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About danolivaw

  • Birthday 08/26/1973

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    Married, in the closet, but only a man has what I need.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  • Looking For
    Sexual exploration with other men. Open to all. On the floor, legs in the air, give it to me.

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  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

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  1. You think the third time will matter?
  2. I love the smell of man taint, ass, balls, and cock.
  3. I am at once horrified and tantalized by the prospect.
  4. My SO and I don't have sex anymore. When I masturbate, it's almost always a fantasy of a guy fucking me. It's pretty clear what I am. I just need to find the right guy to hook up with.
  5. Full blown faggot, gay, queer, homosexual. No doubt about it.
  6. One of the guys I hooked up with was big into twisting my nipples. Like really painfully twisting them.....didn't like that too much.
  7. If you're still paying attention after the election, the actions of the Biden Administration basically prove my point. They even made up a phone 30 day deadline which Israel ignored and when time was up, Blinken said nothing would change and weapons would keep flowing to the genocide. Somehow this is "better" than what Trump would do.
  8. That sounds so hot.
  9. When I was like 13, I got my hands on an old Penthouse Forum and read through some the erotica in it. There were lesbo stories....which were hot, but also some gay ones. I was surprising curious and turned on by it.
  10. There is no effective difference between the parties in terms of Israel. Biden just acts like he wants to do something....but it's clear he's okay with it because the weapons and money keep flowing,
  11. Hopefully a hands free orgasm.
  12. Need some of that.
  13. I wanted to give Kamala a chance because I thought she might change Biden's policy with Israel and while she paid some early lip service to that, her actions since have shown that the US under her leadership will continue to unconditionally support a genocidal colonial proxy of the Empire. I cannot in good conscience vote for that, and I am ashamed I voted for Biden in 2020 because I did not know that he would aid and abet a genocide.
  14. 8 - I was able to orgasm but without any cum, and started masturbating regularly. Somewhere around 10-11, I started cumming.
  15. Can I be a running buddy too? Same boat bro.
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