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About pup666cerberus

  • Birthday 12/30/1998

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    anything except shit, women, and public

    mainly: pup play/ dehumanization, chastity, prostitution, forced sex/ substances, PnP, FF, WS, Daddy/ son, Master/ slave, Owner/ pet, hypnosis/ brainwashing, forced mental reprogramming with tech and substances, etc etc
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    total slut
    love substances and losing my free will
  • Looking For
    total sadist Dom top.
    no limits.
    take charge, no-bull-shit, ALPHA MALE.
    an ALPHA GOD who knows how to own and control a faggot omega.

    A man who is genuinely looking for a slave to own, not just talk big online and dodge commitment in every way possible.

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  1. thankfully none of them have been anything to worry about, but they are still occurring. So that in and of itself is very worrisome and I'm at a loss for what could be going on. I have had other symptoms begin, but it's not like....SUPER serious, or at least I am not terribly worried at the moment. What my DR says on the 4th is where we will go..... :))
  2. Thanks for the advice!! I'm still not confidently sure what is going on, definitely not MP I know for a fact cuz of the symptoms and lack of symptoms....but I have a DR appointment coming up for my main DR who looks after my HIV and what not, so I am gonna ask to have additional testing done. My hypochondriac self can't help but look up symptoms and then I get into a rabbit hole that eventually leads to "you're dying" XDDDD so I have definitely tried to stay positive and not freak out just yet lol
  3. Ok, so I may have skipped over the posts of people talking about their symptoms, mainly the sores/ lesions. I have not had any symptoms such as fever, body aches, chills, or painful sores on my body, no swollen lymph nodes, etc etc etc... BUT, i have had these red, flat, non-itchy and overall benign hives on my arms that, as of yesterday, have now begun to spread to my legs and feet, as well as my groin and pubic region. none of them hurt or itch, look scaly or even have white heads or puss pockets. I will be going to an urgent care soon, just cuz im paranoid as fuck about this kinda stuff, but i was wondering if anyone could calm my anxiety about all this, or if someone who has had or has MP could share their experience with the sore/ lesion aspect of the illness. any additional info and links would also be greatly appreciated!
  4. I should mention, my birthday is Dec 30th, and i want to be spun and used until well past New Years Day. If any tops or bottoms or anyone wants a birthday cum dump, let me know! I also clean houses, so i am a great house boy lmfao
  5. looking for serious tops who want a faggot to use and slut out. i am hoping that houston doesn't disappoint me. for how big the city is, there has to be more of yall on here who are active and looking. lets talk!
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