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Posts posted by rawTOP

  1. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Ok, long time since I got a load up me, so I have made up for lost time.

    I have been chatting to a guy off gaydar for few years, he is in his 40's, and when I was 18, I kinda felt he was too old for me.

    Now, myself being 23 now, I dont feel hes too old for me, infact, I think hes quite ruggedly handsome. He has messaged me loads of times, saying how he thinks im cute, how im gorgeous etc.

    I used to just shrug it off, but lately, past week, I just gave in, and said I will meet him. Well.... Im kinda skint at the minute, so I had to get him to pay my taxi fare. South Belfast - Glengormly = £14 - Not bad.

    Anyhow he wasnt just after a fuck, he was doing the whole romantic thing, got me some Vodka Coke etc, and we watched some tv. He mentioned some of his interests, talked about some people we know in common - one being my mental ex. But we wont go into any of that.

    Oh ... btw - EastEnders - Heather Trotts Baby's father is Darren - yeah, watched it at Shag Number 1's house.


    We drank, talked, and then went upstairs, under the pretence of him showing me his leather and toys etc.

    He showed me his leather straps etc, u know the ones which strap round your chest etc.

    Never seen them in person before, but now I have, he showed me how to put them on etc.

    He said they worked better when I am naked, - that was our cue.

    Clothes came off, and I was wearing nothing but the straps, and he used them to pull me accross the bed, and made me suck his cock. Not the biggest, about 6inches, but beggers cant be choosers.

    He made me suck him for a while, he complimented my sucking skills, and gave the usual sounds of approval.

    Now, he grabbed my straps at the back, and dragged me down to the edge of the bed, and made it so I was face down on the bed. He started spanking my ass.

    Now, one thing about this guy, lets call him John....

    John is one of these guys who on gaydar says "Always" for safe sex, but on Squirt.org, he has as one of his interests - "Barebacking"

    So.. I was fairly sure I would get a bb fuck from him

    After my ass was spanked to pinkiness - is that a word?

    He proceeded to get something for lube - he said he was getting lube, but whatever it was, he used it ,and it stung abit.

    He began pumping my ass, once again, I was kinda drunk, so the details are kinda fuzzy.

    I remember him giving me some big thrusts, which made the sting dissappear.

    Eventually, he shot his load.

    We did the usual cuddle thing, and then I thought we were gonna go to sleep.

    It was only 10pm - he demanded we go back downstairs. Lol

    So... we are downstairs, and watching tv.

    Kinda getting annoyed, im fairly tired and wana get some sleep. Lol

    Anyhow, I go to bed, waiting about 5 minutes for him to follow.

    I sorted felt my ass giving me that indicator sign that you need to fart etc, So I thought I would try farting to relieve myself...

    Boy... was that the wrong thing to do.

    I tried pushing the air out of my ass, but a big explosion of cum came out at the same time, and I was scared I would get it on his white bed sheets. Lol

    Quickly had to use my hand to rub it all over my ass, until it dried in.

    He entered the room, oblivious to what I had been up to.

    We tried sleeping, but me being me, I tried doing the cuddly thing, and stroking thing...

    He sorta got bit annoyed in the morning at me, he said I had kept him awake till 3am. Lol - Well... serves him rite for not letting me sleep when I wanted to. Lol

    Anyhow... next morning, got a lift home from my sister who I met for signing my Gurantor Form.

    I was kinda warey, cause I checked the inside of my jeans, and a big load of cum had leaked out and spilled onto the inside of my jeans.

    I was wet and cold as I walked with a cum spillage inside my jeans.


    I got home, and got onto my laptop, and went onto gaydar again, My pickup line was

    "1 load up my ass, who wants to make it 2!!"

    I got about 3 chat windows opening up, 1 was too young, 1 was a bottom, and the other was a top guy, who was in his 40s as well.

    The 3rd guy seemed ok enough to try.

    I explained that I cant accom, and dont drive - he agreed to pick me up, and deliver me home.

    We met up, got into his car - which was quite dirty, had bits of cigarettes everywhere, untidy, and the car felt like it was gonna fall apart.

    Got to his place, which is at the top of the lisburn road, once again, like french dude, it was studant accomodation type housing.

    Town House converted to Appartments.

    Anyhow, he put some porn on in his bedroom, on the pc, and we started touching eachother.

    We stripped off, and I began sucking him off, he was keen on licking my hole out, he must have liked the taste of Johns 'Several hours old' cum.

    He was obsessed with my hole.

    He pushed me forward, and flipped me round, and spat on my hole, and pushed his cock in.

    I was on my back - a position I have not done in a while. (probably not since the bb party in August).

    And he was riding me hard and furious, his voice and breath were good indicators, he was enjoying it, and I could tell he would be cumming soon.

    I felt his cum filling my guts, usually I dont, but this occasion I did, It felt like a little bit of cold fluid filling my ass. When I say cold, I mean it was colder than my ass, so It was easier to notice.

    I held him against my ass, so i could milk his cock dry,

    Part of me wanted to beg him to breed my hole, just on the off chance he would play along, and talk dirty to me.

    I never did it though.

    Anyhow... I got home, after fuck 2, and am on gaydar now, looking for 3rd load.6097407870184969815-6779814680330407102?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  2. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Well, not long till the BB Party in Nottingham - its more a less the first week of November I will be going over. And... as it turns out, I've lead a revolution. I've had 2 guys confirm that they want to go with me, from Belfast, to the BB Party in Nottingham. They know its a BB party, where there will be poz guys. So.. they are fully informed of the risks etc and all that shit. Like me, they are just concerned about getting BIG Loads of cum up their ass. 1 of the guys is Poz, and Its possible the other one is Poz too, not sure, not bothered either - hes quite the hotty too. Would take his load either way.

    Our Flight Leaves City Airport at 7pm - Assuming there are no delays, and we land at about 8pm, get to the party at about 9pm by latest, and then BB Fucking non-stop till the morning. Return flight is at 12pm the next day or around that time.

    Everyone is probably thinking - Paying to go get BB Fucks?? Thats bit out of the way like...

    Well.. at 22 Quid for a return flight, there is no reason not to get a flight to the BB Party. RyanAir - thank you.6097407870184969815-2645907276786844888?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  3. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    k, Well, been a while, but I got more cum in my ass.

    T'was Wednesday Night, and as you know, I am going on Saturday night, to the Bareback Party in Nottingham. Anyhow, I am bringing 2 friends, who are likely poz, one of which I think is beautiful as fuck, and so wana be his boi. Lol

    Anyhow. . . We decided to have a drink on wednesday nite, to get to know eachother, suffice to say, we had a few drinks, I am still feeling the hang over head ache to be honest.

    I got home at about midnight, and since im in my new house, I dont have internet access until tuesday, so the only access to the internet I have, is through my iPhone. So.... I get home from Dubarries, and find I have a rather large desire to get cum in my ass that night. So... I hit Gaydar Chat, and asked, just once...

    "BB Btm for Hung BB Top - East Belfast - Can accom"

    Within 10 seconds, I had 3 chat windows opening.

    1. - 19 year old - meh - not my type

    2. 36 Year old - no face pic.... maybe

    3. 59 year old - face pic... not the nicest looking.

    All of them had average cock sizes to my disdain, but I decided to go with number 2 - I told him I wanted bareback fuck, and wanted a load up my hole.

    He was happy to comply.

    Gave him directions, and he tried to find his way to the house... in the mean time, im in my boxers, in my bed, totally out of it, cause im kinda drunk.

    I see a text message on my phone - "Im here"

    I run downstairs, its like 1 am now, and I let him in, we head straight upstairs, and I take my boxers off.

    I think he was taken back a little by my forwardness, he was fully clothed, and I was already naked. I proceeded to feel for his cock, and once it was visible, I latched my lips around it, and proceeded to get it hard with a little oral.

    Once he was hard, I stumbled back towards the bed, and he asked for lube.

    I had some lube with me - Its special stuff called 'Boy Butter' - I only discovered it when clearing my room out for the house move, it came with my butt plug. Its desensitizing apparently. Takes the fussy out of bottom - or so it says on the tin.

    I gave him some of this stuff, but im guessing he didnt like it, cause he proceeded to get his own stuff, an oil based lube, out of his bag, and used it.

    He slid in fairly easilly, and proceeded to ride my ass for about 8 minutes, Not the longest fuck ever.

    He did talk dirty, which was fun, he said things like

    "Taking my raw cock up ya!!"

    "Your gonna get my load up ya!!"

    and stuff like that.

    He then said he was close to cumming,

    thats usually my cue to start working the ass muscles, so I can milk every bit of cum out of his cock.

    He let out some loud gasps, and his pace grinded to a halt - he came.

    Now... I usually like it when the top is on top of me, pinning me down, cause it just feels like hes breeding me, or making me his property.

    This guy wasnt really into that, he had me bent over the bed sorta, standing....

    And instead of grinding his body into my ass, after cumming, and letting each drop of cum run out, he kept his cock in place for about 30 seconds, then pulled out. Completely a no no.

    Well.... wasnt the most satisfying fuck... he asked to use the bathroom, to wash the lube of his hands.

    Then he left.

    Anyhow.... I then had my appointment at the GUM Clinic the day after (yesterday being honest)

    I was down to get re-tested for the Clap (which should be cured)

    and to get my bloods done again - since I had sexual partners within 6 weeks of the previous tests ....... Obviously I didnt let on that I had sexual partners within 6 weeks of this test... infact... the doctor - blonde young doctoer girl... she never asked.

    Anyhow...She did the swab tests - these take about 3-4 weeks for the results, cause swine flu has got the labs busy.

    And then I got bloods taken to test for

    1. HIV

    2. Syphilis

    3. HEP B & C

    I got more information regarding my HEP C self curing thing.

    Apparently, when someone tests positive for accute Hep C, they monitor the person for 6 months to see if they clear it themselves - I cleared it before it was detected, so no monitoring was required of me.

    The virus was not detected in my blood, just the antibody for the virus, there are 2 tests done you see.

    The PRC test, tests for the virus DNA ,or the protein of the virus - I tested negative for this, cause the virus is dead.

    The Antibody test, tests for the antibody, which your body creates when fighting off the infection. - I tested positive for this.

    Now.. this is the bit that is interesting.

    Apparently, the Antibody test works on a sorta scale, I dont know if its percentage based or not, but she said that values of

    0 - 0.8 - can usually be put down to equipment failures, or test results being bad etc.

    My first test result which tested positive for the antibody, actually came from May 2008 - I had an antibody result of 1.2 (it was not mentioned, because it was nearly neglible)

    Anyhow, over the months, and a year later, my Antibody level is now 6, which doesnt mean anything bad, just means the antibodys are reproducing in my body, its something your immune system does when it has combatted a virus, and wants to help keep you safe from it in the future.

    Now.. the big question: Am I immune to it.

    She said No.

    She said that I have had it, and fought it off, but thats not to say that you cant catch it again in the future, and in future circumstances not be able to fight it off.

    Obviously, everyones immune system is slightly different, at the time of my original infection, I must have been in tip top condition, and the virus got its viral ass kicked as soon as it got inside me.

    Thats not to say I wont be able to clear it again, I might be able to, or I might not be able to...

    Anyhow... another big question is where I got it from.

    I dont think I can remember every fuck from back that time of year, but if the first test to test positive for HEP C was in may 2008, then that would suggest I may have caught it from my time in America - Steamworks Sauna (Chicago).

    That was in October 2007 I believe, and after I came back, I got diagnosed with Syphilis, which made me do my 1 and 3 quarter year abstinance - So... America was probably the last time I coulda picked it up.

    It probably tested positive during one of the regular test check ups I had to do over the course of the year after having the Syph.

    Like I said - they didnt tell me about it, cause it wasnt a 'positive' for having HEP C, it was just Positive for having 'once' had it.

    The time frame sorta supports this too.

    If the antibody levels have gone from 1.2 to 6 over the course of a year and half, I would surmise that 7 months before May 2008, may be the time of original infection.

    Anyway - hope ya all took that in.

    I will blog more, once I get back from the bb party on Saturday. - Internet gets installed on Tuesday.6097407870184969815-1701168915739010058?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  4. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Ok, its Sunday 8th, The nite after the Party in Nottingham, Im writing this now, but I wont be able to post it until tomorrow when I have internet connection at work to post it with.


    I got ready yesterday at about 4pm, got shower, bath, douche... ya know the drill, I had advised my mates who were also going, that they should try to get as clean as possible b4 the party, as there is ALWAYS a queue for the douche'. Lol

    Anyhow, Im all ready, and its about 5pm, I text one of the guys who was going with me - the one I fancie the pants off. Asked him if he wanted to come round to mine, and we could leave for the airport together. He replied, and said he was ill, and couldnt make it..... Shit one...

