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    Who really gives a toss?
  • Interests
    I WAS here for the discussions. However, it's become clear that only a single point of view is ever tolerated in this so-called "tolerant" community, and a comment that can be easily supported by factual data resulted in my being given a warning as information one moderator deemed as "mischaracterization" or "conspiracy theory". No citations, no supporting evidence, nothing but one individual's heavy handed approach. That transcends moderation into banning or disciplining a dissenting or alternate view. You can find me elsewhere to ask me about it. I won't name names.
  • Background
    I am a conservative member of the LG(B)TQ+ community. Apparently that does not comport with most people's views. So be it, it's my life based on my experiences. Therefore, I've stopped posting on a Forum Board and suggest that if you do not tow a specific narrative, you risk behavior from others that would easily get you banned if you engaged in it yourself. So imagine having a topical discussion where everyone absolutely must agree with each other, and you will envision a world that lacks diversity of thought. That's troubling. Or Orwellian.
  • Porn Experience
    Lou Briccant, Mike Litterice...oh can you say "clitoris" around here or does the Rainbow Mafia crack down on that too?
  • Looking For
    Since demonstrated tolerance for factual information and non-progressive liberal/socialist perspectives is sorely lacking...basically nothing. And I probably will not return. Pretty certain I'll be banned outright, I really don't give a toss. I wouldn't be the first who've received that treatment via moderation. Go ahead. Give me a warning about posting this, see if I care about it. "Looking for" open discussions.

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