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About Slammer62

  • Birthday 04/05/1960

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Outside of sexual aspect, I like to travel, walking around the city, meeting new people, working out, lifting weights, social media. July 14 question: If anyone is from NYC and know where I can buy syringes, please let me know, I use to buy Amazon but they don't deliver to NYC anymore and l simply don't know where to buy them your help would be appreciated.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Originally from the west coast, but I have lived in NYC for over 30 years. I love living here no matter where I have traveled to there is still no place like home, no other city compares in my mind. I was fortunate be a club person at a certain period of time and enjoyed every aspect of partying and go to Splash, Roxy, Limelight, Body and Soul Party (downtown) and my fav, Twilo. Many weekends dancing all nite and until the early afternoon hours after dancing to Junior. I am glad I experienced it, it was the best and most exciting part of my life and if I had missed the experience, I know my life would not have changed as much it did and I wouldn't be the same person that I am today.
  • Porn Experience
    Other than watching hours and hours of porn for man years I have no personal exp in the porn industry. I met a Porn star in a LA gym once , that is that's about it.
  • Looking For
    I am looking for Top, Vers Top, Vers guys that enjoys PNP, slam or smoke and who gets into have real man to man, piggy sweaty, masculine sex. It can be one on one, threesome, or small group. Really getting into each other, expanding your limits, letting yourself experience sex like you never have before. I get into domination ,control, roleplay, oral, cum swallowing , rimming , kissing , abody massage and much more.

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  1. I like your question, being the piggy cum lover that I am, never miss a drop wink, I like a guy to position his cock head in my mouth in the center of my tongue french guy and owner of eric videos, suck cock that is exactly the way i do to, he doesn 't give the cock back, he keeps sucking after has cum and 9 out 10 times he get to cum a second time, its take practice and work but its possible and your rewards are juicy, hot , sticky globs of jizz in your mouth, throat, face and dripping down your chin. Now go practice boys. 😂
  2. Yes I do I was like 2o years old and I answered an ad , from an older gentleman who lived about 3o mins from me. Basically he was sexual mentor/trainer for gay men that were bottoms but didn't have any sexual exp. He would offer his experience and wisdom and his enormous cock and take you under his wing for four weeks, meeting at least twice a week sometimes three times a week. for one month. He taught me everything I needed to know from how to have a proper diet, amount fiber needed, vitamins etc....Then sexual aspect the took over and learning to breath and how to relax body and how to satisfy him orally and as a bottom. The first time ever had sex as a bottom was with him. I remember it was winter, it a snowy Nite and had his fireplace going in this living room and laid out these beautiful furry rugs and pillows and we had wine and started to kiss and remove out clothes and he touched like no one else had ever done before. He had this beautiful sense of touch and sexual prowess about that I have never come across in any other man. He told what was going to happen, that would experience initially pain but go away feelings of pleasure replace those. There definitely was pain he was easily 9 inches and thick and going in was not easy. He was ever so gentle and asking are you okay, what you are feeling etc..... His concern was always for me in regard to how I felt, to ask questions, to stop when needed. That month went so fast and remember how sad I was going to be not to see him again. He had a rule that once you had completed your mentorship with him, you were done and needed to go out and practice what he taught. If it were not for him, it would have taken me a long time to learn that much. I have always thought about many times throughout the years. He is definitely no longer alive he well into his late sixties when I met him and this was at least 35 years ago. I am glad that I met him and I have wonderful memories about losing my bottom virginity to him.
  3. I never really watched him because he mostly was with such young-looking guys, that turned me off. We all make choices in life some good and some bad, but we are responsible none the less. Obviously, he had some really bad choices which he will have to answer for. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. We just have to wait and see.
  4. I rarely cum when I am being fucked. I don't even think about it. I am concentrating on my hole and how good it feels to pumped over and over and it's the only thing matters to me when I am getting fucked. If I have two tops fucking me then getting fucked and sucking the 2nd Top's cock is where my focus is my hole and sucking cock. That's what matters to the most.
  5. I personally love to be rimmed wish it happened more often. Some guys just don't know how to do it and then it just becomes annoying, and I want them to stop. It's like sucking cock, either you're really good at or you're not, it's hard to show or explain to someone what some of us know is just a natural talent we have smile. I have been known to take a person who was rimming me badly and turn them over and say okay now this is how it's done, the pleasure your about to feel is what you need to give to another person. Rimming is vital to give a bottom that feeling of real pleasure, opening his hole, making him wet and wanting your cock so bad he wants you to pound him. If a top just goes straight from foreplay to fucking something is missed, he is thinking of himself and not the bottom, all tops need to rim and be very good at.
  6. I am not called Daddy, I tell anyone I meet who might be younger, that's pretty much everyone lol, that I am not their Daddy, I am no one's Daddy, and you are not to call or address me that way...and that puts an end to it. Always works, but I do tend to see men only over 40 so not too many want of them want a Daddy.
  7. Nice profile!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slammer62


      Hi buddy , when I read  that you were pimped to cover produict cost the pig in  got turned on and hard right away. I too like feeling of being used, team tagged, split roasted or just past around becuase  your just a hole.  I am very much into blindfolds hey give whatever play session your doing an air of deception, fear and the unknown. I like when a top if fiuckin and I ahve no idea or what he  looks because in the end if doen't matter as long he is doing his job of working your hole so your moaning and fills you up  with his hot jizz. I get along best  verbal tops that will call me anthing  that is degtrading , such a cum slut  or cocksucker, that drives me craz6 and it it  makes seek oock evren-more. I truly love cum , i always swallow and enjoy the taste.  HOw often do uo get attend your parties and are they alwa6s in new l

    3. Njn0mc


      Hey.. I have posted a lot of my experiences.  I have been pimped out a few times. I even got paid with cash and product. My supplier has set up meetings at motels with his suppliers and big customers and he would get me all spun out tied blindfolded  really big where i dont even know what day it was all i know I need as much cock as possible.

      I got slammed twice shards deep in my hole and when in was so spun he called them in the room and he left me alone with them.

      I got so abused i had bruises all over and my hole was so stretched from use. I was sore for a few weeks. But i do remember how hot it was not know who or how many were there. The feeling of the massive rush and cock after cock entering. 

      I had a married MM couple i play with. I had to do a hiv and sti test before we played and they have only a few bottoms they play with to be safe and the friends safe. They are kinky as shit and when i get a text from them I get so hard because I know they will abuse my chemd up body.

    4. Latinfkhole4U


      Love to be use with you guys

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