    Anyhow... I wouldnt hold that against him , I do like him.

    One more guy was going with me - Michael - I tried texting him, no reply, tried phoning him, voice mail, and then actual hanging up, or directing me to voice mail...

    I dont know what was going on, but we had planned this trip to the bb party for like 2-3 weeks, and all of a sudden, Michael was being total time waster. At least the other guy was genuine enough to make an excuse, and explain.

    Anyhow... I ended up going to the airport on my own, passed through security, blah blah blah...

    Was on my flight at 6.45, and we flight left kinda early. About 35 minutes ahead of schedule - translates to me arriving early.

    Arrived at East Midlands, and found a building for taxi's at the airport, I asked them for a taxi to Nottingham, Sneinton. I was expecting a price of about 42 quid. I was quite relieved to find it was only 28 quid. And it was paid up front etc.

    Anyhow... will skip the long taxi ride, passed some countryside, and passed some coal power stations....interesting....

    Arrived in sneinton, and recognised the street, and got to the front door of the party.

    Almost like it was fate, the door opened before I even got to the door, one of the hosts - We will call him 'Mr R', was opening the door, and asked me to test the door bell. Lol

    I got inside, and there was about 6 guys there drinking, everyone was clothed still.

    'Mr F', cracked a few jokes about the last time I was there, when I got the plane to the wrong airport. Lol

    I got a drink of vodka coke, and just sat there chatting, and mellowing in their company. Its always ackward at the start of the party.

    Anyway, more people arrived, some I recognised from august. At this point, I felt it was time to go get a second douche, to make sure im completely ready to become a cumdump. I walked upstairs, and alas.... the bathroom with the douche was in use... so I formed a queue....starting at me. Lol

    Took about 10 minutes for this guy to be finished - yikes..

    Anyway, I got in, and it was done fairly quickly, helps when you have no food for the day, and douched earlier.

    So... I went downstairs, and noticed there was now about 12 guys in the kitchen, they were all smoking, there was the hint of weed in the air too. So obviously they were getting - loosened up.

    Im not a smoker, so the smoke was getting to me, so I went upstairs and stood in the landing, noticed there was a few guys in similar boat, the smoke was getting to them too. One of the guys who arrived, went and got stripped off, he was leading the way so to speak. After he got stripped off, he went downstairs and into the kitchen, he came straight back up though, think he was either too cold down there, or felt out of place. Shit one.

    Anyhow, more guys arrived, gonna call these ones the '3 bears' - skinheads, trimmed beards etc. They all proceeded to get into leather boots. Some people are into that I guess.

    They were wearing jock straps too, which is kinda a turn on for me, love watching treasure island videos of guys getting fucked and creampied with jock straps on.

    I waited till they were done getting dressed/undressed, and then I proceeded to get stripped off too.

    Part of me was bit self-conscious, The past 2 days, I had 2 pimples on my ass cheek - which kinda turned into scabby things. How annoyings that, but unavoidable. Hoping they will clear up during the week, but anyway..

    Im stark bollock naked, upstairs, I walk downstairs, and get myself another vodka coke, the vodka wasnt the nicest, so I tended to down the drink in one, to get drunk, but avoid the taste.

    I was beinging to get quite losened up, so I went upstairs and got myself to the top floor, where the sling is. There was about 6 guys in this room at the time, 2 guys watching, 2 guys playing, and myself and another guy.

    The other guy, was in his late 40's probably, and he gestured me to the free space on the bed, he lubed up his cock, and shoved it in my hole.

    His cock was quite large, and fat, it filled my hole, thats for sure. He enjoyed pumping my hole, he did it for a very long time, and then pulled out, he then made me roll over, and he straddled himself onto my cock,

    at this point in time, he was facing me, with his cock infront of me, and his ass going down on my cock, I proceeded to pump his ass for about 5-8 minutes, the whole time through this, I Noticed the pre-cum spewing from his cock, and imagined that all inside my ass. All that poz precum, which was almost enough in volume, to be a small load in itself.

    Im not much of a top, so I asked him to fuck me again, and this time to dump his load in my ass.

    He fucked me again, the position was me face down on the bed, and him on top, I was across the bed, width wise, my upper body was hanging over the side of the bed, and he was fucking me. I dont think he came in me though. He stopped, and said he wanted a rest.

    I looked at the room, and saw there was about 8 others in the room, 3-4 of them standing at door way.

    One of the guys, a regular I remember from August, - lets call him 'Batman' for the Batman t-shirt he had on. (he was naked on his bottom half)- I dont like to speculate on peoples race, he had an english accent, but dark skin, so probably a little eastern descent in there, but thats ok, he was a great fella.

    I walked over to the door, and watched along with them, as others got fucked.

    No one had hopped into the sling yet, so I said out loud, and kinda suggestively, "No ones using the sling yet?"

    Batman joked - 'Aww, ok, you hop into it'

    Exactly what I was hoping for.

    I hopped in, and Batman showed me his assets - his cock was very large, must be about 9 inches, and it curved in a weird way at the top, sorta to the left, or his right I suppose.

    My ass was well lubed, with ass juices from the previous fuck, the remnants of lube, and a large amount of pre-cum from the dude who I was just with.

    Batman proceeded to enter me as I lay on the sling, he slammed in and out of me a few times, mostly going slowly, but everytime he went fast and furious, I would grab the metal chains of the sling, to shut them up.

    I kinda knew that he wasnt gonna cum, he was being conservative, as everyone else was.

    After fucking me for about 8 minutes, he noticed a tall dude, who was quite fanci-able in my own opinion, I was kinda thinking to myself, that he was gonna go off me, and play with him instead, however, much to my pleasure, Batman gestured towards my ass, spread my cheeks, and smiled to the other dude.

    The other dude took Batmans place, and proceeded to fuck me for about 10 minutes, I dont think he came either, again with the conserving....

    I was about to get out of the sling, when I was quickly pushed back onto it, by this weird dude. .

    I dont mean to be insulting, but I dont know his name, so I will describe him.

    He must be early 40's or so, but had a goatie beard, im not one for facial hair to be honest, but suppose, as long as he fucked me, and kept the hair from me... I wouldnt complain.

    He was skinny, and had large freckle type spots on his chest and tummy, his tummy sorta looked like it was affected by his meds, heard some people describe that sort of effect as a crux belly or something. It just looks like fat skin, on a skinny guy. Weird. - We will call him Mr Weird for the remainer of the story.

    Anyway, he was fucking me, and he was enjoying it,

    Im guessing hes a top primarily, as I cant remember seeing him ever getting fucked. He was covered in sweat, which was dripping off him onto me, and his body was all pink from exertion. His face convulsed, and the veins in his body was visible on every part of his body, in his head, in his neck, his arms and legs etc.

    He squished his head up into a strange face, and let out gasps of pleasure, Im guessing this is his 'im cumming' face.

    In my own opinion, this may or may not have been a fake orgasm. But who cares - my ass is getting the fun it demands.

    At this point in time, Im bit bored, so I hop out of the sling, and head downstairs and get another vodka coke.... same nasty vodka, so down the vodka as fast as possible.

    Theres about 20 guys in the house now, and I hear the doorbell going off, In comes Mr R (new guy), and his Partner Mr C.

    Mr R and I had fucked few times at last party, and we had chatted on gaydar. He knows about my neg status, and he didnt seem judgemental about me being a neg guy who likes playing with poz guys. In reality, I think hes a dead on guy, whos quite the catch - lucky Mr C. Lol

    Anyhow, he was still clothed, so I walked past him, and said Hi to him, and thought that I should let him and his partner get warmed up or drunk or something.

    I went upstairs again, and found myself being fucked by someone else, this guy gave me a lift to the airport the next morning, will call him 'Mr H'.

    He fucked me quite alot, and it was fucking class, while I know he didnt cum in me, it was certainly a good fuck. He wanted a rest, and we chatted for a while. We chatted about all sorts of things, eventually, a group of us gathered, and we all started chatting.

    6 of us, all chatting, having a break from fucking. Everyone started chatting about their meds, and of course, im kinda the outcast, Im still pretending to be poz at this party, but alas, I dont know all the med talk. Lol. They even swapped cd4 counts etc.

    I tried to chime in with the conversation, but felt like a numpty. Lol

    Anyway, Mr F (One of the hosts) came upstairs, and then the fun followed them, the 3 bears came upstairs too, and they proceeded fucking eachother.

    I dont mean to be rude or anything, but I found 2 of these 3 bears on gaydar, and they are a couple, and they dont like to play with anyone who doesnt have shaved head or bald, which raises the question of whether a bb party is the sorta thing that they would be open to??

    The whole time I was there, I dont recall the 3 bears fucking anyone other than eachother.


    4-5 of us are on the bed, relaxing, when I see a guy who looks like a White haired version of Mr H, in the sling, and the guy whos about to fuck him, has lots of tattoo's, and lots of piercings.

    Piercings were mostly on his cock, a pierced head, and lots of piercings all the way down his shaft, and down to the peri-anal area. Mr H's look-a-like took a fucking from this guy, but I dont think it lasted all that long, and doubt even more that he got any cum from it.

    I decided I wanted to go look for more fuck fun, so I went downstairs, and bumped into Mr R, he whispered into my ear

    'I have Ketamine' - I was so up for trying this for the first time.

    I told him that I had taken Vodka b4 hand, would that be safe??

    Ah.. No...

    So, I assumed we shouldnt try this, so I returned to fuck hunting.

    I went back to Sling Room, and I believe I got back into the sling and proceeded to get fucked again by Batman, and his tall mate. The amazing thing is, that I didnt need lube for any of this, I was still well opened up from the first fucks of the night.

    As before, I cant be sure of if these guys came or not....heres hoping...

    Oh... I Almost forgot...

    When Batman arrived, he was in tow with a guy from York, and Im guessing they had been talking about me from my blog.

    York guy must have asked batman if anyone from belfast was here, then batman pulled me asside, and said

    "Your from belfast arent you?"

    I smiled, yeah..

    "You have a blog?"

    I started laughing. Yeah....

    Turns out York guy had read it, he might be one of the followers of this blog, who knows.

    Anyhow.. . .

    I only discovered this in the early hours of the morning, but I saw his e-mail to me, via my iphone, that he had sent to me via bugshare, he was from york, and he was also a neg btm, looking for poz spunk.

    So.. thats 2 neg guys at least at the party.

    Ok, its about 1am now, and I've been fucked alot, done alot of walking about, and done alot of wandering around aimlessly.

    Mr R pulled me again, and pulled me into the toilets, and proceeded to take out a glass ampule of something, its ketamine.

    I had assumed Ketamine was a liquid or something to take in a drink or something, but alas... it was a powder.

    He explained that I just need to sniff it, so I tried sniffing it, I was kinda worried that it might react with the vodka from earlier in the night. But it was few hours before hand so.... might be ok.

    I sniffed the stuff, and didnt notice anything really. Although saying that.... in retrospect... my memory is kinda hazy from this point on.

    I remember being fucked by someone, and at one point in time, I remember my vision going red for few minutes. Weird...

    I was then walking around, and Mr R asked if its ok, working etc?

    I said that I dont feel anything yet.

    At that moment, I swallowed, and felt this clump of something at back of my throat, felt like a bad tasting snot. Eww.

    As it went down my throat, I felt my throat going numb, which is kinda understandable, since it is a tranquillizer, well... for horses anyway.

    Well, thats great if I wana be forcefully deepthroated, I did notice some minor effects on parts of my body.

    My left ear was sorta numb, and my finger tips were bit tingly, like pins and needles, but less extreme.

    Anyway... its going on for 2am, and Got into a chat with Mr F and Mr R (the host Mr R), they were discussing the routine of the parties, about how when 50 people say they will turn up, that it usually translates to about 30, and by their count, they had about 27 guys at this party, so they were pretty on target.

    At this point in time, I felt even more annoyed that I was abandoned by the guys from Belfast.

    Not to mention all the fuckers in belfast who keep asking me about organizing a party in belfast, the simple truth is, that belfast is impossible to set something like this up in.

    Too many queens = Bad Attitude.

    I get loads of queens on Gaydar messaging me, they annoy the fuck out of me, especially in the week leading up to the party.

    I had advertised that I was going to a bb party, and naturally, they all said

    'where and when? - Can I go'

    As soon as I said its in Nottingham, they didnt wana travel, and some of them actually came of with

    'K, Is everyone Clean?'

