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About nightelf

  • Birthday 01/02/1976

Profile Information

  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Haha Background. .. well I come from a family background who's ancestors were subsistance farmers. I have a moral compass, and was raised with country values as I grew up on a farm. I saw the world as an exchange student to several countries and speak fluent Spanish. Went to college for art and am an intaglio printmaker. My deviant side is expressed in a deep need to be bred. I love bareback sex and I am the best kind of a bottom for a top. I am very experienced and love what I do, (pleasing tops). I have a regular fuck bud who is 9x6 we have ball-slapping sex for hours. I am looking for seriously hung dudes who need a sturdy beefy solid built bottom-man who can actually handle a rough fucking from a BIG cock.
  • Porn Experience
    None, But eager to try. I am interested in performing in the following Generas: Daddy-porn, as a (Boy). . Bear-Porn, as a (Cub),. . and Bareback porn as a bottom. I am both rough and nerdy
  • Looking For
    I'd be looking for a Masculine top. A confident man,. . who is a "breeder". a man who really likes fucking and cumming. My tastes in men are all over the board, but in a general sense I can can give some "likes": I like: Tattoos, piercings, and body mods. I like hairy guys. TALL-Men. Masculine, rough types. Bikers, leathermen. I like deviants and pornstars. (I have had partners who were porn stars

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  1. can't reply to your message you sent to me. . your box is full. . let me know when you clear it and I will reply.

