving off, sure sounded like snores of approval.

    I was really pissed off now, cause I wanted my ass loaded up, and now the top is asleep.

    I tried to slow down the stroking, hoping he would notice the lack of stroking.

    He snapped out of it shortly, and then said he was gonna fuck me, but wanted me to get him hard again, through, yes, you guessed it, more sucking.

    Suck, Suck, Suck - hes now hard.

    He said he wanted me at the bottom of the bed, face down,

    The next bit really pissed me off

    He said he didnt wana bareback me.

    He grabbed a condom, and put it on, and proceeded to force his cock in me,

    no lube, it hurt like a bitch giving birth, backwards.

    But once he was in, my ass started self-lubricating.

    Up to now, I havent really described his cock much to you, but maybe I should.

    This guy, said he was blonde on his profile on gaydar, but he kept saying to me things like 'How do you like that Ginger Cock!!'

    So, im guessing hes Ginger, and what they say about Ginger Cocks, is true.

    This cock was about 9-10 inches. Massive, and even the veins were big.

    He took his cock all the way out, and slammed into me, I gave out a yelp, and he told me

    "Shut up faggot!!"

    He only did that once, thank god, he totally inflicted some pain with that cock.

    He grabbed my ass, squeezed it tightly closed, and started fucking me hard and fast, he started saying

    "Im cummin!!!"

    I rolled my eyes,

    "Feck sake, why ya bothering to tell me... not like im gonna get any of it"

    He came, apparently, and took of the condom, and threw it on the floor, his wooden floor.

    It made a 'squishy' sound when it hit the floor, so clearly, not an empty condom, I only found out later how 'full' it was.

    He got me to suck his cock, I went down on it like a pro, hunting for any taste of cum left on it.

    Instead, all I could taste was remenants of condom lube.

    Rubber taste.

    He said he wanted stroked again, he had a rest, and a snooze,

    20 minutes of snoozing, he woke up.

    He said he wanted to fuck me again,

    this time, he wanted me over the bottom of the bed, standing up, bending over.

    He just went inside me, all in one thrust, it fucking hurt so much, I gave a quick little cry of pain, and he told me once again

    "Quiet ya fucking fag!!"

    He started fucking fast and furious, and

    came again.

    Once again, in a rubber.

    He dropped this one by the first condom.

    He lay down, and I asked

    "When do you want me to go?"

    "Now" - he responded.

    I got dressed, and he went to the bathroom,

    I picked up the first condom while he was out of the room, and oh my god.

    It was a huge load - it filled up about 1/4 of the condom.

    I was raging, I coulda had that in my ass.

    The second condom wasnt as full.

    But still, was annoyed, and partically tempted to take his load with me in the condom, but this guy was well straight acting, and totally hates fags.

    He would obviously miss the condom, and know I took it, and would just think im weird if I took it.

    Hes clearly not into bb fucking.

    So... I left his load behind, and got a taxi home.

    This guy offered to

    fuck me on the side of the road initially, and because of my hesitations, I ended up at his house, having to service him non-stop for ages.

    I think in future, my chances of getting a load are better, if I just agree to the side of the road thing, and I am less likely to get face fucked for as long.

    Anyway, not sure I wana meet him again after that,

    Was a waste of my time in terms of loads.

    How would ya feel if someome agreed to fuck u, then changed their mind - u would label them a time waster

    This guy promissed me a load, and he let me down. - Time waster.

    Anyhow... until next time.6097407870184969815-2279003159602986305?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  20. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Been invited back to the BB Party in Nottingham.

    For all who dont know, I was there in August, and got my ass loaded with poz spunk.

    It was the best time of my life, and I cant wait to get back.

    Im looking for other guys who wana travel to the party with me.

    Msg me for invite.

    Note - I am getting a check up again at the Gum Clinic a few days b4 the party.

    I should still be neg at the moment, however, If I am poz, it means that the person who poz'd me up is either:

    Guy who paid for the fuck. (He said he was poz, then denied it - apparently poz means posh in his world).

    Fuck Buddy - Who says he is neg but doesnt mind fucking poz guys.

    French Guy - Small Cock dude

    Think thats all the guys - if theres been more guys since my last check up, I cant remember them.


    I made the appointment in november, because the guy who paid, was within 6 weeks of my last appointment, so this delayed appointment, is to give time for anything and everything to show up.

    After the party, I will wait 2 months, then get checked again.

    Im not stupid, I know the risks,

    I dodged the bullet once before, wana see if I can do it again, get fucked raw buy about 14+ poz guys, and come home uninfected, or at least unaffected.

    Once coulda been put down to being lucky, but dodging it twice, is just uncanny. Lol

    I dont count myself as a bug chaser, I just love bb sex, and am not afraid of HIV.

    If anyone wants to fuck me like they hate me, and try their best to knock me up, then issue your challenges NOW!!6097407870184969815-3863278885433073882?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  21. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...


    I just got a phone call from the Gum Clinic.

    HIV - NEG




    K, I had Clamidia, but the 4 wee pills they give you for the NSU (Non-Specific Urethritis) treats the Clamidia, so no biggy.

    The Lovely Heath Advisor from the Clinic also gave me another revelation.

    Apparently, one of my previous tests came back Positive for Hep C

    Hep C for everyone know doesnt know, is a big bad disease, which is more deadly than HIV/AIDS.

    It is degenerative, no cure, and a thousand times more virilant.

    Breaks down the Liver, and targets Heart, Lungs, and Brain.

    I say No Cure, as in, No Medicinal Cure, however, It does appear that my Body has cured itself of the Hep C.

    As I said,

    One of my previous tests, showed evidence of non-reactive Hep C Virus in my system.

    If I didnt think I had a super powerful immune system before, I sure do now.

    She said that its a fairly common occurance, for a person to clear themselves of Hep C. (First I heard of it too...)

    I asked if I am at risk from it in the future,

    She said

    "I wouldnt know the answer to that, but obviously, safe sex would be the only sure way to stay safe."

    Which translates to

    "I dont know, but why would you wana tempt fate."

    Which is more a less

    "Your probably immune, so bareback sex with HEP C guys should be ok." Lol

    In Novembers Test, Im gonna ask the Doctors for more details about my Inherrent Immunity to Hep C.

    This is Class - The only Disease I was actually scared about getting, was HEP C, and it turns out I have had it and all, and got rid of it on my own. HEP C infected people, generally die alot sooner than HIV infected people, since their livers shut down.

    She didnt say when my test came back positive for it, but one things for sure, I wana know why the doctors didnt tell me about it back whenever it was that I got that test done. For all I know, that test result is from a year ago.

    Im quite excited about this...

    The sorry cunt who may have had HEP C and given it to me.

    Hes probably not as lucky as me, to have cleared it on his own,

    I just checked, apparently 15% of HCV (Hepatitis C Virus) infected people, clear it on their own.

    I dont know if this leads to a future immunity or not, heres hoping.

    Anyway - Thanks Sorry Cunt, for trying to kill me, Lol, and Failing miserably.6097407870184969815-567231085470753482?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


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