    Out of annoyance, I usually respond with

    - ' Aye, we do a thorough blood panel on them before we allow admittance', or I say ' Aye, they bathe regularly'. Some complete naive queens on gaydar. They want to do bareback, but are naive enough to ask someone for other peoples status.

    This is like saying - If I say that they are neg, then they will believe me.

    1. I am not gonna out someones status.

    2. Its not my place to know other peoples status.

    3. I'd rather assume anyone who barebacks is poz, that way its no surprise when and if something infects me.

    Anyhow... its cause of those people who love bareback, but have always on their profile, that we will NEVER have bareback parties in n.ireland. Fuckin cowards, they want it, but they are nancy pancy about it, and are totally untrustworthy. - as the time waster I was meant to be travelling with had just demonstrated.

    Anyhow... back to the party.

    I got fucked a few times while on the ketamine - I didnt notice any noticable effects, some people say that ket helps you take stuff in ur ass, eg - loosens it.

    But that was no change for me, since i can take cock till the cows come home, as long as I never cum.

    I walked around for a while, and found a fisting session or 2 going on in the middle bedroom. American dude was on Ket, and was getting fisted by Mr H. Was all very well and good, eventually though, they swapped positions, and Mr H started getting fisted. The problem though appeared after Mr H took the fist on the second insertion, I saw some streaks of pink, and knew right away he was bleeding, then American dude went back in - from his own perspective, he prob didnt see the blood, as it was on his hands underside, but after the 3rd insertion, he saw the blood, was bright red, and large quantities of his blood all over his hand. I admit, I was turned on at the fisting, but I knew I didnt wana take any fists at the party. As

    1. It would make my ass sore, and less fuckable.

    2. It increases my risk of becoming poz - arguably a good thing - depends on ur point of view. If I wanted to just convert, I coulda just grabbed Mr H's blood, and shoved large quantities of it up my hole and rip my ass open too, but instead, I just want bareback cum filled sex.

    Anyhow, among fisting, I also saw stomping going on. I dont know if that the correct term for it, but its basically, where someone lies on the ground, and then someone puts their entire weight on a single part of someones body. It looked painful, this guy was on the floor of the room, and a guy was standing over them, with both hands placed firmly below the back of his neck, and then the guy more a less put all his weight into that area, and the guy gave out a loud cry. I coulda sworn I heard something crack..... No.. im not tryin that.

    Its about 3am, and I need to get some sleep, all the beds are in use, guys fucking, guys sleeping etc.

    Theres about 13 or so guys left, who are sleeping over I think.

    5-6 of them were upstairs on 3rd floor in sling room, on that bed. And 3 on the bed on second floor.

    The rest downstairs in kitchen smoking weed etc.

    I realised that the only room with a bed that was free was the one which was being used as a cloak room. - Bags etc in it.

    Anyhow... i climbed into that bed, and tried snoozing, got some rest etc, Until some of the 3 Bears came in and out looking for underwear in their bags.

    About 4 times they came in and out of the room, and thats all very well and good etc.

    Until one of the bears - daddy bear I suppose, came in, and asked me to get out of the bed, so him and his mommy bear and baby bear could use the bed to sleep in. He tried fogging me off with a lie that there was room in the bed upstairs, which I know to be a lie, since I heard that there was so little room, that someone actually slept under the bed upstairs.

    I didnt believe him for a moment, so I never even checked that bed to be honest, I heard about it the next day from Mr H on the way to the airport.

    Instead of going to that bedroom, I went downstairs, and got dressed, and curled up under my coat on the sofa. It warmed me up quite fast, and I was relativly comfy.

    Next morning, Mr H came in, and started chatting to me, he said he was freezing, so I told him to climb on top of me, and curl up with me, to warm up.

    This was quite nice, however... the weird guy, with the veins etc all over himself, came downstairs, and was... as per usual, hard.

    He said in his english accent

    "Is that H______ on top of you??"


    He saw H's ass exposed

    Anyhow - he climbed on, and entered Mr H, and started fucking him from behind, as he lay ontop of me.

    Mr H was bit annoyed apparently, he didnt get any sleep all night, because that guy had been hard the whole night, wanting to fuck over and over.

    Mr H got up, and walked away, he didnt wana get fucked by this guy....

    The guy was left there, with me, and he seized his chance - he saw I was hard through my jeans - by the way, its about 8-9am now.

    He undid my jeans, and I took my top off, and he fucked me over the chair in the living room - which was marked as a no-play area. Lol, Naughty us.

    Hes bit weird, when hes fucking, he talks to himself, but nothing that makes sense, he told me that I should just ignore him.

    He was fucking me in some weird positions, he had his legs wrapped around me, but resting on the seat, resulting in him being able to fuck me very deep.

    He fucked me in that position, from behind, for about 10 minutes, and he came.

    I hope he came, cause if he didnt, he acted the part.

    He kept his cock inside me, and he did that bump and grind sorta thing, where u grind ur pelvis into someones ass and drain the cum into someones ass.

    He didnt go soft, as you might expect, instead, he kept it hard, kept it in my ass, and then started fucking again.

    I was in heaven, taking his poz cock, and by the looks of his body, I'd guess he had a high viral load. Just a guess though - no proper evidence, just the state of his body that made me think this.

    I was pinned down against the chair, and my neck was pressing against its top, too much pressure, resulted in me not being able to breath for moments. But I was horned up the fuck.

    I wanted to tell him I was neg, to tell him to give me his poz cum, but fear took control of me, and the most I could say was

    "Breed me!!, give me that load!!"

    He fucked me, and gave out a loud cry, and he came again. I loved it.

    Anyhow.... I got dressed again, and eventually, It was 10am, and time for me to hit the road with Mr H.

    Gave Mr F a good bye kiss, and left.

    Got dropped off at the airport by Mr H, and proceeded through security ,and went to the toilets, I checked my ass, and found that it had a few loads in it, smelt like cum, tasted like cum, and looked like cum. I was well happy.

    I went to burger king, got some food, and then waited for an hour for my flight.

    Boarded, took off, and was home within 50 minutes, I got home, and slept from 1pm, to about 7pm, got food at 9pm, watched some Die Hard on Channel 4, and then began writing this blog post in notepad. Im now finishing it, around 1am. Lol


    My next aim is to visit some of the leather bars in london - apparently 'The Fort' in london is good,

    apparently they have a boots only night, and on good nights, you can end up walking about with cum running down the inside of your leg.

    I wana feel that cum inside me, running down me.

    So... am I poz? I doubt it - I took less loads this time than I did in august, and I never converted after Augusts party, but saying that, its all about luck I suppose. For all I know, the weird guy might be high viral load, and he might have knocked me up, or the Ketamine might have lowered my resistance in some way... who knows.

    I will get tested in the new year, in the mean time, I will take all cummers, and all loads.

    Anyhow... thanks for reading.6097407870184969815-7686577011252679598?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  5. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    I got a load the other night from a previous bb top guy.

    If ya read through the blog, you will see a few weeks ago, I got 2 loads in the space of 7 hours from 2 tops.

    The second top, I had him round the other night, and he fucked me good in the bed room.

    We went at it for a while doing some oral, and then he had me bent over, at the bottom of the bed, my front half of my body practically over the edge, as he pumped me ass with his cock.

    He pumped me a good 10 minutes, his cock, not the largest I ever seen, but it was good for an average cock.

    He fucked me for about 10-12 minutes, and then he asked me if I wanted him to cum.

    "Yeah, Shoot it!!, Shoot it inside me!!, Give me it!!"

    "Give me that load, give me it!!"

    I quite literally was more vocal than I have ever been.

    Im not usually that vocal when it comes to getting cum in my ass.

    Anyhow.... he left, and I watched tv for a while, while I considered what to do with the load in my ass.

    Obviously, I have to play with it. Lol

    I did the usual ritual, Towel on the floor, butt plug at the ready, and then I just touched the butt plug against my ass lips, and relaxed. The cum load just ran out of me so easilly, I caught it though, in my hand, and scooped it back into my ass.

    I fisted it in deep, while keeping my hand shaped like a bucket sorta thing.

    Then I plugged my hole, and thrusted my plug in and out hard and fast, to churn the cum into a white butter.

    After I had enough, I checked gaydar again, to see if I could get anyone else round. Alas... I could not.

    I wiped my ass, before gettin into bed, and went to sleep....

    Which is precisely what I intend to do now.6097407870184969815-8989862016150871133?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  6. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    I dont know if I posted about it or not, but few months back, I got myself 'The Fist' dildo off the web.

    I tried taking it back then, but to my dismay, I could not take it, dispite the fact I can take a real fist.

    I've been working hard over the past few months, training my ass to take big things. I've taken Butt Plug - which is large, Coke Bottles - 500ml, which are sorta large, could even take part of a 2lt btl of coke.

    Yet, for all my trying, I couldnt take 'The Fist'.

    Well... Tonight, I just have. Quite literally, 20 minutes ago, It slipped right up my hole, not exactly an easy task, but thanks to 'Boy Butter' lube, I managed it.

    Gravity helped alot too.

    Im gonna post an image of the Dildo itself, so you can see what I have managed to take.


    It used to be, I would get a bb fuck, and then use black butt plug to churn it up, now I've set my sights higher, Me and my fist are gonna have some fun.

    I have to admit though, my ass feels weird after having taken it, it certainly didnt feel like taking a real fist. Now it feels like there is pressure being applied to the inside of my ass, even when its empty, not an entirely bad feeling, just weird. Im sure the more I take it, the easier it will become, and then I can work on bigger things.6097407870184969815-6938418803715789955?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  7. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    I've not been looking for bb fucks for the time being, not for lack of offers. A hot guy on gaydar has made it clear that he wants to fuck me. I'm up for taking his cum, however, My current interests are more focused on my ass-ploration.


    This is the next Toy thats arriving this saturday.

    For those who dont wana browse there - heres a pic.


    Its 11 inches long, and about 4 inches wide at the base.

    I fully intend to take this to the base, eventually.



  8. Click here to see Spunk Bucket's original blog post...

    Anyhow... as some of you might have guessed, I kinda grew bit complacent, and actually went off sex for a while yet again. Infact.... since november.... I've only had one guy, and that was last Saturday Night..... It kinda annoyed me to be honest, cause it felt .....dare I say it.... Romantic. Shock Shock Horror.

    Anyhow.... its coming to that time when little ol me has to go and get loaded up with more spunk and cum, at the bareback party in Nottingham.

    This time, I've been canvassing for interested people from belfast, who wana fly over with me. So far, got about 7-8 guys who say they will go with me. Of course..... I know from last time, to take this with a pinch of salt, as lets face it... the last guys who said they would go with me, were a bunch of lying cunts.

    Anyhow... a new development I've been working on is a new bareback website explicitly for bareback parties and hooking up with bareback guys.


    Its built using ajax for the message system - even gaydar doesnt use that.... (it uses frames) and php for the rest of the site.

    Its currently a work in progress, next on the agenda, is to add the profile section, allowing people to add their personal details and a profile template.6097407870184969815-8569976748789559803?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


  9. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    I am on another business trip in Mississippi. As has become my practice, I hunt for white cock to suck in the morning before work, and hunt for white ass to plow at night.

    Not many serious takers off the CL ad this morning. The only one so far just left. He was 55 yo, White, 6’2”, and had a 6.5” cut cock. Not a bad looking guy, but as soon as I got down to crotch I could tell he was a smoker. Consequently, I just wanted to get him off and get him out.*

    Although his cock was on the small side, it did have a nice girth to it so that was good. He tried a couple of times to get me to slow down and prolong it, but I was not interested in that at all. I also noticeLeo3.jpgd a wedding band.

    He said that*he*had*not*cum in a couple of days so it was not going to take long… and it didn’t.*

    To my surprise,*his cum did not taste bitter at all. In the past I have always thought that the cum of smokers was bitter. This, and the fact that you can smell cig smoke in their pubs, is the primary reason why I don’t like to get with smokers. However, his cum had a slight salty taste and smooth texture… just what I like so I swallowed, and savored lingering taste of fresh cum in my mouth.

    As soon as I released his cock form my mouth, he was up, shorts back on and headed for the door with a hearty “Thanks Man!”. From start to finish, the whole thing took about 5 minutes. The epitome of “Blow & Go”.



  10. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...


    Once I got back to the room late yesterday afternoon, it did not take long for another business traveler to hit me up with this message.

    Hello BIG man! I am a visitor her in .... *Looks like u could stretch my limits. If interested in a nicely build guy my size give me a shout! I Enjoy giving up the control.