  2. Well, Lets see. . this question could be qualified, in . . Live dick. . or toy-/insertion. If Live: I have a fuck-bud, who is 9x6. . . However . . the LARGEST live cock I have had in me was a well hung white dude from California. He has a whopping 13x8. . Was very intense and a lot of fun. The man fucked me for a good 3 hours. and came a couple times with breaks. He thanked me profusely with my body's ability to accomodate him going balls deep. Insertion and toy: I have some rather large toys. . and I can let you know, what companies I buy from and all, but Ill keep this breif and you can contact me privately if curious about that. I will however, say, that. . I can get 14 inch of toy in me with little difficulty.. and If I have an extended play session with a guy who can take his time. . I do enjoy being fisted, too. Cheers. . Nightelf.
  3. I tend to be a humble sort. (can't help the way I was raised.. . and it has helped me in life). I feel that if its a scale of 1-10,. . then I am neither a bridge-troll. . nor am I a super-model. . . I feel, that I fall somewhere in between. (Maybe a 5 ). I feel that my body its self, is a 4, maybe, 5. .but can't much change it, even with heavy gym work due to genetic and health issues. If it comes to my face and features. . I would think that I should do my folks some justice and say I am maybe in the 5 to 6 range. I try to keep a healthy personal concept, without being conceeded or narcisistic. As has been stated by others. . Handsomness is in the eye of the beholder. My mother once said to me regarding vanity and self image. (It is others who will tell you how attractive you are. its good, to have a positive self concept but if you talk yourself up all the time and preen yourself in the mirror a lot. . .you run the risk of being a narcisist. Also, as some have stated. . there are some men, who call me (Hot), so I guess its all a matter of how well you click with someone else. I doubt very seriously, that if presented with the whole world of relationship possibilities. . that (everyone) would be interested in a person. Mainly, because when it comes to Aesthetics we all have different ins and outs. Some guys like skinny twink boys. . other guys like hairy and beefy. . or older. . or younger. . . So when we look at others; its all based on our aesthetics, for ins and outs. I always find what's inside someone to be more desireable, than looks. A true PIG, who is a kind soul with a great heart, ranks higher to me than an Adonis, with a shitty personality. To quote my mother again,. . as well as Judge Judy. . "Looks fade, but stupid (and interchangeably, vain shallow conceeded and the like) are forever". although a person's physical attributes can be changed.. . personality, is much harder to change.
  4. I read a statistic that says 1 in 4 gay men is a top. . So, that means there are less tops as a commodity. I do waht I can to sell myself to a top. I let him know I am a man of quality. I let him know I have a willing sex drive. (and that I am a pig). I let him know I am talented and have a hole that is accomodating. I also, sell myself in the fact that although I am a bottom, (90%), that I am pretty versitile for things beyond just anal-sex. My folks are aging hippies, and raised me to share myself and be free with love and affections. Telling your top, that you will focus on him, and his pleasure and not being a selfish bottom, is important. everyone likes to feel like they are special. I try to treat my tops like they are special to me, because they are. I value a man who wishes to share his raw-cock with me. Most importantly,. . I read. . I read a guys profile, and see how we could work together and find areas of compatability. Talk up the areas you can hit it off. and go from there.
  5. Raw Top. .I am a larger framed guy. . and I have tatts and I like mine. I can offer you several things to think about. First, Is that its your body. Fuck what other people think. That's the first part. . because a tatt, to me , is very personal. The ink that I have on me, was thought of carefully, and is symbolic. Each tatt I have has a small story behind it. . or at the least is symbolic of something. where you get your tatts is up to you also. there is no real right or wrong. Its about, You. . and what you want. one of the most important things to think about, is the fact, that if you get a tatt. . it will be on you forever. It will be on (YOU), so it should be something you have given a great deal of thought to. It should hold some great meaning to you. (You will have it for the rest of your life unless you have it lazered off). some concepts I tend to give to guys who ask,. are. .what kinds of imagry do you like?. . do you have a scrapbook of images. . tattoo ideas that you have seen or like. If you don't, I suggest you make one. get some ideas for images you'd like. For you raw top. . (Maybe a Bear paw. . Paw-tatts are cool. . or bear-flag etc. If Poz., maybe a styleized bio-hazzard. Recently, one of my friends gave me a great idea. (He is a graphic designer and works with photoshop). I was visting him one day, and he was working on a project for a tattoo idea for himself. He took an image of a tattoo. and then a photo of himself. He used the marquee tool to cut the tattoo out, and paste it on his photo. . so he could see what the tatt, would look like on him. . It was an awesome idea. . and I might suggest that to people who are considering getting one. the cut and paste can give you at least an idea, of what it (might) look like.
  6. I would urge the men here, to not be self conscious about your penis size. As was said by many in the comments, the size of a man's penis matters very little. I have had some very well hung men, who were not good at fucking, and couldn't use what nature gifted them with. On the same token I have had some great fucks, from some guys who barely made it in me. I think many bottom-men enjoy being size queens; but lets face it. . average is about what 4-6 inch. . so that means many will see average size and the big boys are rare. If you take that, and then add a factor that 1 in 4 men is a top, then that leaves only a small percentage of the population that is both, (HUNG and Top). I enjoy a man regardless of his size. Its his desire to share himself with me, that is important. The passion and desire. I'll make this breif, but got a short story too. I am a cubbish man. Or guy of a large and sturdy frame. Very beefy. I got teased in school because of my weight, when I was younger. As an adult, I have kind of grew into myself. . Still large framed but more beefy now, than chunky. Being teased for my body type, for years, was no fun. So I am empathetic to people who have body issues. I know there is beauty inside of people, despite what they look like on the outside. I have a Daddy-Bear-Dom., who is quite gifted in the cock department. His breeder, is 9x6 -inch. When he was younger, the guys in school used to tease him and call him freak or Monster, in the showers at school. It made him feel real bad, for years. My guy is a show-er and soft, he is over 7 inch. As an adult, men just use him for his size. . and often times, that's all they care about. I took a slave of mine to him once, to spend a 3 way. . . and all slave could think about was himself, and my dom's cock. He didn't even care about me at all. We had to blindfold slave. At the end of play,we sat slave down and made him realize; there is a man behind the cock. . with feelings and emotions and all the other things that make us human. A man is more than just his cock as a top. . and more than just a hole, as a bottom. I had asked my guy once about all this. . and (he told me of his story). When he told me his, I told him mine. . and we both held each other, and kissed and snuggled, (because although he is my dom., .we love each other too). This was one of those rare moments we connected on a human level. He said I should be proud of my large frame, because its not every man who can take a cock as big as his. He said I should be proud of the sturdy frame that I was gifted with. He loves and appreciates me for my size and my build and my talents as a bottom, to accomodate him. Likewise, I love him for more than just his cock. He knows, that we both know, that there is more to our leather dynamic than just the sex. and for that, I am greatfull. In conclusion: Be proud of what you have. And if you are a bottom, know that your top is more than just his cock. He has feelings and a mind too. Nightelf.
  7. Hey, nice profile, if you're ever down this way I'd love to swap some loads :)

  8. hey buddy. . Oregon here too..wanted to say Woofs.. . Ciao for now.

