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Posts posted by rawTOP

  1. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...


    This past week I was in Reno NV for five days. Sadly, Reno does not seem to have much gay life at all, or at least it is buried deep in the closet.

    On the second night there, I was on-line looking for some ass. I was about to call it a night when a white guy in his 40s messaged me saying that he has a tight white ass that needs some attention. While he had some pics online, they were all those far away type shots so that you could not see a lot of detail. However, one pic was a large pic of him bending over showing a very nice hole. So I messaged back:

    “Where are you located”

    He responded with,

    “The …. Hotel”

    “Really, what room?


    “Well, you probably are not going to believe this but I am at the same hotel, better yet, I am also on the 20th floor”

    In all the years I have been traveling and hooking up on the road, I have never hooked up with a person staying in the same hotel, let alone the same fuck’n floor!

    He was from Wisconsin, in Reno visiting family, and could only hookup early in the morning or late at night. We made plans for me to walk down the hall at 0700 hours.

    He told me that he is really into muscle, which was perfect as I normally hit the gym at 0400 hours. I told him,

    “My arms will be nice and pumped for you to hold on to as I pump your ass with my cock.”

    He is normally a “Safe Only” guy, but with just a bit of persuasion he agreed to take it bare.

    At exactly 0700 hours I was at his hotel room door. He answered in a t-shirt and gym shorts. He is 6’ with a swimmers type body. He smelled like he just stepped out of the shower, and his hair was still damp… PERFECT!

    As soon as the door was closed we began kissing and working each other nipples. He was clearly just as horny as me. I wasted no time in pulling off his clothes and aggressively pushing him down on the bed where he watched me undress before crawling on top of him.

    We made out a little more before I went down on him. He had a nice 6.5 cut thick cock that was bone hard. If you have been following this blog, you know that I like to suck white cock.

    At this point, he was really into it. In fact I had to pull back from sucking him for fear that he was going to cum before I had a chance to get in him.

    I moved from his cock to his nicely shaved balls and then to a very pretty and very clean ass hole. His profile said that he was vers, but from the extreme tightness of his hole, I could tell that this guy mostly topped. There was no way I was going to be able to get my very fat cock into this tight hole quickly. So, I decided that I could be a little late to work that morning and proceeded to spend about 20 minutes alternating between licking his hole and working my thumb into it. I had to completely stop three times to keep him from shooting his load.

    On the third stop I took the opportunity to liberally lube my cock, which was also bone hard. While doing this, we maintained constant eye contact. We were sort of communicating with out words,

    “This is going to hurt a bit”

    “I know, but I want it… I need it”

    I pushed a pillow under his ass, placed his legs on my shoulders and put the head of my cock against his hole. This is the point where every bottom says to me “Slow, Please Slow”, but surprisingly Wisconsin said nothing. He had this determined look on his face that said

    “I am going to take fat fucker no matter how much it hurts”

    I took it slow… as slow as I could… until the head popped his hole open. Once the head was in, I pile drove the rest of my cock deep into him. Wisconsin stifled a hell. Instead his fact turned beat red and he started breathing like he was giving birth through gritted teeth. I quickly found a nice pumping rhythm, and soon his grunts were in time with my down strokes… I love to hear my bottoms grunt while I fuck them.

    It was getting late, given that I still had to clean up and get ready for work so when I felt cum rising in my balls, I did nothing to slow its approach. The only warning that I gave him was a deep grunt as the first blast of my cum was planted deep in his hole. It had been a few days since I had gotten off, so I dropped a big load in him.

    When my cock began to pulse inside him, he started jacking his cock. About 15 seconds after I was done shooting, he shot a huge cum load that trailed from his chin to his belly button.

    When he was done shooting, I suddenly pulled out of him in one motion… this caused him to convulse a bit… I love it when that happens.

    Before I left he stood, thanked me, and said,

    “I don’t know what time I will get back to the hotel tonight, but maybe we can get together again before I check out in the morning.”

    “Sure, just give me a call”

    I said that just to be nice. There was no way I planned to ever see him again.

    As it turned out, I had a tough day of work. When I returned to the hotel, I had a quick bite of dinner, did some reading to relax, and was lights out by 2200 hours. At 2300 hours my cell phone rang. It was Wisconsin. He said,

    “I just got back to my room and I am very sore from this morning, but my ass still has your cum in it, and you can fuck me again if you want.”

    My first inclination was to say no… but to be honest, the idea of fucking him with my own cum from this morning as lube was too much for me to turndown. I got out of bed, slipped on a t-shirt and jeans and walked down the hall. He had the door ajar so I could just walk in.

    I found him sitting on the bed with just his gym shorts on. As I approached him he shucked his shorts, leaned back on the edge of the bed, pulling his knees to his chest. His hole was red and slightly swollen from the pounding he took about 16 hours ago. I put my finger in his hole and he flinched from the contact. However, it was indeed all gooy inside. This made me instantly hard as a rock. I quickly stripped and position my cock to enter him.

    When I pushed into him this time, he did yell in pain. I did feel bad for the pain, but I also knew that going slow would just prolong the pain. The goal here was to get in and give him another load as quickly as possible.

    After the second full stroke, my cock was completely covered by my earlier load. There is a distinctive smell to churned-up cum from sloppy seconds and it makes me close to Cumming every time I smell it. I lasted for only about two minutes before I filled his hole again. I don’t think he took a breath during the fuck. It is rare that I cum twice in the same day anymore, but surprisingly, I did come again and it seemed that I came even harder than I did that morning.

    Completely empty, I carefully pulled out of him and then laid next to him on the bed. As soon as my cock was out of him, he began to stroke his cock. I turned to him and kissed him passionately. He actually began to cum during the kiss… I found that to be totally hot!

    We laid there silent, but touching for about five minutes when I noticed that he was drifting off to sleep. I waited a few more minutes until he was snoring. I gently kissed him on the forehead, got dressed, turned out the lights and returned to my room.

    While in a meeting the next day, I received a text message from Wisconsin. It simply said,

    “Thank You… please call me if you ever travel to Wisconsin”

    Count on it Wisconsin!6119459973232173329-4958995537228494478?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  2. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    Ok guys, I know that it has been a bit since my last post… I usually like to post at least once a week, but I have been having second thoughts about sharing my latest activities because I am learning things about myself that I am not sure are good or bad. I think it was Bikeguy who commented in his blog some time ago that a blogger blogs for himself… meaning that you learn a lot about your sexual self when you consistently think through and write about your sex life. I never doubted that this was a true statement; I just underestimated the power of such self-discovery. While I have not given any though to quitting this blog, I have had to slow down a bit as I go through the process of understanding and accepting who and what I am sexually.

    I have learned that am a true dominate top. Not a verbal dominate like in a Bobby Blake way… “Take It Bitch”. Nor am I a dominate that constantly looks for ways to humiliate a submissive bottom, although I do sometimes humiliate a sub. My dominate nature centers around power and force. For example…although I hate the crime, I have always found reading about rape makes my dick hard… especially male rape. Remember my post about when I took advantage of my drunken roommate? I actually had a tough reconciling what I had done afterwards… but while it was happening, I don’t think I have ever been more sexually charged. Additionally, I seem to get into fucking guys who struggle taking my exceptionally fat cock more than the ones who can adjust and take me easily. I remember fucking a friend of mine five years ago who had been sexually abused by his father as a boy. We had fucked a couple of times before, but this time I was staying the night. In the middle of the night I woke him up by crawling on his naked body and said in his ear,

    “It is time to give daddy what he needs”

    My friend literally began to tremble, and put his perfect bubble butt in the air. I truly did not mean to simulate his childhood abuse… I ment “daddy” as in “fuck buddy daddy” not “daddy daddy!” Anyway, when began to tremble and look at me with fear in his eyes I realized that I unintentionally triggered something in him, and I froze. But, after he rolled over on his belly and stuck his ass in the air and said,

    “Yes daddy…I am your big boy… I am your good boy”

    I was rock hard and decided to go along with it for a bit. My friend has always been very expressive when getting fucked, but this time it was different. He actually started crying real tears… I mean really sobbing and saying over and over

    “I am a big boy daddy… I am your good boy”

    Something about him crying real tears triggered something in me and I went to what I can only call the darkside. I fucked him so hard… so long… I truly became some animal. The more he cried, the more turned on I became, the harder I fucked him until I finally came.

    Anyway, I really did not mean to go off into that story… I am just free flow writing here.. still trying to understand me. Anyway, just to wrap up that story, we were already good friends, but that night has made us like brothers… extremely close… so close that we don’t even fuck anymore… truly would be like fucking my brother.

    I guess I always subconsciously knew that I had a dark sexual side, but I recently had to come to grips with it again over the last several weeks as my encounters have been drifting back toward dark side. I am not ready to share all of those encounters here yet, but one I can write about now was about six weeks ago when I aggressively fucked this young white guy in New Jersey who clearly was one McNugget short of a Happy Meal.

    Now before anyone jumps to conclusions… no! the guy was NOT retarded (mentally challenged). In fact, he has a decent job with the Port Authority… but he was clearly what we used to call “Slow”. As I reflected on the fuck that night, I realized that I was turned on more by the fact that I was fucking someone who was slightly mentally challenged than any thing else.

    As per my routine, I was at the gym this day at 0500 hrs. Nothing special there, I went through my regular weight training routine and then hit the showers. This guy, who I will call “Nugget” was in the locker room. He was entering the dry sauna, which has a glass door. As I got out of me gym clothes I noticed him staring at me through the sauna room door. I did not think much of it at the time.

    I made my way to the showers. When I turned around I realized he had left the sauna and had followed me into the shower area. He chose the shower stall across from mine, and he left the curtain wide open. By this time I knew the guy was either gay, or extremely curious. I also knew that there was something not quite right about him because he obviously did not know how to discretely cop a dick peek in a public place. This realization perked my sexual interest. I mean otherwise, he was just an average looking kid (25 yo I learned later) He was 6’ tall, 36 waist, dirty blond hair and pasty white.

    He stared at me the whole time I was in the shower, and I began to stare back which made him extremely nervous and he would briefly look away.

    After my shower I lost track of him. I got dressed and was leaving the gym when I saw him again by the door. It seemed that he was waiting for me. Now my dick was hard at the prospect of fucking this guy. I decided to simply approach him in the parking lot and suggest that we go somewhere and fuck. From his demeanor in the locker room I knew this would make him nervous and put him off balance a bit at which point I would press him even more so that he would either bolt or give it up.