    Most of the time I ignore such messages as it seems a bit too "Eager Beavered" to me at first glance. But this time I at least checked his profile, and found the following:

    Visiting from..... and interested in well built men only. I am All American, Blond hair, Blue eyes, 138 lbs, 5'.5" Swimmers build with nice definition and nicely built. Very professional. Totally masculine and a real mans man. Love all sports and working out.

    I have to say that this was a near perfect hookup in that it took only six messages to pull together. *Within those six messages, it was made clear that we were both HIV Negative and that we would fuck bareback. It was also made clear that "I run the fuck". *He was to do what I told him to do, when I tell him to do it and if necessary how I tell him to do it. He could ask, but he was to do nothing without my approval first. He was to be here for my total pleasure. Mighty Mouse expressed concern over his inability to hold back from cumming when getting fucked hard. I told him that it was OK if he came while I pounded his ass as long as he understood that we would keep going until I got my nut. He hesitated, but then agreed.

    At 6:00 sharp, Mighty Mouse was in my room and we immediately began kissing passionately. Ya know how there are good fucks, that are just that... a good fuck, but then there are good fucks where there is a connection and the whole experience goes to a higher level. I could tell instantly that this was going to be one of those higher level fucks.

    When we broke from passionate kissing, I stripped him naked and he stood there with his cock growing stiff and straight as I stripped down. I then suddenly put him over my shoulder and carried him to the bed. I think this sort of caught him by surprise as I heard him audibly gasp as I effortlessly lifted his small frame in the air. He gasped again when I tossed him down and crawled on top.

    My body completely engulfed his and I felt him continue to shudder underneath me. The contrast in our body sizes along with the contrast in skin tones had my cock rock hard.

    We continued to kiss and explore each others *body. Mighty Mouse kept alternating between gripping my flexed biceps and my fat cock, repeating over and over "oh... you are so thick". Don't we all love this kind of praise? I know I do!

    It was my intention to drag *out four-play much longer, but Mouse soon found my weakness with the tip of his tong on my nipples.... At this point, I needed to get fully inside of him. I pushed his knees up near his ears and drove my tong straight into his hot little hole. HE TASTED GREAT! I shuttled as much spit as possible in and around his hole as it was my intent to "spit fuck" him. As I prepared his hole with my tong, he was hitting the poppers hard, trying prepare himself for my girth. Soon enough, I my fat cock head at his hole, and was holding each of his arms firmly to his side so that he could not scoot away as I penetrated him. I guess this is where the name Mighty Mouse comes from cause although he struggled much, he was able to take my fat cock on the first attempt.

    We quickly found our rhythm and I was fucking him strong with deep full strokes. With each down stroke, he grunted out..."Yes Sir"...."Yes Sir"... "Yes Sir". I love a bottom that is expressive without being too verbal. In this regard, and many others, Mighty Mouse was perfect. After about 5 solid minutes of fucking him on his back, I put him on all fours and came at him from behind. He stayed on all four only until he felt the impact of my first thrust. As my cock burrowed deep into him, he buried his face in the pillow to muffle something that I could not quite make out. I figured that he was in that place somewhere between pain and pleasure as I could see him tightly gripping the bed sheets in both hands while at the same time felt his anus spasm... signaling that he was cumming.

    I the realization that he was cumming. I held my cock still within him. I love the to feel a guy cum with my cock in his ass. As he finished cumming, I resumed aggressively fucking him without warning. He kept his face buried in the pillow and let me plow his now gaping hole. I fucked him for another ten minutes before flooded his hole with my spunk. When I pulled out of him, he simply collapsed flat on his stomach exhusted. As has become my practice for this blog, I took the picture of Mighty Mouses freshly fucked ass.



  11. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    Back in Mississippi....AGAIN! A very nice White British guy just left my hotel room a cum load lighter.

    After I got settled in my room, I found that I had an hour before my dinner meeting. So I got on manhunt to see who was on in the area. A guy who I chatted with a few times before, hit me up and wanted to know if I was available. A told him I had time for a quick BJ, but he had to come right now. After several minutes of a non-response I figured that he was not interested so I left for my meeting.*As it turns out, he did come by the room after I left.*

    When I returned from my dinner meeting, I found that he had stopped by and was now online again. I apologized for missing him, and asked if he wanted to hook up now. He said he would be over in a few minutes, and true to his word, he was knocking on my door in about 20 minutes.

    What I did not know from chatting with him online was that he was British. He stood about 5'10" and weigh about 155 pounds. Dark hair with Hazel eyes and a little soul patch on his chin.*

    He came in and we got right to business. He dropped his pants and sat back in my chair. I dropped to my knees and began to devour him. At first I was disappointed in that his cock seemed to be less than the average in size. But, he turned out to be a grower not a shower. In the end he had a nice fat 7 inches.

    The other thing I really liked about him, was that he was very expressive as I was sucking him off. I love it when a guy lets you know that he likes what you're doing. He also had shaved balls which made sucking them more enjoyable for me, and evidently, it drove him crazy. I sucked him for a total of about 20 minutes before he could no longer hold back and blue his load deep into my mouth. His whole body shook with convulsions as he came about eight times, filling my mouth with quite tasty semen.

    After he came, he had to sit back and a chair for a few minutes to collect himself. We had a bit of Small-talk and agreed to do it again this week.

    I walked to the door and he left my room with a big smile on his face.



  12. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    During my manhunt session last night, I spent a couple of hours chatting with several people. One guy, "Pleasing Pecker", *was a bisexual married top, who seemed very inched it in me sucking his cock and then plucking his ass. *While he seemed very interested, he was noncommittal. After about six or seven exchanges I simply gave him my cell phone number and told him to you either text me or call me later this week if he wanted to get together. Honestly, I thought nothing of it at that point.

    At about six o'cPleasemypecker.JPGlock this evening, I was just wrapping up work at the office when my phone rang with a "Unknown"*caller ID. As is my practice, I do not answer the phone unless I recognize the number. A few seconds later my phone buzzed again indicating that the caller had left a message. I listened to the message *which just said, "hi this is... we chatted online last night. I'm near *your hotel *and I was hoping we could get together. Unfortunately am very short on time and it does not look like you're available. Or, you may just not be answering your phone because I blocked the number so I will call again in a few minutes, hoping to reach you".

    True to his word, my phone rang again a few minutes later. This time I answered. To make a long story short, this guy was literally outside my hotel and was hoping to at least meet me. I informed him that I was at least 15 minutes away. With much angst he decided to wait so that we could at least meet and maybe plan something for later in the week.

    As I pulled into the hotel parking lot I noticed a white man sitting in a white SUV near the back. I figured that had to be him. I pulled the car into the space next to him and got out to meet him. He did the same.

    He was taller than me, about 6'2", average build with salt and pepper hair. Pretty much your basic middle aged white Southern Republican. He had a friendly smile, a strong handshake and I could tell that he instantly felt comfortable with me and the situation. Although he was still very pressed for time, he accepted my offer to come upstairs for little bit.

    As soon as we got into the room, I put my coat and *pack down and immediately reached for his crotch. He let out a big sigh at the touch of my hand on his cock. And as I was going to my knees he said, "I want to see that big fat cock of yours too".*

    He had a solid 7 inch medium thick uncut cock *that instantly began to grow in my mouth. His low, guttural moans, told me that he was to be here for a while.

    As I sucked him he was busy taking off all of his clothes except *his socks. As soon as he was naked, he moved to the couch and leaned back. I took this chance to undress myself as well and then got right back to business. By this time he was fully hard. My cock too was growing as I stroked *and sucked at the same time.

    As I was sucking, I was recalling our chat from the night before and I remembered how he talked about wanting to feel my bare fat cock *and his ass. So, I pushed his legs up near his chest and licked my way down to is hole. While he wasn't totally clean, he was certainly clean enough, and I worked my tong as much spit as *far as I could into his hole. Keeping in mind that time was a factor, I quickly moved the head of my cock to *his hole and began to penetrate him. However, being that he *is a married man who has not been fucked in well over a year, it was very tough going. He was making noises and facial expressions showing pain, but at the same time he was saying how good it felt. Nonetheless, I was making very little progress on what was virtually a dry hole. So, pulled him to his feet and said, "lets go into the bedroom".

    On the bed, we instantly began to make out and grind. It was an extremely hot moment. This was a married man, who had been yearning for the aggressive passion of another man for quite some time. As always, this is very intimate connection with another man made me rock hard. I once again spit on his hole, and drove the head of my cock into it. As I did so, he kept repeating over and over how good it felt while simultaneously jacking himself off. It became obvious to me, that this guy was going to come quickly with just the head of my cock in *his hole, and that was just fine with me. By this time, I was all about just filling "Pleasing Pecker's" need. Having been married once, I completely understood where he was at.

    Within only about 20 short strokes, he sprayed thick white cum all over his chest and stomach. I will simply love it when a guy comes my cock in his ass. I quickly pulled out scooped up some of his white cream, smeared it on my cock, and shoved it back in. With him being so tight, it only took about 10 strokes before I flooded his hole with a good sized load.

    As soon as we were done, it was as if he just remembered that he was really pressed for time. He quickly got up ran to the bathroom to wipe the cum off his chest and stomach. While he did this, I gathered his cloths and had them waiting for him when he came out of the bathroom. As always, we made *Small-talk as he got dressed, and mentioned how "we must simply do this again." And with that he was out the door.



  13. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...


    This evening (Friday- Holloween) I decided to text a guy that I have often hooked-up with while here in Mississippi. I will call him “Sweet P” because he has a heavy southern accent and he is just on the boarder of masculinity and femmie. By that I mean, he is masculine enough, but he does have some effeminate mannerisms.

    “Sweet P” is a very good looking White Young Man, with a clean cut “guy next door” look about him. He has good job in healthcare management, and to look at him you would not initially guess that he takes cock up the ass like a champ… that is until he opens his mouth and starts waving his hands about to ad emphasis to whatever point his making. Nonetheless, his conservative look, and equally conservative behavior to match his surroundings, makes him masculine enough… not to mention that his totally smooth ass and hairless body makes him totally fuck-able!

    Anyway, I had decide early in the day to text him and see if he was available to fuck tonight. Oh yeah… the other thing that I really like about “Sweet P”, which stems from the first time we hooked up (definitely a story for another time which I will share soon), is that there is no back and forward with him. It is all straight to the point. My text with him went like this:

    Me: “Hey… up for a fuckin tonight?”

    SP: “What time do you want my ass Daddy?”

    Me: “9:00…room 408”

    SP: “Yes Sir. I will be there”

    As always, “Sweet P” was right on time, knocking on my hotel room door precisely at 9:00 PM. I swear, I have not checked it out, but I think that he literally gets to the room a few minutes early and waits to knock on my door exactly on the hour.

    Tonight he was still dressed in his business clothes, which for some reason I found to be hot. However, what I found to be even hotter was that he was wearing a black leather "G String " under his business suit. Hmm... as I write this I am wondering for the first time... does he regularly wear leather underwear to work? Or, did he add that later for my benefit? I will have to make a point to ask him about this. Perhaps he is much more "Piggy" than I thought... that could be a lot of fun!

    Ok, back to the fuck.*

    We said our hello with a deep and passionate kiss. Oh yeah, this guy is a killer kisser!

    Soon, our cloths were tossed to the floor, and I force my tong down his throat in one last hard kiss before I begin to “Do Ma Bidness” (“Mister” in the movie, “The Color Purple”).

    “Sweet P” has such a perfect ass that I cannot, not eat it. As always, he is totally clean, smooth and tasty… love eating his ass. As I do, my cock grows even harder, thicker.

    After a good five minutes of munching, I want in his ass. I position the head of my fat cock at his hole and begin to push in. This is always the problem point with me and guys I fuck. My cock, although it is only 7 inches long, is a full 6.3 inches in diameter. While 6.3 inches is a thick cock, most all guys can take it. The problem is that there is no point to it. It is 6.3 from the head to the base. Consequently, when I go in, that hole goes from 0 to 6.3 inches open immediately. I know that shit hurts! To be totally honest here… the fact that it initially hurts sort of turns me on a bit…just being honest.

    The last time “Sweet P” and me fucked, he took the initial penetration like a champ after inhaling a half a bottle of poppers. This time, it was too much. Although he tried to gut it out, he had to come off it. Nonetheless, like a true pro, he did not complain, he simply said “Please let me sit on that big black dick Daddy, until my hole opens up.”

