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Posts posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. Don't know if it's innocence or what, but thinking no one lies, looks like this man does not live in this world! For long-term relationship it's different; but why should a person disclose their poz status with a sex partner you never see any longer, or you want to have a -short or long- relation just based on sex? If you bareback I assume you take precautions or know the risks, if you then catch HIV it's your responsibility. 

    In an ideal world people respect each other in every way possible. In the ideal world stigma towards HIV would not exist and status disclosure wouldn't be a problem - no need to lie between people respecting themselves... 

    But we live in THIS world. With wars, with people driving while checking smartphone and causing accidents or driving while high and drunk... And with people who lie about their status, or never disclose it. 

  2. Last one. 

    I had started to write the last part, but, it involved the chaser being welcomed by the gifter while gifter's bf was in fuck flu. Chaser then was desperate and swallowed poison to die on gifter's couch. And when cops arrived, we discovered the cop was gifter's gifter. 


    But the plot did not convince me, finishing a story with a tragedy just to set free from it, means nothing. It's lack of respect for readers. So, I have preferred like this. I interrupt the project and maybe I might consider it again if inspiration cums... 

    Even if I don't think so, the story was too linked to a person who does not belong to my life any longer. This time too, matter of respect. 

  3. Guys, 

    for readers who know me... You're aware I dislike letting stories unfinished. But I think this one will be. Honestly I also regret to have started it! 

    Unfortunately one of people who gave me inspirations to write this one, is no longer in my life... No, no death no drama; simply relations between humans often change; humans are complicated... Not like the HIV virus who stays with the same human for life once entering his system... Nothing serious; but sometimes even the most solid friendship can break. That's the way life is.  And I think this story had a meaning only if all parts involved agreed with the plot. 

    I think I let it as it is, with the main character breeding his bf and leaving the chaser out the door for now... 

    There's nothing worse for an author, than writing forcefully something he does not feel is fitting any longer. 

    So, I'll finish "we have to talk" and then no longer tasks here. Stories, I mean; of course I'll be around for reading and dirty talk. 


  4. 5 minutes ago, Satyr99 said:

    That's a great way to put it. And when/if I start chasing it's what I will be looking for - a forever bond with my gifter. That's why my plan, such as it is, involves my bf.

    This is the best way, as you can count on someone when you deal with conversion, your new status, all medical and social issues relating to it... 

    Yes, getting poz anonymously gives more probabilities. But then you're so fucking alone with yourself. 


  5. never heard about this, but I feel it's kinda urban legend to scare most homophobic hetero soldiers, or whatever... Information warfare is terrible those days working in parallel with weapon-based conflict. 


    But talking as an author, let me work with fantasy and wish to be involved in an experiment in there... 

    No, I stop here otherwise I'll be kicked out! People who know me from the backroom can guess what I'm thinking. Stop it! 

  6. must correct myself, sorry. I wrote something confusing.

    Wrong: "I have chatted and posted quite much, so I'm gaining reputation".

    Correct: "I have chatted and posted quite much, so I've earned all 14 rankings available."

    Positive reputation comes with reactions -likes, pigs, thanks, upvotes...- while downvotes and sads decrease you a reputation point.

    But, let me add another information:

    both giving and receiving a reaction, increases a point on your ranking - from newbie to grandmaster; everyone can check their ranking and points left to reach the higher step, by accessing the account menu where you also find account settings, manage followed users, ignore list, and so on.


  7. We must remember that we're not in our own house, we're in a community given us for free by someone else who can decide what can, or cannot, be done. 

    I remained impressed by the passion Rawtop used to explain why "AIDS fetish" is not allowed; before thinking of our own assumed pleasure only, we should respect people who live different experiences from ours. Here we have people born in the 90s or later, lucky not to have experienced the worst of AIDS pandemic. People like me, who lived it indirectly, people who lost dozens friends... 

    If someone does not accept the rules they should build their own communities with their own ideas, rules, and efforts to keep it intact and alive. 

    Even remembering though, that Internet is not a "free zone" with no rules even if it seems such. It's just too big to be kept under constant control, and overall, around the globe they use algorythms who can also block us. 

    Once I wrote a blog post regarding a song's meaning, reporting some words having 2 but also 3 meanings... in a Blogspot page. And the author blocked me because it was not "child-ready" it contained explicit words and Google de-indexed the page, demonetizing it also from AdSense. I follow "true crime" channels on YouTube and every second day, the poor content creators announce "sorry my vid has been classified as No Under Eighteen" and so on! 

    If it's frustrating for us, try to think for a video creator... But same: we're not in our very own space! 

    • Upvote 1
  8. as far as I know, ranking and reputation are different things: 

    - you can increase ranking by posting. A new topic, status, blog entry, private message... Gives you 10 points. While a reply, gives 5. 

    Reputation comes with received reactions instead. But if you get "downvote" or "sad" reactions, your rep points decrease. I've joined here in April, posted in May -then suspended for some mistakes I made- and I'm fully active since June. 

    I have chatted and posted quite much, so I'm gaining reputation; but the other hierarchy - member, junior member, senior member-, depends on an algorythm as far as I understood. And those groups are the ones with or without privileges. My 2 cents, but mods correct me or warn me if I said/did something wrong. 

    • Like 1
    • Upvote 1
  9. 2 hours ago, bottomDerbyshireUK said:

    My dream is to meet a man like Dominic. (Ironically my name too) to seduce me make me his body and soul. As he gives me his gift to bind us forever. 

    Tell me... You would like to be me that man who shoots liters of toxic cum inside you like Peter character does! 

    I know what a chaser slut wants 🤗😘🦠🧬☣️🎁

  10. I won't call it "bullying" as a moderator does his job and he's human as all of us, there might be mistakes but instead of feeling like a victim of something it would be better to protest in a polite way if necessary.

    ...or create our own communities if we want our own rules.

    This spring I have been suspended for 13 days -content deleted- and it was my very first attempt to publish a story here! Very frustrating, yes, but then?

    In a way I felt frustrated because English is not my native language and I used words which could be misunderstood.

    A character talked to another one who was upset for a situation he found himself into, like this:

    "if you want to [permanent damage], do it on your own because I would NEVER support such choice."

    Intention was to DISCOURAGE a self-destruction choice but moderator considered that "do it on your own" as an encouragement and warned me for "promoting harm to the community".

    I didn't protest then, as I understood I could say the same thing differently: "if you want [permanent damage] I won't follow that path with you. Self-destruction is not my thing and it shouldn't be yours too".

    But the second warning came because, using the "fan fiction" model, I continued the story of another character taken from another author. Without talking to him first, assuming fan fiction model was universally accepted - I read lots and lots of fan fictions blogs! And I was completely wrong on that, I still feel responsible towards him; we clarified, I excused myself explaining everything but that was the worst mistake I made as an author and still can't forgive myself for this issue.

    So, I don't complain about moderators' efforts to keep the site safe; they do their best.


  11. . . . . . SPOILER . . . . . 


    Poor HIV

    At first saving Alexandra, then Ian, then knowing he will live inside Sharon's child too...

    It's been a hard time for him, he's tired and needs to relax as humans often do... But his distraction prevents him from saving his third host, although the inevitable tragedy helps PozCop to finally realize who The Predator is and behave accordingly...


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