    When he noticed I was walking toward him, he got very nervous and said,


    I did not say anything, just kept walking toward him. He said again in a higher voice

    “Hello, can I help you”

    By this time I am close enough were he could hear me without me shouting. I said,

    “Just relax… it is all good”

    He said,

    “I hope you don’t thing I was following you or anything”

    “Just relax… it is ok, I just want to introduce myself. With that I stuck out my hand and he reluctantly took it. Then he said,

    “What country are you from?”… yeah I know… strange question… confirms that he is a nugget short of a happy meal.

    Ummm … from America…same as you”

    “Oh…ok… you look exotic…that is why I kept looking at you… I hope you don’t think I was staring at you”

    “You were staring at me and I was staring at you because I want to fuck you.”

    “Are you Gay?”, he asked.

    “Yes I am”

    “Me too”, he said.

    “I know”


    “So how about it… do you live alone?”

    “Yes, but I don’t have much experience”

    “That is fine… just relax, I wont hurt you”

    “I have always wanted to suck a black…”

    “Yeah, we can do that… I am going to follow you to your place”

    With that I just turned and walked to my car. He stood there for about a minute, not really knowing what to do, but he finally got in his car and I followed him about 7 miles to his house.

    I don’t know about you, but if I walk into a trick’s house and the place is a mess, I usually turn and walk back out again. Usually, I cant stand to fuck in a messy place. Nuggets place was beyond messy. He was renting a two-story house and I swear, there were cloths tossed every where. The kitchen had dirty dishes on every surface…but I was horny.

    He kept apologizing for the mess as we walked upstairs to his bedroom, which was in much the same condition as the rest of the house. His bed was two mattresses stacked upon each other, although the sheet did look clean.

    At this point, I simply took over.

    “Get naked boy”.

    He hesitated for a moment… I looked him in the eyes, and repeated slowly,


    With that, he pulled off his clothes down to his underwear, which I yanked off him and then sort of tackled him onto the bed. Having just come form the gym, he was clean and he felt good under me. He also had a very nice 7” dick that was already rock hard.

    I straddled his chest, and pressed my swollen cock against his closed lips.

    “You said you always wanted to suck a black cock…well here it is”

    He tentatively opened his mouth. As soon as it was open wide enough I shoved my entire cock into his mouth and held it there. All things considered, he did a very good job of sucking my cock after he got over the shock of my aggressiveness. He had me rock hard in no time, and when I looked back at this cock, it was leaking pre-cum like a fountain.

    “that’s very good Nugget, now just relax ok… I am not going to hurt you”

    He did not say anything, but I could see the look of fear in his eyes as he realized that he was in over his head. At this point, I slowed things down… I actually wanted him to enjoy the experience even though I was clearly there for my pleasure first and foremost.

    I slid down, and engulfed his cock in my mouth. His pre-cum actually had sort of a sweet taste to it. I took my time and tried to give him a blow job like none other he has experienced.

    I could only blow him for about a minute before he was on the very edge of shooting his load.

    I then pushed his legs up exposing his freshly cleaned hole. I don’t think anyone had ever eaten his hole before because he tried stop me until I got the tip of my tong in there and wiggled it around a bit. At that point he stopped fighting me and simply went crazy clenching and opening his whole all the while kicking his legs all over the place. It was all I could do to hold him still enough to keep my tong in him.

    “Oh…Wow…Oh Oh Oh…Wow”

    He was clearly enjoying it, but probably not as much as me. I love eating a clean white hole that I am about rip open with my fat cock.

    I figured that I could talk to him about what was to come next, and with much care and time get him to go along with it, but the idea of taking his hole by surprise turned me on much more. Consequently, I turned up my tong acrobatics on his hole and put as much spit in there as I could. I also pushed his knees to his chest fully exposing his hole, and positioning it at a level that would align perfectly with my cock.

    In one motion, I rose from eating his ass, and stabbed my rock hard cock at his hole.

    OOOOOUUUWW…..OOOUUUWW…. Hurts … It Hurts”!

    I had hit the mark and got about half of my cock into him before he clamped down like a vice. It felt good inside him.

    “Try to relax… It will stop hurting in a minute..”

    “No.. please stop… it hurts too much”

    “I have stopped… I wont move until it stops hurting… I will start to feel better soon….I promise”

    He continued to complain and tried to wiggle away, but I was able to hold on to him and move with him so that I stayed in him. He continued to struggle and even started throwing punches at me, mostly hitting my chest and arm. I simply pushed in him a bit more and that put an end to the punching.

    I stayed in him for little more than a minute before I could see evidence that the pain was subsiding.

    “It is feeling better now isn’t it?”

    An exaggerated “NO!” was his answer, but I knew that was just him being pissed.

    “You feel really good… You have a great ass… Hot as fuck man!”


    “Fuck Yeah Man… you are great!”

    “You should have a condom on… Are you Safe?”

    “Yes… I get tested every six months… I know for a fact that I am negative… You are safe with me”

    “It still hurts a little”

    Ok… I can fix that… do you have some lube?”

    Another exaggerated “NO!”

    “What do you use to jack off with?” After a brief pause

    “Lotion” he said and looked over to his left.

    On the night-stand was some Jergins lotion. I reached for and squirted a healthy amount in the palm of my hand. I then told him to relax so that I could pull out of him. I pulled out and immediately replaced my cock with two fingers and lubed his hot hole with lotion.

    “Now listen to me very carefully… I want you to pretend that you are taking a shit… like you are pushing out a terd


    “Just do it!”

    As he opened his hole, I pushed my cock all the way into him to the hilt. It took his breath a way for a moment, but he took it much better this time.

    I hoisted his legs all the way up on my shoulders and began a slow pump in and out of him. I changed the angle of my thrust a bit and was able to hit his prostate on the down stroke.

    “I think I have to pee”, he said after about a minute of me fucking him fully.

    “I know you think you do, but you don’t… what you need to do is to start stroking your cock”

    He did as I instructed and I picked up the pace.

    It was obvious to me that I was his first fuck. It was also clear to me that I would breed him even though I knew this would completely freak him out.

    I only fucked him for about three minutes before I was ready to cum.

    “I am going to cum in you boy”

    “NO!... Don’t! Please”

    I think I shot the first wad on the word “Please”, and continued to pulse five more wads into him before I was done.

    “I just filled you with my cum… I promise, you will be ok

    With that I slowly pulled out of him.

    He did not say a word, he just turned his head to the side and had a far away look on his face. He was also still hard so I crawled to his side, and made him turn his head and look at me. I was on my knees and my still wet cock was inches from his face. Without saying a word he stared began stroking his cock again.

    “That’s right… this is the cock that took your virgin hole… this fat cock was buried deep in your ass and spit cum inside you.

    Now he was stroking hard and I could tell he was right on the verge of cuming. So I leaned down near his ear and whispered,

    “This nigger cock bred you… your ass is full of nigger cum”

    With that, he shot a huge load all over the both of us.

    When he stopped twitching, I got off the bed and began to put my clothes on. He simply stared at me and I stared back at him. When I was ready to go, I leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips and left.

    For the rest of the day and that night, I felt bad because the only reason why I fuck Nugget was because he is “Slow”. Does anyone else get really turned on by bad things? Is this normal?6119459973232173329-8289391162673569466?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  3. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    I had to run up to Portland ME for a couple of days this week, and as always, it took me approximately 15 minutes to setup and confirm a hookup. I don’t know why it is so quick for me when I am in Portland… perhaps it is because there are so few black people in Maine, let alone black gay male tops. Most of the chat sessions there start off with something like

    “I have never been with a black man before”


    “I love black dick!”

    If you have been reading this blog you know that my ultimate type is a “Larry The Cable Guy” type. White, slightly husky men with facial hair and a down-to-earth attitude/personality always get my attention. In fact, a guy with a slight belly (as in you cant rally tell they have a belly until they are naked), make me instantly hard. However, this is not to say that this is the only body type I am into. Actually, my type in men is very eclectic, and I definitely go through moods where I get horny for a particular type for reasons that are beyond my comprehension. This week, for some reason, I have been in a big boy mood.

    On a side note, I have always enjoyed getting head form big boys… I am sure that it is all in my head, but I have always found head from big boys to be exceptionally good… they just seem to try harder. As you know, I love giving head also, and on those occasions when I come across a big boy with a big white dick! … “Boy-Howdy!”

    Anyway, I was in a big boy mood and this really big guy on manhunt hits me up.

    Big Boy: “Hi, you are fuck’n hot… I have always wanted to get with a hot black man!”

    See…I told you… they all start out that way in Maine.

    We chatted for a bit and he seemed like a nice guy but I already had social plans that night. Undaunted, he proceeded to tell me that he would be leaving his front door unlocked and that he would be in bed naked. He did not have to work the next day so I could come at anytime during the night. Like I said… they just try harder!

    I arrived at his door at about 0100 hrs. I had no idea if his door really would be unlocked or not. In fact, I honestly expected it to be locked because there are so many fakes, flakes and half-baked on Manhunt. I reached for the door knob and it turned. It was indeed unlocked. My very next thought was, what if this is not the right house?

    After taking a full minute to contemplate the risk, it occurred to me that a strange black man standing on the front door in a quite white Maine neighborhood was probably riskier, or at least more suspicious, than if I simply walked in as if the occupants of the house were expecting me.

    I walked into the very small living room and see that the kitchen was off to the right, and a single bedroom was off to the left. The door to the bedroom was open and there indeed was a big naked white boy lying on top of a raised bed facing away from the bedroom door.

    I walked into the bedroom, and Big Boy calmly rolled over and stared at me as I started to undress. All he said was,

    Big Boy: "I am glad you came. "

    This was the first time that I got a good look at his face. He could not have been more than 25yr old with an extremely cute baby-face and huge dimples.

    Me: "How could I refuse an offer like that?"

    His only response was a huge “boy-next-door” smile.

    The room smelled like Dial soap and there was a damp towel on the floor next to the bed so I knew that he must have just come from the shower. He also had poppers and lube setting on the night stand next to his bed.

    Once naked, I crawled up on top of the bed and him. He instantly began rubbing his hands over my chest, shoulders and arms. He clearly was a muscle worshiper, and as he admired my build, I could feel his dick getting rock hard under me. Then he leaned up, opening his mouth, signaling that he was about to kiss me. That kiss… well… again, big guys just try harder. This kid was a great kisser and that, coupled with the whole situation made me rock hard and ready to fuck.

