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Everything posted by Daddysucker

  1. Ok. So friend brings a gift of some real good out of state green and Ryan and I tried it. Annnnd somehow I ended up watching him suck his dads dick at a gh we set up.
  2. That's really cool. I just graduated last year but when I was in HS I played a lot of sports and I've been recognized by players dads on my team and other local teams.
  3. With as many middle aged and older closeted bi guys that are looking at porn . And with so much out there with a lot of homemade or only fan stuff, I wonder how often someone has come across his son or daughter online and if they follow it?
  4. Thanks for the advice. I talked to them both individually. Revealed some things, didn't tell the whole story but enough that Ryan knows I have met his dad in the past and that he recently contacted me again. Told his dad that I wanted to slow it down a bit and that while I'm not opposed to it, with Ryan and I becoming friends, I want to feel things out more before doing something that would be hurtful possibly. With that said, I don't think the gh thing is off the table. I told Ryan that his dad contacted me when I had the gh thing on my profile and he wanted to come, not knowing who was with me. Ryan looked kind of OMG at me and said "Did he?" I didn't think quick enough to say Yes, to see his reaction so I said no. He said "That would have been weird as hell" and I replied "Well, neither one of you would have known" He just said "True"
  5. Omg i just sucked off a guy that cums like I've never experienced. I thought he was peeing in my mouth. Thats how long the spurts were and I lost count how many. I usually can take any load but this made me cough choke spit up. I had cum all over my, it came out my nose.
  6. I'm conflicted. The bottom line is at the end of the day, even though I'm really active, it is play and I choose to act out my fantasies. But I do have a real productive life too so I'm I guess part time piggy. As active as I am, I'm not reckless. Im all about acting out fantasies and think that adults are free to do whatever they want and I don't judge. Just because I think something would be hot, and in max horny mode Ryan seemed down with it, I'm not going to do it unless its more informed. Now, if I find a way to bring it up and he flat out says its something he would want, I won't discourage it. I need to find a way to put some of this in the open but maybe not all the details. I talked to Brian the dad and I'm going to talk to Ryan and tell him I just realized that I've blown his dad before. I'll see his reaction to that and then see how to proceed.
  7. If you need more details feel free to ask. Otherwise I don't stop writing. Met 19 yo Ryan on Grindr for his first bj from a guy turned regular thing for the last 6 months. Now we're becoming friends. Met Brian not long after Ryan as businessman wanting bj at office. That turned regular and I find out Brian is Ryans dad. Has spycam setup where we play and Ryan has no idea. Now when I meet Ryan, I go right to his dads office after and take care of him. Last weekend Ryan and I did a gh at my house that I recorded. I preplanned it with guys i knew and had already met, but he didnt know that. While we were there i said "I wonder if anyone has done one of these and it ended up being their dad or brother on the other side and they never knew it" He said "its not impossible for that to happen." Then I said "What if you found out right at the last second, that it actually was? Then what? Then he said, he'd probably go through with it that whats the difference really? Now Ryans dad heard that and wants me to set it up. Ryan knows nothing still and Im not sure where to draw the line. I found it strangely hot when Ryan answered the way he did. So do i keep everything a secret and go through with it based on the answers? Do I reveal not the whole story but that i just realized that I was also hooking up with his dad and leave the details out? I didnt realize this would carry on and Im not a very good influence. lol
