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About PrisonbaiT

  • Birthday 12/31/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Brussels Belgium
  • Interests
    Open to try new things,like dominant tops who are open to show me new things, would love to meet poz guys
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    Hard working guy
  • Porn Experience
    Was filmed with my first bare experience want more
  • Looking For
    Great unlimited dates

Contact Methods

  • Telegram User Name

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  1. Would love to try to get fucked with apierced top just to have thé feeling
  2. Hope there will be more, great start
  3. These ones would be close to my personality, tell me what you think please
  4. Dreaming already long time to have a tattoo, but would only feel comfortable to have it done by a gay tattoo artist. This would be thé one for me as a first tattoo
  5. Would take it up the ass alsow
  6. Would be an insult to the top for not swallowing his piss. You always should be thankfull what they give you piss or cum.
  7. Macho sauna and Oasis sauna also good for baresex.
  8. Such a hot story, would love to meet a top like him
  9. I was abused for many years as a child by a family member from the age of 6. Due to a recent new incident as a victim i started counselling. One of my biggest frustrations is that i can not recall my actuall feelings of my abuse as a child. This makes that i cannot place the abuse within my life. Are there other people out there with the same experience? Can you help please.
  10. Good start
  11. Never done it, because mostly they look for their own generations, but would not mind to get railed by them
  12. A good story, one would hope to have thé same experience and getting pozzed in a sauna like this. Sadly most guys are when poz on meds here in Belgium so undetectable. This story makes me to be a chaser, sadly toxic guys to poz hard to find 🥲🥲🥲🥲
  13. Was abused as a kid from 7 years old by my granddad and at later stage also by his friends. The abuse did continue for 4 years i was in a lot of pain, bit to this day i cannot recall what i did feel at that time, it does frustrate me. Later my older brother did abuse me with his friends out of blackmail because he did whitness the rape nu my granddad
  14. At my first chems bare experience the 3 tops did introduce me to sounding, which was a new experience to me. They increased the thickness of the bars, which felt unconfortable. Some days later i had an infection in my urine line
  15. Love the feeling of a guy pissing in my ass sadly it only happened once. Hard to find real guys who know how to do it
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