    I stuffed a pillow under his big ass and pushed his legs up as close to his chest as they would go. I grabbed the lube, lubed his hole … super tight… and then my cock. While I was doing this, he was inhaling those poppers like his life depended upon it. I the head of my cock as his tight hole and waited about ten seconds for the poppers to take full affect. When his head dropped back on the pillow and his body went sort of limp, I pushed the fat head of my cock in him hard.

    Big Boy: “AAAAHHH, AHHH, AHH… Wait!... Please! Take it out… wait!”

    He wiggled his way off my cock, closed his legs and sort of rolled over on his side while tightly gripping the bed sheets in his fists. I sat back on my haunches and waited. I took 30 seconds for the pain to subside at which point he laid back on his ass. He was still breathing heavy with his eyes closed and legs together. I waited about another 10 seconds before I forced his legs apart and re-adjusted his ass on the pillow.

    Me: “Come on now, this is what you wanted… it will be better… just try to relax and let it happen… you will be ok… I promise”

    I put cock head at his opening again and gradually applied continual pressure. He tried to wiggle away again, but I had a firm grip on his legs this time and would not let him get away. When he stopped trying to wiggle away, I made a huge thrust and buried me cock in him to the hilt and stopped. Big Boy grunted loudly, but the fight was going out of him as his hole began to adjust to my size.

    I then handed him the poppers,

    Me: "Here, take another big hit of this"

    After the second hit of poppers we were finally ready to fuck. I moved strong and deep on the down strokes, and pulled out slow and easy on the up strokes. Big Boy seemed to really like this fucking method as his grunts turned into very sexy moans.

    After fucking him this way for about three minutes I could tell that it was getting difficult for him to hold his legs up so I pulled out and moved him so that he was sitting upright on the edge of the bed. I stood on the floor between his legs. I then draped his big legs over each of my arms and slid his ass off the edge of the bed and onto my rock hard cock. His back was supported by the bed and his legs by my arms… in affect, he was in a human sling. The good new/bad news about this position was that Big Boy was totally supported and could relax which made his hole open more to accommodate my fat cock. The bad news was that I was supporting about 200 of his estimated 300 pounds while I was fucking him. After about two minutes of this my shoulders, chest and arms were rippling and covered in a thin layer of sweat. Big Boy’s head was thrown back with his arms above his head… totally enjoying the ride. To my complete surprise, at approximately minute 3 of this position Big Boy announced

    Big Boy: "I am going to cum!"

    Me: "Really???"

    I was surprised because even though his dick was hard, his hands were no where near it. I have never really seen someone auto cum let alone see them auto cum while I was fucking them. Gotta tell ya guys, that is a huge ego booster for a top.

    Me: “Fuck Yeah… let it go man”

    With that, a thick rich cream began flowing out of Big Boy’s six inch cock. By the time he was done, there was creamy stream of cum that ran down his cock, balls and even onto my pubic hair. TOTALLY HOT!

    After 4 and a half minutes of fucking Big Boy in this position, I had to put him down. Once his feet hit the ground and he stood up on his own, he gave me the tightest bear hugs I have ever had.

    Big Boy: That was great man!”

    Me: “Well I am glad that you liked it, but we are not even close to being done”

    Big Boy: “I don’t know if I can take any more”

    Me: “Trust me, you can and will take more… turn around and lean over the bed.”

    I felt that Big Boy wanted to object, but decided to accommodate rather than piss me off.

    When he was in position, I reached under him and scooped up some of this cum from his dick and balls and used it to lube my cock before I pushed in him to the hilt in one stroke. I know that hurt him, but I felt that it was time for my pleasure.

    I spread his big ass cheeks wide so that I could get as deep in him as possible. The tone and the mood of the fuck had changed. Instead of the sexy moans, all I heard from Big Boy was a muted grunt with each forceful thrust. Clearly he was just trying to get through it at this point. I fucked him this way for about another 3 minutes, steadily picking up the pace until I felt close to cuming.

    I then pulled out of him and told him to get up on the bed on his belly. Big Boy hesitated a bit but then did what I told him. At this point, he would not even look at anymore.

    I mounted him forcefully again… and lay full on top of him… fucking him with my hips. This put my head near his ear and I said

    Me:” I know you are pissed, but you said you would take my load online… so you are going to take it! I am the first black man to fuck, and the first man to breed your hole!”

    With that, I pumped a couple more times and let loose a large load… about 8 squirts… deep inside him. As soon as I was done, Big Boy quickly rolled over onto his back. My cock came out of his hole with a “plop” sound. He was rock hard again and was franticly stroking his cock. Within 15 seconds, Big Boy shot his second load. A load that was much bigger and longer lasting than his first.

    After Big Boy finished cuming, he rolled onto his side with his back to me. I put my arm around him and in return, he pressed his ass back against my crotch so that we were spooning. We both fell asleep for about an hour. When I woke up I got up, picked up my clothes and went into the front room to dress. Just before I left, I looked back towards Big Boy’s room. He was laying on this belly and looking at me. I asked,

    Me: “Are you ok?”

    He shook his head “Yes” but did not say a word. With that, I left.6119459973232173329-6433871665407504398?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  4. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    As you may recall from a few posts back, I have been struggling with coming to terms with who and what I am sexually… no, not struggling with the gay thing… more so with what drives me and turns me on sexually. This self realization and acceptance is an ongoing process for me, and so far, I have found that writing about this self discovery helps me with the acceptance part. However, it does take an unusual amount of effort to write about these sexual experiences that result from my sexual drivers because, frankly, I don’t initially like the person I see on these written pages. Or perhaps better stated: I do not initially like the dark side of my behavior that is revealed in this blog.

    Nonetheless, it is what it is. I promised myself, and anyone who takes the time to read this stuff, that I would keep it real and write truth not fiction with the one exception of changing enough of the story to keep the identity of myself, and others, safe. Having said all of that, I am ready to make another confession.

    This actually happened two year ago, but to this day, I feel responsible for turning a happily married yet closeted man with two kids into a divorced cum whore.

    First, you need to have a little bit of background. This guy whom I will call “C” had chatted with me several times on-line but we never even came close to meeting. In fact, I had determined that he was a “game-player” (which I hate) and really never planned on fucking him. Nonetheless, through the chats I knew that he was married, had two kids and was a highly paid trouble-shooter for a very well known computer database firm. I believe that he simply liked the fantasy of being dominated by a big black man. Because I always ask about first experiences, I also knew that his first sexual experience with a man was with a black guy who forcefully fucked him in a vacant class room in college (whether this is true or not, I don’t know, but it is what he told in great detail).

    Two years ago, a very good friend of mine was visiting from Boston. He is a White redhead man with a “Larry the Cable Guy” build … so you probably now know why we are very good friends. He also has a solid 8” cock that is every bit as thick as mine. Unfortunately for me … he is also a “Top”.

    We were chilling at my place on a Saturday afternoon when we decided to see who was online. I no sooner signed on than there was an instant message from C. I was just going to blow him off, but my buddy wanted me to try to get him to come over so that we could both fuck and breed him. I told my buddy that it would not happen cause C is a total flake who talks a good game, but is too afraid to carry through with anything.

    While chatting with C he mentioned that he was going to run to the hardware store to get a few things for a home repair project. I suggested that he come to the store that is only a couple blocks from my house so that he could stop by and we could at least meet in person. He was not really going for it until I told him that I had some very strong poppers from Germany and that I would sell him a bottle (I also knew that he liked to use poppers while jacking off to porn after the wife went to bed). Who knew that poppers would be the perfect bait… I sure didn’t, and was very surprised when he agreed to quickly swing by.

    About 30 minutes later, I saw C pull into my driveway. I told my buddy to get naked and hide in the bedroom. I also stripped down to my underwear. I grabbed the strong poppers (Yes, I really did have some good shit) and poured some onto a hand towel (for some reason, I find that pouring poppers onto a clothe and holding the cloth to the nose, makes the poppers much stronger and more effective).

    True to form, C timidly knocked on the door instead of ringing the doorbell. I opened the door and stood back behind it so that he could not really see that I was in my underwear.

    Me: “Hey C, come on in”

    C slowly stepped through the door. I closed it behind him and immediately put the cloth to in his face and held it there. C took a couple of deep breaths and three seconds later sort of fell back against the door. I guided him to his knees, all the while keeping the popper cloth against his nose. After about 30 seconds, I took the popper cloth and made it into a blindfold, making sure that enough of it draped over his nose. I then quickly stuck my now rock hard cock in his mouth. He literally melted. He supported himself with his hands on my hard thighs, and I held his head steady while I fucked his mouth.

    I fucked his mouth for only about a minute because by this time he was giving no resistance at all. In fact, in his popper high, he had given-in to the fact that I was in control and that he would once again be fucked by a black man.

    I pulled my cock out of C’s mouth and made him crawl to the middle of the room. Once there I told him to get naked. Because of the poppers, it took him a little longer than usual and I in fact had to help him get is shoes, pants and underwear off. Once naked, I put his 6’1” body on his back. I put more poppers on the cloth and made him inhale deeply a couple of times until he sort of went limp again.

    By this time, by buddy was standing in the doorway of the bedroom stroking is very fat cock. I told him to grab the lube and join me as I began to slowly fuck C’s throat which went better than I expected, probably because poppers made him relax his throat.

    As soon as my buddy arrived with the lube, I told him,

    Me: “lube up dude”

    I was not sure if C actually knew that there were two of us. I definitely wanted him to know what was about to happen so I pulled out of his mouth, got down next to his ear, and while holding his arms above his head, I said,

    Me: “Do you remember all those times you got me hot for your ass on Manhunt only to drop off line when it came time to hookup?”

    C: “Yes Sir”

    Me: “Well guess what… you are so fucked now!” Me and my buddy are going to fuck you silly and send you back home with cum dripping out of your ass”

    C: “No… Sir… Please Sir… just let me blow you… I will blow you both Sir”

    Me: “Now come on C… we both know that you want this… and we both know that this is the only way it will happen”

    There was a long pause and C began to struggle against being held down so I put another few drops of poppers on the cloth at his nose. As he breathed in the poppers, he stopped struggling. Meanwhile, my buddy is between C’s legs, stroking his ominous cock, waiting for the “go-ahead” to penetrate C’s hole.