    For the record, I hate being on my back while fucking. It is my worst position… don’t know why… just is. Consequently, “Sweet” got to ride me strong for only about a minute before my dick started to go soft. We quickly changed positions and I fucked him from behind on the edge of the bed (my best position). Within a few strokes I was back on “High Beam”.

    I plowed him strong for about 15 minutes. He was rock hard the whole time, in fact, I thought he was actually going to cum a couple of times but didn’t. After going through multiple positions, I decided that I wanted to cum in his mouth instead of his ass this time. So I pulled out of him, laid on my back, and told “Sweet” that he was going to swallow my cum. He said “Yes Sir” and immediately got on his knees between my legs and went to work sucking my cock, which had just been buried deep in his ass.*

    It was not long before I let lose a fountain of cum. “Sweet” held still as my cock pulsed five strong shots of cum in his mouth. When I was done he kept his mouth on my cock, looked me in the eye to be sure that I was watching him, then in one big gulp, swallowed me entire load, never taking his eyes off mine.

    Once my load was in his belly, “Sweet” still on his knees with my still hard cock in his mouth began to frantically beat himself off. As he was kneeling on the floor, I could not see how close he was to coming, but as soon as I put both my hands on the back of his head and pushed it all the way down on my cock… he began that spasm grunting some guy make when they cum with their mouth full of cock.

    Letting my now softening cock slide out of his mouth, “Sweet P” gently rested his head on my thigh as he slowly came down from his orgasmic high.



  14. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...


    No! I did not have sex with "The", "Larry the Cable Guy", but have to tell you, this guy looked just like him but smaller.

    I had chatted with this guy whom I will call "Cable Guy", the trip before last to Mississippi. At that time the chat was leading up to a hookup, but suddenly he said that he had another black friend and wanted to know if I would be down with a three way. Personally, I think that a three way is a very tricky thing. For me, they have only ever worked when all three participants know each other rather well, and if there is any relationship between either of the participants, it has to be a very strong and secure one. Consequently, I was cautious. As it turns out, it did not matter, cause after giving the guy my number, he never called.

    Fast forward four weeks, I am back here in Mississippi... on MH... Cable Guy messages me asking; "You looking for today?" I thought about blowing him off, but being a veteran of MH, I have learned to not take failed hookups and blow-offs personal. Consequently, I did chat with him, but I also made it a point to remind him that the last time we chatted, he blew me off for another trick. He said "Aw man, I did not realize that I was supposed to call you... sorry." Yeah, right!

    Nonetheless, we did the chat thing, the trading picture thing, and before long I found myself at a decision point. To be honest, his pictures really did not do a whole lot for me. While they were full body pictures with face, most of them were taken at a distance... none of them were close-ups. Being that I am an oral/top I figured that at least I could get some good sucking action in even if I did not/could not fuck him. Yes, that is right, I am much less picky about guys I suck than guys I fuck. When I am just sucking a guy, it is all about the power of making him cum, and tasting the cum. Anyway, I told him I wanted to suck him off but would not make any promises about fucking. *In turn, he made it clear that he was most interested in getting fucked but agreed to come by for a good blow job in the hope that I might change my mind. Perhaps he was willing to compromise out of guilt for blowing me off the last time..."he knew he be wrong."

    About 45 minutes later he was at my hotel door. When I opened the door and got a good look at him I instantly knew that we would be fucking. He stood about 5'10", 200 pounds, with blond hair and a sort of reddish goatee. He wore jeans, a blue T-shirt and a camouflage John Deere cap. Indeed, a smaller version of "Larry the cable Guy".*

    Now don't wrong, I really like small smooth white guys; however, I am just as turned on by a "regular Joe cub" with facial hair.

    As soon as the door was closed we locked eyes and we both instantly knew that there was chemistry. We started off with one of those very hot passionate kisses, all the while tweaking each other's nipples. Not wanting to waste time, I directed him to the bedroom in the back of the suite. There, we kissed again and quickly got undressed. I moved him to the bed, put him on his back and instantly went down on him. Another nice surprise, was that had a very nice cock. Cable Guy, has a nice medium thick 7 inch cock with a pointy head. The perfect size for my mouth. Another nice thing was that he was already bone hard before he put it in my mouth. Again, I attribute that to the obvious chemistry between us.

    I sucked him for quite a while and he seemed to be totally enjoying it with loud moans and constant withering. This made my cock rock hard and I started to work my way down and*probe his hole with my tong. As any good Boy Scout, he came prepared with a squeaky clean hole. Although he didn't say anything, when I started to eat his hole I did notice a huge sigh and smile on his face knew there was a chance that we may fuck. A hope that was confirmed a few minutes later as I reached for the lube.*

    While continuing to aggressively suck his cock, I managed to lube *his hole and my cock in no time flat. Once ready I pushed his knees to his chest, put the head of my cock to his hole and slowly began to penetrate him. In spite of his yell and struggle, I was able to get about half of the head of my cock in his whole before he wiggled off at it. I grabbed more lube and with two fingers tried to work his hole open a little bit more. About one minute later I made the second assault on his whole of my cock. Again, he yelled loudly but took it. I held still for about 40 seconds, letting him adjust to my cock. As soon as his breathing came back to normal I started pumping in and out, searching for that nice rhythmic pace. While his cock softened a bit as we struggle to get my cock in his hole, it had now return to its full hardness.

    I continue to fuck him for a good 20 minutes, varying tempo and depth. He was totally into it, egging me on and tweaking my nipples which I love. Soon enough, he was gripping his cock, his head was thrown back and his mouth was open... tell tale signs that he was entering into that "I am gonna cum stage." *I quickly pushed his legs further towards his chest to change the angle of my penetration... aiming for his prostate. I stroked him three more times and then on the four stroke I buried my bone deep. He said, "oh yes daddy, please give it to me". I let myself go, and began to pump three days worth of cum deep inside him. At the realization that I was coming he said, "oh yes, yes, yes," and with that he shot a huge load leaving a trail of cum from the pillow behind him to his shoulder, chest and stomach.

    As soon as I pulled out of him he let his legs flop down, rolled over and buried his face in the pillow. I laid next to him just sort of enjoying the moment. And then, I thought of you guys. I jumped up telling him not to move while I grabbed my Nikkon to take the above picture of his freshly fucked and bred ass. We actually stayed in bed for another hour... naked... talking... getting to know each other. Again, there's nothing more important to good hook-up than chemistry.



  15. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    I first met thisVan_Providence59.JPG*guy 5 years ago when I was working on a project in Birmingham AL. That was back when everyone used AOL chat rooms for hooking up. It was in one of these chat rooms that “V” found me and initiated a conversation that let to him driving*down to Bham two days later for our first hookup.“V” is older than me by a few years, but he takes very good care of himself and has a hot body for what is now a 50 year old man. I just have to take a moment here and say that all of you guys that are hung up on age… you don’t have a clue! Some of the best bottoms I have fucked have been older (in shape) men.

    “V” and I have*stayed good friends over the years an manage to get together about once a year for what is always GREAT sex.

    A couple of weeks ago he had mentioned that he would be attending a conference in Providence RI. I told him that I would be driving back to DC from Maine at that time and could easily make a stop.

    I arrived at his hotel while he was still in conference but he was good enough to leave me a key at the front desk. I took the time alone to get cleaned up and relax a bit. About two hours later, V walks in the door. We instantly start kissing, touching, groping. Before long, I have him naked on the bed, his legs on my shoulders and I am pushing my freshly lubed cock into his ass.

    The first fuck, like always with “V”, is quick. It is like we cant really focus on anything else until we let that initial pent-up desire out.

    He struggle taking my cock at first but adjusted quickly. As always, we found a quick aggressive rhythm complete with the headboard knocking the wall, telling anyone in the next room exactly what we were doing. In a short 5 minutes his head was thrown back and he kept saying “give it to me, give it to me” and with one final push to the hilt, I gave him the first load of three for the night.

    After catching our breath, we got cleaned up and went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory down the street from the hotel. We had a great time laughing and talking about people we know and catching up in general.

    After dinner we returned to the hotel room where we got back in bed and began the main fuck of the night.

    We again started with passionate kissing and touching, but this was simply perfunctory shit… we were there to fuck. While he still grimaced, he took my cock much easier than the first time. We fucked in several different positions over the next 45 minutes. Near the end, I had him on his belly and I was full on his back, humping his pillow propped-up ass with my fat cock. I turned my head to the side and saw the shadow of my ass going up and down as I humped him. That with simultaneous sound of his grunts in time with my down strokes was enough to put me over the edge for as second and much larger cum dump into his ass.

    The second picturVan_Providence61.JPGe here was taken immediately after I dumped my second load into him.

    We then cuddled for a bit in bed before drifting off asleep…exhausted.

    My alarm was set to go off at 4:00 AM so that I could be back on the road to DC by 5:00 AM. But, as often happens, I found myself awake at 3:00 AM, sure that I would not get back to sleep before it was time to get up. Lying there thinking back on the previous two fucks, my cock came alive and was rock hard. I knew “V” was pretty worn out from the last fuck, but I also knew that he would not turn me down either. I got up, lubed up, and walked over to his side of the bed. I grabbed his ankle and swung him around so that his ass was on the edge of the bed and his legs were on my shoulders. Amazingly, the more you fuck some guys, the tighter their hole becomes. “V” was incredibly tight, and I literally had to thrust my way in. At this, “V” let out a painful groan. I said nothing and continued to fuck his ass for the third time that night. This was the shortest yet most brutal fuck of the night. It lasted only about 4 minutes. “V” groaned and moaned the entire time. Perhaps I am “A Sick Fuck”, but the knowledge that “V” was struggling to endure this assault on his hole, made me hotter and hotter, which in turn made me fuck him harder and harder until I filled his ass a third time with my cream. The third picture here is of a completely exhVan_Providence63.JPGausted, and by then a very sore, “V” following the third fuck of the night.

    After taking a quick shower I started to leave. “V”, awake, just laid there in the bed which was odd because being a true Southern Gentleman he always walks his guests to the door. Talking to him the next day, he said, “I apologize for not seeing you to the door, but honestly, I could not even walk to the bathroom until 20 minutes after you left… thank you, I loved it, when can we do it again?”6119459973232173329-6558094215667854312?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  16. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    Before I started this blog, I looked a several gay sex blogs out in the blogosphere to get an idea of what makes one blog better than another. Eventually, I came up with several characteristics that I feel makes the difference between a good sex blog and a GREAT Sex blog. However, the main characteristic was "truth". I think readers can generally tell *if what you write is "real", as in "it really happened like that" or if the author "made it up". Obviously, there has to be some omissions, name changes and slight distortions to maintain annonimity, but by and large, I have made the commitment "keeping it real".

    So... keeping it real.... I have to say that last night's hookup in Phoenix was less than great. I am sure that many of you can relate to meeting a guy on-line, make arrangements to fuck, the guy show up and at the very moment he walks in the door you just know that it is not going to go well. I have written before about "Chemistry"... it truly is a big deal for me.

    Everything went well with the setup... got online at about 7:00... this guy, I will call him "Smoky" starts chatting me up by about 7:10. By 7:30 all of the details (where, when, and bareback) were agreed upon and I was off Manhunt by 7:40.

    At 10:00 PM Smoky is at the door. Like I said before, as soon as I opened the door I knew that this was going to*be a struggle for me. Now just to be clear... Smoky is a good looking guy... 6'1" Blond, Blue, Average build. His profile said 38yo, but from the way his ass cheeks sagged I would put him closer to 48. Like many guys, his face can pull-off the lie, but I think a man's ass almost always "tells no lies".

    I could tell right away that this was going to be a struggle for me because as soon as he walked in I could smell the cig smoke on him. Again.... keeping it real.... I know it is MY hang-up, but I just don't enjoy sex with smokers. I find the smell of smoke distracting and then next thing you know, my cock is less than hard... or at least is not as hard as it should be. I have been able to get beyond my hang-up on a few occasions and had really good sex with a smoker, but those are rare.

    Anyway, Smoky comes in and there is very little chit chat. He starts kissing me right off the bat. His smoking habit is confirmed! I thought about call it quits right then and there... but on all other accounts, Smoky is a really nice guy, so i went with it.

    We got undressed and got down to business on the bed. One huge redeeming factor is that Smoky paid attention during our brief chat and picked up on the things that really make my hot and my dick hard (passionate kissing and nip working) He was instantly on my nips and was very much into body contact. This was a very good thing cause would need all of that to pull this off.

