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Everything posted by Dirrtydan1

  1. cant wait to read more
  2. Please, Sir, don't stop
  3. More please!!
  4. This is fucking hot
  5. I'm confused, isn't there a section for poz/bug chasing stories? Why are all the stories in this section about poz/bug chasing? Chem sex and getting pozzed are not mutually exclusive.
  6. I get a full work up every other month. This progressed within 24 hours with having no symptoms other than me going blind
  7. More of a cautionary tale. Been attached to an IV pump with a tube sticking out of my forearm for over a week and probably have another week to go. Syphilis is a mean bitch when left untreated. I didn't even know I had it until I was being admitted into the hospital because I couldn't see. No random hook ups, only a few I've been partying with for years. Happened very quickly too. One night, things start going dark in my peripheral and next day it's all blurry. I am getting better, but I'll probably never see like I did before Just be careful out their guys.
  8. Whichever position the top wants to use me in, but I do enjoy watching their eyes roll back when they first slide in
  9. why must every chem story have to lead to guys getting a toxic load?
  10. More wild than mild bTTm looking for tops for more than a one time thing. Lets make some magic 😉
  11. I love reading the pnp stories, but do they all have to include infecting guys?
  12. Looking for local guys who are willing to help me make some cumsicles. Don't even have to fuck me, just stop by with a full condom
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