I would urge the men here, to not be self conscious about your penis size. As was said by many in the comments, the size of a man's penis matters very little. I have had some very well hung men, who were not good at fucking, and couldn't use what nature gifted them with. On the same token I have had some great fucks, from some guys who barely made it in me. I think many bottom-men enjoy being size queens; but lets face it. . average is about what 4-6 inch. . so that means many will see average size and the big boys are rare. If you take that, and then add a factor that 1 in 4 men is a top, then that leaves only a small percentage of the population that is both, (HUNG and Top). I enjoy a man regardless of his size. Its his desire to share himself with me, that is important. The passion and desire.
I'll make this breif, but got a short story too. I am a cubbish man. Or guy of a large and sturdy frame. Very beefy. I got teased in school because of my weight, when I was younger. As an adult, I have kind of grew into myself. . Still large framed but more beefy now, than chunky. Being teased for my body type, for years, was no fun. So I am empathetic to people who have body issues. I know there is beauty inside of people, despite what they look like on the outside.
I have a Daddy-Bear-Dom., who is quite gifted in the cock department. His breeder, is 9x6 -inch. When he was younger, the guys in school used to tease him and call him freak or Monster, in the showers at school. It made him feel real bad, for years. My guy is a show-er and soft, he is over 7 inch. As an adult, men just use him for his size. . and often times, that's all they care about. I took a slave of mine to him once, to spend a 3 way. . . and all slave could think about was himself, and my dom's cock. He didn't even care about me at all. We had to blindfold slave. At the end of play,we sat slave down and made him realize; there is a man behind the cock. . with feelings and emotions and all the other things that make us human. A man is more than just his cock as a top. . and more than just a hole, as a bottom.
I had asked my guy once about all this. . and (he told me of his story). When he told me his, I told him mine. . and we both held each other, and kissed and snuggled, (because although he is my dom., .we love each other too). This was one of those rare moments we connected on a human level. He said I should be proud of my large frame, because its not every man who can take a cock as big as his. He said I should be proud of the sturdy frame that I was gifted with. He loves and appreciates me for my size and my build and my talents as a bottom, to accomodate him. Likewise, I love him for more than just his cock. He knows, that we both know, that there is more to our leather dynamic than just the sex. and for that, I am greatfull.
In conclusion: Be proud of what you have. And if you are a bottom, know that your top is more than just his cock. He has feelings and a mind too.