    After about a good 10 minutes of "making out" I was reasonably hard. Not feeling confident about how long my hard-on would last, I wasted no time in getting Smoky lubed, on his back, and knees pushed to his chest. Just as I was about to push in, he stops me and say "let me take a hit of poppers... I will need poppers for a cock that think". Only slightly annoyed, I waited for him to take two long pulls on the popper bottle. As soon as he had the cap back on the bottle, I pushed all the way into him in one hard stroke. *

    I stayed still for a moment to let him adjust to my size. He appeared to be really struggling with it, and I thought to myself... "Dude, I am not even fully hard".*

    As he calmed*down, I began fucking him with fast short strokes and tossing in a deep stroke about every 8th stroke. He seemed to like that . He asked if he could sit on it... but I said no to that as I was sure that I would lose what hard-on I did have.*

    I soon moved him to the edge of the bed, put his legs back on my shoulders and and pumped him as hard and as fast as I could , trying to get him to cum before I went completely soft. Just when I was about to give up he said "Let me know when you are close so that I can cum with you" *I said, "Dude, I am there, let it go". Truthfully, I was not there... not even close. Within about another 10 strokes, he indeed let go and shot a huge load all over his stomach. I wish I could say that I stayed in him while he came but I was too soft by that point and I slipped out.*


    I was genuinely glad that he seemed to have a good time. After he came, I laid next to him for a bit and he thanked me and said "I really needed that". *I said... "yeah, so did I"... Yeah, I lied. Well, that cant all be great fucks.



  17. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    For this blog update to make sense I have to give you a little more background information on me.

    If you have been following this blog, you know that while I travel constantly for my job, I actually live in Washington DC. I have a very nice row house on Capital Hill. Some time ago, I decided to take-in a housemate simply because I am away so much, and although Capital Hill is vastly improved from what it was 10 years ago, a frequently vacant home with lots of high end electronics and things is too inviting for some of the hood-rats and drug addicts that still exist in the general area.

    As you should also know, I am predominately sexually attracted to white men… all kinds of white men, but white professional men especially turn me on.

    As it turned out, the man I selected out of the eight people I interviewed just append to be a white 45 year old EPA Attorney, 5’10”, 155 lbs with a “Boy-Next-Door” look and a rather humble demeanor. By that I mean that he is very “down-to-earth” and “easy-going”. He also had a difficult time categorizing himself as either gay, straight or bi. He noted that while he has had several girlfriends over the year, he also had had some sexual encounters with other boys as a kid, and a few men later in life, but has never had anything close to a boyfriend. Nonetheless, he was quick to note that my sexual preference was not a problem for him. In return, I noted that his being straight, bi or whatever was not a problem for me as this was strictly a housemate, (i.e. landlord & tenate) situation. He agreed.

    From the time he moved in to now (two years), we have gotten along extremely well with only a few rules and a healthy respect for each other, our respective work and lifestyles. In the process, I would say that we have also become very good friends. Though we have become very good friends at the house, not so in public because as you might expect, we hangout with totally separate crowds and travel in vastly different circles. I cant even remember a time when we even shook hands.

    That all changed last night.

    I was working late at the office when my housemate, I will call him “Hommie” for lack of a better reference, called my cell phone and asked if I was still downtown. It was obvious that he was “three sheets to the wind”. I have noticed that he is drinking more and more over the last few months. I have no idea what, if anything is wrong in his life.

    Long story short, he asked if I could pick him up from the bar and give him a ride home… don’t know why he didn’t just call a cab, and did not ask. I was ready to go anyway.

    When I got to the bar, it was worse than I thought. The Bartender had cut him off and he was on the verge of passing out. I got him out of there and into my car. He actually passed out on the ride home.

    When home I took him straight up stairs to his room with the intent of just putting him on his bed. However, his room was a mess and his bed was covered with what looked like a weeks worth of laundry. Consequently, I took him to my room. I like to think I did this innocently with good intentions, but I think I subconsciously had already had other plans.

    Once in my room he was sort of awake… sort of not. I decided to undress him down to his underware. When he was in only a t-shirt and his whitie-tighties, I had a raging boner. As you may have guessed from the lack of a new post, it had been about two and a half weeks since I had felt the warm fleshy feeling of the inside of a man’s ass on my cock. At that moment, I was at a decision point. I thought about it for all of 5 seconds before I pulled his whitie-tighties off. From seeing him naked a few times in the shower I knew he had a smooth, nicely shaped ass. What I did not know was that his ass is completely hairless and incredibly soft to the touch.

    He had told me when we first met, and then again on a few other occasions that he had had some sexual encounters with men. I did not probe, so I knew not the extent of those encounters… I did not know if his ass was virgin or not. I am not proud of it, but the actual thought that went through my head after pondering this question was “he is so drunk that it wont matter if his ass is virgin or not… I will be in before he can react”.

    Now before all of you start drafting your comments calling me a stone cold rapist, know that it is not that simple. Although Hommie and me had had no physical contact (one of the few rules… “just housemates, nothing more) our conversations and interaction had become rather flirtatious over the last few months. Everything from stupid guy talk… “blow me”, “ok, whip it out”… to sharing the bathroom when pressed for time (one shaving while the other showers… catching each other sneaking a peak). It had been months since he broke up with his last girlfriend, and to be fair, he was acting more and more like… like… I don’t know… a gay guy??? Hard to explain… maybe some of you know what I mean.

    Anyway, I had him naked from the waist down. For some reason I left his white t-shirt on. He was laying sort of spread eagle on the bed. I undressed completely, and retrieved some lube from the nightstand. After putting a ton of lube on my fat cock, I put a little on his hole. I guess, I did not want take the chance that, his drunken stupor notwithstanding, he would realize what I was about to do.

    I crawled up on the bed between his spread legs, and hoisted his thighs high enough with my forearms to position the head of my cock at his completely smooth hole. At his point he started to mutter something that I could not understand… his eyes were still closed. I waited until he stopped mumbling and started to drift off asleep again. Then in one motion, I popped just the head of my cock through his hole. He started to come to with a loud moan, but he still did not open his eyes, and his arms were still thrown back above his head. He was rolling his head from side to side and moaning. I stayed still for about 30 seconds. He stopped rolling his head, but his eyes remained closed and he was doing that heavy breathing grunt… “eeehuh…eeehuh…eeehuh”. Then I drove my cock all the way into him and began a steady pump. His hands had moved from above his head to griping my biceps tightly… eyes still closed… the “eeehuh… eeehuh… eeehuh” continued in time with my down strokes.

    He was incredibly tight, but after about the 10th full stroke, he was fully open and he felt incredibly good. However, as good as it felt, I was not out to make this a marathon fuck so I allowed my self to climb directly to climax. Again, I had every intention of pulling out cause I did not know if he was an anal virgin. It was dark and could not tell if there was bleeding or what. But, on that last stroke I buried my meat balls deep in him and I let out a low grunt that signals the approach of my orgasm… he instinctively clamped down his ass ring at the base of my cock… which I abso-fucking-lutely love! With that, I dropped a truck load of cum deep in his bowls. It was one of those hard cums where you shiver at the end of it.

    When done dumping in him, I pulled out and grab the cum-towel I keep in the nightstand. I wiped his ass good, and then my cock. Checking for any signs of blood. None. Just some poo streaks (obviously he did not plan on getting fucked).

    By the time I was done cleaning him and me, he was already passed out again. I covered him up, grabbed the extra pillows and blankets from the closet and bedded down on the couch downstairs.

    I woke up and went for my daily jog at 6 AM. I took a little extra time this morning trying to process the ramifications of my behavior last night. I returned to the house at 8 AM and Hommie was all dressed and packing his lunch for today. He did not acknowledge me. He clearly avoided even looking at me. I felt horrible. I did not know what to say or do. I just sort of stood there.

    He finished packing his lunch, put his coat on and started to head for the door. When he got to where I stood between him and the door. He spoke for the first time. While he did face me, he stared at his shoes instead of looking me in the eye. He said, “I cant remember much at all from last night. But, I assume from the soreness in my ass, and from what looked a whole lot like cum that I farted out of my ass this morning, that you took advantage of my foolish drunkenness?”

    Now it was my turn to hang my head and stare at my shoes.

    “Yeah… and for what it is worth, I regret it and I am very very sorry.”

    Then a deafening silence filled the room. I finally broke the silence with, “I don’t blame you for hating me.”

    For the first time, he looked me in the eye and said, “I was mad at first, then scared…then bummed that I was too out of it to really feel it and remember it as it happened.”

    More silence. Then he said, “What you did was not right… in fact it was very wrong… I don’t know if I want to continue to live here… at the same time, I used your cum from my ass to beat off just imagining what happened… I am very confused and I think it is best that we avoid each other for awhile as I… and you… think about what happened, why it happened, what does it mean if anything and what does it change, if anything.”

    All I said was, “ok, and again, I am sorry.”

    I don’t know if I should have shared what happened here. I went around and around about it in my head all morning. In the end, I decided to share it for two reasons. First, recounting it helps me do what Hommie suggested… think though how and why I did what I did. Second, when I created this blog I said wanted to write about “real” stuff… my real sex life. Only writing about the good stuff, and not the questionable or bad stuff is not living up to that ideal.

    And, before one of you writes it in a comment, yes… I know that Hommie could have me arrested for what I did. Again, I aint proud of this shit. Also, I am tested every 6 months and my last test was last month (November)… Negative.6119459973232173329-8814702482945485190?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  18. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    When I got home last night around 9:00 PM, Hommie was there... he is still not talking to me, but at least he did look at me a couple of times.

    I got up from bed to hit the head around 0100 hours. Hommie's bedroom door was mostly closed but not completely shut. As I walked by his room I could see that he was at his computer with headphones on and it looked like he was watching some porn... probably Xtube. His back was to me so I cant be sure, but from the way his body was moving, it looked like he was beating off.

    I went on to the head. As I was pissing I wondered if he was watching straight or gay porn? There was no way to be sure without drawing attention to myself... which I am sure would just make matters worse. Straight or gay porn... really does not matter... at least he does not appear to be so fucked up that he cant get-off.

    When I returned from my run this morning, Hommie had already left for work. On my bedroom door was taped a note that read, "I want you to get an AIDS and STD test and share the results with me". During the hour it took me to get ready for work and eat breakfast, I started drafting several response in my head. Not the least of which were like "Just had that done in November", to, "my status does not prove anything regarding your status", to, "what about all of the other people with whom you have had unprotected sex". in the end, just before I left the house, I simply wrote "OK" on the same note and taped it to his door.

    I hate it when i do something that is so clearly STUPID!6119459973232173329-1229719247896968225?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  19. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    Went to the Hockey game on Saturday night. Stopped at a pub near the arena before the game. I saw a guy there who sometimes sits next to me at the game (he shares season tickets with a group so he is not at every game). We had made small talk about the team during previous games and he seemed like a nice regular guy. He is about 6', and I guess weights in the 230 lbs range. He also wears a well groomed full salt & pepper beard. I guess him to me in his early to mid 40's.

    The pub was crowded, and he was about 4 feet away from me. When we first made eye contact I nodded my head hello, and he raised his beer in return. A few minutes later, I noticed that he was still looking at me... did not think much of it at that point and continued to watch the pre-game program on the big screen. About five minutes later, I happened to look in his direction again and decided that he was clearly staring at me like he was trying to recognize me from somewhere. I figured that he simply forgot that I have the seat next to him. I made my way over to him and re-introduced myself. He said, "yes, I remember". I thought this response was rather odd since he was looking at me like in did not remember.

    We made small talk. The whole time he continued to look at me strangely. I was starting to become uncomfortable. Perhaps he sensed this because he then said, "forgive me but I think I may know you from somewhere other than the hockey game. May I ask you a personal question?' I said sure. "Are you on-line anywhere... I mean do you have a profile on XXXX?"

    I hesitated for a moment, then said, "Yes, I do". He said,

    "So do I, I am XXXX on there". I did not recognize the name. "I think your screen name is XXXX".

    I said, "Yes, that is me... I am sorry, have we chatted before?"

    "Only briefly, as I recall, the chat sort of ended once we determined that we are both Top"

    "yeah, that happens"

    The scary thing is that I was sure that I had not shared my face pic. If I had, I would have remembered him because I only do that when it is a sure thing we are going to hookup and only after I have the other person's pic first. I remember this guy from a previous hockey game, but not the fuck site. I suspect someone whom I did share my pic with may have shared it with him. I chose not to pursue how he recognized my any further... after a stressful week at work, and home (Crossed The Line... Rape), I just wanted to have a good time at the game.

    It was about game time, so we walked to the arena together. All during the game, his knee stayed pressed to me. I made a couple of attempts to give him room until I realized that the touching was intentional. We had a very good time drinking a ton of beer and watching a very good game. It was neat sitting next to another guy whom, like me, one would never guess likes to burry his cock deep in another mans ass... but you know that he does.