    Me: “Tell me you want it… You want it don’t you C?”

    A very resigned C said,

    C: “Yes… I want it Sir”

    With that, I nodded to my buddy who went balls deep on the first stoke… that hurt even me and it took poor C’s breath away. Ya know how when a child suddenly falls or bumps it head and you know they are going to scream. They make the motion of screaming with their mouth but no sound comes out at first until they get their breath back. Well, that is exactly how C reacted to my buddy literally skewering him with his exceptionally fat cock. Thank goodness for the poppers making C totally relaxed cause if not, I am sure that that first stroke would have ripped him open.

    My buddy fucked C hard with C’s legs draped over his shoulders. Thankfully for C it only took my buddy about two minutes before he was grunting and shooting a massive load deep into C’s bowls. The whole time buddy was fucking C, I was in C’s ear,

    Me: “There is a big white dick pounding your ass… He loves your ass… He is cuming inside you now, clamp down, can you feel him shooting his cum in you… Good boy, Good boy, take that load for Daddy… that’s it, give your ass to my friend… make him feel good for me”

    When my buddy pulled out, I got into position to fuck C. There was a huge white glob of thick white cum slowly oozing out of C’s ass. If you have been reading this blog, you already know that I love Sloppy Seconds. I especially love Sloppy Seconds after buddy cause his cum is always very thick, creamy and in high volume.

    I took my time sinking the bulbous head of my fat cock into C, savoring the feel of buddy’s warm load covering my cock. Once the head was in I stopped and took a long pull on the poppers. Poppers work kind of differently on me. I can’t use them too much cause they will make it hard for me to stay hard and cum. However, if I take just one or two hits off the popper bottle just before I am ready to cum, I not only can cum, I cum a ton. They literally prolong my orgasm and I shoot two and a half times more than when I don’t use them.

    The purpose of this fuck was not to make it last long at all. No, the mission here was to get as much cum into C’s hole as possible.

    Once the poppers took effect and I had that light headed/drifting feeling, I started pounding my cock hard into C. Buddy had already loosened and cum lubed C’s hole for me so that while it was still a very snug fit, there was little to no resistance.

    As I pumped my cock hard into C, all he could manage was this sort of low/guttural moan each time I hit bottom. I think I maybe got 15 to 20 good strokes in before I reached orgasm. True to my previous experiences with poppers, I seemed to cum forever. When I slowly pulled out of C there was a steady trail of cum running from his hole down the crack of his ass and pooling on the carpet.

    At this point, C was just laying there on the floor, still breathing heavy. His legs were splayed open and his arms continued to be stretched above his head. I motioned for my buddy two go back into the bedroom before I took C’s blindfold off.

    I let C lay there a bit longer while I quickly gathered up all of his clothes. Then I took off his blindfold and helped him sit-up. He was definitely in a daze and I practically redressed him myself. Once he was all put back together I helped him up off the floor. I was still naked and I noticed that for the last few minutes, C had been staring at my flaccid although still very plump cock. I then squeezed the head of my cock, forcing one last drop of cum from the tip onto my end of my index finger. I held the finger up to him. On his own, with out saying a word or looking at me, he put my finger in his mouth.

    Me: “Ok, you better get going before you wife starts wondering where you are”

    C just nodded agreement and headed for the door.

    Two hours later I received and instant message from C saying,

    C: “I had to change my underwear and pants when I got home because your cum soaked through, and it is still coming out… I cant believe how much cum you guys put in me… Please tell me that you guys are safe”

    Me: “We are Safe… I promise”

    C: “I cant stop beating off… every time I feel cum oozing out of my ass, I have to beat off again”

    The Rest of The Story:

    Unfortunately, over the following year, C continued to deny who and what he is which only made his craving for cock and cum stronger. Consequently, he contacted more and more guys on line, but like he did with me, he would flake out and stand them up at the last minute. Eventually, his wife noticed his increased time on the computer became suspicious and eventually found several emails and pictures and gay porn. She divorced him in record time. Once separated from his wife, C’s need to hunt for cum grew even stronger, wasting hundreds of ours online. I say “wasting” because he would rarely go through with it until the urges got so strong that he would take huge risks to get some cum. He even hooked up and sucked off a guy in the basement of church.

    I was able to get with him only 4 more times over the last two years although we had attempted many times. The times we did get together, he would resist and try to get me to stop at the last minute for fear of the initial pain and fear of becoming addicted to cum. On the last “fear”, it is already too late. He even lost his job. Although he would not admit it, I suspect his addiction to cum had something to do with losing his job.

    I know that I am not completely responsible for what happened between C and his wife, nonetheless, I still feel very guilty. As a result, I can’t seem to have sex with anyone who I know is married.6119459973232173329-6613386539581131517?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  5. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    A couple of posts back I wrote about fucking Big Boy during one of my recent trips to Maine. Well…. I was back in Maine for the 4th of July weekend. My schedule was pretty booked and I knew that I would not have a lot of time to play this trip. Nonetheless, I found myself with an hour to kill Friday afternoon. I did not have time to actually hookup with anyone but I got online anyway just to window shop.

    As soon as I logged on to MH, I receive a few interesting messages, but again, with no time to really do anything, I respectfully declined. Then I noticed Big Boy was online. For the record, I have had no contact with him since I sort of forced him to take my load. He has seen me online several times, and I am sure that he noticed me online this day, but he again chose not to initiate contact with me. I assumed that he is pissed about what happened the last time. But then, as one reader to this blog commented, deep down he did seem to want/like it even though his head was saying “No”. (That “Madonna/whore” complex is a bitch!) Then I remembered that he left his door unlocked for me the last time. I figured that he may be pissed, but it was at least worth a shot cause then I could fuck him late at night instead of sleeping (the only free time I had this trip).

    I sent him this simple message

    Me: “I am in town. Leave your door unlocked for me”

    I waited for a response, positive or negative, but none came. After 5 minutes, I checked to see if he read the message. He did, and he evidently signed off MH immediately. Not a good sign for getting my balls drained.

    By the time I was finally free to hit the rack, it was just past 1200 hrs and I was beat. I think I was out before my head hit the pillow. I awoke at 0500 hrs with morning wood that actually hurt. My first obligation on what was now 4th of July was not until 0900 hrs. I did not think Big Boy’s door would be open, but then, what if it was?

    I arrived at Big Boys front door at 0545 hrs. Much to my surprise, when I gripped the door knob, it turned freely and the door opened. I quietly entered the apartment, and proceeded to Big Boy’s bedroom just off the living room. He was lying in bed covered with only a thin sheet, and snoring fairly loudly. As quietly as I could, I stripped naked, entered the bed room and crawled in bed next to Big Boy. Movement on the bed cause him to awaken. He turned and looked at me with a startled look on his face. A look that said “Oh no! I forgot to lock the door!”

    He stared at me with that look for what seemed much longer than the actual 10 seconds. Then, without saying a word, he simply put his face into the pillow, got on his knees and assumed the doggy position.

    Me: “Good Boy”

    I got on my knees in front of him. He understood, and instantly took my cock in his mouth. Once again, Big Boy delivered outstanding head! I actually though about just letting him suck me off and swallow my load instead of injecting it in his ass, but I soon abandoned that idea because this would be my only chance to fuck and breed ass on this trip.

    He got me very hard with his mouth and then I moved into position behind him. As it was daylight now, I could clearly see his hole when I spread his cheeks. It looked uncommonly wet! How could I have missed it? I looked around the room. There were candles, wine glasses and unopened condoms on the night stand. I instantly started to scan the bed and the floor for the last piece of confirming evidence. Then I found it. Stuck to the side of the plastic trash bag lining the small waste can next to the bed was a used condom.

    Now it all made perfect sense … Big Boy had a date last night and he got fucked! Either he or the trick neglected to relock the door after the trick left!

    Me: “Did someone fuck you last night?”

    Big Boy held still, not saying a word. His face is buried back in the pillow. I raise my hand and smack his bare ass hard, leaving a red print of my right hand on his right cheek. Big Boy jumped and banged his head on the headboard of his bed.

    Me: “Did someone fuck this ass last night?”

    Big Boy: “Yes… Please don’t fuckin hit me again Sir!” Big Boy said through gritted teeth.

    Me: “Answer my fuckin questions and do what I tell you and you won’t get hit!”

    There is a momentary stand-off before Big Boy gets back into position and very calmly says,

    Big Boy: “Yes Sir”

    Me: “Did He Breed you”

    Big Boy: “No Sir … he always wears a condom”

    Me: “Did he cum while fucking you with the condom?”

    Big Boy: “Yes Sir”

    Me: “Is that the condom there in the trash?”

    Big Boy: “Yes”

    With that answer, I got off the bed and retrieved the used condom. Whoever had worn it left a pretty hefty load in it. Then looking Big Boy in the eye, I asked,

    Me: “You know what I am going to do with this cum… don’t you?”

    Big Boy paused, thinking… and then he figured it out. As he buried his face back into the pillow he said,

    Big Boy: “Yes Sir”

    Me: “Is this guy a fuck buddy of yours?”

    Big Boy: “Yes”

    Me: “Tell me about him”

    Big Boy: “White guy… 35… married… 6 foot… average build, average cock… his wife and kids are away for the weekend”

    Me: “How long has he been fucking you?”

    Big Boy: “Just a couple of months…Sir”

    Me: “How many times has he fucked you?”

    Big Boy: “Three times… it is hard cause he is married”

    I got back into position behind Big Boy. With the thumb and fore finger of my left hand, I held open Big Boys hole. With the right hand, I emptied cum form the condom into his hole. When cum spilled into Big Boys hole he literally shuddered and buried his face deeper in the pillow.

    I put the last bit of cum from the condom on the fat head and shaft of my cock. At that moment, it occurred to me that this cum seems pretty fresh.

    Me: “How long has it been since he dropped this load”

    Big Boy audibly sighed before saying,

    Big Boy: “About twenty minutes ago Sir”

    The thought that I was about to give Big Boy a second, unexpected fuck had had my cock hard for sometime… but the fact that I was going to use this other guys cum as lube and that the guy was just here… made me harder than steel!

    It was as if Big Boy also came to the realization that the information he just gave me was going to make this fuck particularly hard cause at that moment he braced himself by spreading his knees wider and putting the palms of his hands against the headboard for added support.

