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Posts posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. *AUTHOR NOTE*: inspiration comes from a real event but the development is pure fantasy; it's a one-time story, no second episodes are planned.

    *AUTHOR NOTE 2*: yeah, I fantasize about pozzing some of those sermonizers, but I'll never do it - first of all because they do not deserve any attention both from me and HIV! My virus is too smart to accept such an offense; but at least I can write a story about this... If someone feels insulted, well, I consider it a coming out as keyboard warrior and they already know my answer.




    He appeared showing a lion as avatar and I considered him an Internet user like any other; his name was a series of letters and numbers with apparently no meaning, nothing that could wake up my interest in knowing him further. Till he mentioned me in a forum post I replied to; I explained how gifting turns me on, despite I would never do it for real: "Let me ask", he quoted me. "If you really don't approve spreading HIV intentionally, why are you turned on by stories about it?" 

    Maybe he felt disturbed by my profile, where I openly talk about my gifting fantasies; he didn't give a damn about the fact I was undetectable and could harm no one, even poz talking with complete strangers. He was too concentrated in sermonizing me and continued like that for the following week, with no answer from me.

    My plan was to exclude him with the "block/ignore" feature but it suddenly changed as soon as he came up with a private message: "You're a keyboard warrior! As far as I can guess, you're not poz! I don't believe it! Prove it to me!"

    That was an offense to my pride: me, a keyboard warrior? I could immediately send him my HIV test results in real time buying a self-test and recording it on video. "I won't descend to your level", I told myself and let it go without even looking at his profile.

    "Prove your poz status", the guy insisted every time he saw me on line; "any way you want!"

    ANY WAY? Fuck, I was getting hard just at the idea of having him on his back, feet over my shoulder, with my raw poz dick buried in him; without even knowing how he looked like or how his voice was. Just the challenging tone of his written words made me think it was time to teach him a lesson! HIV does not care about a person's physical appearance, why should I?

    But curiosity hit me: his profile was actually interesting! He claimed to be submissive, loved to be used and abused, in several profile parts he specified to be STD free and looking for "safe" people to be fucked by. Sexting welcome.

    I used the same approach I have for other contacts I sext with, reading his oldest posts I had quite a perfect idea of what buttons to push to turn him on; in a few days of messaging back and forth, he was virtually mine! I skipped on purpose the poz matter as my plan was taking shape: I had to conquest him during a meds holiday! I took my time, easy and daily sexting till I felt his complete submission. "Next week I'll be there", I announced surprising him. "You challenged me and I accepted it!"

    "Don't know what you're talking about", was his reply; a further demonstration of his inclination: he was a keyboard warrior! 

    A sex hungry one though, as he gave me his address even without knowing how I looked like too. 

    The week passed and I had scheduled an entire week-end out of town. We exchanged numbers but I did never get a call from him, just texts! I also had some doubts in the meantime: what if he texts because he can't talk or hear, if he's deaf and I poz him without knowledge? He could also be on PrEP, we purposely avoided such topics in plenty of time, sex was the only thing that mattered.

    "Door unlocked", I texted; "I'm there in 30 minutes. Get ready, naked and clean! Surprise 4 u!"

    "waiting 4 u, clean OK" he messaged me back.

    Damn, it was really hard to find a parking place near by, but a short walk was worth it; 20 minutes instead of 10, then finally I found an unlocked door as he described.

    The house seemed empty so, without knowing his name, I shouted: "where's my lion? Poz talk author is here!"

    No voice came from anywhere but in the end I reached a small bedroom... with actually a young guy sitting naked on a chair. Headphone over his head, a joystick in hands and a war game on the screen in front of him. 

    What the fuck, which trouble was I getting into! My temptation was to turn around and leave, but rationality hit me: if I accuse this guy to be a keyboard warrior I can't behave as such! His appearance though, was not the experienced, sexually active man he claimed to be in messages!

    "Sir", I heard his shy voice as soon as I gently touched his arm to get his attention. "Is it... is it you? I did not expect you to show up for real!"

    I positioned my hands on his naked shoulders and tried to massage him; seduction takes time and this one needs patience and trust from me.

    "You said 30 minutes, it took an hour! I thought you were a..."

    "Keyboard warrior?" I interrupted him and gestured him towards the bed: "get your ass in there, I have no time for videogame addicted!"

    He obeyed and was laying on the bed, on his back; I sat next to him with a bag in my hands, staying there without taking my clothes off. He nodded when I asked if he was 18, "will turn 19 in a couple weeks", he smiled proudly. 

    In time for the gift, I thought to myself but didn't say a word.

    "Finger fuck me", he was begging. His dick becoming hard while looking at me and my bag. "What do you have in there, sir?"