    After the game, I offered him a ride home since I had driven to the game. He accepted.

    During the 20 min drive to his apartment, hardly a word was spoken. When we arrived he asked if I would like to come up and mess around for a bit. I said nothing... simply parked the car.

    As soon as we were inside his very nice apartment, he turned to me and we started tweaking each others nips. Next came the kiss. Wow, dude was a killer kisser. I was instantly bone hard. I reached between his legs and found that he was the same.

    We broke apart and undressed ourselves.... still no words were spoken... I had no idea where this was going.

    When I dropped his boxers to the floor, out sprang a hugely fat 7" cock with miles of foreskin. Since most of my sex is all about me being dominate and Topping the other guy, I don't often get the chance to suck a really nice cock. Consequently, my knees hit the floor and I proceeded to give this guy the blow job of his life (according to him afterwards).

    I sucked him strong for about 10 minutes, being sure to give plenty of attention to the sensitive head under the foreskin. He was leaning against the wall and moaning very loudly and would periodically force my head off him to keep from shooting his load.

    After a few close calls, he pushed me all the way on my back, got between my legs and proceeded to take my rock hard cock in his mouth. At the same time, he reached up and tweaked the hell out of my nips. At this point, we were in the zone. I held the back of his head and fucked his throat hard (which I could do for days in this position cause I rarely cum on my back). At the same time he was tweaking my nips and grinding his fat cock on my leg. It was totally hot, and lasted at varying tempos for a good fifteen minutes.

    We then trade position and I once again got to suck his fantastic cock, only this time, the foreskin was full of pre-cum that tasted so good. I nearly came at that point, but held off. I once again kept swirling my tong over his sensitive cock head. He was loving it, but he went absolutely crazy when I started licking his balls. His ball sack had that sweaty/musky man smell which also almost made me cum. He was moaning very loudly, covered his face with his hands and tossed his head from side to side.

    At this point we had been at it for about 45 minutes and I was ready to cum. I stopped sucking him and moved up so that my knees straddled his head. Again, with out a word, he understood completely that it was time for him to swallow my load. He opened his mouth wide, reached up with his left hand to work my nips, and began to stroke himself with his right hand. I lowered my fat cock into his mouth and then began to fuck his throat slow and steady. I continually went all the way to where I could feel his throat around my cock head and then pull nearly all the way out before going back in. This guy can suck a cock! It felt incredible, and with him working my nips I soon was at the point of ejaculation. I said nothing. No warning at all. I intentionally kept the same even pace. During this suck he had had his eye closed... totally in the zone of the experience. As soon as the first blast of my cum hit the back of his throat, his eyes shot open wide... He began to buck and he picked up the pace of his stroking. The Second and third blast happened on the up stroke so they filled his mouth. The fourth and final blast happened on the down stroke and that is the only time he gagged, spilling some of the cum out of the corner of his mouth. As I was pulling out of his mouth, he swallowed the reset of my load and then a few seconds after that, I felt the first blast of his cum hit my lower back. I have to admit that his load was much bigger than mine, and it seemed to last forever. I quickly licked up the thickest globs of his cum that landed on his stomach.

    We laid on the floor together as he came down from his ejaculation high.

    He said, "I needed that"

    "yeah, me too. Damn, you came a lot!"

    "Well, it has been five weeks since I have had sex due to work and the holidays"

    "I am glad I could help"

    "Me too, I have never been sucked like that"

    "Dude, you have got to get out more"

    "Yeah, I think so too"

    I got dressed and left. The whole way home I was kicking myself for not keeping my camera with me. That shot of him with my cum dribbling out the side of his mouth was priceless.6119459973232173329-280215763633780627?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  20. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    Entregate, you were right! Roomie did come visit my bed Friday night after Christmas.

    Sorry It has been a while since I posted last. Have had plenty of sexual encounters, but with the Holidays, and having been thrown for a loop with the whole housemate rape thing, I needed to take a short break and think through some shit. Nonetheless, I am back now and will start off by quickly bringing you up to speed on what happened whit Roomie.

    If you have been following this blog, you know that after I took advantage of by drunk, mostly straight, housemate, he insisted that I prove my HIV Negative status. I was tested and it came back Negative and I posted the results on his bedroom door as he was still not talking to me at that point. Let see, that was the Tuesday before Christmas.

    I did not see much of him at all that week as he spent the Holiday with family out in Virginia. We both worked on Friday following Christmas. I had made it a quite night by eating an early dinner out, and then watching some HBO movie at home. I went to bed around 11:00. At some point during the night, I hear him come in the house. From the banging and talking to himself (something that he does when he is drunk) I quickly figured out that he was drunk.

    About five minutes after I heard him enter the house, my bedroom door opens. I look up to seem his standing in the doorway. He is shirtless, and has nothing on his feet. He belt was undone, and his jeans were open at the fly and showing the top of his white underwear.

    I said, "What's up?"

    He said nothing. He simply hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his jeans and underwear and shucked them down to the floor in one motion. He stepped out of his jeans and walked four steps to the foot of my bed.

    I said, "Are You sure?"

    Again he did not speak, he simply nodded his head and then kneeled on the bed, pausing a moment before leaning over to rest his upper body on his elbows. His head was planted into the mattress.

    I needed no further encouragement. I climbed out of bed nude and reached for the bottle of lube I keep in the night stand beside my bed. I stood behind him with a raging hard-on. The only sound in the room was the click clack sound of me rubbing a lot of lube all over my dick.

    I took a step forward and he jumped slightly as the head of my cock made contact with his pucker. I grabbed his narrow hips with both hands and held him in place as I slowly pressed the head of my cock through his super tight sphincter. He grunted loudly as I popped his hole and sank all of my fat cock inside him. I had to tighten my grip on his hips as his natural reaction was to try and move away from the pain. I held him to my crotch for about thirty seconds until the pain started to go away and his hole adjusted to my girth.

    I began to fuck him slowly, but I soon determined that I would not prolong this fuck because by now it was obvious that this would be a "dirty" fuck. Clearly, he is not aware of how a good bottom prepares to be fucked.

    In less than a minute, I had him completely open and was fucking him with strong deep strokes. out of curiosity, I did quick "reach around" and found that he was indeed rock hard. I wanted to make this good for him so I pulled out and flipped him on his back. As I re-entered him, I angled my cock up, trying to hit his prostate with each stroke. Perhaps out of embarrassment or defiance, he still would not look at me as his eyes were close tight and his head was turned to the side. The only sound he made was grunts that were in perfect sync with the down stroke of my cock in his hole.

    I soon felt the my orgasm approaching and I did not ask, rather, I told him, "I am going to cum in your ass"

    With this announcement, he finally opened his eye and looked directly at me. At the same time he reached between his legs and began to aggressively stroke his cock. With one last, deep thrust, I let go, and shot a huge load deep in his hole. As I shot, I felt him tighten his hole around my cock. As soon as I was done unloading, he began to spry his chest and stomach with his own cum which came out in very thick globs.

    As soon as he appeared to be done shooting his load, i slowly pulled out of him and went to the bathroom for a towel to clean up the mess. When I came back in the room, he was curled up in the fetal position.

    "Are you okay?" long pause.

    "I am better than okay... thank you... I know that we need to talk... but I am not ready for that yet... is that okay?"

    "Sure, whenever you are ready... but can we go back to being friends again?"

    "I would like that"

    A few minutes later he left my bed for his own.6119459973232173329-386499553656169468?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  21. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    Sorry folks, it has been awhile since my last post. Two factors have caused this delay. First, like Bikeguy, most of my hookups take place while I am on business travel. My travel is just now picking up again after the holiday slow down. Secondly, Roomie has been venturing into my bed more and more as he has gotten over the fact that I nearly raped him that first time. I have not yet decided if I will blog anymore about sex with my housemate. I find it more difficult to write about fucking a guy who is not only a very good friend, and one who lives in the same house. No, he does not know about this blog yet.

    Anyway, it is Tuesday morning and I am in the Airport awaiting my flight back to DC from Alabama. My cock is a bit sore from fucking a skinny white boy so hard last night. t It was a punishment fuck to be sure.

    The trick’s name is Mike. The interesting thing is how we hooked up. Mike is actually a repeat from a previous trip early last year. Evidently, while putting the hookup together last year, I put his cell phone number in my phone with just his first name. The day before began this trip, I was looking for another number and came across “Mike xxx.xxx.xxxx (in Birmingham)”. I had no recollection of this Mike, or the previous hookup. As if figured out later, this hookup took place eight months ago. On a whim, I decided to send the number a txt msg that said,

    “Will be in town Sunday night though Tuesday morning”.

    When I landed in Birmingham Sunday afternoon, and turned my phone on, there was a return msg,

    “who is this?”

    and another one that said,

    “You looking?”

    To make a long story short, I confessed to not knowing who I was sending the message to, but that we must have hooked-up before. Within about 4 msgs he was asking me

    “Are you a big muscled black guy with a fat Bulldog Dick that fucked me silly last spring at the Hilton?”

    The “Bulldog Dick” is a term he used the last time we fucked, and this keyed my memory.

    “Yes, that would be me.”

    We made plans for a second fuck at 6:00 PM Monday night.

    At about 10 til 6 I get a txt msg saying:

    “Hey, I am running late but I will be there by 6:30”

    Maybe it is my background, but punctuality is important to me, and his being late irritated me a bit. Nonetheless, I responded:

    “Copy That”

    By 6:45 I am pissed and decided to call off the fuck.

    “Listen guy, maybe another time”

    He responded,

    Mike: “I am here… pulling into the parking lot now”

    Me: “Yeah, but this was supposed to go down at 1800 hours”

    Mike: “I am sorry, I could not get away from work …”

    Me: “I gotta tell ya… I am kinda pissed”

    Mike: “I understand… take it out on me sexually Sir”

    I truly had no plan to go through with this fuck until he said to take my anger out on him sexually… Honestly, that made my dick rock hard instantly.

    Me: “Very well, proceed to room 202”

    As this guy, Mike, walks through the door, I realize that I had forgotten what a hot body he has. He is 6’, 145lbs, 33 waist, broad shoulders and narrow hips. He had the classic swimmers body type. He also has one of those perfectly shaped bubble buts with only the slightest giggle to it when you smack it.

    As soon as the door is closed and he turns to face me, I slap him hard across the face. He says nothing, looks down at the floor and prepares himself for the next slap which comes immediately. Again, he says nothing and stands there. I tell him to get naked and he hurriedly begins to remove all of his clothing and then waits for me by the bed.

    As soon as I am also naked I turn him, and lean him over the side of the bed. I put just a bit of lube on the head of my cock. I want this first stroke to hurt. He had produced this little bottle of popper and was sniffing hard, trying to prepare himself for the initial shock of me penetrating him. As soon as he had the cap back on the bottle, I thrust into him in one strong motion. He yells out, and tries to get away by moving forward onto the bed, but he cant. I have a firm grip of his narrow hips and I move with him so that my fat cock stays burred deep in his guts. He is withering and moaning loudly on the bed underneath me. After holding my cock in him for about 15 second. I yank it out and he collapses flat on the bed. I walked over to my suitcase and remove an expensive bottle of German poppers.

    “Here, use these…they are much stronger”

    He gladly takes the new poppers, and takes a huge pull on them. I was a bit concerned about this because these poppers knock me on my ass! Nevertheless, he sort of drifted off into la la land as I repositioned him onto his back with his legs over my shoulders.

    Just before I push back into him… he looks at me all glassy eyed and says,

    “Please take me Sir… Punish me… Please breed me Sir”

    With that I began a very hard driving fuck. His ass, now completely open, felt GREAT, but when he started to rub my nips while I was fucking him… I went into over drive. For awhile, all that could be heard was the click-clacky sound of cock moving in and out of a well lubed ass. The distinctive balls slapping bare ass. And, the gutteral moans of a well fucked bottom.

    I fucked him steady for about 20 minutes, stopping only a couple of times to add more lube. He manages to say in a groggy voice,

    “I don’t know how much more I can take Sir”. To that I said,

    “You are about to get what you came for.”

    I took a small sniff of the German poppers and worked my way up to and explosive orgasm. I counted 5 strong shots deep into his guts. As I did he said,

    “Yes Sir, Yes Sir, Yes Sir”

    I stayed in him for about a minute while I came down off my popper high. As soon as I pulled out he ask,

    “May I cum now Sir?”