    I did not insert my cock into Big Boy… I literally impaled him with it. In response Big Boy gave a very guttural grunt, and as I held my cock balls deep in him, his legs began to convulse.

    I quickly settled into a strong rhythmic pace and the only sounds were that of my hips slapping against Big Boys ass cheeks, and Big Boys whimpering with every down stroke.

    I fucked him strong this way for a solid 5 minutes at which point, the cum I had used for lube, along with the lube that was left on his hole from before, had formed this creamy lather. Talk about “Boy Butter!”

    I found this whole scene to be incredibly hot. Coupled with the fact that I had not fucked in awhile, I simply could not last as long as I usually do. I was ready to shoot after 5 minutes and seeing the “Homemade Boy Butter” nearly sent me over the edge. I was able to pull out completely before it was too late. When I pulled out so abruptly, Big Boy’s body started to convulse… which if you remember my post about my good friend you know I find that extremely hot and rare.

    After Big Boy settled down, I turned him over on his back, applied some lube that was on the night stand, and slowly re-entered him. Unlike the last time when I bred Big Boy, this time he was looking me straight in the eye.

    Me: “I am glad you are looking at me this time”

    Big Boy: “Why Sir?”

    Me: “Don’t know really… seems more intimate… like you accept it… that it is ok”

    Big Boy: “Would you stop if I asked you Sir?”

    Me: “We both know the answer is ‘No’”

    Big Boy: “Then do your business Sir”

    With that, Big Boy began to gently tweak my nipples (Which I love) and clamp his hole down on my cock. I took about eight more strokes and asked

    Me: “Are you ready for it?”

    Again through gritted teeth, and in time with my thrusts, Big Boy said,

    Big Boy: “Ohhh… ohh… yes… Sir… please… Sir!”

    At that point, I released a torrent of cum shots deep in his bowls as he continued to massage my cock with his hole. On the last few squirts, Big Boy wrapped his legs around my hips to keep me in place until every last drop of semen was in him.

    When I was finally done cuming… I picked up the used condom from the bed, wadded it into a ball, and then stuffed it in Big Boys now very open hole.

    Me: "I want you to go back to sleep and leave all that cum in you for as long as you can today… do you understand?”

    In a shortness of breath way, Big Boy said

    Big Boy: “Yes Sir… I will do the best I can”

    As I was dressing, we continued to talk. In short, Big Boy had actually blocked my profile on MH several times, only to unblock it a day or two later. When I asked him why, all he could offer as explanation was that I scare the shit out of him but in that fear is a lot of his sexual desire.

    The funny thing is that Big Boy did not think he could explain himself very well, but I think he expressed it perfectly… I think a certain amount of fear is sexually exciting for most of us.6119459973232173329-231092058093694684?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  6. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    I had another good hookup last night. As you recall from my last post, I had been in Maine for the 4th of July weekend. While there, I received an instant message from a guy whom I will call Philly since that is where he is from.

    I hooked up with Philly once last year when he was in Washington DC for business. It was a rare occasion that I was home in Washington instead of on the road that week. He originally contacted me on Bear 411 (yes… I have a profile there also).

    On our first encounter, I met him in his hotel room. I was not sure of how well it would go at first cause something about him just seemed different/off. He is an average looking guy with an average build. He has dark hair that looks like it was styled at The Hair Cuttery, and classic black framed geek glasses. The odd thing about him was that his lips sort of protruded out as if he were going to give you a kiss, but they are that way all the time.

    Don’t get me wrong… he was not so odd that you step back and say “eeww”. Not at all, in fact I had to really think about it before I figured out just what was out of place. All in all… he is just a very average guy.

    He has a partner in Philly and in that relationship he is the total top but he is really versatile by nature which explains Philly’s desire to get fucked while he is away on business.

    Anyway, the first time went fine. I started out not being sure, but as we got into it I found that he was a killer kisser, had a very nice 8+ inch cock and his hole…his hole… his hole was so very fine! So we fucked and fucked… then fucked a little more. When I left his hotel room, he was totally exhausted and I think a little taken-a-back from the intensity of the session. Also, we had talked about fucking bare, but not about breeding. When the time came, I just went for it and deposited a nice healthy load in him.

    We had tried to get together one other time when he was in DC but schedules just did not work.

    While in Maine for the 4th, I received an instant message from Philly asking if I would be in town later the next week. As it turned out I was not going to be, but I changed my schedule so that I could accommodate his visit.

    So, according to plan, he called me yesterday afternoon and we established a time to hookup. He was staying in the same hotel as before so that made it easy. When I arrived at his room, he answered the door three quarters of the way in the bag… drunk.

    Evidently, Braccadi Rum was part of his preparation for getting fucked by me. Like I have been explaining through this blog… I am a little different… the fact that he was drunk, did not turn me off… it turned me on!

    I should clarify… I was turned on not because he was drunk, but rather because he intentionally got drunk because he was worried about the way I fuck him… there is a huge difference and Yes, I know that it is kinda fucked up…but it is what it is.

    Even with being tipsy, he was still very nervous, asking over and over if he could get me anything. Finally, I held his face in my hands, got him to look me in the eye and in a very calming voice said,

    Me: “Relax… it is going to be ok”

    With that, he sort of fell into my arms, gave me a sloppy kiss (love those), and held onto me tightly for about 30 seconds.

    Me: “Lets get these cloths off”

    We quickly stripped naked and made our way to the bed. Once there we lay down and made out for a bit before he made his way down to my cock. Philly is a very good cock sucker… not as good as Big Boy… but very respectable. He also remembered that my nips are the key to making me rock hard. He even remembered how I like them worked.

    While Philly was making me rock hard, I started to finger his hole. As a result, I instantly remembered what caused me to fuck him so long the last time… that sweet hole.

    Philly is a hairy guy on his chest, legs and a little on his back. But his ass is hairless and ultra smooth. Additionally, there are like extra folds of skin just inside of his hole. Picture a belly button that is an “inny” but just slightly so. Ya know how there is like a little fold of skin just inside the belly button? Well that is exactly what his hole is like. I am sure that some of you that have played for the other team on occasion are thinking…”You mean like a cunt?” Yes, much like a cunt but in my opinion, much better mostly because of the difference in texture and tightness.

    I did not get a chance to eat his hole the last time, but I was not about the let the opportunity pass this time.

    I put him on his knees on the edge of the bed. Then I spread his cheeks far apart and got a real good look at what had to be one of the cleanest asses I have every seen. I drove my tong into his hole and went to town on it. There is nothing like eating a good clean ass, especially when the guy does not get it often and goes crazy over it like Philly did. I am sure the booz added to his exuberance but he loved it so much that I thought he was going to cry!

    After eating him for a good 5 minutes his hole was sloppy wet, and my dick rock hard. I stood, positioned my cock head at his hole. Feeling my cock there, Philly quickly reached for the poppers. I waited for him to take a long pull on the poppers before I popped the head of my fat cock into his hole. The last time we fucked, it was a real struggle to get into him… not so much this time. Perhaps, the Braccardi was serving its purpose.

    We soon found and good rhythm. I was totally loving the feel of his hole all around my cock. Inside of him felt like velvet or some shit like that.

    I proceeded to fuck him on his back, bent over a chair, and on his side. He kept hitting that damn popper bottle about every couple of minutes so he was totally high.

    When I put him back on his knees on the edge of the bed he was getting very sore and was begging me,

    Philly: “Please fill me up now …(my real name)”

    With his request, he started clamping his hole as tight as he could. He told me later that he clamped down at the end cause the memory of feeling my cock pulsing inside of him as I shot my cum into him is what he has been jacking off to for months. I believe him because as soon as I was done shooting, he flipped over and stroked his now hard 8+ inch cock (it had been soft during the whole fuck). He shot a massive load within 10 strokes of his cock. After the first squirt, I quickly covered his cock with my mouth and received a mouth full of cum which I first tasted then swallowed. Damn, he tasted good. If you have been reading my blog, you know that I love sucking big guys with big cocks

    I stayed with him for about an hour after the fuck… just holding and talking to him until he drifted off to sleep. When I got up to leave, I got him to roll over to his side from his back… never let a drunk person sleep on their back… just in case they vomit. When I rolled him over, I saw that there was a huge wet spot under his ass from my cum leaking out of him.

    I got dressed, kissed him once more on the head and then left.

    As I left the hotel, I thought to myself… “who knew that this very average looking, mostly top guy would be such a hot fuck?” I guess I am just wired differently… I will take the average guy over the pretty boy EVERYTIME!6119459973232173329-7204662333839246710?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  7. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    Yes… I have been gone for quite some time. Nothing is wrong. In fact, I left this blog because I started dating someone. I had not told her about this blog… did not really want to tell her about it (yes…”her”) so the compromise with myself was to stop writing the blog. Now before some of you start attacking me, let me answer the top 10 most obvious questions upfront about this relationship.

    1. Yes… she knows that I fuck men.

    2. No, I did not stop fucking men, and she knew that I was still fucking men

    3. Agreed to not fuck a man if she was available and willing

    4. Agreed to not fuck a man and her in the same day (her demand)

    5. To my knowledge, she did not fuck around with another man

    6. Yes, I fucked her bare also but by mutual agreement, always came on, not in her

    7. Yes I still get tested every six months and Yes, I am still negative

    8. Yes, she has played with other women before but prefers a man for relationship

    9. By mutual agreement, we are taking a break on the dating… doubt that we will start again but we remain really good friends

    10. Drum Roll Please…. Yes, she did watch me fuck a man once.

    I hope that that answers most of the burning questions out there as to why I left the blog and what it was like for a gay man being in a straight relationship with a woman who knows he is gay and fucking other men… if this does not answer your questions, feel free to post a question in the comments… but unlike any other subject, I may or may not answer… just depends on the question.

    I will say that we stopped dating after she saw me fuck a man.

    I had this … boy …(25yo) whom I had fucked once before about a year ago and had been begging for it again. I told him that I was going to blindfold him at the door because I was going to have someone else … a very important person… in the room watching me fuck him and the person needed to be anonymous. I also told him that I did not want him distracted by the visitor… It was important for him to be natural because the visitor wanted to see what it was really like…nothing staged or scripted… a real hookup.

    When he arrived I met him at the front door, put the blindfold on him securely and lead him into my bedroom where my then girlfriend was seated in a comfortable chair I had placed next to the bed.