    Without answering I sucked and rimmed him for a while, his hole relaxing every time my tongue went in deeper. Damn, he was moaning like a bitch in heat! "Fuck... fuck me", he moaned softly. "Please sir, fuck me..." 

    My smile became soon a mischievous grin: "first day we met you asked me a question. To show you my HIV status. Here I am! Now, if you want me to fuck you, we'll perform these HIV tests together and fuck while waiting for the result. Are you game?" 

    His voice didn't speak, but I saw his body sweating and his dick starting to leak precum; it was obvious what he wanted!

    We set a timer on my phone and left our waiting tests on his nightstand, it was matter of some minutes. I unzipped my pants and, without even wasting time to strip, I inserted my raw dick in him.

    "OUCH", he whimpered, but without even caring I was slowly and firmly thrusting into him; fuck, he was tight! I felt his tender insides tearing, his blood and my poz precum acting as lube for his probably virgin hole. 

    "Almost there", I grinned pounding him hard, till I was balls deep. Meanwhile the timer was continuing going down and as soon as it showed one minute, I picked up my rhythm. "Almost there", I repeated staring at the tests. "Look at these results and tell me what you want!"

    Finally the timer rang; one, two, three times, I wanted to breed him instantly but the sound disturbed this moment so I stopped it; responses were now visible, with two and one line!

    "Oh, no", he started to cry; "You're really poz and I'm not on PrEP... Please pull out!"

    "Undetectable", I whispered in his ear, looking into his eyes. "You wanted a safe guy, and here I am! Ready for load number two?"

    He panicked, but I kept him in place with my strong hands; my phone still on its stand, pointing directly to his face.

    "Tell me what you want, fucking keyboard warrior! Look into my eyes and tell me you want me to stop!"

    I enjoyed his warm ass walls around my shaft, knowing I could not last longer; my virus happy to have finally found a worthy host.

    "Please, I want your load... sir, please..."

    "Better", I commanded. "You can do better!"

    "Breed me, seed me, impregnate me..."

    I squeezed his balls with one hand: "which kind of load do you want? Tell me!"

    "Your positive load, I want... I want your HIV!"

    His face turning red, embarrassed and pleased at the same time while I flooded his guts with my second load; "take it, fucking keyboard warrior! Take your birthday gift!"

    I collapsed on him, completely spent. Our sweaty bodies entwined into an unexpected embrace. "Hold it in", I whispered; "I want you to keep all my poz seed in you."

    "It's not fair", he told me after a while. "You claim to be poz, fantasize about gifting and then can't transmit."

    "Time will tell", I replied; a last hug, a kiss on his forehead then I left his house.

    "Want 2 keep in touch", he texted the following day. "maybe a repeat?"

    "You MUST keep in touch" was my answer. "Let me know if there are any news."

    No text came from him for a couple weeks, till his birthday arrived and I sent him a message: "u received my gift?"

    and he answered "Will check in a while, in bed sick now."

    "On my way", I typed back; "happy birthday, my poz son!"

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  2. On 9/25/2018 at 3:22 AM, ronetbus said:

    Guys, I apologize for leaving this story unfinished. Life has interrupted me a bit. I had more of it written in my head already, but am still unsure of the end. 


    I'm asking permission to my virus to help you going on!

    Let's see if my virus is smart enough to help a neg author ✍🏻🤗🎁

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  3. SPOILER: 

    PozCop wants to clarify his relationship with Ian once forever, but Ian is mad at him, he does not believe in the "treatment as transmission" story; they argue and PozCop goes home alone...

    Ian panicks, he's been left in the woods. Blind, without smartphone or any other aid!

    PozCop is heavily insulted by Hunter, Ryan and the girls for this but he had his reasons for his actions...

    An asshole? No, he's challenging his chaser. And his powerful VIRUS


  4. Chapter 12 is coming!

    The virus does not talk to us though, he's working. Hard working...

    hope there are not too many mistakes! I've checked it out but I could have missed something due to exhaustion. Long hard days!



