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About Infected

  • Birthday 11/08/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Western Wisconsin
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top

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  1. It’s back up and running….for now anyway.
  2. Slow to near non-existent to get the main age to download all the thumb videos. Click on a video to watch, get the screen but no playing video.
  3. Enjoys the idiots who don’t vote but feel they have a GOD given right to talk about politics and demean those that they disagree with and most likely voted. (Pops more popcorn for the flame wars) 😝
  4. Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server
  5. In the frozen tundra of America and its working for me just fine.
  6. I will help everyone out here. Any pigs in Quakertown, PA or in the area (Philadelphia sluts, I talking to you too). Help this man out instead of just learking; be part of the solution and help out an upcoming pig. 😎
  7. To help everyone out, where is this “event” to occur? You don’t want folks to reply and then find out you’re not geographically remotely close to their location to help. Critical detail overlooked; please add further details. Might help you in your endeavors.
  8. Sits back with a bowl of popcorn and waits to see the fireworks. 🫨
  9. What the ???? I think it’s time to lay of the acid for a while or I’m way to old to understand any of this.
  10. I woke up today expecting the world to have stopped and I might be the only person alive (day 5). Seems the world didn’t stop (or end) as some predicted. Left wondering when this world calamity is scheduled to occur; any ideas?
  11. This chicken little screaming as if your head was cut off is way too much. The sun will rise in the east tomorrow and we will all be here to live another day. Just relax and enjoy life no matter who the President is in the White House.
  12. Or may be (hear me out here folks), just may be they like to watch and listen and don’t have a strong urge to participate minus being present in the moment.
  13. I saw and thought the same thing; clearly this is a staged video. I mean who carry’s or have a scissors just laying around, and why’s the bottom so passive, deaf, or plan clueless to entire event? Personally I question why would anyone believe or watch this garbage; this is an insult to the viewer’s intelligence to say the least.
  14. Video and the top is hot, but saw no chem action minus the camera person blowing what we assume is cigarette smoke onto the bottom.
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