    As soon as he was in the room, told him to strip naked. When he removed the last of his clothing, I grabbed the back of his head, brought him to his knees and pushed his face into the crotch of my jeans. As he was mouthing the outline of my fat cock through my jeans, I removed my t-shirt, shoes, and unbuckled my belt. I then shucked my jeans and underwear down in one motion, and my now fully engorged cock sprang free and smacked him square in the face. He instinctively opened his mouth and took as much of me down his guilt as he could.

    From there I face fucked him hard and slapped him hard across the face once when he carelessly scraped me with his teeth once. The slap was loud and hard enough to knock him off balance a bit. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my gf jump and gasp a bit at the sudden show of force. As a good submissive he came right back with

    Sub: “I am sorry Sir…it wont happen again Sir”

    Me: “See that it doesn’t boy”

    I let him suck me for a couple minutes more and then grabbed him under his arm pits and lifted him up to a standing position. I moved him back a couple of steps before shoving him hard backward onto the bed. As he rocked back, I caught his legs it the air and pushed them back against his chest. I then went down and began to tong his perfectly shaved, pink puckered ass hole.

    I don’t recall if I have ever mentioned my tong before. It is longer than normal and like my cock it too is very thick and strong. I love a fresh clean, pink ass hole, so I began drilling his hole with my tong. He instantly began to moan and started to stroke his own average sized cock while saying:

    Sub: “Ooohhh Yes Sir.. Aaahh Yes SSSiiirrr”

    I had been eating his ass for only about five minutes before his breathing quickened, body began to shake and his hole started it’s final contraction and pushed out four very thick spurts of cum which shot straight up in the air and landed all over his stomach and pubic hair.

    I made it a point to not look over at my gf as I wanted to stay focused and make this as real as it always is with me and the men I fuck. Nonetheless, I could not help be get a sense of her presents and reactions from my peripheral vision. I could tell she was fidgeting…but out of what?...disgust ?... excitement?

    After Sub-boy finished shooting, I positioned myself between his spread legs. I scooped up a couple of big globs of his thick cum and smear them all over my pumped cock which looked and felt fatter than normal as it had been three weeks since it had last been buried balls deep in a hot ass. I scraped up the rest of his cum and quickly rubbed it around his hole still wet from my tong. With out a second thought, put the head of my cock at his puckered entrance and drove deep into him in one motion. Sub-boy Screamed…this time I could not help but hear the audible intake of breath that my gf made when I skewed Sub-boy.

    Sub-boy was in agony;

    Sub: “Please Sir…take it out…take it out…please…plea…ppppls”

    I don’t take it out… I hold it in there and as his hole adjust the pain begins to subside.

    While I a waiting for Sub-boy to adjust… I am thinking back to when we fucked a year ago. I remember that then I had fucked him before he came, and that he did not cum until I was done. It occurred to me that Sub-boy may be one of those guys who cant take anymore cock after they cum. This is occurring to me because while Sub-boy is no longer screaming… he is still struggling greatly with my cock, and his hole is clamped down on my cock like a vise.

    Me: “Its going to be ok boy… just relax”

    Sub: “It hurts Sir”

    Me: “Breath boy and take a big hit of poppers for me”

    He does this and after about twenty seconds he lets out a deep breath and his hole loosens .Fortunately for Sub-boy it does not take me long to get off since it had been three weeks since I had good ass.

    Me: “Yeah… that’s it … there is that sweet boy hole… I am fucking you with your own cum boy… now I am going to put mine with it boy… do you want it?”

    What sounds like nearly in tears… Sub-boy says,

    Sub: “Aah….Aah…Aah Yes Sir…Please breed me Sir… I need your cum Sir”

    Me: “Here it is Boy!”

    With that I unload what feels like the best load I have dropped in months. It seemed to go on for ever and I even had a couple of full body spasms at the end.

    Like I said earlier, my gf and I broke-up a few days later. While watching me fuck another man was an eye opener for her, and she was a bit taken aback by how much more aggressive sex between men is than a man and a woman, this was not the primary reason for the breakup. It had more to do with how I obviously enjoyed sex more with men, than with her or any woman.6119459973232173329-3629371354624879914?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  8. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    Boy! I am so out of writing shape. This is actually the second attempt at this post because the first was much too wordy and too long. I figure that most of you reading this are like me when I read blogs …” yeah yeah whatever get to the sex part”.

    Anyway, to make a much longer story short… a few months ago (during the period where I had stopped blogging) a good friend and former fuck buddy of mine in Dallas passed away. I got a voice mail message from his partner, who never liked me at all, telling me that Jim suffered a sudden heart attack and died. He also gave me the date and time of the funeral and asked me to come. To be honest, I was not going to go, but a few hours after I listened to the voice message, I received another call from Jim’s phone… obviously it was his partner Bob calling. I did not answer right away as I thought it strange that he would call me again since he never really got over the fact that I fucked Jim… the man whom he loved and who was strictly a top… except for me.

    Yes… in case you are wondering… I fucked Jim several times on my trips to Dallas without Bob’s knowledge or consent. And, yes, it was Bob’s finding out that put an end to our fucking… but not to our friendship. Bob eventually forgave Jim, but never me.

    I finally did answer the phone and spoke directly to Bob

    “Hello… Bob”


    “I am so sorry about Jim… is there anything that I can do?”

    “Yes, I want you to come to the funeral … and I want you to stay for a couple of days”

    The funeral was scheduled for the next Friday and if I had planned on going, I would have planned to stay until Sunday anyway. After a brief pause, I said,

    “Sure, I will be at the funeral Bob, and will stay at the Marriot”

    “No… I don’t think you understand. I want you to stay here at our… my place, with me”

    This… given the situation and relationships… was a very strange request. I have to admit that the request gave me pause… and for a moment the vision of a psycho Bob taking a hatchet to me in my sleep crossed my mind.

    “Ok, Bob… whatever you need… again, I am so sorry for your loss”

    “Thank you… and I am sorry for your loss as well… I know that you two remained very good friends even after… ya know”

    “Yeah… I know”

    The funeral went as planned. It was a very sad day, but after the business of saying goodbye to our dear partner, Son, Sibling and friend… Jim, the mood lightened and the reception following the funeral was full of food, drink and laughter over fond memories.

    From the time I arrived, Bob was very nice and even somewhat affectionate towards me, which caught me by total surprise. I figured that he was going out of his way to be polite out of his love for and in honor of Jim… ya know, making the effort to be like he imagined Jim would be toward me if he were there.

    Gay men kiss social kiss, and causally touch each other all the time. I *found that to be normal. What I found as unusual was the fact that throughout the day, Bob was never more that ten feet away from me. I never realized that proximity was so intimate. Again, keeping it real here… I must admit that more than once during that sad day, I looked at Bob’s tight 5’9” body and solid muscle ass with lust. Each time I caught myself thinking that way, I quickly focused on something else and scolded myself for having such thoughts.

    That night, after the last guest had left the house, Bob and I were both exhausted. Before calling it a day, Bob pulled two shot glasses and a half full bottle of Jack from the liquor cabinet. We had a single and final toast to Jim. I told Bob I was going to turn-in and asked him which room I should sleep in. With a look that is hard to describe… serious and somewhat challenging… Bob said,

    “You are sleeping in our… I mean my room… with me”

    Again, I was caught totally by surprise… thinking back now, maybe I should have not been quite so surprised as the signs were there all day long but I totally missed them.

    I did not say anything at first… we just stood there staring at each other… and in that ultra silent thirty seconds of us staring at each other… a ton was communicated. In that space of time it was not only communicated that we would fuck, but that I was to bring my “A” game, and he would bring his. I feel my description of this moment sucks… just know that this thirty seconds was extremely powerful, direct and matter of fact. It was not sappy, or emotional… it was like we both understood that this had to happen. We both were to know why Jim loved sex with us both, or… who did he love sex with most?

    Oh man… how do I write about the sex? That is what it was… it was hard sex… extremely hot sex… very aggressive sex.

    When we got on the bed, there was not a word spoken. I did notice that lube and poppers were already setting out on the night stand which told me that Bob had this planned in advance…which concerned me for like a nano second.

    Bob got on his knees at the edge of the bed with his butt in the air. Jim must have told him how I love to eat clean white ass before I abuse it with my fat black cock. Bob’s ass was perfect. It was clean but not “just washed clean”. There was just enough of manly butt smell that drives me wild.

    I worked his ass with my tong for a good ten minutes. Bob made no sound other than a constant heavy breathing, which told me that he was enjoying it more than he was willing to let on.

    He has what I would say is the perfect muscle ass with huge cheek dimples and only a slight layer of fat where the cheeks round into the crack. His hole was small and tightly puckered. At first, he fought the entry of my tong but if there is anything more persistent than my cock it is my strong tong. I soon had a full third of my tong up his ass, and I loved the way he would try to squeeze it out with his ass ring. The more he squeezed my tong with his ass ring, the harder my cock became.

    I don’t know if it was Bob’s hot ass, or if it was more due to the freaky situation itself, but I was extremely turned on and hard as nails. I was so hard that I was leaking pre-cum, which is a rare thing for me.

    After eating his hole I was more than ready to fuck the shit out of him. Other than the heavy breathing, he was totally quiet and motionless…As you know from reading this blog, I like more responsiveness than that. Consequently, I decided that I was not going to use lube… just the spit from my eating his ass.

    Lifting my face from his ass, I positioned the head of my fat cock at the center of his puckered hole. As soon as he felt the head of my cock he started to reach for the lube and to say something, which he was not able to finish as I hard thrust my cock forward while pulling back on his hips. The hard entry literally took the wind out of him.

    He tried to pull away from me but my grip of his hips was too strong. I held my cock buried balls deep in him. He began to struggle with his arms and legs flaying all over the place so I pushed him flat on his stomach where I could better restrict his movement and began to work my cock in and out of him with my hips.

    That first minute of the fuck was very rough for the both of us. He was too proud to cry, or cry out but I could tell that he wanted to. All he did was grunt loudly with each movement of my cock. It was truly a struggle of wills more than anything else. He was determined to prove that I was just “A Dick”, and I was determined to break him… not hurt him… but to get him to give in to what I was doing to him. To let it happen and then find the pleasure in giving me pleasure. Thinking about it now, the first minute was much more like a rape than anything else. We both expended a tremendous amount of energy and at the end of it… if I am to be honest… I would have to say that it was a draw. He did not break, but he bent a whole lot.