    Part 12 – Lies don’t last long
    “Fucking liars”, Ian yelled to us. “All three of you!”
    Ryan wanted to speak, but I closed his lips with a finger. I knew my former boyfriend, when he had those mood swings anyone had to let them flow out whithout any further interference.
    “The self-calling Gifter has pills in his drawer. And then…” 
    He began hitting the table with his hands and kicked my chair with his bare feet; “You, Hunter, claim to be off meds while saying you’re undetectable; and you, Ryan? I do not really know who I have to trust; not the two of you, at least! I’m blind, not stupid! Lies don’t last long!”
    “I should be still undetectable”, I explained; “I stopped my meds less than a month ago! I can only assume it though. Please calm down, Ian!”
    I began to worry: maybe he was upset just by my presence? It was painful to think about, but that could be a possibility.
    In silence we emptied the pudding bowl feeding each other but Ryan was the only one to take the spoon and eat by himself.
    “We’re viral brothers”, I encouraged him; “and we share our sexual fluids. Why do you feel uncomfortable if I feed you?”
    Again, Ryan started to open and close his fists; “do you see these damned hands, Hunter? In this same kitchen I was fed for months, my fingers were completely useless because of my father’s violence.”
    Ian and I didn’t say anything, just let him explain: Adrian, PozCop, found Ryan seriously injured next to a dumpster. Hardly kicked and beaten, with two ribs and all fingers broken.
    “I hope your father got arrested”, Ian was the first to speak. “I guess our Poz Cop was the one to catch him and send him directly to prison.”
    “Gifter rescued me”, Ryan continued; “he was the one who looked after me in everyday life for the long period where my hands could not move at all. He fed me, washed me, and…”
    “…Converted you?” Ian asked. “did you get pozzed during those months?”
    “I had no money to pay him after my parents kicked me out. So he asked me to give him my ass in return, and my neg status! I could not believe it, I ended my piano career but found my amazing gifter.”
    “Any bad situation can turn into an opportunity”, I said; “positive thinking leads to positive results! Pun intended!”
    I looked into his eyes and offered him my lips, for a kiss. “Last but not least, you also found two brothers and a sister… as soon as Ian converts.”
    Ryan got up and literally jumped over my knees: “First of all I have found a fantastic boyfriend”, he said kissing me deeply; we were entwined and seemed a unique body. Ian was still there but no one of us took care of the situation; at least he could find one real reason to feel angry towards us!

    I lifted my foot again and gave a stronger kick in front of me; in the end my toes hit Hunter’s leg, but a sudden excruciating pain made me pull back before I could act further. “Asshole”, I heard a voice from somewhere; “go on like this and you’ll end up dead! I can decide of your life now, remember it!”
    “You assholes”, I screamed towards both guys who continued making out and suck each other, without even caring of my existence. “We’re living with a cop and you Threaten a blind person with death?”
    “Don’t know what you’re talking about”, Hunter replied clearly upset but Ryan whispered something to his ear, without letting me know what he said; I only supposed it was a sort of Joke, as Hunter started to laugh hard.
    Both guys in silence moved to another room leaving all bowls and food remains on the table, and me alone sitting on the chair; it was obvious at that point, they excluded me from their lives! 
    I picked up my phone hoping to find a message from Gifter, but the contact was off line: even a call produced the “no user available” response and when I tried to contact Sharon I got the same feedback! I was completely left to myself by people I loved most, in a day I considered another happy step towards my pozzing. I still felt Gifter’s scent, his warm body holding me tight in a hug while kissing me hard with his dominant tongue; the plug he inserted in my hole was in place and it made me feel like he was still with his hard member inside me!
    What an unlucky day, even music didn’t work; instead of the playlist Gifter gave me to listen while I was alone, an old song came out from my smartphone’s speaker: “In every life we get some trouble, but when you worry you make it double. Don’t worry, be happy.” I haven’t added that music to my library! But I had no time to wonder why it was there, because a weird sound came from the corridor. Gifter’s footsteps were unmistakable and he was pulling a trolley, or something similar! A smile started to grow on my face, I guessed he brought the electric piano from my old house!
    “Chasers”, he yelled; “where on earth are you all? I want you into the kitchen, quickly!”
    “I’m already there”, I shouted back, and waited but the hope to feel my amazing Gifter’s arms around my naked body, vanished soon enough when I realized the truth: he was pulling a wheelchair, and directed it straight towards me!

