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  • Gender
  • Location
    London UK
  • Interests
    Typical sleazy btm. Luv being fucked. Bb of course! Poz guys a plus. And especially into being fisted. Also toys ws hnh etc
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Not on prep
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    Tops. Especially ff tops. 121 or group. Hnh sleazy. Not into women scat underage or animals. Apart from that bring it on! Cam fun also turns me on

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  1. Amazing and so well written. Can't wait for the next installment
  2. Just had to bump this. An amazing raunchy tale. And the writing really captures the intensity. If only we could have the last chapter or two. Please?
  3. As I said earlier in this post yes size matters for me. More than ethnicity. But also the attitude. I'm a sub btm so drawn to dom tops. But also I get a kick from the contrast of a big Latino or black cock pounding my greedy white arse. It looks (and feels!) so good! Especially when hnh
  4. I go for size (length and thickness). Not colour. I've seen large and small on all colours of skin
  5. So we're into the new year and I'm so hoping this story will continue. At least for another chapter or two. And, like many others, it's my ideal fantasy 🔥
  6. I love all of that. Watching guys fuck and breed me. And being hnh and blindfolded having my greedy hole used. Eye contact and anon both turn me on. Even more so if I'm in a sling
  7. Might have to try this out
  8. 13 inch length sounds amazing. 13 inch circumference? Incredible
  9. Love to try some large toys. I once took cock and fist together. Amazing! And nearly managed double ff
  10. Fisting btm in SE here. Sadly can't accomm
  11. Breeding, DP, poz, large toys, fisting ( double and beyond the elbow) all things porn has made me have done to me. Or want to. Oh and chems of course 😈
  12. Yes! I want to feel that cock raw. And feel it throb pumping a load deep inside
  13. That pic is stunning! 🔥
  14. This story just keeps getting better and better! Please keep going!
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