  9. I have never been given Money for my performance/s . . I have however been given gifts and tokens of affection from the tops who breed me. The men who have done this, have wanted to (reward) me. Its nice to have momentos of fond memories. When I look at these objects, I can remember the man, and how he fucked. . and it brings back a whole host of fond memories. Guess I can be a sentimental fool. To me, the gifts, are just as nice as money. .Money you spend. Trinkets have attached memories.
  10. Open your mind guys. . that's what I am going to say. I have a fuck bud, in his late 50's. . he is married/comitted. . He and his partner do not have sex with each other anymore. His partner has terminal leukemia, and is sick. He told his partner, that he should go out, and seek sexual fulfillment from others, because he cannot provide that to his mate anymore. I feel, proud, and happy to be able to provide my friend, with a sexual outlet.
  11. fuck no!!. . please don't. . I don't understand guys shaving off their trappings of being a, "man".. I suppose we all are different in the things in our minds that defines us as men,. . but to me,. .its Hairy, man-smells, masculine confidence. .and more. it bugs me, when I get with a guy, and his skin, on his body, makes him feel like sandpaper. I just don't get it. It is because a guy desires to have a smooth body? , . . Is it because he doesn't want the Hair?. . .Is it becuase he thinks by doing so it will either make him appear to be younger or more attractive somehow? To me,. (body) - Shaving , . . makes a man less attractive to me. . so much so. . that if a guy feels like stubble. . I may turn him away. I say, be happy with who you are; and your body hair. you do not have to live up to other men's Ideals of attraction. . IE you do not have to shave to get yourself the kind of man you want. Trust me. . there are enough guys out there who would accept you for who you are. For the most part, people tend to find others, who are genuine and sincere about who they are, to be more attractive. . than those why artificailly try and portray some (image). Just my 2-cents. Nightelf.
  12. I started out as, and have been, a Bottom-Sub. . . Trained in old guard as a boy, to serve my, man and his needs. In time I was given a collar of sorts. (given a tattoo as a property mark). and was allowed a greater amount of freedom, by my dom to seek my lifemate and boy to train of my own. (My dom' is married and has a husband at home. He wants me to find a husband like he has. . very nice man). In time, I had to learn to make a leap from my comfort-zone, and not be 100% bottom. . and not be 100% sub. I had to learn to become a better top. . and to become more assertive and Dominant. I now have a couple (sub) men in my life that I am dom for. . . I am also a Leather-Cub. to a fantastic Bear-DOM. ; so I can truely say, I get to enjoy the best of both worlds, being a switch for BDSM.. and Be more versitile for Bareback. Quick answer: Yes I have changed over the years. Learned to open my eyes and be more easy going with regards to sex and sex practices. a Better repitiore of things to do and pleasures to be given and gained. Woofs. this topic got me to think some. . thanks.
  13. The very first sex experience I ever had was mmm.. taboo. . so I will not elaborate.. but I will say it was very hot. And was a milestone that brought me to being the, (pig) I am today.
  14. simple answer: Because Bottom-pigs are greedy, and don't want to share. I am not that way. I may be a bottom pig . but I think its fun to share. I like to felch another bottom's ass. In fact I have talked to a buddy of mine, that for my 40-th b-day. (5 years off). I would like him to be a second bottom at my birthday gangbang. life is too short.. people should send out the goof vibe and good times. I may be selfish and greedy at times. . but I was raised by hippies. . and the best way to live, is to share yourself. and not be selfish with love or sex. Let the other bottoms take a load or 2. . in the karma of loads,. .those loads you let another have, come back to you tenfold. . (smile)
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