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About Gruenschnabel

  • Birthday 07/13/1998

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Berlin, Germany
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Bi w/ male preference
  • Porn Experience
    Made some jack off videos
  • Looking For
    Males to top or females to breed (never did it, want to try out)

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] https://gruenschnabel.rocks

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  1. For me, I watched too much porn online and 99% of it was bare. So I wanted to have sex that way too. I even made this decision before my first time. So I wanted bare sex and I only had bare sex to this day!
  2. - It's easier / natural You just do it like nature intended it! Or do animals wear protection? No! So why should I? - Less to think about No thought get wasted on questions like "Do I need/have condoms?" Just let things happen and go for it! - Feels better Nothing is better then feel you partner skin on skin. Feeling everything in or around you. - Saves money Someone have to pay for the rubber. A total wast! Save your money! Let the button absorb your spunk. - Environmental friendy You use rubbers just one time. Totally stupid.
  3. My first time barebacking as a top was my first time sex at all and even planned! We chatted a couple of weeks and I planned to visit him. He asked me beforehand, if I want to do it "with or without". I said I want my first time without protection. When I finally was at his place and we were lying in his bed, there weren't any condoms in sight (didn't wanted to use them anyway). He lubed up my raw dick and his hole. Then he gave me a sign to mount him. I was like "Oh fuck, a dream is come true!" But I have to say, I didn't cum in him in my first fuck session. I did in the secound session the next day. But both times felt incredible!
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