    After that first minute we both just sort of stopped and I pulled out of his ass. He laid flat on his stomach and I was sitting on my hunches still between his spread legs. The only sound in the room was that of our mutual heavy breathing. Soon, Bob rolled over on his back and looked at me. He did not say a word as he pulled his legs to his chest and willingly opened his hole to me. In exchange for his assuming the submissive position, I reached for the lube and applied it liberally to his hole and my cock.

    As I entered him the second time, he let out a low gut moan followed with the word


    As I bottomed out in his hole, I leaned over and we kissed passionately for the first time. With lube and a submissive attitude, Bob’s hole FELT FUCK’N GREAT! We soon found our rhythm and it was It was an absolutely incredible fuck and by the time it was over, I knew why Jim loved fucking this man so much.

    I did stay the weekend, and I lost count after the sixth or seventh time we fucked. At some level, it does sort of creep me out that Bob and I fucked like rabbits at the occasion of one of my best friend’s, and his partner’s passing… at the same time, on another level, the memory of it still turns me on months later.

    I will see Bob again, but I doubt that I will write about it here… just as I have never written about any encounters that Jim and I had. He, like Jim was, is now more than a trick.

    Even with this re-draft of this post it is still long… sorry guys, but given the nature of this one I felt that I had to provide more background than I normally do if for no other reason than to do Jim and Bob justice.



  9. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    I am a slut.

    This is the way it is and I am sure it will never change.

    However I have a lot of fun doing it and some pretty cool hook ups take yesterday for example I met this guy on a4a and he tells me he want me to pound his ass and use him like a slut....well who know how to use a slut better than a slut so I invite him over he is kinda cute and under his pants he is wearing boyshorts and a thong (no idea why he is wearing so many damn clothes but whatever) so I get this bitch str8 to work sucking my cock

    and he is doing a decent job at it so I get the notion to put us on cam4 and let a few guys watch us

    this is such a turn on for me that I push this bitch on his stomach and start rubbing my bare cock against his hole I start to push my cock in his tight ass with no protest or ask of a condom which makes me even more happy so I go for it and start pushing my cock balls deep in his ass and this guy apparently cant take it from the sounds he was making and how bright red his face was (fyi i love white boys) so I ask if he is ok and wants me to slow down or stop he says he can take it so I continue and this bitch is getting louder and louder and the funny this is they could hear us on cam4 and I look over we are getting messages saying shut that whore up and he needs a dick in his mouth to shut him up and most of this shit is so funny I am giggling almost uncontrollably so I just start pounding the shit outta this guy and i shit you not he is crying i ask if he is ok a he just says dont stop so i dont I fuck the shit outta him more I fuck the louder he gets

    I am getting close to cum and I tell him but he doesnt say anything, sweet I am breeding this bitch and as soon as I get close to cumming I bottom out on his ass and I could swear the neighbors could hear him I thought it was hilarious personally.

    As he limped out everyone online was laughing and complementing me on a job well done

    not sure I will see him again but if I do he will be listed under Banshee Boi7789850468137904772-3277803493806429725?l=barebackslutsailor.blogspot.com


  10. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    Today on a4a I am talking to this guy who is pretty sexy. We are chatting and I talk him into coming to my apt to "hang out" and he agrees.....A few mins later he shows up and is just as sexy in person as he is on his pics and we walk into my room and I forget I am watching porn but he just gets comfortable and watches it with me (which is so hot) and I make the first move by taking my pants off so he can start blowing my dick and he is damn good at it and he starts pulling his pant off and fucking wow his dick is just as big as mine fuckin hot so I try my best to deep throat this big ass dick and I think I am doing fairly decent but now this guy wants my cock in his ass

    and he takes full control which is soo hot and he lubes my cock up with spit and starts sliding down on it( he didnt ask for a condom i sure as hell aint gonna mention it) and it feels so fuck good and tight I had to slow him down a few times to keep from painting his guts with my cum

    he is taking this dick like a champ and is loving watching me fuck him through the mirror so i pull out my phone and start taking pics and they all come out shitty so i start recording it cuz i really wanna see it again especially if I never fuck him again

    back and forth we are changing positions and watching porn and looking at our selves in the mirror and this he caught me off guard by flipping me on my back and pushes his big ass cock in my hole.

    I dont bottom as much as I would like to but I wasnt about to tell him no cuz I wanted no needed that cock inside me. At first I felt like I was dying it was killing me but I changed position and sat on his cock and got it all the way down(sorry that the vids are not top quality i did it with my phone in the throughs of passion)

    and it was amazing and so worth it too bad he didnt cum in me cuz when we finally changed positions again and i was back inside him he came like a fountain oh how I wish he bred me oh well it was totally worth it and i am still horny who else want some of this DICK!!7789850468137904772-7173846568232423896?l=barebackslutsailor.blogspot.com


  11. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    Well I was suppose to go my hometown where I had 3 different guys lined up that I was gonna fuck and breed but I got stuck here horny as shit.

    I went out a few times but came home with nothing and I was just about to give up when this guy I was flirting with on a4a finally took the bait apparently this muthafucker stays high and I dont remember his name but I remember his street so I call him Ivan the stoner lol

    Me: u up for hanging out?

    Ivan the Stoner: i am later tonight

    Me: sweet u coming over here :)

    Ivan the Stoner: you should come here, I just bought a new bed today that needs to be christened :-)

    Me: damn where do u live?

    Ivan the Stoner:just past this and that

    Me: thats not far from me

    (acctually it was over a mile and I had to walk in the cold but I do strange things for sex)

    Ivan the Stoner: yeah, where are you?

    Me: on here right b4 there

    Ivan the stoner: oh yeah your just down the street

    Me: u want me to come over?

    Ivan the Stoner: yeah, Ivan Drive (xxx) xxx-7363 first house on the left on Ivan, call me when you get here I'm gonna bring you n the back door b/c my roomie is asleep on the couch in the front. If you wanna use a condom bring one because I'm out

    Me: damn i am out too... r u clean?

    Ivan the stoner: yeah got tested in sept

    Thats all I needed so I am power walking down this street trying to keep warm and hurry to him cuz I am horny as shit and cold. lol

    So I finally get there and he is as cute in person as he is in his pictures he walks me into his place and it smells like it was built with weed omg I got high walking into his house.

    He walks me into his room a wastes no time coming out those clothes (i love it when they get down to business) we climb on his bed and he starts sucking my cock like he was being payed to do it damn it was good and then he got on his back ready to take my cock.

    He lubed both of us up i hate using lube so damned messy but he was a pro he only used one hand so he could lube my cock his ass and his cock.

    I started to take it slow and i am glad i did cuz he was so tight i was on the edge of cuming until he stopped me so he could adjust then I was ready balls deep pounding away damn he was tight he was moaning low trying to keep from being too loud i love it when they call me daddy and tell me to get that shit I love encouragement I looked down and saw him cum but I kept going he didnt stop me and then he started putting his legs on my shoulders and then in he put his legs behind his head that was so fucking hot I started to fuck him harder and then he said he was ready for me to cum(good thing too cuz I was about to) and since he didny specify where he wanted me to cum I had every intention on cumming in his ass and then my well over flowed and I moaned I was cumming and he was too as I was filling his ass he was cumming in his own face I was still so turned on I could have kept going but i think he had enough cuz when I let him up he almost fell to the ground from being weak in the knees so we cleaned up exchanged pleasantries and I left I was still really worked up so when I got home I had to jack off again!

    I am such a slut.



  12. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    ow I have a question does anyone else find really effeminate black boys a turn off?

    Well I do but me being the slut I am just fucked one. Normally I dont do morning sex or fishy black boys but he didnt seem that gay when were were talkin on a4a or yim but he did have a really nice ass and and I wanted to cum in it.

    In our old conversations he said condom only but as we all know in person 98.5% of the time that shit is out the window.

    when he came over I was slowly losing my libido cuz I thought he was ugly but since he was there I might as well go thru with it so he started sucking my cock and it was strange because he was moving his neck back and forth like my cock was shaped like and corkscrew I tried to film it but he was moving so much I dont think it came out good

    but he could deep throat pretty good but them fuckin teeth were killin me so when I had enough I threw him on the bed and started pushing into his really tight ass and I mean it was tight!!

    but he took it like a champ and I tried to fuck the shit outta him I got that bitch on his stomach and blew my load as deep as I could get it.

    I might fuck him again if I am ever in the mood for blackend seafood lol7789850468137904772-2992584100658918473?l=barebackslutsailor.blogspot.com


  13. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    Holyshit I went cottaging today ( for those who dont know what that is its when you go to a public bathroom and wait for someone to come in and you try and get them to suck or fuck under the stall or at the urinal) and I got one of the best blowjobs I have ever had on a scale of 1-10 he was definitely 9 3/4 i swear it was absolutely amazing when I told him I was cumming he didnt stop he kept sucking and I was shaking like I had a footlong vibrator shoved up my ass, oh how i wish he had fucked me and to top it off he was fuckin gorgeous i caught a glimpse of him through one of the small hole and we caught eyes he had me so hot and his cum tasted so good.

    If you happen to cum across this blog and you know who I am talking about please do hesitate to email me, and if any of my readers think they can do better PUT UP OR SHUT UP! lol



  14. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    ButterFace (buhter fhayse) noun. describing a person with a less than attractive face but having a pleasing body. Synonymous with tipdrill

    So I meet this guy at the local ABS, from behind this guy was hot almost a 10 and when I walk pass him I could only see the rest of his body not his face because it was so dark and everything seemed to be in the right place a modern day adonis. I find the booth with the gloryhole and motion him to go into the opposite one and as soon as he walks in there is just enough light coming off the video machines for me to see how really un attractive he was (damn i wish i hadnt looked). So now i am debating on whether or not I should leave he seemed really nice so I figured if I just up and left I would hurt his feelings so me being in a benevolent mood I stayed and started to watch some porn.

    Damn this was some hot bb porn I lost myself for a moment looking at it and completely forgot he was there. I look thru the hole and he was watching me pull on my rock hard cock and we all know once are dick is hard we stop thinking and start acting so I put my cock thru the hole and he is working it like I he would never get to taste a dick again and doing a damn good job I might add.

    We are like 5 mins into him blowing me and I am almost at the point of no return so I pull away so we can keep the party going I really wanted to see if his dick was as nice as his body but that didnt happen because right before I ask him if I can suck him he asks me if i would fuck him....DUH!