    Life gave me everything I wanted: a virus, four good chasers and soon a child from one of them; something was missing though, I wanted my twin sister with me forever! 
    Years before, I had been seriously disappointed seeing a single line on her HIV test despite I bred her daily with my highly viral seed. Alexandra, blood of my blood, could be my first chaser; our biological and emotional bond could be even stronger, it was not fair she remained negative. But destiny never stopped challenging both of us: according to doctors she was dying in a very short period. 
    Not at all, this cruel fate was simply unacceptable! I had to bring her home, regardless of other people’s opinion so after a violent argue with nurses and doctors, thanks to Sharon’s help I managed to enter Alexandra’s room during night time, inject my poz blood in her and take her out, with a wheelchair. If she was really dying, I did not want her to leave this world as a neg person! 
    “Let her stand up”, Sharon told me while I pushed Alex’s wheelchair through the elevator’s door but I shook my head: “no way, chaser number three, go downstairs in the basement. Prepare the bedroom for you two girls! I’ll take care of Alex now.”
    “I can walk”, my sister said while I pushed her chair through my house’s corridor and Sharon disappeared in the elevator again. “Stairs are an effort but here it’s flat, I’m fine, please...”
    I stopped the chair abruptly and gripped her wrist: “hey girl, from the moment you enter this house I’m in charge! You’ll walk if I decide. Now come to meet your soon-to-be viral brothers!”
    Sex sounds came from my living room and music from the kitchen, so I yelled to my chasers, I wanted all three of them to be at least presentable.
    I pushed Alex’s wheelchair into the kitchen, and I could not believe my own eyes: dirty plates, cups, bowls abandoned here and there, but above all I saw Ian sitting in a corner with his smartphone in his hands, completely alone and sobbing.
    “Honey”, I called walking towards him; “I’m here! Get up boy, I want to introduce a special person to you.”
    “Asshole”, he whispered through his tears. “I was your special... and you betrayed me...”
    I reached out and grabbed his hand firmly: “No cheating at all! I’m talking about my twin sister, she is here and needs to stay in a comfortable family! Don’t make me feel ashamed of you! What’s the matter, tell me now or never!”
    “Poor guy”, Alexandra spoke trying to put her feet down the chair. “He clearly needs your help, brother!”
    “I hate people pitying me”, Ian protested without stopping his sobs. “Adrian, does she know you’re undetectable?”
    I could no longer resist, and counted till ten; I had to avoid exploding in anger with my own chaser! It was obvious, he poked around where he had not to.
    “I trust my brother and gifter”, Alexandra replied quietly. “I’m certain about his high viral load!”
    I took a deep breath, destiny was challenging me and I could nothing but indulge it. “I found some meds in your drawer”, Ian explained, “and Hunter said they’re your HIV treatment.”
    “This was something I had to tell you after conversion, boy! But well, they work the other way round. It’s called treatment as transmission, the opposite of Treatment as prevention! I take them to increase HIV’s powers.”
    Finally a weak smile appeared on Ian’s face and I gently massaged his head; “easy, boy. I forgive you for now. You have so much to learn, maybe I left you alone in the wrong moment...”
    “Yeah”, he confirmed; he was coming close to me and placed his hand on Alex’s chair; “I did not know about your sister. What happened to her?”
    “HPV caused a cancer in me”, she replied looking into my eyes. “Take care of himself, brother. Before it’s too late!”
    “Anyway I’m Ian”, my boy introduced himself; “Adri’s partner.”
    “And I’m Alexandra, Sharon’s girlfriend”, she smiled shaking Ian’s hand; “she always told me about her blind neighbour but when I visited her I never had a chance to meet you in person.”
    “Oh gosh”, Ian exclaimed; “so fucking small world! But, Gifter, there’s one more thing...”
    Ian was still holding Alex’s hand and she did not protest at all; it seemed she wanted to have him closer and I just let them touch each other’s fingers, as a silent form of body language. Empathy due to their mutual disability? Maybe, but my sensation was different, their contact seemed so natural!
    “I feel mad, Gifter”, my guy continued without leaving Alexandra’s hand. “Sometimes I hear strange voices talking to me. They’re not coming from my technology! And, music playlists do not respond to my commands, I don’t know, it all started after I discovered your meds.”
    “Good”, I whispered in Alexandra’s ear. “everything proceeds as planned! They’ll understand each other very soon!”

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Toxload said:

    I hope you make him so fat he can barely move 

    Poor guy! Too fat he'd be not fuckable any longer!

    Unless the client is going to... Oops, don't make me talk further, because otherwise moderators will kick me in the ass and give me a thousand infractions!

  6. 6 minutes ago, pigbro said:

    Fucking hot. Get him into a rubber suit

    I'm fantasizing about this guy in leather or rubber while he's profusely sweating in fuck flu, with guys fucking him despite his pain and protests. 

    sorry but there are some stories who awaken my darkest fantasies


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  7. Such a wonderful idea!

    I'm enjoying the scene - an army of soldiers and viruses fighting!

    Them spreading HIV around wherever they go!


    Just a point:

    I was impressed by a story you wrote - and I think you didn't complete it - there was a guy who was forced to leave his boyfriend, Ethan, and then he met him again after years, at the Pride. They shared the same tent and this Ethan was his soon to be gifter

    I was impressed and have stayed let's say a year hoping to see where it would go but you never finished it


  8. I owe you a favor, Bob. From author to author: you have unlocked my eagerness of writing some further stories.

    This fact of the man nullified because he wanted to leave the group, gave me some twisted ideas for the future!

    In my plot, I talk about a man locked in chastity by his gifter as he confessed to be the one to bring HPV-pocalypse home.

    But he was a victim too, the real spreader is his viral brother -gifter's first conversion-. 

    And I am thinking to continue in this way, gifter discovers his first conversion is worse than he imagined, so he thinks to solve the problem once forever


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