    I think he maybe got three good strokes in before he shot one of the biggest loads I have ever seen come out of a dick. He was not a strong shooter, rather, it just keep flowing out the head of his cock , all over his cock, hand and balls.

    I helped him up and sent him into the bathroom to clean up. He was in there for about 5 minutes before he re-emerged, got dressed and left. The only thing he said before he left was,

    “Please, text me again Sir when you come back”6119459973232173329-797268146491271562?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  22. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    I was up in Maine a couple of weeks ago and once again, my aggressiveness caused me to fuck up another friendship.

    A bit of background.... last summer I was at the only real gay bar in Portland Maine. It was a rather slow saturday night. I was staying at a friends empty house as he was out of the country for the summer and was very horny. There was not much to pick from in the bar, plus, everyone would look at me but not approach me... probably because there are so few black people in Maine, let alone gay black people. Anyway, I was about to finish my beer and leave when in walks a bear cub of a guy with I well groomed gotee, plaid sleeveless shirt, jeans, boots and worn ball cap. If you have been reading this blog, you know that I really go for the white guys... what you may not know until now is that natural looking farm boys... somewhat rednecks (see Cable Guy post) really make my dick hard.

    Anyway, long story short, it took me about an hour wand two rounds of beers to pick that guy up, take him back to my friends house and fuck him twice bareback but not breed him. He did not say much, rather shy, but he made mistake about expressing how much my fat cock hurt, and then how good it felt after he got past the pain. Needless to say, we both had a good time. We continued to chat online for the rest of my visit, and even hooked up again for another similar fuck the night before I returned to Washington.

    I was back up in Maine a few weeks ago and we made plans to get together. Since that first time we fucked, he had since entered a relationship and exited a relationship, and had moved in with another, non-sexual, friend.

    Since time was short this time we decided that I would come over to his place on a Thursday night. When I got there, I was sort of surprised to see his housemate there. He introduced us and then we went to his bedroom. We sat on the bed and caught up for about thirty minutes. I sat at the foot of the bed and he was all the way at the head of the bed, and made no move whatsoever to get things started. In fact, I was wondering if we were going to have sex at all since it had been several months since we had seen each other, and he was clear about not fucking around while he was in relationship. All the while we were chatting, I could hear his housemate putzing around just outside the bedroom door. I am sure that he was listening for sounds of sex.

    Finally, about 45 minutes we were beginning to exhaust the list of things go chat about, and I decided that although we did not talk specifically about having sex when we set this meeting up, I came there to get laid. Without a word, I moved over to him and kissed him hard. He seemed a little shocked, so I took the opportunity to kiss him again and begin to unbuckle his belt and take his pants off. He was extremely passive...not agreeing but not saying "stop" either.

    Within two minutes we were both completely naked and I had him pinned to the bed. In my head, I decided that there is one sure way to know if the was planning for this or not. With that, I lifted his legs up to his chest and moved into position to eat his ass. As soon as I got close, I could smell the soapy smell of a freshly cleaned ass. At that point, any hesitation/reservation I had when out the window.

    I ate him strong for about three minutes.... all the while working as much spit into his butt as I could . He must have know that I was planning to spit fuck him hard, because when I came up for air, he was already handing me a bottle of wet and said,

    "Dude, I cant take you without lube"

    "Fine", I said, and proceeded to lube both his hole and my cock.

    I began fucking him slow with his knees pinned to his chest. He grunted and groaned loudly... I am sure his housemate heard him... I know he was just outside that door!

    I proceeded to fuck him deeper and faster... and I dont know if he ever got to the place of pleasure over pain... He had a pained look on his face the whole time....

    After about 15 minutes of solid fucking... I felt my seed raising in my balls. I was soon at that point of pulling out and shooting on him... like before.... and staying in and breeding him deep. I was going back and forward trying to decide what to do, and then I this mental picture of him walking me out of the house, past his nosy housemate with my cum seeping out of his ass and into his jeans.... that was it.... I dumped a huge load him... I also made loud grunting noises with every squirt for the benefit of his housemate.

    The whole time I was fucking him he had his eyes closed... squinting at the pain... but when I unloaded.... his eyes shot open as if to say "OH NO!" Although i could read the expression on his face... he did not say a word.

    We cleaned up, and we indeed walked right past his housemate... just as I had seen it in my head...

    I chatted with him online the next day... He admitted that he was not expecting me to breed him... I assured him that I a indded HIV Negative.... and he seemed very glad to hear that.... but I could tell for the way he was talking that that would be the last time that we fuck.... Shit!6119459973232173329-7965594328293578476?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


  23. Click here to see Black Bareback Bull's original blog post...

    I have a few simple rules about whom I fuck. One of them is that if the trick is young enough that he could be my Son, he is way too young for my fat cock.

    I was in New Jersey over night last week. I had been on the usual sites looking for some decent ass for about hour with no luck. There was this one guy with a screen name that was something like AFbtm (that is not it, but something like it) that kept trying to IM me on manhunt. At first I just did not respond, but he kept at it for nearly the whole hour I was online. Finally I thanked him for his interest, but said that he is just too young for me to fuck. Undaunted, he kept at it saying that he could more than take my cock, and even though he is only 19 yo, he has taken plenty of loads. In the very next sentence he assured me that he is still negative.

    This went on for about another 30 minutes. He gave up on trying to get me to fuck him and promised that he would give me the best blow job I have every had… I had to points for being persistent. I also give him points for picking up on the fact that I was super horny and needed do drop my load. I finally agreed that he could come to my hotel room and he could suck my cock for a bit., but I made no promises because I really do have a mental block when it comes to fucking what I consider “kids”.

    About an hour later, AFBoy is at my door. He is about 5’11”, 32”waist, swimmers build, sandy blond hair, freckles and sky blue eyes…The epitome of the Neighbor Kid Next Door. (I took him at his word that he was indeed 19 although in retrospect, he could have been anywhere from 17 to 20)

    I instantly knew that this would not work for me so I stood in the door way shaking my head “No” and began to tell him that it just was not going to work…. While I was talking, the kid walks right by me into my room.

    I turned to face him and said,

    “Look Kid, I appreciate you coming out and everything, but….”

    At this point, the kid had his sweatshirt off, pants undone (no underwear), and was on his knees with his mouth wide open… looking up at me with those totally submissive blue eyes. I am sure that everyone reading this knows what happened next…. Yeah… I got rock hard!

    I saw his eyes break away from mine, and stare directly at my bulging crotch. There was this moment… nothing was said and neither of us moved…. In that moment I knew that he knew that he was going to get my cum in at least one hole.

    He quickly jumped up… kicked off his tennis shoes…. Dropped his pant and returned to his knees directly in front of my crotch… naked except for his white gym socks. He once again looks up at me with those submissive eyes and says,

    “Please use me Sir”

    I still did not say a word or move a muscle. Truly, a war was going on in my head between my desire and my morality.

    After about 10 seconds of no response for me, AFBoy very tentatively reached up and gently put his warm cold and shaky hand on my crotch and felt my cock through my trousers. Hid touch, made my cock begin to twitch. I think the sudden movement of my cock surprised him and turned him on at the same time as he too became instantly hard at that point.

    Somewhat encourages by my failure to remove his hand from my cock, he became a little more brave and began to unbuckle my belt. At that point, the debate in my head was over. I would not fuck AFBoy’s tender ass, but his throat would be sore for two days by the time I let him leave.

    I took over the undoing of my pants, and taking off the rest of my cloths. As I did I said,

    “Lets be crystal clear boy, I wont fuck your ass, but I will fuck your throat”

    “yes, thank you Sir”

    “You will do exactly as I direct, and you are not allowed to quit. Is that understood”

    “mmm oh, Yes… Sir… thank you Sir… I will do my best Sir… make me take it Sir”

    “Trust me, you will never forget the this next hour”

    He visibly trembled a bit and said,

    “I understand Sir”

    I realize that I am dominant, but when I get with a bottom that is particularly submissive, something comes over me and I tend to get very rough. Once I was naked, I lined my cock up with his open mouth… I paused, and told him,

    “Close your eyes, and keep them close at all times, no mater what… understand?”

    He had a nervous look on his face, then slowly closed his eyes as he said,

    “Yes Sir”

    I placed my hand at the back of his head and then rammed my fat cock all the way in his mouth and now his throat and held it there for about 15 seconds… until he was pushing on my legs trying to get air. I pulled back and let him breath… with the first gulp of air, he coughed hard. After his second gulp of air, I assaulted his throat again, and then again, and then again, and again.

    By this time tears were streaming down his cheeks. I shoved it in again and held it and asked him,

    “Are you going to quit?”

    He could not speak with my cock in his mouth so he quickly shook his head “No”

    “Good Boy”

    Each time I would go deep in his throat, I was using the fat head of my cock to open his throat. He was actually getting the hang of it and gaging less and less. Then I briefly caught him opening his eyes. I pulled my cock out of his mouth, stepped into the bathroom and came back with a damp hand towel. I rolled in and made it into a blindfold.

    “I told you to keep your eyes closed… now I have to blindfold you”

    “Yes Sir, I am sorry Sir”

    Once I had the wet blind fold on tight, I led him to the bed, made him lay on his back with his head dangling off the edge.

    “Now I am going to fuck your throat… open your mouth as wide as you can and cover your teeth. Don’t do anything but hold your mouth open and cover your teeth”

    I adjusted the angle of his head so that it was perfectly in-line with my cock. Then I began slow deep thrusts deep into his throat. I was penetrating his throat much deeper now so he was gagging pretty hard and coughing up flem. Soon his entire face was covered with flem, and spit-up. I looked gross but it felt so very good on my cock.

    I could feel the cum rising in my balls as he struggled to hang on and stay with tme… His whole lower body was withering all over the place and he balled up the bed sheet in his clutching fist. He obvious struggle made me hotter and I fucked hi throat a little harder.

    I so wanted to cum at that moment, but I did, he would hardly be able taste it with all that other shit he was coughing up so I pulled back.

    “Ok… take it easy, stay here… don’t move”

    I went to the bath room and got a warm wet face cloth and a towel. I retuned to him and proceeded to clean up him and my cock. He was trying so hard to be tough, but it was clear that he was crying under the blindfold. I kept talking to him while I cleaned.

    “Wow, you are tough. That is as good as anyone had with my cock in their throat… you feel really good”

    I let him calm down a bit. Then I said,

    “Ok boy, it time for you to eat some cum”

    “Yes Sir”

    I put him square on the bed with a couple of pillow under his head. I then straddled his chest, leaned forward and held on to the head board as I lowered my cock into his waiting mouth.

    “suck me boy… suck the cum out of me”

    Like a champ, AFBoy sucked me good. The right amount of spit, sucking and tong movement along the underside of my cock head. It really was very good!

    After about 3 minutes of this, I grunted and let loose a very heavy load in his mouth. Through gritted teeth as I was cumming, I said,

    “Don’t swallow it yet boy… hold in your mouth”

    AFBoy held perfectly still as I finished cumming. When I was done, I got off of him and told him to spit some of my cum in his hand and jack off. He did as told. Meanwhile, I sucked on two fingers and then slowly inserted them in his very smooth…. I should have fucked…. Ass and massaged his prostate. In less than two minutes he was ready to cum. As soon as he bagan to shoot, I put my mouth on his cock and caught a HUGE and VERY THICK load of his cum. When I was done, I immediately kissed him and fed all of his load back to him. Then I ssaid,

    “Now swallow it”

    I honestly wanted to just gently hold him for awhile, but knew that was not what HE NEEDED. He needed me to complete the whole experience validate what he is… what he feels inside about himself. So, with the blind fold still on, I took him to the bathtub, put him on his knee in the tube while I stood on the rim of the tube and unleashed a torent of rank yellow piss all over him. As a true testimony to his youth, the kid was rock hard AGAIN. The whole time I was pissing on him he was saying,

    “Thank you Sir, … Yes Sir… Mark me Sir”

    When I was done pissing, I grabbed him by the arm and lead him to the door. I stopped to scoop up all his shit and then open the door, through his shit in the hallway, and pushed him in to the hallway with the blindfold still on. I then closed and bolted the door.

    Of couse, I watched him through the peep hole. I have to give it to the kid, he adapts quickly. He stood there naked and piss soaked in the hall stunned for about 5 seconds as he contemplated this final twist. He then quickly took off the blindfold, gathered his stuff and had the presents of mind to run two doors down to the fire escape. I assume that he got dressed in the fire escape stairwell before leaving the building.

    Later that night, I did get an email from him. It simply said,

    Thank you Sir, I will never forget you or this night!6119459973232173329-202023637149428745?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


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