  8. I always thought it was strange that i started at the age i did but i see it wasnt that uncommon.
  9. I was young and had no idea what a dick did. My best friends older brother started hanging out with me alone quite often. Eventually we got on the topic and he knew about everything that I didnt. So he told me about all kinds of things that older people do with other people and themselves. I never even had heard of masturbating yet. He ended up asking if I wanted to see things or try things and I did. I realize now what the situation was then, but at the time, i was totally comfortable and an eager participant. The first time we went from 0 to bj quick. Even though by all standards he was young too, he was experienced and taught by someone older at the same time. It started with truth or dare. Every dare i got was to take off a piece of clothing so i dared him back and we ended up in our underwear. Then he asked if i wanted to see his and know what it would look like when i got older. I did, and he asked to see mine and i showed him. We laid on the floor and he showed me how to jerk off. Then he asked if he could show me on mine with his hand and if i wanted to i could try it on his. We did that for quite a while. Then he said he knew something that felt even better and asked if he could try it and it was up to me if i wanted to try it back. I was a yes and thats when he sat up and put his mouth on my dick and sucked it. I loved it. He asked if i wanted to try it too and i said i did. Him being older, his dick was way more developed but I just did what he did to mine. We did that same thing a couple more times and then he explained orgasms and cum and how his would but mine wouldnt for a bit yet. That time he jerked off into his hand and then ate it and explained about the finish of a blowjob and that would shoot in your mouth and you could just swallow it. The next time we got together and played i sucked him until he told me to get ready. He came in my mouth and I swallowed, and i realllly like it. That triggered something with me that when i went home that night and discovered that when i thought about it while i was touching my penis, I felt really different and thats when I masturbated to my first orgasm. And it was that moment that I wanted to touch or suck anyones penis who would let me. Its been an addiction ever since.
  10. Would be cool to hear about some experiences where you have sucked off guys who were related. Not so much incest. But other families. Were they together? Did they know about others? Details like that. For me, I ended up in a lot of those situations when I was younger and still some now. I blow a father and son. Separately. One knows the other doesn't. My ex gf had an older and younger brother. She never knew that I played with her two brothers. Or how many times we made out 5 mins after I sucked one or both of her brothers. lol And still do. I just sucked off two older 50's brothers. Same room one at a time.
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  11. As a cocksucker here, really its practice. I ask the top what he likes and I provide it. Some get aggressive enough with it that I just literally zone out in my head and just almost have an out of body experience until he's done. The best for you would be to find a top like I had when I was being taught. He would have me not eat before meeting and drink lots of water and a couple tums. These would be long sessions. It took a few sessions to go from sucking what was basically my first full mature penis to being able to just let him do what he wanted. He was fine with as messy as it could get and told me that upfront. He explained that choking, gagging, spitting up are all part of learning. He laid out a towel, I got on my knees naked, and he lightly tied my hands. Then he told me to just let my body do whatever it is trying to. Gag, throw up, whatever, Just dont try to hold back or muffle the sound or fight something. Just let it happen. He was patient but it didnt take long. I went through everything. Gagging, throwing up, getting lightheaded. Id start gagging and heaving with one thing and he would keep doing it until I relaxed. Once i could take one thing well, he would change it up until he found the next thing that made me gag and work that. Now, I can take pretty much any size penis however rough a guy wants to be. I actually gag on purpose so it excites them.
  12. I have But its not like what there was.
  13. For me i only really struggle if im purposely trying not to gag. Afraid it would turn off who im with.. But then i realize if he's making me do it,, he obviously likes it. So I just zone out and disconnect mentally a bit and let him do what he wants and let whatever gagging or puking happen without fighting it.
  14. I'm sure I've had plenty of those too.
  15. My preference is in my mouth with my lips closed around it, or down my throat. I get a little self conscious about my performance if a guy pulls out of my mouth to jerk it. The whole reason im there is to use my mouth to suck his cum out.
  16. The big thing for me is that literally the only gay thing I'm into is sucking dick. I find a lot of gay guys aren't that interested in bjs. They want to do a bunch more that I have no interest in. But married men. Nothing better for me. Especially when they have sons around my age. I wonder what they're thinking about when they're having me suck them off. Those are the ones that like to leave the lights on and really watch. Then the totally straight married guy. Wife stopped blowing him years ago. He craves being able to just sit back and have his cock pleased and load sucked out without having to do anything in return. They want a dark room no talking in and out thing. And they're way more inclined to follow through. They crave that bj so bad. One of the reasons I've been sucking so many cocks is I can't say no to a married guy that not getting head at home.