    So I put my cock back thru the hole and he starts sucking me again I was afraid he was going to put a condom on me but he just stood up and started backing up on my cock (did i mention how much i love bare back sex lol) and damn that shit was tight I am not sure if he was new to this but you could almost smell ass virgin on him. The strain was starting to bend my dick and it was hurting but like outta no where you heard a plop.. like pulling apart two suction cups and he almost scream oh my god when it happened and jumped off I almost went soft from laughing so much but he came back and tried it again.

    He slid down on it slower this time with less strain (after i gaped that hole) and was riding my cock like he wasnt new to this. Damn it felt good back and forth on my cock it was great (sex with ugly people normally always is) he started to speed up and I tell him I am about to cum and he keeps going on my cock riding the shit outta it and I tell him I was cuming and he buries it holy shit now we are both moaning like bitches i dont know if he got his but I definitely got mine i start to pull my dick away and in like seconds this dude is dressed and out the door lol so I take my time and leave as I am walking out the door the owner who is normally there all the time started to laugh I guess the look on the guys face as he left was priceless

    man i am such a slut



  15. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    YaY I got a second round with Hot vers guy and boy was it hott.

    I finally caught him on a4a and asked him when he was gonna fit me back into his schedule and he was more than accomidating.

    The next morning he is at my apt in the bed cuddling like a cute lil couple (damn i might have to get rid of this guy) so I make the first move and licked my finger and stuck in up his ass that should make my intentions clear. I am thinking to myself i cant wait to get in this ass and he had other plans.

    So hes is giving me really good head right now and i am so ready to pound his ass i cant wait but i wanted to practice my deep throat since his dick is as big as it is long.

    Now I am sucking his cock with btw is almost as big as mine I havent taken a dick that big since the first time i ever go fucked.

    He climbs on my chest and starts fucking my face and reaching around and playing with my ass

    and then he jumps off and put my legs on his shoulders oh shit I am about to be pounded is all thats running thru my mind and i am totally unprepared for it.

    He starts to rub his cock against my hole and i always love the way that feels and now he starts to push in he stops and starts to eat me out and i love my ass eaten and he does a damn good job too and as soon as i start getting into it he goes back to rubbing his cock against my hole and then he got balls deep in my ass damn he is good and a good kisser he wanted my ass and i gave him as much as he wanted.

    I was heart broken when he pulled out at the last minute and came on my stomach such a disappointment i didnt even have time to protest hell he could have atleast came in my face oh well i guess thats strike one 2 more and you guys wont be reading any more about him from me.



  16. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    Its about 4am me and a friend of mine are chatting online we are tired as shit but I cant sleep unless i blow a load he is looking on a4a with me to find my next victim and at about 435 this guy hits me up want me to fuck him so i give him my cell number and tell my buddy goodnite.

    He text me the directions to his place and I have to ride my bike half way across the damn city (the things i go thru for ass) I am trying to pedal and steer my bike while texting which btw is really stupid but he is sending me dirty little comments saying how he cant wait for me to get here and fuck him hes playing with his hole and he has a condom with my name on it....Condom?! shit i am a block away and he drops the c-word on me hell its too late to protest so I have to just go with it

    So I get there and he say we need to go to the apt across the hall its open cuz they are renovating it sounds sketchy right well no since backing out now so we get there and there is carpet one good thing and this guy is drunk as hell and its evident that he doesnt bttm often because I am trying to work a finger in his hole and I am barely making any progress at all but he said he was ready so fuck it.

    I have wore a condom maybe 3 times my entire sex life so i dont know what size condom i should wear but for damn sure this one was a really tight fit like it lt like it was really uncomfortable but i went with it.

    Now I am not the brightest bulb in the lamp but a really tight hole a tight condom and spit for lube sounds like this is going to be an interesting turn of events.

    I work am latex and spit covered cock into his hole man he was tight it took him a long time to adjust but he did and he took it like a champ. He was begging me to fuck him hard and i pounded that ass the best i could. Then I made him ride it and he wanted it harder and harder and then what i was expecting to happen the condom broke i felt it happen i dont know if he knew it but i wasnt gonna stop he kept saying harder and harder and i did he told me he was cuming and I said i was cuming and he took it deep and shot all over my chest and i shot deep in his ass he didnt waste time reaching back and pulling my dick out his ass when he finish cuming i dont know if he noticed the condom was broken if he did he didnt say anything

    Now we are both getting dressed and I still have cum all over me so I say fuck it and put my shirt on over it thank god i brought my hoodie. We say our goodbyes and i get back on my bike and ride back stick as shit, btw cum is a good insulation because I was sweating like a slave and I see the sun coming up over my shoulders.

    Tired as shit I finally make it home. After I wipe the dried cum off my chest I get in the bed and look over and I have a message on a4a and that leads into my Tranny story.



  17. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    Before Thanksgiving my favorite fuck Hot vers guy came over and spent the night.

    I love his cock because I am learning to deep throat still have a lil gag reflex but its getting better.

    He is watching porn while I suck his dick too bad we didn't have an audience that would have been interesting, but I roll him over and start eating his ass lubing him up so i can get balls deep in that tight hole. I start to fuck this guy so good but I needed him inside me so I pullout and sit down on that beautiful pork sword. Damn I am so close to cuming without touching myself i am like on the edge but i just cant be pushed over "sigh" at least he left about a gallon of cum in my ass which leaked out in the middle of the nite damn he came alot that almost never happens. Alas i think it is time to get rid of him because unfortunately he has become kinda clingy and that bitch didnt get outta my bed until almost 1pm fuck that! *I guess it was good while it lasted.....I sucked his dick to completion before he left though lol



  18. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    I have a question.

    Q. How can you call yourself a bottom if you cant take any dick.

    And *if you are a bottom that cant take big dick wouldn't you wanna practice so maybe you would wanna please the top you have?!?*

    It doesn't make any sense to me.

    If any of you have an answer for me or a comment or if you know a bottom like that put that bitch on blast in my comments and send them an email. " We are horny as hell and were not gonna take it anymore!!!!!"



  19. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    Primarily I trust pics i get from guy that are potential cum deposits or depositers i meet off A4A or bgc but i mis-judged the pic i got from this guy lets call him the Twink-nerd.

    So one nite as i was on A4A looking around i came across this cute lil guy who acctually lived a few blocks from me and i started to flirt with him a lil being a lil coy and innocent (which we all know i am not ).

    Me- hi

  20. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    My biggest pet peeve to date i think is a Hypocrite, there is nothing worse than a person that turns there nose up at because you one thing and they come back behind you and do it and then have the testicular fortitude to justfy their action i hate those people to me they are as bad as child molesters or puppy killers (YES I SAID IT PUPPY KILLERS), and unfortunatly for us alot of fags are those same hypocrites case in point Stupid is his name for this post hes a northerner that came to the south to visit family for Xmas. i fucked him a couple years ago and i kinda lied to him then and said i have never had sex with a guy before and he believed me poor fellow and like 95% of the guys i fuck i met of good ole' A4A . We made plans to meet later that night so i washed up and put on my slutty sweat pants ill post a pic of them later and show why i call them my slutty sweatpants but i digress i pull up in his yard and he hops in my car so i put on my shy guy face and we talk a lil and he reaches over and starts playing with my cock and give a C+ blow job so to stop this waste of time i asking him if i could feel whats its like to be insde him (sooo cheesey) and he happily lubes me up with spit and lowers himself on my cock and i start pounding his cute ass like i owned it. I grabbed his hips and got into a real good groove and eventhough its really hard to fuck in a car it was almost as if this back seat slut was trying to make love to me as if he wanted it to be special FUCK THAT i rolled that bitch on his on his stomach in that front seat and dug in that ass and came as deep as i could.......Fast forward to the present he came home for Xmas and i aw him on A4a and we started to catch up.

    Stupid: so was i really your first

    Me:of course man that nite was amazing

    Stupid:have you done anything since

    Me:yeah with one other guy he was my bf for awhile

    (again i am sorry for lying but i am in too deep to stop now)

    Stupid: thats cool Blah blah blah

    Then i ask him if he is gont to let me try and get him pregnant my most famous line (nobody steal it!) and he says

    Stupid:do you ever you condoms?

    Me: no well once but that was a long time ago

    Stupid: THAT IS NASTY why would you put yourself in danger like that whats wrong with you!

    And the chestizing went on for a minute and i changed the subject and asked him if we were going to hangout...at this point i wasnt really interested in seeing this bitch who thinks hes my father fuck him.

    A few days pass i am still here bored as shit and i get a text from him asking me what i am doing nothing so we make plans to go to the beach even though its colder than polarbear pussy in an iron chastity belt. So we make it out there and it was unbearable so we get back in his car and start fuckin around and i talked him into blowing me again and he gets down and does the same shitty job as last time so i ask him just like last time if i could be inside him he ask if i had a condom i tell him no and then he ask me if i am clean and of course i say yes and once again we are fucking in the back seat i am on top of him grinding deep inside his ass i am long stroking his boi pussy this shit is so good but i dont last long cuz i have been home almost 2weeks and havent cum once so i tell him i cant hold it much longer he tells me not to stop so i pound faster and harder and blow cum chunks deep in him queer cunt damn that feels so good i tell him and he says it felt good to but he wont do it raw anymore i say ok kool (i have absolutly no intention on fucking him again) do u wanna go home now and we leave he texts me asking if he wants to hangout tomorrow sure i tell him but i dont answer anymore of his texts or messages on a4a so this is most deffinitely the last post of Stupid.7789850468137904772-5733520307728229900?l=barebackslutsailor.blogspot.com


  21. Click here to see Bareback Slut Sailor's original blog post...

    This year i intend to set obtainable goals for myself

    1. Get and stay in shape(gotta get prepared for the Zombie Apocolypes)

    2.no more red meat (this is only pertaining to hamburger steaks ect... not cock i repeat NOT COCK)

    3.5 road trips before the fall (i need to expand my horizons)

    4.make more movies of me pounding and getting pounded( its always nice to have something to look back on)

    5. i got this one from my predicessor and idol RCJ keeping up with my numbers (i told him i wish i had kept up with my numbers since highschool cuz i was way worse than i am now but he just suggested i start now)

    6.and last but not leas attend 5 orgies

    anyone have any resolutions they wanna share with the group?7789850468137904772-3410758718850070671?l=barebackslutsailor.blogspot.com


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