  17. Oh he didn't do anything wrong. We talked about it first.. My other brother had to be told due to his occupation as well and he knew pd came to my house. Neither one of them have given me a hard time. We all experimented when we were younger though they didn't pick up and carry on with it like I did. They know I'm bi and hook up with guys. But the numbers are what I would have rather not had to share. lol Hey, this group is awesome and I love the openness to talk about stuff you can't anywhere else. I'm going to duck out of here though. With being limited to just a couple of comments a day, It's more frustrating than fun. 🙂
  18. I ask questions before I meet to suck a guy for the first time. I want them to tell me what they like, what they fantasize about, what their ideal scenario is, etc. I find a lot of guys just like to sit back, relax, and get their load sucked out. Some however do like to take control and I have guys that take it to different levels from just holding my head down when they cum, to throat fucking another guys cum out of my stomach. I tell everyone that my job is to provide my mouth for your cum and its up to you what you do with it. I dont like very long sessions. (ive got other cocks waiting) so I usually tell a guy to do whatever feels best for him. And sometimes thats full on gagging, spitting, dam near passing out. But even when its feeling overwhelming, I can usually relax my brain, and just let him finish.
  19. Lately ive been keeping track since chatting on here and thinking about it after my "incident" saturday. (See: cops investigating my cocksucking) lol I know im active, but i didnt actually put numbers on it until now and I suck a serious number of dicks in a week and somehow never really noticed. The thing is that once I blow a guy once, as long as i liked it, which is always, he goes on my "automatic yes" list. So anytime he hits me up, I don't have to think about it, I've already done it, so I do it again. The problem is that unless its a visitor, I rarely ever blow a guy once. They all hit me up on some sort of regular basis. I have some that are a couple times a week. Some once a week like clockwork. And others on no set schedule but they hit me up somewhat regular. And still others who I can hit up anytime I want one and they'll say yes. So this has resulted in a lot of regulars. I've got to the point that Ill suck 5-10 dicks on a Saturday. I didnt plan on this, but I end up thinking about the times ive been by myself and nobody was around, so I figure i should take the opportunity. I've also had a lot of fantasy kink conversation with guys, especially when Im super horny. Ill say things like I think it would be hot if I came over sometime, and you had someone else there that you chose for me to suck off. That would never happen, but then it did. I meet one older guy every Saturday who was one of the first I started sucking many years ago. He loves watching me suck other guys, and now its been pretty consistent that he invites others over when I go there. And some of them have turned into regulars as well. Ive also had some other guys who have remembered our chats, we get together often, so they "fulfill my fantasy" by having someone else come, and Im usually not expecting it. Then the fact that my back yard borders the playing fields and nearby student housing, so I get a lot of traffic from grindr. Especially being the only one in walking distance and close to their age. I can't say no to a college cock. The crazy thing about it is that I love how each cock is different, and I love variety. So while Im sucking as many as I can fit in a week already, I still go on Grindr, and DL, and other places and look for new ones too. I do work full time. Im happy. Productive and lead a nice "normal" life outside this. But it has got to the point where I realized that I seriously spend every free minute I have sucking someones penis.
  20. Im in a single family home on a 2 acre lot that I own. I could do it on my front lawn and nobody could see. They can see cars in my driveway though and thats what made some Karen call. Im not mad at the police. I could totally see why they would look into it and as soon as they were given the explanation, they closed it out. They were cool with me. The only thing Im not happy about was my brother finding out details that I preferred to keep quiet. But at the same time, Im not talking to anyone without a lawyer, so he was my obvious choice.
  21. Hi.  The site wont let me send a PM or respond to more than 2 posts a day.  Is that normal?  Im losing interest engaging with people on here when i keep getting cut off.

    1. viking8x6


      It's a discussion forum, not a chat app. For further explanation, read the topic below.


  22. I rarely gag unless its on purpose. But it happens. I have an older guy that gets off on making me puke up cum from other guys I suck off. I dont eat for a while before and just drink water. I'll suck a couple guys off before I go to his house. He handcuffs me behind my back on my knees and really works his cock in my throat and will hold my nose until he finds a spot that makes me gag a little. Then he works that spot until I can't control it and whatever is in me comes up. I dont like actual puke and its a turnoff, but when I prepare right and its nothing but water and cum, its not bad.
  23. This past Saturday was a record. 11 cocks. 17 loads. 2 I sucked off twice in the same day. 2 from used condoms and 2 of my own.
  24. Hot or not isn't in my criteria to suck so probably yes. But not what I was thinking about at that moment. lol
  25. I don't know why but the fact a random conversation broke out in this post is refreshingly awesome.
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